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Dumaguete City
S.Y. 2018-2019
MAPEH Grade 10
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Grade and Section:

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is French movement in the late 19th and early 20th century?
A. Impressionism B. Avant garde C. Neo-classicism D. Expressionism
2. Which of the following does NOT describe Impressionism Art?
A. There is an extensive use of colors and effects.
B. In terms of imagery, impressionistic forms were translucent and hazy.
C. Impressionism was an attempt not to depict reality, but merely to suggest it.
D. Most of the impressionist works NOT centered on nature and its beauty, lightness, and brilliance.
3. Who is considered as one of the most important and influential of the 20th century composers?
A. Claude Debussy B. Maurice Ravel C. Arnold Schoenberg D. Igor Stravinsky
4. It revealed the composer’s mind, instead of presenting an impression of the environment. What is it?
A. Impressionism B. Avant garde C. Neo-classicism D. Expressionism
5. It was a partial return to a classical form of writing music with carefully modulated dissonances. What is it?
A. Avant garde B. Neo-classicism C. Nationalism D. Impressionism
6. What do you call a music that uses the tape recorder?
A. electronic B. chance C. synthesizer D. musique concrete
7. It refers to a style wherein the piece always sounds different at every performance because of the random
techniques of production, including the use of ring modulators or natural elements that become a part of the
music. What is this musical style?
A. Impressionism B. Chance C. Neo-classicism D. Electronic
8. What is the title of John Cage’s composition where the pianist merely opens the piano lid and keeps silent
for the duration of the piece?
A. 4’33’ B. Study II C. Poème électronique D.’ Music of Changes
9. He invented the term “organized sound,” which means that certain timbres and rhythms can be grouped
together in order to capture a whole new definition of sound. Who is this composer?
A. John Cage B. Edgard Varese C. Stockhausen D. Phillip Glass
10. How do you describe the musical style of ARNOLD SCHOENBERG?
A. He established the twelve-tone system.
B. His music is very structured, precise, controlled, full of artifice, and theatricality.
C. He changed the course of musical development by dissolving traditional rules and conventions.
D. His works deal with water in its flowing or stormy moods as well as with human characterizations.
11. How do you describe the musical style of Joseph MAURICE RAVEL?
A. He established the twelve-tone system.
B. His music is very structured, precise, controlled, full of artifice, and theatricality.
C. He changed the course of musical development by dissolving traditional rules and conventions.
D. His works deal with water in its flowing or stormy moods as well as with human characterizations.
12. How do you describe the musical style of CLAUDEDEBUSSY?
A. He established the twelve-tone system.
B. His music is very structured, precise, controlled, full of artifice, and theatricality.
C. He changed the course of musical development by dissolving traditional rules and conventions.
D. His works deal with water in its flowing or stormy moods as well as with human characterizations.
13. How do you describe the musical style of IGOR STRAVINSKY?
A. He established the twelve-tone system.
B. His music is very structured, precise, controlled, full of artifice, and theatricality.
C. He changed the course of musical development by dissolving traditional rules and conventions.
D. His works deal with water in its flowing or stormy moods as well as with human characterizations.
14. Which of the following best describes Primitivism?
A. The asserting of one note as more important than the others.
B. It was an attempt not to depict reality, but merely to suggest it.
C. It also adopted a modern, freer use of the seven-note diatonic scale.
D. The sounds of different chords overlapped lightly with each other to produce new subtle musical
15. Which of the following best describes Avant Garde Music?
A. It was an attempt not to depict reality, but merely to suggest it.
B. It also adopted a modern, freer use of the seven-note diatonic scale.
C. Improvisation was a necessity in this style, for the musical scores were not necessarily followed as
D. The sounds of different chords overlapped lightly with each other to produce new subtle musical
I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What kind of artist creates works with more emotional force, rather than with realistic or natural images?
A. Expressionist B. Impressionist C. Surrealist D. Realist
2. It was an art movement that emerged in the second half of the 19 century among a group of Paris-based
artists. What art movement is this?
A. Impressionism B. Dadaism C. Cubism D. Expressionism
3. This painting has been recognized as the most monumental and comprehensive statement of social realism
against the brutality of war. What is the name of this painting?
A. Guernica B. Diana C. Blue Window D. Yellow Sweater
4. He was a French artist and post-impressionist painter. Who was this post-impressionist painter?
A. Paul Cezanne B. Edouard Manet C. Claude Monet D. Vincent van Gogh
5. He was a post-impressionist painter from The Netherlands. His works were remarkable for their strong,
heavy brush strokes, intense emotions, and colors that appeared to almost pulsate with energy. Who was this
post-impressionist painter?
A. Paul Cezanne B. Edouard Manet C. Claude Monet D. Vincent van Gogh
6. What do you call an art style that incorporated elements from the native arts of the South Sea Islanders and
the wood carvings of African tribes which suddenly became popular at that time?
A. Dadaism B. Surrealism C. Fauvism D. Neoprimitivism
7. What form of abstract expressionism was seen in the works of Jackson Pollock?
A. Futurism B. Dadaism C. Fauvism D. Action Painting
8. What do call the expressionist movement that is characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and
visual tricks and surprises?
A. Fauvism B. Surrealism C. Social Realism D. Dadaism
9. It is a style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world beyond the logical, conscious, physical one.
What expressionist movement is it?
A. Fauvism B. Surrealism C. Social Realism D. Dadaism
10. How do you describe the art style of EDOUARD MANET?
A. He was one of the first 19th century artists to depict modern-life subjects.
B. He is best known for his landscape paintings, particularly those depicting his beloved flower gardens
and water lily ponds.
C. He broke away from the impressionist movement to apply a more disciplined, formal technique to
portraits of actual people and figure paintings.
D. He used strong, heavy brush strokes, intense emotions, and colors that appeared to almost pulsate
with energy.
11. How do you describe the art style of EUGÈNE DELACROIX?
A. He emphasized on movement rather than on clarity of form, and most of all his study of the optical
effects of color.
B. He is best known for his landscape paintings, particularly those depicting his beloved flower gardens
and water lily ponds.
C. He broke away from the impressionist movement to apply a more disciplined, formal technique to
portraits of actual people and figure paintings.
D. He used strong, heavy brush strokes, intense emotions, and colors that appeared to almost pulsate
with energy.
12. How do you describe the art style of CLAUDE MONET?
A. He emphasized on movement rather than on clarity of form, and most of all his study of the optical
effects of color.
B. He is best known for his landscape paintings, particularly those depicting his beloved flower gardens
and water lily ponds.
C. He broke away from the impressionist movement to apply a more disciplined, formal technique to
portraits of actual people and figure paintings.
D. He used strong, heavy brush strokes, intense emotions, and colors that appeared to almost pulsate
with energy.
13. Which of the following best described FAUVISM art movement?
A. It was a style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world beyond the logical, conscious,
physical one.
B. It was a style characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks and surprises.
C. It was an art style that incorporated elements from the native arts of the South Sea Islanders.
D. It was a style that used bold, vibrant colors and visual distortions.
14. Which of the following best described SURREALISM art movement?
A. It was a style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world beyond the logical, conscious,
physical one.
B. It was a style characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks and surprises.
C. It was an art style that incorporated elements from the native arts of the South Sea Islanders.
D. It was a style that used bold, vibrant colors and visual distortions.
15. Which of the following best described ABSTRACTIONISM?
A. A style derived its name from the cube, a three dimensional geometric figure composed of strictly
measured lines, planes, and angles.
B. Artists reduced a scene into geometrical shapes, patterns, lines, angles, textures and swirls of color.
C. In this style, basic forms such as planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders all fit together precisely and
neatly in their appointed places.
D. Lines, shapes, and colors were used in a cool, impersonal approach that aimed for balance, unity,
and stability
I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. What do you call the ability of an individual to perform prolonged work continuously, where the work involves
large muscle groups?
A. Agility B. Coordination C. Speed D. Cardiovascular endurance
2. What is the ability to start (or accelerate), stop (or decelerate and stabilize), and change direction quickly,
while maintaining posture?
A. Agility B. Coordination C. Speed D. Cardiovascular endurance
3. What do you call the different activities held during one’s leisure time?
A. Recreation B. Hobbies C. Mannerism D. Pastime
4. It is any concept, step, or advice that various sources give to aid the health status of an individual. What is
A. Healthy B. Health education C. Health status D. Health information
5. Service, lob, clear, drive, drop, smash, footwork are the basic skills of what sport?
A. tennis B. table Tennis C. badminton D. basketball
6. What sport has the basic skills like pitching, hitting, base running, catching, fielding?
A. baseball B. football C. badminton D. basketball
7. What sport has the basic skills like passing, receiving, serving, attacking, digging, blocking?
A. volleyball B. table Tennis C. badminton D. basketball
8. It is a rough measure of body composition that is useful for classifying the health risks of body weight.
What is it?
A. blood Pressure B. sugar level C. BMI D. heart rate
9. What do you call the patterns of behavior with regards to eating like choosing available food, preparing it,
deciding where to eat, which rules to follow, and who to dine with?
A. sleeping syndrome
B. eating habits
C. eating patterns
D. energy drinking
10. The following are the Health Benefits of sports and recreational activities EXCEPT.
A. lower blood pressure, reduced arthritis pain, weight loss and lowered risk of diabetes
B. release of stress from demands of everyday living
C. road map to good health and longevity
D. improved quality of life
11. The following are the Social benefits of sports and recreational activities EXCEPT.
A. opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances
B. strengthen social networks and community identity
C. greater personal confidence and self-esteem
D. bonding with family and friends
12. How do you describe WEIGHT GAIN?
A. energy consumed is greater than energy expended = more food intake but less physical exertion
B. energy consumed is less than energy expended = more physical exertion but less food intake
C. energy consumed equals energy expended = physical exertion is the same with food intake
D. energy consumed divided by energy expended = physical exertion is the divided by with food intake.
13. How do you describe WEIGHT LOSS?
A. energy consumed is greater than energy expended = more food intake but less physical exertion
B. energy consumed is less than energy expended = more physical exertion but less food intake
C. energy consumed equals energy expended = physical exertion is the same with food intake
D. energy consumed divided by energy expended = physical exertion is the divided by with food intake.
14. How do you describe WEIGHT MAINTENANCE?
A. energy consumed is greater than energy expended = more food intake but less physical exertion
B. energy consumed is less than energy expended = more physical exertion but less food intake
C. energy consumed equals energy expended = physical exertion is the same with food intake
D. energy consumed divided by energy expended = physical exertion is the divided by with food intake.
15. Which of the following is NOT true about the Energy Calculator or e-calc?
A. assesses the nutritional status of individuals
B. calculates the body mass index (BMI) of individuals
C. calculates energy intake and energy expenditure to check energy balance
D. computes stress equivalents and food protein equivalents to burn excess proteins

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is any concept, step, or advice that various sources give to aid the health status of an individual. What is
A. Health Service
B. Health Information
C. Healthcare Facilities
D. Health Insurance
2. What do you call the different programs that aim to appraise the health conditions of individuals through
screening and examinations, cure and treat disorders, prevent and control the spread of diseases, provide
safety, emergency care, and first aid, and ensure a follow-up program for individuals who have undergone
A. Health Services
B. Health Professionals
C. Healthcare Facilities
D. Health Insurance
3. What is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of
healthcare costs?
A. Health Service
B. Health Professionals
C. Healthcare Facilities
D. Health Insurance
4. It is an institution where people undergo medical diagnosis, care and treatment. What is it?
A. Hospital B. School C. Health Center D. Nursery
5. It is a form of energy medicine where long thin needles are inserted to specific parts of the body to affect the
energy flow. What alternative medicine is it?
A. Reflexology B. Acupressure C. Acupuncture D. Ventosa cupping massage
6. What alternative medicine focuses on treating specific disorders through massaging of the soles of the feet?
A. Reflexology B. Acupressure C. Acupuncture D. Ventosa cupping massage
7. What do you call procedure which is done by placing inverted glasses that have flames from burning cotton,
on specific points in the body and is believed to relieve muscle and joint pains?
A. Reflexology B. Acupressure C. Acupuncture D. Ventosa cupping massage
8. What is the public health insurance of the Philippines?
A. PhilHelp B. PhilHealth C. Medicare D. PhilHeal
9. What is a health fraud that can be found in advertisement, promotion, or sale of products and services that
have NOT been scientifically proven safe and effective?
A. doctor B. herbal medicine C. quakery D. alternative medicines
10. These are three major characteristics of health quackery EXCEPT one.
A. It is a big business.
B. It is 100% effective.
B. It multiplies and spreads fast
C. it thrives on individuals who are diagnosed with illnesses that are known to have no cure.
11. Which of the following best describes MEDICAL QUACKERY?
A. It includes cures, treatments, and remedies of various health conditions that are drugless or
bloodless in nature.
B. It involves promotion of food fads and other nutritional practices that claim to be all-natural.
C. It makes use of miraculous gadgets (such as dials, gauges, electrodes, magnets, and blinkers) that
are believed to cure certain health conditions.
D. It covers expense refers to the coverage of medical services that can be paid by the company
issuing the health insurance.
12. Which of the following best describes NUTRITION QUACKERY?
A. It includes cures, treatments, and remedies of various health conditions that are drugless or
bloodless in nature.
B. It involves promotion of food fads and other nutritional practices that claim to be all-natural.
C. It makes use of miraculous gadgets (such as dials, gauges, electrodes, magnets, and blinkers) that
are believed to cure certain health conditions.
D. It covers expense refers to the coverage of medical services that can be paid by the company
issuing the health insurance.
13. Which of the following best describes DEVICE QUACKERY?
A. It includes cures, treatments, and remedies of various health conditions that are drugless or
bloodless in nature.
B. It involves promotion of food fads and other nutritional practices that claim to be all-natural.
C. It makes use of miraculous gadgets (such as dials, gauges, electrodes, magnets, and blinkers) that
are believed to cure certain health conditions.
D. It covers expense refers to the coverage of medical services that can be paid by the company
issuing the health insurance.
14. Which of the following best describes the CONSUMER ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES?
A. Protects the interest of the consumer, promotes general welfare, and establishes standards of
conduct for business and industry.
B. Legalizes the use of human organs for surgical, medical and scientific purposes.
C. Strengthens health and dental services in the rural areas.
D. Law on reporting of Communicable Diseases.
15. The following are some actions that may be taken to evaluate a health insurance EXCEPT one.
A. Don’t shop around for other options.
B. Obtain and read carefully a copy of the health insurance plan.
C. Ask questions of representatives from the health insurance plan.
D. Choose plans that give the most comprehensive coverage at the most affordable price.


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