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Incentives for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Green Buildings in Malaysia

Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water

as on June 2010

targeting manufacturer who

wants to generate energy from PS, ITA (100%), import duty and energy services companies that
companies that generate energy
its manufacturing's byproduct, sales tax exemption for Sdn. undertake energy auditing
to sell & for own use gets the
prospective RE plant developer Bhd. & Bhd. companies that go service activities will get most
most incentives for RE
& businesses who want to save for RE and EE incentives for EE
on fuel by using RE

application for RE and EE

incentives for obtaining GBI businesses who obtaining GBI
incentives shall be made before businesses & individual who
certificate valid between 24 for their building are eligible for
31 December 2010 and the bought GBI certified property
October 2009 until 31 December 100% tax exemption equivalent
projects shall be commenced will get stamp duty exemption
2014 to the amount of QE
within 1 year after approval

availability of same incentives (RE

while companies are allowed to KeTTHA listed wind as one of the this document does not specify
& EE) next year (2011) or the
apply for expatriate posts, they RE sources, but MIDA does not. foreign equity shareholding limit
following year will only be known
were encouraged to hire and Wind energy producers might not or eligibility of foreign companies
after Budget 2011 on October
train Malaysian in the same field eligible for the said incentives to apply for the incentives
Feed-in-Tariff in Malaysia
Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic Project
as on July 2010

TNB will buy electricity

RE producers sell maximum
generated from the following RE
30MW electricity to TNB at introduced as early as second
sources: biogas, biomass, mini
premium tariff fixed for fixed quater of 2011
hydro & solar PV. No wind &
number of years
solar thermal

TNB will study, including but not

limited to the location,
foreign equity shareholding of
RE producers are still eligible for technology employed, financing,
RE producers is capped at a
other government incentives & nearest TNB interconnection
maximum rate of 49%
point to RE producers. TNB also
imposed certain quota

annual degression rate for solar

PV are the highest (8%), which
the are capacity limit each year also means that solar energy
for each RE "to keep the cost producers should participate in
within projected funding" this initiative during the first year
of implementation to obtain more

More information available at MBIPV website

Small Renewable Energy Power Programme (SREP)
Energy Commission
as on September 2010

must negotiate with

TNB on selling price etc responsible for grid
connection and necessary
metering installation

The given preferential

producer treatment
no stand-by charges
applicable for the
following RE
will be given licence back-energy at must be approved by
for 21 years prevailing tariff DoE
biomass, biogas,
municipal waste,
Must be 30% solar, mini-hydro,
Bumiputera-owned and The
max 30% foreign equity plant
shareholding must located max 10km
from nearest grid-
interconnected point must be ready 12
except for mini-hydro within month after
can generate more than
10MW but allowed to
sell 10MW only
Green Technology Financing Scheme
Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water
Available online at GTFS website

RM1.5 billion
soft loan of applies only
to new
latest balance RM1.370 billion (Oct 5 2010) projects

producer of green tech: max RM50 targets energy, companies are

government will
million per company, tenure up to 15 bear 2% of total
construction, waste allowed to make
management and more than one
years. Must be at least 51% Malaysian- interest/profit rate transportation application

user of green tech: max RM10 government will

guaratee 60% of the
million per company, tenure up to financing amount,
are compulsory
10 years. Must be at least 70% another 40% by
Malaysian-owned participating banks

application open
no R&D, projects
starting 1 January 2010
ready for application is free and
until 31 December
commercialization can be made online
utilization of loan
Review on Malaysia’s national energy developments: Key policies, agencies, programmes
and international involvements
published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews in 2010

Transport used the most final Malaysia have 9 policies

All key players in energy
commercial energy in 2010 relevant to energy prior to
development are
with about 41.1%, followed by National Green Technology
industrial (38.8%) , residential Policy announced last year
companies and government
& commercial (12.8%). Annual (2009). There are 5 RE and EE
growth is 6.3% initiatives since 1999

MIEEIP successfully cut down 49% of projects under SREPP Bungalows with BIPV at Shah
up to 35% energy are biomass, followed by Alam were sold around
consumption, 26.7% less fuel mini-hydro (43%). Only 10-15% RM1.58m, Putrajaya (RM2.9-
usage & substantially lower of the participants signed 4m). 5kWp system costs
CO2 emmision for selected Power Purchase Agreement RM170k generates RM150
industries with TNB/others electricity every month

Malaysia's potential in carbon

trading is huge (up to RM3b Developers whom employ
annually). Malaysia currently MBIPV initiative could expect
has 156 CDM projects in the between 30-35% subsidy
Energy policy and alternative energy in Malaysia: Issues and challenges for sustainable
published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews in 2010

current contribution of RE in
RE with most grid-connected solar could generate up to
Malaysia's total energy mix is
capacity is biomass (67% of total 6500MW while wind energy
below 2%, far below 5% targeted
RE) followed by mini-hydro seems not feasible in Malaysia
on early 2011

5kWp BIPV system costs

EE under LEO and GBI initiatives
RM135k, generating 6000kWp MOSTI putting hydrogen fuel
targeting max 100kWh/m² and
annually. Cost of PV gradually cell research as the second
50% energy saving compared to
decreased every year (16% since priority after solar with around
building without energy saving
introduced). However only RM41m grants allocated
0.4MW are grid-connected.

There are growing trends among

Highly-subsidized non-renewable property developers who actively
energy (e.g. oil) undermining the promoting green solutions and
growth prospect of RE and supporting industries (e.g.
financing RE is still an issue energy efficient roofing solution
companies) are also catching-up

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