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Begino vs.

ABS-CBN Corporation (formerly ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation),

756 SCRA 236, G.R. No. 199166 April 20, 2015

 Amalia Villafurte was manager of ABS-CBN Naga. Through her, ABS-CBN engaged the services of
petitioners Nelson Begino (Begino) and Gener Del Valle (Del Valle) sometime in 1996 as
Cameramen/Editors for TV Broadcasting.
 Petitioners Ma. Cristina Sumayao (Sumayao) and Monina Avila-Llorin (Llorin) were likewise
similarly engaged as reporters sometime in 1996 and 2002, respectively.
 They had Talent Contracts which, though regularly renewed over the years, provided terms
ranging from three (3) months to one (1) year, petitioners were given Project Assignment Forms
which detailed, among other matters, the duration of a particular project as well as the budget
and the daily technical requirements thereof.
 While specifically providing that nothing therein shall be deemed or construed to establish an
employer-employee relationship between the parties, the aforesaid Talent Contracts included,
among other matters, provisions on the following matters: (a) the Talent’s creation and
performance of work (b) the Talent’s non-engagement in similar work for a person or entity
directly or indirectly in competition; and (c) the results-oriented nature of the talent’s work
which did not require them to observe normal or fixed working hours. Subjected to contractor’s
tax, petitioners’ remunerations were denominated as Talent Fees which, as of last renewal,
were admitted to be pegged per airing day at P273.35 for Begino, P302.92 for Del Valle, P323.08
for Sumayao and P315.39 for Llorin.
 Claiming that they were regular employees of ABS-CBN, petitioners filed against respondents
the complaint docketed as Sub-RAB 05-04--00041-07 before the National Labor Relations
Commission’s (NLRC) Sub-Regional Arbitration Branch No. 5, Naga City. In support of their claims
for regularization, underpayment of overtime pay, holiday pay, 13th month pay, service
incentive leave pay, damages and attorney’s fees, petitioners alleged that they performed
functions necessary and desirable in ABS-CBN’s business.
 LA ruled in favour of petitioners, having rendered services necessary and related to ABS-CBN’s
business for more than a year, were determined to be its regular employees.
 NLRC affirmed. CA reversed – petitioners were engaged as talents, a talent fee was paid, there
was no control.

Issue: Was there an employee-employer relationship?

Ruling: Yes

Although the existence of an employer-employee relationship is, on the other hand, a question of fact
which is ordinarily not the proper subject of a Rule 45 petition for review on certiorari like the one at
bar, the conflicting findings between the labor tribunals and the CA justify a further consideration of the

To determine the existence of said relation, case law has consistently applied the four-fold test, to wit:
(a) the selection and engagement of the employee; (b) the payment of wages; (c) the power of
dismissal; and (d) the employer’s power to control the employee on the means and methods by which
the work is accomplished. Of these criteria, the so-called “control test” is generally regarded as the
most crucial and determinative indicator of the presence or absence of an employer-employee
relationship. Under this test, an employer-employee relationship is said to exist where the person for
whom the services are performed reserves the right to control not only the end result but also the
manner and means utilized to achieve the same.

Rather than the project and/or independent contractors respondents claim them to be, it is evident
from the foregoing disquisition that petitioners are regular employees of ABS-CBN. This conclusion is
borne out by the ineluctable showing that petitioners perform functions necessary and essential to the
business of ABS-CBN which repeatedly employed them for a long-running news program of its Regional
Network Group in Naga City. In the course of said employment, petitioners were provided the
equipments they needed, were required to comply with the Company’s policies which entailed prior
approval and evaluation of their performance.

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