Getting Fun With Frida-Ekoparty-21-10-2016 PDF

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Getting fun with Frida

Turbo Talk – Ekoparty

Nahuel Riva October 2016

Getting fun with Frida
§ Intro
• What’s DBI?
• Why do we need DBI?
• How do I perform DBI? (frameworks)
§ Frida
• What’s Frida?
• Why would I need Frida?
§ Differences with other frameworks
• How do I use Frida
– Interceptor
– Stalker
§ Tools based on Frida
§ Demos
Intro – What’s DBI?
§ Definition taken from:

§ “Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) is a method of analyzing

the behavior of a binary application at runtime through the
injection of instrumentation code. […] makes it possible to gain
insight into the behavior and state of an application at various
points in execution.“
Intro – What’s DBI?
• Instrumentation code executes as part of the normal instruction
stream after being injected

• Instrumentation code will be entirely transparent to the

application that it's been injected to

• Instrumentation code executes at runtime

Intro – Why do we need DBI?
• As an alternative
• Debuggers
• API hooking engines
• Evolution
• More complex tasks to achieve (profiling, taint analysis, detection of
possible bugs)
Intro – How do I perform DBI? (frameworks)
§ Two main DBI frameworks:

• PIN: proprietary framework written in C/C++. Works on

Windows/Linux/OSX/Android and i386/AMD64


• DynamoRIO: originally a proprietary framework then open sourced

(BSD). Created by HP (Dynamo optimization system) and MIT (RIO
research group). Works on Windows/Linux and i386/AMD64.

Intro – How do I perform DBI? (frameworks)
• In both cases, you write a Pin/DynamoRIO tool using C/C++
language and inject C/C++ code

• Compile the Pin/Dynamo tool as a .dll/.so

• Inject the library into the target process using a command-line

tool/GUI application
Intro – How do I perform DBI? (frameworks)
Pintool example (source/tools/ManualExamples/inscount0.cpp):

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

// Initialize pin
if (PIN_Init(argc, argv)) return Usage();;

// Register Instruction to be called to instrument instructions

INS_AddInstrumentFunction(Instruction, 0);

// Register Fini to be called when the application exits

PIN_AddFiniFunction(Fini, 0);

// Start the program, never returns


return 0;
Intro – How do I perform DBI? (frameworks)
ofstream OutFile;

// The running count of instructions is kept here

// make it static to help the compiler optimize docount

static UINT64 icount = 0;

// This function is called before every instruction is executed

VOID docount() { icount++; }

// Pin calls this function every time a new instruction is encountered

VOID Instruction(INS ins, VOID *v)

// Insert a call to docount before every instruction, no arguments are passed

INS_InsertCall(ins, IPOINT_BEFORE, (AFUNPTR)docount, IARG_END);


KNOB<string> KnobOutputFile(KNOB_MODE_WRITEONCE, "pintool",

"o", "inscount.out", "specify output file name");

Intro – How do I perform DBI? (frameworks)
// This function is called when the application exits

VOID Fini(INT32 code, VOID *v)

// Write to a file since cout and cerr maybe closed by the application


OutFile << "Count " << icount << endl;


Intro – How do I perform DBI? (frameworks)
§ For example, Pin can be executed as follow:

• pin.bat -t pintool.dll [pintoolargs] --program.exe [programargs]

• pin.bat -pid<programpid> -t pintool.dll [pintoolargs]

Intro – How these frameworks work?
• JIT compiler
• Input: binary code
• Output: equivalent code with introspection code
• The code is generated only when it is needed

• The only code that is executed is the code generated by the

JIT compiler

• The original code remains in memory just as a reference but it

is never executed
Frida – What’s Frida?
• Dynamic instrumentation toolkit

• Scriptable
• Execute Javascript programs inside another process. It uses V8 and
Duktape and JavaScriptCore (deprecated) engines.

• Multi-platform and multi-arch

• Windows/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS/QNX – i386/AMD64/ARM/ARM64

• It has bindings for Python, .NET, C and Node.js

• Open-source (LGPL v2)

Frida – Why would I need Frida?
• For reverse engineering in general
• Dynamic binary instrumentation
• Debugging

• To develop introspection tools very quickly to help you in the

RE process
Frida – Pros & Cons against other frameworks
§ Pros § Cons
• It has bindings for other • Less mature than other DBI
languages like .NET, Python, C frameworks (contains bugs)
• No need to compile the tool • Lack of some functionality
• Rapid tool development • Less granularity than other
• Continuous development (new frameworks
features and bug fixing)
How do I use Frida?
Frida – How do I use Frida?
• First, you need to install it:

• Windows:
§ C:\Users\travesti>pip install frida

• Linux:
§ travesti@palermo:~$ sudo pip install frida

§ Then …
Frida – How do I use Frida?
• As easy as this:

§ >> import frida

§ >> session = frida.attach(“notepad.exe")
§ >> print([ for x in session.enumerate_modules()])

§ [u'notepad.exe', u'ntdll.dll', u'kernel32.dll', u'KERNELBASE.dll', u'ADVAPI32.dl

§ l', u'msvcrt.dll', u'sechost.dll', u'RPCRT4.dll', u'GDI32.dll', u'USER32.dll', u
§ 'LPK.dll', u'USP10.dll', u'COMDLG32.dll', u'SHLWAPI.dll', u'COMCTL32.dll', u'SHE
§ LL32.dll', u'WINSPOOL.DRV', u'ole32.dll', u'OLEAUT32.dll', u'VERSION.dll', u'IMM
§ 32.DLL', u'MSCTF.dll', u'actuser.dll', u'acdetoured.dll', u'msvcp60.dll', u'CRYP
§ TBASE.dll', u'uxtheme.dll', u'dwmapi.dll', u'CLBCatQ.DLL', u'frida-agent-64.dll'
§ , u'DNSAPI.dll', u'WS2_32.dll', u'NSI.dll', u'WINMM.dll', u'PSAPI.DLL', u'ntmart
§ a.dll', u'WLDAP32.dll']
Frida – Architecture
Frida – JavaScript API
§ Its Javascript API has different components to interact with a process

• console
• Process
• Module
• Memory
• Thread
• Socket
• File
• Instruction
Frida – JavaScript API - Console
§ console: used for output.

• console.log(line)
• console.warn(line)
• console.error(line)
Frida – JavaScript API - Process
§ Process: functions and properties used to interact with a

• Process.arch, Process.platform
• Process.isDebuggerAttached
• Process.enumerateThreads(callbacks)
• Process.findModuleByAddress(address)
• Process.findModuleByName(name)
• Process.enumerateModules(callbacks)
§ […]
Frida – JavaScript API - Module
§ Module: used to interact with modules residing in the process.

• Module.enumerateImports(name, callbacks)
• Module.enumerateExports(name, callbacks)
• Module.enumerateRanges(name, protection, callbacks)
• Module.findBaseAddress(name)
• Module.findExportByName(module|null, exp)
§ […]
Frida – JavaScript API - Memory
§ Memory: used to interact with memory pages residing in a
given process.

• Memory.scan(address, size, pattern, callbacks)

• Memory.alloc(size)
• Memory.copy(dst, src, n)
• Memory.protect(address, size, protection)
• MemoryAccessMonitor (monitor read/write/execute)
§ […]
Frida – JavaScript API - Thread
§ Thread: used to interact with threads from a process.

• Thread.backtrace([context, backtracer])
• Thread.sleep(delay)
Frida – JavaScript API - Socket
§ Socket: used to handle sockets.

• Socket.type(handle)
• Socket.localAddress(handle)
• Socket.peerAddress(handle)
Frida – JavaScript API - File
§ File: used to handle file I/O.

• File(filePath, mode)
• write
• read
• flush
• close
Frida – JavaScript API - Instruction
§ Instruction: used to get information about a given instruction
from process’s code.

• Instruction.parse(target)
Frida – Interceptor/Stalker
• Frida has two main components exposed trough its API:

• Interceptor
• Normal operation mode (hooking)
• No stealthiness

• Stalker
• Instrumentation per-se
• Stealth (kind of)
• Lack of functionality (CALL/RET)
• More details:
Frida – How do I use Interceptor?
• Interceptor example:
Frida – Interceptor example output
Frida – Interceptor at low level (API hook)
Frida – Interceptor stub
Frida – Stalker
• Stalker example:
Frida – How Stalker works?
• Stalker at low level:

• Hint: See gum_exec_ctx_obtain_block_for in frida-

Tools based on Frida
Tools based on Frida
• frida-cli: command line interpreter which emulates an IPython
console for rapid prototyping and easy debugging.
Tools based on Frida
• frida-ps: command line tool for listing processes.
Tools based on Frida
• frida-trace: command like tool to dynamically trace function
Tools based on Frida
• frida-heap-trace: trace RtlAllocateHeap, RtlFreeHeap and
RtlReAllocateHeap function calls and arguments and log them
to a file.

§ Combine it with Villoc to create a map for all the heap


Tools based on Frida
Tools based on Frida
• fridump: Universal memory dumper tool. Aimed to dump
accessible memory regions from any platform supported by
Tools based on Frida
Tools based on Frida
§ frida-extract: FridaExtract is a based RunPE extraction
tool. Using FridaExtract you can automatically extract and
reconstruct a PE file that has been injected using the RunPE
Tools based on Frida
§ frida-discover: tool for discovering internal functions in a
program. Eg: Cryptoshark:
Tools based on Frida
Cryptoshark and frida-discover are based on Frida’s Stalker

They dynamically instrument every thread in a given process and

stalk every called function during process execution trying to
discover internal functions like statically linked functions.
§ When to use Frida? If you …

• Don’t want to download a compiler and compile every time you

make a change
• Need to quickly write an introspection tool
• Need low granularity (this may change in the near future)
• Need multi-OS/Arch support

§ Then …
Additional information
Additional information
• Questions to:


• Frida news and docs:


• Frida source code:


• Frida resources:

Acknowledgments & Greetings
Acknowledgments & Greetings
• Ole André V. Ravnås
• For answering all my question about Frida
• Francisco Falcón
• For the feedback about this presentation
Thank you.

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