POS Training Outline PDF

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QuickBooks Point of Sale Pro/Multi-Store V11.

1. Creating and Setting Up Your Point of Sale Company File
a. Initial Setup Tabs
b. Licensing your Point of Sale
c. How many Cash Registers to you need?
d. Do you need a receiving department?
e. What is the server workstation?
f. What is the client workstation?
g. Additional Licensing Information
h. Determining if you are going to use QuickBooks Financial with your POS
i. Is this a Multi-Store operation? Who is the Headquarters?
j. Do you have an import file?
k. What system are you tracking your inventory in if you have an existing

2. Installing your System

a. Software –
i. Basic-
ii. Pro-
iii. Multi-Store
b. Hardware- Best to use the Intuit Warranty Products with Rapid
c. Additional Stores

3. Navigating and Customizing the Home Page

a. One window at a time
b. Maximize the view Button- Top Right
c. Menu Options
d. Quick Search
e. Customize the side panel

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f. 4 Sections on the Home Page
g. Notes on the right side- Review views and adding a Note
h. I WANT TO options
i. Customizing Columns Width
j. Customizing Side Bars
k. Customizing Receipts and other docs

4. Company Preferences
a. General Preferences
b. Will come back to QuickBooks Setup
c. Inventory
d. Pricing
e. Purchasing
f. Receiving
g. Sales
h. Customers
i. Layaways
j. Sales Orders
k. Work Orders
l. Sales Tax
m. Email Documents
n. Ratings and Trends
o. Integrated Applications
p. Mobile Sync

5. Financial- Setting up QuickBooks Connection

a. In QuickBooks
b. Add Sales Tax Items and Groups in QuickBooks
d. Import Items

6. Setting up Sales Tax

a. Determine how you collect Sales Tax per State Guideline
b. If using QuickBooks Financial, Set them up there first

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c. Match the Sales Tax Items and Add them to POS

7. Workstation Preferences
a. Hardware setup
b. Printing Preferences and Printer Setup

8. Additional Features
a. Using POS in the Practice Mode
b. Using the Help Menu
c. Importing Data
d. Exporting Data
e. Writing Letters

9. Employees and Security

a. Working with Employees
b. Tracking Commissions (Pro/MS)- Set up rate Only –Will come back to this in
a later lesson
c. Managing time clocks
d. Data and Program Security

10. Customers
a. Adding a new customer
b. Editing a customer
c. Deleting a customer
d. Merge a customer
e. Discounts and Price Levels
f. Sales Tax Exemptions
g. Customer Types
h. Sales History
i. In store charge accounts
j. Tracking customer accounts
k. Printing Customer Reports
l. Printing Customer Labels

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11. Rewards Program
a. Turn on under Customers
b. Understanding the rewards program
c. Setting up Benefits
d. Enrolling
e. Setting it up Receipt Printing for Rewards
f. Printing Customer ID/Reward Cards
g. Redeeming Rewards
h. Reviewing Customer Records on Rewards Page

12. Vendors
a. Adding Vendors-that did not come over from Financial
b. Editing a Vendor
c. Merging Vendors
d. Deleting Vendors
e. Finding a Vendor
f. Making a Vendor Inactive
g. Payment Terms to a Vendor
h. Looking at the Vendor History
i. Adding multiple vendors to an Item (Pro/MS)

13. Setting Up Your Inventory

a. The Flow
b. Build your inventory
c. Creating Departments
d. Review Each Item Field when Creating Items
e. Adding Pictures to your Items-Turn on Preference to add Pictures
f. Linking Items to Accounts in QB

14. Item Styles, Assemblies, and Group

a. Setting up Style Groups- Benefits of adding items
b. Setting up Assemblies and Groups

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15. Working with Inventory
a. Locate an Item
b. Edit an Item
c. Delete an Item
d. Merge Records
e. Inventory Reminders
f. Item History
g. Looking at Ratings and Trends
h. Custom Fields (Pro/MS)
i. Serial numbers
j. Printing Item Tags

16. Sales
a. Merchant Services
b. Sales Basics
c. Sales Transactions

17. Working with Price Levels and Discounts

18. Collecting Sales Tax
19. Adding Shipping Information (Pro/MS)
a. Only works with Shipping Manager in Financial with UPS
b. Manually add info for shipping tracking
c. Editing and Deleting Shipping Information

20. Tracking Sales Commissions

a. Cashier can be different than Associate
b. Must change the sale transaction (can add button if not there)
c. Associate gets sales commissions
d. Pull Commissions Report

21. Taking Payment and Giving Change

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a. Select PMT Type
b. Entering in payment amounts and types
c. Split Payments
d. Correcting or Deleting Payment Amounts-Preferences

22. Recording Tips

a. Turn on Preference- Sales Receipt Tendering
b. Uses Intuit Merchant Services
c. If no using IMS, you will need to setup a Tips item to track
d. Pulling TIPS Reports

23. Handling Tricky Sales Returns

a. Finding a Sales receipt
b. Reversing Receipts
c. Returns or Exchanges
d. Printing Receipts and Gift Receipts

24. Working with Sales Orders, Work Orders, and Layaways

a. Sales Orders
b. Work Order
c. Working with Inventory Layaways

25. Purchasing Merchandise

a. Create a Basic PO
b. Adding items to a PO
c. Adding a new item on the PO
d. Editing items on a PO
e. Adding Vendor Terms
f. Discounts and Fees
g. Emailing PO to a Vendor
h. Locating a PO
i. Deleting a PO
j. Printing a PO

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k. Suggest PO’s Feature

26. Receiving from a PO

a. Create a receiving voucher
b. Adding
c. Held Vouchers**If not 100% complete, don’t save…HOLD
d. Print Tags prior to saving (Of not, you will have to create a duplicate)
e. Duplicating Vouchers
f. Looking at receiving history
g. Printing Voucher- Keep with Bill

27. Managing Inventory

a. Physical Inventory
b. Adjustment Memos

28. Reporting
a. Report Center
b. Using Filters in Reports and Lists
c. Reporting for your Store’s Activities

29. QuickBooks Financial

a. Preferences
b. Update
c. Recover
d. What data comes over
e. Deposits in exchange
f. Account mappings
g. Showing Transactions in Financial from POS

30. Multi-Store
a. Preferences
b. Employee and Security for Exchanges- Names should be unique to make
sure names will not be combined in the HQ

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c. Store Exchanges
d. Running reports and filter to a store
e. Exchanging with QuickBooks-Only HQ can do this
f. Allowed Activities
g. Entering Store Quantities
h. REVIEW- Communicating New Items to Remote Store
i. Working with Assemblies
j. Duplicate Items
k. Performing a Physical Inventory
l. Purchase Orders- Done by HQ(Except a Special Order PO)
m. Receiving Vouchers
n. Transferring slips
o. What is in a Store Exchange

31. Protect your data

a. Backing up your data (all locations)
b. Updates vs. Upgrades

32. Adding Third Party Applications

a. Using Third Party Applications to connect POS to a Web Store
b. Mobile Sync
c. Using Constant Contact

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