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Solutions for common Work client issues,

including Checkin and Outlook

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Solutions for common Work client issues, including
Checkin and Outlook performance

Lindsey Bainter, iManage Asna Khan, iManage Team

Manager, Customer Care Lead, Customer Care
1. Office Integration
2. EMM
3. Compatibility
Office Integration
Office Integration
• Documents do not check
back in automatically
▪ Add-ins Disabled
▪ PRF left behind
▪ Virtual desktop

• Verbose Logging

Problem: Documents Don’t Check Back in
Reason #1 -> Add-in is Disabled

Symptoms: Cause:
• iManage Ribbon is missing • Application Crash
• Save and open default to local dialogs • Load Behavior:
• Document does not check in on close • 0 or 2 = Disabled
• History shows checkin was application • 3 = Enabled
DeskSite or Outlook vs. Word, Excel, PPT

Problem: Documents Don’t Check Back in
Reason #1 -> Add-in is Disabled

Solution 9.x Solution 9.3.2 and later

• Add iManage Add-ins to the • Installer now adds Work add-ins to
DoNotDisableAddinList for each these registry keys automatically
application • Known issue NT-64505 – User clicks Yes
• (Only available for Office 2013 and later) to disable the Addin, it can still be

Problem: Documents Don’t Check Back in
Reason #1 -> Add-in is Disabled
9.x Office Add-in Work 10 Office Add-in
- WorkSiteOffice2007Addins.Connect - Imanage.ApplicationVSTOAddin.15
- Com-integration - VSTO

Problem: Documents Don’t Check Back in
Reason #1 -> Add-in is Disabled
9.x Adobe Add-in Work 10 Adobe Add-in
- iManAcrobat10.api - iManageWorkPlugin.api
- iManAcrobatReader10.api - iManageWorkPluginRd.api
- iManAcrobatRes.dll - iManageWorkPluginRes.dll

Problem: Documents Don’t Check Back in
Reason #2 -> PRF is left behind

Work 9.X Work 10

• Checkout: File and PRF copied from File • Checkout: Hidden PRF attached
Store to NrPorbl • Checkin: Document and PRF stay
• Checkin: File and PRF copied to NRTEcho in folder
• PRF can be modified
• Software keeps handle on the PRF

Known Checkin issue

NT-59986 - Closing Excel 2016 does not kill the process, causing next time it opens to not load the
integration. If the integration is missing, documents will not check back in. (Solution is also available
as CSAR-2325 in 9.3.1)


• NT-60478 resolved in CSAR-2325
• Fixed
• Not applicable

Changes in Checkout and Checkin Method

Work 9.X Work 10

Checkout: Checkout:
• Copies to -> C:\NrPortbl by Default • Copies to %appdata%\iManage\Work\Recent\%Workspace%
• Directory Structure -> …Database\Userid • Directory Structure is Matter Centric
• File naming convention-> Docnum_Version • File naming convention DocName (Docnum_Version)
Checkin: Checkin:
▪ Document is removed from NrPortbl • Document copy remains in Folder
▪ If Echoing, copied to NrtEcho
• Uploaded to File Server
▪ Uploaded to File Server

Coming Later in Work 10

Enhancements to Manage the Recent folder

• NT-63637 Support encryption of Recent

• NT-63636 support to purge old files from
Recent folder

Problem: Documents Don’t Check Back in
Reason #3 -> Virtual Desktop session is disconnected

• User is working on a document in Citrix, goes to lunch and their session timesout
• Citrix kills the applications (not gracefully) and document is left in NrPortbl

Known Defect:
NT-62423 - Documents do not check back in if VDI or Citrix session is disconnected

Workaround in Work 10
• Work 10 -> Save and Sync button
▪ 9.3.2 and later -> Classic client

Verbose Logging
Work 9.X

• Middleware logging - Provides logging on the iManage.dll. Client talks to Server. Use for Login issues, Refiling,
displaying folder content

• Integration logging – Used for logging Office issues. Lost Edits, errors, 0 byte files

• iManext logging -> Extension library. Dialogs and all functions of WorkSite

• EM logging -> Toolbar not loading, performance issues, filing issues

• FileSite / BulkLoader -> FileSite provides logging for client side filing requests

• Suggested Filing -> Logging to understand why a specific suggestion is made to user or none at all

• WSMapi logging -> Filing operations using the Inbox filer, Sent Items filer, and filing suggestions or saving

• OffSite – Performance issues during syncing, errors, and why content is not synched.

Verbose Logging
Work 10
• New Standardized Verbose Logging
Change <level value="INFO" /> to
<level value="DEBUG" />

• New Standardized Log Location


Common EMM Problems

• EMM Add-in causing Outlook Slowness

▪ Caused by:
• Filers
• Suggested Filing
• EM Toolbar
• Painting Icons

• Graphical issues in Outlook

▪ VDMs
▪ Black Boxes

EMM Add-in causing Outlook Slowness

Symptoms: Cause: Solution:

• Hang on Receiving Emails • Inbox Filer • Fixed in 9.3.1 and later (NT-53826)
• Delay or Hang when • Process threads are now set with
typing a lower priority to improve
desktop client performance

EMM Add-in causing Outlook Slowness


Pre 9.3.2:
• Disable Sent Filer on client
(Disable Sent Filer = TRUE)

Symptoms: Cause: 9.3.2:

• Hang on Sending emails Sent Filer • Sent Filer disabled by default
• Hang on launch of
Outlook 10:
• Outlook not responding in • Removed Inbox and Sent Filers
Outlook Title bar • Install CSAR-2300v2 on WCSE 9.3.1

EMM Add-in causing Outlook Slowness

Symptoms: Cause: Solution:

• Hang on scrolling Inbox • Suggested Filing Pre 9.3 (iwovefsdb.sdf)

Database (SDF) • SDF > 2 MB = problems
• Delay when using arrows Control the size of the SDF
• Delay on Send • Location of SDF (local vs network drive)

• Delay when clicking inside 9.3 – 9.3.2 (imanefsdb.sdf)

EMM toolbar • DisableDefaultSuggestion: 2
Caveat: Manual Suggestions

10 (imanefsdb.sdf)
• Optimized suggested filing algorithm
• MAPI instead of OOM

Outlook performance issues due to EM Toolbar

Symptoms: Cause: Solution:

• Delay when opening or • IsMessageFiled Pre 9.3:

closing emails function • ShowEMToolbarOnReadEMail: 0
• Outlook Not Responding • Doesn’t load EM toolbar
• Blue circle appears

9.3.1- 9.3.2
• Optimized the IsMessageFiled

• Fast launch due to removing of
3rd party component

Outlook slow to Launch

Symptoms: Cause: Solution:

• Outlook slow to launch • Painting Linked Pre 9.3:

in Online mode Folder icons • MaxPaintRunCycle: 0
• Hangs on “Processing” Caveat: Icons not painted
message 9.3 and later
• Optimized Linked folder icon
painting algorithm

Graphical issues in Outlook

Symptoms: Cause: Solution:

• Missing captions in • Custom VDM file Pre 9.3.2

Outlook tree navigation created for each folder • Apply CSAR-2384
pane Highlighted in FileSite 9.3.2 and later
• Outlook Ribbon is missing NOTE: Only applicable to Outlook
• Fixed (no need for CSAR)
2013 and later

Graphical issues in Outlook

Symptoms: Cause: Solution:

• Black boxes on the • GDI+ object leak in
EM Toolbar EM Toolbar Pre 9.3.2:
component • NT-60478 resolved in CSAR-2419v5
• Fixed
• Not applicable

Graphical issues in Outlook

Symptoms: Cause: Solution:

• Black boxes on Outlook buttons • Memory leak in • As diagnosed by Microsoft, the symptoms
• Sections of Outlook appear white Outlook 2016 manifests when Outlook uses more than
or 365 1.6 GB of virtual memory.
• Distorted Outlook tree pane
• The fix for this specific issue is planned to
• Emails opening with blank be released in 3 patches.
• The first part was released in March via
• Missing navigation panels update KB3178668, part two was released in
• Outlook crashing June with KB3191932 and a third patch TBD.

Work 10 NPE with Classic FileSite /
DeskSite Clients

Compatibility with Classic Clients

• Deployment
• Under the Hood
• Gotchas
• Requirements

Compatibility with Classic Clients

To install the iManage Work New Professional 10.0.2 Clients with DeskSite
or FileSite 9.3.3 Compatibility:
1. Verify that FileSite or DeskSite and all other iManage Work add-ons are completely
2. Install 9.3.3 Silently:
Setup.exe /s /v"/qn SERIALNUMBER=<serial number> EM_STATUS=OFF"/v"INT_3P=0"
MsiExec.exe /i /qn SERIALNUMBER=<serial number> EM_STATUS=OFF INT_3P=0
3. Run iManage Work.exe to install 10.0.2 Work 10 Client
4. If you have installed FileSite, manually enable the FileSite Add-in in your Mail Setup-
Outlook\Data Files

Compatibility with Classic Clients
Under the hood

Add-in Checkout method SDF

01 Old Com-Add-in is
03 NrPortbl and NrtEcho code
05 Backup is made of old
suggested filing DB

Add-in Checkout method SDF

02 New VSTO add-in is

04 Code added to checkout to
User’s Profile
06 SDF is converted to new

Compatibility with Classic Clients

• All documents should be checked-in prior to upgrade

▪ Documents in NrPortbl are not moved to the new checkout location
• NrPortbl and NrtEcho not deleted
• History now shows “Release” activity on Checkin if no changes are made

Compatibility with Classic Clients
Prerequisites and Requirements

• Supported Platforms:
• Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit only)
• Microsoft Windows 8.1 and 10 (64-bit only)
• Microsoft Office 2013 (x86 andx64)
• Microsoft Office 2016 (x86 and x64)
• Adobe Acrobat DC 10 or 11, (Adobe Reader support added in 10.0.1)

• Requirements
• Microsoft Office 2013/2016 only (x86 or x64)
• Works with 9.3.2 and 9.3.3.DeskSite/FileSite, English versions only
• iManage Work Communications Server 9.4 or later
• iManage Work Server 10.0.1 and higher
• Microsoft Framework .NET 4.5.2

Note: Not compatible with Co-Authoring, OffSite, DealBinder, iManage Share, Workflow Manager, Visio


• Actions we’ve taken in our product to mitigate check-in problems due to

commonly reported problems
• Reasons to enable certain verbose logging in the client and how we
improved the logging process in Work 10
• EMM problem related to performance and configuration changes to resolve
• Graphical issues with EM in Outlook and solutions
• How to run Work 10 and classic Clients together

Technical Resources
EMM: Logging:
• 9.X • 9.x
• Settings that Impact Performance • Middleware logging
• Show / Hide Email Toolbar • Integration logging
• SearchInterval • iManext logging
• MaxPaintRunCycle • EM logging
• VDM Fix • FileSite / BulkLoader
• Disable Sent Filer • Suggested Filing
• Control Size of SDF • WSMapi logging
• Disable Default Suggestions • OffSite
• GDI+ leak fix

• Work 10
• Work 10
• WSMapi logging in Work 10
• How to Turn off Send and File dialog in Work 10
• Verbose Logging in Work 10
• How to reset the icons in Work 10
• Where is the “Default Email Folder” and “CC vs. BCC”
in Work 10? Office:
• Where is the background email filing folder • How to view the PRF (profile) content of a
for Work 10? document in Work 10?
• Suggested Filing in Work 10

Known Issues Why Documents Remained Checked Out
• Resolved in 9.3.2
▪ NT-53683 - Certain documents do not check ▪ NT-40241 - Opening an NRL attached to an
back in. Error: One or more documents could Outlook message opens Word document in
not be checked in Protected View. The result is that documents
opened by NRL links when Word and
▪ NT-59112 - With UseAutomationOverDDE DeskSite are not open do not check back in
registry key set to 1, Excel does not quit from when the application is closed.
task manager on exit. Because the process does
not end, the iManage integration is missing on ▪ NT-52645 - Documents Remain Checked-Out
next launch. Because the integration is missing, after Using the Office "Convert" utility
the documents do not check back in when
closed from Excel
▪ NT-59986 - Closing Excel 2016 does not kill the
process, causing next time it opens to not load
the integration. If the integration is missing,
documents will not check back in. (Solution is
also available as CSAR-2325 in 9.3.1)

Continued on next slide

Known Issues Why Documents Remained Checked Out

• Resolved in Work 10 • 3rd Party Issues

▪ NT-52645 - Documents Remain Checked-Out ▪ If a protected document is open in the
after Using the Office "Convert" utility background, then a newly saved document does
not checkin automatically upon File | Close
▪ NT-47634 - Word 2013 Signature files aren't unless Word is exited.
auto checking back in
▪ Apply Microsoft Updates for Office 2013 resolve
▪ NT-56727 - "Close All Windows" sometimes
leaves documents checked out. ▪ Excel Documents remain checked out due to
intApp Time Builder
▪ NT-54775 - Documents with Read permissions in
Active Directory Rights Managment services • Resolved in 9.3.3
(RMS) remain check out after closing
▪ NT-31225 - Read-only password protected Word
▪ NT-56469 – Sometimes documents do not check and Excel documents stay checked out when
back in after Save as New Version if NrPortbl is closed
on a network drive


Thank You
Lindsey Bainter, Manager – Customer Care
[email protected]
Asna Khan, Team Lead – Customer Care
[email protected]

The Way Professionals Work


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