Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger

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Central Washington University

Mechanical Engineering and Technology Senior
Student Scholarship and Creative Works

Spring 5-27-2015

Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger

Eric Johnson
Central Washington University, [email protected]

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Johnson, Eric, "Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger" (2015). Mechanical Engineering and Technology Senior Projects. Book 2.

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Plate and Frame Heat



Eric Johnson
MET 495

Table of Contents
Abstract.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Objective ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Function Statements .................................................................................................................................. 5
Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Success Criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Benchmark ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Engineering Merit ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Design and Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 7

Analytical Approach ................................................................................................................................. 7
Visual Description..................................................................................................................................... 8
Benchmark .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Performance Predictions ......................................................................................................................... 11
Scope of Testing and Evaluation............................................................................................................. 11
Optimization ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Operational Limits .................................................................................................................................. 12

Methods and Construction .......................................................................................................... 13

Plate Construction ................................................................................................................................... 13
Gasket Construction ................................................................................................................................ 14
Parts List ................................................................................................................................................. 14

Testing Methods ................................................................................................................................ 15

Testing Overview .................................................................................................................................... 15
Testing Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 15
Experimental Results .............................................................................................................................. 16

Budget and Scheduling .................................................................................................................. 17

Budget ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Schedule .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Milestones ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Project Management ............................................................................................................................... 18

Discussion.............................................................................................................................................. 19
Design Evolution..................................................................................................................................... 19
Risk Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Project Evolution..................................................................................................................................... 20

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................... 22
References ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Appendix A: Calculations ............................................................................................................ 24
Appendix B: Drawing Tree ......................................................................................................... 30
Appendix C: Drawings................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix D: Parts List .................................................................................................................. 40
Appendix E: Budget ........................................................................................................................ 41
Appendix F: Schedule..................................................................................................................... 42
Appendix G: Expertise and Resources .................................................................................. 43
Appendix H: Evaluation Sheet .................................................................................................. 44
Appendix I: Testing Data ............................................................................................................. 45
Appendix J: Testing Report ........................................................................................................ 46
Appendix K: Resume ...................................................................................................................... 49

Heat exchangers are a commonly used device in many different industries, with many
different applications. The heat exchanger used in the brewing program here at CWU is a brazed
plate and frame heat exchanger, so it cannot be taken apart for cleaning. Due to this, the overall
efficiency of the heat exchanger will be reduced, causing fouling, because of the buildup of
brewing material. In order to effectively combat this fouling, a heat exchanger must be
constructed that can be disassembled for cleaning, and then reassembled with ease, while still
being able to perform the same amount of heat transfer as the brazed system. Specifically, a
gasketed plate and frame heat exchanger was constructed for this purpose, which utilizes rubber
gaskets to seal the system, instead of brazing. This heat exchanger was constructed using twenty
stainless steel plates, with four flow holes punched for the fluid paths, and arranged with the
attached gaskets in a cross flow pattern. To test the effectiveness of this system, the heat
exchanger will operate using cold tap water to cool down water heated to approximately 200 °F.
The output temperature of the water will be measured, in order to see how well the heat
exchanger is able to transfer heat between the two fluids. The results of this test will indicate the
viability of this system, state the specific rate of heat transfer within this system, and compare
this value to the previously utilized brazed heat exchanger.


The main objective of this project is to design and construct a plate and frame heat
exchanger that can be utilized in the department’s brewing system. Currently, the plate and frame
heat exchanger used for brewing is brazed together, and thus cannot be taken apart. Due to this,
the brazed heat exchanger cannot be cleaned, and has a buildup of hops, and other various
brewing solids, which cannot be cleaned out. This new heat exchanger would utilize gaskets and
bolts to lock together, and be able to taken apart for cleaning. Additionally, this would allow the
new plate and frame heat exchanger to be modular, and allow for the addition and subtraction of
extra heat exchanger plates, to increase or decrease the rate of heat transfer of the system.

Function Statements:

For this heat exchanger system, there are several key objectives that must be met. This
heat exchanger will operate for fluid to fluid conditions, between a boiling brewing wort, and
cold tap water. The key function statements can be seen below:

 To allow a heat exchange between two fluids of different temperatures.

 Capable of cooling brewing wort to a temperature where yeast can be added.
 Be small enough to allow for easy placement and movement.
 Designed so that the system can be taken apart and cleaned.
 Allow for additional plates to be added, or subtracted, from the system if required.


The key requirements for this heat exchanger are to at the very least match the heat
exchanging capacities of the previously used system. Additionally, this system must be modular,
and be able to be taken apart for cleaning. The main requirements for the plate and frame heat
exchanger are below.

 Take boiling wort from 200°F - 212°F to a maximum temperature of 80°F (preferably
 Utilize tap water at ~54°F - 60°F for cooling.
 Be constructed of 20-30 stainless steel plates.
 Plate dimensions must be ~8.75” x 4” at ~1/32” thick (24 gauge SS).
 Properly utilize rubber gaskets to prevent any leaking in the system.
 Use no more than 8 bolts to lock the heat exchanger plates together, in order to have
adequate clamping forces on the gaskets.
 Operational at 1 GPM flow rate for the wort channel.
 With stand a maximum of 100 psi pressure load.
 The device must be able to be dissembled and cleaned within 5 minutes.

Success Criteria:

The main success criteria for this project, is to perform the same amount of heat transfer
as the previously used brazed heat exchanger. Mainly, the heat exchanger must be able to take
~200 °F wort down to ~ 70 °F .Along with this, the system must be easily taken apart for regular
cleaning, and allow for plates to be added and subtracted as needed. Assuming these goals are
met, then this project will be successful.


This project will focus on the design and manufacturing processes for this heat
exchanger. The biggest hurdle will be designing the plates require for the system, and finding a
way to press a corrugated pattern into the thin stainless steel. For this, ~1/2” thick steel plates
will be CNC machined with the plate patterns, and be used to press the pattern into the thin
stainless steel. Additionally, the gaskets must fit into the grooves of the plates. A fairly basic
steel-rubber adhesive will be utilized. Overall, the project will focus on the design and
construction of a fairly basic modular plate and frame heat exchanger.


To make sure that this heat exchanger will operate well enough to be used for the
brewing system, the benchmark will be to be at least as effective as the currently in use heat
exchanger. The current heat exchanger has been in use for quite some time, and thus is fairly
corroded with brewing solids. This new heat exchanger must be able to at the very least match
the capabilities of the previous one. The easiest way of testing this will be to attach
thermocouples to each port on the heat exchangers and compare how well they cool down hot
water, as a substitute for boiling wort.

Engineering Merit:

The merit in this project is in optimizing an older heat exchanger design, in order to be
able to disassemble the system in order to allow cleaning. Modular optimization comes into play
in this project, in being able to add and subtract plates in the heat exchanger, to obtain a better
overall heat transfer between liquids.

Additional merit can be found in the application of fluid dynamics and heat transfer for
the analysis required in the project. In order to calculate the optimal heat transfer rate for this
system, the heat transfer equation: Q = U*A*ΔTlm. Advanced analysis can also incorporate the
Reynolds number for both fluids flowing into the exchanger, and calculating their heat transfer
coefficients, via Nusselt numbers, in the equation: Nu = hL/k.

Manufacturing processes also come into play in this project. In order to produce the
plates required for the heat transfer, a press must be designed in order to indent thin stainless
steel sheets with a corrugated like pattern, to allow for better fluid flow, and better heat transfer.

Design and Analysis

Analytical Approach:

The initial approach to the analysis required for this heat exchanger, was a bit complex.
The first attempt for the analysis of this system was done trying to solve for the overall
coefficient of heat transfer, U (BTU/h-ft2-°F), via calculation of each fluid flows heat transfer
coefficient, h (BTU/h-ft2-°F). However, the calculation of h involves calculating each fluid’s
Reynolds number, and the associate Nusselt number for each flow path. Due to the unpredictable
nature of fluids, the calculated values for these coefficients may not be extremely accurate.
However, a U value of 360 BTU/h-ft2-°F was calculated. From here, the rate of heat transfer was
calculated using, Q = UAΔTlm, to obtain a value of Q = 36,740 BTU/h. The calculations for these
values can be found in Appendix A. However, as mentioned before this value is not going to be
extremely accurate, so a second analysis was performed.

The second approach to the analysis for this heat exchanger was done using a nominal
overall heat transfer coefficient. From Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences[1], a nominal U
value was found, specifically from Table 22-1. In the next section are the calculations for the
heat transfer rate for this heat exchanger, the hand calculations can also be found in Appendix A.
The second method of analysis, which will provide the ideal heat transfer rate, were derived
with: Heat Transfer Equation: Q = U*A*n*ΔTlm

Hot Water: Cold Water: Diagram of heat exchanger plate:

Th_in = 200 °F Tc_in = 60 °F
Th_out = 70 °F Tc_out = 150 °F Th_in Tc_out

Log Mean Temperature Difference:

ΔTlm = ΔT1 – ΔT2 / ln(ΔT1/ΔT2)
ΔTlm = 130°F – 90°F / ln(130/90)
ΔTlm = 109 °F

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient:

Unom = 225 BTU/h-ft2-°F 7.5” x 3” Plate,
22 Gauge SS
Plate Area: (~1/32”)
A = (7.5 in * 3 in) (1 ft2 / 144 in2)
A = 0.156 ft2/Plate

Number of Plates: Th_out

n = 20 Plates

Heat Transfer:
Q = U*A*n*ΔTlm
Q = 225 BTU/h-ft2-°F * 0.156 ft2/Plate * 20 Plates * 109 °F
Q = 76640 BTU/h

Comparing the calculated heat transfer rate above, to the rate calculated using the heat
transfer coefficients of both fluids, a difference of about a factor of two is seen. That being, the
second method, which is more than likely going to give a more accurate results, is about twice as
high as the original method. However, the values would be much closer if the same temperature
values were used, since in the second analysis, more accurate temperature values were used. Due
to this, the log mean temperature difference is almost twice as high in the second analysis, which
is what is causing that factor of two difference. However, going back and substituting in the new
area and log mean temperature values to the first analysis; you obtain a value of 122,690 BTU/h.
This difference is now due to the difference in overall heat transfer coefficients between the two
methods. The U value in the first analysis is much higher than the given range of possible values
though, so it can be assumed that the second analysis gives a more realistic heat transfer rate,
which is the value that will be used for the designs.

For the purpose of this project, the value of 76,640 BTU/h will be used instead of the
122,690 BTU/h value, due to the inaccuracies of the first method of analysis. For comparison, a
typical plate and frame heat exchanger can range in heat transfer rate from: Q = ~3,500 – 90,000
BTU/h. Looking at this range, the value of 76,640 BTU/h is near the upper limit for typical heat
exchanger, although this analytical value may not necessarily be close to the actual heat transfer
rate of the heat exchanger.

Visual Description:

The main components of this heat exchanger are the plates that will be constructed. These
plates will be 8-3/4” x 4” in dimensions, and made of 24 gauge (0.024”) T-304 Stainless Steel.
This steel will be purchased through the machine shop, and will conform to ASME SA240 and
ASTM A240 standards. The initial sketches for the plates can be found in Appendix B. Below
are SolidWorks renditions of the basic plate design.

Figure 1. Single heat exchanger plate, Design 3: HE-001 with HE-002 gasket.

As seen in the SolidWorks rendition, the plate will have several small grooves, allowing
for better flow and heat transfer. Additionally, the rubber gaskets that will be required are also
shown in the model. When assembled, these plates will be stacked in an alternating pattern, to
allow an alternating cross flow. The next two Figures are of the top and bottom plates. Notice
that the top plate will have input and output tubing attached, and the bottom plate does not have
any holes.

Figure 2. Top plate, HE-011.

Figure 3. Bottom plate with gasket, HE-010 and HE-002.


Below are two SolidWorks renditions of the fully assembled heat exchanger. The first is
of the entire system assembled, and the second shows a sectional view of the system.

Figure 4. Fully assembled heat exchanger.

Figure 5. Sectional view of the heat exchanger.



The main benchmark for this heat exchanger will be to match the heat transfer rate of the
currently used brazed heat exchanger in the department’s brewing system. The ideal benchmark
for this heat exchanger will be to reduce the temperature of the input wort from ~200 °F down to
70 °F. The exact rate of heat transfer that will be used for a benchmark will be determined when
testing begins. The previously used brazed heat exchanger will be tested first, which will also
allow for a proper procedural method for testing to be developed. With the data taken from the
brazed heat exchanger, the rate of heat transfer will be calculated, and this value can then be used
for comparison and as a solid benchmark for the modular heat exchanger.

Performance Predictions

Analysis of this system generates a heat transfer rate of 76,640 BTU/h. This value is
fairly high, when compared to the range of standard plate and frame heat exchanger. Due to this,
it is expected that the system will actually generate a lower heat transfer rate. An approximate
guess for this, assuming that we are only able to obtain ~60% of the maximum calculated value,
gives a value of 46,000 BTU/h. This heat transfer rate is closer to a nominal value for many
standard heat exchangers, and may very likely be a better value to expect.

Based on the calculations performed for this heat exchanger system, the predicted output
temperature of the wort will be 75 °F. The wort temperature must be under 80 °F, and ideally
will be 70 °F. Since it is generally difficult to be able to reach the ideal values initially, the first
set-up of the heat exchanger is expected to generate a somewhat high, non ideal, wort output
temperature. However, due to the modular nature of this heat exchanger, the addition of more
plates should allow for a more ideal output temperature to be reached, although 75 °F will still be
the predicted output temperature.

Scope of Testing and Evaluation:

The main testing for this project will come in measuring the actual output temperatures
from the heat exchanger. The main objective of this system is to produce cooled wort at
approximately 70 °F. Without performing testing on the currently utilized brazed heat exchanger,
a more accurate temperature benchmark is currently unknown, although it will be assumed that
this heat exchanger does reach ~70 °F. As mentioned previously, thermocouples will be utilized
to measure these temperature values. Ideally, four K-Type thermocouples will be utilized, one
connected to each flow channel, two for input and two for output. These thermocouples will then
be connected to Fluke voltmeters, to measure temperature values. Every 15 seconds the
temperature value of the system will be recorded, and an average value will be calculated from
the data. This will allow for a more averaged value, and allow any irregularities to be seen. This
set-up will be used exactly the same with the old brazed heat exchanger and the modular heat
exchanger. Accurately measuring these temperature values will be the most important aspect of
testing in this experiment.

The data collected from the testing will then be used to measure an approximate rate of
heat transfer for both systems. These values can then be compared, where the log mean

temperature difference of each system will be calculated. Although the rate of heat transfer for
both systems will be looked at, as mentioned before, the main success requirement, and focus, of
the testing will be to see the output temperature of the wort, and make sure that this temperature
is adequately low enough.


There will be a few different ways that this system will be optimized. Once the system is
fully assembled, additionally plates will allow for the optimization of output temperatures and
heat transfer rates, assuming that the values vary from the calculated predictions. The number of
plates in the heat exchanger will be able to vary from 20-30 plates, and the addition of plates will
help to optimize the output temperature of the cooled fluid. However, the designs were done so
that 20 plates should be sufficient, but the additional plates will allow for any adjustment if
necessary, due to the assumptions that needed to be made in the calculations.

Optimization will also be performed in terms of the gaskets used in the heat exchanger.
Since the plates in the heat exchanger will be pressed together, a suitable durometer of rubber
must be selected in order to allow the gaskets to compress under a clamping load, but not
compress enough to where the fluid flow becomes restricted. For this, three different durometer
rubbers will be looked at for viability: 50, 60, and 70 duro rubber. Based on the figure below,
and the calculations found in the appendix[2], it appears that 70 duro rubber will be the best
choice, due to it compressing enough to allow the plates to fully contact and prevent any leaks,
while not compressing too much to where flow will be restricted, which if the major problem
with 50 duro rubber. Although 70 duro rubber is chosen, 60 duro rubber could be suitable, but 70
duro is a more commonly used rubber, and is cheaper to purchase.

Figure 6. Durometer compression rates of rubber, Reference: Diversified Silicon Products Inc.

Operational Limits:

The main limit factors for this heat exchanger are the input water temperatures, and the
flow rate at which these inputs enter the system. The hot water input must not exceed boiling
temperatures; otherwise the rubber will begin to fail. Additionally, the system must not exceed
over 100 psi of pressure, due to safety concerns of an untested heat exchanger system.

Methods and Construction

Plate Construction:

For this project, a method for constructing the heat exchanger plates must be determined.
The method that will be used for the construction of these plates is to machine two press plates
with the desired patterns for the heat exchanger plates. These plates will be CNC machined to
have a top and bottom pattern, which will allow for the flat heat exchanger plates to be inserted
in between and via the use of a hydraulic press, indent the desired pattern into the stainless steel
heat exchanger plates. However, alignment must be taken into consideration for these press
plates, and two alignment holes will be drilled through both plates, in order to prevent any
misalignment during the pressing of the stainless steel. Additionally, extra grooves may be
machined for alignment purposes of the stainless steel plates, in order to keep them properly

Before the plates can be pressed however, they must be cut to size. This will be done
utilizing the step-shear, in order to cut the plates to the required dimensions. Overall, at least
thirty plates must be sheared to the correct dimensions, so this may be a very time consuming
process. As shown in the earlier designs, the heat exchanger plates will require several holes, for
flow and for alignment. These holes will be punched, due to how thin the plates are. There must
be four 5/8” holes for the flow channels, and two 1/4” slotted holes for alignment.

Following the construction of the main plates, the front and back plates must also be
machined. ½” steel will be utilized as, in order to make sure that the end plates are rigid, and do
not allow any flex on the main heat exchanger plates, when they are under high pressure loads, at
an upwards of 100 psi. The following images showcase the model for the press plates.

Figure 7. Top press plate shown.


Figure 8. Bottom press plate shown.

Gasket Construction:

The gaskets for this heat exchanger will be constructed of 70 Duro Neoprene rubber. Due
to the high cost of having these gaskets custom cut, the quotes ranged from $150-$300, just for
20 gaskets, they will be hand cut. This will be utilized by 3D-Printing out a stencil of the Gasket,
from the SolidWorks model. The gaskets will then be cut out of the rubber sheets, via the use of
the stencil.

Parts List:

This project will utilize several different parts, which are listed below:

 Stainless Steel plates.

o The main component of the system.
 Rubber gaskets.
o The gaskets will be attached to the SS plates, using DAP adhesive.
 ¼” Bolts.
o Eight bolts will be utilized, to allow for sufficient clamping forces on the plates
and gaskets.
 End Plates.
o Front and back plates will be machined for the heat exchanger. The front plate
will allow for fluid channels to enter.
 Press Plates
o Plates must be machined to allow the 24 gauge Stainless Steel to be pressed to the
desired shape.

The full parts list can be found in Appendix D.


Testing Methods
Testing Overview:

The main form of testing that will be performed in this project will be measuring the
temperature output values of the heat exchanger. The most critical aspect of this device is that it
must produce wort with an exit temperature of ~70 °F. All of the input and output temperatures
will be measured utilizing thermocouples, similar to many thermodynamics and heat transfer
labs. If possible, this project may be worked to coincide with the heat transfer class, and allow
for some extra testing, and allow the students to see another application of the material that they
are covering. With this data, a rate of heat transfer for the system can also be calculated, although
as mentioned, the most critical thing for this heat exchanger is the wort exit temperature. So long
as the heat exchanger has a sufficient rate of heat transfer to achieve this goal, then the project
will be successful.

A secondary, although still important piece of testing that will be required for this system,
is leakage testing. This testing will just be visual. For this heat exchanger to operate properly
there must be no leakage in the system. In order to test for this, once the heat exchanger is fully
assembled, a mock trial will be done using tap water, in order to make sure that the system does
not have any leaks, and that the gaskets do a sufficient job of containing the working fluids of the
heat exchanger. During this testing, the system will also be ramped up to higher operating
pressures, to approximately 100 psi, make sure that the system will not fail under this load. The
flow rate of the cooling water may be ramped up to allow for a greater amount of heat transfer,
so the system must be able to allow for this increased load.

Testing Procedures:

1. Connect thermocouples to the input and output ports of the heat exchanger.

a. This will require four thermocouples.

2. Attach each thermocouple to a multimeter, to record temperature values.

3. Connect the hot water hosing to the hot water input on the heat exchanger.

a. Make sure no water is flowing yet.

4. Connect the cold water hosing to the cold water input on the heat exchanger.

a. Make sure no water is flowing yet.

5. Connect both output hoses to both output ports on the heat exchanger.

6. Slowly begin to allow the cool water to flow through the heat exchanger.

7. After ~1 minute, allow the hot water to flow through the system.

8. Record the four multimeter temperature readings every 15 seconds.

9. Record data until running out of hot water.

10. Carefully detach hosing, and clean up the system/surrounding area.

Experimental Results:

The first tests performed were leakage tests, to make sure that the system would work
properly. There were no leaks, and during this testing the back pressure and flow rate through
each flow path was recorded. The two flow paths were the two copper colored hose attachments,
and the two brass colored ones. For the temperature tests, the copper-copper flow path will be
hot water, and the brass-brass flow path will be the cooling water.

Copper-Copper (Hot) Brass-Brass (Cold)

Pressure (psi) Flow rate (GPH) Pressure (psi) Flow rate (GPH)
0.44 30 0.47 30
1.04 50 0.95 50
1.95 70 2.4 70
4 90 3.81 80
5.07 100 4.49 90
5.5 95

The next set of testing data includes temperature and flow rate values for both flow paths.
From this data, you can see that the heat exchanger is working, although not effectively as
intended. During testing, it was noted that there appeared to be a small internal leak, so after
testing the system was taken apart and the gaskets were sealed, so that the next test would
hopefully yield better results. The second set of testing was not as successful as the first, and the
full data sheets can be found in Appendix I.

Time (s) T H,In (°C) T H,Out (°C) T L,In (°C) T L,Out (°C) V H,Out (GPM) V L,Out (GPM)
30 39 32.7 22.3 26 1 1.6
60 40.6 33.9 22.7 26.8 1 1.7
90 41.5 34.6 23.1 27.6 1 1.8
120 42 35 23.5 28.6 1 1.7
150 42.3 35.3 23.9 29.8 1 1.7
180 42.5 35.5 24.3 30 1.1 1.8
210 42.5 35.7 24.9 31 1.1 1.7
240 42.5 35.8 25.1 32 1.1 1.7

Budget and Scheduling


The budget for this project can be found in Appendix D. The major costs of this project
will come from the steel. The estimated cost for the stainless steel required for the main plates is
$29.07. Additionally, steel for the end plates must be purchased, and will cost an estimated
$28.70, along with press plate material, which will be $22.52. So in total, the highest cost for this
project is going to be in steel, totaling ~$110. However, the school will be covering the cost of
the steel, so the project will actually be well under the original estimated budget of $156.38. To
save money, the rubber gaskets will be custom cut, from a 3D printed stencil. The stencil cost
$8.80 to print, while the rubber cost $27.72.


The main schedule for this project can be found in Appendix E. This project is estimated
to take 102.5 hours. The majority of the estimated time is expected to be during the construction
phase. There will most likely be trial and error when it comes to perfecting the construction
methods to make the plates. Additionally, more time will most likely be used to make several
practice plates, that will not be used in the final assembly.

Detailing on the construction phase of this project, a majority of the time will be spent
constructing the plates. It is estimated that the construction phase directly related to the plate
manufacturing will take 22 hours. If there are any errors that occur during the initial place
manufacturing phase, additional hours will tack on. Hopefully, this phase goes smoothly, since it
is the most critical for the success of this project. Below is a smaller version of the full Gantt
chart that can be found in Appendix E.

Figure 9. Condensed Gantt chart.



The major milestones of this project are listed below, along with the week that they will
coincide with:

 Complete press plate machining. Week 21: 2/2/15

 Press all of the stainless steel plates, and attach gaskets. Week 24: 2/23/15
 Construct end plates for the heat exchanger. Week 25: 3/2/15
 Have the system fully assembled. Week 27: 3/16/15
 Perform leakage testing. Week 31: 4/13/15
 Fully complete testing of the system. Week 34: 5/4/15

Project Management:

The main aspect of project management in this project has been related to machines and
personnel. In order to complete the construction aspect of this project, available school resources
were utilized heavily. In order to machine the press plates, the CNC machines had to be utilized,
along with the receiving help in order to generate the CNC code. Additionally, the 3D printer
was utilized, so proper procedures had to be followed, along with additional help, in order to
complete the related objective. Financially, the school also helped to support this project, by
covering the cost of the steel, since the project in the end will be going back to the school.

Design Evolution:

The design of this project has changed a great deal since the initial sketches. Initially, the
main plates were designed to have more ridges, although these ridges would be shallower. The
second design of the plates featured less ridges, but with a greater depth. The main purpose of
the change is to help increase turbulence in the system, which will allow for a better heat transfer
between the opposing fluids. Additionally, the initial plate designs did not include any sort of
alignment system. The redesigned plates included two holes, at the bottom and top of the plate
that will allow for two alignment rods. In the design and analysis section of this report, the
current plate designs can be seen. In total, the plates have gone through three redesigns, and the
images comparing each design can be seen below.

Another large change that has occurred since the inception of this project is the ideal
thickness for the heat exchanger plates. Originally, the plates were going to be ~1/16” thick
stainless steel. After analysis and comparison to other heat exchanger designs, this thickness has
been reduced to less than 1/32”. The thinner material will allow for a better heat exchanger
between the fluids, and will also allow the steel to be formed much easier.

Figure 10. Comparison of the plate designs. Newest design is on the right, oldest on the left.

Risk Analysis:

Overall, this project does not have a high amount of associated risk. The two main events
during the course of this project that may have some slight risk involved are the plate pressing
and testing phases. During the plate pressing, a hydraulic cylinder will be utilized to supply
enough force to yield the stainless steel, and form it to the desired shape. When dealing with
equipment like this, there is always an inherent safety risk, although due to the small size of the

plates, and relatively low required force, this should not be a huge safety risk. Additionally,
when testing the system, if there is any leakage or failure of the gaskets, scalding hot water could
be sent flying. However, the gaskets are fairly thick, and should prevent this from occurring.

Project Evolution:

Assuming that this project is successful, a commercial deal could be pursued. Due to the
relatively low availability of modular heat exchangers, this project could become a product for
smaller home-brewers looking to obtain a compact and functional heat exchanger. If this project
were to continue further into commercialism, a good deal of money would have to be spent
initially, to make higher quality press plates, and possible gasket dies. From here, these heat
exchangers could be made quicker, while lowering the overall cost.

This project has great engineering potential. Heat exchangers are a large part of many
different vital systems, ranging from HVAC applications to nuclear reactors. Having the
opportunity to design and construct a heat exchanger allows for a better understanding and
appreciation of how these devices affect many different aspects of the real world. The
completion of this project will cement key concepts from the more non-intuitive theoretical
classes, such as: thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer, while also tying in
materials, manufacturing, and project management. Overall, this project can provide a great
learning experience touching on many different aspects of engineering.

I would like to acknowledge the help that I have received through the duration of this
project. Professor Beardsley has helped immensely in figuring out the main objectives of this
project, and helped in several key design aspects. Additionally, Professor Pringle and Dr.
Johnson have helped greatly in their critiquing of this proposal. Also, I Matt Burvee was a great
helping in helping to obtain materials for this project, and help to figure out some of the details
in the manufacturing processes. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the CWU MET department
as a whole, for providing the resources that make the completion of this project possible.

[1] Cengel, Y. Cimbala, J. Turner, R. (2011). Fundamentals of Thermal Fluid Sciences.

[2] Diversified Silicone Products Inc. Compression Force Graphs. Retrieved from

Appendix A - Calculations
Initial calculations were done trying to calculate the exact overall heat transfer
coefficient; U, in BTU/h-ft2-°F. Due to the unpredictability associated with the fluids flowing in
the heat exchanger, this analysis is not going to accurately predict the rate of heat transfer,
although it will give a very broad ballpark estimate. Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences1
was utilized to find the appropriate equations for this analysis.

Due to the difficulty of calculating the correct Reynolds number for both of the fluids, a
second analysis was done, where the overall heat transfer coefficient, U, was taken from given
values in Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences. Specifically, Table 22-1 on page 932 was
utilized to find a nominal U value. Additionally, more accurate temperature values were used.

The calculations below are for choosing the optimal durometer rubber.2

Appendix B – Drawing Tree

Heat Exchanger

Front Plate Back Plate Hardware

Main Plates
(HE-006) (HE-007) (HE-003/4/5)

Plates (HE-001
HE-010, HE-

Gaskets (HE-002)

Appendix C - Drawings
Below are the initial designs for the plate and frame heat exchanger.









Appendix D – Parts List

Item Number Description Quantity

HE-001 Heat Exchanger Plates 20
HE-002 Plate Gaskets 20
HE-003 Alignment Shaft 2
HE-004 1/4" UNC Bolts - 4" 8
HE-005 1/4" UNC Nuts 8
HE-006 Heat Exchanger Front Plate 1
HE-007 Heat Exchanger Back Plate 1
HE-008 Bottom Press Plate 1
HE-009 Top Press Plate 1
HE-010 Bottom HE Plate 1
HE-011 Top HE Plate 1

Appendix E – Budget

Item Material/Descripti Supplier Supplier Unit Quant Estimate Actual

Numbe on Part I.D. Price ity d Price Price
HE-001 SS 304 (24" x 24" - CWU #4-304 $29.0 1 $29.07 Donate
24 Gauge) 7 d
HE-002 70 Duro Rubber Rubber 70-1/8 $9.24 3 $27.72 $27.72
(12" x 24") Sheet Roll
HE-003 1018 Round, 1/4" - CWU 1018- $1.00 1 $1.00 $1.00
24" 0.166

HE-004 ¼” Bolt Bolt #139 $0.71 8 $5.68 $5.68

HE-005 ¼” Nut Bolt #2563 $0.08 8 $0.64 $0.64
HE- A36 - 1/2" Thick CWU A36-6.72 $28.7 1 $28.70 Donate
006/7 ½” x 4-1/2" – 24” 0 d
HE- A36 – 3/8" Thick CWU A36-5.112 $28.7 1 $22.52 Donate
008/9 ½” x 4” – 24” 0 d
HE- SS 304 (12" x 12" - CWU #8-304 $25.6 1 $25.61 Donate
010/11 1/8") 1 d
HE- SS 304 ¾” OD CWU WSST- $6.64 1 $6.64 Donate
011_T 5/8” ID Tube-12” 304 d
HE- 3D Printed Gasket CWU HE-002P $8.80 1 $8.80 $8.80
002P Stencil
Total $156.38 $43.84

Appendix F – Schedule

Appendix G – Expertise and Resources

The resources available from Central Washington University allowed for this project to
be completed. Hogue Technology building’s machine shop was utilized for the machining of
parts required to make this system, and parts essential to the operation of this system.
Additionally, the expertise of Matt Burvee proved to be essential in the completion of the
machining operations for this project.

Appendix H – Evaluation Sheet

Leakage testing data.

Second temperature testing data.


Appendix I – Testing Data

Below is the data set for the first trial taken with the heat exchanger. This data includes
the temperature inputs and outputs, along with the flow rates of each flow path. Note that after
this trial, the system was taken apart and the gaskets were sealed to prevent a small internal leak.
The second table has the data taken from the second round of testing, although this data was not
as usable as that of the first test, due to the hoses leaking profusely during testing.

Time (s) T H,In (°C) T H,Out (°C) T L,In (°C) T L,Out (°C) V H,Out (GPM) V L,Out (GPM)
30 39 32.7 22.3 26 1 1.6
60 40.6 33.9 22.7 26.8 1 1.7
90 41.5 34.6 23.1 27.6 1 1.8
120 42 35 23.5 28.6 1 1.7
150 42.3 35.3 23.9 29.8 1 1.7
180 42.5 35.5 24.3 30 1.1 1.8
210 42.5 35.7 24.9 31 1.1 1.7
240 42.5 35.8 25.1 32 1.1 1.7

Time (s) T H,In (°C) T H,Out (°C) T L,In (°C) T L,Out (°C)
30 38.2 36.6 21 23.2
60 38.5 35.4 21.4 23.3
90 38.5 34.7 21.5 23.4
120 38.6 33.2 21.7 23.6
150 38.6 32.8 21.9 23.7
180 38.6 31 22 23.9

This data set is from the original leakage test, where on both ends of the input/output of
the heat exchanger, pressure and flow rate were measured. The first data set Copper-Copper
(Hot), indicates that this is the hot water flow channel, and the Brass-Brass (Cold) data set is the
flow path for the cooling water. The flow rate was measured, along with back pressure on the

Copper-Copper (Hot) Brass-Brass (Cold)

Pressure (psi) Flow rate (GPH) Pressure (psi) Flow rate (GPH)
0.44 30 0.47 30
1.04 50 0.95 50
1.95 70 2.4 70
4 90 3.81 80
5.07 100 4.49 90
5.5 95

Appendix J – Testing Report


For the testing of this heat exchanger, the main requirement was that the hot water came
out to an acceptable cooler temperature. The exact temperature of this hot water would vary
based on the application. The main data of interest from this testing is the temperature values of
the input and outputs ports. Specifically, of those four values, the hot output temperature is the
most critical, since that is what would ideally be a specific value. Ideally, the system would take
~200 °F hot water and take it down to ~70°F. However, obtaining a large amount of near boiling
water was difficult, so the testing was done using hot tap water, at ~110 °F to test the feasibility
of this heat exchanger. Ideally this system would be able to take that ~110 °F water to ~70 °F.
However, the cooling water reached room temperature faster than anticipated, and the system
was being cooled by ~70 °F. The data for this testing was taken using thermocouples attached to
each output port, and connected to multimeters to allow the temperature values to be recorded
during testing. In addition to this, both outputs had flow meters attached, to measure the flow
rate out of the system. As for the schedule, the testing was somewhat late, and took place a few
weeks later than originally planned for.


The main resources for the testing of this project was all of the hosing equipment, the
pump used for the cooling water, the cold water tank, thermocouples, multimeters, pressure
gauge, and the flow meters. All of this was supplied by Professor Beardsley. During testing, data
was recorded off the thermocouples, along with the data from the flow rate meters being
recorded. Additionally, the first test had back pressure readings, which were recorded using a
multimeters, and the values were written down at different flow rates.

The main testing procedures were somewhat simple. To begin, all of the hoses were
attached to the proper ports, and thermocouples were attached to each output port. Additionally,
flow meters were attached to eat output hose for a flow path. From here, the cool water would be
run through a pump, and circulate through the system, then the hot water would be turned on,
from the faucet. After all of this, data would be recorded for several minutes, until the
temperatures reached equilibrium. The main operational limitations of this system were
temperature and pressure. The entire system was rated for ~200 °F, and 100 psi max. For the
most part, all of the recorded data was accurate and precise, the thermocouples were well
insulated and there should not have been much of a temperature differential between the actual
water temperature, and the temperature read by the thermocouples. All of the data from the
testing can be found in Appendix I.

Test Procedures:

The testing for this project was performed in the senior project room in Hogue. Multiple
days in April and May data was collected, usually in the afternoon for several hours. Setting the
system up itself took around 30 minutes, and cleaning up after, mainly draining all the water
from the hoses and heat exchanger, took around 20 minutes. For the most part, there were no
major safety risks. The only possible safety concerns were being scalded by hot water, which did

not happen, or the gaskets blowing out and shooting how water out, which also didn’t happen.
Overall, the testing for this system went somewhat smooth. The biggest problem was the actual
hoses used, as they tended to leak quite a bit, especially during the last testing session.


The heat exchanger system worked, although not quite to the extent that was desired.
Ideally, the system would have taken 200 °F water down to ~70 °F. In actuality the system was
able to take 120 °F water down to around 90 °F, although the cooling water was room
temperature. Calculating the heat transfer for this system, a value of ~8500 BTU/h is found.
Ideally, the system would have been able to transfer 76,000 BTU/h. However, this project was
able to meet several other success criteria listed in the fall quarter. The system ended up
weighing only 19.2 pounds, compared to the 20 pounds initially listed. Eight bolts were utilized
to clamp the gaskets together, and the system was water-proof.

Overall, this system was a success in many ways, and could use further advancement.
Additional plates should be added to the system, and the plate thickness should be sized down, to
allow for more plates for the same cost, and ease of manufacturing. The thinner plates would also
allow for them to be pressed much easier, and more effectively. If this project were to be picked
up by a student in the future to work on a plate redesign, it should be able to meet the original
heat transfer requirements, while utilizing the older parts as well.

Report Appendix:

Main data sheet used to record data:

Time T H,In (°C) T H,Out (°C) T L,In (°C) T L,Out (°C) V H,Out V L,Out

Gantt chart with testing section:


Appendix K - Resume
1500 N. Glen Drive, Apt. 3 (509)-439-2404
Ellensburg, WA 98926 [email protected]

Central Washington University September 2011 - June 2015
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology GPA: 3.77
Sample Courses: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of
Materials, Materials Science, Machine Design I-II, Engineering Economics, Finite Element Analysis.
Minor in Mathematics
Courses: Calculus I-IV, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations

 Passed the Mechanical Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam May 2015
Washington State Engineer-in-Training (EIT) License No. 34473
 Recipient of a CWU Undergraduate Research Fellowship Grant January 2014

Professional Experience
Mechanical Engineer June 2014 – November 2014
Industrial Technologies International
Yakima, WA
 Assisted in the design and analysis of a four tier hydraulic press system, used in modular
housing panel applications.
 Designed a roller chain drive that utilized a pneumatic airbag system to allow the roller chain
tracks to recede into the press tables.
 Utilized SolidWorks for modeling and Finite Element Analysis.
 Supervised on-going work in the machine shop, and ensured that parts met drawing
 Maintained contact with local distributors, and ordered specified parts and materials on a
regular basis.

Research Assistant September 2012 – March 2014

Central Washington University Physics Department
Ellensburg, WA
 Assisted in far-infrared laser research, specifically looking into emission generated by
methanol isotopologues.
 Research from this investigation generated 34 new far-infrared emissions, and was published
in the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics: New Optically Pumped Far-Infrared Laser
Emissions From 13CD3OH, 13CD3OD, CD3CN, and 13CD3I.
 Performed routine operation and maintenance of a high powered CO2 laser.
 Fabricated small parts required for continued operations in the laser lab.

Professional Affiliations

 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
 American Foundry Society (AFS)
 Vice President: CWU Electric Vehicle (EV) Club

Technical Skills
 Computers:
o Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook
o Modeling: AutoCAD, SolidWorks (CSWA), Rhinoceros
o Programming: Java, Visual Basic, Mathematica, Studio 5000 (PLCs)
 Machining:
o Basic Machining (Lathe, Mill, Drill Press, Hand Tools)
o CNC Machining (Mastercam X8)

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