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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato




A Practical Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

the Senior High School Department
Tupi National High School
Tupi, South Cotabato

In partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Strand in
Accountancy, Business and Management

Andayran, Arvee
Estorque, Adeliza
Dalaguit, Kylle Kleven V.
Dalo, Mary Ann
Dimalilay, Bosrah M.
Lico, Orly
Maldepeña, Mikkah Alyzza L.
Mission, Chloe

Practical Research Teacher
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Chapter I



In today’s competitive business environment, different types of products, goods

and services are increasing progressively. To standout in a crowd of competitors,

companies are building legendary developments to get the competitive edge for

marketing the products to the final buyer. One of the essential marketing tools is the

packaging design which distinguishes a product from the rest of the products. An

extraordinary package design sets up expectation for a great product. This means that a

product can be considered of a high or luxurious quality because of its packaging.

Packaging design stands for the overall impact of a certain product. Thus, It must be

robust and of good quality to impress the consumers and to increase sales and market


Upon opting which concrete sector would be the most preferable for evaluating

the effect of products packaging on consumers’ choice, the cosmetic sector was

selected for some reasons. EU Commission (2000) stressed that cosmetic products

refer to any substance that are placed on the external parts of the human body i.e.

epidermis, lips, hair system, nails, and external genital organs. Even with teeth and the

membranes of oral cavity mainly for cleaning them, perfuming, changing their
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

appearance and for keeping them in good condition. Moreoever, the market of

cosmetics has been improving and beauty trends have become an important

component of people’s daily lives.

This study focused on the relationship between the consumer purchasing

decision and the elements of packaging design in order to measure the impact of

packaging on consumers. The study’s goal is on the assessment of the effect of

Packaging Design of Cosmetic Product to the Purchasing Behavior of the Consumers. It

is expected that this breakthrough will be of great help to the producers and buyers


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the effects of Packaging Design of Cosmetic Products

as a Marketing Tool to the Purchasing Behavior of the Consumers in Tupi, South


Specifically, it intends to answer the following questions:

1. Is there a significant difference on the consumers’ purchasing behavior towards

the packaging design when grouped in terms of their social demographic profile?

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Educational Attainment

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

1.4 Occupation

2. Is there a significant effect on the use of packaging design as a marketing tool to

the purchasing behavior of the consumers?

3. Which element of packaging design is more important for the consumers?

2.1. Label

2.2. Color

2.3. Language Used

2.4. Size and shape

2.5. Design of Wrapper

2.6. Packaging Material


1. There is no significant relationship between the packaging design of cosmetic

products and the purchasing behavior of the consumers.

2. There is a significant relationship between the packaging design of cosmetic

products and the purchasing behavior of the consumers.

Significance of the Study

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

This study aimed to assess the effect of Packaging Design of Cosmetic Products

to the Purchasing Behavior of the Consumers. This study is also of significance to the


To The Manufacturers/Producers. The results of the study will be significantly

helpful as it will help to identify the factors influencing the consumers’ behavior on

purchasing cosmetic products. Hence, this will assist companies in creating effective

package design which would attract customers.

To the Buyer. Since this study will be mainly for decision making purposes, this

will be beneficial because this will help the marketer to have better understanding and

awareness in terms of the product they are purchasing.

To the Community. Almost everyone uses cosmetic products which can upsurge

the community’s economic growth and build-up the level of competitiveness of the


To the Researchers. This would be a sort motivation to other researchers to

investigate more on things that are contributing to the community’s betterment. This

study will also help them to gather more insights, knowledge and suggestions for future

research and to propose future directions for future researches.

Scope and Delimitation

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

The research was conducted to give information, statistics, and concrete data on

the effect of packaging design of cosmetic products to the purchasing behavior of

consumers. Also, the research will determine the main element influencing the

consumers to purchase a cosmetic product.

This study was conducted in Barangay Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato. The

researchers settled in this locality for the assurance that they can easily gather data and

information at any time of their convenience because this barangay has the most

number of people on the said town. Also, it won’t cost the researchers high

transportation fees as they live in vicinity.

The researchers conducted this research to adolescents, young adults, and

adults to study and analyze the consumers’ attitude, preferences, intensions and

decisions toward cosmetic products. Topics that are not mentioned are beyond the


Definition of Terms

Packaging. Conceptually, it is the wrapping material around a consumer item

that serves to contain, identify, describe, protect, display, promote and otherwise make

the product marketable. Operationally, it refers to the independent variable of the study

which serves as the foundation of the dependent variable.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Purchasing Behavior. Conceptually, it is the decision processes and acts of

people involved in buying and using products. Operationally, it refers to the dependent

variable of the study which also determines the consumers’ way of purchasing in terms

of packaging design.

Cosmetic Products. Conceptually, cosmetic products refer to any substances or

preparations that are intended to be placed in contact with the various external parts of

the human body. Operationally, this refers to the factor affecting the independent

variable in order to specify the main focus of the study.

Conceptual Framework

The figure below shows the relationship of the independent variable and the

dependent variable.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Packaging Design of Cosmetic

Products: Consumers’ Purchasing
- Packaging color
- Packaging label
- Language used
- Brand image
- Design of wrapper

Figure 1
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature and studies which are found to have a

direct bearing to the present investigation to fully understand understand the research to

be done and lastly the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Related Literature

Package Design

Kotler (2005) defines packaging as all the undertakings of creating, designing

and producing the container of a product. Quail (2005) claims that package is a wrapper

or container for goods that serves a heap of purposes including fortification and

narrative description of the contents, theft deterrence, and promotion.


One of packaging’s functions is to convey and deliver product information to the

consumers, which ultimately can assist consumers in making their decisions in terms of

purchasing. An example of such significant information is labeling. The trend towards

healthier eating has highlighted the importance of labeling, which allows customers to

have the opportunity to carefully consider alternatives and make informed food choices
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

(Coulson, 2000). The information on packaging is an important component as it plays a

role in marketing communication strategies of companies, establish brand image and

identity. Vakratsas and Ambe,r (1999) states that low involvement includes inattentively

reading and examining product information, while high involvement consists of careful

evaluation of information and may lead to purchase intentions (Silayoi and Speece,

2004). However, a concern about packaging information is the possibility that it can

create confusion by conveying either too much information or giving misleading or

inaccurate information. For instance, to maximise the information carried on products,

manufacturers might use very small fonts and very dense writing styles, which can

reduce readability.


Color is involved in almost every aspect of our daily life. The presence of colour

becomes important in packaging design whereby, colors used in packaging can help

draw consumer attention and used by companies to differentiate its product from other

competitors. Silayoi and Speece, (2004) founded that when consumers are looking for a

particular product on the shelf, packages with the same range of color would attract

their attention better than others. In the packaging of products, colors used in packaging

can help draw customer’s attention, which also affects consumer’s emotion directly and

immediately about the particular product. Asadhollahi and Givee, (2007) suggested that

the package colors communicate, reflect and exhibit some salient features and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

intangible attributes of the brand. It therefore means that the colors convey special

messages about the brands which ultimately create a deep long lasting impression and

image about the product in a unique selling proposition. According to Singh, (2006)

color perceptions vary across cultures and most of the religions are believed to have

their sacred colors. Color of packaging has different meaning such as a green color

signify the natural, secure relaxed or easy going. Red colors designate the human

excitement, hot, passionate and strong. Orange colors represent the power, affordable

and informal. Brown colors represent the informal and relaxed masculine nature

whereas white color indicates goodness, purity, cleanliness, refinement and formality.

Black color power authority and mystery. However, consumers often perceived the

quality of product by using or relating the color on the package.

All that material which are often used in the impact of colour on package and

structure have effect on the consumer emotions, perception to quality and buying



Graphics comprises of an image layout, color combination, typography, and

photography. The combination of all these components communicates an image. Deng,

(2009) opine that visual aspect of packaging has an especial importance in the process

of foods purchase due to its role in establishing direct relationship with customer and its
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

effect on customer mind. Graphics on the package are important detailed information

about the product. If used properly, this element can become an identifier for the brand

utility and quality of the product only by the imagery that is related to it. According to

Underwood et al. (2001), consumers fill so excited to imagine the tastes, feels, or smells

of a product while they are looking at the graphic on the packaging. However, an eye-

catching graphics influences the customer’s interest towards the product, makes the

purchase decisions quickly and easily sold.

Klimchuk and Krasovec, (2006) emphasized that typography is the medium that

is used to form the verbal information on a package. Its importance is derived from the

visual appearance of the wording on a package, which appears to be essential attribute

to the design of product’s package. When products are displayed on the shelf, the basis

for package typography is to reduce time spent looking for the particular brand by virtue

font style. In conjunction with the appearances, fewer words are better as customers are

influence on visuals compared to evaluating written claims.

Today, with the usage of innovative skills, there are many varieties of typestyles

including different font, upper and lower case, bold or italic. This appearance aims at

different meanings and visually creates certain effect. Underwood (2003) suggest that

the product package typography affect the brand identity and personality due to multiple

structural and visual elements, including brand logo(s), colours, fonts, package
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

materials, pictorials, product descriptions, shapes and other elements providing rich

brand associations. The typography used in packaging varies not only by style, but it is

also reliant on package’s shape and size. It also depends on the kind of information that

is being styled, for example the brand name, product name or the content information.

The typestyle on a package needs to be attractive, exciting, distinctive, easy and

understandable to read in accordance to the entire package design. Obviously, the

phrasing itself is important for the consumer at the point of purchase, but the way that

the verbal message is presented is significant as well.

Size and Shape

Size and shape are also significant factors in designing the package for a

product. Consumer interacts with these two elements in order to make purchase

decisions. The size and shape of the package can contribute significantly to the

consumer’s behavior towards the product. This will help improve consumer purchase

intention towards buying the product. The actual size and shape of a package has a

strong communication because it makes it easier for consumers identify certain

products. It is generally recognized that sizes and shape convey strong emotion on the

consumers. Silayoi and Speece, (2007) emphasized that elongated shape and

appropriate size causes the consumer to think of the package as having better product

volume and cost efficiency. This suggests that when product quality is hard to

determine, the effect of packaging size is stronger. Thus, elongating the shape within
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

acceptable limits should result in consumers thinking of the package as a better value

for creating marketability for the product.

Size and shape plays a large part in the presentation of bottled beverages and

circular canned packaged foods products for example, malt, Tomato ketchup, vinegar

and so forth. Attractive size and shape like the perfume product, gives appeal to the

product. There are also different kinds of shapes like square, rectangle oval, circular

and other geometric shape which have an appeal in various directions and may be used

in advertisement for certain kinds of branded foodstuffs like pepper, coffee, and

beverage. Shapes are of two dimensional, and may be grouped into two classes:

geometric, which includes square, rectangle, triangular, circle and so on. Forms are of

three dimensional and include the tube, pyramid sphere, cylinder and so on. Packages

with a unique size and shape help customers in differentiating products from


Design of Wrapper

Kotler (2007) said that an interesting design is the main factor that convinces a

significant part of consumers to purchase a product in the last moment when deciding

about which product to buy. Mousner (2008) agreed that a well designed wrapper can

capture a consumer’s attention at many levels. The wrapper design must enhance the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

brand value and should allow the consumer to classify the product from a price and a

quality point of view (Ambrose and Harris, 2011).

Rabinowitz (2002) defined design of a wrapper as a production of a container

that engages a consumer’s attention. Rizwan, Vishnu and Muhammad (2014) are

convinced that the design of a wrapper plays a key role in in attracting the consumers

and also that the most sensitive to the wrapper design are children between 10-18

years. Aesthetic elements of a design must be chosen correctly to fulfill the objectives of

a brand and in the same time satisfy the consumer (Kotler and Keller, 2012).

Consumers often prefer authentic and original design over a corporate design of a well-

known brands (Gibss, 2015).

Packaging Material

The history on the use of package materials is as old as man. Since prehistoric

period, nature has proved the main source of packaging materials which includes:

leaves, animal skin, pottery vessels, and woven bags etc. However, these have evolved

to processed materials such as plastic, paperboards, wood, corrugated boxes, metal,

polypropylene, and glass as materials for packaging. The package material used in

packaging is an important element that plays a role in consumer’s purchase decision

based on perceived status and quality of the package system. It is more likely that the

high quality material attract customer more than low quality material. According to Smith
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

and Taylor, (2004) consumers link the packaging material is associated by consumers

with certain essential values of the product. In addition, consumer perceptions regarding

certain materials could change the perceived quality of a product. All these functions of

the package, requires a variety of materials to meet the packaging needs of the

thousands of local products available in our economy. Klimchuk and Krasovec, (2006)

divide materials used for packaging into several types: paperboard, plastic, glass, metal

and polypropylene.

a.) Paperboard – It is one of the most widely common used packaging materials. It has

rich variety of different forms and different thickness, and it can also be cost-effective

and recyclable. Food packages made from paper can be formed into simple or

elaborate designs, because it is flexible and easy to work with. Other benefits using

paperboard include light in weight and excellent surface for printing.

b.) Plastics – Plastic materials are very diverse and they are used in almost every

product category. They are flexible and can be formed in different shapes, thickness,

sizes, colours or remain transparent. Plastic materials are frequently used for innovative

packaging shapes and designs and offer several advantages over other packaging

materials in its durability and low weight. Plastics are often classified into two categories

such as: thermoplastics and thermoset plastics. Thermoplastics can be re-formed into a

desired shape after being melted and are commonly used to produce plastic bags,
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Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

pouches, bottles, trays and cups. A thermoset plastic is very strong once formed, and

will decompose before melting.

c.) Glass – Nowadays, glass is commonly used as packaging material for food,

beverages, fragrances, etc. Glass containers can be produced in different shapes,

colours, sizes. They can be a trademark for a certain brand and become a distinctive

and an innovative package of a product. The most common glass containers in food

and beverages category are jars and bottles.

d.) Metal – Metal packaging is also one of the most common methods for product

preservation on the market for fast moving consumer goods. It is generally made of

aluminum, steel, or tin. It is a low-cost product and it can also be recyclable, flexible,

under different forms, shapes, and sizes. Furthermore, it can preserve food and

beverages for considerably long period. Most frequently, metal packaging is

represented either in the form of a can or a tube.

e.) Polyethylene (plastic bags) - Polyethylene is a predominant material commonly used

for powdered food and snacks products. Polyethylene is of two diverse forms, high and

low density. High-density polyethylene is stronger, thicker, less flexible and more brittle

than low-density. Low-density polyethylene is heat sealable, inert, redolence free and

shrinks when heated. The polyethylene is clear, allowing for easy inspection of the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

contents, and readily accept high quality graphics. It is less expensive and therefore

widely used.


Lintner (2009) defined cosmetics as substance or mixture of substances,

manufactured, sold, or represented for use in cleansing, improving or altering the

complexion, skin, hair or teeth and includes deodorants and perfumes. According to the

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2009), cosmetics are articles intended to be applied

to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the

appearances without affecting the body’s structure or functions. As EU Commission

(2010) claimed a "cosmetic product" shall mean any substance or preparation intended

to be placed in contact with the various external parts of the human body (epidermis,

hair system, nails , lips and external genital organs) or with the teeth and mucus

membranes of the oral cavity with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them,

perfuming them, changing their appearance and/or correcting body odors and/or

protecting them or keeping them in good condition. Sakamato et al. (2017) said that

cosmetics are daily goods that many consumers use in their life, and their quality and

safety must be assured under governmental standards and provided by the entities

that distribute them to the consumers, which are the manufacturers that produce and

sell these goods.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Consumer Behavior

The modern market consists of a big variety and diversity of packages, designs,

products, goods, and services. It develops and innovates daily and makes

improvements in strategies permanently. However, it would not put so much effort into

the development if the consumer and the overall society would not need and require

new products, product ideas and functions. The market is the dependable sector of

industry and the consumers are only one indispensable element of market performance

which allows the industries to exist and grow. In order to create an appropriate product

or service, companies need to understand the consumers, their behavior and

perception, and to meet their needs and requirements.

Consumer behavior is the process involved when individuals or groups of people

select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy

their needs and desires (Solomon & Bamossy & Askegaard & Hogg 2010). There are

different people with different roles who are involved in this process: the purchaser,

whose function is to buy the product or service; the user who uses the actual product or

service; and the influencer who provides information and recommendations for or

against the product or service without buying or using it. (Solomon & Bamossy &

Askegaard & Hogg 2010, pp. 6 - 7.)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Understanding the consumer is a good business strategy for the company. The

companies and firms operate in order to satisfy the consumers’ needs which are the

basic concept of marketing. Here, the consumer segmentation is a major element to

meet their wishes and requests. The consumer can be segmented by different

dimensions such as demographics (age, gender, social class, religion, etc.), geographic

(region, country), psychographic (self-concept, personality, lifestyle), and behavioral

(product usage, benefits, desires, etc.) (Solomon et al. 2010, pp. 8 - 9). Furthermore,

there are also different types of consumers who influence the market; e.g. global

consumer whose devotion is to brand products and goods and green consumers who

feel responsibility for social and moral issues.

Types of Consumer Buying Behavior

Routine Response Behavior

This type of buying behavior is used for the frequently purchased items like

groceries. Consumers have low involvement with these low-cost items and do not

search extensively for information. They are purchased almost automatically, which is

why this type of consumer buying behavior is also known as programmed response

behavior or habitual buying behavior.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Limited Decision Making

This type of buying behavior occurs for products bought only occasionally, such

as clothing. The consumer may or may not have to do an external information search.

For some purchases, this behavior could potentially require a moderate amount of time

to gather information.

Extensive Decision Making

This type of buying behavior is also known as the complex buying produces,

because the consumer is highly involved in the buying process and spends significant

time collecting information about the product. In this case, the consumer is typically

unfamiliar with the product and it is an expensive and/or risky purchase. Some

examples include homes, cars, computers, or even education. In this case the

consumer goes through all six stages of the buying process.

Impulse Buying

This type of buying behavior is typically for low-cost items and doesn’t involve

any conscious planning. Eye-catching packaging in a retail store will often compel a

shopper to make an impulse purchase in order to try the product. Interestingly enough,

the impulse buying process is not as simple as it sounds. There are multiple dimensions

within the impulse buying behavior pattern:

Republic of the Philippines
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Region XII
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H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

1) The spontaneous urge to buy: in most cases this is when the person

experiences an unexpected desire to buy in response to an advertisement.

2) Power and compulsion: occurs when, after encountering the product, the

consumer feels an urgent desire to purchase.

3) Excitement: occurs when the consumer encounters a product that evokes

feelings of happiness or excitement.

4) Synchronicity: when the consumer feels instant compatibility with a product,

as if it was a miracle that he or she was at the right place and right time to have

encountered the product.

5) Product animation: where each product has its own mysterious appeal.

6) Hedonic elements: occurs when purchasing the product produces positive or

negative emotions, such as satisfaction or guilt.

7) Conflict: refers to the emotional conflict within the buyer as a result of

unplanned purchases.

8) Disregard for consequence: on this occasion, the strong urge to purchase

causes consumers to disregard the consequences.

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Region XII
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Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato


Nature endows people with feelings and senses by which a person can

experience the environment. Perception assists a person in understanding his or her

surroundings and phenomena as a more detailed concept. In other words, perception is

the process by which physical sensations such as sights, sounds, and smells are

selected, organized, and interpreted (Solomon et al. 2010, p. 118).

People during their entire life get tons of information which subsequently is

filtered and selected. The information can be in form of natural or background noise,

advertising or news, or even a sound. Here, people get information automatically and

react on it according to their needs, wishes or experience. People notice only a small

amount of stimuli and pay attention to an even smaller amount. The meaning of these

stimuli is interpreted by the individual according to his needs and experiences. Figure 3

represents the process of perception where the stages of sensation, attention and

interpretation are illustrated.

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Region XII
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H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Figure 3. An overview of the perceptional process (M. Solomon, G. Bamossy, S.

Askegaard, M. K. Hoog, 2010, p. 119.)



Colors are rich in symbolic value and cultural meanings (Solomon & Bamossy &

Askegaard 1999, p. 44). For instance, the color red is associated with blood, wine-

making, activity and heat in many countries but is poorly received in some African

countries. The color white is identified with purity and cleanliness in the west while in

parts of Asia this color symbolizes death. Yellow indicates a merchant in India. Grey

means inexpensive in Japan and China but high quality and expensive in the U.S.

Hence, colors can provide different meanings but can also be used to evoke positive or

negative feelings. Marketers consider color as an integral part of their strategies. Before

introducing color and color combinations, marketers need an understanding of how it is

perceived in each part of the world and consider the fact that the popularity of colors is

depending on the culture.

The marketers can create the colors which will meet consumers’ expectations.

The color combination can be associated with a particular brand or company name.
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Region XII
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H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

When creating new design packaging or advertising, marketers rely on visual

elements and use them in a proper way in order to attract consumers.


Solomon & Bamossy & Askegaard (2010) deem that sound can affect people’s

feelings and emotions. It is well-known fact that music can affect mood and the

influence of speaking rate on attitude change and message comprehension (Solomon et

al. 2010, p. 125).


The pleasant smell of a product can affect the emotions or have a calming effect.

The smell can evoke memories or relieve stress. (Solomon et al. 2010, pp. 124 - 125.)

The scent can also communicate information about the product: novelty e.g. book or

fashion e.g. perfume.


By this human perception element, people can feel and evaluate product quality

e.g. cheese or chocolate. Taste has effects on consumer experience with a product.

Republic of the Philippines
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Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

This sensory channel is very important. A person’s mood is stimulated or relaxed

by sensation of the skin, for instance. Touching assists consumers in evaluating a

material whether it is smooth, soft or stiff and assessing the product quality or fabric



The introduction to stimulus is the first step in the processing the information. The

sensory organs are activated and are ready to process and evaluate the information.

Here, consumers filter and select necessary information and adapt it to their needs and



Attention is the degree to which consumers focus on stimuli within their range of

exposure (Solomon et al. 2010, p. 130). Nowadays consumers are exposed to a lot of

advertising and design stimuli forcing marketers to become creative and original in

products and images in order to appeal to the consumers. When many stimuli are

competing to be noticed, one will receive the attention to the extent that it is different

from others. Here, size and color can catch the attention and can be a way to achieve

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato


The final stage in the process of perception is interpretation. Interpretation is the

process through which individuals and groups give a meaning to exposed stimulus

(Solomon et al. 2010, p. 132). People differ in terms of the stimuli they perceive as in

meanings and interpretations they can make. Here, the interpretation can also vary from

cultural and individual differences.

Consumer decision-making and Packaging

There are many communication instruments in marketing such as advertising

and product demonstration. However, when these traditional tools face the problem of

reaching the target audience, the package and packaging design are better able to

reach and influence potential and prospective customer. Here, the necessary attributes

of the packaging design can become very effective in marketing communications.

The package interaction with the consumer can evoke attention and involve the

consumer with the information processing process. Here, the information about the

product is investigated and results with the buying decision. However, if the consumer is

not motivated to learn about the product, the package characteristics such as color,

graphics, image, and shape can induce a positive or negative attitude towards the

product (Mooy et al. 2002, p. 434).

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Therefore, the package standing on the shelf affects the consumer decision

making process. The package design needs to insure that consumer response is

favorable and that they perceive the actual packaging design positively. Kupiec et al.

(2001) say that the intention to purchase also depends on the degree to which

consumers expect the product and package to satisfy their needs and desires (Silayoi et

al. 2004, p. 610).

Related Studies


Stechova (2017) presented that 59.9% of the respondents find the design as the

most important factor that attracts the consumers when making a purchase. Followed

by the sale alert (52.3%). For this reason, it can be assumed that the packaging with

interesting design and a label announcing sale will attract the consumers’ attention more

than other products. It can also be said that thorough description of a product

description and its use, packaging size, and a packaging that simplifies a product usage

are very important factors for approximately quarter of the respondents. In addition, the

packaging size and a packaging simplifying a product usage are partially important for

more than half of the respondents. Product accessories, e.g. mirror or a small blush, are

also partially important for nearly half of the respondents.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato

Dogan and Sener (2015) reported findings by presenting the information on the

strength of the relationship between the packaging elements and the consumer

purchase desicion. Calculated multiple correlation (R) value (= 0.728) demonstrated a

strong result relationship between the packaging elements and the consumer purchase

decision. According to the R square results, 53% of the consumer purchase decision

can be explained by the packaging elements. Thus, the packaging elements have a

high-level influence on the consumer purchase decision.

In the study of Liu (2011), 78 respondents chose the Classic and Simple style of

cosmetic products, 62 consumers preferred Cool style, 43 people desired Sexy and

Wild style, 32 respondents picked Sportive style, 30 people chose Special Shape and

Fairy styles, and 29 preferred Retrospective and Old style.

Ahmed et al. (2014) reported findings by determining whether there is a

connection between the consumer buying behavior and the different elements of

package design. To justify the findings, the researchers used Pearson Correlation which

proved that there is a moderate relation between the consumer buying behavior and the

packaging color and wrapper design, which are significant. Thus, it is said that

packaging color and wrapper design attract the gazes of the consumers when making a

decision on which product to purchase.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato

H Senior High School Department
Accountancy, Business and Management
Poblacion, Tupi, South Cotabato


Pohtam et al. (2016) presented that upon looking at a stack of similar cosmetic

products, 60% opted for the mixing of the mix colors and sober colors. Whereby, 29%

opted for light colors. This shows that the scores are almost the same which can come

up to a decision where colors such as white, light blue, yellow, brown, and so on

influence consumers to purchase a product especially if the products have to be

differentiated in terms of packaging.

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