Richard La Ruina Gambler - Beyond Pickup

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Richard La Ruina (AKA Gambler)

Imagine large groups of women competing for the chance to
leave the bar – the club - the lounge…with you.

The hardest “work” you’ve got to do all night?

Deciding which girl you’re going to be taking home, and

explaining to the dozens of other girls that they should simply
try again tomorrow.

Sounds like Total BS right? Pure fantasy…something only Brad

Pitt or Colin Farrell Could pull off. Right?

Not so fast…

If you had come to me 18 months ago and told me that this

is something any guy can pull off…and pull off easily…I would
have told you to get real.

I would have told you what you needed to be doing was

getting out in the field, doing approach after approach – put
the “tried and true” PUA tactics into action, night after night
until you began to see the behavioral patterns emerge, until
you got the calibration, the situational intelligence to handle

everything your targets through at you. I would have told you
that pickup was a skill set that had to be mastered over a
long period of time.

But that was 18 months ago. And that was before

everything changed.

“It was a Saturday night in central London... just like

any other...”

Or so I thought…

My wing and I (“Antony P” for all of you guys who have taken
the Platinum Residential) were at Café De Paris, a place that, at
the time was our “go to” spot for night game on the weekend.

This was right around the time that the first few pieces of
Stealth began to fall in place for me and the quality of girls
I was getting and the consistency started to go through
the roof.

On this particular night I had already number closed two

very cute chicks and was hard at work gaming the third girl
of the night.

But this girl wasn’t like any other I’d ever talked to. No.

This was by far the hottest girl I’d ever truly gamed and what’s
more, practically everything I said and did with this girl “hit.”

I’d came in under the radar and within minutes she was asking
me questions, pulling me into her, getting touchy with me.
Every “irresistible asshole” line I threw at her landing with
perfection and all signs pointed to a same night lay…

But then she was gone...

A quick “I’ve got to go to the bathroom! Be right back!!!”

And she was gone.

I went back to my wing and we broke down the set. What had
gone wrong? Where did I mess up? It didn’t make any sense.

Everything was working, every IOI (indicator of interest) was

there, yet right when her head next to mine on my pillow
seemed like a foregone conclusion – she disappeared.

As we tossed around ideas - possible reasons how this could

have happened, I caught sight of my girl in my peripheral.

She was sitting in a group of what looked to 15 girls, probably
half blondes, half brunettes, all of whom were surrounding
this goofy looking…severely overweight guy.

What the f$%k was going on?

I watched closely as the girls interacted with him. As much

as I hated not getting my girl, I am always looking to model
people who are getting better results than myself, so I wanted
to see what was going on here.

But something was strange about was happening.

In the past when I’d seen situations like this, the guy was
holding court with massive displays of charisma. You know,
the guy with the gift of gab who entrances everyone around
him with the perfect blend of storytelling, humour and wit.

Not this guy.

He was sort of slumped back in his seat, as the girls fought

for the chance to speak with him, one at a time.

Each girl would get a few minutes in with him and then as if
he was Donald Trump in the Apprentice it was “you’re fired…”
and onto the next one.

It was like nothing I’d ever seen.

I searched my brain for a possible explanation of what was

going on and the only thing I could think of was this must
be some sort of Billionaire mogul guy and these girls were
simply being paid to keep him company.

“Perfect…” I thought…the attraction for him wasn’t real and I

still had a chance with my girl.

Or so I thought…

I manoeuvred myself over to the table, making sure not to be

noticed by the guy in the middle of the pack and tapped my
girl on the shoulder. She turned around, smiled brightly and
before I could even open my mouth she exclaimed

“Richard, you HAVE to meet my friend Alex…you guys would

be GREAT friends!”

A handshake with the overweight…almost cartoonishly -goofy

looking guy…a few pleasantries exchanged…and wouldn’t
you know it…I actually did like this guy.

He wasn’t cocky like I expected. He wasn’t dismissive. He
didn’t come across like any of the other super-wealthy guys
I’d met in London. And there was good reason for that.

You see…

He wasn’t wealthy. He didn’t have money…heck...

He didn’t even have a JOB! Not to mention a place of his own.

Turns out this guy was 23 years old, penniless, and

Living On His Mother’s Couch!

How did I find this out?


Alex became one of my best mates.

And in the days, weeks, and months that followed I got to

know Alex very well.

In fact, we became partners in crime.

(Alex is the goofy guy on the right!)

Every night we’d hit a different bar, a different club, a different

lounge and the result was always the same. By the end of the
night, we’d be surrounded with usually a dozen…sometimes
more women. And not the 5’s and 6’s but the TRUE 9’s and
10’s. The kind of girls you see on Maxim covers. The kind of
girls you’ve been seeing on my facebook profile for the past
year or so.

Then, it was back to my place in Picadilly Circus for the after party.

Admittedly, my place wasn’t very nice. Not to mention…pretty
damn dirty!

But it didn’t matter because as sure as the sunrises and as sure

as the sun sets…each of these nights would end the same.

Myself, Alex, the girls and a few bottles of booze and Redbull
back at my cramped little flat in Picadilly Circus. And when
dawn’s early light would creep in, we’d gently let the girls
who didn’t “make the cut” let them know it was time to leave.

And the girls that were left?

I’d grab a few and take them to my room.

Alex would take his and shack up in my guestroom.

And the real fun would begin.

That is what this report is about.

It’s about gaming in a whole new way, a way where nights out
are easy and effortless.

It’s about gaming in a way where the girls come to you….

And they come to you in droves.

What type of girls?

Whatever type you want.

I’ll tell you from personal experience that this particular style
of game works especially well on with the real-life 9’s and 10’s.

The chicks you see on the Covers of Maxim and FHM and
yes…even the covers of Playboy. Though I guess that shouldn’t
have come to a surprise to me. After all…Alex’s on-again-off-
again girlfriend is one of Europe’s top rated cover girls.

Not too shabby for a 23-year old, overweight kid without

a job…

If you think the kind of game I’m talking about right here
sounds too good to be true…if you think the idea of never
having to approach and always being surrounded by fresh
new circles of incredibly beautiful women who want to (and
get to) sleep with you just sounds a little bit out there…I get it.

I understand.

As you already know, the first time I saw Alex in the field –
the night he took my girl away from me – I couldn’t even
believe it. And I was there – it was happening in front of my
own two eyes.

It was only after I witnessed the things he was doing night

in and night out that I believed this time of game was
even possible.

And only after I had successfully reverse-engineered Alex’s

game and used it for myself that I came to the conclusion that
this type of game was something that literally any guy can
use and reap its sweet rewards.

So what I ask of you right now is that you consider the
possibility that this stuff might be true just long enough for
you to make your way through the content in this report
and I will do two things for you.

1. I will take much of what you thought you knew about

game and throw it out the window

2. And I’ll prove to you that you really can walk into any room,
anywhere, any time and very quickly have large groups of
women competing for the chance to sleep with you…without
ever having to do a cold approach.

And with that, let’s begin…


What causes a woman to feel attraction?


When she recognizes that the guy standing in front of her is

a guy who possesses massive amounts of value, she begins
to feel a biologically compulsion to get that guy into bed.

The reasons for this are evolutionary. Women cannot exist by
themselves. They need men to protect them and to provide
for them and their prospective offspring.

The more value a man has, the better the chances are that
these two things will happen for the woman and her child.

This is because a man who possesses great value will have

better access to social alliances and better access to scarce
resources. It is these two capabilities that make a man of
high status biologically irresistible to a woman.

Put a bum off the street in front of a woman and she’ll do

everything she can to pretend she’s not even in the same
room as the guy.

Put a superstar athlete in front of her and watch as she

sticks her chest out and arches her lower back to make
her butt look shapelier in the hopes that he takes notice,
knocks her up, and takes care of her and her baby for the
rest of her life.

Our goal then is to signal to her that we are in fact that

“superstar athlete” – that guy who she knows beyond a
shadow of the doubt is of the absolute highest possible

value. When we do this, she wants to sleep with us. She
wants to get us in bed and she wants to do it AS FAST

This is because she knows that if she waits – if she hesitates

even for a millisecond – this high status guy will be receiving
other offers from women who are as attractive or potentially
even more so.

If you have been in the seduction community for any amount of

time, there is a good chance you have already been exposed,
at least in part, to the information I just laid out for you.

But here’s the thing – knowing WHY women feel attraction

and knowing WHY women look to get high status men into
bed won’t get you laid.

You have to know HOW to do it.

And until now, that’s where EVERY PUA OUT THERE HAS

They’ve know why attraction happens but they were dead

wrong about what causes it and how.

The secret Alex shared me and what I’m going to reveal to
you in the pages that follow is how to really trigger attraction
in a woman.

How to do it in a way that causes her to respond to you in

the same way that they respond to that superstar athlete we
discussed just moments ago…

Her tits perk up, her butt sticks out and she begins to put on
the “full court press”, doing everything she can to get YOU
into bed as fast as physically possible.

After all, the future of her offspring depends upon it.


Put any pickup artist in the world into a club with Leonardo
Dicaprio and watch as the PUA’s girls leave him the millisecond
that they get word Dicaprio is within a 500 foot radius of them.

Dicaprio sits at his table, with a few bottles of champagne in

front of him – perhaps a dozen fresh strawberries, and he
does pretty much nothing. Yet all throughout the club, word
spreads that ‘Leo’ is in the building and they flock to his table.

Most are not successful. They are held back by security –
told that they’d have a better chance of getting in touch with
him by sending some fan mail.

But a few of the girls are let through to his table– the hottest
ones, of course, and for the rest of the night they jockey for
position, showing as much cleavage as they possibly can and
doing everything in their power to show Leo that they have
what it takes to be the girl that he chooses to go home with.

Notice how Leo is doing any ‘work’. Notice how he isn’t ‘cold
approaching’. Notice how he isn’t particularly worried if he’s
getting laid that night. The only question is with whom.

And the answer to that question is his choice and his

choice alone.

Now flash back to the Pickup Artist. He’s in the field. He’s
doing his approaches and he’s running his game. Let’s for the
sake of this example say he’s running great game.

But each time he’s halfway through his stories and just as he’s
about to escalate - she rushes off to find Dicaprio, leaving him
standing there and looking like an idiot.

Why is this happening?

Sure, Dicaprio is a big time Celeb – I know, I get it.

But there’s something very important going on here and

understanding it will make the difference between being
a guy who gets laid like Dicaprio….without ever breaking a
sweat…and being the down-on-his-luck PUA who no matter
how hard he tries, no matter how many sets he approaches,
he just can’t seem to make it happen.

How is it that a woman knows the value of the man she’s
interacting with? How is it that she know the value of the man
that’s 10 feet away from her?

The answer lies in what’s called Value Signaling.

At any given point in time there are a barrage of signals

and cues being given off both by the male, and by what’s
happening around him that indicate his level of value to
the woman.

How are people responding to him?

The other men? The women?

Is he doing most of the work or is he sitting around while

others do the work for him?

Where is he positioned in the environment?

Is he sitting at the best table in the house or is he standing

scrunched up against the wall near the bathroom as other
people accidentally elbow him on their way in, as the rush to
relieve themselves?

Is he with women, and if he is – are they beautiful?

Is he with guys, and if he is – what’s their status?

Is he hanging out with the owner of a major sports franchise?

Or is he hanging out with a couple of guys who look like they
haven’t had a shower in weeks…and a good lay…in years?

These questions and countless more are all filtering through

a woman’s head at all times and she is making her judgments
of your value, and of everyone around you, at all times.

Notice that at no point did I ask “What is this guy saying to me?”
or “How many cool stories is he telling me about himself?”

And there’s a good reason for this.

It’s because while yes, she does take into account the things
a man is doing and saying….the weight which she is assigning
to these factors in determining your value is miniscule.

And there’s a very good reason why…


The reason why the things you say and do on- on-one with
a woman are assigned a very low weight in her mind, with
regard to her perception of your value is because these are
all things that you could potentially FAKE.

They are things, which are under your conscious control

and at a deep, biological level her ‘mating mind’ knows that
every male will attempt to maximize his chances of displaying
‘indicators of high value’.

If she were to place a great emphasis on the things men said

and did while directly interacting with her, there would be a

VERY high chance that she makes a MISTAKE in accurately
gauging the man’s value.

And the result wouldn’t be pretty.

Think about the evolutionary implications of the woman

who thought she was about to sleep with the leader of the
free world but then wakes up in the morning and realizes
that she’s just slept with some guy who has been living off
the street…

And even worse – she’s going to have his baby. And no one
will be there to take care of it. Not to mention that her baby will
share 50 percent of his/her genetic makeup with someone
who couldn’t even survive in the world.

It’s a nightmare and over the course of hundreds of thousands

of years her internal mating mechanisms have built defenses
to protect her from having this happen.


As I touched upon before, what women are really looking at
when determining your value – and thus your attractiveness
– are third-party and environmental cues that tell her where
you stand on the value spectrum.

If everything in the environment is telling her that you are the value
equivalent of a Leonardo Dicaprio or a Johnny Depp, her ‘mating
machinery’ will start firing and she’ll begin doing whatever it is she
can to get you into bed and make you hers.

Even if you don’t really have an ounce of fame, reputation, or money.

If you’re talking a “good game” but everything in the environment

is signaling to her that you’re the kind of guy who couldn’t hold
down a job at McDonalds for more than a week, she’s going to start
looking for the bathroom, her friends, or any other excuse she can
to walk away from you.

Because from an evolutionary perspective, every moment she

spends watching your dog and pony show is a minute that could
be spent going after the guy she’s really looking for – the guy with
the value she not only demands, but craves.

When you take this into account, you begin to see why the traditional
‘PUA’ stuff out there is severely limited and why until now, the things
you have been trying likely have not been working.

It has all been focused on attempting to directly influence her

perception of your value – something which even if you spent 10
years mastering – still wouldn’t produce the kind of attraction in the
kinds of women you’re looking for.

And it’s the reason why the “community” for years, has been
advocating “approach, approach, approach.” Because in
their minds, if your chances aren’t very high you’d better start
running up the numbers quickly.

The key to turning everything around and starting to get

incredible attraction with women – the kind of attraction that
is so strong that if women even sense you’re in the room,
they will seek you out, introduce themselves and then drag
you to bed lies in something that I call….

What is Celebrity Engineering?

It is the practice of literally ‘engineering’ – creating and

controlling the barrage of value signals and the value cues
that women are receiving from the environment, at all times…

…and doing so in a way that elicits the “Leonardo Dicaprio”

response in every woman who steps foot in the same room
as you.

Doing it this way, though, is quite a bit easier than becoming

an international super celebrity.

This is the secret science that Alex had mastered, the secret
science he shared with me, that allows him – a 23 year old,
overweight, penniless kid – to date Maxim Cover models,
steal girls off celebrities and leave the club every night with
a different gorgeous woman…all without ever having to do a
cold approach.

When you can engineer celebrity, you can literally have

any woman you want and you can have her without doing
any work.

All you need to do is understand how to set up your

environment so that every third party signal a woman
receives indicates to her that you are of the same caliber as
a pro-athlete, a movie star, or a billionaire mogul.

Celebrity engineering is literally the next evolution in attraction

science. And I use the term ‘evolution’ because you can use
it to outsmart, outmaneuver and flat-out trick her evolutionary
mechanisms into kicking themselves into overdrive the
moment she walks into the same room as you…even if you’ve
never done a damn thing worth bragging about in your life.

Even if the last date you had was your best friend’s sister at
your high school prom…

The entire scope celebrity engineering – and it is quite literally
a science – is beyond the scope of this report. There are many
facets to it – ingroup/outgroup signaling – authority linking –
perceptual effort engineering – strategic social positioning
– attraction cascading – competitive encouragement – third
party signal installations - and that’s just to name a few.

What I’d like to do here for you right now, is give you an example
of what Celebrity Engineering looks like, a brief snapshot of
Celebrity Engineering in action, and then I’ll break it down
for you, pulling out the key takeaways and strategic moves
that will be most beneficial to you so that you can come
away from reading this report with a solid understanding of
how to putting Celebrity Engineering to work in your life and
start having gorgeous women throwing themselves at you,
because of it.


Alex and I arrive at …………………. , Nightclub, a posh little lounge/
club we had never been to, before, in the Mayfair area of
central London. Standing outside in the club, in a queue that
looks to wrap around the entire city block are hundreds of
beautiful women and their dates.

We walk up to the doorman. Alex puts his hand on the
doorman’s upper arm, whispers a few words to him and after
a quick nod of the head, the rope is lifted and we’re escorted
into the nightclub past the hostesses’ booth. Our cover has
been waved.

We walk down
the stairs and find
ourselves amidst a sea
of exquisite looking
women, bottles of
champagne and men
who look to be very,
very, well established
in this world.

Moments later I see Alex talking to one of the table Hostesses.

He is asking her to speak to the manager. I’ve seen this; it
seems, a thousand times before. Following her lead, we
move from the main floor to a side room, which we are told is
the VIP. It’s pretty damn nice in here. Wouldn’t mind hanging
around for a while.

The manager appears and we all shake hands. Alex smiles
and lets him know how much we are enjoying our night at the
club – that the club’s main competitor …………………. (which is
actually much nicer) is really getting boring and going downhill
because the crowd there changed from what it used to be.

The manager nods his head in a agreement, making no

attempt to hide his smile.

Next, Alex lets the manager know that we’re going to be

headed somewhere else later in the evening, so he wanted to
make sure they spoke early in the night because he’s having a
big group of clients come to town next weekend and wanted
to know what the club could arrange for with regard to bottle
service and maybe a few sushi platters for the group.

The manager, already pleased with what he’s been hearing

from Alex, adjusts his suit jacket and lets Alex (and myself)
know that this is all stuff we can discuss later in the evening
but that for now, we should enjoy a few drinks with him and
meet his friends at his table in the VIP.

We walk with the manager to a slightly raised cabana on the

right side of the room. In it, are half a dozen gorgeous women,
a few trendy looking guys (pretty darn sure they’re gay), a

bottle of Grey Goose Magnum, and a Bottle of Dom Perigion.
One by one, the manager introduces us to each woman.
Letting them know that we are his friends from out of town and
instructing them to take good care of us – we are absolutely
“killer guys”.

Then we’re introduced to the guys – they seem cool.

A bottle hostess pours drinks for each of us and the girls

begin chatting with us; leaning in and playing with their hair.
A few drinks later, we’re all having a great time.

Alex, myself, and the girls. The manager has gone off to the
main floor to make his rounds but we’re still with his girls. No
idea where the other guys went.

On the periphery of our table I catch a group of 3 girls dancing

together clutching their purses.

They’re all dressed in black, have long legs and look absolutely
stunning. Maybe even more so then the girls we’re with. I
catch eyes with one of them and she smiles.


I shake her hand.

Alex is still talking to the manager’s friends.

Almost as if on cue, all the girls’ friends come up to me and

introduce themselves. Alex sees what’s happening and pops
over and says a few ridiculous things (he’s obsurd…) but the
girls don’t seem to mind.

I regain control of the situation before Alex does anything

too crazy (one of his favorite things to do is tell girls I’m with
that I’m an axe murderer…seriously) and I introduce our new
friends to the manager’s girl.

They look a little bit irked, but they smile and they begin chit
chatting with the girls we’ve just brought into the cabana.
Hours later, we’re all drunk.

I don’t usually drink so I’m really feeling it.

Two of the girls are cozied up next to me. The other has
wondered off and Alex is nowhere to be found. My best guess
is he’s gone off to beg someone for a cigarette because he
quite literally can’t afford them himself.

The girls ask me where the after party is. I tell them it’s at the
“Penthouse” (I don’t actually have a penthouse but the view
is decent) and the girls seem excited.

Alex comes back to the table, somehow he’s managed to

find two Swedish girls. He tells us that they’re “friends of his
mum’s…” we all laugh.

Minutes later we’re all headed back to my place……

Alex and his girl did it on the couch.

I did mine in my room (sure pays to have a place)


The night I’ve just described took place a few weeks ago. It
was fairly typical but of course, every night is slightly different.
Venues change, the women change, and social logistics
change. Some nights we go to bars, other nights crowded
dance clubs, others laid back lounges.

At each venue, the strategies we use are slightly different.

There’s a different blueprint to follow for each situation but
still, the results are usually near-identical.

An after party at my place – a pack of girls who we’ve just
met or have slept with – Alex staking his claim on my living
room couch – and my girl(s) with me in my bedroom.
Now let’s revisit the scene, this time going through, play-by-
play, breaking down a few of the major manoeuvres that were
made to engineer the results we wanted – girls in bed.

The first thing Alex did immediately upon entering the venue
was he sought out the manager. The reason why he did
this was he always works as quickly as he can to establish
association with the environment’s authority figure.

In this case, that figure was the manager of the night club. To
do this, he came in under the pretence that he was looking to
entertain clients and spend big-time money with the venue.
This is not something he uses in every situation. It is something
he uses from time to time to get immediate association and
establishment with the manager when we’ve never been to a
place before and we don’t know anyone in the environment.
Again, there are about a dozen other ways he could have
gone about doing this, but on this night, in this particular
instance, he chose this approach.

The reason he immediately sought to establish association

with authority was twofold. The first was to link himself,
by association, to the most authoritative person in the
environment. People look to authority figures in all situations
to make decisions and choices about how they should
behave. By linking himself to the manager, he was signaling
to the environment (everyone in the club) that he was high
status and that the kind of company he keeps is the like of
the club manager. Also, authority is very easily transferable.
If you see one high status person, talking to another – the
baseline assumption is that the person in the authority figure’s
presence possesses high levels of value as well.

The second reason he established immediate association
with the environment’s authority figure is because it is the
fastest way to be granted in-group acceptance.

In every social environment there is an in group and an

out-group. The people on the inside are the ones who are
perceived to be having the most fun. They are the ones that
‘belong’. They are the people with the highest value. The
people outside of this small circle are the out-group. They
are the outsiders. They are the people who may very well
be having a good time, but they know that the ‘insiders’ are
having a better time. They might be pretty cool but in the
back of their minds they know that the ‘insiders’ are just a
little bit ‘cooler’.

Now there many, many factions of people in the club.

There may be multiple ‘cool’ groups. But there is always one

dominant group of insiders.

These are the people who Alex gets access to and acceptance
from first.

And the way he does this is by quickly associating with the

environment’s authority figure. The authority figure is the

person who holds the key to the in-group. When he says
“guys, here are alex and Richard – they are in” then we’re
in. He is the leader of the tribe and because of our inbuilt
responses to authority as well as a variety of unwritten social
codes and rules, the group has to listen.

And when they do, their behavior is immediately shaped.

What we do, once we’re in the group is pretty much irrelevant.

We’ve been bestowed access. We’ve been deemed important
in the eyes of the authority figure and the women in our
environment’s behavior has been pre-shaped.

Now obviously you can’t start doing ridiculous destructive

things (though Alex plays the line sometime), but you also
don’t have to do anything special once you are in. It’s the same
as the celebrity who sits on the phone texting, not talking to
anyone, as everyone else tries to get his attention. His value
is established, he has nothing to prove. It’s just there – and
everyone in his environment will act in accordance.

A quick point on moving from group to group: Later, if we want

to, we can move to the other groups and gain acceptance in
them (and access to their women) very quickly. It’s very very
easy. Once you’ve “unlocked” the top level, you can always

go back and play the levels beneath it. But it’s very very hard
to start at a bottom group and then work your way to the top.

Unless, of course you want to short cut it and the way to do

that is to go through the authority figure in the environment.

Usually, though, we just remain in the top group. The reason

for this is this gives us something called conspicuous social
display. We are allowing others to observe us on the ‘inside’.
We are allowing others to observe us receiving attention
and investment from the inside women and this is a very
powerful effect.

There are things we’re doing once we’re in the group to signal
to the rest of the group that we are actually of even higher
value than the other people on the inside (and you guys who
have stealth know a few of these tricks), but the thing to focus
on right now is simply the conspicuous social display.

Why is this so important? Simple. All of the women on the

outside of the in group want to be in the in group. It validates
their beauty. It makes them feel good. You can think of being
on the inside of the ingroup as being in the warm log cabin
and being outside, like being locked outside in the snow.

Just by virtue of your conspicuous social display of being on the
inside, you will have women coming up to you and trying to win
your attention and affection. They want to be on the inside too and
you are, in addition to be a male with very high perceived value,
someone who can grant them access – if they play their cards right.

Are you beginning to see how powerful this is?

In addition to the fact that her environmental cues are telling her
that you’re a highly valuable male – you’re also working with the
principle of commitment and consistency here. If a woman invests
time, effort, and energy into you – for any reason, or no reason at
all – her brain will rationalize her behavior with “I must really like
this guy to be working this hard” in order to maintain to maintain
cognitive dissonance.

These types of sub layers of value engineering are a bit outside the
scope of this particular report, but just know that these dynamics
are at play at all times while you are in an any sort of social setting.

So again, by utilizing conspicuous social display you are

simultaneously displaying some of the most powerful value cues
you possibly can in this type of environment and that the same time
you are actually physically drawing women into you. They will come
up to you. They will talk to you. They will dance near you. They

will position themselves close enough so that their butts are
rubbing up against your leg while talk to their friends. All they
want to do is be on the inside and they want to be on the
inside with you.

It’s as if you are at the center of a social whirpool. Your stay

put. The others get sucked in.

Then, once they are there, happy to finally be with you, you
will continue to layer on strategy after tactic to install the cues
and signals necessary for their internal mating mechanisms
to switch into “on” mode.

After that, it’s game over.

Are you seeing how this all works…and how powerful it is?
Of course, there are several more layers of intricacy. There
are specific display strategies, dozens of association with
authority strategies, various levels of acceptance and ways
to get them, and more ways than I can count to continue
ramping up your perceived values once they are on the inside
with you.

But this should give you a really solid understanding of

some of the broader forces at play and how you can start

manipulating and controlling them to engineer your value
and draw women into you, without ever having to get out in
the field and do approach, after approach – unless of course,
you really want to.

Something that’s important to take note of is that..


Though these certainly are among the best and EASIEST
places to go, if you want to add 9’s and 10’s to your resume.

Value (Celebrity) engineering is to be used in ALL social


The same social and environmental triggers and cues that are
present the clubs and the lounges apply across all venues.
It doesn’t matter if you’re gaming in the most exclusive night
club in New York City, or your college campus (Unviersity, here
in London) – social and environmental signaling is ALWAYS

Women’s mating mechanisms are always functioning based

on the environmental triggers and cues that she is being fed.

Your job as someone who has moved beyond pickup (the
name of this report!) is to recognize the cues and displays
that her brain is looking for in the environment to make her
mating decisions.

And then, your job is to exploit the dynamics of the environment

you’re in to feed her the signals and cues she requires for her
attraction machinery to flip on.

And once that happens, her mind is made up. She is going
to sleep with you. At this point it is out of her conscious
control. Her internal mating mechanisms have made her
mind up for her.

Well, actually – YOU have made up her mind for her.

But nature can’t tell the difference.


The information you have in your hands will make a dramatic
difference in your game, if you apply it.

The next time you are out gaming, understand that the majority
of the seduction is NOT taking place between you and her.
It’s taking place between her and her environment.

This is the key distinction. This is where everyone gets it wrong.
And this is where you can gain a competitive advantage of
nearly everyone out there. Because no one even realizes this
level of game exists – let alone can they consciously control it.


We have literally just scratched the surface.

There rabbit hole goes deeper than you could have

ever imagined.

The ability to engineer your value goes far beyond just any
one night in the bar or club. It can be used to build an entire
lifestyle that supports you. An entire lifestyle where the
women around you are at all times vying to sleep with you.

And it doesn’t require you to be anything “special”. You

don’t have to have money. You don’t need to be some sort
of hot shot.

When you’ve mastered this, the possibilities are endless.

Just last week, Alex was in St. Tropez (an exotic island) with a
group of princes and billionaires.

He was invited because with him, came nearly a dozen women.

Everything was paid for.

A few months back I was in Marbella (another high-society

travel destination) with some friends, the same exact situation.

Everything was paid for.

When you can engineer your surroundings and control

perceptions, you can quite literally create any life you want
for yourself. This skill set is the master key that unlocks
everything and takes you quite literally, way beyond pickup.

If you want to really master this level of the game, I will be

making more resources available beyond just the content
that we post on the blog.

A few months back I (along with a hand-picked group of my
colleagues) conducted a small group training live training
in London. The price was $15,000 and it took place over
6 weeks.

There were three seminars and three extensive infield

During this program we laid out every piece of the puzzle.

Every social strategy. Every environmental trigger. Every
tactic. Every technique. Every venue-specific blueprint.

We trained the guys on how to operate in any and every

environment from the highest of high-class night clubs to
your average neighbourhood bar.

Every guy who went through the program now has the ability
to walk into any social situation and literally within minutes
begin creating celebrity status. Every guy who went through
the training can now confidently expect to be in the position
at the end of the night to pick from the dozens of women who
are around him and have her in bed, that night.

I am very proud of the results the training but unfortunately I

will not be running it again.

Instead, I have asked the students if it is ok if we can make

available a limited number of the DVD’s of the seminar portion
(all of the teaching) of the event available.

They said yes.

So at some point in the very near future we will be making

them available to the guys who really want to go DEEP with
this material and really master it.

Regardless of whether or not you are one of the guys who

get a copy of the training, I want to sincerely thank you for
taking the time to read this report. The material I have laid
out for you here, will change your life and will put girls in your
bed – if you use it.

If you let it.

I’d love to hear what you thought of this, so please, I

encourage you to comment on the blog. What did you like?
What questions do you still have?

I read every blog post and it’s very important for me to connect
with you guys and know where you are at and what you still
need help with.

Thanks again, and I’ll be in touch soon.

-Richard (Gambler)

(There’s Alex Again!)

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