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Florida Survey Results

Q1 Do you approve or disapprove of President Q6 The candidates for Attorney General this fall
Donald Trump’s job performance? are Democrat Sean Shaw and Republican
Ashley Moody. If the election was today, who
Approve .......................................................... 46%
would you vote for?
Disapprove...................................................... 49%
Sean Shaw ..................................................... 41%
Not sure .......................................................... 5%
Ashley Moody ................................................. 44%
Q2 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion
of Andrew Gillum? Not sure .......................................................... 15%
Q7 In the 2016 election for President, did you vote
Favorable........................................................ 45%
for Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary
Unfavorable .................................................... 27% Clinton, someone else, or did you not vote in
the election?
Not sure .......................................................... 28%
Q3 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion Donald Trump ................................................. 47%
of Ron DeSantis? Hillary Clinton.................................................. 46%
Favorable........................................................ 41% Someone else / Did not vote........................... 7%
Unfavorable .................................................... 45% Q8 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.
Not sure .......................................................... 14% Woman ........................................................... 53%
Q4 The candidates for Governor this fall are Man................................................................. 47%
Democrat Andrew Gillum and Republican Ron
Q9 If you are a Democrat, press 1. If a Republican,
DeSantis. If the election was today, who would
press 2. If an independent, press 3.
you vote for?
Democrat ........................................................ 41%
Andrew Gillum ................................................ 48%
Republican...................................................... 41%
Ron DeSantis.................................................. 43%
Independent.................................................... 18%
Not sure .......................................................... 9%
Q10 If you are Hispanic or Latino, press 1. If white,
Q5 The candidates for US Senate this fall are
press 2. If African-American, press 3. If other,
Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Rick
press 4.
Scott. If the election was today, who would you
vote for? Hispanic / Latino ............................................. 13%
Bill Nelson....................................................... 46% White .............................................................. 68%
Rick Scott........................................................ 45% African-American ............................................ 15%
Not sure .......................................................... 8% Other............................................................... 4%
Q11 If you are 18-45 years old, press 1. If 46-65,
press 2. If older than 65, press 3.
18 to 45........................................................... 20%
46 to 65........................................................... 48%
Older than 65 .................................................. 32%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Q12 Media Market
Fort Myers....................................................... 6%
Gainesville ...................................................... 2%
Jacksonville .................................................... 10%
Miami .............................................................. 20%
Pensacola ....................................................... 3%
Orlando ........................................................... 20%
Panama City ................................................... 2%
Tallahassee..................................................... 4%
Tampa............................................................. 22%
West Palm Beach ........................................... 11%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

Survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Trump Approval
Approve 46% 91% 4% 17%
Disapprove 49% 5% 92% 61%
Not sure 5% 4% 4% 21%

2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Gillum Favorability
Favorable 45% 18% 73% 42%
Unfavorable 27% 45% 11% 19%
Not sure 28% 37% 16% 39%

2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
DeSantis Favorability
Favorable 41% 77% 8% 13%
Unfavorable 45% 11% 78% 52%
Not sure 14% 12% 14% 35%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Gillum / DeSantis
Andrew Gillum 48% 11% 87% 43%
Ron DeSantis 43% 82% 6% 25%
Not sure 9% 8% 7% 32%

2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Nelson / Scott
Bill Nelson 46% 11% 82% 50%
Rick Scott 45% 84% 8% 29%
Not sure 8% 5% 10% 20%

2016 Vote
Donal- Hillary Someone els-
Base d Tru... Clint... e / Did not v...
Shaw / Moody
Sean Shaw 41% 11% 73% 36%
Ashley Moody 44% 79% 10% 30%
Not sure 15% 10% 17% 33%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Base Wom... Man
Trump Approval
Approve 46% 38% 56%
Disapprove 49% 58% 38%
Not sure 5% 4% 6%

Base Wom... Man
Gillum Favorability
Favorable 45% 50% 39%
Unfavorable 27% 23% 32%
Not sure 28% 26% 29%

Base Wom... Man
DeSantis Favorability
Favorable 41% 36% 47%
Unfavorable 45% 50% 39%
Not sure 14% 14% 14%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Base Wom... Man
Gillum / DeSantis
Andrew Gillum 48% 56% 39%
Ron DeSantis 43% 35% 52%
Not sure 9% 9% 9%

Base Wom... Man
Nelson / Scott
Bill Nelson 46% 53% 39%
Rick Scott 45% 41% 51%
Not sure 8% 7% 10%

Base Wom... Man
Shaw / Moody
Sean Shaw 41% 44% 37%
Ashley Moody 44% 37% 52%
Not sure 15% 19% 11%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Trump Approval
Approve 46% 13% 83% 38%
Disapprove 49% 85% 11% 51%
Not sure 5% 2% 6% 11%

Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Gillum Favorability
Favorable 45% 68% 19% 51%
Unfavorable 27% 16% 44% 14%
Not sure 28% 15% 37% 35%

Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
DeSantis Favorability
Favorable 41% 15% 74% 26%
Unfavorable 45% 72% 13% 55%
Not sure 14% 13% 14% 19%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Gillum / DeSantis
Andrew Gillum 48% 81% 10% 59%
Ron DeSantis 43% 13% 80% 25%
Not sure 9% 6% 9% 16%

Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Nelson / Scott
Bill Nelson 46% 76% 12% 56%
Rick Scott 45% 15% 79% 36%
Not sure 8% 8% 8% 7%

Base Democr... Republic... Independe...
Shaw / Moody
Sean Shaw 41% 71% 8% 46%
Ashley Moody 44% 14% 81% 29%
Not sure 15% 15% 11% 25%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Hispani- African-
Base c / Lati... White Americ... Other
Trump Approval
Approve 46% 25% 59% 9% 24%
Disapprove 49% 60% 37% 88% 67%
Not sure 5% 15% 3% 3% 9%

Hispani- African-
Base c / Lati... White Americ... Other
Gillum Favorability
Favorable 45% 56% 36% 76% 55%
Unfavorable 27% 25% 31% 18% 5%
Not sure 28% 19% 33% 6% 41%

Hispani- African-
Base c / Lati... White Americ... Other
DeSantis Favorability
Favorable 41% 25% 50% 16% 23%
Unfavorable 45% 65% 36% 66% 59%
Not sure 14% 10% 14% 19% 18%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Hispani- African-
Base c / Lati... White Americ... Other
Gillum / DeSantis
Andrew Gillum 48% 61% 37% 84% 65%
Ron DeSantis 43% 30% 54% 10% 24%
Not sure 9% 9% 10% 7% 11%

Hispani- African-
Base c / Lati... White Americ... Other
Nelson / Scott
Bill Nelson 46% 55% 37% 79% 55%
Rick Scott 45% 30% 57% 11% 28%
Not sure 8% 15% 6% 10% 17%

Hispani- African-
Base c / Lati... White Americ... Other
Shaw / Moody
Sean Shaw 41% 54% 33% 63% 54%
Ashley Moody 44% 36% 54% 10% 26%
Not sure 15% 10% 13% 26% 21%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ...
Trump Approval
Approve 46% 36% 47% 51%
Disapprove 49% 49% 50% 46%
Not sure 5% 15% 3% 3%

18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ...
Gillum Favorability
Favorable 45% 48% 47% 41%
Unfavorable 27% 30% 28% 25%
Not sure 28% 23% 26% 34%

18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ...
DeSantis Favorability
Favorable 41% 41% 40% 41%
Unfavorable 45% 45% 46% 43%
Not sure 14% 13% 13% 16%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ...
Gillum / DeSantis
Andrew Gillum 48% 51% 48% 46%
Ron DeSantis 43% 38% 44% 43%
Not sure 9% 11% 7% 11%

18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ...
Nelson / Scott
Bill Nelson 46% 47% 48% 43%
Rick Scott 45% 39% 44% 51%
Not sure 8% 14% 8% 5%

18 to 46 to Older
Base 45 65 than ...
Shaw / Moody
Sean Shaw 41% 41% 42% 39%
Ashley Moody 44% 42% 44% 46%
Not sure 15% 17% 14% 16%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Media Market
Fort Gainesvill- Jacksonvill- Pensacol- Orland- Panam- Tallahasse- Tamp- West Pal-
Base Mye... e e Miami a o a City e a m Beach
Trump Approval
Approve 46% 58% 61% 55% 35% 64% 46% 40% 32% 49% 47%
Disapprove 49% 42% 39% 40% 60% 33% 49% 60% 45% 45% 51%
Not sure 5% - - 5% 5% 3% 5% - 23% 7% 2%

Media Market
Fort Gainesvill- Jacksonvill- Pensacol- Orland- Panam- Tallahasse- Tamp- West Pal-
Base Mye... e e Miami a o a City e a m Beach
Gillum Favorability
Favorable 45% 34% 34% 29% 67% 32% 45% 51% 45% 34% 50%
Unfavorable 27% 15% 31% 45% 17% 17% 25% 23% 25% 37% 26%
Not sure 28% 51% 35% 26% 15% 51% 31% 26% 30% 29% 24%

Media Market
Fort Gainesvill- Jacksonvill- Pensacol- Orland- Panam- Tallahasse- Tamp- West Pal-
Base Mye... e e Miami a o a City e a m Beach
DeSantis Favorability
Favorable 41% 46% 41% 49% 38% 64% 36% 33% 35% 39% 45%
Unfavorable 45% 43% 32% 33% 50% 21% 46% 61% 41% 45% 50%
Not sure 14% 11% 27% 17% 12% 14% 18% 5% 24% 16% 5%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988
Media Market
Fort Gainesvill- Jacksonvill- Pensacol- Orland- Panam- Tallahasse- Tamp- West Pal-
Base Mye... e e Miami a o a City e a m Beach
Gillum / DeSantis
Andrew Gillum 48% 39% 38% 40% 66% 31% 44% 33% 38% 47% 50%
Ron DeSantis 43% 50% 56% 51% 32% 62% 46% 31% 31% 45% 41%
Not sure 9% 12% 7% 8% 3% 6% 10% 37% 31% 9% 8%

Media Market
Fort Gainesvill- Jacksonvill- Pensacol- Orland- Panam- Tallahasse- Tamp- West Pal-
Base Mye... e e Miami a o a City e a m Beach
Nelson / Scott
Bill Nelson 46% 39% 40% 39% 60% 24% 44% 59% 45% 43% 48%
Rick Scott 45% 43% 57% 57% 33% 57% 48% 34% 28% 51% 46%
Not sure 8% 18% 3% 4% 7% 19% 7% 6% 26% 6% 6%

Media Market
Fort Gainesvill- Jacksonvill- Pensacol- Orland- Panam- Tallahasse- Tamp- West Pal-
Base Mye... e e Miami a o a City e a m Beach
Shaw / Moody
Sean Shaw 41% 37% 34% 32% 54% 43% 34% 32% 47% 36% 47%
Ashley Moody 44% 45% 57% 55% 33% 45% 47% 36% 48% 45% 44%
Not sure 15% 19% 9% 13% 13% 12% 18% 32% 5% 19% 8%

August 29-30, 2018 3020 Highwoods Blvd.

survey of 743 Florida voters Raleigh, NC 27604
[email protected] / 888 621-6988

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