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Martian Team
Martians are fairly natural DreadBall players, coming from a culture
where war and bloodshed are second nature. Though wiry and gangly
in appearance, they are surprisingly strong and resilient (unless
you smash their glass domes!). Their success on the pitch is also
helped by their tendency to carry a range of weapons on the pitch,
with absolutely no qualms about using them. The Red Planets have one of
the absolute worst disciplinary records in the history of the DGB – quite the achievement for such a
relatively new team – but they don’t care. Their logic is that if they kill or maim enough players, officials
and fans, there will be nobody to oppose their glorious ascension to the top of the Leagues.

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Guard 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 120 x2 Fragile, Illegal, Slaughter

Jack 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 4+ 85 x4 Fragile, Illegal, Slaughter

Striker 5 4+ 4+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 95 x2 Fragile, Illegal, Slaughter

Coaching Assistants 80 x1

Coaching Dice 50 x3

The Player suffers a -1 modifier to Armour tests.

If this Player makes a Slam Action, they may choose to either resolve it as normal or with a weapon. This
must be declared before rolling any dice. If they resolve it with a weapon then they get a +1 modifier to
their Slam, but the Action is a Foul. In all other respects the Slam is resolved as normal.
In addition, the Player may Shoot at an opposing Player with a concealed ranged weapon. This is
resolved in exactly the same way as a DodgeBall foul with a +1 modifier, except that the Fouling Player
does not need to have or use the ball to do it.
As usual, multiple Spot Foul tests must be made if any other Foul is being committed at the same time as
the weapon is used.

If a Martian Player causes an injury to another Player using the Illegal rule, they get caught up in the
violence and go on a spree. They may immediately make a second Slam or Shoot Free Action, again
using the Illegal rule. Only one Spot Foul test can be made for both Fouls, after the Free Action has been
completed. If the Fouling Player moved during their Free Action, they are considered to be within 7
hexes of the Ref for the purposes of the test if they were within this distance after either Foul.
Only one Free Illegal Action can be generated per Action.
Guard Jack Striker

The Martian Empire has been successfully conquering various races throughout the universe
for thousands of years, and has refined its tactics progressively over that time to deal with any
eventuality. When following up a lead on the inter-dimensional mercenary known as Blaine, a
small Martian strike force stumbled through a tear in the fabric of space time and ended up in an
alternate universe. Upon arrival, they were horrified to discover that humanity, that age-old foe,
seemed to have spread to the far corners of the galaxy like some kind of plague. The commander
of the force despaired, for he could not possibly hope to take on the might of the human military
in this reality alone. Then one day, whilst monitoring human transmissions, he and his team
discovered DreadBall.

Here was a perfect opportunity. This great human empire into which they had stumbled seemed
to be run on corporate greed, money and the pursuit of fame. DreadBall represented not so much
an institution as a kind of religion. If they could integrate themselves into this cult, they could
work their way to the top from the inside, infiltrating the very highest echelons whilst being free
to injure, maim and kill their opponents (who would surely be the finest warriors produced by any
of their races) at the same time. Done correctly, they could use this tactic to take over the whole
galaxy with just a handful of warriors!

That was the theory at least. The problem is that DreadBall is a highly addictive sport, and the
Martian players soon found themselves with a taste for it which quietly overrode their earlier
plans. Now they just play DreadBall, their only concern their next match, their only plan to win the
league and become champions.

Guard Jack Striker
Dice Dice Dice
Advancement Advancement Advancement
Roll Roll Roll

1 Agility or Speed bonus 1 Agility or Speed bonus 1 Agility or Speed bonus

2 Strength or Skill bonus 2 Strength or Skill bonus 2 Skill bonus
3 Toxic 3 Toxic 3 Toxic
4 Remove Fragile 4 Backstab 4 Duck and Weave
5 Stubborn 5 Lucky 5 Feint
6 Choose from this list 6 Choose from this list 6 Choose from this list

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