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1 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: I’m sorry. I can / can’t play football at the weekend.
1 Can you play / to play the guitar?
2 Do you like listen / listening to music?
3 I love you. Do you love me / I?
4 I love go / going to the cinema.
5 Do you can / Can you come to my party?
6 That’s my / mine bike.

2 Complete Hannah’s email with the verbs in the box. Use the ing form.

be cook eat go study do see

Hi Paul

My name’s Hannah and I’m a student. I like being a student, but I don’t like
1 __________. I do two hours’ work every night. I live in a flat with my friend, Tina. We like 2

__________ good food, but Tina hates

3 __________. She only makes pizza. We often go to fast food restaurants. It’s really
unhealthy. I love
4 __________ home and eating my mum’s food. In the evenings, we like
5 __________ friends. We love music and dancing. What do you like 6 __________?

Write soon


3 Complete the sentences with me / mine, you / yours, him / his, etc.
Example: Can you help me? I can’t do my homework.
1 He likes Sally, but he doesn’t love __________.
2 It isn’t a good book. I don’t like __________.
3 That car isn’t __________. They don’t have a car.
4 Are they French? Can you ask __________?
5 It isn’t __________. He has a red lighter.
6 We don’t speak Italian. They don’t understand __________.
7 This book’s __________. Look! Here’s your name.
8 That’s __________! Give it to me.
Grammar total 20


4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Example: Can you dance the tango?
sing have dance
1 I __________ my bike at the weekend.
go ride play
2 This is a bad film. Turn __________ the TV!
off on up
3 Can you __________ that noise?
find take hear
4 I can’t __________ my keys.
find watch look
5 I __________ by bus every day.
travel take use
6 Mark can __________ chess.
do take play
7 Can you __________ me with this exercise?
talk wait help
8 Can you __________ a photo of us?
have call take

5 Complete the phrases with the correct verb.

Example: call a taxi
1 c__________ here
2 t__________ to a friend
3 p__________ football
4 t__________ by plane
5 r__________ a race

6 Complete the phrases with the correct verb.

give wait draw find hear sing use play

Example: hear a noise

1 __________ for a bus
2 __________ someone a present
3 __________ a computer
4 __________ a game
5 __________ a picture
6 __________ some money
7 __________ a song


1 Underline the correct words.

Example: We was / were in Paris yesterday.
1 Where was / were Jack this morning?
2 Yesterday was / were Friday.
3 I wasn’t / weren’t at work today.
4 Did / Were James and Sue at school yesterday?
5 Where were you / did you go last night?
6 The shops wasn’t / weren’t open today.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verb in brackets.
Example: We worked (work) hard yesterday.
1 I __________ (study) for three hours last night.
2 When __________ the party __________ (finish) last night?
3 She __________ (not like) the food in the restaurant.
4 __________ you __________ (watch) that film last night?
5 My grandparents __________ (live) in Australia. Now they live in Poland.
6 The nightclub __________ (not close) until 3 a.m.
7 We __________ (not smoke) because it was a non-smoking restaurant.
8 What time __________ they __________ (arrive) yesterday?

3 Complete the conversation.

Sue Where did you and Bob go yesterday?
Anne We went to a restaurant.
Sue Did you go by car?
Anne No, we 1 __________. We went by taxi.
Sue What did you wear?
Anne I 2 __________ my blue dress.
Sue What did you have to eat?
Anne I 3 __________ steak and chips.
Sue What time did you leave the restaurant?
Anne We 4 __________ at nine o’clock.
Sue Did you go to the cinema after that?
Anne Yes. We 5 __________ a fantastic film.
Sue What time did you get home?
Anne We didn’t 6 __________ home until twelve o’clock.
Grammar total 20


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of go, have, or get.
Example: Did you have a good time at the party?
1 Simon __________ the bus to work every morning.
2 I always __________ to bed early on a Monday.
3 Do you usually __________ a shower in the morning?
4 Can you __________ me a newspaper, please?
5 Mary and Jane didn’t __________ shopping yesterday.
6 I usually __________ dressed at eight o’clock.

5 Write the past simple form of the verbs.

Example: say said
1 drive __________ 7 take __________
2 think __________ 8 find __________
3 hear __________ 9 sit __________
4 write __________ 10 wear __________
5 speak __________ 11 get __________
6 read __________ 12 go __________

6 Complete the phrases with go, have, or get.

Example: get a taxi
1 __________ breakfast
2 __________ to church
3 __________ to the beach
4 __________ a letter
5 __________ a good time
6 __________ dressed
7 __________ to a restaurant
8 __________ out on a Saturday night


1 Complete the sentences.

Example: Is there a TV in my hotel room?
1 There __________ any wine, but there’s some water.
2 There __________ a good film on TV last night.
3 Are there __________ guests at the hotel?
4 There __________ any famous people at the party last week!
5 ‘Were there any ghosts in your room?’ ‘No, there __________.’
6 ‘__________ there a good restaurant?’ ‘Yes, there was.’

2 Change the sentences. Use the verb in brackets.

Example: The dog’s running. (bark) No, it isn’t. It’s barking.
1 The baby’s eating. (cry)
2 They’re talking. (argue)
3 She’s running. (walk)
4 They’re cycling. (run)
5 He’s drinking. (eat)
6 He’s listening to music. (read the newspaper)
7 They’re watching football. (play football)

3 Complete the email. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verb in

Hi John

How are you? At the moment, I’m listening (listen) to music. I usually 1 __________ (listen)
to music in the evenings. On Fridays, I sometimes 2 __________ (go) to the cinema with
Suzie, but she 3 __________ (study) now. She 4 __________ (have) a lot of work. My cousin
5 __________ (stay) with us at the moment and he
6 __________ (wait) for me downstairs. I 7 __________ (think) he wants to go to the pub.

See you soon


Grammar total 20


4 Complete the places.

Example: You can learn English in a school.
1 You send a letter from a p________ o________.
2 You can see old things in a m________.
3 You drive your car on a r________.
4 You can see actors in a t________.
5 You can buy clothes in a d__________ s________.
6 You can get a train from a r________ s________.

5 Underline the odd word out.

Example: supermarket department store shopping centre police station
1 river square road street
2 bathroom garden hall kitchen
3 wall stairs lamp floor
4 bus station school railway station airport
5 art gallery theatre bridge museum
6 shower bed mirror bath

6 Complete the words about things in the house.

Example: s_f_ sofa
1 mi_ro_ __________
2 sh_l_e_ __________
3 ar_c_a_r __________
4 l_gh_ __________
5 pl_n_ __________
6 c_o_k __________
7 fr_d_e __________
8 de_k __________

Mansfield Cottage is a comfortable house in the heart of the British countryside. Downstairs,
there’s a large living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a study. Upstairs, there are three
large bedrooms and a bathroom. The garden is spacious and there’s a garage next to the
property. There are excellent schools in the area, and don’t worry about the neighbours.
There aren’t any! You can rent Mansfield Cottage from Pullman’s Estate Agent’s. Please ring
01783 893022 between
9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m., Monday to Friday or email [email protected]
Fair Place is a traditional town house in a quiet road. The house has three floors.
Downstairs, there’s a modern kitchen, an impressive dining room, a living room, and a toilet.

On the first floor, there are two bedrooms, a study, and a bathroom. On the top floor there
are two further bedrooms and a bathroom. The current owners have updated the whole
house and all the furniture and decoration is in excellent condition. Outside, there’s a small
garden, but parking is on the street. The rent is very good for a property of this size. Please
phone Hantan’s Estate Agent’s during office hours (01837 733920).

Chestnuts is a modern flat with great views of London. The flat is in walking distance of the
city, but there’s plenty of opportunity to escape from the traffic as it’s also opposite a large,
attractive park. There’s one bedroom, a small kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom, all of
which are decorated to a very high standard. There’s a car park behind the building with
space for one car per resident. You can buy this property at a very good price. Phone
Parkway Estate Agent’s (01883 873910) or go to for more

Example: Mansfield Cottage is in a small town.

A True B False  C Doesn’t say
1 Mansfield Cottage has eight rooms.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
2 It’s a good home for a family.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
3 There isn’t any furniture in the house.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
4 Fair Place is on a noisy street.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
5 There are four bedrooms.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
6 It’s an expensive place.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
7 Chestnuts is next to a park.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
8 It’s cheap to rent.
A True B False C Doesn’t say
9 There are people in the flat at the moment.
A True B False C Doesn’t say

2 Read the adverts again. Write M for Mansfield Cottage, F for Fair Place, or C for
Example: There’s a study. M
1 You can park in the garage. _____
2 You can buy this place. _____
3 There are two bathrooms. _____
4 There aren’t any neighbours. _____
5 It has two floors. _____
6 There are four rooms. _____

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