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Front Office Policy & Procedure Index :

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Subject : Hotels Terminology

Hotel Terminology means definition of different terms used widely in Hospitality worlds

Status of a hotel room changes rapidly. Also it is very much crucial to give accurate room status information to the Front
Desk so that they can sell the room or stop selling or guiding guests. If you are a Front Office or Housekeeping staff then you
have very clear conception about all the room status terminologies.

The Room status terminology which will help you to understand and create smooth operations at work place as following:

1. Complimentary
The room is occupied by the guest but he is not charged for using for some reasons
2. Did not check out (DNCO)
The guest had made arrangements previously to come to the front desk or inform them to check out. Here you have to
remember that the guest is not skipper as he has settles his account.
3. Do Not Disturb (DND)
The guest has requested not to be disturbed. This is usually indicated ally by a red light indicator outside the guestroom
door. This is one of the most popular terms of hotel industry..
4. Due Out
The guest expected to leave after the following days check out time.
5. Late check out
The guest has requested and is being allowed to check out later after the standard check out time which is usually 11AM or
12 noons. If you are a front desk agent then you have to take special care before grant this as you have to determine whether
a late check-out charge should be added and the guest informed or no charge should be implemented.
6. Lock out
The room is being locked and guest will not be allowed to enter until he is cleared by a hotel official.
7. Occupied
The guest is registered to the room and has not check out yet
8. On Change
The guest has just left and the room is under process of cleaning by housekeeping staffs that is why it is still not ready to
9. Out of order (O.O.O)
The room is not ready for sell may be because of maintenance, extensive cleaning, refurbishing etc.
10. Skippers
The guest just left the hotel without making arrangements to settle his account. The previous term DNCO is used in those
cases when guest makes arrangements. This is the basic difference between these two terms. Skipper is also known as walk
11. Sleeper
This term indicates unprofessionalism of the front desk agent. This situation occurs when the front desk has not updated
their room status information. The guest has settled their account and left the hotel but this is not recorded in the front desk
record / OPERA system
12. Sleep out
The guest registers into the room but does not use the bed
13. Stay over
The guest has registered the room and not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night
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Subject : Hotels Terminology

14. Vacant and Ready (V/R)

The room has cleaned and fully ready for re sell
15. Drop Safe
A safety deposit box usually located at the general cashier office, where all outlet cashiers and service associates could remit
their days collection.
16. Due In
Expected check-in today
17. Due Out
Expected check-out today
18. Early Arrival
Early morning arrival is subject to space availability (6am start of day). If the guest informs the hotel that he is arriving
early, he must be informed that check-out time is not until 12.00noon and the hotel cannot guarantee the room before then.
We will, however, do our utmost to have a room ready as soon as possible. If the guest wishes, he can reserve and pay for
the room the night before to ensure immediate occupancy on arrival.
19. Early Departure
Guest who checked out earlier than the expected departure date
20. Express Check-Out
A condition whereby guest leaves the hotel without having to check-out at the Front Desk Agent. However, guest needs to
furnish his credit card details on the “Express Check-Out” form, prior to his departure.
This arrangement could also apply to city ledger settlement.
21. Extension of Stay
Authorized changed of departure dates
22. Extra Bed
Applies to third person in room and not extra bed, Extra person / bed rate to be waived for suite occupants
23. Family Plan
No additional charge for children under 18 years occupying the same room as their parents or guardian.
24. Golden Circle Program
Guest recognition program that provides uniform delivery of value added individual services, features and amenities to high
valued guests.
25. Guest Name Record (GNR)
This is the guests reservation record which includes guest name, hotel accommodations, arrival information, rate, address
and any other pertinent information.
26. Guaranteed
Refers to a reservation that has been guaranteed . This means that the guest plans on arriving after 4Pm and has guaranteed
to pay should he fail to arrive. The hotel will hold the room all night, and if the guest does not arrive, he will be charged. In
the event that the guest has guaranteed and the hotel does not have space when he arrives, the hotel will find alternative
accommodation at a similar hotel and pay for it.
27. Guest Folio
Statement of guest hotel charges
Front Office Policy & Procedure Index :
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Subject : Hotels Terminology

28. Guest History

Records showing details of guests previous visits to our hotel e.g address, length of stay, credit cards used and room
29. Half Day Charge
A charge of 50% off folio rate for late check-out 6Pm(50% off rack for “wholesale” guests who wish to extend late check
out on their own account).
30. House Count / Status
This term indicates the occupancy of the hotel at any time of the day, expressed in either actual rooms or percentage.
31. In house Guest
A guest registered with the hotel and has not checked out yet.
32. Joiner
Guest to check into room with already registered guest requiring a separate account
33. Key Permit
An in house guest authorizes another non-registered guest to gain access to his room.
34. Key Request
In house guest request for a second room key or another key to replace hi/her lost key
35. Late Check Out
Additional time allotted by the hotel after normal check-out time with without extra charge. Free of charge is subject to
space availability or as promised, e.g. Value Rate (Rack)
36. Limousine
Hotel vehicle used to transport guests to or from the airport/train station/pier or hourly bookings
37. Locator Message
Guest advises that he/she may be contacted at a specific location when he/she is not in the room for a period of time.
38. Log Book
Book for inter department communication
39. Log Printer
Printer dedicated to printing critical computer transition i.e creation of reservation, guest check in, post to folio, status
report, telephone charge etc.
40. Market Share
That percentage of the hotel market (in terms of units, dollars, or any other index) which is captured by a given segment
41. Net Rate
A non commissionable rate or rate inclusive of taxes and service charge
42. No Show
Guest who did not arrive when accommodation was reserved .Guaranteed no-shows are not to be checked into the PMS to
capture occupancy. The Front Office Manager in consultation with the director of marketing/Reservation Manager is to
advise the credit manager the following day which guaranteed no-shows to be charged. All relevant correspondences are to
be attached to the no-show report and submitted to credit manager for proper billing.
43. On Request
Situation whereby the hotel is expecting high occupancy and certain room categories are placed on request basis to travel
agents, sister hotels and central reservation offices.
44. Out Of Order Rooms
Rooms removed from saleable inventory due to major (O.O.O) repair works e.g renovation or refurbishment.
Front Office Policy & Procedure Index :
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Subject : Hotels Terminology

45. Out Of Service Rooms

Rooms temporarily blocked off for minor repair works (O.O.S) e.g servicing of air-conditioners, general cleaning, or rooms
temporarily closed off due to low occupancy. (These O.O.S room do not affect the occupancy forecast).
46. Overbooking
The deliberate or mistaken confirmation of more reservations there are rooms available.
47. Package
A combination of a room, meals, laundry/valet, or other services sold in one deal.
48. Percentage of Occupancy
Occupancy determined by dividing the total occupied rooms (including complimentary rooms) by the total available rooms
(excluding O.O.O rooms)
49. Permanent Folios
Room types defined in Opera system beginning with “P” are considered pseudo or “dummy” room types. The system
provides all normal functionality available in OPERA for “P_” room types, such as creating reservation, attachment of
Travel Agent or Company profiles, charge routing, check in, posting, settlement by all payment methods, check out, etc.
These rooms are not included in the daily room statistics, but revenue and payment figures are taken in as part of the hotel
total. This flexibility allows these “dummy” rooms to fulfill a variety of functions for the hotel. In order to segregate the
functions and easily identify the purpose of each “P_” room type, it is recommended to use the following designations.
50. Pledge Relocates
Rooms for guests housed at another hotel, but paid for by the hotel as a result of the hotel not being able to honor a
guaranteed reservation.
51. PMS
Property Management System ( OPERA)
52. P.O.S
Point of sales ( Micros )
53. Pre – Assigning / Block
Setting aside rooms for reservations with specific request for a service, feature, amenity and early arrivals
54. Pre-Register
Process whereby guest full particulars are obtained prior to arrival and only guests signatures are obtained upon check in.
55. Profile
A master record of details of a guest/company/travel agent e.g name, address, telephone number, guest history and etc
56. Quoted Rate
We are honor bound to provide the guest with the room and / or rate specified on the confirmation, regardless of
57. Rate Change
When the room rate is altered for a room which is already occupied
58. Register
Process of putting a guest record into the hotel system as an in-house guest
59. Registration Card
Card used by all guests to register at check-in into the hotel
60. Rollaway Bed ( R.W.B)
A portable single bed which can accommodate an additional guest
61. Room Change
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Subject : Hotels Terminology

When a guest moves from one room another during his stay
62. Room Discrepancy
Rooms reported by housekeeping when the physical status of the rooms do not tally the Front Office PMS status.
63. Room Rate
This rate which is designated for a specific room
64. Rooming List
A list of guest names provided by travel agent or group organizing to the hotel to inform names of persons occupying the
block booking
65. Round Trip Transfer
Two way transfer from airport/Train station/pier to hotel, and from hotel to airport/train station/pier
66. Routing Instructions
Process whereby billing instructions are set in guests reservations
67. Run Of House (ROH)
A term used for travel agents contracted rate for the lowest room category and when this category is not available upon
guests arrival, the guest must automatically be upgraded to the next available at no extra cost
68. Share With
Two or more guests occupying the same room but separate accounts or folios

69. Shift
The number of hours worked by a member of staff in one day
70. Skip Room
A condition where a room is reported as “Vacant” by housekeeping but reflected as “Occupied” in Front Office Status
71. Sleep out
Not sleeping at the hotel but still agree to pay the charges
72. Stay Over
Guest extending his stay
73. Suite
Accommodation consisting of one or two bedrooms and a connecting sitting room (parlor)
74. Suite Presidential
The highest suite category
75. Suite Specialty
One of the more elegant suites
76. System Down
Times when computer becomes inoperative
77. System Up
When computer is operational
78. Tour Group
A group booked by travel agent or association
79. Tour Group Concession
Complimentary rooms accorded as per the contract signed with travel
80. Traces
A message/instruction left in the PMS for the relevant department to follow up
81. Travel Agent
Front Office Policy & Procedure Index :
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Revised Date :
Subject : Hotels Terminology

Represents guest to arrange travel and Hotel bookings

82. Unexpected Departure
Early departure earlier

83. Upgrade
Situation where a guest is given a higher priced room at a lower rate, usually for business promotions or out of goodwill,
this must be approved as per delegation of authority
84. Up sell
Moving a guest into a higher priced room In the hotel with a rate increase
85. Vacant Room
Room available for sale but not occupied during the period
86. VIP
A person designated by management to receive special treatment
87. Voucher
Document used to recorded debits or credits posted to a room account
88. Walk In
Guest requesting accommodation at the Front Desk without having made a reservation

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