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August 27, 2018

His Worship
Mayor Brian Bowman
Winnipeg City Hall

Dear Mr. Bowman

I have a question for you. What are you waiting for?
Let me provide some background. This is a difficult letter for me to pen but I feel it is incredibly
necessary (sadly). The last week has been terribly difficult for our family as our son was the
Central Park stabbing attack victim from the previous Friday night (early Saturday morning
August 18 ). In case you missed the report, our son and his female friend were randomly
attacked by two sociopaths who put no value on human life. Our son was viciously beaten,
robbed, stabbed and slashed numerous times. I would prefer to keep the specifics of the case
confidential in order to protect our legal strategies but the police statement to the media that
our son suffered “life altering injuries” is not an exaggeration. Of the near 20 stab and slash
wounds inflicted on him, the majority were to his face, head, and throat. He is incredibly lucky
to be alive.
This incident, in and of itself, isn’t enough to compel me to write this letter. Since our son’s
attack, we have heard the reports of 11 stabbings in 5 days in the same area and the WPS press
release warning citizens to avoid Central Park area at night. Add to this is the sickening news of
the daylight sexual assault of a young woman on the river path, the transit supervisor who was
dragged from a bus and beaten, the Take Back Your Park walks, and on and on. In a recent
report Statistics Canada stated that violent crime in Winnipeg has grown to such an extreme
level that the government agency was forced to remake its ‘Violent Crime Severity Index’ chart
just to accommodate Winnipeg’s high score (the national average index score of 75.3 is paled
compared to Winnipeg’s rating exceeding 150). With respect to violent crime, Winnipeg was
literally “off the chart”.
My point: In a horrifying period of one and a half weeks of explosive and sensational violent
crime, you have remained silent. We know you are still around. We see your endless and
cringe-worthy social media posts. Morning workouts. Raising flags at City Hall. Folklorama
Pavilions. Cutting ribbons at coffee shops. I can’t wait to hear which Le Burger Week entry is
the Mayor’s favourite! The one selfie we have yet to see is you standing alone in Central Park at
night. I voted for you in the last civic election and I am very, very disappointed in you.
Winnipeg does not need a social media mayor. We need tough leadership in tough times. Our
streets are unsafe and filled with filth. Our amazing police service is stretched to the max and
under constant threat. Our children are being attacked. My son will NEVER be able to look in
the mirror again without reliving the worst night of his life. Yet, you remain silent.
You may read this and say “This is just an angry parent reflexively lashing out.” Yes, I am angry.
But that doesn’t change the fact that Winnipeg is in crisis. This past week-and-a-half have been
one of the worst in our city’s history for violence. Yet, you have said nothing and you have done
So, here’s my question to you: What are you waiting for? How many more innocent children
need to be stabbed or raped? How many more transit employees beaten, police officers
threatened, cars stolen, homes invaded and random acts of violence forced on law abiding
citizens before you take action? We’re not interested in your empty platitudes or another
Twitter or Instagram post. For once, lead our city and take concrete action.
We need leadership Mr. Mayor. Not selfies.

Mike Enns
Citizen of Winnipeg
cc: All Winnipeg media outlets

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