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Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 1

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No: Mapped with
1. State and prove De Morgan’s laws in set theory
Prove that (A*B)(P*Q)= (AP)* (BQ)
State and explain POSET.
Define closure properties of relations with an example
Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, and R is a relation defined by “a divides b”.
4. Write R as a set of ordered pair, draw directed graph. Also find R-1
Let R be a binary relation defined as R = {(a, b) ϵ R2 : a-b < 3},
determine whether R is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.


Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 2

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, give an example of a mapping which is (i) Mapped Cos
neither symmetric nor anti-symmetric, (ii) anti-symmetric and
reflexive but not transitive, (iii) transitive and reflexive but not anti-
List all possible functions from A to B, A = {a, b, c}, B = {0, 1}.
2. Also indicate in each case whether the function is one-to-one, is onto CO-
and one-to-one-onto.
If f is function from A to B and g is function B to C and both f and g
are onto. Show that gof is also onto. Is gof one-to-one if both f and g
3. CO
are one-to-one.
Let f, g and h: R → R be defined by (R is the set of real numbers)
f(x) = x + 2, g(x) = (1 + x2) , h(x) = 3. Find gof, fog, goh, hog, hof,
4. foh. CO
State and Prove the principle of Inclusion-Exclusion.

5. CO

Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 3

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week

Q. No:1 State and explain Equivalence relation. Mapped Cos

Differentiate between partial order relation and total order relations. CO-
2 Explains the functionality of Warshall’s algorithm with the help of an
3 example
Computer programmers interviewed for a job. 25 knew JAVA, 28
knew C, and 7 knew neither language. How many knew both
4 language?
Show that the function f and g both of which are from N ´ N to N
given by f(x, y) = x + y and g(x, y) = xy are onto but not one-one.

Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 4

Subject Code: CS-301 Class /
Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 Make a truth table for the following:
(i) (p q)  r (ii) (p~q) ~r (iii) (p  q)  ~ (~p  ~r)
2 State and prove De Morgan’s law for logic.
Is ((p~q)  (~p~q))  q a tautology?
3 Consider the following conditional statement:
If the flood destroy my house or the fires destroy my house, then my
insurance company will pay me. Also write the converse, inverse and
contrapositive of the statement.
Given the following statements as premises, all referring to an
arbitrary meal:
If he takes coffee, he does not drink milk.
He eats crackers only if he drinks milk.
He does not take soup unless he eats crackers.
At noon today, he had coffee.
5. Whether he took soup at noon today? If so what is the correct

Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 5

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 There are two restaurants next to each other. One has a sign says
“Good food is not cheap” and other has a sign that says “Cheap food
is not good”. Are the signs saying the same thing?

2. Is the following argument valid?

If taxes are lowered, then income rise Income rise or Taxes
are lowered

Write the following statement in symbolic form using quantifiers:

3. a. All students have taken a course in mathematics.
b. Some students are intelligent, but not hardworking.

State DeMorgan’s Law.

Prove [(p→q) Λ (q→r)] →(p→r) is a tautology.



Prepared By: Ms. Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 6

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 Prove by mathematical induction that 12+22+ ……+n2=n(n+1)
Prove using counting argument C (n, r) = C (n-1, r) + C (n-1, r-1).

Find the generating function for the number of ways to select (with
repetition allowed) r objects from a collection of n distinct objects.
In how many different ways can eight identical balls be distributed
among three children if each receives at least two balls and no more
than four balls?
3. Find the number of ways that 9 students can be seated in the room so
that there is at least one student in each of the five rows.
Determine the number of permutations that can be made out of the
4. letters of the word “PROGRAMMING”.


Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 7

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 A bag contains 3 white, 3 black and 2 red pens. Three pens are drawn
one-by-one without replacing them. Find the probability that the
third pen is red.
From a deck of cards, three cards are drawn one-by-one with
replacement. Find the probability that each time it is a card of spade.
Two dice are thrown. Find the probability of getting an odd number
on one and a multiple of three on other.
3. A and B are two candidates seeking job in IBM. Probability that A is
selected is 0.5 and the probability that both A and B are selected is
almost 0.3. Find the probability that B get selected for the job.
4. State and prove pigeonhole principle.


Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 8

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 Find the particular solution of the difference equation
2a r 1  a r  12
Solve the difference equation a r  4a r 1  4a r  2  0 and find the

particular solution, Given that a 0  1 and a1  6 .

Solve the difference equation 9a r  6a r 1  a r  2  0 satisfying the
boundary conditions a 0  0 and a1  2
Find the homogenous and particular solution:

a r  4a r 1  4a r 2  r 2  3r  5
Solve the difference equation by method of generating
function a r  7 a r 1  10a r  2  3 , r  2 with boundary

5. condition a 0  0, a1  1 .

Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)
Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 9

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 3 Consider the binary operation ‘  ’ and ‘ Q ’, the set of
rational numbers defined by
a *b   a, b  Q
Determine whether  is associative.
Explain abelian group with an example.

Consider the binary operation ‘  ’ and ‘I+’, the set of positive

Integer numbers defined by
3. ab
a *b   a, b  Q
Determine the identity for the binary operation *, if exists.

Consider an algebraic system  I ,, where I is the set of integers

and +and * are addition and multiplication, respectively. Determine

whether  I ,,* is an integral domain.

Consider an algebraic system  Q ,  , Where Q is the set of

rational numbers and  is a binary operation defined by

a  b  a  b  ab  a, b  Q .Determine whether
 Q ,  is a group.

Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)

Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies

Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Tutorial/Assignment Sheet

Subject Name: Discrete Structures Tutorial number: 10

Subject Code: CS-301 Class / Semester: III
Max. Marks : 1 Time Allowed: 1 week
Q. No:1 Draw binary tree when the inorder and preorder traversal is given as Mapped
follows: CO
Inorder: Q B C A G P E D R
Preorder: G B Q A C P D E R

Define chromatic number in a planar graph. Find the chromatic number for
the following graph:

Explain Eulerian Circuit and Hamiltonian Circuit with an example.

3. Determine the minimum spanning tree for the following graph using
Kruskal’s algorithm.

True or False “The spanning tree of a graph is unique”. Justify.


Prepared By: Approved By:

Dr. Suresh Kumar

Course Coordinator
Ms. Srishty Jindal (Professor & HOD-CSE)

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