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People V Feliciano


On December 8, 1994, at around 12:30 to 1:00 in the afternoon, seven (7) members of the Sigma Rho
fraternity were eating lunch at the Beach House Canteen, near the Main Library of the University of the
Philippines, Diliman, when they were attacked by several masked men carrying baseball bats and lead
pipes. Some of them sustained injuries that required hospitalization. One of them, Dennis Venturina, died
from his injuries.

An information for murder was filed against several members of the Scintilla Juris fraternity and separate
informations were also filed against them for the attempted and frustrated murder of Sigma Rho
fraternity members.

RTC found Alvir, Feliciano Jr., Soliva, Medalla and Zingapan guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder and
attempted murder. Others were acquitted. The case against Guerrero was ordered archived by the court
until his apprehension. CA affirmed RTC’s decision.


Whether or not accused-appellants’ constitutional rights were violated when the information against
them contained the aggravating circumstance of the use of masks despite the prosecution presenting
witnesses to prove that the masks fell off



The Court held that an information is sufficient when the accused is fully apprised of the charge against
him to enable him to prepare his defense. The argument of appellants that the information filed against
them violates their constitutional right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against
them holds no water. The Court found no merit on the appellants’ arguments that the prosecution should
not have included the phrase “wearing masks and/or other forms of disguise” in the information since
they were presenting testimonial evidence that not all the accused were wearing masks or that their
masks fell off.

It should be remembered that every aggravating circumstance being alleged must be stated in the
information. Failure to state an aggravating circumstance, even if duly proven at trial, will not be
appreciated as such
It was, therefore, incumbent on the prosecution to state the aggravating circumstance of “wearing masks
and/or other forms of disguise” in the information in order for all the evidence, introduced to that effect,
to be admissible by the trial court.

In criminal cases, disguise is an aggravating circumstance because, like nighttime, it allows the accused to
remain anonymous and unidentifiable as he carries out his crimes.

The introduction of the prosecution of testimonial evidence that tends to prove that the accused were
masked but the masks fell off does not prevent them from including disguise as an aggravating

What is important in alleging disguise as an aggravating circumstance is that there was a concealment of
identity by the accused. The inclusion of disguise in the information was, therefore, enough to sufficiently
apprise the accused that in the commission of the offense they were being charged with, they tried to
conceal their identity.

The introduction of evidence which shows that some of the accused were not wearing masks is also not
violative of their right to be informed of their offenses.

The information charges conspiracy among the accused. Conspiracy presupposes that “the act of one is
the act of all.” This would mean all the accused had been one in their plan to conceal their identity even
if there was evidence later on to prove that some of them might not have done so.

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