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Probiotic drops for

infants & young children

Probio-Tec®… when science matters 1

Why probiotic drops for
infants & young children?
 In the first years of life a child’s gastrointestinal tract is colonized by a large
number of bacteria resulting in a highly complex microbiota

 The microbiota plays a role in the functioning of the gastrointestinal and the
immune system

 Bifidobacteria are considered to be of special importance, as it is one of the first

species colonizing the infant gut

 Clinical documentation on BB-12® has shown an effect on:

 an effect on the bifidobacteria content in the stools*
 to have an impact on gastrointestinal health/diarrhea**
 to have an impact on immune function***

* Ref.: Langhendries et al. 1995 **ref.: Chouraqui et al. 2004 *** ref.: Taipale et al. 2010

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Gastrointestinal colonization
Bacteriodes, Streptococcus


E. Coli, Enterococci



Adapted from:
Mitsuoka, T. Bifidobacteria and their role in human health.
Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 1990;6:263-268

Probio-Tec®… when science matters 6

Product specifications
 Composition  Taste
 1 Billion Bifidobacterium BB-12® end  Neutral
shelf life per daily dose
 Intake & dose
 Sunflower oil, DL-α-tocopherol
(vitamin E) and citric acid  To use, shake well, hold in an angle
of 150°(see picture above) and
 Dosage form administer 6 drops of oil onto a spoon
 Liquid formulation with probiotics in or into milk/food once a day, for a
oil, delivered in a 10 ml glass bottle daily dose of 1B CFU

 Content in bottle is 8 g  Period of intake depends on

indication and need
 One bottle contains enough liquid for
 Amber glass bottle, an horizontal 21 days of use
plastic dropper and a plastic lid
 Neutral bottle and ink print in bottom
available as from beginning of 2014

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Target group
 Healthy infants & young children

 Infants 0-12 months of age

 Young children from 1-3 years

 Mothers :
 wanting healthy tummies in healthy infants & young children
 wanting to support a healthy microbiota in their children

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Potential consumer positioning

Healthy tummies in healthy infants & young children

- trustworthy effect and safety

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Chr. Hansen Product
Unique Selling Points Unique Selling Points

 Documented Effect  Documented efficacy in 3 areas

 Documented stability in final consumer pack
 BB-12® is tested in numerous clinical trials from newborn preterm
 Documented Stability infants to elderly in doses up to 100 billion CFU/day, with no
reported side effects
 Limits of contaminants and the monitoring program of the raw
 Proven Safety materials are the same as for Infant formulae, even though the
product officially is regulated as dietary supplement
 Unique formulation - no SiO2
 Multiple Applications
 No refrigeration needed - benefit for industry and consumer

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Other product advantages
 Unique formulation
 Few ingredients used to ensure a clean and simple product
 No use of the anti-caking agent SiO2 which is present in most competitor products to ease
powder re-suspension
 No refrigeration needed
 Sell-in to pharmacies easier, as no refrigeration needed
 Benefit through entire value chain
 Consumer convenience during storage and usage
 Documented effect
 Documented efficacy of BB-12® in clinical studies on a healthy microbiota*,
gastrointestinal health/diarrhea** & immune function***
 Documented stability in final consumer pack

* Ref.: Langhendries et al. 1995 ** ref.: Chouraqui et al. 2004 *** ref.: Taipale et al. 2010

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Other product advantages –
Optimal safety considerations
 Chr. Hansen Probiotic Drops have optimal product safety, both in terms of production method and
product control
 From a regulatory point of view, the product is considered a dietary supplement
 However, final product release is done according to Chr. Hansen’s own “Infant dietary standard”,
observing even stricter criteria than set by the Authorities
 HACCP evaluation from raw material to final product
 Stricter limits of contaminants than for dietary supplements (heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins)
 The monitoring program of raw materials is the same as for Infant formulae
 Stricter analytical program for microbiology has been implemented

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Other product advantages –
Optimal safety considerations
Comparison of microbiological specifications for
“dietary supplement” and “probiotic drops for infants & children”

Microbiological purity level

Parameter Dietary supplement Probiotic drops

Total viable aerobic count (cfu/g) ≤ 2000 ≤ 2000

Total mould & yeast (cfu/g) ≤ 200 ≤ 100
E. coli Absent/g Part of Enterobacteriaceae test
Enterobacteriaceae - Absent in 10 x 10 g
Salmonella - Absent in 10 x 10 g
Cronobacter spp. (E. sakazakii) - Absent in 10 x 10 g
Staphylococcus aureus (cfu/g) - < 10
Bacillus cereus (cfu/g) - < 100
Listeria monocytogenes - Absent in 10 x 10 g

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Other product advantages –
Optimal safety considerations
 Chr. Hansen Probiotic Drops have optimal product safety, also in choice of strain
 The BB-12® strain is tested in numerous clinical trials from newborn preterm infants to elderly in doses up
to 100 billion CFU/day, with no reported side effects
 BB-12® is furthermore GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) notified by FDA and approved by the Danish
Veterinary and Food Administration for use in infant formulae (2009) and for use in food supplements
 BB-12® has been tested in clinical trials in pregnant and lactating women without any safety issues

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Overview of references on BB-12®
- Supporting Gastrointestinal Health in infants & young children
Health Indication Results Reference
Microbiota Bifidobacteria count similar to breastfed, and Langhendries et al. 1995
higher than given an infant formula without

Stool characteristics Softer stools Vlieger et al. 2009

Increased frequency
Infections Fewer diarrhea days Chouraqui et al. 2004
Lower probability of getting diarrhea
Fewer episodes of diarrhea. Less shedding of Saavedra et al.1994

Colic Reduced frequency of colic/irritability Saavedra et al. 2004

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Bifidobacterium BB-12®
- Supporting Immune Function in infants & young children
Health Indication Results Reference
Infections Reduced respiratory infections Taipale et al. 2010

Reduced ear infections Rautava et al. 2009

Reduced recurrent respiratory infections
Immune markers Increases anti-polivirus-specific IgA Holscher et al. 2010
Increased fecal sIgA in cesarean-born infants

Increased cow’s milk specific IgA Fukushima et. al. 1997

Antibiotic use Reduced antibiotic use Rautava et al. 2009

Saavedra et al 2004
Eczema Reduced symptoms Isolauri et al. 2000

Probio-Tec®… when science matters 20

Product specifications
 Aim for product stability is 2 years  Stability of BB-12® drops documented
shelf life at room temperature at 12 months on lab batch

 This means no refrigeration at

pharmacy or at home

 To be stored at room temperature

after opening as well

 In-use test during 4 weeks shows good

 Commercial production also in
 6 months data available with same
results as lab batch

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Tests performed
 Stability tests to confirm CFU and shelf life
 Both storage and in-use test, investigating survival of strains during use

 Contaminant test to ensure that no harmful bacteria will grow in the oil if contaminated during
use (e.g. child licks dropper)

 Oxidation test to ensure that no harmful oxidation products are formed from the oil

 Re-suspension test ensuring the ability of re-suspend the product after sedimentation

 Extensive analysis program upon product release to ensure product quality suitable for infants

 Raw materials chosen specifically to suit user segment

 Test of different droppers (internal end external)

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Documentation of in-use survival of BB-12®
 Aim to test how BB-12® survives during
daily use of the product for 4 weeks

 Bottle shaken to re-suspend probiotics

and then opened
 Kept open for 15 minutes per day at room
temperature to mimic actual use

 CFU tested after opening compared to

starting CFU

 Good survival of BB-12® during 4 weeks
of use
 CFU count stable during the in-use

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Oxidation tests performed
 Oxidation tests on BB-12® version was
performed in order to evaluate if oil
oxidizes during usage (in-use test)
Stored without lid
No tocopherol
 Results very positive, as we see hardly any
oxidation products from the oil

 Only case showing oxidation is product

without DL-α-tocopherol (vitamin E) stored
for 6 months without lid above 30ºC / 75%

 This underlines the choice of adding DL-α-

tocopherol (vitamin E) for optimal product

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Re-suspension tests performed
 In a clean product without SiO2, probiotics will sediment in the oil

 Maximum amount of bottle fill has been tested and evaluated to ensure re-
suspension properties

 Maximum ratio between probiotics and oil has been tested and evaluated
 Top high inclusion of powder in oil will cause difficulties in re-suspension

 Centrifugation has been used as artificial gravity – to mimic gravity for days or
months within minutes

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Recommended daily probiotic drop dose
– risk assessment
 6 drops recommended per day, corresponding to 1 Billion BB-12®

 A risk assessment of the product has been conducted with respect to

higher supplementation than the recommended 6 drops dose. No risk to
health has been identified

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Packaging details

 10 ml amber glass bottles

 Art. 484 Tropfflaschen DIN 18 braun rund 10ml

 Horizontal dropper
 Art. 202 Horizontal Sensoplast dropper, UNI 1, LDPE

 Plastic Cap
 Art. 414, Cap DIN 18 white, HDPE for UNI 1 dropper.

 Label (30x60 mm), box and leaflet available

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Executive summary
 Probiotic drops is a well-established and acknowledged market, with
high awareness among healthcare professionals

 Chr. Hansen’s infant product has trustworthy effect and safety

 Good clinical documentation and stability data

 A unique and “clean” formulation without the anti-caking agent SiO2

 No refrigeration needed – a benefit throughout the whole value chain

 Final product release done according to Chr. Hansen’s own “Infant

dietary standard”, observing even stricter criteria than set by the

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