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Donna Cunningham’s Books on the Outer Planets

If you’re dealing with a stellium that contains one or more outer planets, these ebooks will help
you understand their role in your chart and explore ways to change difficult patterns they
represent. Since The Stellium Handbook can’t cover them in the depth they deserve, you’ll gain a
greater perspective through these ebooks that devote entire chapters to the meanings of Uranus,
Neptune, or Pluto in a variety of contexts.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life volumes are $15 each if purchased separately, or $35 for all
three—a $10 savings. To order, go to and tell them which books you want, Donna’s
email address ([email protected]), and the amount. The ebooks arrive on separate
emails. If you want them sent to an email address other than the one you used, let her know.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life, V.1: The Outer Planets as Career
Indicators. If your stellium has outer planets in the career houses (2nd, 6th, or
10th), or if it relates to your chosen career, this book can give you helpful insights.
There’s an otherworldly element when the outer planets are career markers, a
sense of serving a greater purpose in human history.

Each chapter of this e-book explores one of these planets in

depth. See an excerpt here.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life, v.2: Outer Planet Aspects
to Venus and Mars. Learn about the love lives of people who
have the outer planets woven in with the primary relationship
planets, Venus and Mars, or in the relationship houses—the 7th,
8th, and 5th. We’ll identify persistent relationship patterns for each
outer planet influence. Explore the ways people with these chart factors try to
satisfy their need for intimacy while still fulfilling an equally strong urge to
participate in the evolution of our world. See the table of contents here.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life, v.3: Aspects between the Outer Planets

Some of the most eventful and memorable historical eras happen when two or
more of the outermost planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto—form
aspects to one another. We’ll look at distinct 20th Century eras like the 1960s,
the astrological patterns of that time, and the life-long impact of these
combinations on people born with them strongly featured in their charts.

The book includes chapters on people born with the Pluto-Uranus conjunction,
those with Pluto and Saturn in aspect, those with Uranus and Saturn in aspect,
those with Neptune and Saturn in aspect, and those with Uranus and Neptune in
aspect. See the table of contents here.

For Donna’s book, Healing Pluto Problems, go to Healing Pluto Problems.

Published by RedWheel/ Weiser, it’s available in hard copy and Kindle format.

About the Author: Donna Cunningham is an award-winning astrologer with a Master’s Degree
in Social Work, over 40 years experience as a professional astrologer, and a solid background in
flower essences and other healing tools. Donna is the internationally-known author of 15 well-
received astrology books, 20 years of advice columns for Dell Horoscope, and thousands of
astrology articles. Born in 1942, she has over 70 years of hands-on experience in managing her
own Gemini stellium. She has written the only known reference works on stelliums—The
Stellium Handbook and the no longer available companion workbook, The Stellium Tool Kit.

This book is dedicated to my beloved friend, Lynne Herlacher, for understanding and
enjoying every part of me and for 20 years of laughter, heart to heart talks, and
companionship on the spiritual path.

Thanks are due to much loved and admired colleagues who have passed on, yet who
continue to influence my work after all these years: to my astrological hero, Isabel Hickey,
to Betty Lundsted, my exceptional editor at RedWheel/Weiser, and to a German astrologer
of the 1920s-30s known only as Gretel.

Thanks are also due to my magazine editors for years of support and top-notch editing: Tem
Tarrikter and Nan Geary of The Mountain Astrologer and Dell Horoscope’s Editors,
Ronnie Grishman and Ed Kajkowski.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this copyrighted publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, transmitted, or displayed in any form, electronic, mechanical, recording, or
otherwise, without written permission from the author.

If you found this on a free ebook site, it was a pirated copy. Those sites have unauthorized
copies of many astrologers’ works—significant volumes by much-admired teachers and speakers
who labored unselfishly to preserve what they’ve learned so we can all grow.

Pirated books have a long-term impact on the development of our field. Putting one’s heart
and soul into a book, only to have it stolen, discourages our heroes from writing books to begin
with. Over time, what they know can be lost forever. Read more about this problem here: Pirated
Astrology Books and What They Can Cost our Field.

Navigation tips that make a PDF file like this ebook easier to read: To go directly to a
chapter, note the page number on the Table of Contents on the next page. Enter Control + G, and
a box will come down with room for you to specify the page.

To find information on a particular topic, go to the PDF file’s tool bar the top left. Pull down
the “Edit” menu, and click on “Advanced Search.” A box will appear with room for you to enter
the search term. Then a list of clickable links will appear with all the places in the book.

The Stellium Handbook- a Table of Contents

(Part One of Two, in Separate PDF Files)

Introduction: A Few Words for the Newcomer to Astrology…………………….Page: 6

A Basic Principle: the Stars are not to Blame; the Building Blocks of Astrology; Why Your Chart
Diagram Might Change; Learning about your Chart, One Layer at a Time; Sample
Chart; a Beginner’s Cheat Sheet of Astrological Symbols.

Chapter One: Stelliums Are Not for Sissies!................................................................Page: 12

Welcome to the World of Stelliums and Triple Conjunctions; What Does a Stellium or Triple
Conjunction Consist of? What You’ll Learn from this Book; Why this Book is Needed Now;
Plusses and Minuses of Having these Features; Factors that Strengthen or Weaken a Stellium or
Triple Conjunction; Finding your Mission—A Key to the Stellium’s Meaning; When the Stellium
is a Clue to your Career Potentials; “But I’m not all that Smart!”; What Stelliums Reveal about
our Major Roles; How the Stellium Lifestyle Affects Relationships; How Understanding your
Stellium Can Enrich your Life.

Chapter 2: Stellium Signs—Pluses and Minuses of Aries through Virgo……….....Page: 39

Why You May Not Identify Completely with Your Stellium Sign; What the Elements and Modes
can add to your Understanding; How the House Position Changes the Picture; How the Planets in
the Combination Alter its Expression; How Well Do You Use your Stellium Sign? Self-Test #1--
the Plusses and Minuses of your Stellium Sign; Positive and Negative Qualities of Aries, Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, plus Self–Tests for Each; Too Much of a Good Thing?
Overdoing your Stellium’s Sign; Summary Table of the Traits of all 12 Signs.

Chapter 3: Understanding your Stellium Sign: Libra through Pisces……………..Page: 43

Qualities of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces; Self-Tests for each.

Chapter 4: An Introduction to Houses and Stelliums in Houses 1-6…………….....Page: 50

Comparing Sign and House Combinations; Are your Stellium’s Sign and House a Good Match?
What to Expect from Stelliums in the 1st through 6th House.

Chapter 5: The Meanings of Stelliums in Houses 7-12…………………………....Page: 67

What to Expect from Stelliums in the 7th through 6th Houses; House Summary Table.

Chapter 6: More Things You can Learn about Yourself through the Houses……Page: 85
The First Stage in Analyzing your Stellium—Combining Sign and House; Are your Stellium’s
Sign and House a Good Match? Why House Systems Matter; How to Interpret a House stellium
with two Different Signs; Understanding Intercepted Signs; “Hey, You Forgot the House Ruler!”;
Full and Empty Houses—and Why Stelliums Have more Empty Ones; Are some Houses more
Important Than Others? Finding Balance—the Role of the House opposite your Stellium; How
House Meanings Evolve throughout Life; How Transits Modify Stelliums.

Chapter 7: The Inner Planets in a Stellium—The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
and Jupiter……………………………………………………………………………Page: 98
What You’ll Learn about the Inner Planets; “Bad guys” and “Good Guys” Among the Planets?
Not Hardly! The Next Stage: Analyzing Sign + House + Inner Planet Combinations; How
Comfortable are your Planets in their Signs? How Well Do You Use your Inner Planets—A Self-
Test Series; Tune-Ups for Troubled Planets; What the Sun Brings to a Stellium; What the Moon

Brings to a Stellium; What Mercury Brings to a Stellium; What Venus Brings to a Stellium; What
Mars Brings to a Stellium; What Jupiter Brings to a Stellium.

Chapter 8: Understanding the Outermost Planets in Your Stellium—Saturn, Uranus,

Neptune, and Pluto……………………………………………………………………Page: 117
Why the Slower Moving Planets are Important to Master; Why Saturn is Included in this Chapter;
Worldly Matters Connected with the Outermost Planets; The So-Called Impersonal Planets; Are
You an Outer Planet Person? Analyzing the House + Outermost Planet + Sign Combination;
What Saturn Brings to a Stellium; What Uranus Brings to a Stellium; What Neptune Brings to a
Stellium; What Pluto Brings to a Stellium; Summary Table—Traits and Self-Tests for all the

Here’s What’s in Part Two—a Separate PDF File

Chapter 9: Creating Your Stellium Worksheet and Planetary Strength Scores:
The Pieces that Go into a Stellium Worksheet; Sample Worksheet; Tests to Measure each
Planet’s Relative Strength.

Chapter 10: Discovering Your Story Arc and Cast of Characters

The Alpha Dog Planet in a Stellium; Factors that Determine which Planet is Alpha; A
Table for Finding your Alpha; Managing your Alpha; Who Else is in Alphie’s Pack;
Understanding the Sequence of Planets in a Stellium—Why the first and last Planets are Crucial;
A Typical Story Arc; A Positive Story Arc—Prince William Emerges as a Royal; A Contrast in
Story Arcs—Johnny Depp vs. Robert Downey, Jr.; Tracking your own Story Arc; Transit
Tracking Table for 1990-2020; How Transits Trigger your Story Arc—or Bring about Change.

Chapter 11: Conjunctions: The Life Blood of a Stellium

Conjunctions and Why They’re the Most Potent Aspect; Effects of the Planets’ Mode on a
Conjunction; Analyzing Conjunctions—Siamese Twins or Hostile Takeover; How the Sign
Affects Planets in a Conjunction; What the House Adds to the Conjunction; Affinity of the
Planets in the Combination; Out of Sign Conjunctions in a Stellium; Approaching vs. Separating
Conjunctions; Analyzing Inner Planet Pairs; Conjunctions between Inner and Outer Planets.

Chapter 12: How 5 Powerful Planetary Pairs from 1960-2000 affect People Born with Them
Understanding Conjunctions of Uranus-Pluto; Saturn-Uranus; Saturn-Pluto; Uranus-Neptune; and
Saturn-Neptune and how they mix with the inner planets.

Chapter 13: An In-depth Portrait of the Capricorn and Aquarius Stelliums

The rare and powerful conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune in Capricorn and how it
affects the lives of people born with it. Understanding the Aquarius stelliums that followed it.

Chapter 14: Getting the Most from Your Stellium or Triple Conjunction:
A Major Stellium Management Tool—Set Achievable Goals; How to Gain from your Losses;
Workarounds for less helpful Qualities of the Signs and Planets; Doing a Research Project on
your Stellium; Astrology—a Stellar Stellium Management Tool; Can Relocation Change your
Life; Four Books that will Kick your Manifestation Mojo into Overdrive; The Power of a
Gratitude List; Thought Forms and How They Create Blocks; EFT—A Self-Help Tool for
Releasing Difficult Emotions; Some Last Thoughts on living the stellium lifestyle.

The Stellium Handbook

©2013 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Intro—a few Words for the Newcomer to Astrology

If you're fairly new to astrology–perhaps just moving beyond your zodiac sign–an introduction to
this book and its point of view is in order. Quite possibly, you picked it up because you were told
you have a stellium—a combination of several planets in one sign or house of your astrology
chart—and you want to understand what that reveals about your life.

Here are some common questions readers ask about a stellium in their own charts or a chart
they’re trying to interpret.

"Does my stellium mean I'll be a star? When will I be discovered?"

"When will I be able to quit my day job?"
"I'm 28 and still haven't done anything with the gifts my astrologer told me I had. What's
wrong with me?"
"My grandson has six planets in Capricorn. Is this as rare as it sounds, and what does his
future hold?”
“It seems like every time I get a transit to my stellium, I'm besieged on all sides at once,
like a five car pile up. Will my transits always be this tough?"
“I have Pluto, Uranus, and Mars in Virgo, and I just can't ever seem to get along with my
bosses. Is there a way to change this?"

We’ll be addressing questions like these and many more in this book. You'll find out about the
planets involved, and why you may not have been able to identify with the zodiac sign of the

Astrology is an unparalled tool for self-understanding—an effective Science of Self. Like all
specialties, it has its own language, sometimes referred to as Astrologese. It also has its own
frame of reference and body of knowledge that can seem mysterious to the newcomer. I’m
committed to making this guidebook accessible to everyone with stelliums, not just students of
astrology. I’ll do my level best to present the information simply and with a minimum of jargon,
which I’ll explain in a few words.

You may not ever have time to study astrology seriously. If your talents and interests lie in some
other field, your focus needs to be on developing that to the fullest. However, if this introduction
to astrology proves useful, it would be worthwhile to find a professional astrologer or read
astrological authors whose work resonates with your needs. Then you can consult them when
your life takes an important turn.

With this book, you’re diving into the deep end of the astrology pool, so you’ll find that it’s a
great deal more complicated than Sun Sign astrology. Your Sun Sign may not help you a bit in
making sense of your stellium and capitalizing on its gifts—unless, of course, your Sun happens
to be in the same sign as the stellium. Even then, the planets in the mix modify the picture.

You probably won’t be able to assimilate everything here in one read-through, so consider this
book a long-term guide to increasing self-awareness by using the tools you’ll encounter here. The
more self-awareness we have, the fewer mistakes we make, and the steadier our progress.

If you ever do feel over your head with all the astrology here and are tempted to bail out, please at
least look at the final chapter, “Making the Most of your Stellium or Triple Conjunction.” The
amount of astrology there is minimal, and it discusses ways to reach more of your potential.

A Basic Principle: The Stars are not to Blame

This is a good place to say that, like most modern astrologers, I do not believe we can blame the
“stars”–as represented by the planets in our birth chart–for our difficulties. Our lives aren’t
controlled by bodies out in space but are largely shaped by our own thought patterns and choices.
It’s important not to blame the stars for our own shortcomings. If you get on the scale and
discover you’ve gained 10 pounds, do you blame the scale?
The chart doesn’t make us who we are—it’s just shows us who we are. It’s a mirror to help us see
ourselves and our surroundings more clearly. Just as the mirror does not cause us to go gray as we
age, the planets do not cause bad things to happen to us. More often than we care to admit, we
create or contribute to our difficulties by self-defeating behaviors and unwise choices. Your birth
chart helps you understand yourself and your life more clearly.
I don’t mean to ignore the huge social, economic, political, and environmental forces that shape
our existence. An extreme weather event can change thousands of lives forever. Still, within that
reality, many of us have the grit to surmount huge obstacles and make our mark on the world.
People with stelliums have the potential to make a difference by applying their many gifts to the
challenges of living in this century.
Understanding your stellium will help you discover what those contributions can be. The chart is
a map to show us our way. It's not the chart’s fault if we make a wrong turn or choose not to take
the best route. By learning to read it, we become conscious of our potentials and self-defeating
habits, so we can live better. This book will lead you, bit by bit, to greater self-awareness.
Likewise, the planets do not cause good things to happen either. We generally bring them about
by focused intentions, hard work, steady efforts toward a goal, and attitudes of openness and
hope. That and the occasional bit of “plain dumb luck” corresponding with Jupiter or Venus.
We don’t all dream of greatness, but many of us dream that the stars will shine on us in some
special way. One reader of my advice column wrote that she was tired of waiting for the good life
her astrologer had been promising her for years. She expected to reach some sort of magical
turning point in her thirties, as predicted.

My response was that THE STARS PROMISE, BUT THEY

DO NOT PROVIDE. While her chart did show creative gifts,
these aspects only work if you work them. Effort, not fate, is
the key to maximizing the potentials shown in the chart.

Current astrological conditions, which we refer to as transits,

could signify a deep transformation in several areas of life, but
not by magic. Only the hardest, deepest, most soul-searching
work makes changes of that magnitude happen. The planets
won't do it FOR you, but, if you do the work, you can start to
make your career and love life more meaningful. Likewise,
this book can’t do it for you—you still have to put in the sweat
equity to apply what you’ll learn here.

How Astrologers’ Lingo Adds to the Confusion: You may notice that astrologers sometimes
talk as though the planets gang up on us and yank our chains. It’s a kind of shorthand, not to be
taken literally. We may also make it sound like you have a bunch of tiny planets inside you,
operating independently. Of course, you don’t—if you did, wouldn’t they show up on a CT Scan?

In talking about tune-ups for planets in your stellium, I might say, “Your Mercury needs new
spark plugs.” That’s Astrologese for, “the part of your total being that corresponds to the planet
Mercury’s position in your birth chart.” Wouldn’t that be tedious to keep repeating? If I rephrased
everything about the planets that way, you’d be bored to tears, and this book would be twice as
long as it needs to be. Just bear in mind that it’s shorthand. (Professional astrologers, read this
blog article about how to avoid Astrologese in your sessions here: English for Astrologers–No
Astrologese Please.)

Another bit of shorthand is that when astrologers talk about planets, they’re including the Sun and
Moon in the mix. Once the telescope was invented, astrologers figured out that the Sun and Moon
weren’t actually planets, but we still talk that way. Otherwise, we’d have to keep saying
convoluted things like, "the bodies in the solar system, except for the bajillion asteroids, the
comets, and the many moons that orbit planets other than the Earth."

It’s extremely important for astrologers and followers of astrology to understand the limits
of astrological work. Chart features may SUGGEST what’s going but DO NOT set them in

Any given chart placement or combination has numerous expressions—some negative, some
positive, yet all related in certain ways. There’s no way of predicting precisely how you’ll express
those placements, for much depends on your character, spiritual evolution and the choices you
make. What astrology can do is help you become aware of your options.

The Building Blocks of Astrology

If you’re new to astrology, you’ll soon find out that it’s far more complicated than you thought—
but, then, if you have a stellium, you’re pretty complicated yourself!

Although astrology has many layers, understanding it becomes

easier once you learn the building blocks of chart
interpretation—the signs, planets, and houses. Each zodiac sign
has a planet that rules it and a house that’s associated with it.
For example, Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is associated with the
9th house. The Sun rules Leo and is associated with the 5th house.
(You’ll find those associations in a table that’s coming up.)

The chart is a circle divided into 12 sectors called houses,

each one describing what we’re like in important areas.

Here’s a basic chart wheel with numbered houses so you can

locate your stellium’s position. It would be a sector of your chart
with three or more symbols. Chapters 4 and 5 will be devoted to
exploring what the house placement reveals.
On the next page, you’ll see a sample birth chart.

Sample Chart—Motivational Speaker, Nick Vujicic

This is the chart of minister and motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic, born with all four legs and
arms missing on December 4, 1982 at 6:35 AM in Brisbane, Australia. Birth data from his
mother, on one of his TV shows. (Read about him here: Nick Vujicic - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia.) With his five Sagittarius planets in the 12 house, he’s an inspiring
example of the extraordinary things people with stelliums are capable of achieving.

Note: Stelliums are stronger when it is both a stellium by sign and a stellium by house. He has
both kinds of stelliums—his stellium by sign of five plants in Sagittarius is also a stellium by
house of planets in the 12th house.

The house position of a stellium is particularly telling because, with several planets there, its
activities and concerns occupy much of our energy and attention. Thus, that house—more than
the sign—describes a major focus for our efforts. His has 5 planets in the 12th house, one
particularly connected service and spiritual pursuits, and all 5 planets are in Sagittarius.

Each house is associated with one of the signs and planets, because all three share similar
interests and concerns. The 3rd house, Gemini, and Mercury generally share a strong interest in
gaining knowledge and sharing it with others through various kinds of communication. The 11 th
house, Aquarius, and Uranus all emphasize peer relationships and community concerns. As you’ll
learn in Chapters 7 and 8, a planet has a stronger influence than the sign it rules.

Learning about Your Stellium, One Layer at a Time

Are you feeling a bit lost? Astrology is complicated, but so are human beings. If you have a
stellium in your chart, you’re especially complex. The reason I chose to focus on astrology, rather
than the other metaphysical studies I dabbled in early on like numerology, palmistry, or tarot, was
that it gave me a far deeper understanding of the whole human being.

After more than 45 years, I’m still learning new things about myself and other people through
astrology, and I’m still fascinated and awed. In this book you’ll learn many things about yourself,
but you’ll do it one layer at a time, and I’ll work to keep it clear and simple. We can do this!

Further Sources of Information: In the early chapters, astrological terms will be in bold and
italic type with a brief explanation, but there’s a glossary of terms in the Appendix in Part Two
that you can print out for reference. When you note odd bits of Astrologese like quincunx or
septile or a yod, check the glossary. There are also ordinary words like element, hemisphere, or
opposition that take on new meaning in an astrological context, as I’ll explain in using them.

To understand those strange symbols on your chart, those of you who are new to astrology might
need the cheat sheet on the next page. It’s a table of the signs, houses, and planets associated with
one another, like Leo, the Sun, and the 5th house. It includes ancient astrological symbols called
glyphs for the signs and planets. You may wish to print a copy for easy reference, because chart
diagrams use glyphs rather than words.

Please note: these relationships are based on a system popularized by Dr. Zipporah Dobyns.
I agree with most of them, but several do not ring true to me (e.g. the first house, Mars, and
Aries) . There are also signs whose rulership is questioned by many astrologers (Virgo and
Taurus). Thus, use these correspondences as guidelines, rather than something written in stone.

If you get stuck trying to piece your stellium together, it would help to find a
professional astrologer, teacher or more advanced student to explain
things. Online, you’ll find many high-quality blogs and websites that teach
basic pieces of an astrology chart— signs, houses, and planets.
For those who are transitioning from Sun signs to more detailed study, my text
for beginning to intermediate students, An Astrological Guide to Self-
Awareness, contains chapters with more information than I can give here about
each planet, plus houses, aspects, and transits. It’s available at

An Astrological Cheat Sheet—an Introduction to the Signs and Symbols

Zodiac Glyph Ruler Glyph Matters of the Related House:

Aries: Mars First House: First impressions and first
approach to situations; image; appearance; self-
Fire Sign
Taurus: Venus Second House: Ways of earning and managing
Earth sign money; things valued more than money; beliefs
Fixed that create or block abundance.
Gemini: Mercury Third House: Communication; style of
Air sign thinking and learning; siblings and near
Mutable relatives; neighbors; basic education.
Cancer: Moon Fourth House: Home and home life; roots;
Water sign family ties; heredity; family influence; the
Cardinal nurturing parent; old age.
Leo: Sun Fifth House: Children; romance; creativity;
Fire sign self-expression; performing; leisure activities;
Fixed risk-taking.
Virgo: Mercury Sixth House: Work and its meaning; work
Earth sign habits; types of jobs; coworkers and employees;
Mutable health and health habits.
Libra: Venus Seventh House: Partnerships—personal and
Air sign business; close, committed relationships; types
Cardinal of people we attract.
Scorpio: Pluto Eighth House: Sexuality; partner’s resources;
Water sign inheritances, grants, etc; taxes; birth, death;
Fixed transformation; healing.
Sagittarius: Jupiter Ninth House: Religion, philosophy of life;
Fire sign higher education, advanced studies; teaching or
Mutable preaching; law; foreign lands.
Capricorn: Saturn Tenth House: Career, long-term goals; how
Earth sign you’re remembered; parental authority; bosses,
Cardinal type of boss you are.
Aquarius: Uranus Eleventh House: Friendship; peer relationships;
Air sign group membership; networking, social activism;
Fixed aspirations.
Pisces: Neptune Twelfth House: Things that are repressed or
Water sign hidden; self-defeating behavior; chronic illness;
Mutable service; retreats; spiritual quest.

Different Spokes for Different Folks—Why your Chart might Change

Clients who go to a new astrologer sometimes discover that the houses of the chart–the
spokes in the astrological wheel—are different from the ones the original astrologer used.
This can bring on a crisis of faith, in which they conclude that (a) Astrologer #1 didn’t know what
he or she was doing, (b) Astrologer #2 is a moron, or (c) Astrology is a crock.

There can be several reasons for differences like these:

 You’ve given the astrologers different birth times.
 There was an error in determining whether the birth time was Standard or Daylight Time.
 There are several systems of dividing the houses, and the astrologers used different ones.
 One of the astrologers was asleep at the computer.

Why an Accurate Birth Time Matters: Data from a birth record is more trustworthy than the
vague time a family member gives from memory. A rounded-off time like 10:00 AM is iffy.
For each four minutes of difference in the birth time, the numbers on the borders between houses
(cusps) change 1°. Thus, if the time is off by 15 minutes of clock time, the cusps of the extremely
important 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses, (called the chart angles) will be 4° off.

Since life-changing events tend to happen when these angles are triggered by current
positions of the slower-moving planets, this crucial error can throw predictions off by a year
or longer. Here are suggestions about how to know if your birth time is correct: How to Make
Sure a Birth Chart is Accurate.

Don’t know the birth time? will link you to the vital records agency in your
state so you can order a copy of your birth certificate. Specify that you want the long form with
time of birth included. Otherwise, you’ll get the short form with no time listed.

First things first: Do you have a copy of your birth chart? If not, sites on the internet
provide one for free. AstroLabe ( ) is one of the oldest and
most respected software companies. It provides the chart diagram and several pages describing
the main chart features. They need your date, place, and time of birth, including AM or PM.

For more detail, AstroLabe can also create a 30-page computerized interpretation of your
chart for $30, with explanations of each individual feature. You’ll read, for instance, what
each individual planet in the stellium means in that particular house and sign. It can’t connect all
the dots for you, but it will at least tell you what the dots are. A computer can’t synthesize
complex patterns like stelliums, but this book will give you many tools for working toward a
synthesis of your own.

Chapter One, Stellium Handbook

©2013 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter One—Stelliums Are Not for Sissies

Welcome to the world of stelliums and triple conjunctions–a world of vast potentials and yet of
complicated and seldom easy life paths. If you have either of these patterns in your astrological
chart, then anywhere from three to seven of the solar system’s ten bodies fall within about 30° of
the zodiac’s 360° circle. As one of my students exclaimed when we had a lesson about them,
"That's a lotta watts in one small corner of the sky!"
Your birth chart is the owner’s manual for your stellium. A stellium may virtually eclipse
your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in terms of its importance. Therefore, possibly the most important
piece of astrological study you could do is analyzing your stellium, as we’ll do, step by step in
this book. It's a key to the greatest gifts you have to offer the world.

As explained in the introduction, the chart is a 360° circle divided into 12 sections called houses,
each describing what we’re like in important areas of life. For stellium holders, this group of
planets is generally concentrated in a single zodiac sign and one or two of the 12 houses.
With so much energy centered in one place, there’s a laser-like focus on the personality
traits or areas of life it represents. It identifies something special about you — a complicated
combination of issues, interests, and gifts that may be a major part of your life purpose. It’s often
a career indicator. It’s certainly your passion!

Overview of a Stellium: I create boxes like the one above to express certain chart features.
This one isn’t about any particular stellium, but rather about the ways people live out their
stelliums. Many go for their goals with all their heart and soul; some overreach at times.

The only trouble with using one of these boxes as a teaching tool is: stellium folks are more
than likely to think outside the box! We often bring a unique perspective to our field of interest.

Life can be exciting but hectic for people who have these chart features. It's like being the
head of a household of lively teenagers, with all the tumultuous hormones of that stage. There’s
always someone demanding attention; somebody's feeling abused or put upon; at least one wants
you to lay out money; and one is mad at you for not being parent of the year. Getting them all to
work in tandem isn't just a tough job; it's practically a miracle!
The saving grace of a houseful of adolescents is that, if they’re handled well, they eventually
grow up and have a shot at reaching their potential. So can the diverse planetary energies in a
stellium or triple conjunction. As you mature and work persistently on perfecting your gifts, you
tend to grow into the good qualities and abilities more and more fully.

What Does a Stellium or Triple Conjunction Consist of?

There are two kinds of stelliums. One is a stellium by sign, made up of four or more planets in
the same zodiac sign, but not necessarily in the same house of your astrology chart. The other is a
stellium by house, in which there are four or more planets in the same house, but not necessarily
the same sign. If the planets are in both the same sign and house, their impact is strengthened.
The classic rule is that two of the planets have to be something other than the Sun, Mercury,
or Venus. Why not a Sun-Mercury-Venus combination? Mercury is at most 28° away from the
Sun’s zodiac position, while Venus is at most 47° away, so the three often wind up in the same
sign and house. Surveying the ephemeris for 2009–11, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus fell in the
same sign 40 days in 2009, 52 days in 2010, and 59 days in 2011.

In terms of how common that is, it’s as though one day a week every child born on the planet had
the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the same sign. It’s not unusual, even when they’re standing
within an 8-10° range. It might make you a player in your high school or local community—Mr.
or Ms. Personality, a well-liked, sociable type with a great gift of gab—but not extraordinary.

The Power of Triple Conjunctions: A conjunction is a potent connection (called an aspect)

between two planets in which planets stand close together and blend their energies. A triple
conjunction consists of three planets standing together, regardless of the zodiac sign or house.

Modern interpretations lean toward accepting three planets as a stellium, but is that stretching the
definition too far? I don’t believe “three’s a stellium,” but we’re especially tempted to view it as
one when it involves a triple conjunction—three or more planets in range of one another.

The allowable orb (number of degrees apart) for a conjunction is usually 8° but can be extended
in a triple conjunction if Planet A and Planet B are conjunct, while Planets B and C are conjunct,
but Planets A and C are slightly too wide for a conjunction.

Suppose you have Mars at 5° Scorpio, Jupiter at 11° Scorpio, and Pluto at 15° Scorpio. Mars and
Pluto would ordinarily be considered too far apart for a conjunction, but Jupiter pulls them
together. Another reason for extending the orb is if the Sun or Moon—the two most powerful
features of a horoscope—are involved. (You’ll learn to interpret conjunctions in Chapter 11.)

In surveying the charts of notables like movie stars, musicians, and politicians, they were more
likely to have triple conjunctions than stelliums. Perhaps it’s because extra planets beyond three
introduce many more complications to manage and difficulties to overcome. A trio of conjoined
planets may even confer a bit of star quality.

Here are examples of actors born in the 1960s with slow-moving Pluto and Uranus in Virgo
conjunct one of the faster-moving inner planets. (Find their birth data and charts online at Astro-

 Pluto-Uranus-Mars: Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr., and Brooke Shields

 Pluto-Uranus-Mercury: Whitney Houston
 Pluto-Uranus-Venus: Julia Roberts, J.K. Rowling
 Pluto-Uranus-Sun: Charlie Sheen

Throughout this book, in describing the qualities and effects of triple conjunctions and stelliums, I
may just say stelliums1 and not mention triple conjunctions. It’s a bit of shorthand and doesn’t
mean that triple conjunctions lack the qualities described.

Their impact is especially obvious and powerful during periods when the current (transiting)
positions of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto affect the series of planets in the natal
conjunctions. Transits like these often herald major turning points in the lives of people with
triple conjunctions or stelliums.

There’s one special type of triple conjunction I call a superconjunction. It happens in rare
intervals lasting several years when three of the four slower-moving planets—Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—are within about an 8-10 range° of one another.

The only one in our lifetime occurred in 1988-89, a superconjunction of Saturn, Uranus,
and Neptune in Capricorn. Chapter 13 explores the exceptional generation born with it. The
previous superconjunction, in the 1850s, was of Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn in Taurus.

Why this Book is Needed Now

To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever written a book about stelliums, and, as a result,
they’ve remained something of a mystery. It’s crucial to understand them now because we’re in
an era when an uncommon number of people have stelliums or triple conjunctions. (Last year, to
meet the urgent need for more information, I published a short version of this book, The Stellium
Tool Kit, which I’ve taken off the market now that this book is available.)

The most potent stelliums occur under conjunctions of the slower-moving planets—Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—because they correspond to major social, economic, and political
changes that leave an impact on those born under them. The slow-moving planets stand

Academics, hold the emails. Having taken four years of Latin in high school and earned As all the way
through, I’m fully aware that the proper plural of stellium is stellia. But English is an ever-evolving,
conversational language, and we’d no longer call more than one fish tank our aquaria, nor would we call a
plethora of pendulums our pendulia. In this book, stelliums will not be called stellia, except in the unlikely
event that there’s a Latin translation.

conjunct in the sky infrequently because of their long orbits around the Sun, but for the
past 50 years, there have been an unusual series of them.

Because of this series, there are possibly more people alive today with stelliums than ever
before. The world population has continually increased over the past few centuries and is
estimated to have reached 8 billion by the end of 20122.

The intervals between conjunctions of the slower-moving planets are long. Conjunctions
between Saturn and Uranus are 45 years apart, while conjunctions between Uranus and Neptune
are 172 years apart. When they form, they last several years. The Uranus-Pluto conjunction was
in range nearly the whole decade of the 1960s. The one before that was in the 1850s.

A series of slow-moving conjunctions formed cores of stelliums in the signs Virgo through
Aquarius between 1960 and 2010. It’s unusual for so many such conjunctions to occur in a
50-year span, as well as for them to be concentrated in consecutive signs.

The table below shows the series of outer planet conjunctions that are the core of stelliums
starting in the 1960s3. Chapter 12 of this book is devoted to exploring the lives of people who
have stelliums based on these pairs.

Planets in the Years in an Years Previous Exact

Conjunction: Zodiac Signs involved: 8-10° Range: Between: Conjunctions:
Uranus-Pluto Virgo 1962-9 111-143 1710, 1850-51
Saturn-Pluto Libra-Scorpio 1981-83 33 1914-5, 1947-8
Saturn-Uranus Sagittarius-Capricorn 1987-89 45 1897, 1941-3
Uranus-Neptune Capricorn-Aquarius 1989-97 172-3 1650, 1823
Saturn-Neptune Capricorn 1989-90 35-37 1917, 1952-3

Chapter 13 is about the superconjunction mentioned earlier of Uranus, Saturn, and

Neptune. These three slow-moving planets were standing together within 10° of the zodiac’s
360° during half of 1988 and the entire year of 1989. It’s been centuries since the last time. Every
single person born on the planet during that 18-month period had this powerful trio in
capable Capricorn.

We’re talking millions of people worldwide! In the late 1980s, the world birth rate was the
highest ever recorded, at about 138 million a year4. Many of them born in the winter months had
the Sun, Mercury, or Venus in Capricorn as well—a total of as many as seven planets.

This group’s special abilities are bound to make a huge difference in our vast global problems and
may alter the course of world history. And, yet, because the energies of the planets involved are
so difficult to combine, many of them are struggling. It was for these exceptional young adults, in
particular, that I was impelled to create this guidebook.

Found at
This table of outer planet conjunctions was compiled using the invaluable reference work, Tables of
Planetary Phenomena, Second Edition, by Neil F. Michelsen, revised by Rique Pottenger (ACS Publishing,
San Diego, 1993). Information on intervals between outer planet conjunctions came from an exceptional
website, which is only intermittently available: Any
errors or inexactitudes are strictly my own!

What You’ll Learn from this Book

If you found a stellium or triple conjunction in your own chart or that of a loved one or astrology
client, you’re doubtlessly wondering what it means. This handbook gives greater understanding
of its strengths and pitfalls and provides tools to channel the immense potential it represents. This
is the only reference work in our field for stelliums and triple conjunctions.
It’s my goal to write in a style that can reach readers of all levels of knowledge. Hopefully,
newcomers will find out a great deal about themselves. Astrology students can come to a better
mastery of interpreting chart features like these. Professional astrologers can come away with
new insights and tools to empower clients to make better use of their stelliums.
(Beginners, if you skipped the introduction, do go back and read it, as it will give you a much-
needed orientation to the stellium pieces we’ll be talking about.)
With each chapter, you’ll put together another piece of the complex puzzle these chart
features represent—first the stellium’s sign, then the house placement, next the individual
planets in the group, and then how they work together.
Conscious awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of each piece of the configuration is
the primary tool for mastering a stellium or triple conjunction. The aim of this owner’s
manual is to help you bring out its best potentials with less trial and error. You can shorten your
learning curve by understanding the sign, house, and planets involved, because you’ll be able to
use them more effectively and make better-informed choices.
Because the book is so long, it’s divided into two parts—two separate PDF files. Here are
some features you’ll find in this book:
1) You’ll be guided, step by step, in creating stellium worksheets to help you understand
the pieces of your stellium so you can make the best use of them and avoid the pitfalls. You’ll
work with self-tests that list the positive and the difficult potentials of the stellium’s sign, house,
and the planets in the combination. If you’re a professional astrologer, you can do the same for
clients or students. (You’ll learn how to create these worksheets in Chapter 9.)
A sample worksheet appears on the next page. It’s for Nick Vujicic, a minister and
motivational speaker born with all four arms and legs missing. With his five Sagittarius planets in
the 12th house, he’s an inspiring example of the extraordinary things people with stelliums are
capable of achieving. His chart appears in the Introduction.
2) With the PDF format, you can print out sections that pertain specifically to you or your
loved ones, creating a permanent reference tool. Another PDF perk is a series of printable
summary tables about the qualities associated with the signs, house, and planets.
3) The PDF format also allows for clickable links to blog articles and internet sites, a resource
often used in this book to provide more in-depth information than we have space for here.
4) As with most of my books, this one isn’t just about astrology, because throughout the book
I’ll suggest self-help tools that will help you tackle the difficulties described by your chart.

Used regularly, these tools can speed your progress in developing your gifts and abilities.
Growing into a stellium or triple conjunction is a lifelong process with considerable rewards, but
techniques like these can smooth out the learning curve.

This isn’t just a self-help book, though; it’s a help-us-all book, because the more we stellium
folks develop our special gifts and abilities, the better a world it will be. We are needed.

Sample Stellium Worksheet for minister and motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic, born
December 4, 1982 at 6:35 AM in Brisbane, Australia, data from his mother, on one of his
TV shows. (Read about him here: Nick Vujicic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)

Date of inventory: __ / __ /20__. (Repeat periodically to measure your progress.)

Sign qualities: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Sagittarius: ruled by Jupiter, similar to the 9th house, Mutable Fire Sign.
Interests: higher learning, synthesis of knowledge, philosophy, travel, adventure, sports.
Roles: teacher, sage, philosopher, preacher, wise elder, citizen of the world, gambler, adventurer.
Constructive traits: upbeat, joyful, aspiring, wisdom, philosophical, optimistic, lucky, generous,
studious, able to synthesize diverse sources of information, lifetime student, buoyant, gregarious.
Difficult Traits: overindulging, pushing their luck, preachy, exaggerating, tactless, opinionated,
judgmental, fanatical, over-confident, pompous, dogmatic, greedy, hypocritical, know-it-all.

House Matters: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Another Time
Twelfth: Secrets we keep from ourselves and others; self-defeating behavior; service; retreats from the
world like ashrams; spiritual practices and the spiritual path; chronic or psychosomatic illness. Issues
to Work on: retreat from the world—the unconscious, dreams, spiritual pursuits, service. Repressed -
material that comes out in psychosomatic or chronic disease or self-defeating actions. (Places where
you are your own worst enemy.) People Represented: Secret connections, such as extramarital affairs.
Members of A.A. and other 12-step programs. Secret enemies, drinking buddies, and those who
undermine us—ourselves when we’re our own worst enemy. Patients and staff of chronic care facilities
like hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons. Members of ashrams and spiritual groups. Selfless servers
like nuns, monks, and volunteers.

Planets’ Traits: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
URANUS: Uranus’s roles: inventor, scientist, tech support, trendsetter, maverick, activist, adolescent.
Sign: Sagittarius Constructive traits: avant-garde, futuristic, state-of-the-art, leading edge, genius, quirky,
Degree: 5 humanitarian, thinking out-of-the-box, idealistic, innovative, brilliant, detached, free.
House: 12th Difficult Traits: willfulness, knee-jerk rebel, saboteur, agitator, maverick, provocative,
eccentric, cold, contrary, elitist, erratic, undependable, distractible, explosive, stubborn.
SUN: The Sun’s roles: shining star, King or Queen, golden girl or boy, center of action.
Sign: Sagittarius Constructive traits: confidence, high visibility, charismatic, regal, dramatic, personable,
Degree: 11 sunny, generous, encouraging, positive, focused on self-expression and self-development.
House: 12th Difficult Traits: egotistical, conceited, vain, pretentious, grandiose, false pride, demanding,
high maintenance, self-centered, self-absorbed, stubborn, selfish, narcissistic, melodramatic.
VENUS: Venus’s roles: mediator, peacemaker, beautifier, networker, social coordinator, love-addict.
Sign: Sagittarius Constructive traits: sociable, charming, attractive, warm, adaptable, harmonious, refined,
Degree: 18 conciliatory, affectionate, agreeable, people skills, team player, likable, able to compromise.
House: 12th Difficult Traits: people pleaser, vain, over-concerned with appearances, coasting on charm
rather than effort, insincere, indolent, hedonistic, greedy, superficial, wishy-washy.
MERCURY: Mercury's roles: messenger, information specialist, networker, speaker, writer, trendsetter.
Sign: Sagittarius Constructive traits: communicative, fast learner, full of ideas, articulate, bright, adaptable,
Degree: 19 versatile, clever, imaginative, humorous, trendy, well informed, curious, persuasive.
House: 12th Difficult Traits: distractible, fidgety, changeable, restless, overly cerebral, faddish, fickle,
superficial, glib, nosy, gossipy, knows all/tells all, internet addict, Peter Pan, untruthful.
NEPTUNE: Neptune’s roles: spiritual seeker, dreamer, visionary, poet, artist, dedicated helper, martyr.
Sign: Sagittarius Constructive traits: creative, compassionate, intuitive, imaginative, empathetic, idealistic,
Degree: 26 spiritual seeker, willing to serve, forgiving, accepting, devoted, meditative, non-materialistic.
House: 12th Difficult Traits: hazy, daydreamer, lives in fantasy or denial, easily fooled, codependent,
unstable, chaotic, unrealistic, impractical, addiction-prone, deceitful, escapist, doormat.

You may wonder what credentials qualify me to write this book. I have a Master’s degree in
Social Work and nearly 45 years of experience as a professional astrologer.

More to the point are my four planets in Gemini—Uranus, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury. Since I
was born in 1942, that’s over 70 years of hands-on experience in juggling a complex mixture of
energies. Despite that, I learned a great deal about managing a stellium—and grew as a writer—
while writing this book. Mastering a combination like this one is a never-ending challenge!

I’ll mention several of my books as we go along, but please understand that I don’t do it for self-
promotion. I’m retired from working with clients and no longer appear at conferences. It’s just
that I’ve written a number of books on the outermost planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto—and their considerable effect on people’s lives, careers, and relationships.

When they’re part of a stellium or triple conjunction, their impact is far too complicated to
explain fully here. I refer to my other books so you can learn more about how those planets affect
your stellium. I’ll also mention important books by other authors.

Plusses and Minuses of Stelliums—How They Make you Vulnerable

Planets in a stellium can show great promise, depending on how you use them. The abilities can
be misused or wasted, depending on the character of the individual. Here are some pluses and
minuses to keep in mind.
Some reasons stelliums and triple conjunctions can be a great asset:

 You probably have a strong sense of a mission, purpose, or a dream that fuels your efforts.
 Having a passion like this one can make life quite an adventure, a meaningful journey.
 With an intense focus on one house and sign of your chart, you can grow a great deal through
your experiences in those areas over the years.
 Over the course of a lifetime, you can accumulate a considerable body of work in areas
related to your mission.
 Several different kinds of energy are brought to bear on the matters of that house. Thus, you
develop a unique range of useful skills.

Some reasons they can make you vulnerable:

 They can be too much of a good thing—too many eggs in one basket.
 You may be so focused on one area that you lack a healthy mental, emotional, and physical
 There’s too much riding on one project, mission, or area of life, so TEMPTATIONS ARISE,
and you may conclude that the ends justify the means.
 When things go wrong, the sense of loss can be devastating.
 Current astrological conditions (transits) that affect the series of planets in the group can
have a domino effect if not managed well and thus may be hard to come back from.
 The outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—show your connection with the Collective.
With one or more outer planets included, you may be more personally affected by world
events and global changes. At the same time, your skills and experience can give you the
ability to make a difference in the outcome of intense periods of social change.

How Stelliums Leave You Vulnerable: The house where your stellium is placed can be a
great asset—the most blessed and rewarding part of your chart. From time to time, however, you
may also experience how vulnerable the energies represented by a stellium can make you when
something goes wrong.

We invest so much of ourselves in the areas of life connected with our stellium’s house that we
can expect too much of a return. Unfortunately, there’s a great deal at stake in those areas if
something threatens it. At less perilous times, life with a stellium can be amazing, but you have to
survive the difficult times as well. You’ll find tools to help you do that in several chapters.

The house of the chart the stellium occupies reveals the areas of life you’re most invested in, and
therefore where you’re most vulnerable. The behaviors and actions that can create difficulty are
further shown by the qualities of the sign and planets involved. The whole point of this book and
its many self-help tests is to help you avoid those difficulties.

We had a discussion on my blog, Skywriter, about stelliums and the vulnerability that sometimes
accompanies them. Below are some experiences readers shared. If your stellium’s house isn’t
included, you’ll find more examples in the chapters that follow. What the people quoted have in
common is their sense of vulnerability.

From a reader with a stellium in the 1st, the house that represents the first impression you make
and the parts of you that are most visible to others: “I have a stellium in the 1st house, so there’s
lots of 1st house emphasis! It’s great for self-reliance, but has been very lonely at periods in my
life, and off-putting to others. I’d really like to hide so much and can’t! I’ve always felt so utterly
exposed. A key has been finding friends who accept me.”

Another reader with a stellium in the 11th , the house of friendship—finds it a mixed blessing:
I have 4 planets in the 11th and have always considered that a great asset—in fact, it’s the most
blessed part of my chart. I ‘ve always been gifted with brilliant, witty, quirky and insightful
friends. But recently I’ve also experienced how vulnerable a stellium can make you when
something goes horribly wrong. More precisely, I’ve re-experienced it, because this isn’t the first
time an 11th house meltdown has occurred.”

A stellium in the 9th, the house of publishing, among other things: “I’m a writer and, despite
all my published books, have not had a real breakthrough. Everything I do is focused on writing
and getting published. It’s all I ever wanted and there’s lots of ambition, but there’s also lots of
worries. Every time I get a rejection, I have to ask the same question: what if I fail? What do I do
instead? And every time it’s the same answer: there’s nothing else to do.”

Readers, does some part of your stellium reveal a great vulnerability, when push comes to
shove? Have you ever had a meltdown in that area of life, and what was it like? How did you
help yourself come back from it? If you’re new to astrology and don’t know anything other than
the fact that you have a stellium, the chapters about the signs, houses, and planets that follow will
give you plenty of details.

Factors that Strengthen or Weaken a Stellium or Triple Conjunction

Not everyone born with a particular combination of planets in a stellium or triple conjunction will
have the same experiences and challenges—or enjoy the same accomplishments. Integrating the
combination becomes a major life task when the combination is strongly woven into the chart.

We’ll go into more detail later, but listed below are factors that would be most likely to bring
the combination into high focus, in the approximate order of their impact on your life:

(If you’re new to astrology, skip this section for now or ask someone who’s studied it how it
applies to your chart. For unfamiliar terms, check the glossary in the Appendix.)

Factors that Strengthen a Stellium or Triple Conjunction’s Impact:

 The number of planets involved—the more, the stronger the impact
 The closer the planets in a single or triple conjunction, the stronger
 It’s weaker when the planets in the group are far apart and not conjunct
 A stellium is strengthened when a triple conjunction is part of it
 The group is stronger when all the planets are in the same sign AND house
 Being split into two houses or two signs dilutes its impact
 Groups with planets within 10° of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven are stronger
 When one or more outer planets are present, it’s considerably stronger
 When planets in the group are also part of a major configuration like a
T-square, Grand Trine, or Yod, it’s stronger.
 If the ruler of the house or sign is part of the group, it’s a bit stronger.

Finding your Mission—A Key to the Stellium’s Meaning

Throughout this book, you’ll see references to a mission that you may be led to pursue. Though
the meaning of the term may seem obvious, let’s look at what it means in the life of a person with
a stellium or triple conjunction, because it’s a large part of what motivates them and consumes
their time and energy.

A mission is a sense of purpose, a long-range goal, something you feel compelled to accomplish.
The specific mission may evolve or change direction several times over the years into activities
that fit your current stage of life. As we’ll see in Chapter 10, the shifts arise as current astrological
conditions (transits) affect the ways planets in the natal combination are expressed.

There’s often a sense of being driven, of pursuing a destiny they must fulfill. The Japanese call
this single-minded focus a one-pointed heart. They use it mainly in referring to artists who are
consumed by their work, but it should apply equally to any of us who are devoted to our mission.

When one house holds several planets, it becomes a major focus of our efforts. As we’ll explore
in Chapter 4, the areas of life described by the house where a stellium is placed provide clues
to our mission. The specific nature of the tasks also evolves in the course of a lifetime as we gain
more skills and experience.

Each planet in that house has an important part to play in your mission, if you use it right and
avoid its pitfalls. You’ll be learning a great deal more about stellium planets as we go along.

Don’t know what your mission is? In pondering what your mission might be, don’t treat it as an
absolute, or you may feel frustrated at not knowing what this mysterious thing might be. Another
word to express what I’m getting at is that you might have a “calling”–a lovely, old-fashioned
term I relate to strongly.

A calling pulls you onto a life path that cannot be denied without suppressing an important part of
yourself, even if conventional wisdom says you’ll never make a decent living that way. Here’s a
helpful article on WikiHow, the invaluable how-to site: Find Your Passion.

If you’re young and don’t have a sense of a mission yet, don’t worry. Time—and transits—will
take care of that! If you’d told me at 20 that I’d travel the world lecturing about astrology and
write 15 books that were translated into a dozen languages, I’d have thought you were out of your
mind. At that age, my heart’s dream was to become a high school teacher of foreign languages in
some dinky town in my home state of Iowa. Maybe write a poem now and then. You can see how
that worked out!

Chances are, in your daily activities, you’re already developing some of the qualities and
skills you’ll ultimately need to fulfill your destiny, even if it’s not clear why you’re doing
them. That seemingly dead end job you detest may—if nothing else—be teaching you basic job
skills as well as how to be part of a team, to do quality work, to deal with the often-aggravating
public, and to persevere when the task is hard.

Particularly when the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—are part of the stellium, The
Universe may have surprises in store for you! The outer planets correlate with world changes, so
your contribution may be in rapidly-advancing fields or may involve technology that hasn’t been
developed yet or that we’ve glimpsed only in science fiction.

Also, if Saturn is part of the bunch in your chart, you may not really know the answer until
your Saturn return at about age 28—an important stage of maturing when transiting Saturn
comes back to the same position it was when you were born. Saturn is part of my stellium, and it
was during my Saturn return that I discovered astrology and knew I’d found my true calling.

How your Stellium May Influence your Career Choice

While three houses of the astrology chart are specifically connected with vocational
potential (2nd, 6th and 10th) there are careers associated with every house. The more planets
in a house, the more complex the potential lifework, but the more gifts the person has to offer.

For astrology students, here are several ways planets in a stellium or triple conjunction can
show possible careers, in the order of their strength:

 If one or more stellium planets is within 10° of the MH, even in the 9th, it is an especially
strong and almost inevitable career indicator.
 If the stellium is placed in one of the 3 vocational houses—2nd, 6th, or 10th.
 If one or more stellium planets is square, trine, or opposite the MH.
 If the Midheaven ruler is part of the stellium —especially in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th .
 If the stellium is in Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus. (With Capricorn, the potential exists for
making a career out of any of the 12 houses!)
 If Saturn is one of the planets in the stellium —or currently is transiting the stellium.
 If a planet that is transiting the 2nd, 6th, or 10th is part of the stellium natally, it shows a new
career phase involving the skills or concerns of that planet.

Because so much of the person’s energy and focus is intensely bound up in the house matters of a
stellium, it would be rewarding to find a career direction that matched the interests of that
placement. If you believe that your stellium’s house placement contains a likely vocational

indicator, read about that house in Chapter 4 or 5 for potential careers related to that placement.
The career paths mentioned there are not all the possibilities. The list may stimulate you to think
of the wide variety of jobs in related fields and the range of professions within them, depending
on the person's level of education.

“But I’m not all that Smart!”

I'm guessing that if you have a stellium or triple conjunction, you're pretty bright. There’s a
reason this book isn’t named Stelliums for Dummies! Some of you will protest and tell me how
bad your grades were in school. You may believe that in order to be considered brilliant, you
have to be a computer wizard. Not so. The signs are divided into four elements—fire, earth, air,
and water. Depending on which of the four elements your stellium sign belongs to, there are four
different kinds of smart.

People with a stellium in the air signs (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) who do well academically
may be air smart. They might have a million bright ideas in a lifetime. Yet, without earth or fire
represented in their charts, they may lack the skill or motivation to put them into practice. They
tend to talk endlessly about an idea—building castles in the air—rather than moving on it.

(As we’ll note many times during this book, if these descriptions don’t seem to apply, it may be
because the planets included in your stellium override the sign’s qualities.)

Individuals with a strong earth element—like those with a stellium or triple conjunction in
Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn—may have only a few truly brilliant ideas in a lifetime. Yet, they
may develop the practical applications of that idea thoroughly enough to earn a comfortable
living. The trend-setting idea may not even be their own, yet they have the business ability to
market it. Common sense is an uncommon quality, but earth signs often have plenty of it.

Water smart people (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces stelliums) are deeply intuitive and keenly
perceptive about emotions. Looking deeply under the surface, they gain wisdom that helps heal
themselves and others. They can flow with the course of events better than, say, an earth type,
and are keenly sensitive to how those events affect others.

Fire smart individuals—Aries, Leos, and Sagittarian stelliums—have a genius for enrolling
others in their enthusiasms, and so they can become inspiring leaders who know how to make
things happen. They’re the ones who light the Olympic torch for all of us, the ones with fire in the
belly who can’t wait around for the rest of us to do something about the state of our world. Alas,
that fiery enthusiasm for an idea, goal, or relationship can burn down if there are too many
obstacles. In their zeal, they can trample over the wants and needs of others who are involved.

Each person with a stellium has their own particular genius. Maybe your practical skills can pay
off handsomely in your career. You might have world-class social skills that keep people around
you happy and harmonious in stressful conditions. Maybe your gift is bringing hope to people in
despair. You don’t get points for that on an IQ test, but you make the world a better place.

What Stelliums Reveal about your Major Roles

Another concept you’ll encounter in putting the pieces of your stellium together is your role. A
role is a set of behaviors, rights, expectations, and obligations that society uses to govern the

actions of an individual in a particular social position. For any given mission you decide on, there
will be a set of pertinent rules. Understanding the “rules” for your life path can help you navigate
it more smoothly.

You may chafe at those expectations, may flagrantly reject them, or may wear them like a crown,
but one way or another, you’ll grapple with them over the years. Each section of this book will
give examples of roles that go along with certain chart features.

One of our major roles is the career we chose, say an astrologer, teacher, or physical therapist.
Roles aren’t limited to occupational status, however. Nor does being cast in one role during
working hours prevent us from taking on other roles at other times: mate, fan club president,
online game leader, parent, and so on.

Maybe you aren’t any of the above, but your list would most likely include similar items that
describe roles you take on. For people with a stellium or triple conjunction, the details of that
combination of planets and signs define major roles and often lead to a career. You’ll find out
more about that in the chapters that follow.

How our roles affect our self-worth: Formal roles come with expectations and standards of
behavior. Whether we agree with all the expectations or not, we tend to judge ourselves and to be
judged by others on how well we fulfill them.

In becoming a parent, for instance, we learn what is expected—even what is legally mandated of
us, by society—and we strive to fulfill those expectations. When we fall down on the job—or
when our children’s behavior reflects poorly on us—we suffer damage to our self-esteem and
often to our standing and reputation in the community.

You’ll find roles that pertain to your stellium listed in several chapters:
 For each of the 12 zodiac signs in Chapters 2-3
 For each of the 12 houses in Chapters 4-5
 For each of the planets in Chapters 7-8

Here are two examples of roles and their associated careers:

Roles for Gemini, Mercury, and the 3rd house: Communicator, information specialist, speaker,
writer, jack-of-all-trades. Careers: writer, journalist, elementary school teacher, ITT worker,
computer programmer, information or telecommunications staff, transportation worker or trucker,
traffic controller, salesperson, public speaker, announcer, librarian, bookseller.

Roles for Cancer, the Moon, and the 4th house: Nurturer, parent, domestic worker, caretaker,
feminine role model. Careers: interior decorator, homebuilder, home repair, cook/chef; day care
worker, foster parent, nanny, house manager, apartment manager, realtor. Geriatric specialist,
caregiver for the elderly, family counselor, genealogist.

You may not feel impelled to take on all the possible roles listed in the tables. Some may be
fulfilled by other people who become essential as you pursue the activities of that house.
(Students, in comparing charts, you’d probably find that planets in their chart touched on your
stellium planets.)

New–and unforeseen—roles may develop during different stages of life. That’s especially true
at times when the current (transiting) positions of slow-moving Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto
make connections (aspects) to your stellium planets. When those planets form aspects to a 5th
house stellium, for instance, it may show children coming into your life—either your own or
someone else’s—and you may open up to them in an exciting way that wasn’t true before.

How the Stellium Life Can Affect your Relationships

Living the stellium life is demanding and all-consuming. Pursuing your mission can take up most
of your available time, especially if you need a full-time job to pay the rent and bills. While the
mission can be exciting and fulfilling, it also has implications for your relationships.

Alienation is a feeling that many with stelliums share. We’re intently focused on our
mission, and some of our missions are so unusual that people find us hard to understand. As
we’ll discuss in Chapter 8, those gifted folks with Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto in their stelliums are
especially prone to alienation, although being gifted itself is enough to make you feel singled out.

A sweaty-palmed, gut-twisting sense of estrangement permeated my young life. Attending high

school in the Corn Belt, I was a nerd and social outcast whose ideas and interests were considered
odd and even eyebrow-raising. This feeling of being different and strange continued through
college, graduate school, and my early years as a social worker.

It shifted, finally, with the first astrology classes I took. Among fellow astrology lovers, I found a
deep sense of kinship and a spiritual home. At astrology conferences world-wide, I met people I
instantly connected with. We even shared a common language—Astrologese—that mainstream
folks would find incomprehensible.

Even if you don’t have people in your immediate environment who understand and support
you, we live in an interconnected world where people who share your interests are as close
as the screen you’re looking at right now. Somewhere on the web is a community of people
who love the things you’re working toward as much as you do. They may know as much or more
than you do about your field, so exchanging knowledge can enrich your mission.

Another way to combat that feeling of isolation may be moving to a place with a community of
people who share your interests and are working to develop your field to higher and higher levels.
As you’ll discover in Chapter 14, astrology has a tool called locational astrology or
Astro*Carto*Graphy to help you find the right place to live.

If you’re fortunate enough to have people in your life who support and believe in you,
cherish them. Though you may be preoccupied with your real passion—the dream the stellium
represents—it’s important to work consciously at preserving those relationships. The stellium’s
work can crowd out many other concerns, leaving your partner, family, and friends feeling
neglected and unloved. Even if you’re not the demonstrative type, learn to verbalize your love
and appreciation often. Regularly spend quality time focusing on them and on your connection.

If neglect makes your loved ones feel unloved and, ultimately, resentful, their unhappiness can
affect the relationship. It might even at some point cause them to withdraw from you and look for
someone to love them the way they deserve. Regularly spending quality time together can keep
the love alive and create a happier, healthier balance in your life.

No matter how much they love you, it can’t be a one-way street. They need to know that they’re
important to you as well and that their interests and concerns matter just as much as yours. Give
back as often as you can. When the time comes that they need your help, give it willingly and
lovingly, in repayment for all they do for you.

This is important: learn to say “thank you” sincerely, often, and well. Once you’re an adult
nobody—including your parents—HAS to do anything for you, but they’re more likely to do so
when they know you genuinely appreciate them. People with entitlement issues wind up
aggravating others and pushing them away. (Even God likes it when you say thanks. The more
often I say my gratitude list and the more it comes from the heart, the more I receive.)

How Understanding your Stellium Can Enrich your Life

If you have a stellium or triple conjunction, understanding it thoroughly is probably the single
most useful thing astrological studies can do for you. The block of planets involved is such a
major part of your life—a key to your greatest gifts and your biggest stumbling blocks.

It’s worth springing for a computer-generated 30-page report like AstroLabe offers. Ideally,
consult a seasoned astrologer with a grasp of stelliums to zoom in on that part of your chart. If
you don’t know an astrologer you feel good about, I have a list of astrologers whose work I know
and respect.

Tips for Making the most of your Stellium: you’ll find plenty of tips on managing your
stelliums throughout this book— Chapter 14 is entirely devoted to tools and techniques that can
help you make the most of it. Two are worth mentioning here, however.

First, it’s important to keep your everyday life as free of clutter as possible. I’m not just talking
about the junk you accumulate, but also about activities and even people who complicate your life
more than necessary. With several planets involved in your stelliums, the mission or calling it
signifies is doubtlessly more complicated than you can juggle easily.

As Deborah Needleman noted in a recent New York Times essay, simplicity is the key to
managing our lives:

“The greatest triumph seems to be a life lived with clarity, purpose, and simplicity—in the
sense that one is not bothered with pointless worries, soul-depleting obligations, or the
frivolous opinions of others. Sticking to what we must do and want to do for ourselves and
others, and editing out much of the unnecessary dreck, is a form of simplicity.5”

There’s a collective of people who seek ways to keep their lives simple and who share what they
learn about how to do that online. Read about them here: What is Voluntary Simplicity? | The
Simplicity Collective

Second, what it takes to make consistent progress on the gifts and missions your stellium
describes is a single-minded focus. I’m not counseling you to be a workaholic by any means, but
do stay centered and don’t let a day go by without doing at least one mission-critical task.

Deborah Needleman, “The Luxury of Simplicity,” New York Sunday Times, November 13, 2013, p.32 of
the Style Magazine.

Will your stellium make you famous? There’s often a good bit of star quality in a stellium or
triple conjunction, especially when mixing the inner planets like the Moon and Venus with a
charismatic, maverick outer planet like Uranus. However, most forecasting of fame is done by
hindsight. That is, it’s easy enough to look at the chart of someone who’s already a star and find
reasons for the fame. It’s far less certain to look at someone’s chart beforehand and predict it.

Many thousands of people were born the same day as Lady Gaga, for example. There are
probably hundreds with the same Ascendant and house cusps—her astrotwins. Yet out of those
hundreds, she was probably one of the few who became famous. The astrotwins’ lives might
parallel hers in many ways. They might be in the public eye in their hometown and have some of
the same charisma, but not her exceptional talent.

That’s all by way of telling you that an astrologer cannot promise to predict how far you’ll get
with the dream your stellium represents. Actually, it would be a shame if astrologers could, for
isn’t going for a dream with all your heart just about the best thing in life?

Remember, no matter how difficult the combination of planets, a stellium is a great gift, not
a deficit. It represents the kind of intense concentration that makes it possible to achieve
something of merit in a single lifetime.

A violin student who becomes an accomplished concert violinist reaps the rewards of endless
hours spent in practice. That student’s family members and friends may feel that it’s an
unhealthy, antisocial preoccupation. Don’t let the judgments of those around you deter you from
following your heart’s path. Any worthwhile accomplishment takes that amount of commitment.

When we’re teens and young adults, we’re green and make many mistakes in the course of
growing into our stelliums. We try on all sorts of identities, and because we’re complicated, many
of them don’t work. We still have to master the skills and maturity that would make them viable.

Parents and other adults may try to teach us conventional ways of doing things, but their
ways may not suit us or our mission. We have our own unique approach to the matters of that
house, as shown by the stellium sign and the planets in it. When people insist that we do it their
way, we may try but don't always get the best results.

The birth chart can be a guide to life, teaching us who we really are and what we’ve come here to
do. With this validation, we can free ourselves from convention and pursue our goals in the most
natural, effective way.

This is particularly true when Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are part of our stelliums. For
instance, nobody is born knowing how to use the energies symbolized by Uranus or Pluto
comfortably in mass society. Chapter 8 will explore the part those planets play in stelliums.

We’re quick to judge those young trial and error attempts at defining ourselves. Unfortunately,
we’re not well understood, as the world around us judges them harshly as well. Those judgments
define and limit us, and so learning to forgive ourselves for our errors is crucial.

It’s harder to let go of them in a small town where everyone knows your family history and
defines you by those young mistakes. It’s possible that at some point it would be helpful to
relocate and get a completely fresh start, free of the past. As you’ll learn later, astrology has a set
of techniques for finding good places for you to live.

And, of course, remember to create balance consciously, because balance enriches your life and
lends more depth to the work itself. Perhaps it will come from having the support of people who
are strong in the house and sign of your chart opposite from your stellium. Friends and loved ones
are a viable avenue for filling in the missing pieces. It’s my hope that this book will make it
possible for you to shorten the learning curve and maximize your potentials more quickly—we
need your contributions in this tumultuous time!

The Stellium Handbook

©2013 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter 2—An Introduction to Stellium Signs

and the Pluses and Minuses of Aries through Virgo
“But I HAAATTE Capricorns. My Dad was a Capricorn, and he was so strict and
demanding, I could never please him!”

“My Aunt was a Scorpio, and she was mean as a snake! I’m nothing like her!”

This sort of protest is common when I tell people about their stellium’s sign. We all have signs
we love to hate—often those of a difficult family member, former lover, or the boss from hell.

If your stellium is in a sign you’ve disliked, it’s disconcerting to discover that it’s a major part of
you—a part you’ve disowned. Zodiac signs—and stelliums—do run in families, and it‘s not easy
to accept that the sign of a troublesome member is a big part of your own chart.

Then, too, there are signs that have a bad image. Have you noticed that Cancer isn’t a terribly
popular sign? People aren’t paranoid about them the way they’re about Scorpios. Still, there’s a
kind of eye-rolling, head-shaking smugness–”At least I’m not a CANCER!”

We often project our less than wonderful qualities onto others. We single out people who do
those despised things openly and breathe a sigh of relief that we’re not like that. Right!

What you may discover in reading about your stellium sign is that you ARE like that after all.
You might have to admit you have some difficult traits of that sign. At the same time, you may
also be pleased to discover that you have some of its admirable qualities. If you can’t accept that
the qualities of that sign—both good and bad—are part of you, then you’re less likely to
develop your stellium’s promise to its fullest.

More reasons the sign’s qualities might not ring true: Two factors present in these clusters
may very well override the sign:
 There are 12 sections of an astrology chart called houses. Each one represents important
areas of life. The stellium’s house may dominate, as it’s a major focus of activity.
 The planets in the stellium are a stronger influence than the sign.

It’s also important to remember that the stellium’s sign doesn’t replace your Sun, Moon, or
Ascendant. They’re still fundamental parts of your nature. A stellium in Libra doesn’t make
you a Libra. Where the sign steps into the spotlight is in areas related to its house position.

What the Elements and Modes can add to your Understanding of the Signs: You’ll note that
the section devoted to each sign starts with a notation such as “Aries, a Cardinal Fire sign” or
“Taurus, a Fixed Earth sign.” To describe these qualities in full would take another chapter all to
itself, and would probably take us too far astray here. It’s a rewarding study for those who want to
go deeper into the building blocks of the signs.

Briefly, there are four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. Their characteristics are about
what you’d imagine: earth signs are down to earth, water signs are highly emotional, air signs live
in their heads, and fire signs are fiery and energetic. The dominant element in your chart is as
basic a part of the way you move through life as the blood that pounds through your veins.

There are also three modes (that is, modes of operation): Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.
Cardinal signs are action oriented, goal driven, and forever on the move. Fixed signs are stable
and intent on preserving the status quo. They’re gifted with endurance, but stubbornly resistant to
change. Mutable signs are adaptable, flexible, and can cope with change, yet are sometimes
scattered in their energy.

If you’d like to download an 8-page explanation of the how elements and modes affect the 12
signs and how to determine your dominant element and mode, you’ll find it on my blog here:
Understanding your Stellium Sign's Element and Mode.

How the House Position Alters the Picture

As mentioned earlier, the chart is divided into 12 sectors called houses, each describing important
areas of life. The stellium’s house shows the roles and missions that dominate. It’s precisely when
you pursue those all-consuming passions that your stellium sign takes over.

Basically, the house shows WHAT you do; the zodiac sign shows HOW you do it.

A person with a stellium in the 3rd house would be actively involved in various kinds of
communication. If Scorpio was the stellium sign, they’d communicate in an intense, insightful,
analytic way about emotions or matters that lie beneath the surface. If it was Virgo,
communication would be precise, down to earth, and detailed—more details, perhaps, than you
ever wanted to know.

To interpret the houses, loosely equate them with signs and planets naturally associated
with them, as shown in the Beginner’s Cheat Sheet in the introduction. Gemini is associated
with Mercury and the 3rd house, Sagittarius with Jupiter and the 9th; and so on. I don’t agree with
all the associations, such as Mars and Aries with the 1st. Where I don’t agree, I’ll note them.

In Chapters 4 and 5, you’ll learn to combine the meanings of your stellium’s sign and house.
We’ll explore the wealth of information your house reveals about missions you accept and the
major roles you play. That’s our first step in layer-by-layer stellium interpretation. For now, it’s
enough to recognize that while the sign is important, it’s just one piece of the puzzle.

A note to the newcomer: I’ll be giving lots of examples throughout this book, mainly for the
student of astrology. If they help you understand my point, fine, but if they make your eyes
glaze over, just skip them.

If the parts of your own stellium aren’t shown in the examples, you might feel disappointed.
Since doing each possible combination of sign and house, sign and planet, or planet and house
would take hundreds of interpretations, I couldn’t possibly write them all. That’s where a
computerized analysis like the ones from AstroLabe ( ) would help—
some dedicated soul has already written each possible combinations.

How Planets in the Combination Alter the Sign’s Expression

An important reason you may not identify with your stellium’s sign is that the urges and
issues represented by the planets in the combination can profoundly alter the way you
express your stellium and may prevail over the sign’s qualities.

Since the combination may hold anywhere from 4-7 planets, the picture becomes very complex.
(You’ll learn about the contributions of individual planets in Chapters 7 and 8.)
Slower-moving planets like Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto in a stellium are especially
likely to mask that sign’s qualities, making it seem more like the signs those planets rule.
(Each sign has a ruler, the planet that most embodies its traits.)
Libra, for example, is ruled by Venus, a planet that shows our relationships. Librans are typically
sociable, interested in people, warm, cooperative, and gracious, but consider the planets there.
The presence of slower-moving planets in a stellium are a big reason people may not share
all the traits of its sign. Here’s how that works:

 Saturn rules Capricorn, so Saturn in a stellium reinforces the Capricornian traits.

 If Uranus is part of it, read the description of Aquarius, the sign Uranus rules.
 Neptune rules Pisces, so if Neptune is part of the group, it creates a Piscean quality.
 Pluto as part of the combination brings in Scorpio qualities, since Pluto rules that sign.
In this chapter and the next, you’ll find descriptions of stelliums in all 12 signs. If slow-moving
planets are part of your stellium and the description doesn’t ring true, read the descriptions of the
sign those planets rule, to see if it applies. Also, read the description of that planet in Chapter 8,
as you may resonate to it.

Self Test #1: How Well Do You Use your Stellium Sign?
No one always expresses a zodiac sign perfectly, and no one misuses it 100% of the time. By
becoming familiar with the pluses and the minuses of your stellium’s sign, you can rein in the less
desirable traits when you feel yourself headed in that direction.

How would you do that? One feature of this book is a series of self-tests designed to help
you become aware of qualities associated with the sign, house, and planets involved in your
stellium. We’ll begin the process soon with the self-test for your stellium’s sign.

Perhaps this is a good place to mention that in the various self-tests appearing in this chapter and
the rest of the book, you’re likely to run across some unfamiliar terms. I’ve chosen them
because they describe the characteristics of that sign or planet in a precise way, and no more
general term will do. Those new words may describe a part of you that you’re not aware of, so
they’re worth looking up in Merriam-Webster Online: Dictionary and Thesaurus. Another helpful
dictionary site, pronouncing - The Free Dictionary , pronounces unfamiliar words aloud.

Each test lists constructive traits of that chart feature, along with more difficult traits. Some
difficult ones you won’t identify with; others will make you squirm in self-recognition. You can
consciously draw on the constructive expressions in order to move closer to your goals.

Honesty is essential to this growth process. As you take the tests, notice which difficult traits
are your “darlings”—the ones you secretly cling to. Maybe you consciously wish they
weren’t there, but less consciously, there’s a payoff for holding onto them. Ask yourself:

 Is it possible you’re overly attached to some of them because they've become part of your
identity? Some of us take perverse pleasure in being known for our negative qualities.

 Are you hanging on to less than enlightened qualities because they bother your parents and
others? Is it an act of rebellion, no matter how hidden from others and even yourself?
 Would getting rid of this quality make somebody else RIGHT?
 Does exercising that trait lead to "stories" you keep reenacting for the drama of it?
 Is there, secretly, a reward for not doing well because it entitles you to help or attention from
others and gives you an easy—and plausible— excuse for lack of success?

Fearless self-examination isn’t always easy. It takes guts and grit. Still, it’s key to realizing
your stellium’s potentials, for in the end, we’re responsible for our own progress. No guts, no
glory! One human trait is to blame our shortcomings on someone else—parents, most likely, or
society if you’re an Aquarian—but you won’t make real progress until you admit your own part
in the situation. (Read more here: How to Accept Blame when You Deserve It.)

By repeating these tests regularly, you can gradually become aware of and overcome the
self-defeating patterns that keep you stuck. At the same time, you’ll strengthen constructive
qualities that help you follow your passion and realize your dreams.

If you identify traits that are getting in the way, you may wonder how to improve on them. In the
chapters about the individual planets, you’ll find “quick fixes” meant as tune-ups for stressful
times. Some of the hints work just as well for the sign the planet rules. For instance, the Sun rules
Leo, so the tune-ups listed under the Sun would also help someone with a Leo stellium.

For deeper issues, I’d encourage you to explore a variety of approaches to healing until you find
the ones that resonate with your own nature. We’ll meet some helpful tools in the final chapter.
No single book or method can meet every need—and there are a myriad of such tools. Trying
them out and experiencing your growth can be part of the satisfaction of living the stellium life.

How the Self-Test for your Stellium Sign Works

In this chapter and next, descriptions for the zodiac signs include self-tests. Take the one for the
sign or signs involved in your stellium. You might also find it helpful to do tests for three other
influential signs in chart: your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Ascendant.

You’ll find directions for creating a complete worksheet in Chapter 9, but the first piece is
the self-test given under the description of your stellium sign. Start a word processing file for
your worksheet, and copy out the test for your sign.( For greater convenience in creating the
worksheet in all its stages, download a file with all the necessary tables here: Stellium
worksheetc–all tables needed plus template.)

Highlight or circle the traits listed under your stellium sign. (If you’re not sure how to do that on
the computer, print the test out and use magic markers.) For a clearer visual clue to your strengths
and vulnerabilities, choose different colors to indicate whether they apply to you seldom,
sometimes, often, or never.

The category “Depends who you ask” covers situations where you need certain qualities in order
to fulfill your mission but significant others, unfortunately, object to the behavior. Strenuously!
For example, a gift for focusing intently on your work for days at a time may come across to your
partner as neglectful and selfish self-obsession. Or, your work might be at the leading edge of
your field but established players view you as a maverick rather than an innovator and trendsetter.

A question to ponder: Are any qualities of your stellium crucial to your mission but points
of friction with someone you love? What could you do to ease the conflict and still be true to
your life purpose?
At the end of the test, you’ll be asked to write about areas that need work and to brainstorm ways
of making progress. Keeping a record of your ideas and the results of your self-improvement
efforts over time will help you evaluate the progress you’re making.

Descriptions of the positive and not so positive traits of all 12 signs follow. Note that sometimes
the positive potentials of a sign, overdone, become drawbacks in fulfilling your potential. .In
the qualities listed under a sign, a healthy balance is needed—doing but not overdoing.

For instance, too much of Taureans’ stability can ultimately make them rigid and resistant to
change. Librans are great mediators, diplomats, and peacemakers, though this desire for harmony
can lead to seeking peace at any price rather than standing up for their own goals and needs. The
high standards of Capricorns are part of the reason they do so many things exceptionally well.
Overdone, these same standards can lead to a paralyzing perfectionism.

What Aries Brings to a Stellium

(A Cardinal Fire sign, ruled by Mars)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

People with Aries strongly featured—such as a stellium—typically have fire in the belly and great
passion for all they pursue. Many of them have a soldier/warrior streak that can make them fierce
protectors and strong champions of the people and causes they adopt. Dynamic, enthusiastic
individuals, they have an abundance of leadership qualities, and can enlist others in their
missions. They tend to be pioneers in their field of interest.
On the less positive side, they can be overbearing in getting what they want and ignore the wishes
and feelings of those around them, creating conflict. Impetuous, they can rush into action without
considering the consequences and long-term effects. They chafe at obstacles to their desires, but,
as natural competitors, they can work off frustrations with a pickup game of their favorite sport.

No small part of their appeal is that they can be vibrant and sexy, but that same strong sexuality
may draw them into ill-considered and fleeting affairs that could sabotage their mission.

Their abundant energy and perennial youthfulness is contagious and inspires others to want to
join in their activities. Their intense enthusiasms may be brief because they love to tackle
something new but lack patience for the grind. Thus, they’re best at initiating and leading the
early stages of a project, unless they also have planets in the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and
Capricorn), which would improve their ability to follow-through to the end of a project.

Major Issues and Concerns for Aries: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Sports, competition, discovery, conquest, Uranus in 1927 – 35, 2012-18
leadership, sexuality, adventure, beginnings. Saturn in 1937 – 40, 1967 –69, 1996-99

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
ARIES: 3/21 – 4/19, Ruled by Mars, similar to the 1st house, Cardinal fire sign.
Interests: sports, competition, discovery, conquest, sexuality, adventure, beginnings.
Roles: leader, explorer, warrior, advocate, athlete, bully, competitor, initiator, pioneer.
Constructive traits: brave, daring, strong, assertive, energetic, enthusiastic, determined, zesty,
dynamic, adventuresome, vivacious, extroverted, athletic, bold, heroic, self-starting.
Difficult Traits: aggressive, quick-tempered, arrogant, pushy, belligerent, brusque, rash,
impatient, impulsive, domineering, inconsiderate of others’ needs and wants, driven.
Which qualities of the sign Aries would you like to improve on, and how could you go about

Plusses and Minuses Taurus brings to a Stellium

(A Fixed Earth sign associated with the 2nd House)

Note: Venus is traditionally said to rule both Taurus and Libra, two very different signs.
However, many of us find Venus’ connection to Taurus questionable and attribute it to the only
planet in the solar system that hasn’t been given a sign—the Earth itself. Read about the reasons
on my blog, Skywriter, here: AstroDebate—Which Sign does Venus Really Rule? and here
Mother Earth in your Chart—What on Earth Would It Mean?

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

People with Taurus strongly featured are typically the salt of the earth—peaceful, easy going, and
solid, if rather old-fashioned. They generally remain calm in a crisis and keep everyone around
them from panicking too, working steadily to reestablish the status quo as quickly as possible.

There seem to be two main types of Taureans. One is the “banker” who focuses on acquiring
money and all it brings. The other is the “farmer,” a nature lover, deeply attuned to the earth and
its seasons, and may love flowers and gardening.

Taureans are practical and blessed with common sense, yet sometimes unimaginative and
unwilling to take risks on something new. While they can be very stable, that stability can
become rigid and closed-minded. In pursuing an enterprise connected with the mission, their
good business sense is an asset.

Patient in cultivating their endeavors, they reap an abundance of payoffs for their hard work.
They’re often fruitful, productive, interested in conserving resources, and good with money, but
when these qualities are overemphasized, can become overly materialistic.

Many have great endurance and perseverance, but may not know when to let go of something that
no longer serves a purpose. When confronted with the need for change in their mission’s
direction, they’re likely to drag their heels, at least until they see how much is at stake.

Their routines are sacred to them, and they need plenty of notice about any upcoming disruption.
Since some of them have a sluggish metabolism, it can be difficult for them to get moving, even
to the point of seeming inertia. Once mobilized, they’re capable of working hard for a long time.

Stellium Alert: Masses of people born from 1939-1942 had anywhere from three to six planets in
Taurus, with Uranus and Saturn at the core of the group, especially during spring while the Sun,
Mercury, and Venus were there as well. (More about Uranus-Saturn aspects in Chapter 12.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Taurus: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Finance, making things grow, tradition, Saturn in Taurus 1939-42, 1969-71, 1998-2000
sensual pleasures, conservation. Uranus 1935-42

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Taurus: 4/20–5/20, similar to the 2nd, traditionally ruled by Venus, Fixed earth sign.
Interests: finance, making things grow, tradition, sensual pleasures, conservation
Roles: money manager, preserver of things that are valued, conservationist, gardener.
Constructive Traits: practical, down to earth, sensible, stable, patient, hard-working,
dependable, easy going, determined, nurturing, preserves what is of value, endurance.
Difficult Traits: stubborn, unbending, old-fashioned, closed to new ideas, lazy, possessive,
materialistic, self-indulgent, acquisitive, hoarding, lethargic, predictable, unimaginative.
Which qualities of the sign Taurus would you like to improve on, and how could you go
about it?

Plusses and Minuses Gemini brings to a Stellium

(A Mutable Air sign ruled by Mercury and associated with the 3rd House)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster may
modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about those
chart features in the chapters that follow.)

People with Gemini strongly featured typically have a quick, facile mind and an eagerness to
learn that helps them keep up with today's constantly evolving technologies. In this information
age, a stellium of planets in Gemini is a real asset. They pick up new skills and information
easily, and, with the newest digital media at their fingertips, can reach the whole world in service
of their goals. Many of them are master communicators who also have the ability to sell others on
their mission. In fact, you’d be lucky to have some around to market your efforts.

Whatever house the stellium is in, Gemini’s great ability to verbalize what the mission is about
and why it's a good thing makes for excellent PR and networking skills. They can have
considerable charm, due to a gift of gab, a good sense of humor, and a flattering interest in other

An under-appreciated quality of this sign is its ability to diversify. Like the other Mutable signs
(Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), it may seem to scatter its interests in many different directions—
may even be considered a dilettante. When the stellium is in the vocational houses (2nd, 6th, or
10th) or forms an angle to the career-related 10th house cusp (also known as the Midheaven), this
may take the form of changing jobs or even careers many times, worrying loved ones no end.

Frankly, when they’ve learned all they can from a job, they get bored and want to move on to
something new and interesting. In the course of all those changes, they accumulate a variety of
useful skills that would stand a stellium holder in good stead when they go into business for

What are the drawbacks, then? Many Gemini stelliums were ADD/HD long before the diagnosis
became general knowledge. That agile mind of theirs has a low boredom threshold, and, for them,
boredom often leads to trouble. Persistence isn’t their strong suit, for when they've satisfied their
curiosity about one bright, shiny new idea, they move on to the next.

Restless and distractible, they can become scattered and have trouble sitting still long enough to
finish longer-term projects. Though their curiosity gives them a hunger to learn about everything
new, they may be satisfied with a superficial understanding that provides a glib line of patter but
little depth.

Stellium Alert: Masses of people born from 1942-1944 had anywhere from three to six planets in
Gemini, with Uranus and Saturn at the core of the group, especially during late spring while the
Sun, Mercury, and Venus were there as well. (More about Uranus-Saturn aspects in Chapter 12.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Gemini: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Sharing ideas, learning, communicating, Saturn in Gemini 1942-44, 1971-74, 2000-2002
reading, and writing, news, manual abilities. Uranus 1942-49

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Gemini: 5/21 – 6/20, ruled by Mercury, similar to the 3rd house, Mutable Air Sign.
Interests: ideas, learning, communicating, reading and writing, news, manual abilities.
Roles: communicator, messenger, information specialist, speaker, writer, jack-of-all-trades.
Constructive traits: communicative, persuasive, fast learner, connecting people, full of ideas,
articulate, bright, quick-witted, flexible, adaptable, humorous, trendy, well informed, curious.
Difficult Traits: distractible, fidgety, restless, talking head, motor mouth, superficial, nosy,
fickle, knows all/tells all, internet addict, squanders time on chatting, not always truthful.

Which qualities of the sign Gemini would you like to improve on, and how could you go
about it?

Plusses and Minuses Cancer brings to a Stellium

(A Cardinal Water Sign, ruled by the Moon and associated with the 4th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

People with Cancer strongly featured often are deeply attached to family, even if it's a family of
choice they've created in areas of life signified by the stellium’s house. (If it’s in the 6th, the house
of everyday work, the new family may be with coworkers.)

If things were difficult at home growing up, it’s hard for them to let go of the lingering emotions
and memories. In adult life, a primary focus of energy is nurturing and being nurtured, whether
fulfillment comes from attention to food, taking on a parental role, or pursuing a career in the
helping fields.

Like the other water signs, Scorpio and Pisces, they’re extremely sensitive to their surroundings
and to people, which is either a gift or a curse, depending who you ask. (If they’re sensitive to

their own feelings and needs, they’re told they’re toooooo sensitive, but if they're sensitive to
someone else's, they're told that they’re wonderful.) Cancerians are strongly empathic—they may
literally feel your pain.

This deep attunement to other people’s needs can be healing and comforting. In an often-harsh
world, they may create a place of respite and safety. While the nurturing they give and receive
can be a great comfort to all concerned, it’s well to be aware that they’re strongly prone to
codependent relationships in which they overindulge or enable those they care for in ways that
keep them from growing into independence.

One thing they’re particularly sensitive to is the Moon and its phases. Following the Moon’s
monthly path around their astrology chart and becoming familiar with how they function during
certain Moon signs would help them manage the mood fluctuations Cancerians are known for.
(More about how to do that in Chapter 7.)

Cancerians are also extremely intuitive and perceptive. While they may not always be able to give
a logical explanation for their perceptions, it's important that they come to trust their instincts, in
particular instincts about the mission and the people involved in it.

See more from Skywriter about Cancers here: Cancerians, Memory and Emotion.

Major Issues and Concerns for Cancer: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Family; home; roots; motherhood; women’s health Neptune in Cancer 1901-1916
& reproduction; breasts; food; security; old age; Pluto 1912-1937
real estate; instinct; habits; moods, traditions, Saturn 1944-6, 1973-5, 2003-5
memories. Uranus 1948-1955

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Cancer: 6/21 – 7/22, ruled by the Moon, similar to the 4th house, Cardinal Water Sign.
Interests: home, family, memories, past, tradition, domestic arts, food, creature comforts.
Roles: nurturer, parent, domestic worker, caretaker, feminine role model.
Constructive Traits: nurturing, caring, protective, emotionally aware, listens to “gut feelings”,
sensitive, intuitive, receptive, attuned to the subtle, domestic, family oriented, loyal.
Difficult Traits: smother love, moody, living in the past, hypersensitive, clinging, dependent,
codependent, shy, feuding, insecure, worrier, changeable, conservative, habits hard to change
Which qualities of the sign Cancer would you like to improve on, and how could you go
about it?

Plusses and Minuses Leo brings to a Stellium

(A Fixed Fire Sign, ruled by the Sun and associated with the 5th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

People with Leo strongly featured can be warm, vibrant, and sunny with a natural capacity to
draw others into their orbit. They’re never happier than when they’re surrounded by people. They
love to entertain lavishly and have a ton of TA DAH! Known for being generous to a fault, they
sometimes shower others with gifts to impress them. Leos are said to be generous, but it doesn’t

always stem from saintly motives. Yes, they often overdo it, but it can comes from that Leo
yearning to be loved and to be the center of their loved ones’ universe.

The evolved Leo has great dignity and a concern for the unprotected. They’re loyal,
magnanimous people. They generally relate well to children, for they haven’t lost sight of the
child within and can be quite playful. Their natural pizzazz and showmanship make their
activities seem fun and exciting. (To learn more about the differences between an evolved vs.
unevolved Leo, read this fairy tale at Skywriter: Spotlight on Leo—a Tale of three Queens.)

Leos love to be the center of attention and can put on quite a show, but don’t like sharing the
stage. Many of them talk about themselves to the point of being tiresome, and they may resort to
tantrums when they don’t get their way.

False pride is one of their sticking points, for they don’t want to let people know when they’re not
doing well and need help. They seldom apologize, for that would mean admitting to flaws or

(Leos, if that gloooooorious mane of yours is getting all tangled, I’m NOT talking about you, just
those other Leos out there who don’t have one iota of your class!)

Many Leos have a glamorous style, a flair for drama, and natural talent for acting. For them, all
the world is a stage. Their larger-than-life presence can be an asset to the success of the mission,
for their expansive personalities easily convince others to join in their activities.

Stellium Alert: Masses of people born from 1946-1949 during the Post-World War II Baby
Boom had anywhere from three to six planets in Leo, with Pluto and Saturn at the core, especially
during late summer while the Sun, Mercury, and Venus were there as well. (More about Pluto-
Saturn aspects in Chapter 12.)
(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster may
modify the traits of this sign considerably, especially during the years highlighted in the table below. If
parts of this description don’t ring true, read about those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Leo: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Children; romance, recreational Neptune in Leo 1914-1929
activities; show business; drama; Pluto 1937-1958
royalty; hedonism; generosity; self- Saturn 1946-9, 1975-7, 2005-7
expression; the heart itself. Uranus 1955-1962

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Leo: 7/23 – 8/22, ruled by the Sun, associated with the 5th house, Fixed Fire Sign.
Interests: family, people, stylishness, lively social occasions, and themselves.
Roles: shining star, King or Queen, golden girl or boy, diva, center of action, leader.
Constructive traits: confident, high visibility, charismatic, dramatic, personable, sociable, loyal,
generous, vibrant, sunny, regal, focused on self-expression and self-development.
Difficult Traits: egotistical, conceited, diva, hungry for praise and attention, high maintenance,
false pride, pretentious, self-centered, entitlement issues, grandiose, melodramatic.
Which qualities of the sign Leo would you like to improve on, and how could you do it?

Plusses and Minuses Virgo brings to a Stellium


A Mutable earth sign associated with the 6th, Virgo’s rulership has been controversial for
years, with the traditional ruler being Mercury and a popular alternative being the asteroid
Chiron. See a debate about it here: The AstroDebate about Virgo’s Ruler: An
Opinion Sampler.

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

People with a strong Virgo influence typically have many practical skills and are willing and
eager to be useful. These reliable, hard-working individuals can make invaluable assistants. On
the other hand, they’re self-effacing and keep themselves in the background, so they’re seldom
given credit for their contributions.

They’re analytical, observant, and have a keen eye for detail, which makes them good
troubleshooters. An exceptional example of that attention to detail is the work of novelist J. K.
Rowling, who has a stellium of four planets in Virgo, including the Moon and a triple conjunction
of Venus, Pluto, and Uranus. Her 2” thick best-selling Harry Potter books keep people riveted in
part because of the vivid, detailed descriptions of the characters, settings, and action involved.
(See her bio and chart—birth time unknown—here: Rowling, J. K.).

I always say that if you want something done well, ask a busy person. Wizards at multi-tasking,
Virgos are seldom NOT busy. If you can enlist them in your project, they’ll do a meticulous
job—and prod you into being meticulous as well.

However, they can also be fussy, perfectionistic, and over-critical, never letting up on themselves
and others. Because they’re so quick to see what can go wrong, these worrywarts are cautious,
often expecting the worst.

They’re dedicated and unselfish, but some sacrifice their own needs to an unhealthy degree, even
becoming martyrs. Many of them have physical sensitivities or allergies, and in the course of
seeking wellness, may become exceptional healthcare workers with an interest in nutrition and
other natural methods of healing.

Stellium Alert: Masses of people born from 1961-1969 had anywhere from three to six planets in
Virgo, with Uranus and Pluto at the core of the group, especially during the fall while the Sun,
Mercury, and Venus were there as well. (More about Uranus-Pluto aspects in Chapter 12.)

I have to say that you Virgo stellium folks from the 1960s are my heroes. I'm awed by your array
of skills, your impeccable work ethic, and your humble dedication to making our world better.

(Virgo stellium sign folks, are you bothered because some qualities of the sign apply to you but
others are far from precise? Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house
and the nature of planets in the cluster may modify the sign’s traits considerably, especially
during years highlighted in the table below. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read
about those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Virgo: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Health and the health care field; work and our Neptune in Virgo: 1928-42

attitudes toward it; the working class; Saturn 1948-50, 1977-80, 2007-10
coworkers; employees; job satisfaction; types of Pluto 1956-72
jobs and how they’re conducted. Uranus 1961-69

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Virgo: 8/23 – 9/22, associated with the 6th , ruled by Mercury/ Chiron, Mutable Earth sign.
Interests: work, health, nutrition, self-improvement, learning new skills, efficiency, correctness.
Roles: invaluable assistant, critic, troubleshooter, editor, health care worker, friend in need.
Constructive Traits: practical, down to earth, helpful, dependable, cautious, persistent, eager to
be useful, painstaking, analytical, observant, thrifty, prudent, meticulous, dedicated, unselfish.
Difficult Traits: perfectionistic, overly critical of self and others, fussy, worrywart, picky, nosy,
interfering, pessimistic, hypochondriac, can't see the forest for the trees, expects the worst.
Which qualities of the sign Virgo would you like to improve on, and how could you go about

Too Much of a Good Thing? Overdoing your Stellium’s Sign

We've learned that each zodiac sign has some qualities that are great and some that aren’t so
great. In making the best of your stellium’s gifts, it's well to observe how the problematic traits
block your success. Then you recognize when they crop up and stop yourself before you sabotage
your best efforts and alienate crucial players in your mission.

When you have several planets in one sign, however, there’s also a strong potential for taking
even the best traits over the top and making them a problem. You can overdo a positive
characteristic to the point that it gets in the way of your physical and emotional well-being.

For instance, a stellium or triple conjunction in Virgo has many assets and practical skills to do a
splendid job of tasks associated with any house placement. They’re dedicated, efficient, hard-
working, and have an eagle eye that helps them spot and correct problems.

So, what basically helpful Virgo trait gets in the way? It's that same attention to detail that can
make their work so high quality. When exaggerated, it turns into perfectionism and losing sight of
the big picture by getting so lost in the details that the job doesn’t get done or is done at the
expense of serious overwork.

When you do an inventory of the positive potentials of your own stellium sign, think about ways
you may be overdoing them and throwing your life out of balance. Give yourself a break from
obsessing about them once in a while!

Coming up: On the next two pages you’ll find a summary table of qualities of all 12 signs to
print out if you’d like. In Chapter 3, we’ll look at the second half of the zodiac: Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, and note the years that major stelliums formed in
those signs.

Qualities of the Zodiac Signs—Aries to Virgo

(c)2012 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

ARIES: 3/21 – 4/19, Ruled by Mars, similar to the 1st house, Cardinal fire sign.
Interests: sports, competition, discovery, conquest, sexuality, adventure, beginnings.
Roles: leader, explorer, warrior, advocate, athlete, bully, competitor, initiator, pioneer.
Constructive traits: brave, daring, strong, assertive, energetic, enthusiastic, determined, zesty,
dynamic, adventuresome, vivacious, extroverted, athletic, bold, heroic, self-starting.
Difficult Traits: aggressive, quick-tempered, arrogant, pushy, belligerent, brusque, rash,
impatient, impulsive, domineering, inconsiderate of others’ needs and wants, driven
Taurus: 4/20–5/20, similar to the 2nd, traditionally ruled by Venus, Fixed earth sign.
Interests: finance, making things grow, tradition, sensual pleasures, conservation
Roles: money manager, preserver of things that are valued, conservationist, gardener.
Constructive Traits: practical, down to earth, sensible, stable, patient, hard-working,
dependable, easy going, determined, nurturing, preserves what is of value, endurance.
Difficult Traits: stubborn, unbending, old-fashioned, closed to new ideas, lazy, possessive,
materialistic, self-indulgent, acquisitive, hoarding, lethargic, predictable, unimaginative.
Gemini: 5/21 – 6/20, ruled by Mercury, similar to the 3rd house, Mutable Air Sign.
Interests: ideas, learning, communicating, reading and writing, news, manual abilities.
Roles: communicator, messenger, information specialist, speaker, writer, jack-of-all-trades.
Constructive traits: communicative, persuasive, fast learner, connecting people, full of ideas,
articulate, bright, quick-witted, flexible, adaptable, humorous, trendy, well informed, curious.
Difficult Traits: distractible, fidgety, restless, talking head, motor mouth, superficial, nosy,
fickle, knows all/tells all, internet addict, squanders time on chatting, not always truthful.
Cancer: 6/21 – 7/22, ruled by the Moon, similar to the 4th house, Cardinal Water Sign.
Interests: home, family, memories, past, tradition, domestic arts, food, creature comforts.
Roles: nurturer, parent, domestic worker, caretaker, feminine role model.
Constructive Traits: nurturing, caring, protective, emotionally aware, listens to “gut feelings”,
sensitive, intuitive, receptive, empathic, attuned to the subtle, domestic, family oriented, loyal.
Difficult Traits: smother love, moody, living in the past, hypersensitive, clinging, dependent,
codependent, shy, feuding, insecure, worrier, changeable, conservative, habits hard to change
Leo: 7/23 – 8/22, ruled by the Sun, associated with the 5th house, Fixed Fire Sign.
Interests: family, people, stylishness, lively social occasions, and themselves.
Roles: shining star, King or Queen, golden girl or boy, diva, center of action, leader.
Constructive traits: confident, high visibility, charismatic, dramatic, personable, sociable, loyal,
generous, vibrant, sunny, regal, focused on self-expression and self-development.
Difficult Traits: egotistical, conceited, diva, hungry for praise and attention, high maintenance,
false pride, pretentious, self-centered, entitlement issues, grandiose, melodramatic.
Virgo: 8/23 – 9/22, associated with the 6th , ruled by Mercury/ Chiron, Mutable Earth sign.
Interests: work, health, nutrition, self-improvement, learning new skills, efficiency, correctness.
Roles: invaluable assistant, critic, troubleshooter, editor, health care worker, friend in need.
Constructive Traits: practical, down to earth, helpful, dependable, cautious, persistent, eager to
be useful, painstaking, analytical, observant, thrifty, prudent, meticulous, dedicated, unselfish.
Difficult Traits: perfectionistic, overly critical of self and others, fussy, worrywart, picky, nosy,
interfering, pessimistic, hypochondriac, can't see the forest for the trees, expects the worst.

Qualities of the Signs, Continued—Libra to Pisces

(c)2012 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Libra: 9/23 – 10/22, ruled by Venus, very similar to the 7th house, Cardinal Air Sign.
Interests: loving and being loved, socializing, peacemaking, beautifying, people.
Roles: mediator, peacemaker, diplomat, decorator, beautifier, networker, social coordinator.
Constructive traits: sociable, charming, gracious, attractive, warm, adaptable, harmonious,
cooperative, affectionate, agreeable, people skills, team player, likable, able to compromise.
Difficult Traits: people pleaser, indecisive, vain, overly concerned with appearance, coasting on
charm rather than effort, indolent, hedonistic, greedy, superficial, wishy-washy, unreliable.
Scorpio: 10/23 – 11/21, ruled by Pluto, similar to the 8th house, Fixed Water Sign.
Interests: psychology, healing, the occult, secrets, finances, death, sexuality.
Roles: psychologist, healer, shaman, occultist, magician, renovator, analyst, hospice worker,
banker, financial planner, medium, magician, seer, researcher, detective.
Constructive traits: deep, psychologically astute, analytic, perseverance, resilient, persistent,
healing, transformative, penetrating, unafraid of hard work, empathic, observant, introspective.
Difficult Traits: over-intense, jealous, suspicious, manipulative, obsessive, compulsive,
unforgiving, spiteful, enmeshed in power struggles, secretive, vengeful, spiteful, loner.
Sagittarius: 11/22 – 12/21, ruled by Jupiter, similar to the 9th house, Mutable Fire Sign.
Interests: higher learning, synthesis of knowledge, philosophy, travel, adventure, sports.
Roles: teacher, sage, philosopher, preacher, wise elder, citizen of the world, gambler, adventurer.
Constructive traits: upbeat, joyful, aspiring, wisdom, philosophical, optimistic, lucky, generous,
studious, able to synthesize diverse sources of information, lifetime student, buoyant, gregarious.
Difficult Traits: overindulging, pushing their luck, preachy, exaggerating, tactless, opinionated,
judgmental, fanatical, over-confident, pompous, dogmatic, greedy, hypocritical, know-it-all.
Capricorn: 12/22 - 1/1, ruled by Saturn, similar to the 10th, Cardinal Earth sign.
Interests: career, accomplishments, status, management, history, perfection, propriety.
Roles: planner, supervisor, authority, parent, troubleshooter, organizer, manager, mentor.
Constructive traits: hard working, able to delay gratification, businesslike, serious, realistic,
disciplined, organized, reliable, responsible, high standards, foresightful, cautious, resourceful.
Difficult Traits: bossy, conservative, stuck in the past, rigid, over-ambitious, insecure, anxious,
unimaginative, opportunistic, inhibited, snobbish, skeptical, pessimistic, gloomy, workaholic.
Aquarius: 1/20 – 2/18, ruled by Uranus, similar to the 11th house, Fixed Air Sign.
Interests: advanced ideas, computers, technology, fads, trends, modern life, peer group.
Roles: inventor, scientist, tech support, trendsetter, maverick, activist, adolescent.
Constructive traits: avant-garde, futuristic, unconventional, state-of-the-art, leading edge,
genius, humanitarian, thinking out-of-the-box, idealistic, innovative, brilliant, detached, free.
Difficult Traits: willfulness, knee-jerk rebel, saboteur, agitator, maverick, provocateur, eccentric,
cold, contrary, elitist, erratic, undependable, distractible, explosive, stubborn, unemotional.
Pisces: 2/19 – 3/20, ruled by Neptune, similar to the 12th house, Mutable Water Sign
Interests: music, the arts, alleviating suffering, psychic phenomena, spirituality.
Roles: spiritual seeker, dreamer, poet, addict, visionary, dedicated helper, psychic, artist.
Constructive traits: creative, compassionate, intuitive, imaginative, empathetic, idealistic,
spiritual seeker, willing to serve, forgiving, devoted, meditative, non-materialistic.
Difficult Traits: daydreamer, confused, oversensitive, lives in a fantasy world, unrealistic,
impractical, addiction-prone, codependent, deceitful, unreliable, reclusive, escapist, martyr

The Stellium Handbook

©2013 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter 3—Understanding the Second Half of the Zodiac: Libra to Pisces

If you came to this chapter without reading the early part of Chapter 2, you missed a few key
steps in understanding how a stellium sign affects you and what other chart features like the
stellium’s house position and the planets involved modify the stellium’s sign. If you find that you
don’t identify with your stellium’s sign much, that early section will explain why.

Below are descriptions of the signs in the second half of the zodiac and what they contribute to a
stellium: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The years that
major stelliums formed in those signs are listed.

Plusses and Minuses Libra brings to a Stellium

(A Cardinal Air sign ruled by Venus and associated with the 7th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. Thus, if parts of this description don’t ring true, read
about those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

Those with Libra strongly featured are typically sociable and interested in people, but often focus
on relationships rather than applying themselves to a mission of their own. They’re cooperative
team players and can be wonderful assets because of their people skills, especially in the PR area.
They’re great mediators, diplomats, and peacemakers, though a desire for harmony may lead to
peace at any price, not standing up for their own beliefs and needs.

In deciding the future course of the mission, they can agonize over which of two choices will
work better, because they’re reluctant to give up either option. Generally seeking consensus, they
can be indecisive, worrying that their choices or actions won’t please everyone.

They can be charming and likable, and many of them are extremely attractive, but some take
vanity and preoccupation with appearance too far. Many of them are artistic and have a fine-tuned
sense of style that they can use to enhance the presentation of the mission’s work.

Because loving and being loved is all-important to them, relationships come first, and they often
sacrifice their own needs and goals to that of their partner. They don’t generally work well on
their own, and may not follow through without attention and support.

(Here are additional insights into Libra’s relationship patterns: Why It’s Hell Being a Libra
any More!! and Libra Alert: How to Stop Being a People Pleaser.)

Stellium Alert: Masses of people born from 1980-1983 had anywhere from three to six planets in
Libra, with Pluto and Saturn at the core of the group. There are also a large number born with
Saturn conjunct Neptune between 1950-3. Many people with either of these aspects had stelliums
in that sign if born during early fall while the Sun, Mercury, and Venus were there. (More about
Saturn-Neptune and Saturn-Pluto aspects in Chapter 12.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Libra: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Love, romance, and relationships, marriage Neptune in Libra 1942-55
and divorce; partnerships of all sorts; equality Saturn 1950-53, 1980-83, 2009-12
in relationships; justice; beauty and fashion; Uranus 1968-75
the Arts, diplomacy; fair play; peace. Pluto 1971-84

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Libra: 9/23 – 10/22, ruled by Venus, very similar to the 7th house, Cardinal Air Sign.
Interests: loving and being loved, socializing, peacemaking, beautifying, people.
Roles: mediator, peacemaker, diplomat, decorator, beautifier, networker, social coordinator.
Constructive traits: sociable, charming, gracious, attractive, warm, adaptable, harmonious,
cooperative, affectionate, agreeable, people skills, team player, likable, able to compromise.
Difficult Traits: people pleaser, indecisive, vain, overly concerned with appearance, coasting on
charm rather than effort, indolent, hedonistic, greedy, superficial, wishy-washy, unreliable.

Which qualities of Libra would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

Plusses and Minuses Scorpio brings to a Stellium

(A Fixed Water sign, ruled by Pluto and associated with the 8th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. Thus, if parts of this description don’t ring true, read
about those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

Since Scorpio is a fixed water sign, and water symbolizes emotions, Scorpio holds onto its
emotions for a very long time. With emotionality so pronounced, some of them hold on to a
wound or grievance for years, brooding on getting even when they feel wronged. If Scorpio is
strongly featured in the chart, these individuals typically have intense and sustained passions–
whether romantic, creative, or for their life work.

In their fascination with their own emotions and those of others, they’re analytical and gifted at
looking below the surface to understand what’s causing a problem. Psychologically astute, they
have a natural gift for healing, whether they’re trained or not.

They can be possessive and want never to let go of whoever or whatever they care about, given
their deep fear of abandonment. Obsessive relationships and a need to control every aspect of
their mission can create power struggles that sabotage their success and leave a trail of bitterness.

(If any of these difficult patterns become a barrier to living out the great potential of your
stellium, you might get helpful perspectives from my book, Healing Pluto Problems.)

On the positive side, they’re not the sort to ditch loved ones who are upset or in trouble. They’re
willing to listen to heavy emotions and traumatic experiences most people run from. In times of
turmoil, they offer useful insights and healing advice. (Read more about this potential here:
Scorpios in Service Careers—Dealing with Life and Death.)

Attuned to the hidden dimensions, many Scorpios develop magical or shamanic gifts. Also, that
capacity for understanding people's motives can make them brilliant strategists.

Stellium Alert: If you were born between and 1983-95, and your Scorpio stellium includes
Pluto, the ruler of this sign, then the strength of the combination could be considered almost
double. Also, masses of people born from 1980-83 had anywhere from three to six planets in
Scorpio, with Pluto and Saturn at the core of the group, especially during the fall while the Sun,
Mercury, and Venus were there as well. (See Chapter 12 for more about Pluto-Saturn aspects.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Scorpio: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Sexuality, wealth; uses and abuses of power; Saturn in Scorpio 1953-6, 1983-85, 2012-15
secrets; the occult; healing; psychology; Neptune 1955-70
death & the afterlife; national & personal debt; Uranus 1975-81
terrorism; stocks. Pluto 1983-95

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Scorpio: 10/23 – 11/21, ruled by Pluto, similar to the 8th house, Fixed Water Sign.
Interests: psychology, healing, the occult, secrets, finances, death, sexuality.
Roles: psychologist, healer, shaman, occultist, magician, renovator, analyst, hospice worker,
banker, financial planner, medium, magician, seer, researcher, detective.
Constructive traits: deep, psychologically astute, analytic, perseverance, resilient, persistent,
healing, transformative, penetrating, unafraid of hard work, loyal, observant, introspective.
Difficult Traits: over-intense, jealous, suspicious, manipulative, obsessive, compulsive,
unforgiving, spiteful, enmeshed in power struggles, secretive, vengeful, spiteful, loner.

Which qualities of the sign Scorpio would you like to improve on, and how could you go
about it?

Plusses and Minuses Sagittarius brings to a Stellium

(A Mutable Fire sign ruled by Jupiter and associated with the 9th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

People with Sagittarius strongly featured are typically vibrant, enthusiastic, and positive, though
their buoyant optimism can lead to overconfidence and pushing their luck.

They typically love travel and adventure, so they may become citizens of the world, on a
perennial quest for new experiences. This quest may make them restless wanderers, as they’re
likely to move on once they've learned all they can from a situation, place, or person.

In their perennial quest for knowledge, many of them spend a lifetime seeking wisdom and are
eager to share their knowledge. Perpetual students themselves, they have a passion for educating
and uplifting others, inspiring hope, and motivating us all to do better.

Some of them carry these qualities to extremes, becoming opinionated know-it-alls. They’re
totally certain that they’re right, even though they're not right nearly as often as Virgos are. Often
interested in philosophy or religion, their belief that they hold THE answers about how to lead
your life can make them preachy, judgmental, and even dogmatic.

(Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and so their qualities are similar. See: Hyperactive Jupiter Syndrome—
The Down Side of an Upbeat Planet .)

Their search for a deeper understanding of life’s big questions can send them on an exciting
lifelong journey, and in their golden years, they can be wise elders we look to for answers.

Multiple Sagittarian Stelliums: Masses of people born from 1981-84 had stelliums in
Sagittarius with Uranus and Neptune at the core. In 1984, Jupiter was also in Sagittarius, a
welcome addition to the group.

Some born in 1985-88 had anywhere from three to six planets split between late Sagittarius and
early Capricorn, with Uranus and Saturn at the core of the group, especially during the fall
months while the Sun, Mercury, and Venus were also in Sagittarius. (More about Uranus-Saturn
and Uranus-Neptune aspects in Chapter 12.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Sagittarius: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Established religions & religious leaders; Saturn in Sagittarius 1956-8, 1985-88, 2015-18
ethics; education; advanced learning and Neptune 1970-84
thought; publishing; law; foreign relations & Uranus 1981-88
travel; immigration. Pluto 1995-2008

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Sagittarius: 11/22 – 12/21, ruled by Jupiter, similar to the 9th house, Mutable Fire Sign.
Interests: higher learning, synthesis of knowledge, philosophy, travel, adventure, sports.
Roles: teacher, sage, philosopher, preacher, wise elder, citizen of the world, gambler, adventurer.
Constructive traits: upbeat, joyful, aspiring, wisdom, philosophical, optimistic, lucky, generous,
studious, able to synthesize diverse sources of information, lifetime student, buoyant, gregarious.
Difficult Traits: overindulging, pushing their luck, preachy, exaggerating, tactless, opinionated,
judgmental, fanatical, over-confident, pompous, dogmatic, greedy, hypocritical, know-it-all.
Which qualities of the sign Sagittarius would you like to improve on, and how could you go
about it?

Plusses and Minuses Capricorn brings to a Stellium

(A Cardinal Earth sign ruled by Saturn and associated with the 10th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

I have to confess I’ve held off on writing about this sign until last. If you were born with a
stellium in Capricorn in the late 1980s to early 1990s, you may not relate to many of the qualities
for Capricorn listed in the self-test below. You might even decide that there’s nothing to this
astrology stuff after all! The reason the traits might not ring true is because of the presence of
Uranus and Neptune in the combination. They’re also probably standing within a 10° range of
one or more of your Capricorn planets.

As an experiment, use the self-tests that follow for all three signs–Capricorn, Aquarius, and
Pisces–and see which you most relate to. Most likely, you’ll find a mixture. Also note whether
the constructive or difficult qualities seem strongest at this stage of your life. Capricorn is a late
blooming sign, one that comes into its own increasingly after the Saturn return at age 28-29.

You were born with a contradictory, complicated, and demanding stellium, but one with
tremendous potential. Moving into more and more of the positive qualities promises to be a
lifelong journey, but self-tests like the ones in this book can help you keep on track.

Stellium Alert: Chapter 13 is devoted to exploring Capricorn stelliums. Briefly, here’s what
was going on. Neptune was in Capricorn from 1984-98, giving the stellium planets many qualities
you’ll find listed under its sign, Pisces. Uranus was also Capricorn from 1988-95, giving the
stellium planets many qualities you’ll find listed under its sign, Aquarius.

To further complicate the picture, Saturn itself was in Capricorn for parts of 1988-1990. Every
single person born on the planet during six months of 1988 and every day in 1989 had a
superconjunction of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—an event so rare that the last ones
occurred in 1307 and 625 AD. You can read about the effect of Uranus-Saturn, Neptune-Saturn,
and Uranus-Neptune conjunctions in Chapter 12.

Major Issues and Concerns for Capricorn: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Professions; career; big business; corporate Saturn in Capricorn 1959-62, 1988-91, 2017-20
sector; executives; bosses & our attitudes Neptune 1984-98
toward them; status; expectations & attitudes Uranus 1988-95
about success, history, long-term progress. Pluto 2008-24

Rank Yourself: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Capricorn: 12/22 - 1/1, ruled by Saturn, similar to the 10th, Cardinal Earth sign.
Interests: career, accomplishments, status, management, history, perfection, propriety.
Roles: planner, supervisor, authority, parent, troubleshooter, organizer, manager, mentor.
Constructive traits: hard working, able to delay gratification, businesslike, serious, realistic,
disciplined, organized, reliable, responsible, high standards, foresightful, cautious, resourceful.
Difficult Traits: bossy, conservative, stuck in the past, rigid, over-ambitious, insecure, anxious,
unimaginative, opportunistic, inhibited, snobbish, skeptical, pessimistic, gloomy, workaholic.
Which qualities of the sign Capricorn would you like to improve on, and how could you
go about it?

Plusses and Minuses Aquarius brings to a Stellium

(A Fixed Air Sign, Ruled by Uranus and associated with the 11th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster may
modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about those
chart features in the chapters that follow.)

Many people with Aquarius strongly featured are avant garde in their ideas, espousing—or even
starting—new trends and joining with others on the leading edge around them or in cyberspace.

It’s an air sign, so people with these stelliums are generally highly focused on mental and
intellectual pursuits and may be fascinated by technology from their earliest years. Because it’s a

fixed sign, they can be extremely opinionated, holding usual and even radical beliefs, and may be
scornful of those not enlightened enough to agree with them.

Adolescence as a stage of life is associated with Uranus, so many of them had stormy
teenage years and remain rebels or mavericks for much of their lives. At a deeper level, this
seemingly automatic rebellion arises because they’re different from the average person and on a
life path all their own. They resist any pressure to conform, so they need to maintain this identity
as a maverick in order to achieve what they have come here to contribute. If someone told them,
“You Aquarians are all alike,” they’d probably blow their stack!

A as far as careers go, people with this stellium sign are better off self-employed or in a position
where they work independently. When told what to do, they can be quite contrary. Their chosen
work, however, would be where they make their unique contribution—even if they’re not yet
fully of aware of what that mission will be. For many of this young group, their careers haven’t
even been invented yet. Give them space, people, because they’re here to take us all to the next

Stellium Alert: Uranus entered Aquarius in 1995 and stayed there until 2003, while Neptune
entered it in 1998 and didn’t leave until 2011. Therefore, many people born from 1995 onward
have stelliums in Aquarius, especially those born in the winter months while the Sun, Mercury,
and Venus were there as well. The qualities of the planets Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune that we’ll
explore in Chapter 8 are especially strong here. (More about Uranus-Saturn and Uranus-Neptune
aspects in Chapter 12.)

Major Issues and Concerns for Aquarius: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Social Movements, social change; Saturn in Aquarius 1962-4, 1991-4, 2020-23
technology; pop trends. Information age; Uranus 1995-2003
freedom; equality; revolution; adolescence; Neptune 1998-2011
rebels and counter-culture factions. Pluto 2023-44

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Aquarius: 1/20 – 2/18, ruled by Uranus, similar to the 11th house, Fixed Air Sign.
Interests: advanced ideas, computers, technology, fads, trends, modern life, peer group.
Roles: inventor, scientist, tech support, trendsetter, maverick, activist, adolescent.
Constructive traits: avant-garde, futuristic, unconventional, state-of-the-art, leading edge,
genius, humanitarian, thinking out-of-the-box, idealistic, innovative, brilliant, detached, free.
Difficult Traits: willfulness, knee-jerk rebel, saboteur, agitator, maverick, provocateur, eccentric,
cold, contrary, elitist, erratic, undependable, distractible, explosive, stubborn, unemotional.
Which qualities of the sign Aquarius would you like to improve on, and how could you go
about it?

Plusses and Minuses Pisces brings to a Stellium

(A Mutable Water Sign, ruled by Neptune and associated with the 12th)

(Remember that the issues and activities of the stellium’s house and the nature of planets in the cluster
may modify the traits of this sign considerably. If parts of this description don’t ring true, read about
those chart features in the chapters that follow.)

Neptune-ruled Pisces is one of the more challenging signs for a stellium because it may
encompass the highest highs and lowest lows of human existence. In a single lifetime, the
Neptunian type can go from pinnacle to bottom and back again. Perhaps, if that’s the case, this
happens to be their last lifetime, almost like a reprise of their entire incarnational history. It takes
guts to be that kind of a Pisces. The qualities of the planet Neptune that we’ll explore in Chapter 8
are especially strong here since Neptune is the ruler of Pisces.

That’s not true of all Piscean stelliums, of course–and, most likely, you don’t need it to be that
dramatic. Many of you are garden-variety Pisces, making your way through the chaos of modern-
day life, doing your best to lend a helping hand where you can. Maybe you’re a midnight poet or
a Sunday painter, working as a barista to pay the rent. Like a psychic sponge, many of you feel
others’ pain as deeply as your own. Thus, it’s understandable that you need to escape from time
to time, so long as that escape isn’t too damaging or too permanent.

But most of you with this stellium do have a dream, and your mission is probably one that makes
the world a better place. It’s just way more blurry around the edges than an earth sign’s mission.
If the nature of your mission isn’t clear and seems to shift constantly, it’s because you’re so
responsive to the flow of things happening around you. You may be attuned to other levels of
reality most people don’t perceive. Kindness, compassion, devotion, and creativity may be your
gifts to this often-harsh world we live in. We all could use some understanding!

Major Issues and Concerns for Pisces: Eras of Possible Stelliums with Slow-moving Planets:
Creativity; spirituality; psychic gifts; music, Saturn in Pisces 1964-7, 1994-6; 2023-26.
poetry, dance, and other arts, mysticism; Uranus 2003-11
service vs. servitude; welfare; chronic care; Neptune 2011-26
prisons; fraud; oceans; epidemics; pollution. Pluto 2043-66

Rate Yourself: Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
Pisces: 2/19 – 3/20, ruled by Neptune, similar to the 12th house, Mutable Water Sign
Interests: music, the arts, alleviating suffering, psychic phenomena, spirituality.
Roles: spiritual seeker, dreamer, poet, addict, visionary, dedicated helper, psychic, artist.
Constructive traits: creative, compassionate, intuitive, imaginative, empathetic, idealistic,
spiritual seeker, willing to serve, forgiving, devoted, meditative, non-materialistic.
Difficult Traits: daydreamer, confused, oversensitive, lives in a fantasy world, unrealistic,
impractical, addiction-prone, codependent, deceitful, unreliable, reclusive, escapist, martyr

Which qualities of the sign Pisces would you like to improve on, and how could you
go about it?

Coming next: I’ve mentioned that a stellium’s house can assume more importance than its
sign, because the house shows the areas of life a stellium holder focuses on most strongly.
The next three chapters are devoted to exploring these all-important features in depth.

The Stellium Handbook

©2013, Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter 4—The Meaning of Stelliums in the 1st-6th Houses

The house position of your stellium or multiple conjunction is a major piece in the stellium puzzle
since it shows areas of life where you focus much of your time and energy. A strong 8th house, for
instance, suggests a preoccupation with matters of that house—sexuality, other people’s
resources, healing, regeneration, or even death.

Since these are also preoccupations of the related sign, Scorpio, people with an 8th house
grouping may share common interests with Scorpios. However, their way of handling these issues
depends on what signs and planets are placed there.

Likewise, the 6th house is associated with Virgo. People with a stellium or triple conjunction in
the 6th can have Virgo-like traits, in that this placement shows a strong focus on work—to the
point, often, of becoming workaholic.
Health and health careers are another preoccupation shared by Virgo and the 6th. I was a social
worker in medical settings in my early years as an astrology student. Naturally, I drew up
coworkers’ charts, expecting that they’d contain several Virgo planets. Instead, more typically,
there was a strong concentration in the 6th house, including many Suns and Moons.
We’ll learn about Stelliums in all 12 Houses in this chapter and the next two. The
descriptions in this chapter focus on what happens when a stellium is in the 1st to 6th houses.

The combination of the stellium’s house plus sign reveals a great deal about your life
purpose and how you handle the things that matter most to you.

Our explorations of each house will include two or more examples of sign/house combinations,
but to do all of them would require 144 mini-readings. I’m not going to do that, so instead you’ll
be guided, step-by-step, in creating and analyzing your own stellium’s sign/house combination at
the beginning of Chapter 6. When I don’t agree with the widely taught house/sign/planet
associations, it’s noted in the descriptions.

Note that a computer printout of the chart can fit only a limited number of planets into a
house. Thus, if there are more than four planets in the combination, check the degree numbers of
the planets against the degree numbers of the house cusps (border lines) carefully to see which
house each of stellium planets actually falls into. For example, suppose the cusp of the 4 th house
is at 6° of Taurus, but there are stellium planets at 5° and 8° of Taurus. The one at 8° Taurus
would be part of the 4th house, but the one at 5° would be in the previous house, the 3rd.

For additional information on individual houses, download a chapter from my ebook for
beginning to intermediate students, An Astrological Guide to Self-Awareness here: AGSA

Beginners: Look at your chart to discover which houses—or which two next-door houses—are
involved, and skip ahead to the description of that house. If it’s from the 7th to 12th houses,
you’ll find the description in the next chapter.

What to Expect from a 1st House Stellium

(Not very similar to Aries or Mars)

Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others will be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

The sign on the cusp of the 1st house is known as the Ascendant or Rising sign. When people
describe themselves in astrological terms, they mention it along with their Sun and Moon

The actual Ascendant—the sign and degree where the 1st house begins—is one of the 4
angles of the chart (the degrees on the cusps of the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th), and so is a point of
power. When natal planets are within 10° either side of it, they become very strong influences
and can signify important qualities, events, or even people who have a major effect on our lives.
We’ll discuss all 4 angles as we explore the houses they belong to, but here let’s look at the

What, exactly, do the Ascendant and 1st house show about us? The 1st house, as a whole,
including planets placed there, shows the first impression people get of us. First impressions are
often false ones, and yet those initial perceptions people have of us are difficult to overcome.
Still, it’s the part of ourselves we’ve become comfortable showing to the world. It’s a set of
defenses for coping with new people and new situations.

However, the Ascendant is who you APPEAR to be. This outward impression isn’t
necessarily who you truly are, unless the Sun is near the Ascendant. If you had Saturn there,
whether you were really all that disciplined, reliable, or capable, would depend on the rest of the
chart. If a person with Saturn on the Ascendant had Mercury and Neptune conjunct in the 6 th, then
their work performance probably wouldn’t live up to the first impression. (See: How Does your
First House Give the Wrong Impression?)

If the qualities of the Ascendant sign only show how we present ourselves, how important can it
be? It’s important because people judge us based on it and thus respond as though their
impression were the whole story about you. A person with several planets in the 1st often presents
a complex and confusing set of behaviors that people find hard to read.

Behaviors depicted by the 1st generally grow out of roles defined for you by the family dynamics
in childhood or the early environment. It becomes the automatic response to social situations with
all but the most intimate of friends and relatives. It can include one’s personal style, fashion
sense, and outward appearance.

If your stellium in the 1st house includes one of the outermost planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or
Pluto), as so many do, that planet colors the impression you give to the outside world, especially
when conjunct the Ascendant. Rather than the sign actually on the Ascendant, you may come
across as the sign that outer planet rules. (Scorpio for Pluto, for instance, or Aquarius for Uranus.)

These slower-moving planets are more weighty than the planets closer to the Sun, because they
represent huge issues that the collective is dealing with as a whole. The person who has an outer

planet on the Ascendant embodies those collective issues and forces people to deal with it. (The
outermost planets are described in detail in Chapter 8.)

For instance, those with Pluto on the Ascendant–because of the way they look or present
themselves–may evoke issues like the use and abuse of power, healing, transformation, or
sexuality for a great many of the people they encounter. Those projections are tough for the
person to deal with on a life-long basis. They’re forced to work through the dilemmas that planet
presents, and in doing so, may become a healer or transformative figure.

The 1st is also one of the health houses—along with the 6th and 12th—as it can show certain innate
strengths and weaknesses of the physical body. Transits to the 1st may signal health challenges as
well as changes in outward appearance and expression.

Things to do to kick your 1st house stellium up a notch:

 Analyze whether the way you present yourself reflects the real you
 Think about whether you’re giving off mixed messages
 Pull together a photographic retrospective of yourself over the years to see how your style has
 Adapt your appearance to accurately reflect the real you in the here and now
 Work to become an authentic representative of your true self
 Do a full body scan for health-related issues
 Tone up your carriage and your muscles
 Train yourself to walk into a room with confidence and good posture
 Make eye contact when interacting with others

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Libra vs. Capricorn in the 1st: Having a stellium in

Libra in the 1st would generally indicate a person with a good deal of warmth, charm, and people
skills that can be helpful in getting people to support the mission. They would devote a great deal
of effort to their appearance, wanting to be fashion forward and attractive at all times.

That being said, much depends on the nature of the planets in the Libra combination and how
they combine with one another. The first planet in the group sets the tone for the person’s
interactions with people they encounter, and the closer to the actual Ascendant, the more that
planet’s qualities may override the Libra influence.

The same principle about planets conjunct the Ascendant applies to everyone with a stellium in
the 1st, but a person with a Capricorn stellium in that house comes across very differently from
Libra. Capricorn is far more reserved and selective in who they relate to. Like Libra, they pay
attention to their appearance, but they may choose elegant clothing that supports their aspiration
to get ahead in the world. People born with Capricorn stelliums in the 1st in the late 1980s to early
1990s would present a contradictory set of planets to the world—Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune—
so the first impression they give off might be very inconsistent and confusing. You’ll read about
that very special generation in Chapter 13.

Careers Associated with the 1st: model, product demonstrator, image or fashion consultant,
personal trainer, spin-doctor, beautician, cosmetic surgeon, receptionist, doorman, security guard.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. (If this list doesn’t

ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.)

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Some Other Time, Maybe
First: First impressions people get of you; your first approach to new situations; appearance;
façade; image; self-presentation; basic body type and constitution. Issues to Work on: how well
the mask or persona represents what is going on inside. Shows roles you had to play in the family
and early life. Concerns about appearance and image. Physical problems related to basic body
type. People Represented: that would be you—at least the part you want the world to see. Folks
who help your image: hairdresser, image consultant, personal trainer, or cosmetic surgeon.

What to Expect from a 2nd House Stellium

(Shares some concerns and interests with Taurus)

Note: Though the 2nd house clearly has a close connection with Taurus, many of us are
skeptical that Venus is naturally connected with either of them. I attribute it to the only inner
planet in the solar system that hasn’t been given a sign—the Earth itself. Read about the
reasons on my blog Skywriter, here: AstroDebate—Which Sign does Venus Really Rule? and
here Mother Earth in your Chart—What on Earth Would It Mean?

Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others may be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

The 2nd house shows our earning potential, but just as importantly, it reveals how we manage our
income. It’s great to earn plenty of money, but if we habitually spend more than we earn, we can
wind up as worried and hounded by bills as someone who earns very little. Our earning and
spending patterns can be seen in the sign and planets in the 2nd.

For people with outer planets as part of a stellium in the 2nd, money can become a pressing issue
that consumes a great deal of energy and thought. You may protest that you’re not a materialist;
you just need to keep a roof over your head and bills paid.

Whether you’re a materialist or not depends on the sign, planets, and even the elements involved
in that house. Aquarius or Uranus as a major factor in this house could indicate a social awareness
that considers big, powerful corporations as destructive forces to combat in any way possible, but
might still find money and its implications becoming the center of their attention.

Values and Self-Esteem? Really, Folks? It’s become very common for astrologers to talk
about the 2nd house only in terms of values and self-esteem, completely ignoring the things
the 2nd reveals about people’s money issues. Yes, the 2nd house DOES show what we value

most, and therefore how we spend our discretionary income. Our set of values also gives some
clues about what we are and aren’t willing to do to earn money.

However, in 40 years of doing chart consultations, I have yet to have a client complain of tossing
and turning all night worrying about their values. In today’s difficult economy, a great many are
experiencing fear and suffering over finances. They can find it invaluable to explore what their
2nd house shows about their finances and their money-management patterns—as well as what that
house shows about how they could earn money on the side. (See Your 2nd House—A Clue to
Extra Income.)

I believe the common practice of avoiding the topic of money during a chart consultation is
harmful and frustrating to the client. Astrologers, if you’re too uncomfortable to talk to clients
about money, you’re shortchanging them. In particular, if a client with financial problems comes
to you with a 2nd house stellium, whether or not they know to ask about it, it’s important to
address their attitudes about earning money and their money management practices. The self-
awareness gained from doing so could mean the difference between achieving their dream and
losing out on it. See: Astrologers’ Hang-ups about Money—How they Hurt our Clients.

I also find myself at a loss to understand why self-esteem would be attributed to the 2 nd. To
me, the only way the 2nd house explains self-esteem issues is if your self-esteem is dependent on
how much money you have. It’s true that vast numbers of people today gain a false self-worth
from their net worth, but that’s very different from truly feeling good about yourself. True self-
esteem is a function of the Sun, along with self-worth, self-confidence, and other self-words.
The house the Sun is placed in and the matters governed by that house are clues to the things that
make up our sense of self.

Things to do to kick your 2nd house stellium up a notch: Make and frequently update a
spending plan that works, through the following steps:
 From time to time, keep track of everything you spend for one month
 Discover where wasted money goes
 List small luxuries that make you feel rich
 List economies that would make you feel poor
 Based on the collected information, draft a spending plan
 Repeat the list from step one onward, and keep revising the plan realistically
 Set up a monthly automatic transfer from checking to savings, no matter how small
 Budget your time to include things you value more than money
 Know that your self-worth is more important than your net worth

More about the 2nd house from Skywriter: You’ll find a series of articles about the 2nd house
and its opposite—the 8th–on Skywriter, starting here: Astrological Insights into Your Finances.

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Scorpio vs. Leo on the 2nd:

The presence of Scorpio or its ruler, Pluto, as part of a stellium in the 2nd correlates with
intense emotions about money and how it is handled. One reader noted, “My 2nd house stellium is
in Scorpio, and to me, that house is like a relationship that will die if I don’t feed and care for it.”

Some people with this placement had parents who used money to control the person, doling it out
by humiliating dribs and drabs. You also often see what I call “failing for spite” in the house
Pluto is placed. In the 2nd, it may be that the parents valued money above all else, but predicted

the person would amount to nothing. Unconsciously, but for revenge, the person might arrange to
fail and thus to make the parent keep on doing it out.

A Leo stellium in the 2nd is a different type altogether. They love money but tend to spend
much of it in showy and dramatic ways for the things they really crave: love, admiration, and
attention. Leos are said to be magnanimous and generous to a fault, but it doesn’t always stem
from saintly motives. Yes, Leos can overdo it with generosity, but it more often comes from that
Leo yearning to be loved, above all else, and to be the center of their loved ones’ universe. Since
money can’t buy love, relationships based on money tend to become twisted and unfulfilling for
all concerned. (Again, the nature of the planets in the combination can greatly alter this

Careers Associated with the Second House or Taurus: banker, bookkeeper, CPA, purchasing
agent, buyer, appraiser, payroll director, Accounts Receivable, budget director, insurance
underwriter, loan officer, Chief Financial Officer of a business, sales person, advertising. (If this
list doesn’t ring true, then the planets and signs in your 2nd house stellium are better indicators of
how you could earn a living, so read about those planets in Chapters 7 or 8.)

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

Here’s a comparison of the three vocational houses: Career Differences between the 10th, 2nd,
and 6th House.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Some Other Time, Maybe
Second: Money and ways of earning it; sidelines for extra cash; money management and attitudes
toward finance; things valued more than money. Issues to Work on: Attitudes and values about
money and possessions, how you deal with it. With persistent financial difficulties, healing
around prosperity may be needed. People Represented: People you get money from because
you’ve earned it–the payroll department. Self-employed: customers, clients, accounts receivable.

What to Expect from a 3rd House Stellium

(Shares concerns and interests with Gemini and Mercury)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others will be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

What the 3rd house adds to a stellium: A stellium in the 3rd is evidence of an extremely active
and complex mind. It suggests a wide range of verbal skills and a number of strong interests.

Over the course of a lifetime, their love of mental pursuits can earn them the equivalent of a
master’s degree in many fields of interest, so they can be excellent writers, teachers, and
networkers. The sign and planets placed in this house describe their ways of thinking and
communicating, as well as specific fields of interest.

Much of their mental prowess depends on the element the stellium is placed in. The air signs
(Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) and their ruling planets (Mercury and Uranus, particularly) in this
house can be rather cerebral and verbal, but not usually skilled at interpreting emotions.

The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces), on the other hand, are empathic and deeply attuned
to the emotional dimensions, but unlikely to be grounded. The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, or
Capricorn) aren’t cerebral, but quite practical, grounded, and down to earth in their thinking, with
an excellent grasp of business principles. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are more attuned
to action and so learn better by doing.

Siblings and the 3rd house: For people with a stellium in this house, siblings have a profound
effect on their lives and can be among their most important relationships—more, often, than a
spouse or friends. They tend to identify strongly with one another and may shape their identity by
comparing themselves with siblings. Depending on the sign, sibling relationships can be a great
source of support and even of happy and fulfilling memories, or a source of difficulty that bleeds
over into adulthood. (This house also describes near relatives like aunts, uncles, and cousins.)

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus can show supportive siblings and near relatives, unless
there are aspects from the outermost planets. With Mars, there is often competition and conflict.
With Saturn, an older sibling who has accomplished a great deal may dwarf them, even if they
themselves are quite bright. With Uranus, siblings may be mavericks who delight in shaking up
the family. With Pluto, there is often a power struggle and a sibling may even have been abusive.

For a discussion of various implications of Neptune in this house, see Viewing the 3rd House
through Neptune’s Lens, including readers’ tales in the comment section. See also Brian Clark’s
The Astrology of Sibling Relationships—and How They Affect Us as Adults.

Things to do to kick your 3rd house stellium up a notch:

 Get in touch with people you’ve lost track of, including yourself
 Think about what you’re NOT communicating—starting at home
 Write an actual hard-copy letter to someone you’ve missed
 Phone a long-lost relative or neighbor to catch up on the news
 Think about your siblings and how that relationship affected you both
 Go to a bookstore for coffee rather than Starbucks. Browse
 Subscribe to a blog, newsgroup, or magazine on a topic you want to know more about
 Stretch your mind by putting the Word or Quote of the Day on your startup page
 Buy a classy blank book and keep a journal—we live in interesting times

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Virgo vs. Aquarius in the 3rd: These two signs are a lot
like the original odd couple—stelliums placed in the 3rd in those signs are about as different as
you can get. A stellium in Virgo might show someone with a great variety of practical skills, most
likely put to work in a job situation. Their form of communication, either written or oral, would
be very exact and provide a great many details, possibly far more than their listeners would like.
As writers, they would most likely focus on very practical matters and excel in the How-To
genre. (However, the planets involved in the stellium, again, can alter the picture. As you’ll find

in Chapter 11, those born in the 1960s with stelliums involving Pluto and Uranus could be very
different indeed.)

With a stellium in Aquarius in the 3rd or with Uranus there as part of a stellium, what you have is
a person with a very technical and scientific way of thinking or else an extremely offbeat and
quirky one—perhaps both combined. These people often espouse avant-garde or even radical
thinking and enjoy shaking people up with things they say. They may love the Internet as a way
to encounter trending ideas and connect with like-minded individuals. They can be very brainy
and even cerebral, often brilliant.

Careers Associated with the 3rd House, Mercury, or Gemini: writer, journalist, elementary
school teacher, ITT worker, computer programmer, information or telecommunications staff,
transportation worker or trucker, traffic controller, salesperson, public speaker, announcer,
librarian, bookseller.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Some Other Time, Maybe
Third: Communication; thinking and learning style; writing; siblings, near relatives, and old
family friends; neighbors; basic education; commuting. Issues to Work On: How you think and
communicate, barriers to learning, writing, speaking. Relationships and problems with siblings
and other close relatives (not parents). Relationships with neighbors and the impact of the
surrounding environment. People Represented: Sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, old
family friends (“courtesy aunts”), neighbors, and schoolmates. People you keep in touch with by
phone or email. Internet forum members and your Internet provider. Media figures.

What to Expect from a 4th House Stellium

(Shares concerns and interests with Cancer and the Moon)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others will be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

The sign on the 4th house cusp and the condition of any planets there combine to describe your
home and home life, real estate transactions, roots, family ties, heredity, family of
origin influence, the nurturing parent, and the senior years.

The actual IC—the sign and degree where the 4th house begins—is one of the 4 angles of the
chart (the degree on the cusp of the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th), and so is a point of power. When

natal planets are within 10° either side of it, they become very strong influences and can signify
important qualities, events, or even other people who have a major effect on our lives. We’ll
discuss all 4 angles as we explore the houses they belong to, but here let’s look at the IC.

There’s a long-standing controversy among astrologers about which parent the 4th and 10th
houses represent, and also about the planets naturally connected with those houses (the Moon
for the 4th and Saturn for the 10th.) The way I see it, the 4th represents nurturing and how it was
handled by your parents; the 10th house is authority and how it was handled by your parents. I
also often find that the 10th/Midheaven shows which parent was more dominant. (See The
Midheaven/IC Axis: Who Wore the Pants in your Family?)

In a single-parent household, one parent (or surrogate like a grandmother) has to handle both
functions, God bless them. In other households, there’s a strict division of labor–one the authority
and often the dominant parent (represented by the 10th), the other parent the caretaker (and thus
represented by the 4th). In /modern homes, both parents may perform both functions, and thus the
house involved fluctuates.

The 4th also describes your home life, both in your family growing up and in adult life. A stellium
there would certainly describe a lively—and probably noisy—home. Whether that was a good
thing or not would depend on the sign and planets involved.

Here’s how one person with a stellium in the 4th described her home life: “I’ve had so many
family issues it’s not even funny. I’ve found it very difficult to really leave home (I’m 24, lived
with my parents for all but two years). Sometimes I even feel my development in other areas of
life has been retarded because of my inability to disentangle myself. The situation is immensely
complex, volatile, unusual, and stressful. Most people wouldn’t be able to handle what I have to
at home. On the other hand, if I needed help or support, I know I could get it in spades.”

The 4th house also shows your roots, and anyone with substantial chart placements in this
house could be strongly affected by their ancestors. Researching your family tree and going
back several generations into your history could be revealing. You can get a certain amount of
free information at Trace Your Genealogy for starters.

However, if you have the outermost planets in a 4th house stellium, you might get important
insights into family problems and how they affect you by investing in a search that goes deeper. If
you have Scorpio, Pluto, or Neptune there, there can be family secrets that have troubled several
generations in ways that have always puzzled you. One healing tool would working with your
ancestors’ spirits directly by asking them to come to you in dreams or psychically.

Things to do to kick your 4th house stellium up a notch:

 Plant yourself in a nurturing environment, become self-watering
 Feed yourself what you need most
 Become a caregiver to yourself as well as others
 Create a recipe for emotional growth—a little more of this, a little less of that
 Develop sensitivity for what each person needs to thrive
 Get to know your family tree even if it’s your adoptive family
 Go back to some family traditions or establish some satisfying new ones
 Create a sacred home that travels with you
 Examine your childhood and family through the eyes of maturity
 Make friends with seniors who are loving their lives

Careers Associated with the 4th House, the Moon, or Cancer: interior decorator, home builder,
home repair, cook/chef; day care worker, foster parent, nanny, house manager, apartment
manager, realtor. Geriatric specialist, caregiver for the elderly, family counseling, genealogist.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Taurus vs. Scorpio in the 4th: With a stellium in

Taurus in the 4th, there’d generally be an old-fashioned, stable feeling to family life, lots of
tradition, a real cookie and apple pie baking mom, and an almost rural feeling about it.. Okay, if
you have an outer planet or two involved, you’re probably starting to think astrology is bunk. It’s
a perfect demonstration of how much the planets and signs can alter the picture. Uranus there, for
instance, would show an unconventional and anything but settled home life.

With a stellium in Scorpio or the planet Pluto in the 4th, the home life takes on a decidedly
Plutonian air. You’ll learn more about that in Chapter 8, but, briefly, this could indicate that the
early family life was a focus of emotional intensity and battles for power and control. If so, the
relationships and events that occurred in that era may still strongly affect the person today.

Perhaps there were losses that make the person hold on tight to the people they live with now. Or,
sometimes, they prefer to live alone for a peaceful, quiet life—or they may hide out at home in
order to avoid the outside world.

Typically, the person might wind up carrying over some childhood patterns into their home life as
an adult. They may study psychology or counseling in order to understand how family life
affected them. The home itself may be a place where there is a great deal of healing work and
studies of secret teachings. The person may even carry on a healing practice in a home office.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Some Other Time, Maybe
Fourth: Home and home life; roots; family ties; family of origin issues; home-based businesses;
property owned; real estate ventures; heredity; family influence; the nurturing parent; senior
years. Issues to Work on: Attachments to the past, home, roots. Issues with the nurturing parent.
Strong emphasis means the person is still strongly attached to family and the past, or may be a
homebody, reluctant to venture out into the world. People Represented: Mom and Dad, mother
and father figures, roommates and others you live with, ancestors, elderly relatives, people from
your hometown. Home maintenance, interior decorators, building contractors, and landscapers.

What to Expect from a 5th House Stellium

(Shares some Interests with Leo but less clearly with the Sun)

Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others will be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

What the 5th house Brings to a Stellium: With its emphasis on romance, children, creativity,
leisure pursuits, and just plain fun, the 5th house is one of the choicer placements for a stellium.
With primarily the inner planets there, you’re likely to be richly blessed in some or all of these
areas of life. Enter the outer planets, and you’re likely to have your work cut out for you, though
still with exceptional life experiences, because those planets make these waters far more
complicated to navigate.

In one way or another, children are likely to have a big place in your life, with children of your
own and/or perhaps at some stage of your life, in a professional capacity. The possibility exists of
several children, each a strong individual, as signified by the planets in the combination.

The planets, signs, and aspects in the 5th describe your children as well as your relationships with
them. With a stellium in that house, you’re likely to have several, each planet in the group
representing at least one of them. Transits to your stellium can show major developments in their
lives as well as in the way you relate to each other.

However, not all the children whose life you touch have to be yours by birth. There could be
stepchildren, grandchildren, foster children, or adopted children. Still, you’d have a major impact
on their lives—and they on yours.

With outer planet placements in the stellium, you’re likely to have an exceptional child or two in
your life, sometimes gifted, yet with a special need for your care and attention. With Saturn in the
picture, you might have children at a rather advanced age, and there’s an increased likelihood of a
career involving children. See Readers Ask—Q & A about the 5th House and Things You May
Not Know about the 5th House and Children.

With children or without them, it’s a strong possibility that you’ll have intense romantic
attachments through much of your life. You might even be more than a little addicted to the highs
and lows of romance. Alas, there’s a short sell-by date in most of them, so it makes a committed
relationship more difficult to sustain, unless you both make an ongoing effort to keep the romance
alive. (Analyze 7th house placements for prospects of a committed relationship.)

This is also an intensely and perennially creative stellium placement. The sign and planets
involved may give you clues to the types of art or performance you’re gifted at—and with several
planets involved, there may be several different creative arts that you have the delicious task of
juggling. That sign placement and the planets involved can also give you clues as to exactly what
conditions you need in order to do your best creative work.

A reader story from my blog: “I have a stellium in Sagittarius in the 5th house. It’s been a great
source of energy, vitality, and optimism. It has prompted me to be involved in many creative and
artistic projects and I nearly always have something going on. I hanker for it to provide me with a
source of income. When I begin to become financially afloat through any particular creative
avenue, I then resist and cannot go any further as the creative stream then becomes a job and not
the magic of creative energy. I experience a constant tension between giving away my energy to
the group/community and investing it in myself. I find it easier to market other artists and
musicians than to believe in my own talents.”

Certain houses have different meanings at different stages of life, and the 5th house is a prime
example. In your youth, you have freedom to explore romance and/or different facets of your
creativity, for instance, time to take part in theatrical performances. With maturity and the birth of
children, you may have to abandon your creativity in order to be a responsible parent or
employee, but if you’re clever enough and have enough support, you may still juggle both.

In your mature years, once the children have grown or you’re retired from full-time employment,
there is once again the time and freedom to pursue your creativity. You may even make the
delightful discovery that, despite the seemingly lost time, your maturity and life experience have
added new dimensions and power to your artistry.

Things to do to kick your 5th house stellium up a notch:

 Be a lover not a fighter
 Have an ongoing dialogue with your inner child
 Find a way to have children in your life, even if you’re not a parent
 Tell yourself and others often that you love them
 Send someone flowers who won’t expect them—and not because of a quarrel
 Take a risk on someone or something
 Figure out what’s pleasurable for you and make time for it regularly
 Look for joy everywhere
 Put on your clown shoes and have some fun
Sample Sign/House Combinations—Libra vs. Pisces in the 5th: Though these are two very
different signs—Cardinal Air vs. Mutable Water—when placed in the 5th as part of a stellium,
they’re alike in being deeply attached to their children or lovers, making them the focus of their
existence. These relationships may come before all others, crowding out other family ties,
friendships, and colleagues.
People with Libra stelliums would emphasize beauty, charm, agreeableness, and harmony,
teaching these qualities to their children as a primary value and looking for them in lovers. They
hope for equality and give and take in these connections, and would feel wounded or deprived if
it weren’t present. Depending on the planets involved, these are likely to be loving relationships.

People with Pisces stelliums here (or with Neptune involved) would also place children and
lovers before all others. However, since these loved ones often have special needs to attend to,
these connections could become very codependent, with a good deal of enabling going on.
Piscean types are like psychic sponges, so one reason they try so hard to relieve the other person’s
suffering is because they literally feel their pain.

In the creative realms, both Libra and Pisces stelliums could have a great deal of talent—maybe
even gifts in several fields. They might pursue careers that involve stimulating children’s artistic
talents or gifts. If writing is one of their gifts, it might be applied to children’s books or novels
with love as one of the major themes.

Careers Associated with the 5th House or Leo: nursery school teacher, child psychologist,
romance writer, dating service, actor, stage crew, performer, casino worker, social director,
recreation therapist, craftsperson, arts and crafts teacher, resort worker, party planner.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t

ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Fifth: Children; the Inner Child; your children, children in general, and other young people in
your life. Learning how to play; romance; creativity; performing; theater; hobbies; leisure
activities; gambling and other forms of risk-taking. Issues to Work on: Strong emphasis tends to
great creativity--or an addiction to romance. Situations regarding children and how the person
deals with them. Sun or strong emphasis here may show the perpetual child or Peter Pan, wanting
to be pampered and adored, never growing up. People Represented: Your Inner Child. Lovers.
People who share creative pursuits or hobbies. Companion pets (not working farm animals).

What to Expect from a 6th House Stellium

(Shares some concerns and interests with Virgo)

(Mercury is traditionally associated with Virgo and the 6th as well as Gemini and the 3rd.
However, Virgo’s rulership has been controversial for years, with the traditional ruler being
Mercury and a popular alternative being the asteroid Chiron.

Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others will be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

Work and health are twin concerns of the 6th, just as they are of the associated sign, Virgo. Work
and health are interrelated on a deep level psychological and spiritual level having to do with our
life purpose. Our attitudes toward work and our day-to-day job functioning are also shown by the
sixth house and any planets in it.

The sign on the 6th house cusp and the sign and issues connected with planets in that house
combine to describe your daily routine and work life, including work habits, your work ethic,
specific types of job tasks, and relationships with coworkers. In my experience, many health care
workers have a strong 6th house, whether or not they have planets in Virgo.

The 6th house is profound, and the clue to using it well is to find work that is deeply fulfilling.
When people whose 6th is strong (especially when the Sun is there) feel happy and satisfied in
their daily work, they tend to stay well, feel good about themselves, and generally enjoy life. For
a person whose 6th hosts a stellium, unhappiness in work often takes a toll on health. As work stresses
and frustrations increase, health concerns tend to arise. When work conditions change for the better,
health tends to improve, too. Productivity and feeling useful keep 6th house types alert and healthy.

The 6th may show job-related health conditions, as seen in the sign and planets involved. The
nature of the problem depends on the sign and planets in the stellium. (Each sign of the zodiac is
connected with a body part, such as the back and heart for Leo and the intestines for Virgo.)

On an unconscious level, job-related illnesses may represent means of getting out of the job or
line of work that has become hateful. Thus when I see clients with a strong 6th house (especially
when current positions of the outer planets are triggering it), I counsel them to seriously look for a
vocation that would meet their deep need to be productive and useful so they can stay healthy. If
need be, they might need to make sacrifices to train for fulfilling work.
6th house stelliums are interesting, in that—like natives of the associated sign, Virgo—they can be
intensely involved in work for its own sake. Much of their energy is bound up in the workplace,
whether that is a happy and fulfilling venue or the source of frustration. The 6th house planets,
signs, and aspects tell us about their work and how they seek satisfaction in it.

When the Sun is in the 6th, self-esteem is bound up in the quality of their work. When the 6th is
stronger than the 10th, the person usually has a Virgo-like reluctance to be in the spotlight. These
folks are often indispensable employees who do much of the important work in a firm yet get
little of the credit. People with several planets in the 6th , especially Virgo or Capricorn stelliums
or with Saturn there, are sometimes workaholic, as work serves many basic drives and needs.

Things to do to kick your 6th house stellium up a notch:

 Look at each work task and consider how to do it more simply and effectively
 Read David Allen’s Getting Things Done or read articles about his techniques here: Getting
started with "Getting Things Done" | 43 Folders
 Listen to coworkers’ or employees’ suggestions and priorities
 Spend quality time offsite with coworkers—a non-working lunch
 Devise time-effective ways of getting regular exercise
 Have an annual physical and actually listen to the recommendations
 Read up on your medications on the web
 Research vitamins, supplements, herbs and natural treatments you need
 Evaluate your diet and make it more nutritious

Careers Associated with the 6th House and Virgo: the hundreds of types of healthcare workers,
occupational hazard specialist, personnel or human resource staff, head hunter, efficiency expert,
statistician, task analyst, developing applications for work tasks, safety inspector, industrial
occupations, engineering.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters. Here’s an explanation of the differences
between these career houses: Career Differences between the 10th, 2nd, and 6th House.

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Aquarius vs. Cancer in the 6th: This is another odd
couple, very different in their approach to the 6th. Cancer stelliums try to create a family-like
atmosphere in whichever house is involved. In the 6th, they’d create one in the workplace, and
might assume the role of Mom to coworkers, customers, and even the Boss. There’d be plenty to
eat, whether homemade or take out. Again, planets in the combination could alter the picture.

An Aquarius stellium in the 6th isn’t going to be all touchy-feely but instead could be friendly in a
somewhat detached way. When coworkers are as bright as they are, good, equal relationships can
fuel the progress on the mission. If coworkers aren’t smart or competent, Aquarians can be

snobbish. They don’t respond at all well to being told what to do, but can be independent and
intelligent if left to direct the course of their work.
For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Sixth: Work and its meaning; work habits and attitudes; your work ethic; types of jobs held;
coworkers and employees; occupational health problems; health and health habits, health care
professionals. Issues to Work on: Conditions around work and health. Strong emphasis may
show the workaholic type. Where work is not satisfying, this type may fall ill. Occupation-related
health issues may be seen--even anticipated and preventative work done--especially where the
house is occupied by transiting planets. People Represented: Employees, contractors, and
coworkers. Health care workers, both mainstream and alternative. Your computer person, that
headhunter who’s promised you a much better job, and other business consultants.

Chapter 5 continues this exploration of the houses, with sections devoted to the 7th -12th

Summary Table: What the 12 Houses of the Birth Chart Represent:

©2012 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Copy and paste the description of the stellium’s house or houses into the Stellium worksheet.

First: First impressions people get of you; your first approach to new situations; appearance;
façade; image; self-presentation; basic body type and constitution. Issues to Work on: how well
the mask or persona represents what is going on inside. Shows roles you had to play in the family
and early life. Concerns about appearance and image. Physical problems related to basic body
type. People Represented: that would be you—at least the part you want the world to see. Folks
who help your image: hairdresser, image consultant, personal trainer, or cosmetic surgeon.
Second: Money and ways of earning it; sidelines for extra cash; money management and attitudes
toward finance; things valued more than money. Issues to Work on: Attitudes and values about
money and possessions, how you deal with it. With persistent financial difficulties, healing
around prosperity may be needed. People Represented: People you get money from because
you’ve earned it–the payroll department. Self-employed: customers, clients, accounts receivable.
Third: Communication; thinking and learning style; writing; siblings, near relatives, and old
family friends; neighbors; basic education; commuting. Issues to Work on: How you think and
communicate, barriers to learning, writing, speaking. Relationships and problems with siblings
and other close relatives (not parents). Relationships with neighbors and the impact of the
surrounding environment. People Represented: Sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, old
family friends (“courtesy aunts”), neighbors, and schoolmates. People you keep in touch with by
phone or email. Internet forum members and your Internet provider. Media figures.
Fourth: Home and home life; roots; family ties; family of origin issues; home-based businesses;
property owned; real estate ventures; heredity; family influence; the nurturing parent; senior
years. Issues to Work on: Attachments to the past, home, roots. Issues with the nurturing parent.
Strong emphasis means the person is still strongly attached to family and the past, or may be a
homebody, reluctant to venture out into the world. People Represented: Mom and Dad, mother
and father figures, roommates and others you live with, ancestors, elderly relatives, people from
your hometown. Home maintenance, interior decorators, building contractors, and landscapers.
Fifth: Children; the Inner Child; your children, children in general, and other young people in
your life. Learning how to play; romance; creativity; performing; theater; hobbies; leisure
activities; gambling and other forms of risk-taking. Issues to Work on: Strong emphasis tends to
great creativity--or an addiction to romance. Situations regarding children and how the person
deals with them. Sun or strong emphasis here may show the perpetual child or Peter Pan, wanting
to be pampered and adored, never growing up. People Represented: Your Inner Child. Lovers.
People who share creative pursuits or hobbies. Companion pets (not working farm animals).
Sixth: Work and its meaning; work habits and attitudes; your work ethic; types of jobs held;
coworkers and employees; occupational health problems; health and health habits, health care
professionals. Issues to Work on: Conditions around work and health. Strong emphasis may
show the workaholic type. Where work is not satisfying, this type may fall ill. Occupation-related
health issues may be seen--even anticipated and preventative work done--especially where the
house is occupied by transiting planets. People Represented: Employees, contractors, and
coworkers. Health care workers, both mainstream and alternative. Your computer guy or gal, that
headhunter who’s promised you a much better job, and other business consultants.

(Continue on next page)


Seventh: Partnerships—personal and business; close, committed relationships; counselors; types

of people we attract, what we want in love. Issues to Work on: Difficult experiences with
committed and long-term relationships, barriers to commitment. Where strong, it would be
important to do heart-center healing on broken or traumatic relationships. People Represented:
Your mate, life partner, or business partner. Other committed relationships like your lifelong best
friend. Your agent, life coach, counselor, or co-author. Open enemies—worthy adversaries.
Eighth: Sexuality; money you don’t earn (inheritances, scholarships, etc); taxes; partner’s
resources; birth; death; transformation; healing. Issues to Work on: Attitudes and experiences of
sexuality, sexual preferences, how important this area is to the individual. Deaths of people
important to the person, mourning, where grief work is needed. Kinds of healing most beneficial
to the individual. Where strong, the person is like to have healing or mediumistic abilities. People
Represented: Sexual partner. Gynecologist. Healer. People who share joint finances and
resources, like a mate or business partner. Other supports like investors, trust fund executors, or
Social Security. C.P.A. or financial planner. Dead people who stay in touch. Family or others
who dole out money, then make you pay, pay, pay. Creditors like banks or credit card companies.
Ninth: Law; religion, philosophy of life; higher education, advanced studies; teaching or
preaching; foreign countries and travel. Issues to Work on: Difficulties with religious or spiritual
beliefs. Barriers to education. The philosophy of life, which may underlie attitudes toward growth
and healing. People Represented: College professors and other teachers and mentors. Ministers,
spiritual teachers, gurus, motivational speakers, inspirational writers. Lawyers, judges. Publishers,
editors. People and businesses from foreign countries who touch your life, travel agents.
Tenth: Career and long-term goals; how you’re remembered; parental authority; bosses and the
type of boss you are; your reputation and standing in the community. Issues to Work on: What
parents were like as authority figures, and attitudes toward authority figures; role models for
becoming a parent or boss. Orientation toward career, success, and status in the world, as well as
the most suitable careers. Career blockages can be seen that improve with healing work, with best
timing indicated by transits. People Represented: Parents as authority figures, career mentors,
bosses, supervisors. You as a parent or boss. “The Authorities”—elected officials, police.
Eleventh: Friendship; how you fit in with your peers; group and organization membership;
networking, astrology; social causes; aspirations. Issues to Work on: Problems with peers; how
important friends are and what role they play in your life. When this house is strong, person may
be concerned with social causes and getting involved in causes may be healing. People
Represented: Friends, associates, members of your peer group, your social circle. Respected
colleagues. Members of groups and organizations you join. Social activists.
Twelfth: Secrets we keep from ourselves and others; self-defeating behavior; service; retreats
from the world like ashrams; spiritual practices and the spiritual path; chronic or psychosomatic
illness. Issues to Work on: retreat from the world—the unconscious, dreams, spiritual pursuits,
service. Repressed material that comes out in psychosomatic or chronic disease or self-defeating
actions. (Places where you’re your own worst enemy.) People Represented: Secret connections,
such as extramarital affairs. Members of A.A. and other 12-step programs. Secret enemies,
drinking buddies, and those who undermine us—ourselves when we’re our own worst enemy.
Patients and staff of chronic care facilities like hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons. Members of
ashrams and spiritual groups. Selfless servers like nuns, monks, and volunteers.

The Stellium Handbook

©2013 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter 5—Understanding Stelliums in the 7th -12th Houses

Let’s continue our exploration of the houses by taking a closer look at the 7th through 12th. If your
stellium falls into one of them, that house takes on a heightened importance in your life. The
combination of the stellium’s house plus sign reveals a great deal about your life purpose and
how you handle the things that matter most to you.

Our exploration of each house will include two or more examples of sign/house combinations,
but to do all of them would require 144 mini-readings. I’m not going to do that, so instead you’ll
be guided, step-by-step, in analyzing your own stellium’s sign/house combination in a section at
the beginning of Chapter 6.

For additional information on individual houses, here’s a downloadable chapter from my book for
astrology students, An Astrological Guide to Self-Awareness: AGSA ch13-houses.

What to Expect from a 7th House Stellium

(Shares concerns and interests with Venus and Libra)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others may be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

The 7th house describes how we function in committed relationships such as marriage and
partnerships of all kinds, including business. "Surely," you may be thinking, "this is where your
theory goes wrong. It’s up to the other person whether he loves me and wants to be close to me."

That’s true, and yet we seem to attract people who fit our unconscious beliefs and needs, healthy
or unhealthy. Some people marry repeatedly but always to someone who turns out to fit one basic
pattern, no matter how different the partners seem on the surface.

The 7th house cusp is one of the 4 major chart angles, along with the 1st, 4th, and 10th.
The actual Descendant—the sign and degree where the 7th house begins—is a point of power.
When natal planets are within 10° either side of it, they illustrate major patterns in our
relationships. We’ll discuss all 4 angles as we explore the houses they belong to, but here let’s
look at the Descendant.

The Descendant is directly opposite the Ascendant (also known as the Rising Sign). It
follows, then, that who we attract (the Descendant) is the direct opposite of the
characteristics we’re most comfortable showing the world (the Ascendant). Aries Rising puts
Libra on the Descendant, Taurus Rising puts Scorpio on the Descendant, and so on.

The Descendant describes qualities we deny having and that we then project onto our
partners. When natal planets fall into the 7th, they describe our partnerships—both the actual
individuals and the type of connection between you.

If you have a 7th house stellium, you may marry or have committed relationships several times. If
so, the series of planets involved, in order of their appearance, may describe the series of partners.
If they each wind up being unhappy relationships, a repetitive pattern in choosing partners may be
operating. However, when your own underlying needs and motivations are faced and dealt with,
you’d be free to find a different kind of relationship.

In great part, we disown the qualities 7th house planets describe and project them onto the partner.
With Mars in the 7th, we might tell ourselves, “I’m never aggressive or temperamental, but I
always seem to attract people who are.” Or, if it’s Uranus, we might say, “I’m not nearly as bright
or quirky as those Uranians, but at least I’m not always trying to provoke The Powers that Be.”

Individuals with Mars and Uranus conjunct in the 7th may repeatedly get involved with unstable
and even volatile people. Instead of living out the energies of Mars and Uranus through a partner,
these individuals need to express more of their own unconventional nature and give themselves
more freedom. Then they’d have less need to choose partners who act out the traits associated
with Mars and Uranus for them.

Look at the sign on the 7th house cusp and the stellium planets within it, to see which of your own
less-than-conscious qualities and needs your partners may be expressing. In order to sustain your
relationships, embrace those qualities within yourself and learn how to use them positively. With
several planets in the 7th, you’re likely to have turned the qualities and functions of several natal
planets over to those you’re closest to.

With a stellium in this house, a committed relationship becomes vital to your fulfillment, and yet
it can be extremely complicated and anything but serene. When you expect and need so much
from one person, he or she couldn’t possibly do it all. Accept that what you’re asking is
unrealistic, and you could get what you need from people, like family, friends, or even a healer.

With a stellium there, the mix of planets can make it more difficult to maintain harmony
within the relationship. One reader with a 7th house stellium writes, “I realize during the rare
disagreements with my partner how much I have invested in this area of my life. It’s his family I
like, we share income, home, and children.

“If it breaks apart, there’ll be a huge hole. I’ve used the relationship as a mirror and have done
tremendous work on myself through it. The problem with one person being the be all and end all
is that during disagreements you feel you’ll loose everything if it doesn’t work out.. Because so
much is invested in that tie, rather than just a simple disagreement, it feels like life and death.”

Are you guaranteed a partnership? It depends on the signs and planets involved. Another
reader notes, “I have a stellium in Libra in my 7th house, but I’ve never been in a romantic
relationship of any sort, and I am 28. I am constantly reminded of being alone—I have this deep
yearning to be with a partner. There’s sort of a feeling that if I find someone, somehow
everything will sort itself out. I think a big part of the lesson here is that I shouldn’t require
someone else to ‘complete’ myself—such a temptation for a Libra. Who knows, maybe if I really
truly accept this, I’ll find a relationship. That’s the question, eh?…..”

Things to do to kick your 7th house stellium up a notch:

 Analyze your closest relationships and why they do or don’t work
 The part that’s you, you can change; you can’t change anyone else
 Pursue some of your own interests, even if your loved ones don’t enjoy them

 Find the romantic part of you that serves the beloved

 Respect yourself and others
 Look at yourself through the eyes of others
 Listen to someone’s story without judgment
 Learn to choose your battles wisely
 Figure out how to make every negotiation a win/win situation

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Leo vs. Gemini in the 7th: Depending on the planets
involved, if you have a Gemini stellium in the 7th, you may drawn to someone younger or a Peter
Pan type who never really grows up. What you look for and value in a close relationship is
someone bright and verbal, with good communication a rewarding part of the relationship. Above
all else, you’d hate to be with someone who bored you! Over the long haul, the relationship may
evolve into a brother-sister connection.

With Leo planets in the 7th, you’d be drawn to someone with a lot of charisma or charm, a regal
sort of person who liked to show everyone a good time. Much depends on the planets involved—
for instance, if you’re born with Pluto and Saturn in the combination, your mate might fit the
qualities of Scorpio or Capricorn, so this would definitely be someone who dominates and rules.
If it’s Uranus in Leo at the core of the stellium, the partner could be an exciting sort with tons of
charisma, but in many ways a maverick.

Careers Associated with the 7th House, Venus, or Libra: matchmakers, counselors of all kind,
life coach, couples counselor, relationship guru, advice columnist, wedding planner. Agents and
representatives for people in the arts, partner in a business, diplomats, and mediators.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. (If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about those planets in Chapters 6 or 7.)

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Seventh: Partnerships—personal and business; close, committed relationships; counselors; types
of people we attract, what we want in love. Issues to Work on: Difficult experiences with
committed and long-term relationships, barriers to commitment. Where strong, it would be
important to do heart-center healing on broken or traumatic relationships. People Represented:
Your mate, life partner, or business partner. Other committed relationships like your lifelong best
friend. Your agent, life coach, counselor, or co-author. Open enemies—worthy adversaries.

What to Expect from an 8th House Stellium

(Shares concerns and interests with Pluto and Scorpio)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this

house; others may be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

Closely aligned with Pluto and Scorpio, the 8th has a number of seemingly unrelated meanings,
but we begin to see connections if we look deeper. The sign on the house cusp and the sign and
aspects of any planets in that house describe our experiences and approach to sexuality, birth,
death, rebirth, healing, regeneration, transformation, taxes, and debt. In the course of living with a
stellium in the 8th, you‘ll probably spend time and energy learning to integrate all those concerns.

A major concern with a stellium in this position is how we deal with the finances and resources of
others we’re close to—a mate, family member, or even a business partner. The opposite house is
the 2nd, which represents our own resources and finances. Money that comes from outside sources
instead of a paycheck is seen in the 8th, including not only a mate’s money, but also inheritances,
legal settlements, subsidies, grants, royalties, scholarships, and disability payments.

The 2nd /8th house pair illustrates the need to achieve balance between what’s ours and what
belongs to others. A major life lesson is keeping healthy boundaries where finances are concerned
and working on a give and take balance in dealing with others.

Another area related to the 8th is debt—since money we borrow from banks and purchases
made with credit cards isn’t earned income. I’ve had numerous clients with major placements
like stelliums or triple conjunctions in the 8th who suffered from what would have to be called an
addiction to debt. Almost like gamblers, they seemed to get a thrill from living a more affluent
life by charging things they didn’t need, despite an ever-mounting debt. (Many of the ones that fit
this pattern, I’m sorry to say, had been sexually abused as children.)

I recall one metaphysician with an 8th house stellium who led prosperity seminars and was proud
that she was helping her students become more affluent. In her chart session with me, she
announced that she was going to a posh, weeklong seminar in the Bahamas, and though she had a
considerable debt and didn’t have the money, she was going to put it on her credit cards.

Two key 8th house functions are sex and regeneration, and psychological observation seems to
confirm that they belong together. Therapists, particularly of the mind\body\spirit school, believe
sexual fulfillment can release blocked-up energy flow, regenerating you physically and mentally.

If you have an 8th house stellium, depending on the sign and planets involved, sex is likely to
be a Very Big Deal—a doorway to heaven or to hell, or a revolving door that opens on both.

A thorough analysis of your 8th house stellium helps you understand your own sexual nature.
Your attitudes and any difficulties with sex, and those conditions that turn you on can be seen
through this house, including the sign on the cusp and any planets it contains. This is another area
where astrology can help you discover your true self, apart from strictures imposed by society.

The 8th is the house of regeneration, and the sign and planets there show what regenerates
us. People don't take the need for renewal seriously enough, and thus many people are chronically
fatigued or dependent on stimulants like Red Bull. With several planets in this house, it’s
important to attend to renewing yourself just as consistently as to family or relationships.

Your 8th house shows ways you can regenerate yourself, so you can turn to those activities more
consciously and purposefully. A person with Pisces planets there, for instance, might find
listening to uplifting music or going to the movies or the seashore helpful. A person with Taurus

planets in the 8th might find it refreshing to garden or raise houseplants. Plan your next vacation
around your 8th house and you may get much more out of it than usual!

The 8th is also known as the house of death and rebirth, but grief is almost a taboo emotion in
our society. Sometimes transits to an 8th house stellium represent a period of losses, and yet,
we’re expected to get over them quickly and get on with things. Unfortunately, unresolved grief
can cause serious difficulties, like a low-grade and persistent depression or loss of interest in life
and former activities. If you’ve cut the natural grieving process short because of pressure from
others, find resources where those feelings are accepted so that a rebirth can occur.
A Plutonian gives a long-range perspective on the 8th: “I have an 8th house stellium of Mars,
Pluto Sun, and Mercury. There have been many endings in my life. I’m almost 70 and have
learned how to live with loss, and use it in a helpful, peaceful way. It took me 40 years to get it
right, though.”

Things to do to kick your 8th house stellium up a notch:

 List the things that heal and regenerate you and do them more often
 Work to maintain an even give and take in your closest relationships
 Keep your insurance papers, deeds, and other important documents in order
 Recycle things you no longer need
 Learn the art of intimacy
 Read the Kama Sutra
 Treat the treasures of others as truly valuable
 Resurrect something that you let go of years ago but used to love
 Memorialize someone who has passed away
 Create a private, personal release ceremony for something you mourn
 Ponder how you’d want the things you own distributed if you died, and make a will.
 Learn to use your stellium and other key chart features well so that you can have a legacy

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Aquarius vs. Gemini in the 8th: Just because many
astrologers aren’t comfortable talking to clients about sex, let’s focus on that as one of the many
facets of an 8th house stellium.

If you have an Aquarius stellium in the 8th, that usually puts Cancer on the Ascendant.
Despite having the rather tradition-bound sign Cancer rising, what turns you on will not be
traditional or "respectable" but something modern and unusual. It is important to know that it’s
society's inhibitions rather than your own that result in disapproval. The fact that society hasn't
caught up with you needn’t keep you from being fully expressed sexually, providing no one is
hurt in the process. However, disapproval may wound the sensitivity typical of Cancer rising
people, sometimes resulting in an Aquarian detachment from 8th house matters such as sex.

A stellium in Gemini in the 8th: Depending on the planets involved, you’d certainly have lots of
interesting ideas about sex and are more prone to trying them out than most people. Dirty talk
turns you on. You love to talk about your experiences to the right people, and no doubt, you find
an audience that loves to listen. Sexual experiences keep you young at heart, so depending on the
planets involved, you could live a long time. What would your Ascendant be? Why, most
likely Scorpio, the sign naturally associated with the 8th!

Careers Associated with the 8th House, Pluto, or Scorpio: healer, shaman, psychotherapist.
OB/GYN staff, midwife, fertility specialist, sex therapist. Hospice staff, grief counselors, funeral
director, trust fund administrator. Stockbroker, CPA, Insurance agent. Welfare worker. Bill
collector, credit counselor, IRS agent.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Eighth: Sexuality; money you don’t earn (inheritances, scholarships, etc); taxes; partner’s
resources; birth; death; transformation; healing. Issues to Work on: Attitudes and experiences of
sexuality, sexual preferences, how important this area is to the individual. Deaths of people
important to the person, mourning, where grief work is needed. Kinds of healing most beneficial
to the individual. Where strong, the person is like to have healing or mediumistic abilities. People
Represented: Sexual partner. Gynecologist. Healer. People who share joint finances and
resources, like a mate or business partner. Other supports like investors, trust fund executors, or
Social Security. C.P.A. or financial planner. Dead people who stay in touch. Family or others
who dole out money, then make you pay, pay, pay. Creditors like banks or credit card companies.

What to Expect from a 9th House Stellium

(Shares concerns and interests with Jupiter and Sagittarius)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others may be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

The sign Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter are naturally connected to the 9th. People with a strong
9th house—like the Sun, Moon, or several planets there—often share the Sagittarian focus on
higher education and seeking answers to life’s bigger questions.

Given several planets there, at different times in your life, you might be preoccupied with religion
(even with world religions), philosophy, law or, publishing. A lifelong student but a teacher at
heart, you’re likely to wind up teaching some of what you’ve learned in your areas of interest
when you reach a point of mastery.

Unlike a concentration in the 3rd, which often relates to casual or brief studies on a variety of
subjects, the 9th specifically depicts coursework toward a degree or certification that leads to
employment–or at least employability, no guarantees today–given that the career-related
Midheaven and 10th house follow immediately.

Getting an education is an important concern with a stellium there, yet the planets involved may
show that it’s a complicated issue. Having the Moon in the 9th often indicates a mother who
placed a high value on education and pushed hard for her children to get one. With Uranus in the
mix, education could be interrupted or happen in spurts, perhaps even involving independent
studies. In part, this could be due to the person’s unconventional beliefs and interests, as well as
rebellion against traditional academic authorities.

Saturn in this house could symbolize delays or difficulties, perhaps due to financial hardship or
family responsibilities. Pluto or Scorpio planets there often correspond to resentment toward
people who are better educated and thus have better career opportunities. Either Pluto or Saturn,
however, can indicate the perseverance and commitment needed for an advanced degree.

When one of the slower-moving planets transits the 9th, I’ve very often seen people go back to
school, no matter what their age. No matter how old you are, Saturn’s transit through the 9 th often
shows going back to school for career advancement.

A concentration of planets in the 9th might also convey that teachers of one kind or another have
powerfully influenced your life and belief system. Depending on the sign and planets involved,
these may be spiritual teachers rather than academic ones.

The type of influence—whether positive or problematic—is described by the planets. Saturn in

the stellium can indicate a mentor, no doubt a tough one who expects a lot from you. Pluto or
Neptune can show that these relationships take difficult turns because of murky motives or

A stellium in the 9th also frequently correlates with an interest in foreign countries, with a
strong possibility of travel or involvement in foreign trade. A 9th house Moon often shows
coming into your own by traveling, studying, or living abroad.

Like the tiny version of an Astro*Carto*Graphy map shown

here, a map of the world based on your natal chart can show
countries that impact your life in some way. The lines on the
map show where your natal planets shift to one of the 4th
chart angles, and thus become stronger. They represent areas
where you might live, travel or do business.

If you have a stellium, several lines on your map will be

bunched together because of their proximity in the birth chart, and so it becomes difficult to sort
out their conflicting energies. Therefore, I’d advise that you consult someone certified in these
techniques before making a life-changing decision about where to live or do business. (Get more
information and find certified practitioners here: Relocation Astrology Information and

You don’t need to travel to a country for it to affect your life. My map shows a dozen areas where
my books have been translated into foreign languages. One of my Jupiter lines runs right through
the city in India where the only teacher I would have considered a guru was born.

For more information on these maps, where to buy them, and astrologers who are certified to interpret
them, visit The best book on this relocation technique is Psychology of
Astro*Carto*Graphy® by Jim Lewis with Kenneth Irving.

Things to do to kick your 9th house stellium up a notch:

 Take a refresher course to update skills for your work
 Take a month to reread those favorite books on your shelves
 Reread an inspirational or self-help author who helped you through a bad time
 Write to or about a teacher who brought out the best in you
 Do a gratitude list each day for a week, a month, or more
 Pick a spiritual practice and do it daily for a week, a month, or more
 List 10 things you firmly believe—then write why they might not be true
 Attend a service for an unfamiliar religion…or one you no longer belong to
 Watch the travel channel or a travelogue about a land you want to visit
 Learn a foreign cuisine, and read best sellers from that country
 Plan for and make a pilgrimage, if only in your mind

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Pisces vs. Taurus in the 9th: Pisces may not be the best
sign for a degree in physics or chemistry, but it’s a beautiful one for spiritual studies like world
religions and spiritual practices like meditation. A spiritual teacher with a Pisces stellium could
be inspiring and intuitive, yet might become enmeshed with students in an enabling or
codependent manner. When living or traveling abroad, the person could have a strong desire to
serve those who are suffering, but might be a soft touch for deceptive people who portray
themselves as victims but aren’t.

Someone with a Taurus stellium in the 9th might find God in nature and peace in the natural
rhythms of the earth. Depending on the planets in the group, Taurus may have a down-to-earth
practicality and good instincts that can make them very successful at doing business abroad or
with imports. If they studied law, another 9th house occupation, they could be very accomplished
in business or corporate law.

Careers Associated with the 9th House, Jupiter, or Sagittarius: College professors and other
important teachers and mentors. Ministers, spiritual teachers, gurus, motivational speakers,
philosophers, authors of inspirational books. Lawyers, judges. Publishers, editors. Import/export
representatives, employees working abroad, People and businesses from abroad that touch your
life, travel agents, tour guides, travel writers, translators/interpreters of foreign languages.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Ninth: Law; religion, philosophy of life; higher education, advanced studies; teaching or
preaching; foreign countries and travel. Issues to Work on: Difficulties with religious or spiritual
beliefs. Barriers to education. The philosophy of life, which may underlie attitudes toward growth
and healing. People Represented: College professors and other teachers and mentors. Ministers,
spiritual teachers, gurus, motivational speakers, inspirational writers. Lawyers, judges. Publishers,
editors. People and businesses from foreign countries who touch your life, travel agents.

What to Expect from a 10th House Stellium

(Shares concerns and interests with Capricorn and Saturn)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others may be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

The 10th house represents the career, long-term goals, lifetime achievements, and our ultimate
status in the world. Depending on the signs and planets involved in the stellium, people with a
strong 10th house emphasis are usually very career-oriented, rather than necessarily focused on
money (2nd) or on work for its own sake (6th). If money is important to them, it’s more for the
status it confers.

These individuals are intensely motivated by long-range goals and by accomplishing something
meaningful. They yearn to make an impact on their world and often seek recognition. Here’s an
explanation of the differences between these three career houses: Career Differences
between the 10th, 2nd, and 6th House.

A reader explains her 10th house stellium this way: “In the 10th, I’ve got the Sun and Venus in the
late Cancer, and Pluto and Mercury conjunct in Leo. So, I have 8 empty houses! No wonder I’m
so mission driven and focused. For a long time, I didn’t have a private life at all. I didn’t even
own clothes I could relax and hang out in. Leisure? What’s that?”

The career track would seldom be traditional when the 10th house features the outer planets—
Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto—or the signs they rule—Aquarius, Pisces, or Scorpio. Typically, it
takes people with these placements longer to find their true vocation, since it’s challenging to
integrate these planets’ energies into the workplace, merging society’s concerns and career.

For instance, people with Uranus near the Midheaven—10° either side of it—might gain
recognition by shocking us and shaking up the status quo. People with Neptune near the
Midheaven might yearn for a career that is artistic and creative, and could feel trapped in a
mundane job.

The 10th house cusp is one of the 4 major angles of the chart, along with the 1st, 4th, and 7th.
The actual Midheaven—the sign and degree where the 10th house begins—is a point of power.
When natal planets are within 10° either side of it, it illustrates major career patterns and
developments. We’ve discussed the 3 other angles as we explored the houses they belonged to, so
now let’s look at the Midheaven.

The 10th house and Midheaven depict our relationships with bosses and other authority figures. It
describes how these relationships affect our success. It’s almost universal to carry over early
experiences with parental figures—both positive and negative—into our expectations of bosses.
Consequently, our relationships with bosses are shaped by these experiences.

If the 10th house holds a stellium that includes the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto—
there’d be a family history that would complicate matters greatly. Many individuals with these
planets in the 10th, especially conjunct the Midheaven, grew up in dysfunctional homes, with
difficult or inconsistent experiences of parental authority.

If so, they may have adopted coping mechanisms to survive childhood that they carry over into
adult relationships with supervisors. Unfortunately, strategies that were functional for them
growing up may not be appropriate in dealing with the chain of command on the job.

Trying to make a parent of a boss doesn't work out well. The boss just wants to get the job
done; he's not looking to adopt us!

Living up to—or Living Down the Dominant Parent: One of the things your Midheaven
represents is the dominant parent, whether it’s Mom or Dad, and what kind of a role model they
were in pursuing a career. It describes their effect on your career choice and on your success

The effect becomes more complicated when there’s a planet within 10° of the Midheaven,
because this often shows a parent who was a larger than life figure with a recognizable name in
the community. They may have been notable for their accomplishments, in which case, you’d feel
you had to live up to them. Or, they have been notorious for their worst characteristics, in which
case, you’d have to live them down. In either case, that planet on the Midheaven puts you in the
public eye, and people from your hometown often expect that you’ll take after that parent.

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Cancer vs. Aries in the 10th: With a 10th house stellium
in family-oriented Cancer, you may follow in family members’ footsteps or work in a family
business. The dominant parent would have served as a role model for the career—for better or for
worse. With the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer on the Midheaven, we might suspect the mother
would have been a stronger influence on career choice

Depending on the planets in the combination, the careers a person with a stellium in Cancer might
pursue could be similar to those listed for the 4th house. They include: interior decorator, home
builder, home repair, cook/chef; day care worker, foster parent, nanny, house manager, apartment
manager, and realtor. Geriatric specialist, caregiver for the elderly, family counseling, and
genealogist.. Beyond that, you’d look at careers for the sign ruled by planets in the stellium—
Leo for the Sun, Sagittarius for Jupiter, Libra for Venus, and so on.

With an Aries stellium in the 10th, the dominant parent may have been a dynamo who was a
natural leader, never stopping to rest because the next project was always right around the corner.
Less desirable qualities might be impatience, a short attention span for longer-term goals, or even
aggressiveness. Much depends on the planets in the stellium, of course, because Saturn there
would slow them down considerably, but add some much-needed perseverance to the mix.

Things to do to kick your 10th house stellium up a notch:

 Analyze your parents as role models for your career
 Consider if you’ve become like your own parents with your kids or employees
 Take your boss or dad out for a non-business lunch and get to know them as people
 What are your true long-term goals, and what steps can you take now to achieve them?
 What did you dream of becoming as a child? How many different careers did you plan?
 Find or be a mentor
 List the activities and performance standards that make you feel successful
 Are there ways you sabotage your own career progress? What can you do to stop?
 Establish an inner board of directors to make your decisions
 Lead by example

Careers Associated with the 10th House, Saturn, or Capricorn: Managerial and administrative
staff from CEOs to foreman in a plant. The president of an organization or corporation. Mayor,
Governor, chairman of the board and elected officials; government officials. Long-range
planners, urban development.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

You’ll find a series of blog articles about the Midheaven and 10th house here:
Midheaven 101—What the 10th House Cusp Shows about You.
Readers Ask—Q & A about the Midheaven
Readers Ask—Q & A about the 10th House
Inner Planets Conjunct the Midheaven—Are You Larger than Life?
The Midheaven/IC Axis: Who Wore the Pants in your Family?
The Midheaven in Synastry—Meaningful Career Connections
Neptune Squaring the Midheaven—How It Affects your Career
Research Question—What did You Want to Be when You Grew Up?

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Tenth: Career and long-term goals; how you’re remembered; parental authority; bosses and the
type of boss you are; mentors; your reputation and standing in the community. Healing Issues:
What the parents were like as authority figures, and attitudes toward authority figures; role
models for becoming a parent or boss. Orientation toward career, success, and status in the world,
as well as particular types of careers that would be most suitable. Career blockages can be seen
here, to improve with healing work, with best timing indicated by transits. People Represented:
Parents as authority figures, career mentors, bosses, supervisors. You as a parent or boss. “The
Authorities”—elected officials, board members, police system.

What to Expect from an 11th House Stellium

(Shares some concerns and interests with Aquarius and Uranus)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others may be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

The 11th house, related to the sign Aquarius and the planet Uranus, deals with a number of
concerns: friendship, how you fit in with your peers, group and organization membership,
networking, astrology, and social action. When this house is strong, the person may be concerned
with social causes and so getting involved in causes may be healing.

Let’s focus here on what it shows about your friendships and participation in groups. With a
stellium in the 11th, you may have several types of friends, as described by the planets involved.
They may be so different from one another that they just don’t mesh.
For instance, with both Uranus and Saturn conjunct as part of the combination, you may have one
group of conventional friends—the Saturnian type—and another that are wilder or more
unconventional—the Uranians. When Saturn is placed there, it may also show that older friends
have been helpful influences, even becoming mentors for our missions.

An excellent book that explores the many dimensions of these key relationships is Carlin Flora’s
book, Friendfluence: The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us who We Are. Here’s the

“Discover the unexpected ways friends influence our personalities, choices, emotions, and
even physical health in this fun and compelling examination of friendship, based on the
latest scientific research and ever-relatable anecdotes. Friendfluence surveys online-only
pals, friend break-ups, the power of social networks, envy, and the dark side of amiable ties,
and many varieties of friendship. Told with warmth, scientific rigor, and a dash of humor,
Friendfluence not only illuminates and interprets the science but draws on clinical
psychology and philosophy to help readers evaluate and navigate their own important

Studies show that women in crisis are more likely than men to talk it out with friends and bond
tightly. Rather than the “flight or flight” approach men take under duress, the female coping
model is called, “tend and befriend.” When a woman is in crisis, therefore, we’d find clues to her
support network by analyzing the 11th house of her astrology chart.

Friendships can be diverse and complex, especially if several planets and more than one sign are
involved in that house. What would be strongest in showing what friendship is like for you are
first the planets involved, then their sign plus the sign on the cusp of the 11th, and then any slow-
moving transiting planets moving through that house.
Rightly used, friendship can be a great source of support. Friends often support and inspire creative
people or those who are trying to change society for the better. However, friends—even our very
best friends for life—can also enable one another’s bad habits and behavior patterns. Pairs of
friends can be codependent in ways that keep individuals from growing and being all they can be.

For example, suppose you already have 125 pairs of shoes, and your good buddy knows you’ve
maxed out all but one of your credit cards, but she calls to tell you about a fabulous shoe sale you
two have just GOT to get to before they’re all gone. Or, maybe your pleasingly plump pal has
decided to diet, but you supply her with excuses for why she shouldn’t start today. AND you
bring along a pint of her favorite double chocolate ice cream when you come for supper.

Good friends are rare gifts who encourage and strengthen us. Sometimes, however, the opposite
is true: people you thought were friends do not appear happy or are even actively jealous when you
succeed. Friendship is based on equality, but false friends want to hold you down to their level. Peer
groups may even discourage you from standing out and exert pressure to conform.

A reader with an 11th house stellium described one major drawback of investing so much of
your time and energy in friendship: “Here’s the bottom line of an 11th house stellium for
someone like myself who has no real family ties. When push comes to absolute shove, like when

something bad that happens to your friend sets off a family crisis, you are not family, and you’re
excluded. You come to realize that:
 A friend is not family
 A friend is not a mate
 A friend is not your child, nor is a friend your mother
 A friend is just a friend, and you’re not the center of their universe
 And then you have to face the fact that at the very core of your being, you do not
Group membership—another facet of the 11th –is similar to friendship in its positive and
negative potential. Self-help groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Weight Watchers stand behind
members and help them develop. However, some use immersing themselves in certain types of
groups as a way to run away from developing themselves.
Some people spend much of their time as officers and committee members, going to endless
meetings where nothing happens but talk. Our affiliations can waste time and dissipate creative
energies unless we learn to make a positive selection of friends who encourage us and who are
seeking to develop themselves in similar ways.

When an 11th house stellium is transited by aspects from one of the slower-moving
planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto—it heralds a crisis period in one or several important
friendships. Any dysfunctional patterns in these relationships can be starkly revealed and must
evolve to healthier dynamics or else the friendship is likely to end. Alternately, a beloved friend
may be going through an upheaval and needs lots of support from you.

See articles about the 11th on my blog, Skywriter here: Readers Ask: Q&A about the 11th House,
The 11th House—an Unsuspected Resource in a Woman’s Chart, 11th House Transits—New
Departures in Friendship, and Boundaries and Friendship — Are You and Your
Friend Codependent?
Things to do to kick your 11th house stellium up a notch:
 Have a long phone chat to catch up with one of your dearest friends
 Instead of a present, give a friend the gift of your skills or presence
 Google college or high school pals to see what they’re up to
 Do something thoroughly adolescent and silly with a friend—and revel in it
 Analyze your groups to see how they enhance or detract from your goals
 Make a new internet buddy through a blog or forum with shared interests
 Make amends to an estranged friend that you’ve hurt—expect nothing
 Analyze co-dependent ties for how you’re enabling or being enabled
 Give back to groups that have helped you—volunteer for something
 Question authority—protest an injustice by taking an action

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Virgo vs. Scorpio in the 11th: Someone with a Virgo
stellium in the 11th may form their best friendships on the job or among colleagues. These hard-
working folks often have little time to socialize but can be invaluable coworkers or
employees. They open up while working side by side on meaningful shared tasks.

They can be stellar examples of a friend in need, for they yearn to be helpful, put their own needs
aside to be there for others, and possess a wealth of practical skills that meet challenging
developments. Many are informed about health and nutrition, so when you need advice or support

in that area, they know the best sources and products. They can be critical of others, but no more
so than of themselves—they’re dedicated to improving the things and people they touch.

A Scorpio stellium in the 11th often describes a pattern of intense bonds with a select few
friends. The individual might wind up a loner because "you can't trust anybody." Plutonians’ bad
experiences, however, can in part be self-created. Perhaps they are too possessive or play subtle power
games with their friends, or they go at people too intensely with the idea of making them over.

A deep fear of isolation or abandonment based in early family dynamics tends to make them hold
on too tight, potentially suffocating and driving people away. Manipulation and control issues can
taint these relationships. Sometimes, the turning point toward healing patterns like these includes
a time of being alone on purpose, so that new friendships are less of a life and death matter and so
are healthier.

Careers Associated with the 11th House or Aquarius: group or project leader, group therapist,
community organizer, staff of a nonprofit organization, activities coordinator, networker, liaison
between organizations or communities, social activist/change agent.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Eleventh: Friendship; how you fit in with your peers; group and organization membership;
networking, astrology; social causes. Issues to Work on: Problems with peers; how important
friends are and what role they play in your life. When this house is strong, person may be
concerned with social causes and so getting involved in causes may be healing. People
Represented: Friends, associates, members of your peer group, your social circle. Respected
colleagues. Members of groups and organizations you join. Social activists.

What to Expect from a 12th House Stellium

(Shares concerns and interests with Neptune and Pisces)
Reminder: The sign and planets involved in a stellium can strongly modify the way the areas of life
described by this house are approached. Some signs and planets will have a natural connection with this
house; others may be at odds with its nature. Therefore, a complete interpretation of this placement
needs to consider each of these factors. You’ll learn to do that as the book progresses.

When I first began studying astrology in 1968, astrologers did not automatically come equipped
with rose-colored glasses. They were not afraid to forecast personal disaster—in fact, they
appeared to relish it. Nowhere was that more true than in the ways the 12th house was portrayed to
astrology students and clients.

(Note: Slight exaggerations may occur—strictly for your edification. This is meant as
astrological parody. Lighten up! You’ll a more balanced perspective on the 12th below. )

In that pre-Deepak Chopra, pre-Eckart Tolle era, the 12th was described as a veritable House of
Horrors. Those unfortunates who had the Sun or Moon (or, God save us, a STELLIUM) there left
the consultation room quaking, because they now knew they were toast.

It was the house of prisons, hospitals, asylums, and other institutions. The 12th also ruled drunk
tanks back in the dark ages before they had rehabs and 12-Step programs for darned near
everything. It was known as the house of secrets, secret vices, and secret enemies. It was the
house of the unconscious and self-undoing—an antiquated term for shooting yourself in the foot.

If you were having a transit to a planet in the 12th, you may even have concluded that there was
no hope or help for you, unless you betook yourself to a monastery, where they began by shaving
your head and then amputated your 8th house.

As you can tell by the description above, the 12th house life is undeniably a difficult one with
many pitfalls. With my Sun and Jupiter in that house, I have spent the past 71 years learning how
to do it right. It doesn’t have to take you that long to figure it out. The dynamics of your 12 th
house planetary placements are often largely unconscious. That means that you’ll benefit even
more than most people with stelliums from the self-tests and regular self-inventories this book
helps you develop.

I can tell you that, as challenging as it is, 12th house placements can bring you great joy and
inner fulfillment. The rewards are quite beautiful. Like many astrologers, I believe that we
choose when to be born and we choose our astrology charts for very good and conscious reasons.

Here’s an inspiring story of someone who is using a 5-planet 12th house stellium in an amazing
way, despite being born with all his arms and legs missing. It’s Nick Vujicic, a minister and
motivational speaker with a worldwide audience for his television shows. Read about him here:
Doomed by a 12th House Stellium? Think Again!

The 12th house is not for sissies, but people who have a stellium in this house have divinely
inspired reasons for choosing it. They’re often extreme Old Souls who have incarnated a great
many times, and now they have taken on the most challenging life path of all. Perhaps their
purpose is to finish off their karma and close the chapter on many lifetimes of their history so that
they do not ever have to be born again. Amen to that.

Service—one of the 12th house person’s most generous impulses—originates in the heart. Yet, the
path to service is full of twists and turns, for if consistently pursued in unwise ways, it’s seldom
good for either party. It can sap the giver’s energy and resources while also subtly undermining
the receiver’s self-sufficiency. It turns into a relationship based on rescuing and codependency.
People who serve in order to feel needed and gain self-worth covertly sabotage those they help.

When ego or desire for personal gain enters the picture, our highest intentions can become
corrupted. Neptune and the 12th show where we are most prone to denial, so ego can masquerade
as spiritual pride. (“I’m the best servant and the humblest person in the whole wide world.”)

There are a couple of huge lessons for people with numerous planets in the 12th to learn.
One is that until you take responsibility for everything you do or allow to have done to you as an
adult, you’ll keep making the same self-defeating mistakes.

The other important lesson is that in today’s world there are no secrets. Anyone can pay $50
and find out anything about you. All your misdeeds will eventually be revealed, and people will
eventually come to know who you are.

A 12th house planet that is conjunct the Ascendant within 10° is much more apparent to
people around you and the world at large than you believe. Planets in that position often
represent a “secret” that everyone sees but doesn’t feel free to talk about, often creating a wall
between you. The closer to the Ascendant, the less of a secret it really is! You’re probably not
fooling anyone but yourself, even if they don’t feel free to call you on it. However, for the
individual with that placement, the characteristics of that planet are often unconscious.

If you live in a place where you’re keeping those parts of you hidden because who you are is not
okay, it can be a good strategy to move where you’ll find others like yourself and be accepted.
There is a technique known as Astro*Carto*Graphy that can tell you the best places to live. (Read
about it in Chapter 14.) When you move, the houses of your chart shift, and in your relocated
chart, your stellium will move to a different house. You still take your self-defeating behaviors
with you, but at least you’ll not be so misunderstood and misjudged.

THE Most Important Book abut the 12th House: Another important recommendation is to get
Tracy Marks’ major self-help book, Your Secret Self: Illuminating the Mysteries of the Twelfth
House. Ibis Press, Lake Worth, FL, 2010) I was awed to encounter this remarkably insightful and
profoundly healing book. It is sensitively and clearly written, without judgment, and reading it
will help you love yourself. This book helps you experience the beauty and the rightness of your
12th house placements without neglecting to explore the more difficult expressions.

You’ll find a series of 15 articles about the 12th house on my blog, Skywriter, starting here: 12th
House People as Introverts: the Power of Solitude.

Things to do to kick your 12th house stellium up a notch:

 Take the phone off the hook for a weekend and contemplate your life
 Go on a spiritual retreat—an organized one or one you create for yourself
 Meditate daily for a week, however you are most comfortable
 Practice Random Acts of Kindness for a week or a month
 Court dreamland revelations by journaling your nightly dreams
 List 5 ways you regularly shoot yourself in the foot and figure out why
 Make it a project to stop at least one of them
 Befriend someone who’s suffering the way you once suffered and overcame
 Visit someone in a hospital, prison, or nursing home, or volunteer there.

An interesting facet of our 12th house sign and planets is that the house that follows it is the 1st.
The 12th house represents secrets that we keep from ourselves and others, while the cusp of
the 1st is the Ascendant—the first thing people notice about us when we first meet them.
Unless the same zodiac sign is on the 12th and 1st house cusps, there may be a huge contrast
between them, because next-door signs are very much at odds with each other.

There’s no real common ground between the element and mode of the two next-door signs.
Cancer, for instance, is a Cardinal water sign, while its next door neighbor, Leo, is fixed fire.
Capricorn is Cardinal earth, while its neighbor, Aquarius, is fixed air.

In the examples below, let’s explore how the energies of these two pairs clash and create
tension between what we want to hide (12th) and the impression present to the world (the 1st
house and Ascendant).

Sample Sign/House Combinations—Cancer vs. Capricorn in the 12th: People born with
several Cancer planets in the 12th generally have Leo Rising.

If so, that leonine pizzazz and aura of confidence may hide considerable shyness and sensitivity.
Underneath Leo’s bravado may be an ocean of insecurity. Often easily wounded, people with this
combination keep their vulnerability hidden and pretend not to mind when another’s
thoughtlessness hurts them. They may roar when they want to cry.

Since Cancer, like the 4th house, represents our roots, part of what is denied or hidden when it’s in
the 12th may be their background. If their family deviated from what’s considered socially
acceptable, they may be secretive about their origins. Depending on the planets in the
combination, their family history could lead them to a career of service. They may want to help
lessen people’s suffering, especially people with backgrounds similar to their own.

A Capricorn stellium in the 12th generally places Aquarius on the Ascendant. Aquarius rising
delights in shocking people and shaking up the status quo. Depending on planets in both these
houses, Capricorn in the 12th can hide or repress a great deal of anxiety.

The result is someone who is ballsy on the outside, but more fearful on the inside. Aquarius
scorns the established rules of behavior, while Capricorn is more traditional and yearns not only
to be acceptable but also to have all the outer trimmings of worldly success. For those born in the
late 1980s-early 90s with Capricorn stelliums in the 12th, the contrast between the two signs is
very difficult to resolve and creates a great deal of tension.

Careers Associated with the 12th House, Neptune, or Pisces: hospital staff, institutional
personnel, workers in long-term care facilities. Priest, nun, ashram staff, yoga or meditation
teacher, psychic. Staff of alcohol or drug treatment program, group home for the disabled, or
halfway house, corrections workers.

Note: The career paths mentioned are not a full list, but may stimulate you to think of the wide variety of
jobs in related fields, depending on the person's level of education. A full vocational analysis would
include signs or planets in the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house, plus aspects to the Midheaven. If this list doesn’t
ring true, then the planets and signs in your stellium are better indicators of how you could earn a
living, so read about them in the appropriate chapters.

For your stellium worksheet: If your stellium is in this house, copy and paste the table below
into the separate file you’ve created. Then highlight the issues, roles, and people connected to this
house that are important in your life at this time. Which activities do you focus on now, and
which might become important later?

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Maybe Some Other Time
Twelfth: Secrets we keep from ourselves and others; self-defeating behavior; service; retreats
from the world like ashrams; spiritual practices and the spiritual path; chronic or psychosomatic
illness. Issues to Work on: retreat from the world—the unconscious, dreams, spiritual pursuits,
service. Repressed material that comes out in psychosomatic or chronic disease or self-defeating
actions. (Places where you are your own worst enemy.) People Represented: Secret connections,
such as extramarital affairs. Members of A.A. and other 12-step programs. Secret enemies,
drinking buddies, and those who undermine us—ourselves when we’re our own worst enemy.
Patients and staff of chronic care facilities like hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons. Members of
ashrams and spiritual groups. Selfless servers like nuns, monks, and volunteers.

Coming next: Chapter 6 will show you even more things you can learn about how
your stellium is influenced by its house placement.

Stellium Handbook
©2012 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter 6–More Ways your Stellium’s House Affects You

Are you wondering how I could possibly write so much about the houses? That’s how
meaty they are in uncovering the potentials of a stellium! With this third chapter on houses,
we delve into another important dimension of a stellium’s impact.

We’ve noted that what’s most special about people on a life path that involves a stellium is that
they’re extremely focused on one narrow band of pursuits, as represented by the stellium’s house
placement. Much of their energy, commitment, and passion are bound up in achieving the most
they can in the areas of life that house represents—it’s their heart, soul, and mission. Whether
they feel like a success or failure may depend on how well those areas are going. In Chapters 4
and 5, we explored all 12 houses in depth, as well as what to expect with stelliums in each house.

In this chapter, we’ll look at various facets of your life the house position describes, including the
ways it influences your mission. You’ll also learn why people with stelliums have so many empty
houses and what that explains about their lives.

Beginners, you might consider this chapter optional or something to come back when you want
a deeper understanding of what the houses contribute. If so, skip ahead to the descriptions of
the planets in your stellium in Chapters 7 and 8.

The First Stage in Analyzing your Stellium—Combining House and Sign

To understand how your stellium’s sign and house mesh, let’s look at examples of how signs
affect the way we approach the tasks and concerns of a house. In the side-by-side comparisons
below, consider the house matters and think about how well the qualities of the sign placed there
suit the tasks involved. Let’s start by comparing Capricorn and Pisces in the 6th, the house that
describes our daily work routine and the skills and work ethic we bring to the job.

First, we’ll consider the qualities a Capricorn stellium brings to the 6th . They’re a good
match, suggesting a goal-oriented, hard working employee who’s reliable, responsible, and self-
disciplined. On the down side, pessimism and perfectionism could get the way of progress, and
there’s a possibility of turning into a workaholic.

Stellium’s House: 6th Stellium’s Sign: Capricorn

6th House Matters: Work and its Possible Constructive traits: painstaking, hard working,
meaning; work habits and attitudes; able to delay gratification, businesslike, serious, realistic,
your work ethic; types of jobs held; disciplined, structured, reliable, responsible, high standards,
coworkers and employees; foresightful. Possible Difficult Traits: perfectionistic,
occupational health problems; health, pessimistic, somber, depressed, negative, fearful, anxious,
health professionals, and health rigid, demanding, authoritarian, conservative, conventional,
habits. stingy, unbending.

Now look at what a Pisces stellium would be like in the 6th. Depending on the nature of the
work, this may or may not be a good match. For a creative, service, or spiritual field, it would be
an inspired combination. For a job like accounting that requires consistency, focus, and attention
to detail, it’s not so great! (See Fog in the Workplace—Neptune or Pisces in the Career Houses.)

Stellium’s House: 6th Stellium’s Sign: Pisces

6 House Matters: Work and its Roles: spiritual seeker, dreamer, poet, addict, visionary, dedicated
meaning; work habits and helper, psychic, artist. Possible Constructive traits: creative,
attitudes; your work ethic; types compassionate, intuitive, imaginative, empathetic, idealistic, spiritual
of jobs held; coworkers and seeker, willing to serve, forgiving, devoted, meditative, non-
employees; occupational health materialistic. Possible Difficult Traits: daydreamer, confused,
problems; health, health oversensitive, lives in a fantasy world, unrealistic, impractical,
professionals, and health habits. addiction-prone, codependent, deceitful, unreliable, escapist, martyr.

Let’s construct a similar table for your own stellium’s house/sign combination. If you
haven’t already, create a word processing file for putting together the pieces of your stellium.

 Then download a file with all the summary tables and self-tests used in this book here:
Stellium worksheet d–all tables needed plus template.
 Copy and paste the template below into the word processing file.
 Don’t know how to copy and paste? See a video here: How to Copy and Paste - YouTube
 Copy and paste a list of house matters for your stellium’s house from the summary table you
downloaded into the left hand side of the table.
 Copy and paste your stellium sign’s qualities from the summary table that lists the sign’s
qualities on the box on the right.
 Do a side-by-side comparison to spot the plusses and minuses.

We’ll be doing side by side comparisons like these each step of the way toward putting all the
pieces of the stellium puzzle together.

If your stellium’s sign/house combination doesn’t seem to hit the mark, remember that the planets in the
stellium can alter the picture considerably. We’ll find out what part they play in Chapters 7 and 8.

Stellium’s House: Qualities of the Stellium Sign:

House Matters: Possible Constructive traits:
Possible Difficult Traits:

Are you among the computer-challenged and feel you just can’t do this? So that you don’t miss
out on the insights these tables provide, find someone who can teach you or do it for you.

What to do when two houses are involved rather than just one: If you have four or more
planets in one sign, but they’re spread out over two houses, create tables for both houses. Here’s
how you’d begin to analyze a stellium in Libra split between the 6th and 7th houses:

Stellium’s House: 6th Stellium’s Sign: Libra

6 House Matters: Work and its meaning; work habits Constructive traits: Sociable, charming,
and attitudes; your work ethic; types of jobs held; gracious, attractive, warm, adaptable,
coworkers and employees; occupational health harmonious, cooperative, affectionate,
problems; health, health professionals, and health habits agreeable, good people skills, team player,
6th House People: Employees, coworkers & contractors. likable, able to compromise. Difficult Traits
Health care personnel, both mainstream & alternative. People pleaser, indecisive, vain, overly
Your computer guy or gal, that headhunter who’s concerned with appearance, coasting on
promised you a much better job, & other business charm rather than effort, indolent, hedonistic,
consultants fit here. superficial, unreliable.

Stellium’s House: 7th Stellium’s Sign: Libra

7 : Partnerships—personal and business; close, Constructive traits: Sociable, charming,
committed relationships; types of people we attract, gracious, attractive, warm, adaptable, harmonious,
what we look for in love. 7th House People: Your cooperative, affectionate, agreeable, good people
mate, life partner, or business partner. Other skills, team player, likable, able to compromise.
committed relationships like your lifelong best Difficult Traits People pleaser, indecisive, vain,
friend. Your agent, therapist, life coach, counselor, too concerned with appearance, coasting on charm
or co-author. Open enemies—worthy adversaries. rather than effort, indolent, hedonistic, unreliable.

Of the two houses, a Libra stellium is more naturally related to the 7th house, so depending on the
planets involved, it’s a good indication for marriage. Still, Libra’s people skills would be an asset
on a job where there’s considerable public contact.

Are your Stellium’s Sign and House a Good Match?

Do the house matters and the sign’s qualities fit together naturally, or are they a mismatch? Here
are some examples of sign and house pairs that don’t mix easily. It’s not just a matter of
comparing apples to oranges—those are both fruits, at least! You can do it, but it’s not an easy set
of traits and interests to juggle.

It’s your turn to do the interpretation—take each area of life signified by the house, and
then look at the qualities of the sign to see if you can spot the reasons it’s a mismatch.

4th House Concerns: Qualities of the Sign Aquarius:

Home and home life; roots; family ties; Interests: advanced ideas, computers, technology, fads,
family of origin issues; home-based trends, modern life, peer group. Roles: inventor, scientist,
businesses; heredity; family influence; tech support, trendsetter, maverick, activist, adolescent.
the nurturing parent; our senior years. Constructive traits: avant-garde, futuristic,
People Represented: Mom & Dad, unconventional, state-of-the-art, leading edge, genius,
mother & father figures, roommates & humanitarian, thinking out-of-the-box, idealistic,
other folks who live with you, innovative, brilliant, detached, free.
ancestors, elderly relatives, people from Difficult Traits: willfulness, knee-jerk rebel, saboteur,
your old hometown. Home agitator, maverick, eccentric, cold, contrary, elitist, erratic,
maintenance, interior decorators, stubborn undependable, distractible, explosive,
contractors, & landscape artists. unemotional.

12th House Concerns: Qualities of the Sign Leo:

Secrets we keep from ourselves and others; Interests: themselves, family, people,
self-defeating behavior; Dedicated service to stylishness, lively social occasions. Roles:
others; spiritual practices and the spiritual path; shining star, King or Queen, golden girl or boy,
chronic or psychosomatic illness. People diva, center of action, leader.
Represented: People we keep secret, such as Constructive traits: confident, high visibility,
extramarital affairs. Members of A.A. & other charismatic, dramatic, personable, sociable,
12-step programs. Secret enemies, drinking loyal, generous, vibrant, sunny, regal, focused
buddies, & others who undermine us—ourselves on self-expression and self-development.
when we’re our own worst enemy. Patients & Difficult Traits: egotistical, conceited, diva,
staff of chronic care facilities like hospitals, hungry for praise and attention, pretentious,
nursing homes, & prisons. Members of ashrams high maintenance, false pride, self-centered,
& spiritual groups. Selfless servers like nuns, entitlement issues, grandiose, melodramatic.
monks, & volunteers.

10th House Concerns: Qualities of the Sign Pisces:

Career and long-term goals; how you are Interests: music, the arts, alleviating suffering,
remembered; parental authority; psychic phenomena, spirituality. Roles: spiritual
how you are as a parent; bosses and the seeker, dreamer, poet, addict, visionary, dedicated
type of boss you are; your reputation and helper, psychic, artist.
standing in the community. Constructive traits: creative, compassionate,
intuitive, imaginative, empathetic, idealistic,
People Represented: Parents as authority spiritual seeker, willing to serve, forgiving,
figures, career mentors, bosses, devoted, meditative, non-materialistic.
supervisors. You as a parent or boss. “The Difficult Traits: daydreamer, confused,
Authorities”—elected officials, board oversensitive, lives in a fantasy world, unrealistic,
members, police. impractical, addiction-prone, codependent,
deceitful, unreliable, reclusive, escapist, martyr.

5th House Concerns: Qualities of the Sign Capricorn:

Children; the Inner Child; Interests: career, accomplishments, status, management,
learning how to play; history, perfection, propriety. Roles: planner, supervisor,
leisure activities; hobbies authority, parent, troubleshooter, organizer, manager, mentor.
romance; creativity; Constructive traits: hard working, able to delay gratification,
performing; theater. businesslike, serious, realistic, disciplined, organized, reliable,
People Represented: Your responsible, high standards, foresightful, cautious, resourceful.
Inner Child. Lovers. People Difficult Traits: bossy, conservative, stuck in the past, rigid,
who share creative pursuits or over-ambitious, insecure, anxious, unimaginative,
hobbies. Companion pets (not opportunistic, inhibited, snobbish, skeptical, pessimistic,
working farm animals). gloomy, workaholic.

Why House Systems Matter

There are several systems for dividing the astrology chart’s 12-slice pie. Favorites come and go,
but the eternal and infernal dispute over which camp has THE system never goes away.

The house system choice is important. If you compare your chart wheel in different systems,
the signs and degrees on the cusps (borderlines) of several of the houses can change. Therefore,
stellium planets may change houses. It’s worth comparing different systems to see whether your
stellium’s house changes. The system an astrologer uses is noted on the chart printout. (See: How
Do House System Choices Affect Your Chart?)

The two most common house systems are Placidus and Koch. I've found Placidus to be
accurate, but that's what I learned as a student. The four chart angles—the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th—
remain the same in most systems. The angles are power points, and life-changing events often
occur when transits affect them. Equal and Whole Sign houses ignore some angles and result in
an artificially uniform 30° house width, so I don’t recommend using them in analyzing a stellium.

Is this controversy between house systems a problem with astrology or with the all-too-
human insistence on setting up systems and then stubbornly defending them? (“My mind’s
made up—don’t confuse me with the facts.”)

What if house borders actually are as arbitrary as state

borders, and the cusps are gray areas that shade gradually
from one house to the next? I’ve often found that a
planet sitting within 5° of the border between two
houses can blend the meanings of both.

A planet on the cusp between the 5th and 6th might

explain why your job (the 6th) involves children, leisure
activities, or creativity (5th house). A planet on the cusp
between the 2nd (money earned) and 3rd (communication)
could signify good earning potential in communication

The house system people swear by is often one that

puts their own planets in the best light. If you had to
decide between Venus (the Goddess of love) in the 11th–
the house of friends and groups–or in the 12th–which may
show self-sabotage and secret affairs, which would you

Even given tons of evidence for a 12th house Venus, some people would decide it’s in the 11th,
because they do have friends and belong to groups, even if those relationships tend to turn
increasingly toxic over time. That may not be an objective choice or help them deal with their 12 th
house energies consciously and effectively, but, hey, it makes them feel better.

How to Interpret a House Stellium with Two Different Signs

Remember that a stellium by house means that there are four or more planets in that house,
but not necessarily all in the same sign. You often find stelliums in which a house contains
planets in two next-door signs that are very different in nature. This makes interpretation more
complicated. It’s still a stellium, but typically there are several planets in one sign and a maverick
planet or two in the other.

The planets in the sign with fewer planets still play an important role, even one that works
to your advantage when you make the right use of their differences. The good traits of the
lesser-represented sign can offset the less than wonderful traits of the other sign if you learn to
use them consciously. They pull you back off the ledge when you’re about to bungee dive into the
worst qualities of the signs involved.

What you have on your hands is a lot like owning a small business with several people on staff.
Three or four of the staffers are alike in many respects (the planets in the same sign), so they’re
pretty much on the same page about how to operate. This makes them a smooth-running team,
though maybe a bit too stuck in their ways.

Then there’s that guy—the staffer who’s so different that he stands out like a sore thumb (that’s
the planet in the next-door sign). He has very different ideas about how to operate, and that can
either be a source of conflict in the operation OR a much-needed balance. He’s the one that steps
up to the plate when a different approach is needed or who has different set of skills to help refine
the product. His presence creates a set of checks and balances for other team members.

Here are examples of how next-door signs balance one another. Libra can tone down Virgo’s
criticisms and deliver those well-intentioned corrections with a spoonful of honey. Virgo’s
discriminating analyses can offset Libra’s tendency to fall for a pretty face and an engaging line .

In a Libra-Scorpio combination, Scorpio can add more capacity to see beneath the surface and
figure out what’s really going on in the situation. Libra can negotiate an equitable solution to
conflict when all Scorpio wants is to get even.

The first of the two signs–which is usually also the sign on the cusp of that house–leads the
action when a new situation presents itself in the mission. It sets the tone for what unfolds, but
can come on too strong in trying to make an impact.

If that’s the sign with the most planets, then that particular mode of operation dominates the
house activities. If it’s the sign with only one planet, then it sets the tone, but quickly switches to
another mode of operation (the second sign). Unless you learn to compensate, this abrupt change
can create confusion for you and for others who observe you. There might also be a sense of
repeatedly having to start over from scratch, especially during transits from slow-moving planets.

Many people born in 1987-89, 1995-6, or 2010-12 have stellium planets split between two
next-door signs. In these transitional eras, several slow-moving planets shifted signs:
1987-9: Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn all moved from Sagittarius to Capricorn
1995-6: Saturn moved from Pisces-Aries; Uranus and Neptune—from Capricorn to Aquarius
2010-12: Saturn: Virgo-Leo; Pluto: Sagittarius-Capricorn; Uranus: Pisces-Aries

Since Sagittarius-Capricorn combinations were common in 1988-89, let’s look at checks and
balances that mixture can provide by adding qualities similar to their rulers, Jupiter and Saturn:

Qualities of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius: Qualities of Saturn-ruled Capricorn:

Interests: Higher learning, synthesis of knowledge, Interests: Career, accomplishments, status,
philosophy, travel, adventure, sports. Possible management, history, perfection, propriety.
Constructive traits: Upbeat, joyful, aspiring, wise, Possible Constructive traits: Hard working, able to
philosophical, optimistic, lucky, generous, studious, delay gratification, businesslike, serious, realistic,
able to synthesize diverse sources of information, disciplined, organized, reliable, responsible, high
lifetime student, buoyant, gregarious. Possible standards, foresightful, cautious, resourceful.
Difficult Traits: Overindulgent, pushing their luck, Possible Difficult Traits: Bossy, conservative,
preachy, exaggerating, tactless, opinionated, stuck in the past, rigid, over-ambitious, anxious,
judgmental, fanatical, over-confident, pompous, unimaginative, opportunistic, inhibited, snobbish,
dogmatic, hypocritical, know-it-all. skeptical, pessimistic, gloomy, workaholic.

Here’s how they balance: Sagittarius is optimistic, sometimes more so than the situation merits,
so Capricorn can add a needed note of realism. Capricorn can be gloomy and anxious, but
Sagittarius’ upbeat outlook can part the clouds. Capricorn can be overly cautious, while Sag is
prone to taking risks. On the other hand, Capricorn can see when it’s time to put on the brakes.

Note: The 28th-29th degrees of a sign are known as critical degrees. The same is true of degree
or 0-1° of a sign. A planet at one of those degrees is mobilizing its energy for a major transition
from one sign to the sign that follows it. These aren’t easy transitions, since the energies of next-
door signs are so different. Sagittarius is Mutable fire; Capricorn is Cardinal earth.

If you’re working on a stellium that combines two signs, here’s how to construct a table for
both with the house matters thrown in. (If you’re over your head, skip this step for now.)

 Open the file with all the summary tables and self-tests used in this book you downloaded
here: Stellium worksheetc–all tables needed plus template.
 Copy and paste the template below into the word processing file
 Copy and paste a list of house matters from the summary table you downloaded into the left
hand side of the table.
 Copy and paste the qualities of sign #1 from the summary table into the box in the middle.
 Copy and paste the qualities of sign #2 into the box on the right
 Do a side-by-side comparison of the plusses and minuses of both signs as they apply to your
stellium’s house matters.

Stellium’s House: Qualities of Stellium Sign #1: Qualities of Stellium Sign 2:

House Matters: Interests: Interests:
Possible Constructive traits: Possible Constructive traits:
Possible Difficult Traits: Possible Difficult Traits:

Understanding Intercepted Signs

For Astrology Students Only: One very common circumstance that would place parts of three
signs in a single house is a feature called an interception. Sometimes, your chart may look like
it’s missing a sign altogether, in that it doesn’t appear on any of the house cusps. Interceptions
happen when a house is very wide, up to about 45°. Let’s say 28° Virgo is on the cusp of the 6 th
house and 1° Scorpio is on the cusp of the 7th. What happened to Libra? It’s in the 6th; it just
doesn’t appear on the cusp.

If your stellium planets are intercepted, you may wonder how to interpret them. Not to
worry. It’s very common—as many as one chart in six has interceptions. Unless you’re born at
the equator or unless your Ascendant and Midheaven are at right angles to one another (as often
happens with Virgo or Libra Rising), you’d have a pair of intercepted signs in houses directly
opposite on your wheel. (The houses that are opposite one another are: 1st/7th, 2nd/8th, 3rd/9th,
4th/10th, 5th/ 11th, and 6th/12th.)

In different house systems, you might have different interceptions. Trying three systems for
my chart, I came up with three sets of interceptions—the 10th/4th, the 11th/5th, or the 12th/6th. Using
the typical interpretations, I could argue for each of the three, which makes me skeptical that the
theories about interceptions are all that valid. It’s highly subjective.

We read all sorts of things about intercepted signs, but I’m inclined to take them with a
grain of salt (or, to be nutritionally PC, salt substitute). I’ve never quite bought into the teaching
that being intercepted makes a sign or planet less accessible or less important. In more than 40
years of practice with clients, I don't find planets in intercepted houses weakened in any way.
Also, if they aspect the Ascendant or Midheaven, there’s a natural outlet for their energies.

What I do consider important about an interception is that the house is very wide, up to 45° rather
than the more common 30°. The result is that when transits go through that house–especially
the slow-moving outer planets–they last a very long time compared to a house that is closer to

30°. Pluto can be in one sign for 13 years or longer, so its transit to a house that’s 45° wide might
last as long as 19 years. Quite a siege!

“Hey, You Forgot about House Rulerships!”

No, I didn’t. Not really. It’s just that the beginners who read this shouldn’t be expected to grapple
with every bit of astrological teachings, just the ones that are crucial to piecing together the
meaning of their stelliums. They’ve had to memorize the associations between houses and signs,
and to throw in the ruler of the stellium’s sign. The house of the chart the stellium’s house ruler is
placed in is still another layer of complexity—especially since the ruler could change in different
house systems. Those rulerships are just about at the bottom of the list of what makes a stellium
strong. Here, again, is the list:

Factors that Strengthen a Stellium or Triple Conjunction’s Impact:

 The number of planets involved—the more, the stronger the impact
 The closer the planets in a single or triple conjunction, the stronger
 It’s weaker when the planets in the group are far apart and not conjunct
 A stellium is strengthened when a triple conjunction is part of it
 The group is stronger when all the planets are in the same sign AND house
 Being split into two houses or two signs gives it less impact
 Groups with planets within 10° of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven are stronger
 When planets in the group are also part of a major configuration like a
T-square, Grand Trine, or Yod, it’s stronger.
 When one or more outer planets are present, it’s considerably stronger
 If the ruler of the house or sign is part of the group, it’s a bit stronger

As you can see, the ruler of the house the stellium is placed in only becomes crucial if that planet
is part of the stellium to begin with. For instance, people born in 1988-89 have a triple
conjunction or stellium in Capricorn. Saturn—the ruler of Capricorn—is one of the planets in the
group. Thus, it not only rules Capricorn, it becomes a keynote for interpreting the stellium.

Full and Empty Houses—and Why Stelliums Create more Empty Ones
Like many astrologers, I believe we make a plan for our lives in the interval before birth and that
the chart reflects that plan. Given 12 houses and only ten planets, everyone has at least two that
are vacant. People with stelliums usually have several planets clumped together in a single house
and, as a result, would have several empty houses, unless you throw in a half dozen of the
bajillion known asteroids.

This plethora of empty houses suggests that the stellium’s life plan calls for a strong focus on
certain areas—the ones with several planets. These individuals seem to have cleared the deck this
time around, letting go of worldly distractions and focusing on just a few major life tasks. The
intention seems to be to excel at a particular skill and/or mission, or to pay off loads of karma.
That single-mindedness isn’t bad by any means. We can only scatter our energies so much.

A house with no planets isn’t generally a major focus of attention or energy, yet that doesn’t
mean you’ll never find fulfillment in that area. An empty house can be compensated for by
a concentration of planets in the sign associated with that house. For instance, a concentration

of planets in the 2nd house—the house related to money earned—can be compensated for by
several planets in Taurus, a sign that often shows a gift for making money.

Likewise, you might have nothing in the 11th, the house connected with friendship, so your
connection with your peer group hasn’t been a major emphasis, but does that mean you’d never
have friends? Your best connections might be with coworkers if the stellium is in the 6th.

Novices get worried if their 7th house is vacant, thinking it means they’ll never marry. Astrology
students look for other factors in the chart that compensate.

(Astrology Students, here are some ways an empty 7th may be compensated for: How strong is
Venus? Is it a high scoring planet on the planetary tests or a low one? Do you have major
placements in Libra, especially the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant? Librans tend to marry, perhaps
repeatedly, whether their choices are sound or not. Where’s the ruler of the 7th house? If it’s in
the 4th and the 4th has many planets, then forming a family and maintaining a home life is a
stronger drive than marriage itself. The marriage may be a means to that end. )

In addition, when the current (transiting) positions of the slower-moving planets (Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune or Pluto) move into an empty house, they remain there for years and
create a focus on the matters of that house by new events, conditions, and demands.

For example, a long transit of those slow-moving planets through an empty 2 nd house corresponds
with a long series of developments in the individual’s finances. With no planets there natally,
that transit means unaccustomed amount of effort devoted to earning and managing money.

Are some Houses more Important than Others?

Absolutely not, but the world places a higher value on areas of life connected with some
houses than with others. When you first meet someone, what do they want to know about you?
They usually zero in on the four chart angles:
 How you look and dress–the 1st house/Ascendant
 What you do for a living–the 10th house/Midheaven
 Who you're married to–the 7th house/Descendent
 Where you live and your family background–the 4th house/IC.

People with planets around the cusps of these angular houses (also known as the four angles) are
high profile, especially if they’re within 10° of the angle itself. That doesn't make a 10th house or
a 1st house stellium stronger than one in the 12th; it just means that society places a greater value
on the matters of the angular houses.

If the concentration of planets is in one of the more public sectors (the 1st or up at the top of the
chart in the 9th or 10th), for better or worse, its activities are there for all the world to see. If the
stellium is in the social houses, like the 5th, 7th, 8th, or 11th, that makes personal connections a
major concern and strongly affects your relationships.

However, if the combination is in one of the more private sectors of the horoscope (like the 12 th,
4th, or 8th), then the dilemmas and drives it represents may become a lifelong but private struggle
for self-mastery. Alternately, it might produce a quiet piling up of accomplishments in that arena.
It’s no weaker in impact, just less likely to show up as public recognition.

From a higher perspective, a life spent in 12th house pursuits like spiritual practices and service to
unfortunates may bring greater rewards and personal development than one spent in the public
eye. You may feel anonymous, but 12th house types are prone to being introverts.

Your chart is perfectly designed for the work and soul development of this lifetime, and the
stellium’s house placement reflects the focus of that work.

Finding Balance—the Role of the House Opposite the Stellium

An idea we’ll keep coming back to in learning to manage a stellium is that of balance.
Preoccupation with the demands of the stellium’s house can be so intense that you become
stressed out and wired because you don't allow yourself to power down and relax. One place to
find relief and support is in the matters of the house opposite all those planets.

Compare your stellium house with that of the house opposite it in the table below. The 1st
and 7th are opposite; the 2nd house is opposite the 8th; the 3rd is opposite the 9th; and so on. As you
ponder the pairs, you may note a natural give-and-take between them that creates balance.

1st: First impressions and approach to situations; 7th: Partnerships—personal and business; close,
appearance; image; self-presentation; the basic body committed relationships; counselors; types of people
type and constitution we attract, what we look for in love.
2nd: Money and ways of earning it; ways to earn 8th: Sexuality; money you don’t earn (inheritances,
extra cash; money management and attitudes toward grants, etc); taxes; partner’s resources; death;
finance; things valued more than money. transformation; healing.
3rd: Communication; thinking and learning style; 9th: Law; religion, philosophy of life; higher
writing; siblings, near relatives, and old family education, advanced studies; teaching or preaching;
friends; neighbors; basic coursework; commuting. foreign lands.
4th: Home and home life; roots; family ties; family 10th: Career and long-term goals; how you’re
of origin issues; home-based businesses; property remembered; parental authority; bosses and the type
owned; heredity; family influence; the nurturing of boss you are; mentors; your reputation and
parent; senior years. standing in the community.
5th: Children; the Inner Child; learning how to play; 11th: Friendship; how you fit in with your peers;
romance; creativity; performing; theater; hobbies; group and organization membership; social
leisure activities; gambling; other forms of risk- consciousness, social activism; aspirations.
6th: Work and its meaning; work habits and 12th: Secrets we keep from ourselves and others;
attitudes; work ethic; types of jobs held; coworkers; self-defeating behavior; service; retreats from the
employees; occupational health problems; health, world like ashrams; spiritual practices and the
health professionals, health habits. spiritual path; chronic or psychosomatic illnesses.

How do the opposites balance one another? Take the 2nd /8th pair as an example. The 2nd house
shows how you make money, how you manage it, and both challenges and opportunities in that
area of life, as well as inner resources to fall back on. The 8th is one of the partnership houses, as
it shows resources that come from other people or from sources that you don't have to earn. Life
is much easier when you don't have to do it all by yourself, and learning how to share resources
fairly and sanely can be one of life's major lessons.

Likewise, the 10th house is your career, and with a stellium there, you can become so engrossed in
work that you neglect to nurture yourself with all the comforts of home, as represented by the 4 th
house. Spend quality time on your home life as a kind of vacation from all that hard work.

Relationships with people signified by the house opposite your stellium can also help you
stay in balance. When planets in that house form oppositions (180° angles) to planets in the
combination, the relationship can present challenges, and, at times, may seem to detract from or
outright block your mission. Learning to reconcile conflicting demands of both houses and the
parties involved can help you keep your energies in balance, rather than burning yourself out, so
consider attaining balance as part of your life curriculum.

Side by side comparisons of two opposite house pairs: Think about the natural connection
between them and how they can balance one another.

Here’s a template to make it easy to create a side by side comparison of your stellium house
and its opposite. Copy and paste the descriptions from the table of house pairs above into the
word processing file you created for notes about your stellium.

My Stellium’s House and the Associated areas The Opposite House and its Associated areas
of life: of life:

Can you see the balance the two houses provide as well as the tensions or difficulties that
might arise if you focused on the stellium house to the exclusion of the other?

Things to ask yourself:

 How much energy do I devote to the activities of the house opposite my stellium?
 How do I feel when I participate in them?
 Is that opposite house empty or occupied?
 Are there oppositions7 between planets in the two houses, and how am I handling them?
 Do I regard the needs represented by that house as detracting from my mission or as a
welcome break from the mission’s demands?

How House Meanings of a Stellium Evolve throughout Life

Each house carries a variety of expressions, all of them connected at some level, but at
different ages, some will mean more to you than others. Some will be more important in
youth; others gain in importance as you take on adult responsibilities; and some blossom in the
mature years when you have more life experience to draw on and more leisure time.

An example would be the 5th house, which describes such diverse concerns as romance, leisure
activities, creativity, children, self-expression, performing, and gambling. (When asked how they
could all be connected, Richard Idemon explained that they’re all forms of risk-taking.)

An opposition is an aspect usually formed when two planets stand in opposite signs and houses, within an
8° range. However, there are occasions when planets at the ends and beginnings of signs form out of sign
aspects to one another. We’ll discuss out of sign aspects in Chapter 11.

When we’re young, we’re free to focus on having fun, exploring the joys and woes of romance,
and expressing ourselves creatively. Once children come along, their needs occupy a great deal of
time and energy, so creative pursuits may have to move into the background. As they grow up
and need less attention, parents have time once more to explore creative and leisure activities.

Here’s one reader’s story of how changes in her use of her stellium house unfolded: “I have
a five-planet stellium in the 9th house in Cancer. A fabulous astrologer told me that there is great
potential in this ‘tiara’ of gems at the top of my chart, but alas I don’t feel I’ve lived up to it. My
career has not been stellar or the focus of my life. I put the ex-hubby’s career first for a decade
and focused intently on homemaking and child rearing and loved it.

“I divorced and got a Masters degree, and now in my 40s, I’m working to become a licensed
therapist. My fellow students are in their mid-late 20s and sometimes I feel like I’m 15 years
behind on the career path. I’m waiting for the 9th house/MC secrets to reveal themselves to me!”

My reply: “You fulfilled one of the curriculum tracks for the sign Cancer by successfully raising
a family. That is, indeed, part of your curriculum. No life experience is ever wasted, there are no
detours–and getting the Master’s and license is the second major one. Each astrologer, therapist,
or healer brings a background to their field that combines of all their experiences and skills. Your
seasoning and experience in family life is a big part of what you’ll bring to your clients.”

Readers, here are things to ask yourself:

 Were there periods of your life when some meanings of your stellium’s house were more
important to you than they are now?
 Are you interested in some of them, but other needs and demands have to come first?
 Do you still dream of pursuing them?
 What can you do NOW to keep those dreams alive?

How Transits Modify Conditions in the Stellium’s House

You’ll learn much more about transits in Chapter 10, but it’s relevant here in discussing their
effects on the house position. Typically, a slow-moving transit from the current positions of
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto will last several years and bring major changes in the matters
of that house. (If that house holds an intercepted sign, the transit can last much longer.)

When you have several planets conjunct natally, as you would in a triple conjunction or
some stelliums, a slow-moving transit is a major turning point in your life because so much is at

The current positions of these planets activate all the stellium planets one by one, in the
sequence they appear in the birth chart. As we’ll discuss in Chapter 10, the sequence of planets in
the stellium is important. It can set up a recurring story arc in your life—for better or for worse. It
has a crucial effect on the outcome of the long series of transits.

Slow-moving transits to the combination are turning points in your life because they’re
phases of maturing in how you approach those life matters. This happens periodically
throughout life during intervals when a transiting planet sets off the stellium. The result can be an
era of achievements in the matters of the house involved, a meltdown, or both during a long
transit. When a transit stimulates you to step up the ways you’re using your stellium planets to the
next level, you can gain momentum toward long-term goals or important missions.

Conscious awareness of how you’re using the energies of natal and transits planets—and
what the more desirable expressions are—would make a big difference in the outcome of
transits to the stellium. That’s what the various tools in this book are designed to help you do.
Using them, it’s possible to learn a healthier approach BEFORE rather than AFTER
making a huge mistake.

Astrology students, you might want to ask yourself:

 Are any of your empty houses being activated by transits from the outermost planets? Is that
house “heating up,” and what’s new there? What new demands are being created, and what
adjustments in the mission of your stellium’s house do they require?

 Is the house opposite your stellium being activated by transits, and what does that say about
shifting priorities and new adjustments required in your support systems?

If you’re an astrology student with a stellium, then taking a course or reading good books about
transits would help you maximize its strengths and avoid the pitfalls.

Newcomers and astrology students, if one of those planets is traveling through your stellium
sign, it would be a good time to consult a professional astrologer.

Coming next: Chapter 7 explores the part played in your stellium by the faster moving
planets—the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. A stellium’s house containing the Sun
or Moon is especially strong in its impact.

As we’ll discuss in Chapter 8, houses that hold the slower-moving planets—Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto—are often areas of difficulty. Still, those difficulties spur you on to unusual
abilities, interests, and accomplishments as you work to overcome them. Signs or planets whose
basic nature doesn’t suit the stellium’s house matters are also challenging.

The Stellium Handbook

©2013 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter 7—Understanding the Faster-Moving Planets in a Stellium

(The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter)

In this chapter, we’ll explore what the Sun and its nearest neighbors—the Moon, Mercury, Venus,
Mars, and Jupiter—contribute to a stellium or triple conjunction. There are sections about each of
them, describing their meanings, expressions, and what they add to the mix.

You’ll find two types of self-tests in this chapter that evaluate how you’re using these
planets and determine which ones are the strongest influence. You’ll learn what they’re like
when they’re under too much stress and ways to bring them into balance.

If the descriptions don’t ring true, keep in mind that the planets’ meanings are modified by
their sign and house placement and by aspects to other planets. The strongest aspect is a
conjunction—two planets within 8-10°. When there are anywhere from three to seven planets in
a single sign, conjunctions are frequent. You’ll learn to interpret them in Chapter 11.

(Beginners, look at your chart to see which inner planets appear in your stellium. To decipher
the symbols, refer to the cheat sheet. If there are no inner planets, go to the next chapter.)

As in many sections of this book, I’ll include both the constructive and the self-defeating
potentials of each planet, because they exist side-by-side in a single individual. If I presented
only the admirable features, you might not recognize when you’re headed into traps the planets’
less constructive potentials can present. Once aware of the traps, you can be alert to their presence
and choose not to go there. You can learn from others’ mistakes and make smarter choices rather
than waste your time, energy, and talent in repeating the same mistakes.

You may notice that difficult traits are often exaggerated versions of constructive ones. The
assertiveness that Mars symbolizes, pushed too hard, can turn into aggression. The nurturing
efforts depicted by the Moon can turn into smother love. Venus’ desire for harmony can lead to
people pleasing. The desire to shine symbolized by the Sun can become a compulsive need to hog
the stage. Confidence is a useful trait, while egotism is an exaggeration. Stability is a useful
quality related to Saturn, but exaggerated, it could become rigidity.

In analyzing the planets in a given stellium, you may find that the descriptions don't always match
the person's experience. This can very well happen if a planet's sign or the conjunctions it forms
with other stellium planets run counter to its nature. Suppose that Mars is in Libra (not an easy
placement) in the 12th house conjunct Neptune and Saturn. Each of those features can dampen
Mars' warrior-like qualities–as well as making it difficult to express those energies constructively.

Retrograde Planets: You may notice that some of your planets have the symbol
below next to their degree. This indicates that as part of the Sun’s annual cycle,
it’s in a position where those planets appear to be traveling backward in their
orbit. That’s an illusion, but given the closeness of stellium planets’ degrees, if
one is retrograde, several others may be also.

NOTE: The generation born in 1989 with Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune conjunct in
Capricorn should watch for that symbol in their charts. Most of them who were born between
April and September that year had all three planets conjunct AND retrograde.
To explore the meaning of retrograde planets deeply would take us too far afield, but for those
who have several of them, I highly recommend Erin Sullivan’s important book, Retrograde
Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape, published by RedWheel/Weiser. The only book about
retrogrades, it includes natal and transiting, and is thorough and illuminating. (Order at

Good Guys and Bad Guys among the Planets? Not Hardly!
Traditional astrology designated certain planets as the good guys (benefics) and others as the bad
guys (malefics). Even though those terms are rarely used today, the judgments of certain planets
as either bad or good lingers. Venus and Jupiter are still seen as fabulously and universally lucky.
Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are seldom described as assets, except by terminally
positive astrologers who only ever see the glooooorious side of anything astrological.
To me, it’s important to maintain a balanced view of the parts of ourselves the planets in our chart
represent. They all represent natural parts of a human being, and all are part of what we need to
evolve into wholeness. To say that Pluto or Neptune are bad and need to be stifled is like saying
some part of your body is bad. (“I’d be a better person, Judge, if it weren’t for my intestines.”)
No planet is inherently bad or good, but the ways we work with the parts of ourselves the planets
symbolize can vary from constructive to destructive in different phases of life. An over-the-top
use of the cockiness and expansiveness Jupiter represents can lead us to push our luck so far that
we ruin ourselves. Venus represents the part of us that hungers for love, and when that hunger
becomes obsessive, it can lead us into affairs that sidetrack or even sabotage the mission.
On the other hand, having Bad Old Saturn in a stellium can show hard work and a long journey to
succeed in the mission. However, its presence usually signifies that what we’re aiming for is a
difficult goal that few people even try to reach. Having Saturn in a stellium also shows that we
have—or will develop over time—the persistence and the commitment to quality that achieving
our goal would require.
There are planets that signify desires and urges we don’t handle well when we’re young. Add the
wildly burgeoning hormones of adolescence and young adulthood to Mars, and you have
impulses that are hard to manage. We have to grow into those parts of ourselves, and self-
knowledge and maturity help us bring out the better qualities and let go of the undesirable ones.
So, please, if someone told you or you read somewhere that it’s a bad thing to have certain
planets in your stellium, take it with a grain of salt. Read the descriptions of those planets in this
chapter and the next, and see if a balanced outlook gives you a better perspective on them. The
planets in your stellium are perfect for achieving your unique and complex life purpose.
The descriptions that follow in this chapter and the next present both the constructive and the
difficult qualities of each planet. In the self-test for each planet, you’re asked to rate how you’re
currently dealing with it. Using those tests regularly, you’ll come to recognize any missteps.
This is a good place to remind you that the planets are not to blame for our difficulties, nor
do they cause us to be the way we are. They symbolically reflect certain facets of our
personalities, gifts, and troublesome behaviour patterns, as well as the more challenging
circumstances we face in the course of a lifetime. If we astrologers sometimes talk as though

the planets are doing things to us or granting us certain rewards, it’s a kind of shorthand,
not to be taken literally.
The Next Stage: Understanding Sign + House + Planet Combinations
In Chapters 2-3, you learned about traits associated with the stellium’s sign; in Chapters 4-6, you
learned about the focus of energy and effort the stellium’s house represents. In this chapter and
the next, you’ll learn what stellium planets show about needs and desires that drive us to action.

Let’s start with a sample stellium in the 7th, the house that describes how we deal with our closest
relationships and therefore the kind of partner we’re likely to attract. Here, the stellium planets
are in Aquarius, a sign not generally big on commitment. However, the planet shown below is
Jupiter. That’s a good placement, suggesting being drawn to those who love to expand their
learning in a positive, upbeat way and who uplift others by sharing what they know.

Matters of the Stellium’s Traits of the Stellium Traits of the Stellium’s

House: 7th Planet: Jupiter Sign: Aquarius
Partnerships—personal and Possible Constructive traits: Possible Constructive traits:
business; close, committed upbeat, joyful, aspiring, Avant-garde, futuristic,
relationships; counselors; hopeful,, philosophical, unconventional, state-of-the-art,
types of people we attract, optimistic, willing to take leading edge, humanitarian,
what we want in love. risks, lucky, generous, advocate, thinking out-of-the-box,
studious, wise, able to idealistic, innovative, brilliant,
Issues to Work on: synthesize information, detached, free-thinking.
Difficult experiences with lifetime student. Possible Difficult Traits:
committed and long-term Possible Difficult Traits: Willfulness, knee-jerk rebel,
relationships, barriers to overindulgent, gambling, saboteur, agitator, maverick,
commitment. Where strong, pushing their luck, preachy, provocateur, eccentric, elitist,
it would be important to do exaggerating, opinionated, contrary, erratic, undependable,
heart-center healing on dogmatic, pompous, distractible, explosive, stubborn,
broken or traumatic Pollyanna, over-confident, detached.
relationships. greedy, hypocritical.

In the last chapter, you learned to match qualities of the sign and house. Below you’ll see a
template that helps you combine the sign, house, and individual planet. In later chapters, you’ll
combine two or more planets to determine whether they’re a good match and how they work
together. If you haven’t done so already, download the file with all the tables here: Stellium
Stellium worksheet d–all tables needed plus template., because you’ll use it for several

Matters of the Stellium’s Traits of the Stellium Traits of the Stellium’s

House: Planet: Sign:

The cells in the template appear in the order of the most impactful features:
 First, the house position showing the areas of life where the stellium is most active
 The planet next, as it’s stronger than the sign
 And, finally, the sign itself.

1. In the first column, copy and paste the house matters from the summary table. Don’t know
how to copy and paste? See a video here: How to Copy and Paste - YouTube
2. In the last column, paste the qualities of your stellium sign from the summary table.
3. Make an extra copy of that template, as it will work for all the planets in your stellium,
unless it spans more than one sign or house.
4. Now copy and paste into the middle column the traits of the particular stellium planet you’re
analyzing, using the summary table for the planets.

By the time this chapter is finished, you’ll have the tools to create tables like the one above for all
the inner planets in your stellium.

How Well do Your Stellium’s Planets and Signs Work Together?

Are all planets equally comfortable in all 12 signs? As I pondered them, the best and worst
combinations closely matched a teaching from the Roman era called essential dignities.

According to Ptolemy’s teachings8, each planet has four sign placements that merit special
attention when you’re interpreting a chart. A planet is considered strongest when it’s in Dignity
(the sign that it rules, also called its Domicile), fortunate when in its Exaltation (the sign where
it’s at its best), debilitated when it’s in Detriment (the sign opposite to the one it rules), and least
effective when it’s in its Fall (the sign opposite its exaltation).

Since Neptune and Pluto were discovered relatively recently, the astrological community hasn’t
yet agreed on the signs of their exaltation and fall, so they’re marked “undetermined.” (Try
getting a bunch of astrologers to agree on anything!)

These categories are well worth pondering, if you can get past the implied judgments and just say,
“okay, this placement has a few obstacles to overcome.” Then work to capitalize on the strengths
of that sign—as shown in the self-tests in Chapters 2-3—to pull yourself out of the worst traits.

What I’ve never been able to understand, however, is why a hard Mars-Saturn aspect is regarded
as bad news, when Mars is exalted in Capricorn, which is admittedly an excellent sign for it.
Likewise, if a Venus-Neptune aspect is so hard, why is Venus exalted in Pisces?

Planet: Domicile: Exaltation: Detriment: Fall:

(Sign it rules) (“Best” sign) (Challenged) (‘Worst” sign)
Sun: Leo Aries Aquarius Libra
Moon: Cancer Taurus Capricorn Scorpio
Mercury: Gemini/Virgo Aquarius Sagittarius/Pisces Leo
Venus: Libra/Taurus Pisces Scorpio/Aires Virgo
Mars: Aries Capricorn Libra/Taurus Cancer
Jupiter: Sagittarius Cancer Gemini Capricorn
Saturn: Capricorn Libra Cancer Aries
Uranus: Aquarius Scorpio Leo Taurus
Neptune: Pisces undetermined Virgo undetermined
Pluto: Scorpio undetermined Taurus undetermined

Deborah Holding has the essential dignities table for all the planets and an excellent series of articles on
the subject at .

How Well Do You Use the Inner Planets?—A Self-Test Series

I’ve created a series of tests designed to increase your awareness of constructive and problematic
potentials for each planet. Astrology lovers who use these self-inventories consistently can come
to recognize when they’re headed in a self-defeating direction and choose more positive
expressions of a planet’s energy.

The result of the series of self-tests becomes a self-help worksheet, which you’ll learn to create
in Chapter 9. Professional astrologers or other alternative counselors who use astrology as a
diagnostic tool could have clients complete it for follow-up to the session. To keep working with
the insights the chart provides, send the client home with a copy to repeat periodically to measure
their growth.

Tests for how well you’re using each planet: You’ve already taken tests for the sign and house
of your stellium, and now there will be similar tests to evaluate how you’re using the planets.
Lists of traits connected with each planet will help you determine the ways you display both its
difficult and constructive qualities

Planetary Scores: Measuring the Importance of each Planet: One piece of information needed
for each planet is the Planetary Score, a measure of how strong it is. You’ll work with the scores
in creating the stellium worksheet in Chapter 9 in the file for Part Two of this book, and, and the
tests themselves are in the Appendix, also in Part Two.

The stronger the planet, the more significant the various traits are likely to be and the
greater the role they’re likely to play in your life. A high score can show a potential for
excellence and/or can present a considerable obstacle if the planet isn’t used constructively.

Tune-ups for Troubled Planets

Are the functions portrayed by some of your planets worse for the wear? Maybe it’s time for a
tune-up. Are you bored, restless and fidgety, yet can't think of a single thing that would interest
you? Maybe your Mercurial energies need new spark plugs. Are you nibbling constantly when
you're not the least bit hungry? Maybe your Moon has sprung a leak. Do you often find yourself
irritable for no good reason? Maybe your Mars needs a lube job.

There comes a time in every planet’s path when it needs some quality time, and if you don't
give it that extra bit of attention, a meltdown can defeat your best efforts. The sections that
follow contain recommendations for a much-needed infusion of energy, a quick fix for minor
stresses for each inner planet. (Fixes for Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto appear in the next
chapter.) At other times, when the energy balance has been overdrawn for a while, maybe you
should give yourself the equivalent of a weekend getaway or spa day in order to feel like your old
self again.

The Obligatory Disclaimer: We’re about to explore some healing tools. Like all self-
help techniques, you’re cautioned that if a strong response comes up, stop using the
tool immediately and consult your health care practitioner for advice. If you’re already

under treatment for emotional distress, discuss these tools with your health
care professional before using them.
Flower Essences: Flower essences are natural, inexpensive preparations that
catalyze a change of attitude and awareness or allow a release of emotional backlogs
related to difficult events and issues. Also known as flower remedies, these liquids
are based on the energy fields of plants and are taken by mouth. Flower essences
aren’t related to essential oils and other aromatherapy products, which are inhaled
or applied to the skin, though the similar names are confusing.

If you aren’t familiar with the essences, download the introductory chapter of my
ebook, Flower Remedies—How Plants’ Energies Can Heal Us here: flower essence
information-ch1. (You can order the book, which includes a chapter about
combining them with astrology, here:

Though many of these preparations can be found at metaphysical bookstores or health food
stores, an online source for all the essences mentioned here is the Flower Essence Society, at
1-800-736-9222 or online here: Flower Essence Services, Bridging Body and Soul.

Want Photographic Proof that the Essences Work? See Dr. Deborah Bier’s research at These photos of an experiment conducted
by Deborah and her students clearly show the positive effect an essence mixture has on
germinating and growing plants.

Essences that could help most stellium holders: Below are several essences—all available at
the address above—that address issues common to many with stelliums, regardless of their
individual missions or the signs, houses, or planets involved:

 Wild Oat, for multi-talented individuals who are having trouble deciding which path to
follow at the current time.
 Shooting Star, for those who feel alienated from society because they’re different.
 Goldenrod, for holding to your own path despite disapproval from family, peers, and society.
 Iris for creative inspiration, and Peppermint for an uplift when you’re creatively stale.
 Gentian helps you let go of a setback and get to work on your mission again.
 Wild Rose is an amazing game-changer for those who have given up on their dream.

For links to articles on these essences in Vibration Magazine, consult the Whole Site Search

What can You Do When a Tune-Up Isn’t Enough? What if your assessment of how you’re
dealing with the parts of yourself that planet represents says that no weekend getaway is going to
help all that much? There are spans of our lives when stress in that area calls for something as
drastic as a lifestyle makeover. That may be needed after a series of tough transits by one or more
of the outer planets, particularly if the stellium planets involved score high on the strength tests.

Then you’d benefit from a well thought out, long-term plan and probably support or healing to
get to the place you need to be. While a book like this one can't do that for you, perhaps the
suggestions given for your planets can provide short-term relief.

By regularly using tips that help, you can strengthen the part of you represented by the planet
that’s under heavy pressure. If the demands of your life are such that you believe you can do

nothing else, you’ll need to rethink priorities and strategies. Seek guidance on how to avoid
getting so worn down that the stress endangers your health. Perhaps an astrological consultation
or a series of sessions with a life coach or counselor can point you in a more balanced direction.

What the Sun Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Leo and, to some extent, the 5th House)

Sun—At its best, the potentials it can bring to the stellium’s mission are:
 The power of person’s center strongly focused on the matters of the house and mission.
 High visibility in the areas of life ruled by that house, so the person can’t be ignored.
 Confidence and poise that helps others believe in them and in the mission.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Egotism or grandstanding that can alienate people involved in the mission.
 Self-esteem depends largely on success in the mission, thus badly affected by setbacks.
 Self-centeredness, a conviction that whatever happens with the mission, it's all about them.
Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

What does the Sun Want? In our solar system, the Sun was born to shine, to warm and brighten
everything in its orbit. Perhaps it even had a desire to be worshiped, since it's what so many
native religions around the world adopted as their deity. So, too, do we each seek to shine and to
be the center of our own universe, as shown by the Sun in our charts. When it’s part of a stellium
or triple conjunction, then the activities related to that house are where we seek significance and

In the house and sign where the Sun is placed, we do often shine dazzlingly, because it’s where
we bring the entire force of our being to bear—we invest it with our heart and soul. We’re a
strong presence in those arenas cannot be ignored. (Alas, we can also be high maintenance!)

What does the Sun contribute to the Stellium? The more self-development we achieve over the
years, the more Solar power we have to offer. Much of our identity and self worth is bound up in
the matters of that house, so when they go well, we feel good about ourselves, but when they go
badly, it affects our self-esteem. The definition of what gives us self-worth depends on the sign,
house, and conjunctions with other stellium planets,

Maintaining a balanced sense of self-worth is essential. People tend to take us at our word, so if
we believe we’re not capable, they pick up on it and are less likely to trust us. If we’re confident
in our abilities, we project that and people are more likely to want to work with us. Self-hate can
undermine your accomplishments and cause you to sabotage the things that mean the most to you.

On the other hand, a person with a hungry ego can resort to grandstanding, thus alienating other
players in the matters of that house. It’s NOT all about you, but believing that it is can make you
demand more than your share of the credit and the results. Like planets that orbit the Sun, we may
view people represented by other planets in the combination as our entourage and may expect to
be the center of their world.

However, the other players are there because the matters related to that house are central to their
own existence. It certainly doesn't mean that their world revolves around you–that would be
counterproductive to their own goals and self-development.

The more clearly you understand that each player is as important as you are, the happier
you’ll all be and the better you'll work together.

Sample House Placements: The Sun’s placement shows where our Solar power is most
concentrated. The house matters are the center of our lives and contribute much to our identity
and sense of self. As a major focus for our time and energy, we’re often more like the sign
associated with the Sun’s house than our Sun sign. In fact, when people are guessing our sign,
they might guess the sign naturally connected with Sun’s house placement. For instance, someone
with a 12th house Sun might be mistaken for a Pisces.(Refer to the Cheat Sheet if you don’t recall
the sign related to your Sun’s house.)

People with a 2nd house Sun are somewhat Taurean, because making and managing money take
up a great deal of their energy, even in a sign like Pisces that isn’t materialistic. Their bank
balance plays a big part in how confident and successful they feel. For those with the Sun in the
6th, work is a vital source of self-esteem and the basis of their identity, so they might become as
hard working as any Virgo. Depending on the sign and conjunctions with other stellium planets,
people with 7th house Suns are as focused on committed relationships as Librans. If something
goes wrong with the partnership, they’re off center and have difficulty finding their identity.

Self-Tests for the Sun: The test to measure the Sun’s Planetary Score appears in the Appendix in
Part Two, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Leo
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 5th house
 Sun within 10° of one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th cusps
 Multiple aspects to the Sun.

Suggested Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Depends Who You Talk To
SUN: Sign: The Sun’s roles: shining star, King or Queen, golden girl or boy, center of action.
Degree: Possible Constructive traits: confidence, high visibility, charismatic, regal,
House: dramatic, personable, sunny, generous, encouraging, positive, focused on self-
Planetary expression and self-development. Possible Difficult Traits: egotistical, conceited,
Score: vain, pretentious, grandiose, false pride, demanding, high maintenance, self-centered,
self-absorbed, stubborn, selfish, narcissistic, melodramatic.
What qualities of the Sun would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Tell when the Sun Needs a Tune-up: When the personality traits associated with the
Sun are overactive, people may show off and exhibit narcissism, egocentricity, or excessive
demands for attention. When those traits are underactive, people can have a poor self-concept or
even self-hate that sabotages their mission.

Suggested fixes for the Sun: Work on self-esteem and eliminate the negative things you say
about yourself. Do something good for your self-confidence. Make a list of your best qualities
and accomplishments and refer to it often. Regularly visualize a ball of golden fire spinning in
your solar plexus. If these suggestions don’t work for you, brainstorm to come up with related

Flower Essences: Sunflower supports a balanced self-love—neither egotistical nor self-effacing;

Buttercup for valuing your strengths and abilities; Goldenrod for sticking to your own path even

when it meets disapproval; Heather to let go of a compulsive need for attention; Larch for when
you’re so afraid of failure that you won’t even try.

What the Moon Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Cancer and the 4th House)

Moon--At its best, the potentials it can bring to the stellium’s mission are:
 A strong female support system, creating a family of choice in that house position.
 Ability to give and get nurturing in carrying out the work of the mission.
 The work of the mission often focuses on and benefits women and families.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Emotional ups and downs in pursuing the mission may match the lunar or menstrual cycle.
 Insecurity, clinging to past patterns and habits, rather than respond to current conditions.
 Overly dependent in relationships connected with the house matters and mission.

Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

The qualities described by the Moon in your chart are nearly as revealing as those described by
the Sun. Dozens of books have been written about it. One of mine, Moon Signs, is available on
Kindle at The Moon isn’t just any old stellium planet—it’s major!

What does the Moon Want? Bottom line, we all need to feel secure, to have a solid home base,
and to nurture and be nurtured. Our Moon’s sign, house, and conjunctions with other stellium
planets describe the things that make us feel secure. When we lack a loving family, we generally
establish a family of choice in areas related to the Moon’s house position.

What does the Moon contribute to the Stellium? Your mother may have emphasized the areas
of life associated with the Moon’s house placement. In that regard, you’re much like her.
Typically, you either become Mama to others involved in the mission or you draft someone else
to fill the role—willingly or unwillingly. Significant women are bound be involved in the
stellium’s activities, and you may have a special appeal to women who need your services.

What makes you a Moonatic? With such a strong emotional investment, any change or
challenge may threaten the “happy home” you’ve established and create insecurity. People with
water sign Moons (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces), can be extremely emotional. Depending on the
Moon’s aspects, those with the Moon in fire signs (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) or air signs
(Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) are generally less emotional, and those with Earth sign Moons
(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are generally well grounded. Tracking the Moon’s monthly
course around your chart can help you understand and regulate your emotions. Emotional ups and
downs in this area of life are likely, especially around the New and Full Moon.

Slow-moving transits to the natal Moon from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto show times
when change affects the mission of the stellium in major ways. The changes associated with these
transits bring force all concerned to grow up and become more self-reliant. They mark a stressful
but important rite of passage into greater maturity. A capable female may join the group, bringing
needed expertise but shaking up the chain of command. See: Why Transits to the Birth Moon are
so Challenging. and How Outer Planet Transits to the Moon Affect Family Life.

Sample House Placements: The Moon’s house placement shows the arenas where our lunar
energy is most concentrated. If the Moon is in the 4th, it's similar to Moon in Cancer. The sign
and conjunctions with other stellium planets reveal how you approach domestic matters, but the
fact that it’s in the 4th makes your home a strong focus.

If it’s in the 9th, on the other hand, you could be a world traveler or live abroad. Your beliefs may
be strongly influenced by female teachers and role models. If it's in the 11th, you’re likely to
establish a family of choice among women friends. You’d nurture them but also turn to them for
comfort and practical support in tough times.

Self-Tests for the Moon: The test to measure the Moon’s Planetary Score appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Cancer
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 4th house
 Moon within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th cusps
 Multiple aspects to the Moon.

Suggested Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Depends Who You Talk To
MOON: The Moon’s Roles: nurturer, parent, domestic worker, caretaker, feminine role
Sign: model. Possible Constructive Traits: nurturing, caring, emotionally aware, listens
Degree: to “gut feelings, sensitive, intuitive, homey, receptive, attuned to lunar cycles,
House: domestic, maintains family and tradition. Possible Difficult Traits: smother love,
Planetary emotional eating, codependency, moody, living in the past, hypersensitive, clinging,
Score: insecure, worrier, conservative, easily offended, fixed in habits.
What qualities of the Moon would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Tell when the Moon Needs a Tune-up: When the traits described by the Moon are
overactive, people may experience insecurity, cling to codependent relationships, be run by
emotions, overindulge in food or alcohol, live in the past, or may not leave home, whether
emotionally or actually. When those traits are underactive, people may be unable to nurture
themselves or others, disown the past, or are unable to form a family of choice in the present.

Suggested fixes for the Moon: Do something to make your home a cozy nest. Reconnect with
your roots by visiting or calling people from the past who nurtured you. If you love to cook, make
a special meal, or if you don't, eat out at a favorite restaurant. Follow the Moon in its monthly
course around your chart. Take note of which Moon signs feel good and which are stressful; then
plan your schedule accordingly. If these suggestions don’t work for you, brainstorm to come up
with related activities.

Flower Essences: Fuchsia, for those who repress emotions and then overeat or develop
psychosomatic illnesses; Honeysuckle for dwelling in the past or homesickness; Mariposa Lily
for those who are alienated from mother and family and never felt properly nurtured; Red
Chestnut is to let up on giving “smother love” to those around you or worrying about them

What Mercury Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Gemini and Virgo and also the 3rd and 6th Houses)

At its best, the potentials it can bring to the stellium’s mission are:
 Good communication skills can aid the mission and lend humor and fresh ideas.
 Learn quickly, adaptable and readily transfers skills from one set of tasks to another.
 Agile mind, curious, eager to learn more and share what they know.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Restless, easily bored, and distractible, so attention wanders and switches to outside interests.
 Can substitute talk for action, may not follow through on promising ideas.
 High-strung nervous system, gets wired and has trouble resting or meditating.
Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

What does Mercury Want? It symbolizes the part of us that wants information and yearns to
have our hand on the pulse of what’s new and exciting. A strong Mercury shows a strong need to
have lots of other people to communicate with about our interests. A constant thirst for new
information can result in a kind of ADD. We may lack the ability to sort out what’s truly relevant
and useful. For discernment, we may need chart placements involving Virgo, Saturn, or Pluto.

What does Mercury contribute? It’s very common in a stellium, because its orbit is close to the
Sun and Venus. In mythology, he wasn’t a particularly important god in his own right, yet was an
invaluable messenger for other gods. Likewise, the planet Mercury is seldom designated the
dominant stellium planet, no matter how high it scores on the planetary tests.

The part of us represented by Mercury serves as an invaluable collector and disseminator of

information related to its sign or house placement. Mercury was the god of commerce, and so its
sign, house, and aspects may show whether we have skills needed to publicize our mission
through writing, speaking, and creating press releases or advertisements.

Much depends on Mercury’s sign and its conjunctions with other stellium planets, but these are
often people with the ability to spread ideas and establish connections with others who need what
they’re offering. These verbal abilities are a tremendous asset, bringing thinking, writing, and
communication skills to bear on that house. At times, people who’d be called mercurial are
fonder of talk than of action and tend to confuse the two. (So many ideas, so little time!)

Mercurial types learn quickly by imitation, have a good sense of humor, and like to network
around their interests. Since they’re curious and on a perpetual quest to avoid boredom, they
amass a great deal of knowledge. Over the years, they may develop into respected experts with a
wealth of information relevant to the field of the stellium’s house.

Positive signs and aspects can correlate with the ability to transfer learned skills from one task to
another. Because they’re both versatile and restless, Mercurial folks may switch interests or lines
of work periodically. Those switches lead to accumulating a broad range of skills, so in the
mature years, they could have a great deal to offer as consultants.

Sample House Placements: The house where Mercury is placed shows the arena where
mercurial energy is most concentrated. It is much at home in the 3rd–the house naturally
connected to Mercury and Gemini–and is very useful in the three vocational houses–2 nd, 6th, and
10th. Depending on its sign and aspects, you’d expect mental agility and good communication
skills with any house placement, though in the more private areas connected with the 12 th, 4th, or
8th, it’s more inwardly directed.

Self-Tests for Mercury: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Mercury appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Gemini or Virgo
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 3rd or 6th house
 Mercury within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th cusps
 Multiple aspects to Mercury.
Suggested Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Depends Who You Talk To
MERCURY: Mercury's roles: messenger, information specialist, networker, speaker, writer,
Sign: trendsetter. Possible Constructive traits: communicative, fast learner, full of ideas,
Degree: articulate, bright, adaptable, versatile, clever, imaginative, humorous, trendy, well
House: informed, curious, persuasive. Possible Difficult Traits: distractible, fidgety,
Planetary changeable, restless, overly cerebral, faddish, fickle, superficial, glib, nosy, gossipy,
Score: knows all/tells all, internet addict, Peter Pan, untruthful.
What qualities of Mercury would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Tell when Mercury Needs a Tune-up: When the qualities Mercury represents are
overactive, these people may be superficial, glib, verbose, overly intellectual, restless, and
changeable. When those qualities are underactive, some have learning difficulties,
communication problems, and cloudy thinking.

Suggested fixes for Mercury: To soothe an overactive nervous system, try the herbs skullcap or
avena; eat oat cereals, take vitamin B complex or the homeopathic remedy Kali Phos. Meditation
may be difficult for the grasshopper mind, so do something grounded in the earth like gardening
or pottery. If these suggestions don’t work for you, brainstorm to come up with related activities.

Flower Essences: Dill for when you’re on mental overload and feel spaced-out; Filaree, helps
process data and figure out what’s important; Shasta Daisy helps synthesize information from
diverse sources; Trumpet vine helps you speak your truth fluently and openly communicate
without hesitancy; Hornbeam helps release mental fatigue; Peppermint lends a fresh perspective.

What Venus Brings to a Stellium

(Related Libra and to the 7th House; Not much like Taurus or the 2nd)

Venus—At its best, the potentials it can bring to the stellium’s mission are:
 Excellent social skills win people over to the mission–a goodwill ambassador, PR person.
 Good team member, promoting harmony and cooperation.
 Artistic, good design and style sense can lend appealing graphics to mission’s promotions.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Inappropriate flirtations or affairs in that area of life that detract from the mission’s focus.
 Seeks constant approval and affection as payback for taking part in the mission.
 People pleasers, bending over backward to get along, and submerging their own needs .

Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

What does Venus Want? Simply put, Venus represents our wish to love and be loved, 24/7. If
it's conjunct the Sun, we may have an insatiable need for attention, affection, and applause. It
probably works best as a stellium member if grounded in a committed relationship where that
need for love is satisfied. Otherwise, we can seek love inappropriately within the group or in the
arenas connected to the stellium's house by flirtations and obsessive affairs.

When we’re well-loved, Venus portrays the capacity to create harmony and cooperation among
stellium players. We may also excel as a Goodwill Ambassadors to the outside world, especially
to those who seek the skills of the group or who share its mission.

What does Venus contribute? Having Venus–or for that matter, Libra—in the stellium is a great
asset. Depending on the sign and conjunctions with other stellium planets, those with a strong
Venus generally have excellent people skills, charm, warmth, and an engaging, affectionate
nature. They’re interested in people and can make you feel that you’re their total focus of
attention as long as you’re with them. Many of them are attractive or at least know how to make
the best of their features.

As team members, they can create harmony, mediate disputes, ease tension, and work to build
cooperation. They may have a great sense of style and a flair for fashion and the graphic arts that
can present your work in an appealing way.

Sample House Placements: The house where Venus is placed shows the arena where Venusian
energy is most concentrated. In that house, you’re looking for love of all kinds, but you’re
particularly seeking the love of your life for a long-term, committed relationship. If Venus is in
the 7th, you may very well find what you looking for.

In other house placements, that kind of love may not be an appropriate expectation. You
might be fortunate enough to find the love of your life among the people you encounter in
areas of life that house represents, but complications can occur.

Imagine it in the 6th house—it can create a warm, harmonious work environment. However,
depending on Venus’ sign and aspects, the person might be prone to office affairs that distract
from the work. Office romances can backfire when the affair is over by damaging your reputation
and making it difficult to work with the ex-lover. This is why so many jobs have policies against
workplace relationships.

Venus in the 5th can certainly bring its share of love affairs. Since romance tends to have a short
Sell-By date, the person can be on a perpetual quest for a hearts and flowers experience.

Another way Venus can be expressed in the 5th is in a warm, loving relationship with one's
children—surely something to treasure. However, looking for the kind of all-encompassing,
lifelong relationship with a child that you’d want from a mate can create bad boundaries and
leave children expecting the world to adore them the way you do.

If we explored Venus in all 12 houses, we might find a similar pattern of craving too much love
and feeling unfulfilled if we don’t get it.

Self-Tests for Venus: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Venus appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:

 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Taurus or Libra

 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 2nd or 7th house
 Venus within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th cusps
 Multiple aspects to Venus.

Suggested Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Depends Who You Talk To
VENUS: Venus’s roles: mediator, peacemaker, beautifier, networker, social coordinator,
Sign: love-addict. Possible Constructive traits: sociable, charming, attractive, warm,
Degree: adaptable, harmonious, refined, conciliatory, affectionate, agreeable, people skills,
House: team player, likable, able to compromise. Possible Difficult Traits: people pleaser,
Planetary Score:vain, over-concerned with appearances, coasting on charm rather than effort,
insincere, indolent, hedonistic, greedy, superficial, wishy-washy.
What qualities of Venus would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Tell when Venus Needs a Tune-up: When the needs that Venus represents are
overactive, people may have a constant need for love and assurance about their attractiveness.
They may fear being alone, want peace at any price, or be vain and self-indulgent. When those
needs are underactive, people may have a fear of intimacy, have difficulty expressing affection,
be unable to give or receive love, or may make self-destructive love choices.

Suggested fixes for Venus: Get a new hairstyle or a makeover. Buy a becoming new outfit or
swap accessories with someone whose taste you like. Buy flowers or grow some. Call someone
you haven't talked to a long time who adores you. Schedule a date night with your mate or do
something special with your best friend. If you’re having heartache, get healing work for the heart
chakra, the part of the aura where the physical heart is located. If these suggestions don’t work for
you, brainstorm to come up with related activities.

Flower Essences: Bleeding Heart helps when you're grieving for a lost love; Rose quartz gem
elixir or wearing rose quartz jewelry for heart healing; Chicory for those who compulsively seek
love and affection; Scleranthus to help decide between two viable options.

What Mars Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Aries, but not so much to the 1st)

Mars—At its best, the potentials it can bring to the stellium’s mission are:
 Strong, proactive, energetic approach to achieving the mission’s goals.
 Gutsy, goes after what it wants, tackles obstacles head on.
 Bravery, initiative, and a “can do” attitude make them natural leaders.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Acts rashly, not taking time to think through the long-term effects of those acts.
 So intent on their goal that they don’t consider the effects of their actions on others.
 Irritable, impatient, and may easily lose their temper if blocked from doing what they want.

Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

What does Mars want? Mars represents the part of us that wants what it wants WHEN it wants
it, and that will do everything in its power to make that happen. The same urges also typically
show a desire to be first, to lead, and to win. A person with a strong Mars goes after desires
wholeheartedly; then gets mad if something or someone gets in the way. (Strong Mars placements
would be in the fire signs—Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius—aspecting the Sun or Jupiter, or on one of
the 4 angles—Ascendant, IC, Descendant, or Midheaven.)

Astrologers traditionally portray Mars in an undesirable light because, among other things, it’s
associated with conflict and competition. Competition, however, can be an evolutionary force.

Pitting themselves against a worthy rival spurs athletes to keep raising the bar on their
performance and setting new records, with the result that the sport itself continues to evolve. The
same is true of those who have Mars as a part of the stellium. The new heights rivals are reaching
spur them to aim for an improved performance on their mission.

What does Mars contribute to the stellium? Mars represents fire in the belly—drive,
momentum, and the urge to take act on our dreams. Its sign, house, and , and conjunctions with
other stellium planets show what goals we find worthy of pursuing, how we sustain our energy
over the long haul, and how we tackle obstacles along the way. It reveals what makes us angry,
how we express it, and how we respond to threats.

Healthy Mars types are blessed with abundant energy and initiative, often becoming leaders and
pioneers in the area of their stellium. Naturally competitive, they welcome a challenge. When
Mars is placed in a favorable sign and well aspected, they can be self-starting, independent, bold,
and dynamic, especially when excited about new possibilities. An aspect to Saturn or Neptune
can dampen these qualities a great deal.

Mars is strong as the lead planet in the stellium (the first one in the series), but an aggressive
outreach isn’t always the best approach to the group’s mission. If Mars falls later in the series of
stellium planets, then opportunities for action may be delayed and frustration levels can increase.

As we pursue our desires, we’re bound to encounter others who either have what we want or want
what we have. Our Mars sign and conjunctions with other stellium planets reveal how we handle
clashes of interest. It shows whether we retreat, engage rivals in battle, or lead them towards
shared goals. With Mars as part of your stellium, success in your mission depends largely on how
you deal with those three choices. Learning to negotiate a win/win outcome is a great skill.

Not the most patient of individuals, Mars types often become irritable when met with obstacles
and limitations, either powering through them or abruptly quitting. In an ideal world, people with
this placement would be trained in healthy assertiveness and effective anger management. It
would greatly enhance their ability to handle conflicts and obstacles encountered on the path to
fulfillment in matters involved in the stellium.

A thorough analysis of Mars’ sign and aspects—especially the conjunctions to other

stellium planets—reveals much about the important issue of what makes them angry. Are
they are able to assert themselves and to convert anger into motivation to change a frustrating
situation? With difficult aspects, such as to Saturn or the outer planets, the anger can become
dysfunctional. Often, it’s turned inward as physical or emotional turmoil or else outward in ways
that are destructive to their mission, goals, or relationships.

Some things to think about when you feel rage: In one of the Seth books by Jane Roberts, I
read a provocative statement that brings me up short when I’m in a state of righteous indignation
“The sole cause of anger is unmet expectations.” Ask yourself if your expectations are realistic
and whether the other person sees it that way, too. If you feel that heat boiling up inside, don’t
blame Mars. Here are some ideas to ponder.

 Rage is a primal wave of energy and emotion.

 You felt it as a baby, maybe even as a squalling infant at birth.
 Rage is contagious.
 Rage seeks a target. Any target. Whoever’s there.
 Annoyances and misdeeds in the present are not what you’re furious about.
 You’re not mad at who you think you are.
 You’re not upset about what you think you are.
 Anger is a defense against other emotions.
 It’s very old. There are layers and layers of feelings below it.
 If you sit with it and resist the temptation to aim it at someone, it will change.
 What emerges may surprise you.
 “But what are you really angry about?”
 “Yes, but what are you really upset about?”
 “What’s really bothering you?”

Sample House Placements: The house where Mars is placed shows arenas where its energy is
most focused. If it’s in the 5th, 7th, or 8th, depending on the sign and conjunctions with other
stellium planets, the person can avidly and passionately pursue romantic relationships and loves
the challenge of someone who plays hard to get.

When Mars is within 10° of one of the four chart angles (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th ), it’s extremely
strong and needs careful, conscious management. This is true even if it’s in the next-door house
but still conjunct the angle.

In particular, having Mars in the 12th but conjunct the Ascendant would require frequent self-
examination, because in that position, anger and other difficult traits of Mars could be largely
unconscious, yet easily triggered, to the chagrin of all concerned.

Self-Tests for Mars: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Mars appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Aries
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 1st house
 Mars within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th cusps
 Multiple aspects to Mars.

Suggested Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Depends Who You Talk To
MARS: Mars’ roles: leader, explorer, warrior, advocate, athlete, bully, competitor, initiator,
Sign: pioneer. Possible Constructive traits: courageous, bold, strong, assertive, energetic,
Degree: tireless, determined, zestful, dynamic, adventuresome, vivacious, athletic, heroic,
House: independent, self-starting. Possible Difficult Traits: aggressive, hotheaded,
Planetary Score:arrogant, pushy, belligerent, brusque, rash, mean, impatient, impulsive, cruel,
domineering, stubborn, inconsiderate of others’ needs and wants, driven.
What qualities of Mars would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Tell when Mars Needs a Tune-up: When the drives related to Mars are overactive,
people may be aggressive, irritable, compulsively competitive, or preoccupied with sex. When
it’s underactive, people may have difficulty asserting themselves, hold in anger, be afraid to
compete, experience chronic fatigue, or lack initiative.

Suggested fixes for Mars: Get more rest; exercise regularly; learn a martial art. Start an
interesting new project (one that's not too long or difficult); enter a competition or join a game. If
these suggestions don’t work for you, brainstorm to come up with related activities. Red Bull
isn’t a healthy fix for long-term exhaustion.

Flower Essences: Scarlet Monkeyflower for integrating strong emotions, especially anger;
Impatiens helps them be more patient, especially with others whose pace is slower; Snapdragon
helps those with a short fuse. Aloe Vera essence helps those who burn the candle at both ends and
alternate between pushing themselves flat out and crashing; Olive relieves a combination of
mental and physical fatigue.

What Jupiter Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Sagittarius and the 9th House)

Jupiter—At its best, the potentials it can bring to the stellium’s mission are:
 Anticipates positive results, maximizing chances of success. Philosophical about setbacks.
 Forever seeking knowledge and a broader perspective, then teaching others.
 Risk taker, traveler, world citizen, eager for new experiences.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 May push their luck too far, taking foolish risks, believing God’s on their side.
 Overdoing, over-expanding, never knowing when enough is enough.
 Can be preachy, intolerant, judgmental, overly attached to being right.

Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

What does Jupiter Want? Astrologically, what Jupiter represents is the desire to expand, and so
that expansive quality adds energy to each planet it touches by aspect. Jupiter’s membership in a
stellium suggests a perennial desire and capacity for growth. This yearning for a broader
understanding of life makes the stellium's house placement the focus of a lifelong learning curve.
The Jupiterian part of our nature is most contented when it’s growing in wisdom about life’s
bigger questions and then spreading the word.

What Jupiter Contributes to the Stellium: Depending on the sign and conjunctions with other
stellium planets, Jupiterians are upbeat, hopeful, lively individuals. They have a sense of
adventure and a desire to experience all that life has to offer. These positive attitudes and a
willingness to take risks can make them lucky. At times, however, they get cocky and push their
luck too far, sometimes even to the point of near ruination. (The house placement shows the areas
of life where pushing their luck isn’t always a smart move.)

Jupiter expands the qualities of whatever sign, house, or planet it touches. In a stellium, it’s
likely to be conjunct one or more of the planets in the group and to magnify the qualities of that
planet. Conjunct Mars, it’s a bit like Mars on steroids. It inflates desires and adds a contagious
enthusiasm to the person’s leadership skills. Conjunct Mercury, the result is like Mercury on five
cups of coffee.

That expansive part of ourselves amplifies both the positive and difficult traits of any planet or
sign. While exuberance can provide a welcome boost, it takes wisdom to discern when you’ve
gone too far. When Jupiter is conjunct Neptune, it magnifies the Neptunian qualities, but can
make exploring the spiritual path a major part of the person’s life.

Used in a balanced way, there’s nothing wrong with Jupiter’s energies. It represents our
desire to expand our knowledge and to teach others what we’ve learned that helps us collectively
evolve. There comes a time, however, when expansion reaches a point of unwieldy and
unproductive size. At that precarious point, a difficult transit to Jupiter can signify a point where
the structure you've built so carefully in the stellium’s arena can topple.
Perennial students, typical Jupiterians never stop seeking knowledge in the area of their mission.
They aren't just information collectors, however. They work to integrate what they have learned
into a broader picture. Many of them won’t stop chewing over those ideas until they come up
with a system that explains how it all fits together. Then they give lectures about that system!

Depending on the house, sign, and conjunctions to other stellium planes, it’s their passion—and
an important role—to uplift and inspire others by sharing what they know, becoming teachers,
even if not in a formal educational setting. I’d guess that many motivational speakers have a
strong Jupiter.

Individuals with a hyperactive Jupiter—as is likely when the planetary score is high—may
cross the line from desire into compulsion. In the process, they can become overzealous, even
arrogant. They move from seeking answers for themselves to believing they hold all the answers
for others. They’re also heavily invested in Being Right, which means someone else must be
wrong. To insist, tenaciously and aggressively that they’re Right can endanger the mission by
creating dissent with other players. (See Hyperactive Jupiter Syndrome—The Down Side of an
Upbeat Planet.)

Under difficult transits to Jupiter, they may realize that some beliefs they’ve been dead certain
about—and imposed on others—are false, and then they may undergo a painful crisis of faith.

Sample House Placements: The house where Jupiter is placed shows the arena where that jovial
energy is most concentrated. Depending on conjunctions to other stellium planets, there’s
probably no such thing as a bad house placement for Jupiter, when used wisely. In the 1st or 10th,
it amplifies the chances for success, as it makes them high profile and seen as wise,
knowledgeable people. In the 2nd or 8th, it often brings financial luck.

Self-Test for Jupiter: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Jupiter appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Sagittarius
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 9th house
 Jupiter within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th cusps
 Multiple aspects to Jupiter

Suggested Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Depends Who You Talk To
JUPITER: Jupiter’s roles: teacher, sage, preacher, wise elder, citizen of the world, gambler,
Sign: know it all. Possible Constructive traits: upbeat, joyful, aspiring, hopeful,,
Degree: philosophical, optimistic, willing to take risks, lucky, generous, studious, wise, able
House: to synthesize information, lifetime student. Possible Difficult Traits: overindulgent,
Planetary gambling, pushing their luck, preachy, exaggerating, opinionated, dogmatic,
Score: pompous, Pollyanna, over-confident, pompous, greedy, hypocritical.
What qualities of Jupiter would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Tell when Jupiter Needs a Tune-up: When the qualities associated with Jupiter are
overactive, people may be arrogant, greedy, or a know-it-all, need to be right all the time, push
their luck too far, and take foolish risks. When they’re underactive, people may be pessimistic,
afraid of taking risks, afraid to hope, and resistant to new ideas or experiences.

Suggested fixes for Jupiter: Find out what's new in your field of expertise—take a refresher
course or seminar or attend a conference. (Maybe they’ll ask you to speak!) Check out a new
inspirational teacher or read a book on the subject. Make a gratitude list daily. Regularly practice
saying, "I don't know,” or "I was wrong," and feel the blessed relief of not having to always be
right. If these suggestions don’t work for you, brainstorm to come up with related activities.

Flower Essences: Shasta Daisy synthesizes information from different sources; Agrimony for
those who maintain an upbeat front at all costs; Yellow Star Tulip for developing the capacity to
truly listen to and understand another's suffering rather than rushing to find a fix.

Adding the Slower-Moving Planets

If your stellium or triple conjunction consists solely of the inner planets, it’s relative easy to make
them work together. If the group involves the slower moving planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto—the energies in the combination are much more complicated and more difficult to
juggle. Chapter 8 will introduce you to qualities of those planets.

If the core of your stellium is the rare triple conjunction of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune that was
in effect for five months of 1988 and every single day of 1989, then Chapter 13 will help you
learn to manage the challenging task of blending three very different and conflicting sets of
needs, drives, and interests.

The Stellium Handbook

©2013 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Chapter 8—Understanding the Outermost Planets in your Stellium

(Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
The slower-moving planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—are so complex and
powerful that when they appear in a stellium or triple conjunction, they’re key players.

When a stellium includes a pair of these planets, the issues they portray absolutely dominate the
combinations. Their conjunctions are so rare that they only appear at long intervals. The slower
they move, the longer between conjunctions, but the longer the conjunctions remain within an 8°
range and the greater the number of people born with them.

For example, because Pluto’s orbit is so irregular, Uranus-Pluto conjunctions are anywhere from
111-143 years apart. During the most recent one, they stood together in Virgo within an 8° range
in the charts of everyone born between November, 1962 and September, 1968. During the fall
months of those years, while the Sun, Mercury, and Venus traveled through that sign, there were
hundreds of thousands of Virgos born with triple conjunctions or stelliums. (You’ll learn to
interpret pairs like these in Chapter 11.)

Mishandled, the challenges the slower-moving planets symbolize can create serious
obstacles to the goals and missions of your stellium. A great deal of what you accomplish
depends on how well you manage them. The self-tests in this chapter can be a boost.

Understanding the Outer Planet’s Sign: Contrary to popular astrological teachings, an outer
planet’s sign is important. When these planets change signs, the shifts mark eras when historical
developments mirror the world’s growing pains. New social concerns and developments related
to that sign come to our collective awareness.

For instance, the 1960s, with all its upheavals, were as rare a historical era as the slow-moving
Pluto-Uranus conjunction that it heralded. For those of us born in the early 1940s with stelliums
that included Uranus and Saturn, it was a coming of age phase few of us will ever forget.

During times like those, people born with outer planet stelliums or triple conjunctions in a
particular sign are likely to contribute to our collective evolution. People born with that
Pluto-Uranus conjunction in work-oriented Virgo now dominate the work force. Their technical
know-how has contributed to a digital revolution that shaped a vastly different world.

The changes that occur during outer planet transits through a sign affect us all to one extent or
another through changes in the areas of life associated with that sign. For instance, Pisces is said
to rule minorities, the disabled, and the disadvantaged. During Uranus’s transit through Pisces
during 2003-2011, minorities and others who hadn’t yet enjoyed the full measure of success made
many inspiring breakthroughs.

Several blind teens scaled part of Mount Everest, guided by a pair of blind instructors. A lively
pair of conjoined teens had their own television show. Glass ceilings were shattered by women
like Hillary Clinton, who has a stellium in Scorpio and a triple conjunction in Leo. She was a
front-runner in the race where Barak Obama became our first African-American president, and
she became a memorable Secretary of State.

Why Saturn is Included in this Chapter

When astrologers talk about the outer planets, they usually mean Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
I include Saturn and refer to them as the outermost planets or the slow-moving planets. In my
observation, Saturn isn’t like an inner planet. Conjunctions or other hard aspects from Saturn
in the birth chart represent challenges far more difficult to master than aspects from any of the
inner planets. The same is true of a stellium that includes Saturn, but, as we’ll learn, it also has its
advantages. It can move a stellium’s gifts from potential into real-world accomplishments.

Integrating the qualities depicted by Saturn into the natal aspects is as major a challenge as
those represented by aspects between the slower-moving planets. Most people born with
strong Saturn-Neptune, Saturn-Uranus, or Saturn-Pluto aspects have a distinctively outer planet
flavor. These aspects blend the outer planet’s qualities with the qualities attributed to Saturn, both
constructive and difficult. Saturn’s presence adds a top note of toughness to an outer planet blend,
even to Neptune’s blurry edges. (We’ll explore those planetary pairs in Chapter 11.)

In addition, when Saturn transits a sign, it correlates with a lasting change in people with
planets in that sign, especially with several natal planets there. They commonly experience
limitations, delays, and setbacks. As the transit unfolds, they lay a more realistic and sustainable
foundation for themselves. They’re challenged to take their performance to new levels.

Finally, there are social, cultural, and historical changes and challenges that arise when
transiting Saturn aspects transiting Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto have a distinctively
Saturnian flavor. These shifts alter our collective experience in ways that don’t occur when
inner planets like Venus, Jupiter, or the Moon aspect them.

Worldly Matters Connected with the Outermost Planets

Saturn Issues: Structure, discipline, desire for quality and accomplishment, maturity, age, and the passage
of time, authority, perseverance, self-discipline, accountability, realism, learning from experience, ability to
face and deal with reality, establishing limits and boundaries, setting the bar higher, standards. Worldly
matters associated with Saturn and Capricorn: professions, career, big business, corporate sector,
executives, bosses, and our attitudes toward them, status, expectations, and attitudes about success,
conservative political eras, depressions and eras of contraction, crackdowns, cutbacks, reality checks.
Uranus Issues: Individuality, finding your uniqueness and where you fit into groups, friendship,
eccentricity, inventiveness, technology, independence, freedom, breaking with the past, becomes your own
authority, adolescence. Worldly matters associated with Uranus and Aquarius: Social and political
movements, especially radical and extremist ones, freedom, equality—and elitism, revolution, rebels,
counter-culture, splinter groups, sudden social change, divorce, earthquakes, lightning, and electricity,
science and technology, pop trends and fads, especially those designed to shock, computers.
Neptune Issues: Creativity, inspiration, desire to transcend the self and surrender to something greater,
seeing beyond apparent reality, illusion, deceiving the self and others, compassion, service, psychic
abilities, spirituality. Worldly matters associated with Neptune/Pisces: Creativity, spirituality, psychic
gifts, mysticism, fraud and deception, institutions, service vs. servitude, welfare, chronic care, prisons,
fraud, oceans, epidemics, pollution, oceans.
Pluto Issues: Power and control, trust, to discover and analyze what lies beneath the surface and eliminate
the undesirable, separateness, holding on to things or feelings, revenge, death and endings, rebirth, healing,
transformation. Worldly matters associated with Pluto/Scorpio: Sexuality, wealth, uses and abuses of
power, corruption and dirty dealing, secrets, exposes, occult, healing, psychology, death and the afterlife,
national and personal debt, terrorism, stocks.

The So-Called Impersonal Planets

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are often referred to dismissively as the impersonal planets. We’re
told that they have little to do with individual lives and that they affect us indirectly, if at all.
I simply can’t agree, after many years of listening to clients who are having a turbulent time
coping with the changes that transiting Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto signify. Those “impersonal”
planets can get downright personal with us, especially for stellium folks with several planets
strung together in a very short arc of the zodiac.

As you’ll see in the table above, the transiting outer planet’s signs and cycles mark historic events
and social, economic, environmental, and political developments that affect the whole world.

To the extent that global shifts portrayed by these transits touch on your birth chart, the
events have a profound impact on your life. Ask the folks who are living with stelliums that
include these slow-moving planets.

Ask the young man with the Capricorn stellium that includes Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, as
well as several inner planets. Then listen as he says he feels many areas of his life aren’t working.
To avoid the pain and dreadful sense of failure, he spends 10 hours a day in fantasy games on the
Internet, living out roles he’d love to play in real life.

Ask his mother—who just happens to have a stellium of her own in Virgo with Pluto and
Uranus—how many things she’s done to help her son get onto an even keel over the years, and
how many sleepless nights that entailed.

Ask former executives who lost their jobs couple of years back under Pluto transits to the
Midheaven and whose homes were foreclosed.

The results aren’t always so devastating, however—as we’ll see, they can also be profoundly
transformative for the better. People with these planets strongly represented in their charts
have the capacity to make a major difference in the world.

Often they begin by experiencing difficult outer planet effects on a personal level. They feel our
collective pain and embody dilemmas we seldom have the courage to address unless we're
hurting. They’re the very people who encounter painful personal difficulties, overcome the worst
of them, and then develop solutions that help others who face similar challenges.

Are You an Outer Planet Person?

If you rank high on the Planetary Scores Tests in the Appendix for two or more of the outer
planets, you may be what’s known as an Outer Planet Person or OPP. That doesn’t make you an
alien, though you may sometimes feel like one because you’re so different from the mainstream.

Having a combination of high-scoring outer planets influences your connections with everyone
you meet. Since mainstream individuals often don’t have a clue about what to do with their own
outer planets, they can reject individuals who wear one of these planets on their sleeve. Being
treated that way consistently is painful and alienating.

If the outermost planets portray our personal genius, capitalizing on that genius speeds up
the learning curve for helping ourselves and the collective move into a better future.

One comfort is that if you’re an OPP, you’re not alone. Millions are born with stelliums or
triple conjunctions during these slow-moving combinations, and thousands of them are identical
to yours. One solution is to connect with others like yourself, either in person or online. They
often migrate to large cities—or college towns—where they find like-minded people and better
academic and employment opportunities.

But where would you do best? Astrology—particularly the branch known as locational or
relocation astrology—can help you make an informed decision about where to move and when.
These techniques take much of the guesswork out of moving, especially the highly sophisticated
tool of Astro*Carto*Graphy or other computerized maps that show spots on earth where natal
planets move onto the four chart angles—Midheaven, Ascendant, Descendant or IC. (You’ll learn
more about locational astrology in Chapter 14.)

Analyzing the House + Outer Planet + Sign

As we did for the inner planets in the last chapter, let’s look at the outermost planets in their signs
and houses. Let’s take a closer look at that rare Virgo stellium generation born in the 1960s.

To gain a sense of how the sign, house, and planet combine, scan the keywords in the tables
below and do a side-by-side comparison of the plusses and minuses of the particular combination.

The cells in the template appear in the order of the most impactful features:
 First, the house position showing the areas of life where the stellium is most active
 The planet next, as it’s stronger than the sign
 And, finally, the sign itself.

Matters of the Stellium’s Traits of the Stellium Traits of the Stellium’s

House: 10th Planet: Uranus Sign: Virgo
Tenth: Career and long- Uranus’s roles: inventor, Interests: work, health,
term goals; how you’re scientist, tech support, nutrition, self-improvement,
remembered; parental trendsetter, maverick, activist, learning new skills, efficiency,
authority; bosses and the adolescent. Possible correctness. Possible
type of boss you are; your Constructive Traits: avant- Constructive Traits: practical,
reputation and standing in garde, futuristic, state-of-the- down to earth, helpful,
the community. art, leading edge, genius, dependable, cautious,
Issues to Work on: What quirky, humanitarian, persistent, eager to be useful,
parents were like as thinking out-of-the-box, painstaking, analytical,
authority figures, and idealistic, innovative, observant, thrifty, prudent,
attitudes toward authority brilliant, detached, free. meticulous, dedicated,
figures; role models for Possible Difficult Traits: unselfish. Possible Difficult
becoming a parent or boss. willfulness, knee-jerk rebel, Traits: perfectionistic, overly
Orientation toward career, saboteur, agitator, maverick, critical of self and others, fussy,
success, and status in the provocative, eccentric, cold, worrywart, picky, nosy,
world, as well as the most contrary, elitist, erratic, pessimistic, hypochondriac,
suitable careers. undependable, distractible, can't see the forest for the trees,
explosive, stubborn. expects the worst.

As you scan the columns in both tables, ask yourself the following questions:
 What would be the impact on vocational potentials of a mixture like this one?
 What are the plusses and minuses of the sign and house position?
 What sorts of careers would suit this combination best?

Having this combination in the 10th—the house that represents your accomplishments and how
the world sees you and your career—may signify someone who is outstanding as an innovator
with terrific practical skills to use in perfecting their contributions. Though every bit a leader,
there can be difficulty with the conservative elements, to the extent the person may be regarded as
a maverick or troublemaker. Contrast that with Pluto’s effects in the same stellium:

Matters of the 10h House: Traits of the Planet: Pluto Traits of the Sign: Virgo
Tenth: Career and long- Pluto’s roles: psychologist, Interests: work, health, nutrition,
term goals; how you’re healer, occultist, magician, self-improvement, learning new
remembered; parental renovator, analyst, hospice skills, efficiency, correctness.
authority; bosses and the worker, genealogist, banker, Possible Constructive Traits:
type of boss you are; your financier, medium, magician, Avant-garde, futuristic,
reputation and standing in shaman, seer, researcher, unconventional, state-of-the-art,
the community. detective. Possible leading edge, humanitarian,
Issues to Work on: What Constructive Traits: deep, thinking out-of-the-box,
parents were like as psychologically astute, idealistic, innovative, brilliant,
authority figures, and transformative, perseverance, detached, free-thinking.
attitudes toward authority resilient. Possible Difficult Possible Difficult Traits:
figures; role models for Traits: suspicious, mistrustful, Willfulness, knee-jerk rebel,
becoming a parent or boss. loner, resentful, vengeful, saboteur, agitator, maverick,
Orientation toward career, unforgiving, possessive, provocateur, eccentric, cold,
success, and status in the obsessive, compulsive, spiteful, contrary, elitist, erratic,
world, as well as the most scheming, enmeshed in power undependable, distractible,
suitable careers. struggles, manipulative. explosive, stubborn, detached.

With Pluto in the picture as well as Uranus, career choices get even more complicated. Given that
we’re talking about a 10th house stellium, the potential for such an individual who uses the more
positive traits of both planets to make a difference in the world is immense. As we’ll learn in a
later section of this chapter, Pluto can represent a tremendous capacity to alter people’s lives in
either a transformative or a destructive way.

By the time this chapter is finished, you’ll have tools to create tables like the one above for all the
outermost planets in your stellium. Below you’ll find a template to use in analyzing them.

 If you haven’t already, download a file with all the summary tables and self-tests used in this
book here: Stellium worksheet d–all tables needed plus template.
 Copy and paste the template below into the word processing file
 Don’t know how to copy and paste? See a video here: How to Copy and Paste - YouTube
 Paste a list of house matters from the summary table into the left hand side of the template.
 Paste a list of the qualities of the planet from the summary table into the box in the middle.
 Paste the sign qualities from the summary table into the box on the right.

The Stellium’s House Matters: Traits of the Stellium Planet: Traits of the Stellium’s Sign:
Possible Constructive Traits: Possible Constructive Traits:
Possible Difficult Traits Possible Difficult Traits:

The Outermost Planets—Curse or Blessing?

You may come through this chapter concluding that the outermost planets in your stellium are
more of a curse than a blessing. Granted, their energies are far more difficult to manage well than
the inner planets, yet it’s precisely the presence of these powerful influences that gives your
stellium—and your life—such importance in the larger scheme of things.

Because you confront--directly and powerfully--the influence of these planets that

profoundly affect humankind, you could come up with methods to relieve their effects for
everyone, not just for yourself. You can be a catalyst for healing and growth. It’s precisely
through your own growth that you’d develop solutions for those at risk for these planets’ effects.
And, yes, you’re probably not all that grateful for the experience, and who can blame you?

The transiting outermost planets, especially when a pair of them stand together, represent
historical eras with major events and changes. Those who are particularly strongly affected
include huge segments of the population with planets in the signs these planets are transiting.

If you’re born with the outermost planets in your stellium, you’re most likely an old soul with a
long track record in handling important concerns like these. However, in the current lifetime, you
need time to grow into those qualities and to learn how to express them constructively in order
not to manifest the more difficult expressions. That’s where the self-tests and rigorous practice of
self-awareness can empower you.

Learning to use the energies of outermost planets well is a trial and error process that can
take up much of your 20s and parts of the 30s. The more you know about them, the fewer errors
you’re likely to make. You’ve probably known and mastered those planets in previous lives; you
just have to remember how it goes. It’s similar to the process Thomas Edison, born with a Sun-
Mercury-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius, went through in inventing the light bulb. With great
patience and perseverance, he tried 100 different materials for the filament before finding one that
worked. You’re up to the task; never doubt it!

The Obligatory Disclaimer: We’re about to explore some healing tools. Like all self-
help techniques, you’re cautioned that if a strong response comes up, stop using the
tool immediately and consult your health care practitioner for advice. If you’re already
under treatment for emotional distress, do not begin using these tools without
discussing them with your health care professional.

Each section that follows lists Tune-ups and other suggestions for handling the outermost planets
well. Chief among them are the flower remedies, also known as flower essences. Though many of
these inexpensive natural preparations can be found at metaphysical bookstores or health food
stores, an online source for all the essences mentioned here is the Flower Essence Society, at or calling 1-800-736-9222. Download an introduction from my
ebook on essences here: flower essence information-ch1.

What Saturn Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Capricorn and the 10th House)
Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

Saturn—At its best, potentials it brings to the stellium’s mission:

 Impeccable timing, consistent effort, patience with slow unfolding of the mission.
 Self-discipline, high standards for the work, organized, responsible, can be counted on.
 Can create and preserve structures and routines that get the important work done.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Pessimism, always expecting the worst, so lacks confidence about trying things.
 Prone to depression and anxiety, especially after a setback.
 Resistance to change and letting go of what no longer serves, so slow to try a new approach.

What does Saturn Want? What the part of us that Saturn symbolizes wants—and what drives it
to work so hard—is freedom from fear. It's the part of us that's fearful of a great many things.
Often we’re right to be anxious, because this is a tough world and a tough phase in humankind’s
history. Saturnian types often overwork to build a solid base for themselves and their loved ones,
even if the resulting physical or emotional absence creates a feeling of a wall between them.

What does Saturn bring to the mix? The presence of Saturn in a stellium shows that you have a
strong drive and ability to succeed, depending on the sign and conjunctions to other stellium
planets. In tasks crucial to the mission, you’re likely to be capable, hard working, disciplined,
ambitious, businesslike, serious, realistic, foresightful, structured, reliable, responsible, and
painstaking. (Having Neptune or Uranus there as well could alter the picture considerably.)

Saturn is possibly the greatest asset in my stellium, for it is associated with discipline,
perseverance, patience in reaching long-term goals, and a grasp of the structures that need to be in
place for worthwhile accomplishments. It also suggests a capacity to focus, sort out what’s really
important, and prioritize, because Saturn represents the “less is more” principle that keeps
projects feasible.

Embracing the qualities that Saturn symbolizes and learning to use them well will pay off in
a solid set of achievements over the years.

Another gift that Saturn can correlate with is a mentor with a solid track record in your
area of interest who respects your potential and determination.

Drawbacks: With Saturn in the mix, the need for a healthy balance becomes crucial. That's
where devoting quality time to people and activities of the stellium’s opposite house helps.

A difficult Saturn may represent tough authority figures and hardships that resulted in
discouragement and being afraid to try. Early losses and setbacks in the house’s matters may
create pessimism and inertia. In areas where you feel inadequate or unprepared to tackle your
goals, analyze which skills and information are lacking and then devise a step-by-step plan for
remedying those lacks. (See the tune-ups for Saturn that follow.)

Saturn’s Delays: You’d think Saturn would be an unfortunate addition, since it often indicates
delays and setbacks on the way to a goal. It's true that there can be delays in the house matters of
the stellium and that many of the major achievements come in later years. One reason is that
these accomplishments aren’t the kind ordinary people strive for. They require maturity,
high standards, and solid life experience in order to be done successfully.

I encountered a saying once that helped me tolerate the frustration of waiting for things I wanted.
It said, “God’s delays are not his denial.” I’ve come to see that delays are essentially benign. If

we got things we desperately want before developing the skills, self-awareness, and maturity to
handle them well, we might blow the opportunity. Or, we could be stretched so thin by
performing beyond our limits that we’d have a meltdown. Nothing happens before its time.
(More here: Saturn’s Delays and Why We Should Embrace Them.)

Saturn’s Major Cycles: Reaching the highest expression of a stellium can take a lifetime.
If Saturn is part of it, we make considerable progress on the stellium’s life lessons during
regularly recurring Saturn aspects that we all experience at certain ages.

When transiting Saturn makes a hard angle to natal Saturn, you go through “growth spurts” at 7-
year intervals—about ages 7, 14, 21, 28, and so on. Those are challenging eras when both outside
pressures and inner stirrings push you to grow up and accomplish more in the areas of life
represented by natal Saturn’s house placements.

(Even when natal Saturn isn’t part of the stellium, transiting Saturn makes challenging
aspects to each natal planet in the combination at 7-year intervals, but not at the ages
mentioned above.)

Two landmark eras are our Saturn Returns at around 28-30 and 56-59. Those are years when
Saturn finishes a complete revolution through the houses of the natal chart and returns to its
original position are peak stages in the ongoing development of maturity.

Sample House Placements: Saturn in the 5th as part of a stellium can indicate having children
late in life. Alternately, since Saturn can be a vocational indicator, the person may wind up in a
career involving youngsters. It also signifies people who take their hobbies seriously and who
may develop their talents and creative gifts later in life, after their offspring leave the nest.

Depending on the sign and conjunctions to other stellium planets, Saturn in the 11th as part of a
stellium often shows durable friendships with people in the person’s field of interest, perhaps
with an age difference. (Older, mentor types may encourage them in youth; then they become
mentors to young protégées in maturity.) People with this placement may be inhibited in groups,
yet may ultimately take on responsibility in organizations related to their work.

Self-Tests for Saturn: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Saturn appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Capricorn
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 10th house
 Saturn within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th
 Multiple aspects to Saturn.

Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
SATURN: Saturn’s roles: planner, supervisor, parent, troubleshooter, organizer, manager,
Sign: authority. Possible Constructive traits: hard working, disciplined, patient,
Degree: ambitious, businesslike, serious, realistic, foresightful, prudent, structured, reliable,
House: responsible, painstaking, high standards Possible Difficult Traits: perfectionistic,
Planetary pessimistic, negative, fearful, anxious, depressed, inhibited, rigid, cold,
Score: unimaginative, demanding, authoritarian, stern, conservative, stingy.
What qualities of Saturn would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Know when Saturn Needs a Tune-up: When these qualities are overactive, people may
be rigid, perfectionistic, hypercritical, authoritarian, pessimistic, fearful, depressed, and
workaholic. When the qualities are underactive, people may lack self-discipline, structure and
planning, may be irresponsible, immature, give up easily, and have few goals.

Fixes for Saturn: Organize your workspace; make a detailed plan for accomplishing something
you need to do; redo your resume; read Getting Things Done; by David Allen and join his online
network; take a goal setting approach to your projects. If these suggestions don’t work for you,
brainstorm for related activities.

Flower Essences: Gorse for those who are discouraged by obstacle after obstacle; Gentian to
release the blow of a setback; Elm for those who take on too many responsibilities and become
overwhelmed; Oak for weariness after a long, hard struggle; Rock Water for those who are too
hard on themselves; Larch for those who are afraid to fail, so they don’t even try.

What Uranus Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Aquarius and the 11th House)

Uranus—At its best, potentials it brings to the stellium’s mission:

 Visionary, inventive, thinking outside the box. (May never have even been INSIDE the box.)
 Able to relate to all kinds of people, befriend people from different cultures and backgrounds.
 Independent, on a path of their own, comfortable on the leading edge of trends.
Possible deficits to overcome--Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Can be a rebel and maverick who automatically rejects the status quo and defies authority.
 Self-willed, explosive temper when blocked from doing what they want.
 Perpetual adolescents who refuse to do what’s in their own best interest.

Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

What does Uranus Want? Uranus represents the urge to explore our uniqueness and express it
without restriction. When peers or authorities disapprove of part of us that is different, we either
suppress the difference at great cost or rebel by adopting unconventional styles or behavior,
becoming alienated from family and society in the process. Change is another thing Uranian types
crave, sometimes for the greater good, but often just change for the sake of change—for the sheer
excitement. Uranians can be adrenaline junkies.

What does Uranus contribute to the mix? Uranian types are born different, with unusual
abilities, ideas and personalities. They’re on a path of their own making, often one with plenty of
brambles to clear away because it's so far removed from the road everyone else is traveling.

When natal Uranus has favorable aspects to the inner planets, the person can help create a much-
needed change in our world. Paired with Venus, Jupiter, or Mercury, Uranians may be lovable
eccentrics or make others laugh at the incongruities they see in society.

People with Mars aspects to Uranus can be charismatic leaders, yet may not get away with being
different, especially if the aspect is a conjunction or square. There tends to be a hard edge to their
protests, because they feel a perpetual need to prove themselves and to fight for their right to be
who they are.

The more different Uranians are and the more conservative and oppressive the area they grow up
in, the more vigorously they may rebel in order to protect their uniqueness. They can wind up
feeling alienated and become hard edged, inciting disapproval and repression from authority.

By contrast, Uranians who are comfortable with their differences don't push the edge quite so far
and thus are more likely to be tolerated and even enjoyed for their eccentricities. (If you’re an old
coot—I mean, eccentric—people tend to get a kick out of you. You’re no threat, after all!)

Many alienated Uranians distance themselves from their roots and move to an urban environment
where they find a community of like-minded people who cherish their uniqueness and support
their groundbreaking work.

Usually at the leading edge of their field of interest, Uranians are bright, inventive, and see things
a bit off kilter, so they're often controversial. By the time their unusual ideas or technical
advancements are widely accepted, they've already taken the next leap forward and left the rest of
us behind. Uranians have the gift of periodically reinventing themselves, thereby contributing
new ideas for many decades.

Uranus is also known as the Trickster. Coyote, or Great Awakener. With Uranus as part of the
stellium, you’re likely to have brief encounters with dazzlingly brilliant and exceptional people
who shake up your worldview, open your mind to new possibilities, and then move on. They’re
meant as catalysts, not as permanent fixtures in your life.

It’s even possible that you never meet them in person. You might read their books or see them on
television and be profoundly affected by their ideas. Today, through the Internet, it’s easy to stay
in touch with their perspectives on things by belonging to forums or following their blogs.

Sample House Placements: Let’s compare Uranus in the 1st to Uranus in the 12th, for these are
two pressure-filled placements. With Uranus in the 1st house and especially within 10° of the
Ascendant, these people are impelled to assert their individuality. They live out their
eccentricities in a bold and obvious manner, for to do less than that is to deny who they are.

When it’s in the 12th, the opposite is true: these Uranians feel compelled to hide their considerable
differences and live out a secret world very different from what they present outwardly. The
really difficult position is having Uranus in the 12th but within 10° of the Ascendant. Then that
secret world is no secret to anyone—it’s the elephant in the room no one mentions.

With Uranus in the 6th, the individual has difficulty fitting into a traditional work environment
where they’re expected to conform and to comply with authority. Nonetheless, this is an excellent
position for someone who needs to ride out the constantly shifting demands of technical fields.
They need a looser, less traditional setting where they’re allowed to work independently.
Eventually, as they gain skills and a track record, they’re better off self-employed. See Uranus In
The Career Houses—“You’re Not The Boss Of Me!”

Self-Tests for Uranus: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Uranus appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Aquarius
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 11th house
 Uranus within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th
 Multiple aspects to Uranus.

Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
URANUS: Uranus’s roles: inventor, scientist, tech support, trendsetter, maverick, activist,
Sign: adolescent. Possible Constructive traits: avant-garde, futuristic, state-of-the-art,
Degree: leading edge, genius, quirky, humanitarian, thinking out-of-the-box, idealistic,
House: innovative, brilliant, detached, free. Possible Difficult Traits: willfulness, knee-jerk
Planetary rebel, saboteur, agitator, maverick, provocative, eccentric, cold, contrary, elitist, erratic,
Score: undependable, distractible, explosive, stubborn.
Which qualities of Uranus would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Know when Uranus Needs a Tune-up: When these qualities are overactive, people may
be rebels and non-conformists, constantly having to prove themselves and fight authority, and
unable to accept structure or direction. When the qualities are underactive, people may be
followers, conformists, afraid to express individuality, or unable to establish their independence.

Fixes for Uranus: Call in sick on a Friday and get out of town; find something rebellious to do
that doesn't sabotage crucial interests; volunteer for a cause you believe in; find an online network
of like-minded people who share your interests or social concerns. If these suggestions don’t
work for you, brainstorm to come up with related activities.

Flower Essences: Vervain for those who are incensed at injustices; Nasturtium for reconnecting
with the physical and emotional realms; Blackberry to move ideas into action and manifest your
visions; Goldenrod for combating social pressure or disapproval from family, society, and peers
in order to follow the path you know is right for you; Shooting Star is for those who feel like
aliens on the planet, not fitting in anywhere.

What Neptune Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Pisces and the 12th House)

Neptune—At its best, potentials it brings to the stellium’s mission:

 Creative, spiritual, attuned to a greater reality and the endless possibilities of spirit.
 Compassionate, empathic, intuitive, wanting to help those who are suffering.
 Sees people’s potential, overlooks their flaws, forgiving.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Martyr, doormat, trying to “save” and rescue people who aren’t willing to save themselves.
 Masochistic, hooked on playing the victim and getting everyone’s sympathy.
 Dwelling in a fantasy world when reality is grim, can have an addictive personality.

Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

What does Neptune Want? At the most basic level, Neptune represents a desire to transcend
the small, insignificant self and fully surrender to something greater. That urge can take many
forms. They include total devotion to a Divine Being, sacrificing material success for the creative
muse, or dedication to relieving suffering wherever it’s found.

Unfortunately, depending on the sign and conjunctions to other stellium planets, that same desire
to lose oneself in something larger can lead to codependent relationships. Or, it may lead to

obliterating oneself with mood-altering substances or activities, culminating in a ruinous


The trouble is, it's hard to know exactly when they've crossed the line between positive and
negative expressions of this shape-shifting and easily muddled mind set. It's a lifelong quest to
realize lofty visions, but when the path is shrouded in fog, they keep falling into potholes.

What does Neptune add to the mix? What does Neptune add to the mix? When Neptune is in
a stellium, the matters of its house benefit from imagination, creativity, spirituality, compassion,
and desire to serve. If Neptune is part of the mix, it uplifts people by encouraging us to dream of a
better life for ourselves, our loved ones, and humanity as a whole. It temporarily blinds us to our
own faults and the faults of others, for we can glimpse the soul beneath the all-too-human flaws.

If Neptune is part of the mix, it uplifts people by encouraging us to dream of a better life for
ourselves, our loved ones, and humanity as a whole. It temporarily blinds us to our own faults and
the faults of others, for we can glimpse the soul beneath the all-too-human flaws.

One extremely counterproductive quality many Neptunians have is to view themselves as victims
and to allow themselves to be used or abused. Being a victim during childhood is tragic and
beyond their control, but they must take a firm stance against allowing it to continue in adult life.

The posture of being a victim is highly seductive, as it brings attention and sympathy from others
and provides a handy excuse for why they don’t do what they’re perfectly capable of. If this is
your pattern, take responsibility for your part, and work to end it so you can get your life back on
a positive track. Abuse isn’t your destiny; the Universe has far higher purposes in mind.

Neptune represents the imagination, the part of us that is able to escape the troubles and
tediousness of our everyday reality by providing glimpses of something bigger, more glamorous,
and more beautiful. Movies, television, and novels give us a respite from reality, and if Neptune
is in your stellium, your creativity is one of the gifts you bring the world. Imagination is one way
you remain inspired by your mission.

Alas, there’s a fine line between imagination and illusion. When the house matters of your
stellium are immersed in a thick haze of fantasy, it's easy to fool yourself about the motives,
efforts, or abilities of yourself or someone you care for.

Depending on the sign and conjunctions to other stellium planets, the potentials of our mission
can be huge—like something projected on a Hollywood screen—so it's easy to become grandiose
and persuade yourself that the ends justify the means. It's a short distance between deceiving
oneself and deceiving others as well. Beware of ego entering into the mission, for that’s when it's
easiest to fall into denial and delusion.

Sample House Placements: Individuals with a strong Pisces or Neptune influence in the 2nd
house—the house of money—would protest that they’re not at all materialistic. Many of them
barely connect with the material world, being deeply involved in a world of their own. Despite
that, they may still feel burdened by the time and hard work necessary to earn what it takes to
feed their family.

It’s a rare individual with this stellium who manages money well, as many of them have their
heads in the clouds and are a soft touch for people with a sad story. Wherever Neptune is placed,
codependent relationships and enabling can occur. Sometimes the person with Neptune here is the

enabler, and sometimes they’re the ones who are financially over-dependent—or they may
fluctuate. (See more about their ways of dealing with financial issues here: Neptune in the 2nd—
Money, Boundaries, & Codependency.) When it comes to setting boundaries, Centaury flower
remedy is helpful for kind-hearted souls who allow others to take advantage of them.

Neptune is nicely placed in the 9th house, because, depending on the sign and conjunctions to
other stellium planets, it can signify someone with a mystical nature who is devoted to a spiritual
path and deeply attuned to the Divine. They find inspiration through spiritual teachings and can
teach and inspire others as well. The main difficulty is that they might idolize a teacher and
become codependent, only to be disillusioned by finding out that the realities of that teacher don’t
match the fantasy.

Self-Tests for Neptune: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Neptune appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Pisces
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 12th house
 Neptune within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th
 Multiple aspects to Neptune.

Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
NEPTUNE: Neptune’s roles: spiritual seeker, dreamer, visionary, poet, artist, dedicated helper,
Sign: martyr. Possible Constructive traits: creative, compassionate, intuitive,
Degree: imaginative, empathetic, idealistic, spiritual seeker, willing to serve, forgiving,
House: accepting, devoted, meditative, non-materialistic. Possible Difficult Traits: hazy,
Planetary spacey, daydreamer, lives in fantasy or denial, easily fooled, codependent, unstable,
Score: chaotic, unrealistic, impractical, addiction-prone, deceitful, escapist, doormat.
Which qualities of Neptune would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Know when Neptune Needs a Tune-up: When these qualities are overactive, people
may have escapist tendencies, be poorly grounded, qualities are underactive, people may exhibit
little imagination or creativity, be out of touch with spirituality, or lacking compassion.
Fixes for Neptune: meditation; chanting; music; dance; tai chi; or swimming; clearing your
space with sagebrush; learn to shield yourself psychically and do it consistently. See Neptune and
the Cosmic Soup–How Psychic Contagion Depletes Us. If these suggestions don’t work for you,
brainstorm related activities.

Flower Essences: Yarrow is a general remedy for psychic shielding and strengthening the aura;
Pink Yarrow is better when you've psychically absorbed a loved one’s turmoil; Red Clover to
remain centered when others are in crisis. Lotus essence is very helpful for spiritual practice and
attunement to the Divine; Clematis helps ground the dreamer who lives in a fantasy world;
Centaury is for kind-hearted souls who allow others to take advantage of them.

What Pluto Brings to a Stellium

(Naturally Related to Scorpio and the 8th House)
Reminder: Difficult signs or aspects—especially conjunctions with other stellium planets—can modify
the planet’s basic nature. If so, parts of the description below may not entirely fit.

Pluto—At its best, potentials it brings to the stellium’s mission:

 Perceptive, looks beneath the surface to what is wrong, and is driven to fix it.
 Doesn’t shrink from truth and hard realities, can survive and come back from difficult times.
 Can serve as a powerful healer or catalyst for much needed change.
Possible deficits to overcome—Try a tune-up from the section below:
 Suspicious, lacks trust, cynical, expects the worst from others—once burned, twice shy.
 Holds onto resentment and grievances, can be vengeful or fail for spite.
 Can be a game player, especially with people in power, or to gain control of the mission .

What does Pluto want? It represents the urge to explore the depths of human psychology and
find ways to heal what’s wrong. Plutonians are passionate about most things they touch, craving
intense experiences and the wonder of a rebirth. They yearn to find deeper truths under the
surface and bring them to light. Most ardently of all, they hunger for wholeness and expressing
their considerable strengths.

The deepest need of a Plutonian is not to feel alone in the world. When Pluto has very difficult
aspects, like conjunctions, squares, or oppositions to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven,
these people may have suffered agonizing losses and betrayals of trust in their early years. This
can make them wary and mistrustful. When wounded in this manner, they may long to fuse with
those they’re close to. To combat a deep sense of isolation and to ensure that they won’t be
abandoned, they may become control freaks and manipulators. They may enter into codependent
relationships in which the other needs them so badly, they can’t leave.

Because of unfortunate childhood experiences, many Plutonians are deeply private—even

secretive—and hide their true selves. Thus, they sometimes become targets for others to project
negative traits of their own. Only a deeper level healing of the Plutonian’s wounds is likely to
change these painful patterns.

Depending on the sign and conjunctions to other stellium planets, Plutonians’ perceptions may be
deep and insightful, yet the conclusions they draw from them can be distorted by old traumas.
Shown a path to healing, they work obsessively to overcome their own ills, those of others, or
those of society as a whole. Many become therapists, shamans, healers, or reformers.

Forgiveness does not come easily with wounds like these, so Plutonians often remain stuck for
years in the aftermath of a betrayal. Working toward forgiving and letting go is a gift to yourself
rather than the other person, who surely does not merit it. Keep in mind the Scorpio version of the
Lord’s prayer: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, even
though the bastards don’t deserve it!” (See: Purge Yourself of Pluto’s Negativity—Get Free
of Bitterness and try the flower essence Willow.)

Of course, Pluto doesn’t form difficult aspects in all charts. The greatest gift—and desire—
that Pluto signifies is to see beneath the surface of what is wrong and to find ways to rectify
it. This often makes them skilled in the healing arts, brilliant strategists, and fearless as reformers,
never shrinking away from the difficult tasks involved in their life mission. They have the gifts
and the commitment needed for transformation.

What does Pluto bring to a stellium? With plenty of Plusses and a plethora of Minuses, life
would be poorer without our Plutonian powerhouses!

5 Perks of a Powerful Pluto: Presence/pizzazz; Perseverance; Penetrating psychological

perceptions; Political savvy; and Passion that just won’t quit.

5 Pitfalls of a Powerful Pluto: Pessimism/cynicism; Possessiveness; Paranoia at times; Power

hunger; and Punitiveness

Another potent quality that Pluto can bring to a stellium is something I call manifestation
mojo. Especially when combined with Mars or Mercury, Pluto represents the power to make
things happen by sheer force of will. Almost by magic, once their intention is honed and focused,
the very things they want or need come into being at the time they’re needed. See Mars-Pluto
Aspects? Use your Manifestation Mojo!

Understand, this does not give Plutonians the right to override anyone else’s wishes or freedom of
choice, for there is serious karmic payback for such actions. Also understand that focusing on
positive outcomes rather than obsessing on negative outcomes is crucial, because that same mojo
can magnetize the things that you fear.

Plutonians also have great resilience and can experience a rebirth after reaching the
bottom. Whoopi Goldberg, with a stellium in Scorpio, is a great example. She was an unwed
mother and heroin addict in her teens, but reached stardom with two Oscar nominations and one
win. Whoopi’s whopping Pluto score is 61 on the Planetary Strength tests. (See her chart and bio
here: Goldberg, Whoopi.)

Sample House Placements: The house Pluto occupies in the birth chart can represent areas of
life where we fail for spite. That is, we may chronically set ourselves up to fail in those areas in
ways that are painful, frustrating, and mystifying to us on a conscious level. On the unconscious
level, the motive is often to get back at potent childhood figures who considered that area crucial.
The behavior is self-destructive, like the scorpion’s sting. For some Plutonians, however,
extracting vengeance is more important than doing well.

With Pluto in the vocational houses, Plutonians often have a propensity for being drawn into
power struggles and political machinations in the workplace. In addition, failing at a career can
embarrass the parent or other authority figure, as a form of revenge. (“You said I’d never make
anything of myself. Well, I’ll show you….”) Parents can’t control whether their offspring succeed
or not, and the more parents harp on success, the greater the sting when their offspring fail. See
Pluto in the Career Houses–The Power to Manifest or Fail for Spite .

When Pluto is in the major relationship houses—the 5th, 7th, and 8th, such intimate connections
are passionate, possessive, and an intense center of attention in energy, such that it’s hard to focus
on much of anything else. Turning suspicious, jealous, and possessive can make the quality of the
relationship deteriorate yet dominate the other things that matter in life. Again it’s important to
handle those negative expressions of Pluto.

One manifestation of Pluto in the 11th: there’s a tendency to form very strong, exclusive
relationships with just one or two people and to hold them so tight against your sense of
isolation that they become too important–”you and me against the world,” no one else
understands me, friend of the friendless, and other Plutonian feelings. You become their healer,
but eventually they get better and venture out on their own, and you feel forsaken and vow never
to get close again. It’s like Willie Nelson’s song, “Angel flying too close to the ground.” Or
people betray you because you’re holding them too tightly, so you decide not to have friends .

Pluto is well placed in the 3rd or in conjunction to Mercury, although it does often signify
difficulties around a sibling or relative. Its great strength as part of the stellium in the 3rd, is an
insightful and deeply penetrating mind. These people are gifted at analysis, especially of human
psychology. They love to dig deeply—almost to a PhD level—into life’s mysteries and illuminate
them. They’re capable of persevering in its explorations. Developed fully, this placement can
produce exceptional insight and the capacity to write about human problems in a healing manner.

Self-Tests for Pluto: The test to measure the Planetary Score for Pluto appears in the
Appendix, but here are features that would contribute to a high score:
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in Scorpio
 Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or several planets in the 8th house
 Pluto within 10° one of the chart angles: the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th
 Multiple aspects to Pluto.

Date: / / Highlight Colors: Often Sometimes Seldom Never Depends Who You Ask
PLUTO: Pluto’s roles: psychologist, healer, occultist, magician, renovator, analyst, hospice
Sign: worker, genealogist, banker, financier, medium, magician, shaman, seer, researcher,
Degree: detective. Possible Constructive traits: deep, perceptive, astute, insightful,
House: empathic, perceptive, transformative, persevering, resilient. Possible Difficult
Planetary Traits: suspicious, mistrustful, loner, resentful, vengeful, unforgiving, possessive,
Score: obsessive, compulsive, spiteful, enmeshed in power struggles, manipulative.
Which qualities of Pluto would you like to improve on, and how could you go about it?

How to Know when Pluto Needs a Tune-up: When these qualities are overactive, people may
alternate between isolation and codependent relating, and may be controlling, mistrustful, intense,
or vengeful. When these qualities are underactive, people may lack psychological insight, be
unwilling to heal themselves and have insufficient desire for transformation.

Fixes for Pluto: Make a daily gratitude list; let go of a resentment; envision yourself surrounded
in lavender light and work on forgiving yourself for something; go to a self-help workshop. Lose
yourself in a book or movie with a Plutonian theme. (There’s a reason that mystery stories—the
gorier the better—perennially top the lists of best selling books and box office sales. They
provide a temporary and harmless release of built-up Plutonian desires for revenge and the
satisfaction of seeing good triumph over evil.) If these suggestions don’t work for you, brainstorm
to come up with related activities.

(More tips and insights here: Pluto Problems Got You Perplexed? Here’s What Helps! and here:
Healing Tools For Plutonians: Transforming The Self And Others.

Flower Essences: Vine for control issues; Willow for resentments; Pine for guilt; Holly for hate,
envy, jealousy, or spite; Cherry Plum for those who persist in doing something they know is
harmful to themselves; Star of Bethlehem for healing old shocks and traumas; and Love-Lies-
Bleeding for moving beyond personal suffering and anguish to find a transpersonal meaning.

Most Important of All, What Does the Stellium Want?

Throughout the last two chapters, we’ve addressed for each planet the question, “What does this
planet want?” Now let’s look at the whole picture and consider, “What does the stellium want?”

I keep talking about your life mission, and many of you instinctively know what that is. Others
have difficulty verbalizing it, as it’s so vast and all encompassing. One way of tuning into your
mission—or, more likely, a series of long-term but connected missions—is to ponder the things
we've learned about what the planets want, and then ask, "What does my stellium want?"

Before you go to sleep, ask your subconscious to work on the question, and have paper and pen
ready at your bedside. If you don't get an answer, just let it be. Maybe the answer is too grand for
your mind to grasp right now or maybe it depends on people, situations, and changing world
conditions that are unknown to you at this time.

One thing the stellium is bound to want is for you to keep developing all your abilities so that
you’re ready when the time is right for your contribution. Make sure that you focus on developing
your talents and abilities now so that you’re prepared.

No doubt, if you have a stellium, you have plenty of talent but talent alone won't do the trick.
What James N. Frey noted about talent in his book How to Write a Damn Good Novel9 applies to
you regardless of what your particular gift may be:

"Most folks with raw talent will not make it as novelists. Why? Because they lack the truly
necessary qualities: self-discipline, dogged determination, and stick-to-itiveness. Talent just
gets in the way, because if you have talent, you expect writing a novel to be easy, and it isn't,
no matter how much talent you have. The writing of the novel takes a great deal of time and
expenditure of the great deal of emotional and mental energy."

Understanding the Outermost Planets—a Lifelong Process

It isn't possible to cover these influences in a single book. I would urge you to
read as much as you can about these planets and their cycles, as entire books have
been dedicated to each one of them alone.

My book, Healing Pluto Problems, is a self-help manual for the Plutonian type.
My outer planet trilogy, The Outer Planets and Inner Life, is dedicated to
analyzing the effects of these planets on key areas of life. Volume 1 dedicates
chapters to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto as they apply to the career houses.
Volume 2 explores how these planets affect our relationships in terms of aspects to Venus and
Mars. Volume 3 considers aspects between Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto and their effects
on society at large. (These ebooks are available at
I’d also recommend books about the outer planets by Liz Greene, Jeffrey Wolfe Green, and
Erin Sullivan.

Before moving on, however, you’ll find a summary table at the end of this chapter. It shows the
constructive and difficult traits of all the planets, not just the inner ones. It will come in handy in
using the templates to analyze the parts of your stellium. It’s also useful in creating the stellium
worksheet we’ll introduce in Chapter 9, a valuable tool for making progress in using your
stellium well. It combines the self-tests for the house, sign, and planets involved in your stellium.

P.164, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1987.

Summary Table 3: Self-Tests of How You’re Using your Planets

©2011 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Planet: Qualities of the Planets: Date: __ / __ /20__

SUN: The Sun’s roles: shining star, King or Queen, golden girl or boy, center of action.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: confidence, high visibility, charismatic, regal, dramatic, personable,
Degree: sunny, generous, encouraging, positive, focused on self-expression and self-development. Possible
House: Difficult Traits: egotistical, conceited, vain, pretentious, grandiose, false pride, demanding, high
Score*: maintenance, self-centered, self-absorbed, stubborn, narcissistic, melodramatic.
MOON: The Moon’s Roles: nurturer, parent, domestic worker, caretaker, feminine role model.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: nurturing, caring, emotionally aware, listens to “gut feelings, sensitive,
Degree: intuitive, homey, receptive, attuned to lunar cycles, domestic, maintains family and tradition. Possible
House: Difficult Traits: smother love, emotional eating, codependency, moody, living in the past,
Score: hypersensitive, clinging, insecure, worrier, conservative, easily offended, fixed in habits.
MERCURY: Mercury's roles: messenger, information specialist, networker, speaker, writer, trendsetter.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: communicative, fast learner, full of ideas, articulate, bright, adaptable,
Degree: versatile, clever, imaginative, humorous, trendy, well informed, curious, persuasive. Possible Difficult
House: Traits: distractible, fidgety, changeable, restless, overly cerebral, faddish, fickle, superficial, glib, nosy,
Score: gossipy, knows all/tells all, internet addict, Peter Pan, untruthful.
VENUS: Venus’s roles: mediator, peacemaker, beautifier, networker, social coordinator, love-addict.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: sociable, charming, attractive, warm, adaptable, harmonious, refined,
Degree: conciliatory, affectionate, agreeable, people skills, team player, likable, able to compromise. Possible
House: Difficult Traits: people pleaser, vain, over-concerned with appearances, coasting on charm rather than
Score: effort, insincere, indolent, hedonistic, greedy, superficial, wishy-washy.
MARS: Mars’ roles: leader, explorer, warrior, advocate, athlete, bully, competitor, initiator, pioneer.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: courageous, bold, strong, assertive, energetic, tireless, determined,
Degree: zestful, dynamic, adventuresome, vivacious, athletic, heroic, independent, self-starting. Possible
House: Difficult Traits: aggressive, hotheaded, arrogant, pushy, belligerent, brusque, rash, mean, impulsive,
Score: cruel, domineering, stubborn, inconsiderate of others’ needs and wants, driven.
JUPITER: Jupiter’s roles: teacher, sage, preacher, wise elder, citizen of the world, gambler, know it all.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: upbeat, joyful, aspiring, hopeful,, philosophical, optimistic, willing to
Degree: take risks, lucky, generous, studious, wise, able to synthesize information, lifetime student. Possible
House: Difficult Traits: overindulgent, gambling, pushing their luck, preachy, exaggerating, opinionated,
Score: dogmatic, pompous, Pollyanna, over-confident, greedy, hypocritical.
SATURN: Saturn’s roles: planner, supervisor, parent, troubleshooter, organizer, manager, authority.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: hard working, disciplined, patient, ambitious, businesslike, serious,
Degree: realistic, foresightful, prudent, structured, reliable, responsible, painstaking, high standards. Possible
House: Difficult Traits: perfectionistic, pessimistic, negative, fearful, anxious, depressed, inhibited, rigid, cold,
Score: unimaginative, demanding, authoritarian, stern, conservative, stingy.
URANUS: Uranus’s roles: inventor, scientist, tech support, trendsetter, maverick, activist, adolescent.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: avant-garde, futuristic, state-of-the-art, leading edge, genius, quirky,
Degree: humanitarian, thinking out-of-the-box, idealistic, innovative, brilliant, detached, free.
House: Possible Difficult Traits: willfulness, knee-jerk rebel, , agitator, maverick, provocative, eccentric, cold,
Score: contrary, elitist, erratic, undependable, distractible, explosive, stubborn.
NEPTUNE: Neptune’s roles: spiritual seeker, dreamer, visionary, poet, artist, dedicated helper, martyr.
Sign: Possible Constructive Traits: creative, compassionate, intuitive, imaginative, empathetic, idealistic,
Degree: spiritual seeker, willing to serve, forgiving, accepting, devoted, meditative, non-materialistic. Possible
House: Difficult Traits: hazy, daydreamer, lives in fantasy or denial, easily fooled, codependent, unstable,
Score: unrealistic, impractical, addiction-prone, deceitful, escapist, doormat.
PLUTO: Pluto’s roles: psychologist, healer, occultist, magician, renovator, analyst, hospice worker, genealogist,
Sign: banker, medium, magician, shaman, researcher, detective. Pluto’s roles: psychologist, healer, occultist,
Degree: magician, renovator, analyst, hospice worker, genealogist, banker, financier, medium, magician,
House: shaman, seer, researcher, detective. Possible Constructive traits: perceptive, insightful, empathic,
Score: transformative, persevering, resilient. Possible Difficult Traits: suspicious, mistrustful, loner, resentful,
unforgiving, possessive, obsessive, compulsive, spiteful, enmeshed in power struggles, manipulative.

Donna Cunningham’s Books on the Outer Planets

If you’re dealing with a stellium that contains one or more outer planets, these ebooks will help
you understand their role in your chart and explore ways to change difficult patterns they
represent. Since The Stellium Handbook can’t cover them in the depth they deserve, you’ll gain a
greater perspective through these ebooks that devote entire chapters to the meanings of Uranus,
Neptune, or Pluto in a variety of contexts.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life volumes are $15 each if purchased separately, or $35 for all
three—a $10 savings. To order, go to and tell them which books you want, Donna’s
email address ([email protected]), and the amount. The ebooks arrive on separate
emails. If you want them sent to an email address other than the one you used, let her know.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life, V.1: The Outer Planets as Career
Indicators. If your stellium has outer planets in the career houses (2nd, 6th, or
10th), or if it relates to your chosen career, this book can give you helpful insights.
There’s an otherworldly element when the outer planets are career markers, a
sense of serving a greater purpose in human history.

Each chapter of this e-book explores one of these planets in

depth. See an excerpt here.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life, v.2: Outer Planet Aspects
to Venus and Mars. Learn about the love lives of people who
have the outer planets woven in with the primary relationship
planets, Venus and Mars, or in the relationship houses—the 7th,
8th, and 5th. We’ll identify persistent relationship patterns for each
outer planet influence. Explore the ways people with these chart factors try to
satisfy their need for intimacy while still fulfilling an equally strong urge to
participate in the evolution of our world. See the table of contents here.

The Outer Planets and Inner Life, v.3: Aspects between the Outer Planets

Some of the most eventful and memorable historical eras happen when two or
more of the outermost planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto—form
aspects to one another. We’ll look at distinct 20th Century eras like the 1960s,
the astrological patterns of that time, and the life-long impact of these
combinations on people born with them strongly featured in their charts.

The book includes chapters on people born with the Pluto-Uranus conjunction,
those with Pluto and Saturn in aspect, those with Uranus and Saturn in aspect,
those with Neptune and Saturn in aspect, and those with Uranus and Neptune in
aspect. See the table of contents here.

For Donna’s book, Healing Pluto Problems, go to Healing Pluto Problems.

Published by RedWheel/ Weiser, it’s available in hard copy and Kindle format.

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