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New SACE Emax 2

From Circuit-breaker to Power Manager

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Circuit-breakers switch power
SACE Emax 2 manages it.

SACE Emax 2 is the new benchmark of air circuit-breakers.

Efficient and simple to use, the range offers innovative
solutions for today’s needs, while anticipating those of
The air circuit-breaker becomes a Power Manager with
unique performance that is able to control electrical
installations. It is simply integrated into all projects: from
standard systems to the most complex and automated
networks. Lighting up the future of energy.

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Efficiency and control
The power needed, when needed.

SACE Emax 2 air circuit-breakers up to 6300A have been designed

to increase efficiency in all installations: from industrial and naval
applications to traditional and renewable power generation
installations, buildings, data centers and shopping centers.
Reliable protection and systems managed with competence.

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Thanks to the exclusive Power Controller function, the availa- The exclusive Network Analyzer function controls the quality
ble power can be utilized more efficiently and cleaner energy of energy in real time.
can be used. The Power Controller, patented by ABB, discon-
nects non-priority utilities during the times when consumption The innovative Ekip Touch and Hi Touch protection trip units in the
limits need to be respected and connects them again as soon G version include all functions of generator protection switchgear,
as it is appropriate. When required, Emax 2 automatically acti- offering a safe control solution that is ready to use and requires no
vates auxiliary power supplies such as generator sets. external devices, wiring or inspections.

The Ekip Touch trip units measure power and energy with Productivity, efficiency, and savings, are guaranteed.
precision and save the most recent alarms, events and mea-
surements in order to prevent faults to the installation or trip
effectively when necessary.

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Integration is easy. Even from afar.

SACE Emax 2 series circuit-breakers have been designed to be

integrated directly into all types of switchgear and automation
and energy management systems to improve productivity and
energy consumption. Complete integration into smart grids, in
buildings and industrial plants is possible.

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All circuit-breakers can be equipped with communication All circuit-breaker functions are also accessible via the Inter-
units for use with Modbus, Profibus and Devicenet protocols net, in complete safety, through the Ekip Link switchgear su-
and with the modern Modbus TCP, Profinet and Ethernet IP pervision system and the Ekip Control Panel operator panel.
protocols, which can be installed directly on the terminal box
at any time. The power and auxiliary connections are optimized to simplify
connection to the switchgear. The power terminals, which can
The integrated IEC61850 communication module enables be oriented horizontally or vertically, have been designed for
connection to automation systems and intelligent networks the most common busbars, while the push-in connections of
(Smart Grids). the auxiliaries ensure immediate and safe wiring.

Accurate measurements of current, voltage, power and ener-

gy are all available by means of the communication modules
and allow the trip units to be used as multimeters.

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A size for every requirement.

SACE Emax 2 series air circuit-breakers offer tailored

performance to meet the demands of today’s installations.
Four sizes are available for creating switchgear of compact
dimensions and high performance, with busbars of optimized
length and cross-sections.

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E1.2 E2.2 E4.2 E6.2

E1.2 offers 1,600A with breaking capacity up to 66kA, and E6.2 is the top of the range model with a breaking capacity of
withstand current of 50kA for 1 second. It enables switchgear up to 200kA and a structure that allows 6,300A to be reached
of 66kA to be built in units of 400mm, which are indispensa- in switchgear, even in complex installation conditions.
ble in places where reduced dimensions are essential, such
as in naval and offshore installations. The sizes from E2.2 to E6.2 have the same height and depth.

E2.2 enables ratings of up to 2,500A to be achieved in High short-time currents, together with the efficiency of the
switchgear with a width of 400mm. In addition, it provides protection functions, guarantee complete selectivity in all
short-circuit currents up to 100kA and withstand current of situations. Accurate design and choice of materials enable
85kA for 1 second. optimization of the overall dimensions of the circuit-breaker. In
this way switchgear of compact dimensions can be built and
E4.2 is the new 4,000A circuit-breaker, designed to withstand a 30% savings at the same performance can be obtained.
high short-circuit and withstand currents of 100kA for 1 se-
cond without the need for particular precautions.

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Ease of use and safety
Everything under control and
problem free.

Simplified installation and maintenance. The SACE Emax 2

series circuit-breakers are equipped with protection trip units
containing a large colour touch-screen display for maximum
ease of use. Productivity is increased while all stages, from
design to daily operations, are simplified.

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Double insulation between the front of the switchgear and live SACE Emax 2 circuit-breakers use the same protection trip
parts, plus essential information, that is clearly available in the units, auxiliary connections and main accessories throughout
central area of the shield, ensure operation in complete safety. the range.

Access from the front, without having to remove the shield, The Ekip Touch protection trip units are equipped with a large
simplifies maintenance. colour touch-screen display that ensures safe and intuitive
operation. The Ekip units can be programmed and consulted
The withdrawable circuit-breaker can be inserted and remo- from a tablet, smart phone or portable PC via the Ekip Con-
ved via dedicated guide rails that simplify movement. The nect application, which allows the parameters of the safety
correct movement from the “racked-out” position to the “test” devices calculated in the DOC project software to be automa-
position and then to the “racked-in” position is guaranteed tically downloaded into the units, without errors.
by a lock in each position. The shutters of the fixed part can
be locked, even from the front, for maximum safety when The trip units are easily interchangeable from the front of the
the circuit-breaker is removed. The shutters of the upper circuit-breaker, and all communication units can be installed
terminals are independent of those of the lower terminals to directly on the terminal box with just a few simple operations.
facilitate checking and maintenance operations.

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Product conformity
Approvals and certification.

Scatto da realizzare -

The SACE Emax 2 circuit-breakers and their accessories have

been built in compliance with the international IEC 60947, EN
60947 (harmonized in 30 CENELEC countries), CEI EN 60947
and IEC 61000 Standards, and conform to EC “Low Voltage
Directives” (LVD) and “Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive”

The main versions of the devices are about to be approved

by the following shipping registers: RINA, Lloyd’s Register
of Shipping, ABS Germanischer Lloyd, Bureau Veritas, Det
Norske Veritas, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, CCS
and NKK.

The ABB air circuit-breakers also include a range that has

been certified according to American UL 1066 Standards; it is
also certified by the Russian certification body GOST (Russia
Certificate of Conformity) and has achieved China CCC Certi-
fication (China Compulsory Certification).

For the types of certified circuit-breakers, certified ratings and

corresponding validity, please contact ABB SACE.

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Quality and Sustainability
Company efficiency and integrated
management systems.

The involvement of all company departments and the organi- A further commitment aimed at safeguarding the environment
zation of processes since the eighties have lead the company has been achieved by assessing the products’ life cycle (LCA,
to develop, implement and certify management systems in Life Cycle Assessment). This includes assessment and im-
compliance with international standards: provement of the environmental performance of the products
throughout their entire life cycle, beginning from the initial
− − ISO 9001 for quality management design stage.
− − IRIS for the quality of supplies in the railway sector (Interna-
tional Railway Industry Standards) The materials, processes and packaging are chosen so that
− − ISO 14001 for environmental management the real environmental impact of the product is optimized, in-
− − OHSAS 18001 for the management of the health and safe- cluding considerations for their energy efficiency and recycla-
ty of employees in the workplace bility.
− − SA 8000 for the management of social responsibility.

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SACE Emax 2
Electrical characteristics.

Common data
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 690
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12
Frequency [Hz] 50 - 60
Number of poles 3-4
Version Fixed - Withdrawable

SACE Emax 2
Performance levels
Rated uninterrupted current Iu @ 40°C [A]
Neutral pole current-carrying capacity for 4-pole CBs [%Iu]
400-415 V [kA]
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu
690 V [kA]
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics [%Icu]
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA]
Utilization category (according to IEC 60947-2)
H - Fixed / Withdrawable [mm]
Dimensions D - Fixed / Withdrawable [mm]
W - Fixed 3p / 4p / 4p Fs | Withdrawable 3p / 4p / 4p Fs [mm]
Automatic circuit-breakers @ 690-1150 V AC
Switch-disconnectors @ 690-1150V AC, 1000 V DC
Available versions Sectionalizing truck
Earthing switch with making capacity
Earthing truck

Protection trip units Ekip Dip

Distribution Protection

Power control —

Generators —

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E1.2 E2.2 E4.2 E6.2
630 630 250 630 1600 800 250 800 3200 3200 3200 2000 4000 4000 4000
800 800 630 800 2000 1000 800 1000 4000 4000 4000 2500 5000 5000 5000
1000 1000 800 1000 1250 1000 1250 3200 6300 6300 6300
1250 1250 1000 1250 1600 1250 1600 4000
1600 1600 1250 2000 1600 2000
1600 2500 2000 2500
100 100 100 50-100
42 50 66 150 42 66 85 100 66 85 100 150 100 150 200
42 42 50 60 42 66 66 85 66 66 85 100 100 100 120
100 100 100 (1) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 85 100 100 100
42 42 50 15 42 66 66 85 66 66 85 100 100 100 120
296 / 363.5 371 / 425 371 / 425 371 / 425
183 / 271 270 / 383 270 / 383 270 / 383
210 / 280 | 278 / 348 276 / 366 | 317 / 407 384 / 510 | 425 / 551 762 / 888 / 1014 | 803 / 929 / 1069
• • • •
• • • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
lcs: 50kA for 400V…440V voltage

Ekip Touch Ekip Hi-Touch Ekip G Touch Ekip G Hi-Touch

Protection and Measurement Protection, Measurement, — —

Network analyzer
Protection and Measurement Protection, Measurement, Protection and Measurement Protection, Measurement,
Network analyzer Network analyzer
— — Protection and Measurement Protection, Measurement,
Network analyzer

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Contact us

ABB SACE The data and illustrations are not binding.

We reserve the right to make changes in the course
A division of ABB S.p.A.
of technical development of the product.
L.V. Breakers
Via Baioni, 35 © Copyright 2013 ABB.
24123 Bergamo - Italy All rights reserved.
Phone: +39 035 395.111
Fax: +39 035 395.306-433

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