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Eet $etl

Linda Zachman
Mark Elarrett
Rosemary liuisingh
Carolyn Blagden
Elarbara Walter

Ready to Go, Ready to Teach Worksheets for

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
About the Authors
lvhat do you get when you add 5 Linguisystems'
sleecF- anouage palhologists plus 11 +
years of expe-
'a'.. .acl? Over haf a century of language develop-
-.-: <-o,,., edge Gulpl

',:,., ,r.,irat
do you get when you add 5 Linguisystems'
-::.ech-language pathologists plus 200 pages of tun
r.o.<sheets to teach reasoning and problem solvng
s<ls? Thinking To Go, that's whatl
We hope you and your children enjoy Thinking To co
as much as we enjoyed writing it. At Linguisystems, we
enthusiastically rise to the challenge of writing practical
products for you to use lgE !qy. So, go ahead, pick
t up and use itl Linda, Mark, Rosemary, Carolyn, and
Batbaru are right here with you, cheering you on as you
work on problem solving skills with Thinking To Go.

August 1987

Linguisystems' To Go Series

Al Linguisyslems, we're commitled lo developinq convenient, practical,

ready-to-use material for you and your fast-paced pro{essional lif€style. Our
To Go Sedes of language materials is designed to be conveni€nlly portable,
focused on specific skill areas and ready to reproduce lor your classroom
with little or no additional preparation.

lf you like Thinking To Go, then ky our other To Go Series products like
Prcschool To Go, Vocabulary To Go, More Vocabulary To co, cames To
Go, Lislening To Go, Storytelllng To Go, Artic To co, and Writing To
Go. Th€n, keep a lookout for more ready-to-go language materia s from
L nguisystems' To Go Sedes, tool

Problem / Skill Area: Think ng

Deve opmental Age: 5 thru 10 years
lnterest Leve: K thru 6th grade

We welcome youT cam-enis cr Tnnking Ta Go CrrIo1 a i987 LnouSystens n.

and other Lingu Sys:e-s ....!c:s P ease
Send your comments ic Ca.c y. ts agden. Lm led Beprod!.ron owec

Editorial Manager LnquSyners OEn:10 nd rcua

Ecrr s and llfrcr pnlenonas te
mlld / hr lo Eprdre ddn,buie
.00* cl th6E i0rsrreis l0r {r
conmffia la.e 1o h!. ndr'dua
qrupor.4noom nir'udon A m06
m6r n loe Lnqu9].Fm. iopjrgh'
Linguisystoms, lnc.
3100 4lh Avenue BeprooL.ion 3nc d*butoi d :hs:
P.O. Box 747 rr shftls ic'in eiir! nh00 s:h.0
synem orqr0!p crprcress oi?s : (r::
East [.4olno, lL 6T244

1-800.PRO rDEA tsBN 1-55999-078-3

Jri Get 5et!
Here's your next fun-book for teaching reasoning designed each worksheet to focus on specfc
and thinking skils to eLementary-aged folkl These thinking skills in conterrs that your children have
activity pages of Thinking To Go encourage your p'obably already expenenced Ths e.per'enue
children to talk about the problems they've solved approach allows your children to succeed wthout
on paper. While they do or talk about the activ- frustraiion because they are solving problems
ities, they'l be using the thinking skills of predlct- based on experiences common to their ways of
inq, ta king about attributes, findng preces of li{e What better way to leam the skrll of sequenc
mlssing lnformatron, choosing an answer through lng than to learn it in the context of the steps
the process of elim nation, categorizing, and Mom goes through to bring a pizza home for din
manv moTe. Most irnportanty, you'l see your nerl
youngsters using the sklls they earned from our
frst Thinking To Go workbook, Get Ready!, Ia Again, have a bal wlth these Thinking To Go
sove the problems in this Ger Sel/ workbook. worksheetsl Use them for seat work. or use them
How exclt ngl .o 'Fdd r\dly dro st a'l,lar19 rlass discussiors
Get Set! fot sparkling funl
As vou lead vour chidren throuoh the thinking
actvites in 6el Sell, you wll see that we have

Ryan's Hobby \ame

,'.-:: ese does he need? Find what Byan needs

Cc or your answer.

*n,^' favorite nooo"

Jrl .' :our ,
Poor Teddy! Name

Rosita needs to fix up her sister's teddy bear. What will she need? Draw a line
from Rosita to the besl answer.

Party Time! Name

Jeremy is having a birthday. What will happen next? Draw a line from Jeremy to
your answer.


vour birthdavT
::,:is 4
Missing Shoe Name

Randy can't find his other shoe. whar will he do? @ Yor.


You got it!

Mixed Up Name

Kevin is always getting mixed up! Help him put things in the right order. Number
the pictures below to show Kevin how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

- Time to eat!
/7f ,**** 6
Flying High! Name
It's sunny and windy today. Rhonda wants to fly a kite. Show her how to do it.
Number these pictures in order so Bhonda knows what to do.

That's the way to ffy!
Time for a Haircut! Name

Andrea just had a haircut. Number these pictures in the correct order to show
what happened.

,&1':::::"**' 8
Which OneT Name

Nicole wants to take these b,ottles back to the store. Dru* un V on the thing
she snouidn't use to carry them. ,/ \

0 09

Ready to go!

Excusion I
A Thirsty Plant Name

Yashika wants to water his plant. What thing won't he use? Draw an on it.


Good thinking!

Exc us on 10
Late Again! Name

No wonder Paula's late for school! She doesn't know what to do first! You can
help. Number these Pictures in the correct order. $


ir- ,i- (] I
\j r'- \ |

Now, Paula won't be late!

Scrub-a-Dub Name

This baby has just finished Now, his mother is taking

eating. him out of the tub.


? o

6irll"-\ ,n" picture that shows what happened in between.

Clean as a whisde!
What Happened? Name

Sara just bought a balloon. Now, she is playing with

the balloon.

? o

6irllI) ,n. picrure rhat shows what happened in between.

can vou do with a barroon?

&' :::::::":'*s
How Did lt Happen? Name

Look how pretty the Now. two of the flowers

flowers are in front of the are dead.

1. 2. 3.

? o

Drarv a around the picture that shows what happened in between.

Poor flowers!

Dish Duty Name

Dad is washing the dishes. What will he do next? Draw a around your

o ,,..' C

Who does the dishes at your house?

P,o g '15
What Next? Name

Rick is climbing the ladder to the the diving board. What will happen next?

your answer.

Do you like swimming?

L o*ou^o 16
Fix lt Name

l\ilr. Boberts is fixing his car. Cross out the thing he won't need.


@ \--\

/N':::^:"." 17
What's Missing? Name

This mother bird is sitting Now, she is feeding her

on some eggs. baby birds.

1. 2. 3.

? a

Look at the pictures. Color the picture that shows what happened n between.

Yummy wormsl
Saturday Shopping Name

Mr. Evans is pushing an Now, he's giving the

empty cart down the aisle cashier behind the counter
at the grocery store. $50

1. 2. 3.


or.* u 6 E) around the picture that shows what happened in between.

What's your favorite grocery item?

Getting to School Name

Pretend you are the child in these pictures. First, we see you riding on a school

Here, you're on Vour way Now, you are outside

to school. playing at the first recess

1. 2. 3.

tr- =rl tr ^ 1l

iwl @l

What happened in between? Write the letter of the best answer rn the empty box

A c

b€s-, about schoorT

Linda's Letter Name

Lrnda ls writing a letter to her friend. what will she do next? @ an" 0".,

q,5, M AI L

That's the way to write!

Winter Wonderland Name

Jason and Jessica are playing in the snow. What do you th nk they will do next?
Dralv a line from the children in the box to the best answer


(L r')

B-r-r-r, it's cold!

Rainy Days Name

Bain s coming in the window. what shoutd Mrs. warren aol 6irJ) rhe lerter
of the best answer.


IA \



That's the way to solve the problem!

Problern Sov ng 23
Carrie's Call Name

Carrie is making a telephone Now, she is hanging up the

call. phone.

? o

What do you think happened in between? @,n" best answer.

What kind of phone do you have?

MLSsng lnformalon 24
Extra, Extra! Name

Ryan is getting ready to l\,4r. Wong is reading a

deliver newspapers. newspaper.

1. 2. 3.

what could have happened in between? Gill) vrs if the picture could have

happened. @ to if the picture couldn't have happened.



You sure have "circle-sense!"

Missina lnfornration 25
Work, Work, Work! Name

Mrs. Young is telling her Now, she is correcting

students how to do the papers.

What happened in between? (6J) veS if the picture could have happened.

@ *o if the picture couldn't have happened


- _t
,d+ lI
__ _rI

- Good work!

2l- ,,..*
What's the Weather? Name

The sky is dark and coudy. Now, the sky is clear and

1. 2. 3.

? o

What could have happened in between? Write the letter of the best answe' ' :ne
empty box.

D 't ,

I <a
- -->

- You sure are weather-wise!

fia- x^, 2
Pizza, Please! Name

I\,4omis backing the car out Now, she is coming home

of the driveway. with hot pizza.

1. 2.

? o

What do you think happened in betvveen? Write the letter of the best answer in
the empty box.

Yurrny, looks good!

Hard or soft? Heavy or light? Name

1. First, draw a Iine under the things that are soft. Then, draw .@
around the things that are hard.

2. First, draw an on the things that are hea\y. Then, draw @

around the things that are light.

Now, draw a star above your name if you followed the directions.
Where ls lt? Name

Follow these directions.

1. Draw un
I on something to throw that lsn't a ball.

2. Draw
around somethlng with wings that isn't an airplane.

3 Draw a around something to button that isn't a shirt.

4. Draw a llne below a farm animal that isn't a cow.

5 Draw a line above a desseri that isn't pe.

lf you followed these directions, color the flag that doesn't have

,':"0* 30
Refrigerator Scramble Name

Helpl There are some things in this refrigerator that don't belongl Draw m
on them. X

;T\ 4qa]

o c QtlL

Thanks for all your help!

ExcLrson 31
To Eat or Not to Eat? Name

Maria is hu.rgrv. D'aw on each Tning sne wouldn t eat

@" ffiM

o Do you think Maria still has enough to eat?

Fruits and Vegetables Name

orr* . (iirii;) around the foods that are not fruits. oru* un
\ on the foods

that are not vegetables.

^ Now- color vour favorite food.

Jrf , ,,, 33
Think of Three Name

1. Think about things wirh handlebars. 6i[E\ ,hr"" things wirh handlebars.

2. Think about things that cut. (ctrG three thlngs that are used to cut


3. Thlnk about cold things.

@ ,nr.. things that feel cold.

sfl (=a)
4 Think aboLrt sweet th ngs. @ ,Hr"" things that taste sweet.

5. Think about rough things. Gilt"-\,t.,r"" rhings that fee rough.

*"* a happv o":1" vour name for sood work!
Jrf "*
t .,oraw
Think 'n' Circle Name

1. Think about animals. (6il) tf," three animals with long ears.

a3 I"#
2. Think about vehlcles 6[E) t" three vehicles that travel on streets.

Trln< about vegetab es. G[E\ tf.," three vegetables that grow under the
J'o.r nci.

4. Think about furniture. 6i[l] ,r," three pieces of furn ture we srt on.

5. Think about tools.

B tn" tr,,"" tools a carpenter uses.

Look at all those circles!

Subcategories 35
Cross 'Em Out Nam-"

Read each question. Then, draw an )( on the right answer. Do some careful
thinking! ,/\

1 Which one sn't made from paper?

2. Whlch one doesn't have corners?

Which one doesn't grow?

4. Which one isn't meat?


Which one doesn't have wings?

Look at all those X's!

Would Nots Name

Read each question. Draw a

Qg9 arornC the right alswer.
. You want to write a letter . What wouldn't you write with?

2. You have to bring somethrng to school that is alive. What wouldn't you bring?

3. Yvonne wants to eat something sweet. What won't she pick?

4. The painter is going to paint your house. What won't he use?

5. You love to go to the circus. What wouldn't you see there?

p; €

Great workl Wouldn't you know it!

What ls Needed? Name

Draw a around the correct answers

. Your dad is going to make pancakes. Which things will he need?

p A
ll=vz l
z' .,,.,,,.

2. Tori is wrapping a birthday present. which th ings will she need?

3. Erin needs to carry some water. Wh ch things could she use?

4. My brother is hungry. Which things could he ear?

5. lwant to find out what time I is. Which things could I use?

Look at all those boxes!


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