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 Barbara “Bobbi” Morse

High-Tech Hero

F EX 20 Health: 80 

A EX 20 Karma: 32 

S EX 20 Resources: TY (6)

E EX 20 Popularity: AMAZING (50)

R EX 20 

I TY 6

P TY 6


Enhanced Abilities: To cope with a mortal injury she
sustained in a mission, Mockingbird was injected with an
experimental serum with unknown implications.


Battle Staves: Mockingbird carries two hollow battle staves
each extending up to four feet. The staves are made of
Remarkable material and cause Remarkable Blunt

Body Armor: Mockingbird’s costume provides her with

Remarkable protection from physical attack and Excellent
protection from fire.

Protected Senses: Bobbi’s goggles give her Excellent

protection against light-based attacks.


Espionage, Law Enforcement, Marksman, Weapons
Specialist (+2CS Fighting with battle staves), Acrobatics,
Biology, Detective


Javelins Throw: Combined as a javelin, they cause
Remarkable Blunt damage to any target. Range: 4 Areas 

Staff Slam: Spinning her staves in a giant arc, circling

around and striking all enemies in one area with
Remarkable Blunt damage. Requires successful Fighting
FEAT. Range: 1 Area.

Staff Attack: She can release the staves directly from the
holsters and cause them to fly for Incredible Thrown Blunt
damage. She can catch the staves on the rebound with a
green or better Agility FEAT roll.

Flying Leap Kick: Using her staves to vault her in the air,
Bobbi can travel 1 Area for a Charge attack that does
Excellent damage. Joined together and elongated, Bobbi
has an eight-foot- long vaulting pole.

Nerve Punch: To inflicting damage in short, quick bursts,

Mockingbird uses this tactic, which gives her a +1CS to
Fighting ability when engaged in unarmed combat.

Real Name: St. John Allerdyce Real Name: Pietro Maximoff
Type: Mutant Type: Mutant
ID: Public ID: Public
Team Affiliation: New Brotherhood of Evil Team Affiliation: X-Factor
GD GD TY RM GD TY GD 20 100 10 30 10 6 6
10 10 6 30 10 6 10 Health: 160 Karma: 22
Health: 56 Karma: 26 Resources: TY Popularity: 0
Resources: PR Popularity: -10
KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: His skin grants him Good
Costume (Equipment): Pyro's costume (10) protection against physical and
grants him Amazing (50) protection energy damage.
against flame and heat. Lightning Speed: He can reach Shift X
Fire Control: He has the Incredible (40) (150) land speed and Remarkable (30)
ability to control (but not create) flame. He water speed. Quicksilver can also:
can perform the following with flame: • Make additional attacks using his
• Form rings, prison, and other Shift X (150) speed, rather than his
restraining devices of up to Incredible (40) Fighting score. Each attack inflicts Good
intensity. (10) damage.
• Fire jets of flame at a range of 4 areas • Generate cyclone winds, hurling
with Incredible (40) damage. everyone within 1 area at the equivalent of
• Create flame creatures with Incredible a Shift X (150) attack, but only inflicting
(40) Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Typical (6) damage.
Endurance scores. Such creatures inflict • Break grappling and other restraints
Monstrous (75) damage to flammable using his Shift X (150) speed instead of
targets, and Good (10) damage to non- Strength.
flammable targets. • He can speed 300' up a sheer surface
• Dampen flames with Incredible (40) after a 500' running start.
ability. • With a 100' running start, he can
Fire Resistance: Pyro has Class 1000 cross 1000' of water.
resistance to fire under his control, but no • Vibrate so fast as to be invisible at
resistance to flames not under his Unearthly (100) rank.
command or fire controlled by others. Resistance to Cold: Due to his accelerated
Flamethrower (Equipment): His backpack metabolism, Quicksilver has Incredible
shoots Remarkable (30) intensity fire from (40) resistance to cold.
his wrists to a range of 2 areas. It has TALENTS: Bilingual (English and
Incredible (40) material strength. Hungarian).
TALENTS: Journalism, Writing. IN BRIEF: Pietro can be haughty,
IN BRIEF: Pyro has been a drifter, arrogant, and overbearing. However, of
dilettante, and author. As a villain, he is late he seems to have mellowed
not particularly ambitious. He performs somewhat. Normally he refuses to show
best as a reliable lackey who knows his any weakness or frailty, or to accept it in
place. While with Freedom Force, he others.
would occasionally pursue his own
unauthorized schemes.

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Shield Slash: Spinning shield in a giant arc, circling around and striking all enemies in the ȡ ȡ &.Nȡ%
 ȡ ȡ ;ȡOȡ ]  Iȡ ȡ ȡ ȡ
area with Amazing Edged or Blunt damage, as the user  ȡI
$; ;ȡ ȡdesires. Requires successful Fighting
ȡ ; k Dȡ;ȡHOȡ
FEAT. Range: Same Area.

 #  ”ȡ
Charging Star: Using all of his momentum (and all of his movements that turn), USAgent,
"$ȡ% ƒŝ !ȡ %#&"
while armed with his shield, gains a + 3 CS to charge his enemy, inflicting Monstrous Charging ȡ$
damage. He must make a Yellow result to achieve z; ;íȡ
this maneuver. 
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Stars & Stripes: To inflict damage in short, quick  Ñȡ
bursts, USAgent uses this.(+"‡.?&ȡÐcȡ
tactic, which gives ("
him a +1CS to Fighting ability when engaged in unarmed
"_ȡ combat.
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Final Justice: By spending 100 Karma Points andi uȡ
by making a Red Fighting","X?&ȡLcȡ
FEAT, USAgent "#?#
can make up to six attacks in one turn. Three with his shield. Three in melee
G‚ uȡ combat. 

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F RM 30 Health: 140 

A GD 10 Karma: 36 

S AM 50 Resources: PR (4)

E AM 50 Popularity: 18

R GD 10 

I EX 20 

P TY 6


Invulnerability: Luke Cage has Incredible resistance 

to physical and energy attacks.

Impervious: Luke Cage has Class 1000 protection against
to temperature extremes and electrical shocks.

Regeneration: Luke has the Poor ability to heal, allowing
him to gain his Endurance rank number in Health three
times per day.

Talents: Luke is skilled in Martial Arts A , B, & E, 

Leadership, Law Enforcement, and Criminology.

Sweet Christmas: Luke strikes at the ground with fists or
legs setting up a shockwave that will travel up to 2 areas
away in any direction. Those in the path of the shockwave
take Amazing damage. Roll as Force Attack.

Fastball Special: The attack uses the thrower's Agility to

hit, or the thrown's Fighting ability, whichever the players
involved choose. Damage is done by the thrown character
as determined by Endurance, or by a normal Slugfest
attack, with the thrown character gaining benefits as for a
Charging attack.

Chain Strike: A quick forward chain strike that does
Monstrous blunt damage and is +1 CS to strike.

Jab: This quick striking technique catches opponents off-
guard. While using this, Luke is + 1 to initiative rolls in
unarmed combat.

Hammer Punch: To inflict damage in short, quick bursts,

Luke Cage uses this tactic, which gives him a +1CS to
Fighting ability when engaged in unarmed combat.
Benjamin “Ben” J. Grimm Thor of Asgard

F IN(40) Health: 200 F UN(100 Health: 320

A GD(10) A EX(20)
S MN(75) Karma: 50 S UN(100 Karma: 76

 E MN(75) E UN(100
R GD(10) Resources: Ex(20) R TY(6) Resources: Ex(20)
I GD(10) I EX(20)
P RM(30) Popularity: 50 P AM(50) Popularity: 75


Body Armor: Ben’s skin has mutated into a Body Armor: All Asgardians have denser flesh
thick, rock-like hide, which provides Incredible than mere mortals, which provides Excellent
protection against physical attacks and protection from physical attacks and Typical
Excellent protection against energy attacks. protection from energy attacks.

Resistance to Fire: This same thick hide Unique Weapon: Thor wields a hammer made
provides Incredible protection from fire and of the mystic material Uru, a Class 3000
fire-based attacks. material. The enchantments on this mystic
mallet grant Thor additional Powers.
Protected Senses: Ben has no visible ears, • Thor may throw the hammer up to ten
but his hearing is unimpaired. He has areas away, with the hammer returning in
Remarkable protection from sonic and sound- the following round.
based attacks. • By throwing the hammer and catching its
thong, Thor may fly at up to Shift X
Alter Ego (no longer in use): Ben Grimm had Speeds, and by spinning it, hover in place.
on occasion reverted to his original human • By spinning the hammer, Thor may use it
form, whether by treatment, the effects of the as a shield of Remarkable strength.
environment, or personal attitudes. The Alter • Only one who is worthy may lift the
Ego had all the talents and contacts but no hammer of Thor. The wielder (other than
Powers. Thor) must have 1000+ Karma,
F A S E R I P Remarkable Strength, and positive
EX GD GD GD GD GD RM Popularity. A non-living object must have at
least Remarkable Strength to lift the
The Thing has lost the ability to revert to his hammer.
human form at the time of this writing. • The Hammer provides Unearthly rank
Weather Control. Thor uses this Power to
TALENTS: Ben is an accomplished pilot of summon storms and lightning.
both air and space craft. He is, in addition, • Dimensional Travel: By spinning the
well-versed in combat and has Martial Arts B hammer, Thor may move into adjacent
and Wrestling Talents. dimensions with Unearthly ability. With the
current separation of Asgard and Earth,
CONTACTS: Ben is a founding member of travel between the two is a red FEAT.
the Fantastic Four, and has also served as an
ally of the West Coast Avengers. At other TALENTS: Thor receives a +1CS with Edged
times, he has worked as a star attraction for Weapons, and is a Weapons Specialist (+2CS
the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation and to hit) with Mjolnir.
Project PEGASUS, a US government agency
dedicated to investigating new and powerful CONTACTS: Thor is the son of the lost ruler
energy sources. of Asgard, Odin, and the primal Earth spirit
Gaea. He is also a founding member of the
BACKGROUND: Ben Grimm was the pilot on Avengers.
the fateful space shot that created the
Fantastic Four. Altered by cosmic radiation BACKGROUND: Trapped by aliens in a cave
into his present rocky form, Ben considers in Norway, Dr. Donald Blake discovered the
himself a hideous mockery of a man, and Hammer of Thor, transforming him into the
though his strength has saved the team time Asgardian warrior. It was later revealed that
and again, he feels alienated from his Thor had been transformed into Blake to
partners. teach him humility. Thor tries to serve as a
protector of both Asgard and Midgard (Earth).

 Cloak of Levitation: A magical device NICK FURY
DOCTOR Strange presented
Cloak to Dr, Strange
of Levitation: A magical by hisdevicementor and Nicholas
NICK FURYJoseph Fury
Stephen Strange later destroyed
presented to Dr, Strangeand reconstructed,
by his mentor theand Cloak Nicholas Joseph Fury
F GD(10) Health: 66 permits
later Flight and
destroyed of Shift X Speed (athe
reconstructed, smallCloak spell F IN(40) Health: 100
FA EX(20)
GD(10) Health: 66 allows Flight
permits the doctor of Shift to breathe
X Speedat(athis small speed),
spell FA EX(20)
IN(40) Health: 100
AS TY(6)
EX(20) Karma: 185 The Cloak
allows the doctor may be commanded
to breathe at thistospeed),
perform AS GD(10)
EX(20) Karma: 50
SE RM(30)
TY(6) Karma: 185 discrete
The Cloakactions,
may be and commandedin combattoitperform has SE RM(30)
GD(10) Karma: 50
ER GD(10)
RM(30) Resources: Gd(10) Incredible
discrete material
actions, andstrength
in combat and may act as if
it has ER EX(20)
RM(30) Resources: Am(50)
RI MN(75)
GD(10) Resources: Gd(10) it possesses
Incredible material Incredible
strength Strength.
and may act as if RI EX(20)
EX(20) Resources: Am(50)
IP UN(100)
MN(75) Popularity; 10 it possesses Incredible Strength. I P GD(10)
EX(20) Popularity: 50
P UN(100) Popularity; 10 Eye of Agamotto: An occult object contained P GD(10) Popularity: 50
Eye an amuletAn
of Agamotto: worn occultby the
object Doctor and
contained KNOWN POWERS:
KNOWN POWERS: controlled
within an amulet by a psychic
worn by link. The Eye
the Doctor and has KNOWN POWERS:
Magical Ability: Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer several functions:
controlled by a psychic link. The Eye has Body Armor: Nick normally wears a protective
of theDoctor
Ability: Earth Strange
Dimension. is theHeSorcerer
may use Cloak
several of functions:
• ServesLevitation: A magical device
as a combination of all Detection NICKvestArmor:
Body of Kelvar
FURY Nickarmor normally at allwears
times,a giving
any listed
Supreme Strange
the Earth as aDimension.
spell, subject He to may theuse presented Powers
• Serves toas Dr,a Strange
with Class 1000
combination by his mentor
of andand
all Detection in Typical
vest protection
of Kelvar armor Fury from
at allattacks.
times, giving him
any listed Powerof Personal,
as a spell, Universal,
subjectand to the Dimen- laterPowersdestroyed
addition with and
Class reconstructed,
1000 ability, the Cloak
and in Typical protection from attacks.
sional energy GD(10)
of Personal,
restrictions. Health:
He uses 66and Dimen-
these permits andFlight
addition of Shift
disguises X Speed
illusions, (a small spell
enchantments, F Weapons: Nick uses a Health:
IN(40) variety of 100 weapons
abilities atEX(20)
energy therestrictions.
Amazing level, He uses unless theseotherwise allows and the doctor
• Provides to breathe
a +2CS on allatMental
this speed),Powers AWeapons: Nick
availableEX(20) in the uses a variety of
S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons
armory, including
noted as atTY(6)
the Amazing
Power stunts.level,Karma: 185 Doctor
In addition, otherwise The• Provides
used by may beDoctor
a +2CS
the commanded
on all Mental to perform
Powers Savailable
machine inGD(10)
the S.H.I.E.L.D.
pistols and force Karma:armory,
pistols.50 including
His person-
Strange RM(30)
as Power
regularly stunts.
usesIn theaddition,
following Doctor
spells: discrete
used actions,
• Placesby the one and
Doctor in combattarget
unconscious it has in same Emachine pistols
alized weaponRM(30) and
is aforceneedle pistols.
gun, His whichperson-
shoots a
RStrange GD(10) uses the
• Alteration—Appearance Resources:
following Gd(10)
(P)—asspells: a minor Incredible
• Places
area in material
one strength
suspended and
animation may
target (noinactsame as if or
actions Ralized
stream weapon
finelyis ahoned
gun, which
slivers shoots
up toAm(50)
6 areasa
I • illusion MN(75)
of Amazing Intensity (P)—as that achanges
minor it possesses
area Incredible
Health) with Strength.
Monstrous (noability
actions or Istream
away of forfinely
EX(20) honeddamage slivers up on tothe6 Edged
P illusionthe Doctor’sUN(100)
of Amazingappearance Popularity;
Intensity andthat 10
that of his loss of Health)
• Opens with Monstrous
a Dimensional Aperture ability with Paway for Excellent
Throwing column,damage
GD(10) on the
The Popularity:
needle Edged
gun contains
the Doctor’s appearance
companions, usually hiding andtheir
that costumes
of his Eye• Opens
of Agamotto:
Unearthly a DimensionalAn occultAperture
ability object contained
with Throwing
300 rounds, column, is made The needle gun contains
of Excellent Strength
KNOWN companions,
• Astral POWERS: usually
Projection hiding Power
(P)—as their costumes
of same within an amulet
Unearthly abilityworn by the Doctor and 300
KNOWN rounds,
materials, is made
POWERS: has of Excellent Strength
mother-of-pearl handgrips.
• name,
Astral Projection
with Unearthly (P)—as Power of same
ability controlled
Orb of Agamotto:by a psychic Another link. The
powerfulEye has mystic materials, and has mother-of-pearl handgrips.
Magical name, Ability:
• Levitation Doctor
with Unearthly abilityis
Power of the
same Sorcerer
name, several
artifact, functions:
of Agamotto:
the Orb Another has Class powerful
3000 Magic mystic BodyTALENTS:
Armor: Nick Furynormally
has acquired wearsa anumber protective of
Supreme• with of the(P)—as
Incredible Earth Dimension.
Power of same
ability He may name, use • Serves
Detection theas Orb
(as a the
Class 3000 andof all Detection
may be used to TALENTS:
vesttalents in Fury
of Kelvar hisarmor has at
careers acquired
in the
all times, a number
giving and of
any with •listed Incredible
Power asability
Shield—Individual a spell,
(P) subject
as Personal to theForce Detection
view any(as with
place the
known 1000 toand may
the user. and be inused to talents
Typical in
Espionage his careers
protection fields,from Hein attacks.
thea Military
is Pilot of andair and space
• Field,
ablePersonal, (P)
to repelUniversal, as Personal
magical and Dimen-
attacks Force view any place
addition reveals known to theenchantments,
illusions, user. Espionage fields, He isexpert
craft, a demolitions a Pilot(+1CS of air onandallspace
sional Field, ablerestrictions.
energy to(P)—as
repel magical He uses attacks
thesename, and disguises craft, a demolitions
Weapons: Nick usesexpert
involving explosives),
a variety (+1CS of is on all in First
• Telepathy Power of same TALENTS: Doctor Strange was a noted
• with
abilities Telepathy
atUnearthly (P)—as
the Amazing Power of same
level, unless name,
otherwise TALENTS:
• Provides Doctor
a +2CS Strange was
on all Mental a noted
Powers matters
Aid, isinvolving
available ainskilled explosives),
the S.H.I.E.L.D. is trained
armory, has in First
ability surgeon before becoming the Sorcerer
surgeon before becoming Aid,
machine is a skilled
Talent and
pistols Marksman,
and force Arts A, and
B, D,
pistols. hasand
His Wrestling
noted with asUnearthly
• Conjure Power (U)—a ability
stunts. In addition,Teleport
specialized Doctor of used by
Supreme, the
andDoctorretains histhe SorcererTalents,
Supreme, Talent weapon
alized and Martial is aArts needle A, B, gun,D, which
and E.shoots a
Strange• Amazing
regularly(U)—a uses
Intensity specialized
brings Teleport
item,of is an and
• Places
He one retains
expert unconscious
on Occult his Medicinal
and inTalents,
• Amazing Intensity
character, or being thatto brings
the(P)—as the aitem,
caster. minor
The being He is anand
Lore, inexpert has on
suspended been Occult andMartial
taught Mythological
(no actions
Arts A and or CONTACTS:
stream of finely honed Nick Fury sliversis theup toExecutive
6 areas
awayDirector Nick damage
of S.H.l.E.L.D.
for Excellent Fury is (Supreme
on Executive
the Edged
in question ormay
of Amazing being to the
make caster. The
that changes
a Psyche FEAT being
to byand
Eloss has
of Health)
his been
manservant, with taught Martialability
Wong, Arts A and
Director ofcolumn,
S.H.l.E.L.D. (Supreme
the question
Doctor’s may make a and
the conjuration Psyche thatFEATof histo E •by his manservant,
Opens a Dimensional Wong, Aperture with Headquarters
Throwing International
The needle Espionage
gun containsLaw-
avoid the conjuration Headquarters
300 rounds, is International
Enforcement Division),
made anEspionage
of Excellent espionage
Strength Law-
• Eldritch usually hiding
Beams/Bolts (U)—Astheir costumes
Force or Unearthly ability
CONTACTS: Doctor Strange’s mentor was
CONTACTS: Doctor Strange’s mentor waswith Enforcement
materials, andDivision),
has an espionage
Monstrous Resources.
handgrips. He
Energy Beams/Bolts
Missile (P)—as
weapon, (U)—As
of AmazingForce
of same or
power the Ancient One, who has since merged
the organization
has ties with with Monstrous
various parts Resources.
of the U.S. He
and range Missile
with weapon,
Unearthly of Amazing power
ability Orb theAncient
Agamotto: One, who
on rare haspowerful
since merged
occasions haswith
mystic has ties with various parts of the U.S.
• and range (P)—as
• Dimensional Power(D)—Creates
Aperture of same name, an the
returned thetoOrb but on rare
advise, Class occasions
Strange’s 3000own Magic has
pupil Clea Government,
TALENTS: Fury as
has well as old
acquired aties with OSS
number of
returned to advise, Government,
talents as well in
his careers as
and oldM15
the ties(England’s
Military withandOSS spy
• opening
with Dimensional
and permits (D)—Creates
passage to anand Detection
is now the (as ruler ofStrange’s
the Power), the Dark andown maypupil
Dimension, be used Cleato
(now ClA), fields,
• opening into, and
from, another permits
as Personal to
Forceand isAmong
view now anythe ruler
the of the
beings thatDark
to the Dimension,
user. calls upon to
Espionage Heand is aM15Pilot(England’s
of air and spy space
craft, a demolitions expert (+1CS on all
Field, another
Monstrous stated
repel dimension,
Requires attacks
a FEATwith roll Among
work his theDimensional
beings that Strange spells are calls upon to
• Monstrous
Telepathy ability, Requires
(P)—as Power ofasame
FEATname, roll or work
TALENTS: his Dimensional
Doctor Strange spellswas are aCyttorak,
matters involving explosives), Nick Furyisfirst madein First
only for unfriendly or hostile dimensions Raggadorr, the Seraphim, and the Vishanti BACKGROUND: Nick Fury first11 made
only for unfriendly or hostile dimensions or Raggadorr,
surgeon before the Seraphim,
becoming and the Vishanti Aid,headlines
is a skilled duringMarksman,World War
and hasasWrestling
a Sergeant
with Unearthly
unwilling ability
travelers (Agamotto, Hoggoth, andthe Sorcerer
Oshtur), all of whom headlines during World
• unwilling
• Mists of(U)—a travelers
Morpheus specialized Teleport ofvapors
(D)—Generates (Agamotto,
are considered and Hoggoth,
Friendly and Oshtur),
his Medicinal
entities for all of whom
and and
Talent leader of his
Martial team
Arts A,War
B, 11 and
of “Howling
D, as aE.Sergeant
and leader of his During
Commandos.” team ofthat “Howling
time he was
• ofMists
Amazing ofIntensity
Monstrous Morpheus that(D)—Generates
Intensity, brings
whichthe item,vapors
induce sleep Heare isconsidered
purposesan expert Friendly
of conjuration.Occultentities for the
and Mythological Commandos.”
injected with
CONTACTS: Nick Fury is the During
the that
“Infinity time
Formula”he was
Executive — a serum
character, Intensity,
or being
those failing anto thewhich
Endurance caster.induce
The sleep
FEAT being
in two purposes
Lore, and has of conjuration.
been taught Martial Arts A and injected
that has
Director with
of the “Infinity
S.H.l.E.L.D. Formula”
his aging — a serum
process so he
question failing
mayan is Endurance
make a Psyche
unaffected, FEAT
unless in hetwo
by his manservant, Wong, Strange was a
Stephen that has slowed down his aging process so war,
areas. Strange is unaffected, unless he BACKGROUND: Stephensurgeon Strangewho waslost a his remains
Headquarters in top form today.
International Following
Espionage the
chooses the conjuration
to undergo the mists, in which talented and egotistical remains in top form today. Following the war,
talented andskills egotistical surgeon who lost his Fury engaged
Enforcement in numerous
Division), an espionagemilitary and
• chooses
Eldritch to
case heBeams/Bolts undergo
sleeps deeplythe mists,
for 1 -10in which
Forcehours or but CONTACTS:
fine motor Doctor in aStrange’s
car crash. mentor
Sinking was into Fury engaged in numerous military and
case fine motor skills inwhoa car crash. Sinking into espionage
organization operations,
with Monstrous until he was
Resources. contacted
Energy sleeps
it three deeply
days for
weapon, have 1 -10
of Amazing
passedhours powerbut
under the Ancient
alcoholism, One, Strange has
heard since
of the merged
Ancient withOne, espionage
byties operations,
a still-mysterious until
Board he ofwas contacted
Directors to
alcoholism, has with various parts of the U.S.
and as
range it
full hospital rest three days have passed under the and soughtStrange
universe but
himonout heard
rare a of
cure.the Instead,
has One, bycreate
a still-mysterious
and as direct Board of Directors to time,
• full hospital
Dimensional rest
Aperture (D)—Creates an of and
returned sought him outthe
advise, forAncient
Strange’s a cure.own Instead,
pupil Clea Government, wellS.H.I.E.L.D.
as old ties with Since OSS that
• Spell of Silence (U)—Prevents subject Strange One’s pupil and create
Fury and direct
has military,
remained S.H.I.E.L.D.
theM15 head Since that time,
of S.H.I.E.L.D.
• Spell fromofinto,
Silence isStrange became the Ancient One’s pupil and (now ClA), and (England’s spy
spell and (U)—Prevents
speaking permits passage
of certain subject
to and
matters of
or now the
inherited ruler
from of him thethe Dark Dimension,
mantle of Sorcerer Fury has remained
operations, overseeing the head an of S.H.I.E.L.D.
espionage network
inherited from organization).
from, from
subjects. speaking
Only stated of certain
characters matters
with or
of Amazing or Among
Supreme. the Hehim
beings the mantle
operates out ofofGreenwich
Strange Sorcerer
calls upon to operations,
that includes overseeing
major bases an espionage
in most cities network in the
Monstrous Only characters
ability, Requires ofa Amazing
FEAT rollor Supreme.
work He operates
his Dimensional out spells out ofare Greenwich
Cyttorak, that includes
greater Psyche
greater Psyche
receive a
roll to
seeking out
threats to
to the
the free
BACKGROUND:world, major an orbital bases
Nick Fury spacein most
cities in the
made and, until
onlyavoid for itsunfriendly
effects or hostile dimensions Raggadorr,
Earth dimension. the Seraphim, and the Vishanti free world,
recently,duringan orbital
a flying space
fortress station, and, until
avoid its effects Earth dimension. headlines World Warknown11 as aasSergeant
unwilling travelers (Agamotto, Hoggoth, and Oshtur), all of whom recently, a flying fortress
Helicarrier. known as the
and leader of The his team original was destroyed,
of “Howling but a
• Mists of Morpheus (D)—Generates vapors are considered Friendly entities for the Helicarrier. The original
smaller version, the that was destroyed,
Behemoth, is stillbut
in a
smaller version, During
the Behemoth, time he is was
still in
of Monstrous Intensity, which induce sleep purposes of conjuration. operation. Fury has recently discovered
operation. withFury thehas “Infinity
discovered— a serum
in those failing an Endurance FEAT in two widespread corruption inaging
his organization, and
that has
widespread slowed down
corruption his
in his process soand
organization, he
areas. Strange is unaffected, unless he BACKGROUND: Stephen Strange was a has beentop working towardFollowing
eliminating it.war,
has beeninworking formtoward today. eliminating the it.
chooses to undergo the mists, in which talented and egotistical surgeon who lost his
Fury engaged in numerous military and
case he sleeps deeply for 1 -10 hours but fine motor skills in a car crash. Sinking into espionage operations, until he was contacted
heals as it three days have passed under alcoholism, Strange heard of the Ancient One, by a still-mysterious Board of Directors to
full hospital rest and sought him out for28 a28cure. Instead, create and direct S.H.I.E.L.D. Since that time,
• Spell of Silence (U)—Prevents subject of Strange became the Ancient One’s pupil and Fury has remained the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.
spell from speaking of certain matters or inherited from him the mantle of Sorcerer operations, overseeing an espionage network
subjects. Only characters of Amazing or Supreme. He operates out of Greenwich that includes major bases in most cities in the
greater Psyche may receive a FEAT roll to Village, seeking out magical threats to the free world, an orbital space station, and, until
avoid its effects Earth dimension. recently, a flying fortress known as the
Helicarrier. The original was destroyed, but a


Real Name: Kurt Wagner Real Name: Ark
Type: Mutant Type: Mutant
ID: Public ID: Secret
Team Affiliation: Excalibur Team Affiliation:

20 50 6 30 10 20 20 30 20 30
Health: 106 Karma: 50 Health: 130
Resources: PR Popularity: TY Resources: TY


Blending: Nightcrawler's skin allows him Life Energy Drai
Incredible (40) invisibility in darkness. Amazing (50) po
Prehensile Tail: His tail can be used as an out of everyone
additional hand for grappling or using himself, and use
weapons at his normal Agility. Health. To affec
Teleportation: Nightcrawler has the Shift X must first succee
(150) ability to teleport up to 3 miles from against the inten
his starting position. When using this Psyche. Each su
power, he causes a loud "BAMF" and the Omega Red to d
smell of sulfur. He can perform the points from each
following: limit of 130 Heal
• Teleport with up to two passengers, drops to 0 as a r
who must make an Endurance FEAT or be his body disinteg
knocked out for 1-10 rounds. Scent: Omega R
• By succeeding at a Power FEAT, he that can knock o
can teleport multiple times to make up to area as himself.
three separate attacks. succeed at an E
• By grappling an opponent and making Endurance FEA
a Power FEAT, he can teleport multiple unconscious for
times, causing the opponent to attempt an Tentacles: Retra
Endurance FEAT each time or be knocked extend from Om
out for 1-10 turns. have Incredible
Wall-Crawling: Nightcrawler moves up allow him to gra
vertical surfaces with Amazing (50) ability. same area as hi
TALENTS: Acrobatics, Electronics, First Limitations: Ome
Aid, Martial Arts C, Mechanics, Pilot, upon the life ene
Resist Domination, Sharp Weapons "feeds," he loses
(Epee), Tumbling. hour. If his Heal
IN BRIEF: Most of the time Kurt is a enters a death-li
dashing ladies' man, but this hides a awaken until he
darker side which broods about religion, TALENTS: Non
morality, and his role in life. When fighting IN BRIEF: Ome
most foes, he is level-headed, but when who lives only fo
confronting sadistic or bigoted enemies, destruction. He
he can become almost bestial. and will not rest
withered husk a


Dane Whitman Roger Bochs

0 F RM(30) Health: 70 

F RM(30) Health: 210
A EX(20) A RM(30)
S GD(10) Karma: 22 S MN(75) Karma: 40
E GD(10) E MN(75)
: Rm(30) R GD(10) Resources: Ex(20) R EX(20) Resources: Ex(20)
I TY(6) I GD(10)
10 P TY(6) Popularity: 40 P GD(10) Popularity: 10/6


feet are well- Body Armor: Black Knight wears a full of Body Armor: All of Box’s abilities from his
as hands to chain mail armor, providing him with Good Body Armor. When not in his armor, Roger
Bochs has the following stats:
protection from physical attacks.
ance and PR PR TY GD EX GD GD
Unique Weapon—Ebony Sword: Merlin
with Remarkable himself forged and enchanted the Black The armor provides Amazing protection from
Knight’s sword. It is made of Unearthly physical and energy attacks, and Monstrous
material strength meteoric iron, and in the Resistance to Heat, Cold, and Radiation,
move at up to Black Knight’s hands inflicts 10 points Edged
to that speed in Bochs merges physically with the Box armor
damage, or 16 points Blunt damage with the (takes 1 round), Remaining too long inside
flat of the blade. The sword has special anti- Box may cause the merger to be permanent.
magical properties, allowing it to deflect spells Make a Psyche FEAT for each hour after the
expert in
and energy as if it were a shield of Unearthly first three to leave the armor.
lectronics. He
Strength, as well as cut through mystic
d Martial Arts C
barriers and ensnarements as if they were Flight: Box flies by means of jet-thrusters in
normal materials. The sword has a blood- the legs, and can fly at Incredible speeds. If
urrent member curse on it: if the wielder takes a life, he used as a weapon, the boots inflict
mber of the becomes more violent and bloodthirsty Remarkable damage.
Contacts with (Psyche FEAT to avoid this effect).
orporation, and Recovery: The Box armor’s internal circuits
e has acted as a Limited Teleport: Through ceremony or allow it to regain lost Endurance ranks at a
at best. complete concentration (red Psyche FEAT), limited rate. In addition, Madison Jeffries, who
the Black Knight may summon his sword to has the ability to manipulate metals, can
e feet and him or teleport himself to the sword with Class repair Unearthly damage to the Box armor.
at birth, but 3000 ability, crossing time and dimensions to
fe, even do so. Computer Link: The Box armor allows the
h school. user to tap into available computer hardware
Men, Hank has Atomic Steed: Brought back from Mountain by with Remarkable ability.
s and the Beast, this device was repaired by Dane
ber of X-Factor. and is used as his mount, The vehicles’ stats Sensors: Box has active detection gear that
are: ranges from microwave to hard radiation
with the Brand
Control Speed Body Protection detection. He has Amazing infravision, radar,
mutated into a
RM ShX EX None and radiation detection. His on-board radio
has since been
has a 200-mile range across all standard
bands, and can jam other radio sources within
orker. TALENTS: Dane is a Weapons Specialist with
5 areas with Incredible Intensity.
his sword (+2CS), and has Horsemanship
skills (used to control his Atomic Steed), TALENTS: Roger Bochs is an expert in Elec-
Whitman is also an accomplished geneticist. tronics, He has Engineering and Repair/Tink-
ering ability to help build and maintain Box.
CONTACTS: Black Knight is a member of the
Avengers, and a close ally of Doctor Strange, CONTACTS: Bochs was a member of Beta
He still has ties to the extra-dimensional realm Flight and is a current member of Alpha
of Avalon. Flight. He is also the owner of Bochs Elec-
tronics, a private firm with Remarkable
BACKGROUND: Dane Whitman inherited the Resources.
persona of Black Knight from his criminal
uncle, Nathan Garrett, Determined to use the BACKGROUND: Handicapped Roger Bochs’
Powers of the Ebony Sword for good, Whit- plans for a powerful robotic suit came to the
man joined the Avengers following a long stay attention of James Hudson, who recruited
in the 12th century, and is a member of the Bochs and his invention into Beta Flight. Box
current team. later joined the main team.


F AM(50) Health: 160

A EX(20) Karma: 40
S AM(50) Resources: Excellent
E IN(40) Popularity: 10
R GD(10)
I GD(10)
P EX(20)

Body Resistance: Heimdall possesses Excellent
resistance to physical attacks, heat, cold, radiation,
toxins, aging, and disease. He has Typical
resistance to other Energy Attacks.

Hypersensitive Hearing: Unearthly ability to detect

extremely faint sounds and unusual frequencies.
He can identify objects by the sounds they emit.
Because of the sensitivity of the hero's hearing, he
is more vulnerable to sonic attacks

Hypersensitive Olfactory: Unearthly ability to detect
the presence of minute traces of substances and
accurately identify them. 

Dimension Travel: Unearthly ability to travel
between Earth and Asgard.

Telescopic Vision: Unearthly ability to focus on
extremely distant targets, objects too small for
normal vision to perceive. The eyes function as
telescopes, magnifying normal visual images. With
this Power, the hero can see anything in his line of
sight, even the surfaces of distant worlds.

Swords: As sentry of Asgard Heimdall is equipped
with two Uru metal swords, made from Class 3000
material. The weapons are capable of inflicting
Monstrous blunt or edged damage.

Weapon Specialist: Swords (+2 CS)
Sharp Weapons
Asgardian Lore

Kate Bishop


F EX 20 Health: 66

A EX 20 Karma: 60 

S TY 6 Resources: PR 

E EX 20 Popularity: 10 

R EX 20 

I RM 30 

P GD 10 


Unique Weapons—Bow: The specialized bow allows
Hawkeye to fire three arrows / turn. Hawkeye has a
range of 7 areas, and may call her shots as a Power

Unique Weapons—Arrows: Hawkeye’s quiver
contains 36 shafts, including:

• Explosive — Amazing Grenade damage

• Blunt — Excellent Throwing Blunt damage

• Broad Blade —Excellent Shooting Damage 

• Tear Gas — Excellent Intensity, 1 area

• Electro-arrow — Amazing electrical damage 

• Smoke Bomb — Covers one area in smoke 

• Acid Arrow — Remarkable Intensity

• Cable — Fired 3 areas, lncredible line

• Putty — Remarkable Strength adherence

• Bola — Incredible Strength cable

• Net — Hit means all targets in Remarkable net 

• Rocket — Range of 15 areas, IN damage

• Boomerang — returns to firer in one round

Weapon Mastery: When using a bow and arrow,
sword, or staff, Kate gains a + 2 CS, + 1 to Initiative

Martial Arts Mastery: A continuing program of
intensive training has granted her a high level of skill
in unarmed combat. When engaged in unarmed
combat, her Fighting skill, including talents, is


Acrobatics, Marksman, Martial Arts A, B, C, D, E

Weapons Specialist: Swords, Bows, Staves

Swordsmanship, Archery, Cellist, Student, Heir


Kate Bishop grew up as the youngest daughter of a
rich Manhattanite family. Her father was emotionally
distant and busy with work while her mother died
while she was still young. Though Kate was close to
her older sister, Susan, she developed a very
independent, blunt, and stubborn personality.


Gwen Stacy

Altered Human

F RM 30 Health: 160

A AM 50 Karma: 70 

S IN 40 Resources: TY 

E IN 40 Popularity: 30 

R EX 20 

I GD 10 

P IN 40 


Wall-Crawling: Spider-Woman can crawl on vertical and
horizontal surfaces with Amazing (50) ability.

Spider Sense: Spider-Woman has a Combat Sense of

Amazing (50) ability that works all the time. When this sense
is activated, a mental "buzzing" alerts Gwen of the potentially
dangerous situation. The intensity of the sense depends
upon the amount of danger with which she is being
threatened. While his Combat Sense is working, Spider-
Woman cannot be blindsided, and she may make defensive
actions if she makes a successful Intuition FEAT. If her sense
has been nullified, then her Intuition is as listed, and all Agility
FEATs are at -1CS.

Web-Shooters: Spider-Woman can weave webbing of

Incredible (40) material strength in the round it is fired, and 

hardens into Monstrous (75) strength in the next round. This
webbing is used by Spider- Woman for travel (three areas/
round), for restraining opponents, for temporarily blinding
them, and for creating a variety 

of objects:

• Web Shield: Monstrous material strength

• Web Parachute

• Web Hang Glider: Typical Air Speed 

• Web Missiles: Excellent Blunt Attacks, 3 Areas

Spider-Tracer: Spider-Woman has created a small homing
device shaped like a spider that sets off her Spider Sense if
she is within a mile of the tracer. She can track these tracers
with Amazing (50) accuracy up to a mile away.


Chemistry, Physics, Modeling, Music


Gwen Stacy was bitten by a Radioactive Spider, and became
the amazing Spider-Woman. In one of her adventures, she
faced the mutated Peter Parker, who turned himself into a
Lizard-like creature in an attempt to be "special" like Gwen,
and died in the aftermath. She was then wanted by the
authorities and her father, who was the head of the New York
Police Department, because of Parker's death.

Susanna Lauren Sherman

Human/Mutant/Kree Hybrid

F GD 10 Health: 150

A AM 50 Karma: 60 

S AM 50 Resources: GD 

E IN 40 Popularity: 10 

R GD 10 

I EX 20 

P RM 30 


Flight: Ultra Girl can fly Excellent speed (10 Areas per turn)
She can reach her top speed of 150 MPH in a single round.

Body Armor: Incredible protection against physical attacks;

Excellent protection against energy attacks.

Regeneration: Unearthly ability to heal 10 Health per turn.

Aura Detection: Ultra-Girl has the Incredible ability to adjust
her eyes for the purpose of seeing the energy auras unique
to certain beings or species. For example, she is able to see
the differences between robots, humans, aliens, and even
mutants. This power can be used in place of Intuition in
combat situations. 


Ariel Combat, Student


Avengers, Carol Danvers, New Warriors


Sky Hook: Ultra Girl can pop an opponent up to 1d10 Areas
away with a special flying punch that does Amazing Damage.
She needs to make a Yellow Fighting Result; she is + 1 CS to
hit with this attack.

Ascension: Using all of her actions that turn, Ultra Girl may
make a special Grab to pick up an enemy, fly them 30 stories
in the air and drop the to the ground. On a successful Grab 

roll, this attack does Amazing damage; the fall does
additional Amazing Charging damage.

Flying Charge: Using all of her actions that turn, Ultra Girl
may make a flying charge into a single opponent up to 10
Areas away for Monstrous Charging damage.


Suzanna Sherman life seemed fairly normal until a
malfunctioning Sentinel attacked her during a photo shoot,
identifying her as a mutant. However, not only did it identify
her as a mutant – it also detected her as Kree. As Ultra Girl,
she has partnered with both the Avengers and the New

Doctor Walter Newell 


F GD 10 Health: 130

A RM 30 Karma: 40 

S AM 50 Resources: RM 

E IN 40 Popularity: 20 

R EX 10 

I GD 10 

P GD 10


Exoskeleton: What powers Dr.
Newell has are derived from
his use of the Stingray armor.
Without the armor his FASE
ranks are: GD / GD / TY / GD

Body Armor: The Stingray

armor gives Newell
Remarkable protection from
physical attacks (including
pressure from the ocean’s
depths), Excellent protection
from energy attacks, and
Amazing protection from heat,
cold, and electricity.

Self Sustenance: Artificial gills within the armor provide him with
unlimited oxygen. Note that the system cannot provide him with oxygen
where none is present, such as outer space. 

Hyper-Swimming: Propulsion systems give him Good speed (4 Areas).

Gliding: After launching himself from the water, Stingray can attain Poor
airspeed (60 mph / 4 Areas) and a maximum altitude of 100 feet.

Electrical Generation: Stingray can release a blast of Incredible Intensity
electricity at a range of up to 1 area. Targets of the blast must make an
Endurance FEAT or fall unconscious for 1-10 rounds.


Dr. Newell is a master of several disciplines related to the oceans. He is
an oceanographer, ocean archeologist, icthyologist, and cetologist. He
has made a special study of methods for adapting surface humans to
an aquatic existence. 


He is driven to correct any injustice or fight any calamity that is related
to the ocean. The thrill of adventuring as Stingray is gradually winning
over the urge for scholarly research.

tȅ \eΦ RĶ@ZΦ
÷ \eΦRn@ZΦ
÷ L a ΦRt @ZΦ
÷ L a ΦR t @ZΦ
k÷ J‚Φ RuZΦ
÷ q‚Φ RuZΦ
÷ û‚ΦRuZΦ
K )÷ u@Φ
 '&÷ t ē Φ
Alison Blaire 
 ÷ mΦ$F÷

F EX 10 Health: 70 

A EX 20 Karma: 22 
 k ÷ '÷6
 Φ K

÷ 4 CΦ#+]Φ
S GD 06 Resources: TY 
 C ÷ n÷ k U 4 U Φ , Φ RD
E EX 10 Popularity: 5 
 ] #Φ##ZΦ
;%&÷ m]",*Φ& Φ
R TY 20 
V÷! )÷L##C֜ ΦX 5
I GD 6 
7… ÷÷ 4Φ
P TY 6 
3÷k ?&÷9 ΦR% CΦ#5

 , #Z”Φ Ã  Φ R  7Φ ´&´bΦ
K"Φ œ # Z”Φ K  —   Φ R #D
  Z7Φ » ֜ # ΦR   ZΦ
Sound/Light Conversion: Alison has !÷
the ability to convert sound
÷ e‰; Φ
waves into coherent light. She can create several effects with this

 ÷ ¦k÷
1. As a laser, range 2 areas.
 Dų A &ų a¶¶
2. As a laser light shield around herself"
which provides
*Φ Φ" "Φ protection
] ±,
Φ ] # Φ#Φ
, +Φ ΦΦ
against physical and projectile attacks.
Φ hΦ  *Φ %Φ Φ
‰" #Φ
3. Used to dazzle, creating confusion and/or
 bΦ JΦblindness in those

Φ  Φ
Φ #D
Œ   ΦΦ  &Φ%Φ Φ ™Φ
victims who fail an Endurance FEAT roll versus the intensity

÷ ? Ë
 ÷ ky÷ of the
Φ é ,Φ ħΦ
a¶Φ ] Φ mΦ
4. Used to calm or hypnotize targets, effective range
is 1 area.

5. As a beautiful light show to accompany her performances.
K,&]#Φ  Φ \c,

,##Φ Φ V &"Φ
The intensity of the laser and the effectiveness
œ]#Φ ] ¬,7Φ rank of the dazzle,
shield, and hypnotic abilities is determined by  Φ
the amount X ,#"

 c h ”Φ 
 ]%NΦ , %]  Φ  #Φ Φ
#.Φ N
Φ ,+ų ,j-ųa
d Φ ,& Φ  Φ
ambient sound energy available. Usually, in complete silence,
]"* Φ 6 ¶ Φno "
#  Φ%Φt ‰ t @@Φ] īΦ Φ # ] Φ  Φ *Φ , ]*Φ
energy is available. In normal sound areas (where there; ] Φ
Ȟ ”Φ ,& Φ is ky T*,Φ
 ǎΦè, ΦN   ΦΦ UΦX%Φ Φ  Φ Φ]Φ%ΦΦ
>^ų D-ų aéΦ ,Φ °,Φ m *,Φ _\6JΦ Φ ‹] #Φ   Φ  Φ #Φ ΦΦm *,Φ%ΦL#ΦΦ
conversation or at least background noise) she can summon up effects * ¶#ΦNΦ t ǹ t @@Φ] rΦ
 CΦ Φ Œ] Φ Œ&Φ Φ m *,Φ _\6JΦ
, Φ
Φ  Φ  *Φ #5
and damage of up to Excellent intensity: even
# Φ  Φ higher ranks
Φ +h"
Φ can
 ky » úΦ 6Φ 
 Φ # 
*Φ  Φ Φ N Φ Φ Φ ,& bΦ
4Φ  Φ #+
#Φ  Φ mΦ NΦ
 Φ ##Φ Φ,,  *ΦΦ _
]Φ  ΦΦ ]"š, Φ  Φ #Œ5
be attained in noisier environments. Use the following guide: Œ] h,
Φ%  ,¨Φ 

Φ Φ  +ΦΦ Φ
4] úΦ
ky œ ǎΦV ΦĶΦ UΦ4Φ] ]D
ky V,&úΦ K*Φ #  ,   Φ    Φ #Φ ΦΦ   ΦΦ%ˆΦ
 Φ # #Φ ]Φ Φ
Radio, crowded room = Remarkable

*Φ ,,& Φ Φ % Φ &Φ  Φ v D

# ”Φ Φ , Φ 
%Φ &*5 «x7 ÷
*Φ] ΦΦ] Φ ΦbΦ
Streets, loud music = Incredible
 py _,Φ%
#ú֜ Φ%
#Φ+# Φ
#ΦΦÈ@Φ ‡Φ .7ų åΦ,] Φ"  ]Φ , ] Φ
Φ Φk 5 , ,
Φ,,]±*Φ Φ]  ,*Φ
Explosions, subways = Amazing
 ,  Φ Φ* ¬,Φ ,& oΦ
 Φ " Φ ] #Φ #Φ
ky œ"] úΦ è,± Φ Φ %
Φ Φ 
*Φ  h  ,Φ Φ
‰" #Φ 5
Jet engines, rockets = Monstrous
 \ #] ,Φ _\6JΦ  Φ ¬ Φ ]#‰ ,& ċΦ Φ    Φ  Φ ##´Φ XΦ , Φ Φ
Banshee's scream, ultrasonic attacks = Unearthly Scream *4

Light Immunity: Dazzler has Class 1000 immunity to all light attacks.

Costume: Dazzler now wears a special costume in combat that stores

sonic energy of Remarkable level at all times. Therefore she can use
this energy to create Remarkable light effects in a sound environment
that is relatively quiet.





Roller Skating, 

Show Business, 

Martial Arts A, D

Thor of Asgard

F UN(100 Health: 320

A EX(20)
S UN(100 Karma: 76
E UN(100
(20) R TY(6) Resources: Ex(20)
I EX(20)
P AM(50) Popularity: 75


oa Body Armor: All Asgardians have denser flesh

edible than mere mortals, which provides Excellent
protection from physical attacks and Typical
cks. protection from energy attacks.

Unique Weapon: Thor wields a hammer made

and of the mystic material Uru, a Class 3000
material. The enchantments on this mystic
mallet grant Thor additional Powers.
ars, • Thor may throw the hammer up to ten
areas away, with the hammer returning in
ound- the following round.
• By throwing the hammer and catching its
thong, Thor may fly at up to Shift X
m had Speeds, and by spinning it, hover in place.
an • By spinning the hammer, Thor may use it
of the as a shield of Remarkable strength.
Alter • Only one who is worthy may lift the
no hammer of Thor. The wielder (other than
Thor) must have 1000+ Karma,
P Remarkable Strength, and positive
RM Popularity. A non-living object must have at
least Remarkable Strength to lift the 

o his hammer.
• The Hammer provides Unearthly rank
Weather Control. Thor uses this Power to
t of summon storms and lightning.
on, • Dimensional Travel: By spinning the
rts B hammer, Thor may move into adjacent
dimensions with Unearthly ability. With the
current separation of Asgard and Earth,
r of travel between the two is a red FEAT.
as an
er TALENTS: Thor receives a +1CS with Edged
n for Weapons, and is a Weapons Specialist (+2CS
n and to hit) with Mjolnir.
erful CONTACTS: Thor is the son of the lost ruler
of Asgard, Odin, and the primal Earth spirit
Gaea. He is also a founding member of the
ilot on Avengers.

on BACKGROUND: Trapped by aliens in a cave

ers in Norway, Dr. Donald Blake discovered the
d Hammer of Thor, transforming him into the
time Asgardian warrior. It was later revealed that
Thor had been transformed into Blake to
teach him humility. Thor tries to serve as a
protector of both Asgard and Midgard (Earth).
Hank Pym
F Ex (20) Health: 70 

A Ex (20) Karma: 40

S Gd (10) Resources: Ex

E Ex (20) Popularity: 20

R Ex (20) 

I Gd (10)

P Gd (20)


Shrinking: Incredible. As Ant-Man, Pym uses a special gas that gives
him this power; this gas could also be used to shrink other people
and objects. Enemies are - 2 CS to hit smaller targets.

Insect Communication and Control: Cybernetic circuitry in his

helmet gives Pym this power. As Ant-Man his power rank is
Remarkable. Established power stunts included using insect swarms
to attack foes, and using insects to spell out messages on floors.

Flying Ant: Poor airspeed / 4 Areas per turn.

Loudspeaker: Built into Pym's hood allows him to talk at normal

volume when he is reduced in size.

Resistance to Toxins: Pym's helmet when sealed, provides Excellent

protection against gases.

Size Alteration—Growth: Pym constantly tinkers with the growth

particles and improved their effects on his cell structure. He has
Shift Z Growth and can maintain a height of 100 feet. At this height
his Strength is Amazing, Health increases to 110, and he can lift up
to 50 tons. As an automatic action, he can grow at will. Enemies are
+3 CS to hit him because of his size.

Projective Shrinking: Dr. Pym can generate a field of "Pym Particles"

to alter the size and mass of any inorganic object he touches with
Incredible effect. Intelligent and/or organic targets touched by Dr.
Pym can make green or better material strength FEAT rolls (for
robots and animated constructs) or green or better Psyche FEAT
rolls (for humans and other living beings) against Pym's Incredible
power to resist the size altering affects.

Disruptor Sting: These are built into his gauntlets. They have a
range of 1 area and inflict Remarkable energy damage. 


Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Electronics, Engineering, Genetics,
Mechanics, Physics, Repair/Tinkering, and Robotics.


 Avengers, Avengers Academy, Avengers Founders, Defenders

Ground Strike: Pym strikes at the ground with fists or legs setting 

up a shockwave that will travel up to 2 areas away in any LIMITATIONS: 

direction. Those in the path of the shockwave take Amazing Dr. Pym has a history of mental illness. 

damage. Roll as Force attack.

Swarm: Pym can summon a Remarkable intensity insect swarm. 

Fastball Special: The attack uses the thrower's Agility to hit, or the
thrown's Fighting ability, whichever the players involved choose.
Damage is done by the thrown character as determined by
Endurance, or by a normal Slugfest attack, with the thrown
character gaining benefits as for a Charging attack. At full height,
the range for this attack is 6 Areas.

Baron Helmet Zemo


F IN 40 Health: 110

A EX 20 Karma: 90 

S EX 20 Resources: MN 

E RM 30 Popularity: - 75 

R RM 30 

I RM 30 

P RM 30 


Slowed Aging: Like his father, Zemo makes use of the Compound X
serum to retain his youth and vitality, despite his considerable
chronological age.

Enduring Lineage: Zemo may spend Karma may spend 40 points to

reduce the effects of an attack by one color rank. This spending must
occur before the attack is made. If such spending is done, Zemo
reduces a red attack to yellow, and a yellow to green, but green and
white results still apply.


Body Armor: Excellent protection against physical and energy attacks.

Special Weapon — Adamantium Sword: Remarkable Edged damage. 

Class 1000 material strength. 

Special Weapon — Pistol: This pistol has four settings with a five-area

• Disintegrator: Remarkable intensity disintegrator changes 30 cubic
feet of inorganic matter to light energy per burst. This acts as a
Remarkable energy attack on living tissue.

• Laser: This laser has an Excellent energy attack and is the setting to
energize the humanoid robots.

• Stunner: Targets must make an immediate Endurance check vs. Stun
against this Remarkable intensity attack.

• Adhesive X: Adhesive substance of Unearthly strength that bonds to

surfaces in one round.

Cybernetic Crown: Zemo can control specifically conditioned pawns,
whether human or artificial with Amazing range 

(up to 20 areas). Up to two targets can be controlled this way. 

Psi-Screen: Zemo wears circuitry in his hood that provides Amazing
protection against psychic assault.


Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Leadership, Deception, Tactics,

Weapon Specialist: Sword (+ 2 CS to strike), Marksman, Leadership 


Hydra, Red Skull, Thunderbolts, Masters of Evil, Secret Empire, Redeemers


Although he can be truthful in simple conversations with his peers, it is hard to deduce

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