Summer Training Report: Communication

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Submitted for partial fulfillment of award of BACHELOR OF




RITESH PARMAR (1522231165)

In this report, I showed the working mechanism of Networking and
communication. Explanation regarding technologies used in BSNL
Weekly reports have also been discussed which contains valuable
Information including some figures.
It is my esteemed pleasure to present the training report. I had a
golden opportunity of getting summer training at BHARAT
SANCHAR NIGAM LTD.(Govt. of India Ent.) Mughalsarai. I
express deep gratitude to Mr. VINOD KUMAR MAURYA and S.N
KUSWAHA who gave me the chance to know about the Broadband
technology used in BSNL.The other employees also deserves thanks
for helping me in the completion of my report. It indeed was an
enriching experience to study the different technologies used in
BSNL.This acknowledgement will hardly be sufficient in expressing
our deep sense of gratitude to our respected professors and individuals
in the preparation of this object.

  History of BSNL
  About the Company
  Vision and Mission
  Objective
  Logo of BSNL
  Week 1 Report
  Week 2 Report
  Week 3 Report
  Week 4 Report
 Outcome Of Training
History of BSNL
The foundation of Telecom Network in India was laid by
the British sometime in 19th century .The history of
BSNL is linked with the beginning of Telecom in India.
In 19th century and for almost entire 20th century, the
Telecom in India was operated as a Government of India
wing. Earlier it was part of erstwhile post & Telegraph
Department (P&T).In 1975 the Department of Telecom
(DoT)was separated from P&T. DoT was responsible for
running of Telecom services in entire country until 1985
when Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)
was carved out of DoT to run the Telecom services of
Delhi and Mumbai .It is a well known fact that BSNL
was carved out of Department of Telecom to provide
level playing field to provide Telecoms. Subsequently in
1990’s the Telecom sector was opened up by the
Government for Private Investment, therefore, it became
necessary to separate the Government’s policy wing
from operation wing. The Government of India
corporatized the operation wing of DoT on October 01,
2000 and named it as Bharat Sanchar Nigam
Limited(BSNL), operates as public sector.
About the Company
owned Telecommunications Company headquartered in NEW
DELHI. It was incorporated on 15 September 2000 and
assumed the business of providing telecom services and
network management from the erstwhile Central Government
Departments of telecom services and telecom operations as of
1 October 2000 on a going concern basis. It is largest provider
of fixed telephony and broadband services with more than
60% market share and is the fifth largest mobile telephony
Vision and Mission

 To become the largest Telecom Service Provider

 To provide world class state-of-art technology telecom
services to its Customers on demand at competitive

 To provide world class telecom infrastructure in its area
of operation and to Contribute to the growth.
 To build high degree of customer confidence
 by sustaining quality and reliability in service.
 To upgrade the quality of telecom services to an
 international level.
 Expansions of new services like Internet,Intelligent
Network, ISDN, Internet Telephony, Video
Conferencing, Broadband etc,

 Popularize Broadband Services and to be on demand in
 the whole State.
  Expansion of Cellular Mobile Telephone in all towns.
  To open Internet Café’s at all block headquarters.
  Modemize PSTN network by making RSUs & AN-RAX.
 NSD/ISD public call offices (PCO’s) so as reach out to
the masses.
Plantation of trees to make environment green and clean
Logo of BSNL
Week 1 Report
S.NO Date Work Done Persons Met

1. 20/06/2018 Introduction Vinod Maurya

2. 21/06/2018 Basics about BSNL S.N. Kuswaha
3. 22/06/2018 Overview of the plant S.N. Kuswaha
4. 23/06/2018 Study of the Components S.N. Kuswaha
5. 24/06/2018 Components Required S.N. Kuswaha

• Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is an Indian State-
owned telecommunications company. It is the largest Telecom
Service Provider in India. BSNL offers both Global System
for Mobile (GSM) as well as Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA) Prepaid and Postpaid services.
• Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited was incorporated on
15th September 2000.
• Headquarter:- New Delhi
• Anupam Shrivastava is new chairman and managing
director of BSNL.
• : 211,086 in 2016
BSNL has total 107.91 million subscribers in December 2017
Basics of Telecommunication Network
Telecommunication:- Telecommunication is made by Greek
word Tele (that means Distant) & Communication (that means
Share). It is the transmission of signals, messages, images,
video & sounds or information for communication between
two or more than two people using Technology.
Telecommunication network:- It is a collection of transmitter,
receiver, and communication channels. & collection of
terminal nodes, links are connected so as to enable
telecommunication between the terminals. A link is a
communication channel that connects two or more devices.
Each Telecommunication system consists of three basic
• Transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal.
• Transmission medium over which the signal is transmitted.

• Receiver that receives the signal and converts it back into usable

Basic components of Network:-

• Hub
• Switches.
• Routers.
• Gateways.
• CSU (Channel Service Unit ) / DSU (Data
Service Unit)
• Network interface cards (NICs) and system
area network cards.
Hub:- It is also called Network Hub. A Network Hub is a node that
broadcast data to every computer or Ethernet-based device connected to
it. The Hub contains multiple ports. When a packets arrives at one port,
it copied to the all other ports

Switch:- A network switch is a computer networking device that

connects devices together on a computer network by using packet
switching to receive, process, and forward data to the destination
Router:- A router is a networking device that forwards data
packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic
directing functions on the Internet. A data packet is typically
forwarded from one router to another router through the networks
that constitute an internetwork until it reaches its destination node.
Week 2 Report

S.NO Date Work Done Persons Met

1. 26/06/2018 Services of BSNL S.N. Kuswaha

2. 27/06/2018 Changing CDOT to NGN S.N. Kuswaha
3. 28/06/2018 Changing CDOT to NGN S.N. Kuswaha
4. 29/06/2018 Changing CDOT to NGN S.N. Kuswaha
5. 02/07/2018 PCM, Multiplexing & S.N. Kuswaha
Signalling in BSNL

Services of BSNL

1. Fixed line teLephone

2. Mobile phone
3. Broadband
4. Internet Television
6. GSM

It was established in 1984 with initial mandate of designing and
developing digital exchanges. C DOT has expanded to develop
intelligent computer software applications.

It is the telecom technology development center of the government of

India. It was vested with full authority and total flexibility to develop
state of the art telecommunication technology to meet the needs of
Indian telecommunication network. Within a very short span of time,
telecom switching products ideally suited to Indian conditions started
revolutionizing rural communication in India in the form of small
Rural automatic exchanges.
NGN Technology:-
Next –Genration is IP based , state of the art new
telephone technology that handles multiple types of
traffic (such as voice, data and multimedia). Key
Features of NGN network are:-
1. Convergent, multimedia services which provides
voice, broadband and video calling to all customer.
2. NGN can deliver various user friendly value
added service like video call, closer user group,
video conferencing etc.

Pulse Code Modulation

Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) converts analog signal to a
digital format.
It has four major steps:
1. Filtering
2. Sampling
3. Quantization
4. Encoding
Week 3 Report

S.NO Date Work Done Persons Met

06/07/2018 About GSM Services Mr. S. N. Kuswaha

2. 09/07/2018 Cable Faults Mr. S. N. Kuswaha

About GSM Services

It is important to note that all the GSM services were not introduced
since the appearance of GSM but they have been introduced in a
regular way. The GSM Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
defined four classes for the introduction of the different GSM

 E1: introduced at the start of the service.

 E2: introduced at the end of 1991.

 Eh: introduced on availability of half-rate channels.
 A: these services are optional.

Three categories of services can be distinguished:

 Teleservices.

 Bearer services.
 Supplementary Services.

Cable Faults:-
The General Types of Cable Faults:-
Earth faul : When the insulation between the earth and the conductor
in the cable becomes very low.

Low insulation fault : When the insulation between conductors in

the cable or between the pairs or between pair and earth falls below a
prescribed limit (normally 0.5 meg ohm) This may be due to entry of
moisture or due to failure of wire insulation.

Disconnection Fault : When the Conductor is cut then the fault is

called break fault or is called High Resistance fault when High
Resistance is introduced in the circuit.

Short Circuit Fault : When the resistance between the wires or

between the conductors becomes very low even without any loop in the
circuit on the pairs. This is also called contact fault.

Foreign potential : The existence of potential, even when the circuit

is idle or isolated from the potential of exchange and subscriber
premises equipment is foreign potential or contact of the conductor with
other circuit having potential.
Week 4 Report

S.NO Date Work Done Persons Met

1. 13/07/2018 Wireless of Mr. S. N. Kuswaha

2. 16/07/2018 Principal of Mobile Mr. S. N. Kuswaha


Wireless of Communication:-
Wireless communications is the transfer of information or power
between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical
conductor. The most common wireless technologies uses radio waves.

It involves the transmission of information over a distance without the

help of wires, cables or any other forms of electrical conductors.
Wireless communications is a broad term that incorporates all
procedures and forms of connecting and communicating between
two or more devices

Principal of Mobile communication:-

In Telecom network conventionally each user is connected to the
Telephone exchange individually. This dedicated pair starts from
MDF, where it is connected to the appropriate Equipment point and
ends at the customer premises Telephone. (With flexibility at
cabinet/pillar/ distribution points DPs)

The connectivity from exchange to customer premises is called

“Access Network or Local Loop”, and mostly comprises of
underground cable from exchange up to DP’s and insulated copper
wires (Drop Wires)later on This type of Access Network does not
require separate Authentication of customer before extending
services. Whenever the cable capacity has reached the maximum
additional cable is laid to augment the capacity. Even though there are
advantages in introducing wireless connectivity in Subscriber’s loop,
we have to tackle certain issues Viz,
1. Duplexing methodology.
2. Multiple Access methods.
3. cellular principle or reuse concept.
4. Techniques to cope with “mobile” environment.
Outcome Of Training
To have training at a place like BSNL was a magnificent experience.
The output of this training is basically the improvement of my
industrial knowledge well as practical knowledge I gained after
performing the work.

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