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MAURICIO C. ULEP, petitioner, vs. THE LEGAL CLINIC, INC., respondent.

223 SCRA 378

Atty. Mauricio Ulep filed a complaint against The Legal Clinic because of its
advertisements which invite potential clients to inquire about secret marriage and divorce in Guam
and annulment, absence, Visa, etc. It is also alleged that The Legal Clinic published an article
entitled “Rx for Legal Problems” in The Philippine Star because it is composed of specialists that
can take care of a client’s situation no matter how complicated it is, especially on marriage
problems like the Sharon and Gabby situation. Atty. Ulep claims that such advertisements are
unethical and destructive of the confidence of the community in the integrity of lawyers. In its
answer to the petition, respondent admits the fact of publication of said advertisements at its
instance, but claims that it is not engaged in the practice of law but in the rendering of "legal
support services" through paralegals. As for its advertisement, respondent said it should be allowed
in view of the jurisprudence in the US which now allows it. And that besides, the advertisement is
merely making known to the public the services that The Legal Clinic offers.

1.Whether or not The Legal Clinic is engaged in the practice of law;
2. Whether or not such is allowed;
3. Whether or not its advertisement may be allowed.

Yes. The Supreme Court held that the services offered by the respondent constitute practice
of law, however such practice is not allowed. The Legal Clinic offers services for various legal
problems wherein a client may avail of legal services from installation of computer systems and
programs to the giving out of legal information to laymen and lawyers. The Legal Clinic is
composed mainly of paralegals and such services aforementioned are undoubtedly beyond the
domain of the paralegals. As stated in a previous jurisprudence, practice of law is only reserved
for the members of the Philippine bar, and not to paralegals. As with the Legal Clinic’s
advertisements, the Code of Professional Responsibility provides that “a lawyer in making known
his legal services must use only honest, fair, dignified and objective information or statement of
facts. A lawyer cannot advertise his talents in a manner that a merchant advertises his goods. The
Legal Clinic promotes divorce, secret marriages, bigamous marriages which are undoubtedly
contrary to law. The only allowed form of advertisements by the Supreme Court would be: 1.
Citing your involvement in a reputable law list, 2. An ordinary professional card 3. Phone directory
listing without designation to a lawyer’s specialization.

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