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Defect in the Arbitration agreement

b. Violation of due process
Costs in ICA includes only: c. Lack or excess of jurisdiction on
the part of Arbitral Tribunal
1. Fees of the Arbitral Tribunal
d. The Arbitration agreement was
2. Travel and other expenses
3. Costs of expert advise
2. Or, the courts finds that
4. Travel and other expenses of witnesses
a. The subject of the dispute is not
5. Costs of Legal Representation and
capable of settlement under the
6. Fees and expenses of the Appointing
b. The award is in conflict with public
In Principle, the cost shall be borne by the
Note: It is an exclusive list for setting aside an ICA
unsuccessful party, but, the Arbitral Tribunal
may apportion the costs among the parties if
reasonable under the circumstances of the case. Time for filing the petition to set aside

CORRECTION AND INTERPRETATION OF The petition for setting aside must be files within 3
ICA AWARD months or 90 days from the date on which the party
making that application received the award, or from
ICA awards may be amended by the parties
the date on which a request for correction,
before it becomes executory under the following
interpretation, or additional award has been disposed
of by the Arbitral Tribunal.
1. Agreement of the Parties
2. Quantifications of the costs and
determination of the party liable, or the
division between the parties – provided that
there’s a reservation Recognition
3. Correction of typographical and similar
errors on the award initiated by a party. - Means by which a Philippine Court gives
4. Correction of typographical error initiated legal acknowledgement to a foreign arbitral
by the Arbitral tribunal – motu proprio award and confers upon it the capability to
5. Interpretation of the award – as requested by be enforced under Philippine law.
the party
6. Additional Award – claims presented in the Confirmation
Arbitral proceeding but omitted in the
- Judicial affirmation of a domestic arbitral
Note: Courts can only set aside, extend recognition,
The terms Recognition and Confirmation have
or refuse recognition of an International commercial
been used interchangeably, despite the difference
Arbitral award.
in their definition, by the Supreme Court
The Courts may set aside an ICA Arbitral Award
- The execution and implementation of the
provided that:
foreign arbitral award through Philippine
1. The Petitioner furnishes proof that there Legal Processes
Foreign Arbitral Award
- one made in a country other than the recognition and enforcement shall be govern
Philippines by the NYC as implemented by IRR
- rendered in an arbitration whose seat is
outside the Philippines Non-Convention Award

A Foreign Arbitral award must go through the - An Award made in a state not a party of
process of “Recognition” in order to be entitled to NYC and therefore cannot be recognized nor
enforcement in the Philippines. enforced , but it may be deemed as a
presumptive evidence of a right between the
Philippine ICA and Foreign ICA awards require parties in accordance with the 1997 Rules of
recognition by the Philippine Courts but the latter Civil Procedure
is not susceptible to vacation or setting aside by
the Philippine Courts. As-in Convention Award

An ICA award or a foreign arbitral award - An award made in a state not a party of
recognize by the Regional Trial Court, shall be NYC but by reason of comity and
enforced in the same manner as final and executor reciprocity , may be recognized and
decisions of courts of law. enforced as if it is a convention award.

Jurisdiction, Venue, and Nature of proceedings Grounds for refusing recognition for and
enforcement to convention and as-in convention:
The venue of setting aside proceedings, as well as
for the recognition and enforcement of ICA and 1. Defect in the Arbitration agreement
foreign arbitral awards, and any application for 2. Violation of due process
assistance and supervision, except appeal, Shall be 3. Lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of
with the Regional Trial Court: the tribunal
4. Violation of the arbitration agreement
1. Where the Arbitration proceedings took
place OR, if there is a finding from the court that:
2. Asset to be attached or levied upon or the
1. The subject of the dispute is not capable of
act to be enjoined is located
settlement under the laws
3. Where any of the parties to the dispute
2. The award is in conflict with public policy
resides or has his place of business
of the Philippines
4. National Capital Judicial Region
Note: In the case of as-in convention, the applicant
At the option of the applicant.
must present proof of comity and reciprocity between
Note: It is considered as a special proceeding and the Philippines and the non-convention state.
can also be summary in nature .
Procedure for Recognition of convention and as-in
1. Filing of application
- The party relying upon an award or applying
for its enforcement shall file with the RTC
Kinds of foreign arbitral awards based on the the original or duly authenticated copy of
nature of its proceedings: the award and the original arbitration
agreement. If the award or agreement is not
Convention Award made in an official language of the
Philippines, the party shall supply a duly
- An award made in a state which is a party to
the New York Convention (NYC) and its
certified translation thereof into such parties and their successors in interest by
language subsequent title”, provided there is no want of
2. Recognition jurisdiction, no want of notice, no collusion, no
- Once confirmed by the court, the foreign fraud and no clear mistake of law.
Arbitral award shall be enforced in the same
manner as final and executory decisions of
the courts of law of the Philippines.
3. Consolidation/concurrent hearings
- The Parties and the Arbitral tribunal may
agee on
o Consolidation of proceedings, or
o The conduct of concurrent hearing
with other related Arbitration
4. Rejection/Suspension
- The RTC, upon a subsequent application for
rejection or suspension of the enforcement
of the award, may vacate or suspend the
enforcement of the court decisions to
recognize the arbitral award and may also,
on the application of the party claiming
recognition or enforcement, order the party
seeking rejection or suspension to provide
appropriate security. In the case of as-in
convention award, the court may also remit
the award to the arbitral tribunal if the
objections raised may be cured or rectified.
5. Appeals
- The decision of the RTC on an Arbitral
Award may be appealed to the Court of
Appeals in accordance with the Special
Rules on ADR, which shall require the
appealing party to post a counter bond in
favor of the prevailing party in the amount
of the award. The right to appeal may be
validly waived by the agreement or
stipulation of the parties without prejudice to
judicial review by certiorari under Rule 65
of the Rules of Court.



Non-convention awards, unless they qualify to be

as-in convention awards, are not entitled to
recognition or enforcement under the ADR Act,
however, it may be considered as either a
“conclusive upon the title to a thing” or, at best, is
a “presumptive evidence of a right as between the

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