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Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for Nov.

2, 2010, General Election

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire, which is for use by Statesman Journal
Editorial Board members in evaluating candidates for potential endorsements. Your
answers also will be shared with reporters, may be published in the print newspaper and
will be posted on

Name: Jackie Pierce

House/Senate District Number: 10

Party affiliation: Democrats

Age: 65

City/town of residence: Salem

Number of years you have lived in the district: 24

Are you a full-time resident of the district? Yes

Spouse: Al Pierce Husband

Current employer/job: Retired

Military: United States Army 1976 -1977

Employment: Psychiatric Social Worker, Oregon State Hospital 1989-2006

Social Worker, Fairview Training Center 1987-1989
Clinical Social Worker, Navy family Support Center 1984-1986

Education: Master of Social Work, University Of Southern California 1983

Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Social Work, California State University
Long Beach, California. 1980

Volunteer Work: American Red Cross, Salem Multicultural Center World Beat Festival
Friends of Bush Gardens, Oregonians for Water, Parks and Wildlife,
Volunteered for Chuck Bennett’s Campaign

Civic/religious/other local involvement: Marion Polk and Yamhill Counties Central

Labor Council. SEIU Retirees Local, Polk County Democrats

Please list all public offices to which you’ve been elected, and when:
Precinct Committee Person 134 Polk County Democrats 2004 - present

Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when: None

Other political and government experience:

How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information will be public):

Mail address: P.O. Box 341 Salem, Oregon 97308

E-mail address: [email protected]

Web site URL:

Phone: 503-362-5524

How much will your general election campaign cost? $10,000.00

Who are your top campaign contributors/lenders?

Who are your key political advisers? I currently have a professional campaign manager;
Christopher Proudfoot.

Key endorsements you’ve received: We are currently in the process of getting my


For each of the following questions, please limit your answer to about 75 words.

1. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing
board/organization or had an ethics violation filed against you? If so, please give the
details. No

2. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major
accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the details. No

3. Describe this legislative district: Senate District 10 is a diverse district which

encompasses several sociological, socioeconomic and culturally diverse populations and
areas. From Salem to the outer agricultural areas of Turner and Aumsville. Also small
cities such as Monmouth and Independence make up this district. The voters and citizens
in these areas face unique challenges and have equally unique concerns about the future
of the state and nation as whole. In all the years I have lived in District 10, I have learned
the greatest assets to our region is the strength, leadership and community that truly
defines our district.
4. What specific steps will you take to make government more open and accessible to the
public? I believe that all Oregonians have the right to an open and transparent
government. The government belongs to the people so they have the right to have open
access to all meetings. When I was a Social Worker I always made myself available to
clients, their families and community supports by having an open door policy. I would
continue to do that as a state senator.

5. Why should people vote for you? What separates you from your opponent(s)?
I am not a career politician. Plus, as a social worker I have been a very strong,
outspoken advocate for hundreds of people. The mentally ill, developmentally disabled,
the elderly, low income minority groups, adolescents with drug and alcohol problems,
and Navy personal and their families. I would continue to be a very strong, outspoken
advocate for the constituents that I represent. I would continue to be an available and
outspoken advocate for the constituents that I represent.

6. What specific steps would you advocate to improve Oregon’s economy and create
jobs? Utilize the Federal stimulus funds to create jobs in rebuilding our infrastructure
such as bridges, roads, public buildings, and schools in environmentally friendly ways.
Seek and encourage incentives for small business, agriculture, green jobs and innovative

7. What changes, if any, would you advocate in the tax provisions created by Measures
66/67? I would not make any decisions that contradicted the opinions of the Oregon
Voters. The voters of Senate District 10 supported Measure 66/67 as I recall.

8. What specific revenue changes, if any, would you advocate to balance the 2011-2013
budget? Again I would have to talk to the experts on the Oregon State Budget before I
would even think about making any changes. I would also hold meetings with the all the
people in my districts to get information and feedback on how to balance the budget. I do
know that we need to look at other revenue sources that are reliable and on-going. We
need to fix the system and not continue to put band-aids on it.

9. What specific spending reductions, if any, would you advocate to balance the 2011-
2013 budgets? Before advocating for any program changes or fiscal reduction, I would
take the time to educate myself about the needs, mandates and impact on any
recommendation that I would support. We must be fiscally responsible in the allocation
of tax-payers money while looking for new ways to raise our revenue.

10. Which of Gov. Ted Kulongoski’s “resetting government” proposals do you support?

11. What changes, if any, would you advocate in the structure, scope or role of state
government? Again I would look to the experts for guidance and input from citizens to
assess their needs and hopes while reviewing the mandates, policies and effectiveness of
the system. Before I would actively advocate for a change in the scope or role of the
state, I would develop an alternative course of action by which success can be achieve.

12. What changes, if any, do you favor making in state employee compensation? Why?
None, it is not fair to balance the budget on the backs of state, city or county
employees. In a lot of cases they make far less then their counterparts in private
industries. If state employees had to start paying part of their premiums for health care
insurance or retirement they would bring home fewer wages. This means they would
have far less money to spend in the community which in turn would reduce revenue for
community businesses.

3. Do you support the education-reform proposals of the Chalkboard Project? I do not

know what this project is at this time. As thee are numerous programs and projects
available to enhance the quality of life for our citizens, I want to be informed before
advancing any one of them to ensure that what I support I do form an informed position,

14. What “social issues,” if any, should the 2011 Legislature address? Social issues that
need addressing are; Joblessness, foreclosure on homes to reduce homelessness, hunger,
healthcare, and safety.

15. How should the Legislature and state government respond to illegal immigration?
This is a federal issue and needs to get dealt with on that level. But if we had to deal
with this issue in our state government then we need to look at business that hire illegal
immigrants and charge them for breaking the law.

16. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected? How? (Up to
75 words for each issue.) 1. I believe that having a strong and vibrant labor force is the
backbone of America, and I will work tirelessly to achieve that. We need to put Oregon
back to work. 2. I believe that we need a reliable and consistent source of funding for
our schools to make sure that our children and grandchildren get the best education
possible in order for them to compete in the world market. 3. I believe that our
environment needs to have clean air, water and land in order or us to survive.

17. What do you see as other important issues? 1. Maintaining and strengthening
Oregon’s Land Use planning. 2. Balancing Oregon’s environmental issues with growth
and development in the state. 3. Becoming a state of excellence in all that we do.

18. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you
want to disclose before it comes up in the campaign? Not that I am aware of

As a legislative candidate, your positions on statewide ballot measures on relevant to

voters. Please indicate whether you support or oppose each of the measures.

Measure 70: Veterans’ loans Yes

Measure 71: Annual legislative sessions Yes

Measure 72: State bonding authority I need more information

Measure 73: Sentencing Yes

Measure 74: Medical marijuana I need more information

Measure 75: Multnomah County casino I need more information

Measure 76: Lottery funding for parks, habitat Yes

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