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An EASY to Understand Guide

Saving Your Home From Foreclosure.

Written in Layman’s Language

Vince Khan

Consumer Defense Programs

What Others Have Said About This Book

Wow! This is amazing—and outrageous! It was very easy to read and


Thank you Vince for bringing this truth out. And for your humanitarian and
courageous stand to keep people from losing their homes to corrupt predator
Cindy W(online comment)

Thank you for the serious amount of work put into this book. I seriously believe
that this type of information provided free to the people is one of the hallmarks of
truth. Another hallmark of truth is simplicity. I’m sure you know from experience
the convoluted path you had to follow to unwind the web of deceit woven by the
banks to conceal this fraud being perpetrated since the repeal of Glass/Steagall.
The book is simple, easy to read, and easy to understand.
Mark (online comment)

Absolutely phenomenal reading! I have passed this info on to everyone that I can
think of! This is the kind of educational material that has the ability to really
change things in this country and beyond!
James - Mississippi

I got the book last Tuesday and I went through it twice…lots of information and
well put together. Thank you for all of the hard and time consuming work you
have put into educating homeowners. … Thanks again for the great information
you have provided. Take care and may God bless you always.
Patricia Y - California

WOW…. I’m blown away with the content. THANKS …for showing me the way.
James - Colorado

We are very happy to have a guide book to have as a reference to this subject. It
is very tricky. We have been fighting for our home and cannot believe how the
average person does not know this stuff!

May God bless you and your team for what you are doing to help others. We 2
have forwarded this book to everyone we know and have asked them to pass it
along to their friends and family…It is important information that everyone needs
to know…

Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Jeff K

Thank you for the book. It was very well written and easy to understand. I am a
legal researcher and paralegal and although I am comfortable with reading
statutes and case law, I realize many are not. This book also clearly lays out the
point by point bread trail that the banks have done with the note through the
securitization process. WOW!!!
Frank (online comment)

Opened it, read it, and am absolutely blown away!

Tom (online comment)

I couldn’t stop reading. What a wonderful resource that is an easy read & easy
for everyone to understand. This book is so timely and helpful to all of us in a
tough spot these days. The book really broke things down in layman terms.
Thanks again for providing this for us.
Bridget (online comment)

This possibly the best gift ever. I can only “THANK YOU” for the truth, and the
direction, that I must take on MY house. May The Father In Heaven continue to
help you.
Andy (online comment)

Read Me First 3
This ebook is a culmination of thousands of hours of research by our team.
We’ve read hundreds of articles and interviewed countless people and industry
experts to compile this book. This is a very complicated web of deceit that the
banking industry would rather not have you know about…because if you did,
you’d be mad as hell.

You have the right to be mad. You’ve been conned. This is one of the largest
frauds perpetrated in the history of mankind.

This is why we decided to write this book and share our discovery with you so
you can understand what is going on. Information is power. We want you to be

You have no rights unless you know what your rights are. Education gives you

By all rights, we should be charging for this research. But because we want to
share this information with as many people as possible, we decided to take a
different approach.

The American people have the right to know that they have been lied to.

This is why we are making this ebook available free of charge. However, we
have a condition.

This is an honor bound contract.

If you find that the information contained in this book is worth sharing, you are
honor bound to share this book with at least 3 other people.

This is the cost of admission.



Seriously, stop. Only proceed if you agree.

Your word is your bond. Live in honor.

By the way, you can also buy this book in paperback on Look
for “Foreclosure Defense Guidebook” ISBN: 978-1456470067. It might be easier
to read than to carry around than 100+ loose pages. It is also available on the
Kindle. 4
Warning: This Book is Out of Date
The law is constantly changing. Information is fluid. We are constantly updating
this book as new processes, new laws, and new research are discovered.
Chances are, the copy you have may be out of date.

To make sure you have the latest copy of our book, please come to our site:

Disclaimer <- IMPORTANT

This is purely for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing in this book is
to be taken as giving legal advice or practicing law. We are not attorneys. You
are advised to consult competent legal counsel. Your reliance on the information
presented within this book is at your own risk.

The authors make no warrantees, assurances or claims to the legitimacy,

accuracy or completeness of the information contained within this work, explicit
or implied. This is information that we want to present to you for your
consideration. It is the result of thousands of hours of research and interviews
with industry experts. We believe the information is accurate to the best of our

Seriously, this is not your standard disclaimer. Don’t believe a word we

say. Do your own research and discover your own truth.

Copyright Notice
This book is copyrighted with all rights reserved. The book may be freely
distributed unaltered but its content cannot be used, reprinted, or republished
without the express permission of the publisher, Consumer Defense Programs
LLC. Email [email protected].
Permission is granted for printing for the purpose of non-commercial personal
use. 5
Help, I am Facing Foreclosure.

Knock, knock came the noise from the front door. I gingerly opened the door to
find my postman handing me an envelope requiring my signature. It was for
certified mail.

It was a Notice of Default from my servicer. It felt as if someone had physically

punched me in the gut and I felt like vomiting. Intellectually, I knew this moment
would arrive, but yet I cannot help the way I feel.

I couldn’t even get myself to finish reading the rest of the document before I
tossed it on my desk and crawled into bed and cried.

As a grown man, I cannot recall when the last time I cried. I’ve been conditioned
to “be a man” and not to break under pressure. But despite it all, I cried.
Somehow, I wish that someone would come and tell me everything is going to be
OK, just like my mother did when I was a little boy. Unfortunately, nobody could.
Because nobody understands what I am going through. It’s hard to “keep it
together” when your whole world is falling apart around you.

My name is Vince Khan. This is my story.

I made a lot of money around 2002-2004. I made enough money to retire for the
rest of my life. With that money, I invested in a number of properties, partly as a
way to park my money and partly as a way to make a little money investing in
real estate.

In 2009 I started another business that required a lot of startup capital. Things
didn’t turn out as I had planned. I had invested all my money into the venture but
it was not enough. I needed more money. In 2010, I made a decision to stop
paying the mortgage for 4 of my investment properties to feed my new start up, in
the hopes that eventually, my startup would turn around and I would then have
enough money to pay back the bank.

I was wrong. My startup failed and I lost everything and was heavily in debt to

So, like millions of people around the country, I was facing foreclosure.

Two months after I stopped making payments, I started looking at my options. I

could either do a short sale (meaning I could sell the property for what is owed)
or just hold onto the properties for as long as possible before they foreclose on
me. Or I could put up a fight. 6
I chose to fight.

To be honest, I was just as ignorant as everyone else who was going through a
default. I borrowed the money. Now, for one reason or another, I couldn’t pay.
So, I was lead to believe that the bank was entitled to foreclose on my houses
and repossess them.

I was wrong.

It was at that time that I started learning about bank fraud. At first, I was
skeptical but I kept an open mind. As I dug deeper into this issue, it became
clear that there was more than meets the eye. In fact, I discovered that banks
have sold mortgages onto Wall Street as what’s called “mortgage backed
securities” (MBS). At first, I did not know what that meant. My thoughts were,
“so what?”

As I studied this issue deeper, I came to realize that banks were actually
committing some very clever schemes to steal people’s homes without the
proper “standing” to do so.

You see, once a bank has sold a promissory note as a MBS, it no longer owns
the note. And if it does not own the note, it does not have the right (or standing)
to foreclose.

But they do this every single day, because they rely on our ignorance. They rely
on your ignorance. They rely on the judge’s ignorance and they even rely on their
own lawyer’s ignorance to pull this scheme off.

On one side, we have a growing population of people living in tent cities without
running water, without toilets or other things you and I take for granted.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have bank executives getting multi-million
dollar bonuses for how quickly they can foreclose people’s homes (without
having any actual legal authority to do so).

Not only that, these bank executives have received TRILLIONS of taxpayer
money from TARP (the Troubled Asset Relief Program) to pretty much do as
they see fit. You know, buy up smaller banks, buy executive jets, go to Bahamas
for exotic retreats and other wonderful ways to spend the handouts from our

This got me mad.

But most frustrating of all, I discovered that as a homeowner, my choices were

very limited. 7
Firstly, even if I took the time to learn about this fraud, so what? How does this
have to do with saving my houses from foreclosure? I am not a lawyer. I am too
poor to afford one, and even if I had $25,000 to retain one, there was no
assurance of success.

Secondly, I don’t know enough about the law to put up a viable defense. I’m just
your average computer geek. I don’t know anything about the law. I don’t have
the time or the mental energy to learn to be a lawyer to put up a defense.

Thirdly, there was very limited information available for homeowners to learn
about this stuff. Even if one has the time, it would take a full time occupation to
figure all this stuff out at the best of times (ie. When one is not suffering from
crippling depression when one’s world is falling apart).

Fourthly, very few attorneys even know about this stuff. There wasn’t really
anyone I could go to learn this information.

The odds were just stacked against me.

Faced with insurmountable adversity, I was faced with a decision; to give up or to

go down fighting.

My father told me a story about how Japan won so many battles in Asia (they
took over almost all of Asia before America dropped the bombs). He said that
unlike other armies, the Japanese doctrine was “death before dishonor”. The
concept of surrender or retreat was the lowest of shame for a Japanese soldier.
When they landed their troops into a battle, the Japanese would tell their soldiers
that the only way they would go home was to either win, or return in a body bag.
There was no retreat. As a result, the Japanese soldiers fought like their lives
depended on it, because it literally was.

For me, this was the doctrine in which I lived my life. I either succeed in what I
do or I die trying. As Master Yoda said in “The Empire Strikes Back”, “do or do
not, there is a try.”

So, study I did.

I committed to doing whatever it takes to put up a fight and win.

I started to challenge the bank using the processes outlined in this book, and to
cut a long story short, I managed to compel the bank to issue a Rescission of the
Notice of Default on my property. 8
Essentially, this means that the bank cannot foreclose on my house and it is
currently in limbo. 9
As of the time of writing, I am in the process of filing a civil action called a “Quiet
Title Action” to remove the lien on the house. You can read more about the
progress of this on my website at

As I learned more about this subject, it occurred to me that millions of other

people around the world were going through the same problems I was going
through. The biggest issue faced by distressed homeowners was that there was
no easy to understand, easy to follow materials available to the average
homeowner to put up a fight against lender fraud.

With this in mind, I put together a blog online to help homeowners. All the
sudden, my site got bombarded with so many people wanting to know more
about what I’ve discovered. Everyone started to ask me questions; everyone
wanted me to help them with their situation.

I quickly realized there were a number of problems with this situation.

1) I barely have enough headspace to deal with my own problem, let alone
for other people.
2) If I answered people’s questions openly, the BAR Association would love
to put a stop to this by accusing me of “practicing law”
3) Helping people takes time, and everyone’s situation was different. I only
have a limited amount of time in the day. I barely had time to pee, let
alone help other people.
4) Helping people for free full time means I cannot spend that time to make a
living for myself. It is a full time job just to keep up with all the research
and reading to understand the strategies of foreclosure defense.

With these problems in mind, I decided to write this book. My goal is to give
homeowners an easy to understand resource so that they can quickly grasp how
the fraud is being perpetrated. Once they understand the fraud then teach them
how to articulate a viable defense. I’ve written this book so that anyone can put
together a viable strategy to defend their home from lender fraud and so they can
keep their home for as long as possible.

Unlike other books, this book is written in a conversational tone using lots of
stories and analogies so everyone can understand. I believe that often “less is
more” when it comes to information. While other books are hundreds of pages
long, this book by comparison is rather small. Too much information leads to
overwhelm and “paralysis by analysis”. My goal is to make this handbook be a
practical guide with real practical steps you can do right now to save your
home, yet be easy enough to digest in one evening’s reading. 10
Please keep in mind, this is a scheme created by the brightest minds in the
banking industry. This is something banks don’t want the public to know. They
have gone to great lengths to make sure people like you don’t know about their
schemes. Court cases have been settled with conditions of a gag order are being
done on a regular basis. In one instance, an expert witness I’ve interviewed have
had his life threatened by banksters for the information he knows.

The information presented in this book is highly controversial. I truly believe that
I am writing this book at great risk to my own personal safety. Thanks to the
power of the Internet, my hope is that once this book is in the hands of enough
people banks will not feel the need to “silence me”.

I’ve always been inspired by the story of Jesus. In particular, his bravery for
doing what’s right in the face of overwhelming adversity. Jesus was arrested for
talking against the rabbis and was condemned to death. His jailer knew that
Jesus was a good man and did not want to see him dead. The jailer deliberately
left Jesus’ jail door open and made arrangements for Jesus to easily escape.
Instead of running away, Jesus stayed in his cell and ended up dying on the

This is true bravery.

While I don’t want to be a martyr, I do feel strongly about helping homeowners

despite the dangers to myself.

If you are facing foreclosure and want an easy to read, and easy to understand
guide to help you stay in your home, then this book is for you. Too often, one has
to wade through thousands and thousands of pages of information to get a basic
understanding of what’s going on. This type of information is often written in
legalese (by lawyers for lawyers) and is ladened with double talk jargon that it is
hard for the average person to comprehend.

I hope you will join me in standing up against injustice and bank corruption. And if
this book makes a difference in your life, please “pay it forward”. Please tell
others about it.

Vince Khan 11
Table of Contents
What  Others  Have  Said  About  This  Book  ........................................................................  2  
Read  Me  First  ............................................................................................................................  3  
Help,  I  am  Facing  Foreclosure.  ............................................................................................  6  
Table  of  Contents  ..................................................................................................................  12  
Understanding  the  Securitization  Process  ..................................................................  14  
Background  and  Introduction  .......................................................................................................  14  
Incentive  and  Motivation  of  Securitization………………………………………………………………………………..16  
The  Game  of  Greed  .......................................................................................................................  17  
Stage  1:  The  Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement  Process  ...............................................................  18  
Stage  2:  The  Changing  of  the  State  of  the  Negotiable  Instrument  ...............................................  19  
Stage  3:  Real  Parties  of  Interest  ....................................................................................................  20  
REMIC,  Investors  and  Shareholders  Explained  ..............................................................................  22  
The  Repurchase  Agreement  ..........................................................................................................  24  
Writing  Off  a  Bad  Debt  ..................................................................................................................  26  
But  Can  They  Foreclose?  ...............................................................................................................  28  
Conclusion  .....................................................................................................................................  29  
The  Bubble  Burst  of  2008-­‐2009  ......................................................................................  31  
Bank  Fraud  Exposed  ............................................................................................................  34  
Give  Me  a  Free  iPod  ......................................................................................................................  35  
The  Great  Pretender  Lender  Switch  ..............................................................................................  37  
You  Cannot  Make  Carrots  from  Carrot  Juice  .................................................................................  38  
Loan  Mods  are  a  Scam  ..................................................................................................................  41  
Legal  Arguments  ...................................................................................................................  44  
Beyond  "Show  Me  the  Note"  ........................................................................................................  45  
The  Deed  of  Trust  and  Mortgage  ..................................................................................................  46  
Bifurcation  .....................................................................................................................................  46  
Violation  of  Applicable  State  Law  ..................................................................................................  47  
Perfection  of  Chain  of  Title  ...........................................................................................................  49  
Who  or  What  is  MERS?  .................................................................................................................  51  
The  Issue  of  a  Defective  Instrument  .............................................................................................  53  
Robo-­‐Signers  and  Document  Fabrication  ......................................................................................  54  
Illegal  Trustee  Argument  ...............................................................................................................  56  
The  Reconveyance  Argument  .......................................................................................................  57  
The  Fair  Debt  Collections  Practices  Act  .........................................................................................  59  
The  Debt  Validation  Letter  ............................................................................................................  61  
What  About  My  Debt  Obligations?  ..................................................................................  64  
Heads  I  Win,  Tails  I  Win  .................................................................................................................  64  
Being  Paid  Not  Once,  But  At  Least  3  Times  ...................................................................................  65  
The  Bloody  Road  Ahead  .....................................................................................................  67  
The  Collapse  of  the  Banking  Industry?  ..........................................................................................  68  
Free  Lunch  for  Homeowners?  .......................................................................................................  68 12
Opportunity  for  Peace  ...................................................................................................................  70  
I  hope  that  by  awakening  more  and  more  homeowners  and  people  in  the  legal  profession  of  the  
extent  of  loan  fraud  that  our  banking  friends  might  decide  to  come  clean.  ................................  70  
What  Are  My  Options?  .........................................................................................................  71  
Do  Your  Own  Research  ..................................................................................................................  72  
Suing  Your  Lender  .........................................................................................................................  72  
Communicating  With  Your  Lender  ................................................................................................  74  
Getting  a  Securitization  Audit  .......................................................................................................  76  
Learning  the  Rules  of  Court  ...........................................................................................................  77  
How  to  Deal  with  Liars  Lawyers  ....................................................................................................  77  
Do  It  Yourself  .................................................................................................................................  81  
Help,  My  House  is  Up  for  Sale  Next  Week!  ...................................................................................  83  
The  Bankruptcy  Automatic  Stay  Method  ......................................................................................  84  
I’m  Not  In  Default  Yet  ....................................................................................................................  93  
Start  Local  Groups  .........................................................................................................................  94  
Taking  On  The  Fight  .......................................................................................................................  95  
Please  Spread  the  News  ................................................................................................................  96  
Appendix  .................................................................................................................................  97  
Appendix  A:  CFR  Title  12:  Banks  and  Banking  ...............................................................................  98  
Appendix  B:  Dissecting  a  Fraud  in  Action  ....................................................................................  100  
Appendix  C:  Homeowner  Wins:  Case  Law  Successes  ..................................................................  103  
Appendix  D:  Fair  Debt  Collections  Practices  Act  -­‐  Debt  Validation  Letter  ...................................  111  
Appendix  E:  Explanation  of  Securitization……………………………………………………………………………….  
Recommended  Products  ..................................................................................................  113  
Jurisdictionary  .............................................................................................................................  113  
Affordable  Securitization  Audits  .................................................................................................  114  
Bankruptcy  Preparation  Service  ..................................................................................................  115 13
Understanding the Securitization Process
You are facing foreclosure. You don’t have a lot of money or a lot of time and you
can’t afford to hire a lawyer. And even if you could afford one, it is very hard to
find a lawyer who knows enough about bank fraud to help you.

This is where we begin our journey. Before we delve into the nuts and bolts
about your options, we first need to understand how the fraud is being
committed. Once we expose the fraud, then you will know how to articulate a
viable defense. That’s why we start this chapter by diving into the securitization
process and what it means. It is fundamental in exposing the fraud.

To fully comprehend the arcane wizardry and myth that encompasses the
securitization process in relation to the right to enforce a negotiable instrument (a
promissory note), this chapter is designed to support the legal argument behind
who is the real and beneficial party in interest.

Background and Introduction

In 1933, the Glass-Steagall Act was enacted to regulate the FDIC and banking.
Specifically, it governed the protection of depositors' monies so that banks were
not allowed to gamble with the money in their safekeeping. This means banks
could not trade their assets on Wall Street.

In 1999, the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed and another bill was introduced;
known as Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. This effectively allowed banks to package
and securitize their loans onto Wall Street.

This means that suddenly the trillions of dollars from Wall Street could be used to
fund loans. (This is a good thing.) This means that more loans were available to
more people. 14
This means that Retirement Funds, Hedge Funds, and all sorts of institutional
investors had a "safe" place to park their money…these safe places would come
to be known as mortgage backed securities (MBS). (This is also a good thing.)

These institutions demanded banks make these mortgage backed securities

packages available to them. These institutions relied on the following:

1) The bank’s banking license

2) The bank’s underwriting process
3) The bank’s collections infrastructure

(This is a good thing.)

Things started to break down when banks realized that since they are not
required to be left holding the bag at the end of the day, they could simply
underwrite any old loan from any idiot who can sign their name to paper. Banks
decided to change their underwriting guidelines around 2001-2002 (Bush era).
(This is where things started to go downhill.)

This means any McDonald’s burger flipper could go down to the bank and get a
loan for $1,000,000 with "no money down." (No offense to those working in the
fast food industry.) These were commonly known as liar loans in the mortgage
industries. This is great for low income earners as long as the housing market is
in a boom growth curve. This gets really bad in a housing bubble where the price
of housing is way beyond the affordability index of most households' median
income. 15
Incentive and Motivation of Securitization

When a bank lends you money, they traditionally get 2.5 times the face value of
the loan over 30 years. Not bad, considering that they did not use a single red
cent of their own money. It is all digitally created through the Federal Reserve
System (read Modern Money Mechanics published by the Federal Reserve).

For example, if you borrowed $100,000… over 30 yrs, you will have paid around
$350,000 to the bank. Look at the Truth in Lending disclosure statement from
your loan documents.

Because of the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, banks are now able to sell mortgage
backed securities. Some bright people at Goldman-Sachs and others in the
financial industry came to the conclusion that they could make even more money
if they could sell loans on Wall Street, and so they did.

This book is the story of what happened.

Instead of making 2.5 times over 30 years from money they did not put up, banks
decided they could make up to 1.5 times the face value of the loan
immediately. Just package these loans and sell them on Wall Street. As the
market grew, they not only made money from the sale...but also from the
appreciation of the stock (they are allowed to hold up to 10% of the security to
qualify as a sale under Financial Accounting Standards). 16
Fractional Reserve Banking Explained
Under the guidelines of the Federal Reserve,
a bank can lend up to 9 times the amount of
their depositors' money. In other words, if you
The Game of deposit
Greed$1 into your bank…they can lend up
to $9 out. Currently, in the US, the reserve
ratio is
Under the Fractional 10:1 or 10%.
System, a bank can lend up
to 9 times the face value of
their depositors' money or
cash reserves.

Instead of receiving 2.5 times

over 30 years for a loan,
banks suddenly realized that
they could make even more
money if they sold the loan and received the CASH NOW.

So, from that $100,000 loan, they receive $150,000 cash. This is treated as a
deposit, which means they can now lend out $1.35 million (9 times $150,000).
And do it again, and again. Lather, rinse and repeat. (This is really good for the
bank. This is really good for borrowers as there is a sudden glut of unlimited
money to borrow from. This is really bad for the economy in the long run, as we
will see.)

If you study basic Economics 101 in high school, you will know that if you have
too much money chasing limited goods, it leads to an increase in prices. Well,
this is exactly what happened.

The banks threw their underwriting guidelines out the window. They had what's
called a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the loans were properly
underwritten. This means that they were supposed to make sure loans they
underwrote are backed by people who could actually afford to pay it back.
Instead, they just ignored these underwriting guidelines in the name of greed.

The banks knew that these loans were destined for Wall Street, and that they
were not going to keep the loans…so it suddenly became a game of hot potato,
as "it became someone else’s problem."

They basically stuck it to Wall Street.

This means they stuck it to your retirement fund, your stock portfolio and your life
insurance portfolio.

It was the perfect set up for the biggest financial meltdown in the history of
mankind. It was the perfect storm.

Before we go into the financial meltdown of 2008-2009, let's talk about the
Securitization process and how it relates to your loan and bank fraud. 17
Stage 1: The Pooling and Servicing Agreement Process
Once a loan is closed, it quickly gets put into a Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
This is then registered on the SEC as a REMIC Trust. REMIC stands for Real
Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit. It is known as a Special Purpose Vehicle
for the purpose of tax exemption purposes. I will explain why this is important in
Stage 3.

They appoint a master servicer of the REMIC and a Trustee to manage the Trust.
Normally, the Trustee of the Trust has the power and responsibility to administer
the assets of the Trust.

For example, back in the Feudal Lord days, these Lords would create Trusts to
put their assets (such as their land, their castle, and so on) into. In the event
something happened to the Lord, the Trustee had the power to manage the

However, in the case of a REMIC, the Trustee does not have the power to
manage the assets of the Trust. We will discuss in Stage 3 how this is different. 18
Once this REMIC is formed, it then gets converted into a security that is traded
on Wall Street. This will make more sense later when I explain the relationship
between an investor, a shareholder and a REMIC.

Stage 2: The Changing of the State of the Negotiable Instrument

Imagine if your loan is a carrot. It gets thrown into

thousands of other carrots in a giant juicing machine
called a REMIC. At the end of the process, you get
gallons and gallons of carrot juice. This juice is then
sold to hundreds of people.

This is what happens to your loan when it gets

securitized. Your loan is now owned by thousands
of shareholders all over the world.

Furthermore, the state of the loan is changed. Your

loan has been converted into a stock.

This is REALLY REALLY important. Please spend a moment to understand

this. Re-read this section several times if you need to.

Your loan is no more. It is now and forever a stock.

In other words, you cannot make a carrot from carrot juice. What’s done can
never be undone.

Once a loan has been securitized, it forever loses its security (i.e., the Deed of
Trust, or the ability for the bank to foreclose on your house). This will be
explained in Stage 3.

This is why I say that over 85% of foreclosures are done fraudulently.

A loan is a negotiable instrument. There are specific laws governing negotiable

instruments called the Uniform Commercial Code. Specifically, the right for a
bank to enforce and foreclose on a property is subject to the claimant being a
real party in interest.

If the loan has been sold, then the bank can no longer claim that they are a real
party in interest.

Not only that, once a loan has been converted into a stock, it is no longer a loan.
If both the loan and the stock exist at the same time, that is known as double
dipping. Double dipping is a form of securities fraud. 19
A negotiable instrument can only be in one of two states when it undergoes
securitization, not both at the same time. It can either be a loan (and treated
and governed as such) or a stock (and treated and governed as such). Once it is
traded as a stock, it is forever a stock. It is treated as a stock and regulated by
the SEC as a stock.

On your Deed of Trust or Mortgage, it has language that says something like
"This Deed of Trust secures a Promissory Note."

Listen, when that promissory note got converted into a stock…that promissory
note no longer exists.

If a Trust was created to secure a promissory note, and that promissory note is
destroyed…then that Trust is invalid. The Trust secures nothing.

The Deed of Trust is what your lender uses to give them the right to foreclose on
your house. If the Deed of Trust is invalid, then the lender loses their right to
foreclose on your home.

Stage 3: Real Parties of Interest

Let's talk about accounting rules, specifically the rule governing a sale. To
prevent accounting fraud, various governing bodies created Financial Accounting
Standards (FAS). As you know, accounting is a very important area that needs to
be regulated tightly to prevent companies from cooking the books.

Specifically, FAS 140 was created to govern the sale and securitization of a
negotiable instrument. Look it up. Google FAS 140.

One of the things about FAS 140 is the rule governing a sale. A transaction can
only be recognized as a sale if it is sold to a party at arm's length. In other words,
you cannot sell an asset to yourself (this is what Enron did to hide their losses).
Also, it says, (and I am paraphrasing) that once an asset is sold, the seller
forever loses the ability to control the asset.

To illustrate this point, imagine if I were to sell you a brand new laptop. You took
the laptop, and smashed it to a million bits with a sledgehammer. Because I sold
the laptop to you, I have no say whatsoever about what you do with the laptop. It
is yours.

This is really important to understand.

Once an asset has been sold, the seller forever loses control of the asset.

What that means is, if your lender sold your loan to a REMIC, then they forever
lose their ability to enforce, control or otherwise foreclose on your property. Put
simply, they are no longer the real party in interest. They are just a servicer. 20
The Case of Double Taxation
Corporations have known for years
about double taxation. This means, at a
corporate level, at the end of the year
they take all the revenue, and subtract
the expenses; what's
So Who
left are
Real and Beneficial Parties in Interest?
These profits areBefore
then taxed.
we can properly answer this question, we have to discuss IRS tax codes.

The corporation You

also see,
has shareholders.
the real party in interest has to pay taxes on their earnings.
The corporation typically distributes
dividends to theirInshareholders.
other words, Once
if yourthe
bank owns your note, they have to pay tax on the interest
shareholders receive
that note.
thisIf a REMIC owns your note, then the REMIC has a tax
is considered to liability.
be income to the
shareholders. This is also taxed.
To avoid the problem of double
In other words, profits are taxed twice. taxation, banks put these loans into
SPVs (special purpose vehicles) so
they don't get taxed on them. This
is covered under Internal Revenue
Code 860.

This way, only the shareholders are


This means, only the

shareholders are the real parties
of interest.

In the previous section, I discussed

the powers of the Trustee. Because
of this special IRS rule, the Trustee
is not the real and beneficial party in
interest because the REMIC does not own the notes, the shareholders do;
therefore they cannot enforce the promissory note.

In other words, they can’t have their cake and eat it too. They can either accept
double taxation and let the REMIC hold the centralized power, or they can
distribute the tax liabilities to the shareholders, in which case they have also
distributed the parties of interest.

The bank chose to have a distributed party of interest scheme to avoid paying
taxes twice. (There is nothing wrong with this.)

But now they have a real pickle. If no one entity is a real and beneficial party in
interest, then each and every shareholder of the REMIC is.

So then the question is…who has the right to foreclose?

The answer is…no one. 21
If the thousands of shareholders each own a tiny part of your promissory loan,
can any one of them foreclose on your house? No.

A promissory note is only enforceable in its whole entirety.

That is the nature of the fraud being perpetrated before the American public and

REMIC, Investors and Shareholders Explained

There is a lot of confusion around the concept of securities conversion,
specifically around the various parties involved, such as the investor and the

This chapter explains in greater detail how each of these entities tie in together.

To illustrate the point, let’s use another analogy. Let's say I am Steve Jobs in the
1970's. I come to you asking for $1000 to invest in my little company called
Apple. Part of Apple's assets is the intellectual property and design of the Apple

10 years later, we go public. Because you were my initial investor, your initial
shares are now worth a lot of money. We then convert your percentage of
ownership as an investor into publicly tradable stock. 22
Imagine, however, if immediately after I go public, I create another company and
assign the intellectual property and design of the Apple computer to this new
company. Is that legal?

The answer is no. That’s commonly known as bait and switch. You cannot
register one thing with the SEC and market the stock…and then after the money
is transferred, switch out the asset.

How this relates to a REMIC is this: there are two pseudo government entities
called Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (these are actually privately owned
companies). These two giants fund or invest in most of the REMICs created for
the purpose of securitization. They are the investors.

Once the REMIC gets converted into stock, Freddie and Fannie get very rich
because they are the majority shareholders of these publicly traded stocks.

When a REMIC is formed, its assets (your loan plus thousands of other people's
loans) are declared a permanent fixture to the REMIC. (This is like that
intellectual property of Apple computer.) This is registered with the SEC. It is
public information. In other words, once an asset is registered and traded as part
of the security, you can’t just switch it out because it has become a permanent
fixture of the traded asset.

The conclusion I want you to take away here is that an asset declared in SEC
filing is permanently attached. This is a permanent conversion. This means
there is no doubt that your loan/promissory note is no more.

Let's take a case of double existence to illustrate the point. Let's say we have the
stock traded on Wall Street (that supposedly contains the note) then we take the
promissory note and we assign it to another bank that takes it and securitizes it

If this situation were to happen, the same loan would be traded twice on Wall
Street. In other words, the second set of investors got duped. They bought a
lemon. They basically bought a forgery.

This is securities fraud. It cannot happen. 23
The Repurchase Agreement
Let’s talk about the Repurchase agreement clause in the Pooling and Service
Agreement that created the REMIC.

There are typically clauses within the Pooling and Service Agreement governing
both the submission into as well as the repurchase mortgages. Let’s spend a few
moments analyzing these because it is very important that you understand these
terms in your foreclosure defense strategies (and if needed, articulate your

When your original lender (called an Originator) sells your loan into a REMIC,
they are required to:

1) Deliver your promissory to the REMIC within 90 days. This means that
the Originator has to endorse the promissory note using the language “pay
to the order of” to a NAMED PARTY.
2) They have to physically deliver your note to the REMIC.
3) State law requires that they also record this delivery in your County
Recorder’s office.

In 99% of the time, all three things were never done. This leads to a defect in the
chain of title.

Next, let’s talk about the repurchase of the promissory note out of the REMIC.

There are no clause in any Pooling and Servicing Agreement that I have
been able to find that governs the event of default that gives the servicer
the right to repurchase the note in default. This is because this event is
governed by FAS 140. In other words, the “lender”/servicer cannot just
repurchase your loan out of the REMIC. Remember, the sale has to be done to
an arm’s length third party. And if you sell something, you can’t take it back. The
only time you can take it back is if it was defective.

So let’s look again about what a typical Pooling and Servicing Agreement says
about defective repurchasing of mortgages. If an instrument is found to be
defective (meaning it did not fulfill the above 3 required steps), the originator is
required to buy the note back at full face value.

Let’s use an analogy to illustrate this point. If I sold you a computer for $1000
and you take it home, turn it on, and nothing happens…then it can be proven that
I sold you a defective product and you are entitled to your $1000 back.

If after 4 years (assuming I gave you a 5 year parts warranty), the computer
refuse to boot, you can still come back to me (because of the defect) and ask for
your money back (or I can replace the part). As you know, in the computer
industry, a 4 year old computer is very out of date and is worth only a fraction of 24
the original price…but I still have to give you your money back at full $1000
purchase price.

But, if through no fault of my own, your computer broke, then I am not bound to
honor the warranty. For example, if you dropped the computer and it broke, then
that’s just tough luck on you.

If you then list your broken computer on craigslist for $20, and I see it, then there
is nothing stopping me from buying it back. But I would never buy it at the
original $1000 price, that’s just silly.

In other words, a loan that is in default is never worth as much as a good

performing loan. It has to be bought back in its defective status.

Using this analogy, we can see that if a loan was to go bad (default) through no
fault of the Originator; there is no clause that requires the Originator to buy back
the loan.

We can also see that the Originator/servicer does not have to buy back the note
at the same price it sold into the REMIC. It is buying the note back as a
nonperforming asset at best at a substantial discount. 25
Writing Off a Bad Debt
Next, let’s talk about how I can make the claim that the shareholders and/or the
REMIC wrote off the nonperforming debt to receive a tax credit. There is no
specific evidence or law that backs up this argument; just something I call
“condition precedent”.
For years, physicists have postulated that there were these things called “black
holes” but no one was able to find one. You see, a black hole is a collapsed star
that is so dense that no light can escape it. And because we depend on light to
see, no one could actually “see” a black hole until one day, somebody discovered
this phenomenon called the “event horizon”. It is the line in which the
gravitational pull of the black hole equals the strength of the light trying to escape
from the black hole. Because of the existence of the event horizon, people then
concluded that there must be a black hole inside the event horizon.
Using this condition precedent, I will illustrate why it is in the interest of the
REMIC to write off a debt rather than to try to collect it in a foreclosure.
Let’s say you are a farming supply shop owner and I come to you asking for
credit. We’ve known each other for years, so you say, “sure”. I used your credit
to buy some seeds and fertilizers for my farm. Sadly, we had a flash freeze this
year and all my crops died. So, I owe you $100 but I cannot pay you and go out
of business. As a business owner, you can do one of two things.
1) Carry the debt as an asset.
2) Assign it to a third party through endorsement
3) Write it off as a loss, and then sell it off to a debt collector
That’s it. So let’s look at each of these cases.
If you carry the debt as an asset…then you do not get tax credits for the loss. My
purchase of seeds still counts as revenue for the purposes of taxes. Ie. You are
taxed on money you did not receive.
If you assign it to a third party endorsement, then I will owe the money to the third
party. The requirement is that I signed a promissory note, and you physically
endorse the note to the other party. In this instance, the debt between you and I
are settled. I now owe the third party. You cannot write off the loss as a tax write-
If you write the debt off as a loss, then you don’t count my purchase as revenue,
but the loss you suffered through the bad debt and it is offsetted against other
As we discussed earlier, the REMIC cannot foreclose because the real parties in
interest are the shareholders. So, in order for them to realize any benefit from a
nonperforming note is to sell it to another party in full so that that party may be
able to collect (foreclose) on the debt. 26
The REMIC can either sell it as a perfect debt or a written off debt. A perfect
debt is one that the REMIC and the shareholders do not receive any tax credit.
When the REMIC sells the perfect but nonperforming debt, it will only receive
pennies on the dollar as our previous example with the faulty computer.

Or, the REMIC can sell the debt as a written off debt, receive tax credit for the
sale, AND receive money from the buyer of the nonperforming note for pennies
on the dollar.

If it was you, what would you do? Either way, you are receiving pennies on the
dollar, ie. about the same amount. Might as well get the tax credit for it, right?

That is why I believe that the shareholders and the REMIC are actually writing
the debt off, and then selling it onto the servicer who attempts to foreclose on the
property as if it was perfect. It’s not. 27
But Can They Foreclose?
Let’s take a skeptical look at our analysis.

Let’s say that the individual shareholders did not write the asset off and indeed
sell the non-performing note back to the bank wishing to foreclose on your home.

Does this give them the right to foreclose on your home?

The answer is still no.

EVEN IF the bank is able to resolve the following issues:

1) The original delivery of the title of the promissory note has to be properly
done within 90 days of sale into the REMIC. If this was not done, this
means that the chain of title was broken, leading to a defective instrument.
Therefore, they cannot foreclose based on a defective instrument.
2) The bank has to prove that the loan was not written off by the REMIC.
This is very difficult to do.
3) The bank has to prove there is a perfected chain of title from origination, to
the REMIC, and from the REMIC back to the bank. You and I know that
this is never done properly.

They still have this problem of CFR Title 12: Section 226 (included in the

§ 226.39 Mortgage transfer disclosures.

(a) Scope. The disclosure requirements of this section apply to any

covered person except as otherwise provided in this section. For purposes
of this section:

(1) A “covered person” means any person, as defined in §226.2(a)(22),

that becomes the owner of an existing mortgage loan by acquiring legal
title to the debt obligation, whether through a purchase, assignment, or
other transfer, and who acquires more than one mortgage loan in any
twelve-month period. For purposes of this section, a servicer of a
mortgage loan shall not be treated as the owner of the obligation if
the servicer holds title to the loan or it is assigned to the servicer
solely for the administrative convenience of the servicer in servicing
the obligation.

More than likely, your servicer buys back notes on a regular basis. Ie. More than
1 mortgage in any 12 month period. 28
If the servicer buys back a loan for administrative purpose ie. To foreclose, then
they do not have the rights of the owner of the obligation. ie. They do not have
the right to foreclose.

So as a foreclosure defense, it is up to you to challenge the bank to prove all of

these points.

If on your Notice of Default or Substitution of Trustee, the documents mention

someone like New York Mellon Trust Series 123223, then this will indicate that
the servicer is foreclosing on behalf of a REMIC. And as we know, the REMIC
cannot foreclose because it owns “carrot juice” (ie. The shareholders are the true
party in interest).

If you are in a judicial state and when you confront the bank regarding Standing,
and they say “we bought the note back so we can foreclose”, then challenge
them to prove that the loan has not been offsetted as a bad debt through both a
Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents asking for
accounting records of the chain of action within the REMIC. We have this
process outlined in our automated coaching program within the membership
program on

If the bank gives you some answer like “the investor for this loan is Fannie Mae”,
they are bringing fraud before the court. As we discussed earlier, the investor is
not a real party in interest.

So let's summarize our points. Since over 85% of loans have been securitized,
we now know that banks are not the real parties in interest in any foreclosure
transactions. Neither are the investors of the REMIC. No one can foreclose.

When a loan goes into default, the REMIC writes it off. Once an asset is written
off, the shareholders receive tax credits from the IRS. This means that the note is
settled. The note is gone.

The only way a bank can foreclose on you is if they buy the promissory note back
from REMIC as a written off debt, just like a debt collector would. Tax credit has
been given to the shareholders and the REMIC. It is no more. So, essentially,
these banks are picking up the promissory note for pennies on the dollar and
through deceit, they try to reattach the converted loan to the dead
Trust/Mortgage. They then take these documents and represent them to the
world as if they are the real parties in interest. They bring these documents into
court, deceiving the court and their own counsel (who, for the most part, is
ignorant of this scheme).

Look, the servicer/”pretender lender” would not willingly disclose any of this stuff
to you or to the court during a foreclosure. 29
1) They never tell you who the holder in due course is. At best, they tell you
who the investor is. As we know, the investor is not the holder in due
course and does not have the authority to enforce the note.
2) They do not disclose whether they own the note or acting as a servicer to
enforce the note. Often times, they are just acting as a servicer with no
authority to enforce the note. Remember, if the note is held by the REMIC,
it is unenforceable.
3) If they bought the note back for the purpose of foreclosure in truth (and not
as an administrative procedure), then they never disclose whether the
debt was written off by the REMIC…or whether the proper chain of title
can be demonstrated.

This is how banks steal your house, and the houses of millions of families around
the country.

This means, if you are facing foreclosure, you need to learn the truth about your
loan and learn how to fight for your rights.

This means that if you have lost your home due to foreclosure, you might be a
victim of fraud and be entitled to punitive damages of up to 3 times the value of
your loan.

So, let’s summarize to see how this all works together. The bank originates the
loan and sells it to the REMIC for 1.05 to 1.5 times the face value of the loan. It
got paid in full (and more). Then, when the loan goes into default, it picks up the
note pennies on the dollar, forecloses on your house and then sells it to the next
sucker for full price. Oh, did I mention that FDIC covers between 70% to 80% of
the loan amount also?

Wow. You got to tip your hat to them. From a purely technical business stand
point, that’s just utter brilliance.

This is why I want to share this information so you know you’ve been conned.

You have a right to be angry. You SHOULD BE! 30
The Bubble Burst of 2008-2009
No one was complaining when things were going strong. Everyone was happy.
Everyone had a home. Housing prices were growing in double digits. Until…the
house of cards started to tumble down.

No one can pin it to a specific date, but sometime in 2008, things started going
downhill. The bubble had gotten to a point where more and more homeowners
were realizing that they can no longer afford multi-million dollar (artificially
inflated) homes on a minimum wage income. More and more homes were
beginning to go into default.

As more and more loans went into default, this affected the value of the
mortgage backed securities (MBS). You see, the shareholders and investors of
these stocks made three fatal assumptions about what they bought:

1) They assumed that the bank did the right thing in their underwriting
process. They didn’t.
2) They assumed that once a loan in their portfolio went into default, they
were able to foreclose and cover their losses. They were wrong.
3) They assumed that this ride would never end. It did.

Once Wall Street investors realized they could not cover their losses (by
foreclosing on their underlying assets), they became very upset (and rightly so).
They started suing the banks and stopped buying these toxic assets.

Investors stopped buying these MBS. Soon, the pool of money dried up and no
one could get loans, not even those with 800 plus FICO scores.

Then house prices started to plummet... 31
The 3 Trillion Dollar Bailout (TARP)

As more investors sued these banks, things got ugly. This is the Day of
Reckoning for our banker friends. It’s time to pay the Piper.

The banks got scared. All their greedy scams had finally caught up with them.

So, they got together and bribed Congress to bail them out, threatening that if
Congress didn’t, we would have a financial Armageddon; the Fall of Wall Street.
Everybody’s retirement funds would immediately be wiped out. Put simply, "they
were too big to fail."

Donald Trump said it best. "When I borrowed $100,000 and I defaulted, it was
MY PROBLEM. When I borrowed $100 million and I defaulted, it became THEIR

Faced with a no win situation, Congress quickly signed the TARP (Troubled
Asset Relief Program) bailout which authorized the Federal Reserve to give over
$900 billion to the banks in the first round. We now know that the Federal
Reserve Bank has since given over $3.5 TRILLION dollars to the banks with very
few strings attached.

Let’s be very clear here.

The banks were given "free money" from the Taxpayers to pretty much "do
with as they see fit." They could give bonuses to top executives. Go to the
Bahamas for a retreat. Buy jets. Buy up smaller banks. Invest in gold.
Whatever they wanted, with no strings attached.

As housing prices kept dropping, many low-income homeowners (as well as real
estate investors) got caught. No one expected the bubble to happen. Everyone
thought this ride would never end. Low income homeowners and investors alike
would buy any property at almost any price, knowing that they could sell the
property a few months later for more than what they bought the property for in a
hot market.

Now, homeowners and investors find themselves with properties that are worth
significantly less than what is owed.

Worse, many homebuyers and investors went into the game with negative cash
flow business plans. Their expected exit strategy was through price appreciation
in an appreciating market. 32
When the capital markets dry up, no one could get loans since housing prices
are dependent on people’s ability to secure loans. When people could no longer
get loans; no one could afford to buy houses.

Thus we find ourselves in a housing crisis today. The markets that experienced
the highest growths, specifically California, Nevada, Florida and Arizona are also
the ones with the highest foreclosure problems.

Currently, millions of families are faced with an unrealistic burden for mortgage
payments well beyond their income ratio. Added to this, millions of families are
out of work due to the contraction in the economy as the market is correcting
itself into a true equilibrium.

As more and more families find

themselves in financial trouble, the rate
of real bank defaults is much higher than
what the banking industry would like us
to believe. Many people are months, if
not years behind on their payments but
banks are not ready to foreclose and
declare these loans delinquent.

As more and more loans go into default,

more and more homeowners are fighting
back. More people are learning about
loan fraud and securitization, but until
now, few people could fully comprehend
the mechanics of how the fraud was
being perpetrated.

This is the reason why this book is being given to you and why people are
passing this book to everyone they know. I am exposing the fraud for the first
time in simple English so people can understand. 33
Bank Fraud Exposed
So, now that we’ve explained the securitization process, you are probably more
informed about this problem than most judges and attorneys. You see, most
people just don’t know about this scam that is being perpetrated on the American
public. I hope that you use this opportunity to get informed. Tell your friends
about it. Talk about it to your neighbors. Write to your Congressperson. Next time
you are at a social gathering, bring this up. This is the only way we wake up

So let's summarize in case you missed it:

When a loan has been securitized, it got converted from a debt into a stock. The
real and beneficial parties of interest are the individual shareholders holding a
fraction of the note. Therefore, no one person may foreclose on the property.

But wait a minute. If this is the case, why are there so many houses being
foreclosed on every day? Even today, despite the robo-signer scandals?

The problem goes way deeper than robo-signers. This is not only on loan
assignments not properly assigned and recorded but also on the fact that they do
not even have the right to do so.

Remember FAS 140? Once an asset has been sold, you forever lose control
over that asset. If it is sold into a REMIC, how can the bank (who is no longer the
real party in interest) foreclose?

They can't.

They get away with it every single day because they rely on our collective

They rely on your ignorance.

The judge's ignorance.

The attorney's ignorance.

The foreclosure and mortgage industry personnel's ignorance.

It’s time to wake everyone up. 34
Give Me a Free iPod

Let's talk about the difference between an investor, a shareholder and a real
party in interest.

When your loan is underwritten, the bank needs investors to initially provide the
money to fund the transaction. Oftentimes this is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
They put up the initial cash so that the REMIC can buy these loans. This security
is then traded on Wall Street. In other words, when the REMIC got converted into
a stock, the investors make money because they got the ground floor investment.
Buy low, sell high. In many cases, they became the majority shareholders of
these REMIC Trusts.

So, let's talk about the rights of a shareholder by using Apple stocks as an
example. Let's say you own 1000 Apple shares…and Apple advertises that they
historically pay about $1000 per month in dividends.

Let's say after a couple of months, Apple had a bad quarter and stops paying you
your $1000. And the next month, it doesn’t get better. They now “owe” you

Does this then give you the right to go into an Apple store and pick up a new Mac
laptop and an iPod?

The answer’ll likely get arrested

for theft.

This is the same thing with

shareholders of a REMIC.

A shareholder of an asset cannot just

go to the store and pick up goods as
recompense. This means the individual
shareholders cannot dip in and touch
the loan/asset. Besides, they own
"carrot juice," remember? This means
they own a little bit of thousands of
loans. 35
So, let's look at the cast and crew of the heist. We have the following characters:

- The Lender
- The Investor
- The Shareholder
- The Trustee of the REMIC
- The Servicer

The Original Lender cannot Foreclose

As I discussed earlier under FAS 140, the original lender sold it to the REMIC
and forever lost their rights to enforce the note.

The Investor and Shareholder cannot Foreclose

As I illustrated with the Apple and iPod example, while the investors and
shareholders as a whole are the real parties in interest, individually they cannot
just come in and foreclose because they only own a tiny portion of your loan.

The REMIC and the Trustee

Remember, the REMIC holds all the loans together in a pooling and servicing
agreement. However, because they chose to avoid the IRS tax rules (I.R.C 860)
for double taxing, they pass on the real party in interest/ownership of the asset to
the individual shareholders. So neither the REMIC nor the Trustee may

The Servicer is Not a Real party in interest

The Servicer can only collect the money and pass it to the REMIC. That's the
extent of their job.

So, Who Can Foreclose?

The answer is: nobody.

Oftentimes you will hear the bank respond to enquiries as to who the real party in
interest is by saying, "Fannie Mae is the investor." They are technically not lying.
This is true. But as I illustrated earlier, an investor becomes a majority
shareholder of the traded stock...but they are not a) the holder in due course or
b) the real party in interest.

This is the lie that banks are bringing before the court every single day.

Only the true and beneficial holder in due course is the real party in interest and
not the investor.

Again, if the bank is not the real party in interest, nor the holder in due
course…what business do they have in foreclosing your house? 36
If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not the true and beneficial holder in due
course, how can foreclosures be done in their name?

This is the scam bankers don’t want you to know.

The Great Pretender Lender Switch

This is how the scam is perpetrated by your so-called lender. They advertise that
they offer loans. They work with the mortgage broker network around the nation
to get consumers to apply for the loan. Once the loan has been approved (I use
the word "approved" very loosely because very little due diligence is actually
done by the so called lender), they are pre-placed into a REMIC. The lender then
waits for the paperwork to be signed. Once it is signed, it is immediately
transferred into the REMIC.

Once a REMIC has enough

loans to be packaged, it gets
registered onto the SEC
database and then gets
converted and traded as a

All the while, unbeknownst to

the consumer, the lender all of a
sudden switches their position
from lender to servicer of the
note. Again, as you recall under
the accounting rule FAS 140… once an asset has been sold, the lender forever
loses control of the asset. In other words, they no longer own or control your
loan. They merely act as a servicer for your loan, with the proceeds going directly
into the REMIC to be distributed to the shareholders.

Remember, since your lender is just a servicer, they do not own the note. They
do not have the right to enforce the note. They can only act as a servicing agent.

Please refer to CFR Title 12: Banks and Banking, Part 226 - Truth in Lending
(Regulation Z). This is enclosed in the Appendix for your convenience. These are
codified laws of banking. It defines who a Lender is, and what the rights of a
Servicer are. Specifically, it refers in 226 (a) 1 that a servicer is not treated as the
owner of the obligation.

(a) Scope. The disclosure requirements of this section apply to any

covered person except as otherwise provided in this section. For
purposes of this section: 37
(1) A "covered person" means any person, as defined in §226.2(a)(22),
that becomes the owner of an existing mortgage loan by acquiring legal
title to the debt obligation, whether through a purchase, assignment, or
other transfer, and who acquires more than one mortgage loan in any
twelve-month period. For purposes of this section, a servicer of a
mortgage loan shall not be treated as the owner of the obligation if the
servicer holds title to the loan or it is assigned to the servicer solely for
the administrative convenience of the servicer in servicing the

You will also note that the scope does not cover the servicer if the servicer was
assigned the note for administrative convenience in servicing the obligation.

This means, the servicer is not treated as and does not have the rights of a
lender (or owner of the obligation).

As I discussed earlier, even if the servicer was to buy the note back after it has
been securitized, reattachment of the loan/note to the Deed of Trust/Mortgage is

You Cannot Make Carrots from Carrot Juice

Once a loan has been written off, it is discharged. Once a loan has been
securitized, reattachment is impossible.

Reattachment is impossible for the following reasons:

1) Permanent conversion

The promissory note had been converted into a stock as a permanent fixture.
Its nature is forever changed. It is now and forever a stock. It is treated as a
stock and governed as a stock under the SEC.

Since the Deed of Trust secures the promissory note, once the promissory
note is destroyed, the Deed of Trust secures nothing. Therefore, the Trust is

2) Asset has been written off

Once an asset is written off, the debt is discharged since the owner of the
asset has received compensation for the discharge in the form of tax credits
from the IRS. The debt has been settled. 38
The servicer acts as a debt collector of an unsecured note. The servicer is
deceiving the court, the county, and the borrower when it tries to re-attach the
note to the Deed of Trust as if nothing has happened. It’s called adhesion.

The funny thing about the law is, it is legal until or unless the other party
objects. Since this scam is so devious, it is beyond the comprehension of
most people…including that of lawyers and judges. It takes someone who has
studied accounting, securities and law to unravel this deception. Most people
in the legal profession only take the arguments on face value.

3) Broken chain of assignment

Under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the promissory note is a one of
a kind instrument. All assignments (much like endorsements on the back of a
check) have to be done as a permanent fixture onto the original promissory
note. The original promissory note has the only legally binding chain of title.
Without a proper chain of title, the instrument is faulty.

Rarely can a lender "produce the note" because by law, the original note has
to be destroyed. Remember? The note and the stock cannot exist at the
same time. Oftentimes, the lender would come into court with a photocopy of
the original note made years ago.

Another popular method of deceit lenders prefer is to use the State Civil Code
in non-judicial states to state that "there is no law requiring a lender to
produce the note or any other proof of claim." THEY DON’T HAVE IT and

Oftentimes, the lender would do blank assignments of the original promissory

note into the REMIC. Then, when they need the note to perform the
foreclosure, they will magically produce a blank assignment. Again, this is not
legal and is bringing fraudulent documents before the courts and the county
records. 39
Let's be very clear here. Once a loan has been securitized, the note is no
more. Anything the lender brings to court as evidence is prima facie evidence
of fraud. The attorney for the lender is either an accessory to fraud through
ignorance or willful intent. Either way, as an informed borrower, it is your job
to bring this deception to light so these lawyers can be sanctioned.

So, your lender would close your loan, sell it to REMIC and get paid.

Once your loan goes into default, the loan is written off. The loan is then bought
by the same lender in the open secondary market as a dead/unsecured note. To
be able to pull this stunt off, every lender involved in this scheme is required to
act in collusion.

Once the servicer buys the dead note, they then claim to be the true holder in
due course of a written off asset. They then present to the world that they are
who they claim. They rely on the homeowner/borrower to be ignorant of this
deception and clean up, allowing them to take possession of a house for pennies
on the dollar.

This is the extent of the fraud done to the American public every single day.

As a homeowner defending your rights, it is imperative you understand the

nature of this fraud so you can use these arguments to defend your home.

As a legal professional, it is imperative that you understand these arguments so

you can raise the proper objections and interrogatories when representing your
clients in a foreclosure defense. 40
Loan Mods are a Scam

By now, you should wise up to this whole notion of

who is the real party in interest. So, if your lender is
not a real and beneficial party in interest, how can
they give you a loan mod?

The answer is…they can’t.

"What? It happens all the time," I hear you say.

The truth is, very few loan modifications are approved and they usually take

If you have ever tried to talk to your bank about getting a loan mod, you will likely
hear something like, "I am sorry sir, we can only consider you for a loan mod if
you are 60 days or more delinquent."


That's just stupid.

Not really. Here’s why.

Let's make it simpler for you to understand the scam. Remember FAS 140?
Once an asset has been sold, the Lender/Servicer forever loses the right to
enforce or control the asset…except when a loan is considered delinquent.

After 60 days, your servicer becomes a debt collector and is governed

under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act.

This is another scam they don't want you to know about.

If you have ever received a Notice of Default or anything else from the bank, you
will see a language like, "This is an attempt to collect a debt." This is required by
law under the Fair Debt Collections Practices

As we discussed earlier, typically, the REMIC

writes the debt off to receive tax credit against
future earnings. The servicer then buy this asset
back as a non-performing and non-secured
debt, very much like the collections agencies
that buy non-performing credit card debts.

Once a debt has been written off for tax 41
purposes, it is discharged. The company may sell the asset to a debt collector
who will do anything and everything in its power to lie, cheat and steal to collect
on the debt. This is why they have the notice "This is an attempt to collect a
debt." This is your clue that they are not the original creditor.

Once a debt is set off, the FDIC comes in and covers 80% of the face value of
the loan.

Your bank buys the bad debt for pennies on the dollar from the REMIC so that
they can negotiate a loan modification.

Once they get you to sign the loan mod agreement, they have successfully
renegotiated, recontracted and re-acquired the loan. Notice how hard it is to get a
loan modification? Do you know why?

They can no longer dump their toxic assets on those "suckers on Wall Street."
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Wall Street is getting
wise. Now, strict underwriting standards must be applied because they have to
keep the loan.

Furthermore, there are strict accounting rules about buying back toxic assets.
The asset has to be bought on the open market. That is why it takes months for
them to buy your note back.

Can you see the light now? Are you having an "aha" moment?

But If They Bought The Loan, Don’t They Then Have the Right to

Once a debt has been written off as a bad debt, the owners get tax credits for the
asset. When this happens, the debt is discharged. Settled. Gone.

What these banks are doing is buying a discharged asset. They then try to
convince the world; the borrower, the courts and the Trustee, that they are the
real party in interest. That is a lie.

As I discussed earlier, once a loan has been written off, it cannot be re-adhered
and made whole again. Remember? You cannot make carrots from carrot
juice. It's forever changed.

Enter Robo-Signers and Fraudulent Loan Assignments

Let me ask you a question. If you could pick up a promissory note for pennies on
the dollar, and all you have to do is to "convince" (con) the homeowners that you 42
are the true party of interest…to what extent would you go to lie/cheat/steal to get
the home?

The answer is...whatever it takes. At least that's what the banks are doing.

This brings us back to the Uniform Commercial Code. Under the law, the original
promissory note is the only valid and legally binding chain of title for the note.
Your original promissory note is like an original check. It's a one of a kind

To convince the court that they have the right to foreclose, banks have taken to:

a) Forging documents
b) Creating arbitrary loan assignments to suit their needs
c) Bringing fraudulent documents before the court
d) Recording fraudulent documents at the county

There is a company called Loan Processing Services (LPS), who for less than
$100 can fabricate any loan documents the bank needs to facilitate their
foreclosure. It’s called reverse engineering of title. Instead of following proper
legal due process of proper chain of title assignment as required by law, these
companies will reverse engineer a title to facilitate for the foreclosure, even if
they have to bend the rules a little. They then go under oath to testify that they
have first hand knowledge of the fact that these loan documents are legitimate.

I have depositions of employees from these foreclosure mills passing the notary
stamp around and stamping signatures as they go. They literally pass around
notary signatures like it was a rubber stamp. Often times, you can see signatures
as notaries that do not match on what is registered with the State.

There was even an instance where one outfit had an "assignment table" where
they would put a whole stack of paper and a manager would then rubber stamp
the appropriate loan assignment as they saw fit with no verification, no firsthand
knowledge of the fact, no confirmation and no zip.

But as I discussed earlier, you cannot make carrots from carrot juice. If a loan
has been securitized, any supposed original promissory note is nothing more
than counterfeit at best; not to mention securities fraud.

Don't believe us? Just go to YouTube and search for the Alan Grayson
Foreclosure Fraud and the video deposition of nationwide title clearing Bryan Bly.
These are but two of hundreds of such videos. Congressman Grayson is a
Representative from Florida…one of the worst affected States in the US.

It's enough to make you sick. 43
Legal Arguments
The issues around foreclosures are confusing, stressful and emotional.

This is made worst because the banks are committing open fraud but are trying
to cover it up. Like I mentioned earlier, not even the bank’s managers or their
own counsel knows what’s going on. By reading this book, you are more
educated than 99% of the people out there facing foreclosure.

Take a read of these two great articles:

And another great article from the Financial Times about Securitization:

With your newfound set of eyes, read the articles again. Seriously, click on the
link and read it. You will now be able to spot the lies and say “aha” when you look
at the problem through the loan fraud lens. It all makes sense.

Everyone is confused. The lawyers and the judges think that it’s just a procedural
error. It’s not.

In this chapter we will go into more legal arguments to discuss the issue of
subject matter jurisdiction (or Standing) as well as the Fair Debt Collections
Practices Act as it applies to the foreclosure problem. 44
Beyond "Show Me the Note"

Some of you may have heard of the argument "show me the note." Time and
time again, these cases are tossed out of court. This scheme comes from well-
intentioned people in the media who are ill-informed about the legal process.
Fundamental to the American jurisprudence system is the concept of standing.
Let me illustrate standing using another analogy.
Let's say a husband and wife are arguing in court over who should take the
couch. All of a sudden, some guy shows up and says, "I want the couch." This
third party is not a real party in interest and therefore has no standing to be in the
However, if that third party then show up with a sales receipt from the wife
proving that he paid for the couch, all of a sudden he has standing.
This is really important for us to understand. In building your case, you should
study up on the securitization process and arguments. You have to be able to
articulate and defend your allegation that the bank is not a real party in interest,
and therefore, lacks subject matter jurisdiction on the controversy. In other
words, they lack standing.
Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 17, "an action must be pursued
by a real party in interest." (Google it up.) So, if it can be proven that the bank is
not a real party in interest, then the bank cannot enforce the note. Don't take our
word for it. Look it up yourself and consult counsel.
One of the ways a bank can obfuscate the problems of securitization is to
present "the note" to the court. As I explained above, the note is invalid once it
has been securitized, but in order for the bank to perpetrate the theft of your
house, they will do whatever it takes to complete the scam.
Under Uniform Commercial Code, a note is a one of a kind negotiable instrument
that has the only legally binding chain of assignment. Oftentimes, your lender will
show up with a photocopy of the note made years ago…again, obscuring the
facts in order to steal your house. This is admissible unless you know how to
object. Again, consult with counsel about the Federal Rules of Evidence 1002
and 1003.
Another way banks hide their fraud is to do what’s called “blank assignments” so
that the loan may be assigned many times amongst themselves that are tracked
by MERS (which we will explain later), while keeping a blank assignment of the
note handy in the event a foreclosure is needed. This is blatant abuse of the law.
The law is very specific here. The promissory note as well as the Deed of Trust
must be together at all times and there must always be a clear and unambiguous
chain of title that is traceable in public records for all parties of interest in real
estate. 45
Remember, the argument we want to go by is not "show me the note," but
instead "show me standing" or "show me that you are a real party in interest."
One of the ways they can do this is to present the original promissory note. By
understanding the argument of securitization, you may be able to refute the
note.The Deed of Trust and Mortgage

When you sign to close on your loan, you signed a number of documents. Most
importantly are the Deed of Trust or Mortgage (depending what State you live in)
and the Promissory note.
The Deed of Trust/Mortgage secures the promissory note.
The Deed of Trust/Mortgage is the document that gives your lender the right to
sell your house in a foreclosure action

Both the Deed of Trust/Mortgage and the Promissory note must always point to
the same party at all times to have Perfection of Chain of Title.

In every State (that I know of), the law is very specific in regards to recordation of
public record at the County Hall of Records with regards to real property.
Specifically all real parties of interest in real property must be recorded at the
County. In other words, if someone has an interest in a piece of property, they
MUST record this interest on public record. 46
Carpenter v Longan
Under a US Supreme Court ruling, it is stated that
the Promissory Note is the object, and the Deed of
Trust is the attachment.

Where the Promissory note goes, the Deed of

Trust must follow, much like a dog and the tail.
Where the dog goes, the tail must follow. Not the
other way round.

When a promissory note is

sold or assigned, it
therefore must be recorded
in public record to maintain
perfected chain of title for
the security.

If there is a break in a
chain of title, then
bifurcation occurs where
the Deed of Trust/Mortgage
points to one party while
the promissory note points
to another party.
Once bifurcation occurs then the security has been broken because State law
has been violated.

Violation of Applicable State Law 47
In every Deed of Trust/Mortgage, it states specifically that the instrument is
subject to applicable State and Federal laws. If it can be shown that an
assignment of the promissory note occurs without the corresponding assignment
at the county recorder’s office for the Deed of Trust/Mortgage, then the
instrument has violated State law. Thus, violating the terms of the Deed of
Trust/Mortgage, making the instrument invalid.
Since interest in the promissory note has been sold to a REMIC (Real Estate
Mortgage Investment Conduit) and proper assignment was never done at the
county, then the terms of the Deed of Trust/Mortgage has been violated, making
it invalid. This will convert the debt from a secured instrument to an unsecured
instrument. This means the lender might be able to sue you to collect the
money, but can never sell your property to collect on the collateral.
However, this happens every day right in front of our eyes because the general
public is too uninformed to argue these points and so the banks get away with
The lender cannot enforce an instrument that is defective. 48
Perfection of Chain of Title

In January 2011, the Massachusetts Supreme Court issued a decision in U.S.

BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION vs. Antonio IBANEZ in which all the
Justices unanimously agreed. In order for the bank to be able to foreclose,
they must show a perfection of chain of title both in the Deed of
Trust/Mortgage and the Promissory note. It was also ruled that a blank
assignment was not acceptable proof of perfection of title for the promissory
This is HUGE. You should be referring to this case and Motion the court to
take “mandatory judicial notice” for the ruling decision in your case if you are
considering doing any sort of litigation whether as a defendant in a Judicial
State or as a Plaintiff in a Non-Judicial State.
Here are the important points you need to understand from this Supreme Court
1) A Defective Title cannot be fixed.
The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that the bank has to demonstrate
perfection of title at the time the Notice of Default is issued.
A defective title is like bad food. Once food has gone bad, you can never fix it.
The same goes with the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. The “lender” cannot retro sign
or “reverse engineer” the Chain of Title after the fact. But most of the time this is
the case when it is handled by a foreclosure mill. They have robo-signers whose
job is to sign bogus assignments and reverse engineer titles.
It is your job to challenge this point when your lender presents supposed “proof”
before the court. Oftentimes, they will bring in a photocopy of the Deed of Trust
made years ago at the time you closed on your loan. The photocopy does not
and cannot attest to who the current real and beneficiary party in interest
2) The Bank must show a perfection of the Chain of Title for the Deed of
This means that any assignments of the Promissory note must also be reflected
at the county recorder’s office (and not with MERS - I will talk about MERS in a
If an assignment of the Promissory Note is not recorded on the County Records,
then perfection is not achieved.
What this means is, if you can prove that your note has been securitized or sold
to another party away from your original lender, and that they did not record this
assignment at the County Recorder’s Office, then bifurcation occurred. This 49
leads to a defect in the chain of title, making the Deed of Trust/Mortgage
3) The Bank must show a perfection of the Chain of Title for the Promissory
If we have a situation where you closed with Bank A and Bank A sold the note to
Bank B, who then sold the note to a REMIC (securitized the note), then it was
ruled that there must be a chain of endorsement following Uniform Commercial
Code § 9-206. Typically, this is done in the form of a stamp on the back of the
promissory note from Bank A to Bank B as “Pay to the Order of Bank B Without
Title must show this chain of “Pay to the Order of” on the back of the note, just
like it would on a check, all the way to the last person trying to collect on the
note. If the bank cannot show this chain of title ending in a point as the person
on the title, it does not have perfection of title and is not eligible to collect.
In order to collect and enforce the note under UCC § 9-301, the party enforcing
the note must demonstrate that it has the position of Holder in Due Course or
having authority from the Holder. Failing that, the bank is committing theft.

4) Blank Assignments are Not Acceptable

It is STANDARD BANK PRACTICE to make blank assignments to avoid the
problem of having to maintain proper chain of title on the promissory note. In
previous situations, the courts have allowed blank assignment and possession to
be acceptable form of proof of claim.
With the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling, this is no longer true. Blank
assignments are no longer acceptable forms of proof of Perfection.
Let me repeat this if you missed it.
If your note has been securitized, then the bank that is handling the securitization
ALWAYS create a Blank Assignment to be used in the event a foreclosure action
is initiated and proof of title needs to be produced. All they do is to give the blank
assignment promissory note to the party wishing to foreclose and viola!
With your newfound knowledge, you now know how to build an objection to this
If you refer to point 1), the bank cannot reverse engineer these assignments.
Once the instrument is defective, it is forever defective. Proper assignment must
be done in conjunction and at the time of the deed, not retrospectively. 50
All paper work must be demonstrated to be perfected at the time of the Notice of
Default. If it can be shown that this is not the case, then you could have the
foreclosure process thrown out.

Who or What is MERS?

In order to facilitate the tracking of the thousands of true shareholders who owns
the promissory note, an electronic registration system must be developed.
Bankers got together and created the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems
(MERS). As you can see from our previous arguments that due to IRS Code 860
governing tax pass through for Special Purpose Vehicles, the real parties of
interest are the individual shareholders. This could be thousands of them…and it
would be impossible to track these parties at the County Record. Furthermore,
these parties change hands literally daily, so it would be impossible to track these
using conventional means.
When you look at your Deed of Trust or Mortgage, if your loan mentioned MERS
of the first or second page, then there is a good chance (100% actually) that your
loan has been securitized.
MERS functions as a registry. It is much like your County Recorder. However,
what is unique about MERS is they are often named either as a Beneficiary or a
Nominee on the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. There are a number of problems with
a) To be a Beneficiary, one has to put up the money to fund the loan. MERS
never front up a single dim for the loan. They are solely there for the
purpose of tracking transfers.
b) MERS recordation is not official. The only legally recognized recordation
on public record is with the County.
c) MERS is never a Holder in Due Course. No promissory note was ever
assigned to them.
d) Only a real and beneficiary party in interest may assign a promissory note,
appoint a substitution of trustee or assign the Deed of Trust.

MERS appoints loan assignments to mysterious parties every day for the
purpose of foreclosure without actually having the authority to do so. If you have
ever received a Notice of Default or Notice of Substitution of Trustee, you will
likely see MERS appointing some entity you’ve never heard of or dealt with as
the beneficiary of your Deed of Trust/Mortgage.
Courts all around the country have ruled against MERS having the authority to
appoint Trustees and assign Deeds of Trust/Mortgages. Unless it is officially
registered at the County Hall of Records, it is not officially recognized. 51
It makes as much sense as your local County Recorder going in, taking the Deed
to your house and assigning it to his brother. He has no authority to do so.
The Recorder is just that…a keeper of record. He cannot appoint anyone to be
anything. MERS functions just like a recorder. It is a registration system. It does
not have the authority to appoint anyone too. MERS is not a real or beneficial
party in interest. This has been validated in many Federal court decisions.
On your Deed of Trust/Mortgage, you will see a language that says “From time to
time, the Lender may appoint a Substitution of Trustee…”, it doesn’t say “The
Nominee or the Beneficiary may….”. because only the Lender can do this. Yet
MERS blatantly violates the terms of the Deed of Trust every single day.
The Terms of a Deed of Trust is like an “Article of Incorporation” or Constitution
of your Trust, much like the Constitution of the United States. It is the underlying
terms that binds the whole Trust together, and must not be violated.
So when we have a situation where State law is being violated through improper
assignment, the Deed of Trust is made invalid. When the Trustee is being
appointed by “some party” that is not given the proper authority to do so, this also
casts issue to make the Deed of Trust defective. 52
The Issue of a Defective Instrument

If the promissory note is owned by thousands of parties, then there is no one

party that may come forth to lay claim on the promissory note. If no one party
can be named “the beneficiary” or “the lender”, then the promissory note is
If no loan assignment was properly done, it cannot be “fixed”. A lender cannot
simply reverse engineer the title of the Deed of Trust or Promissory note to make
it better. Once an instrument is defective, it cannot be used to collect the debt.
If the terms of the Deed of Trust/Mortgage can be shown to violate applicable
State law, then it too is defective. If it is defective, then it cannot be used to give
the lender the “due on sale” clause. The terms of the Deed of Trust must be
respected in whole and one cannot pick and choose which part to respect and
which part to ignore.
You have to understand how to read the terms of the Deed of Trust/Mortgage so
you can articulate and defend your title against fraudulent claims. So, I would
recommend that you bring out your Mortgage/Deed of Trust from your closing
packet and take a careful look at them to see if there are any of the above
defects I mentioned. You might be surprised at what you discover. 53
Robo-Signers and Document Fabrication

What banks have done to correct these defects in their documentation is to do

what’s called “reverse engineer” the title. As you recall, they are required by law
to do the assignments within a reasonable time of the deed, but in their haste to
make money, these things were conveniently overlooked.

There are now even outfits that banks would go to fabricate the required
documents, complete with affidavits (from a minimum wage employee who does
not even work for the bank) to testify that the bank has standing to foreclose. As
you can see from the price list below, it’s amazingly affordable. 54
The rule regarding an affidavit is that one has to be done with first hand
knowledge of the facts. These minimum wage employees process between 100
to 200 files a day. They literally rubberstamp these documents with absolutely no
verification whatsoever of the facts. There have been instances where several
banks try to foreclose on the same house…yet these document mills have
employees creating affidavits to testify that they know for a fact that the loan
belongs to the foreclosing entity. Someone is lying. We just don’t know who.

That’s why we have what’s called “the due process of the law”. When one makes
an affidavit, one is declaring under oath that one is telling the truth and knows
that their statements are accurate with firsthand knowledge. How can one know
with firsthand knowledge of the facts when one process 100+ files a day? It’s

If you take a look at the price list above, you can see that for around $35, literally
anyone can order the documents to fabricate a missing assignment of the chain
of title to demonstrate to the court that the party doing the foreclosing has the
authority to do so.

As we mentioned in the previous section, a defective instrument is like bad food.

Once it is defective, it cannot be fixed.

If you get a MSI (Mortgage Scene Investigation) securitization audit, it will likely
show that your loan is subject to robo-signing. This can then be used as a valid
legal defense to prove that the assignments were not done legally following
proper due process. 55
Illegal Trustee Argument

There have been two instances in which a Federal Court Judge issued a
Statewide injunction freezing all foreclosures against homeowners against Bank
of America and Recontrust. One in Utah in late 2010 and more recently in
January 2011 in Nevada because in both instances Recontrust is not registered
to do business in that State.
If a company wants to do business in a State, it needs to register within that
State as an entity. This way, if someone within that State wants to sue them,
they can look up who the owners are, and where they live so they can be
properly served with a summons.
In almost all instances, these foreclosure mills are not registered to do business
in the State they are attempting to foreclose in.
Many homeowners have used this defense to at least forestall foreclosure. It is
not enough to stop a foreclosure, but it is another claim the homeowner can
make in a Quiet Title Action defense making the argument that the Trustee is a
“non-entity”. 56
The Reconveyance Argument

This strategy comes from an attorney in California who is doing this with his own

If you look at your Deed of Trust or Mortgage, you will invariably see language
that covers the clause of “reconveyance”. The language typically goes like this:

“23. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security

Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and
shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt
secured by this security agreement to trustee.”

When you have a situation where:

a) The note can be proven that it was securitized, then it can be proven that
the lender has in fact been paid in full.
b) The note has been sold from Bank A, to Bank B, and then to Bank C who
is trying to foreclose.

In any event, this strategy involves bringing a civil action against the Originator;
Bank A, requiring them to do their job in a breach of contract civil action.

You see, a Deed of Trust secures the promissory note. It is the Deed of Trust
that gives the Lender the “power of sale” clause to foreclose. If the original
lender is forced to issue a reconveyance, then the Deed of Trust is collapsed.

This is a very effective yet easy method some people have used to stop
foreclosure. Reason being that:

a) The originator is often out of business and cannot respond to the civil
action, thus the homeowner wins by default.
b) The originator had already sold the note with “no recourse”. This means,
the REMIC or the servicer can NEVER go back to the originator
c) If the Originator loses the civil action by default, nothing bad happens to
d) If the Originator wins the civil action, nothing good happens to them.

Here’s the kicker. If the Originator is still in business and they lose the civil action
in court, then there are very specific dire consequences that results. If they lose,
then it can be proven that every loan they have ever originated that has lost their 57
home is the result of their gross negligence to perform their duty. This means
every homeowner who has lost his or her homes can sue the Originator.

It is for this reason that the Originator often doesn’t show up, or settles when
confronted with this strategy.

If you are interested more about this strategy, we have a sample kit that will
guide you through the process on our site at: Look under the Products tab for the

“Quick Reconveyance Method”. 58
The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act
As you recalled, your pretender lender becomes a debt collector after you are 60
days delinquent. This is the only way they can negotiate a loan modification with
you because it gets discharged out of the REMIC. I have included a copy of the
FDCPA in the Appendix at the end of this book. You can also simply Google “Fair
Debt Collections Practices Act”
Let’s talk a bit more about debt collectors. It is a scam. Debt collectors depend on
people’s ignorance to collect their ill-gotten gains. This is one of those dirty little
secrets bankers have been hiding for years. They don’t want you to know this
scam. We are blowing their dirty laundry out in the open because we are sick of
seeing so many people suffer at the hands of bankers.
Let me give you an example to illustrate the point. Let’s say you are a farming
supply shop owner and I come to you asking for credit. We’ve known each other
for years, so you say, “sure”. I used your credit to buy some seeds and fertilizers
for my farm. Sadly, we had a flash freeze this year and all my crops died. So, I
owe you $100 but I cannot pay you and go out of business. As a business
owner, you can do one of two things.
4) Carry the debt as an asset.
5) Assign it to a third party through endorsement
6) Write it off as a loss
That’s it. So let’s look at each of these cases.
If you carry the debt as an asset…then you do not get tax credits for the loss. My
purchase of seeds still counts as revenue for the purposes of taxes. Ie. You are
taxed on money you did not receive.
If you assign it to a third party endorsement, then I will owe the money to the third
party. The requirement is that I signed a promissory note and you physically
endorse the note to the other party. In this instance, the debt between you and I
are settled. I now owe the third party. You cannot write off the loss as a tax write-
If you write the debt off as a loss, then you not only count my purchase as
revenue, but also the loss you suffered through the bad debt is offsetted against
other income.
A debt collector is someone who (is not the original creditor) buys a debt
that has been offsetted, and attempts to collect it. This is very important for you
to understand. This is why the government created a set of laws called the Fair
Debt Collections Practices Act (USC Title 15 Section 1692) in order to minimize 59
the deceit and protect people. Sadly, not many lawyers understand this
mechanic. They think debt collectors act legitimately.
Let’s say it again. Once a debt has been written off, it is discharged. It cannot
be collected again. Debt collectors use deception to convince people that they
were assigned the debt.
So, how does this relate to a REMIC and a debt collector? As we discussed
earlier, the individual shareholders are the real and beneficial interest holders.
Since the individual shareholders cannot endorse and assign their portion of the
loss, then they have to write it off as a bad debt. The Trustee of the REMIC
cannot do it neither because the Trustee is not the real and beneficial holder of
the promissory note. The REMIC has given up that right when it chose to
structure itself as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for the purpose of a straight
tax pass through.
The only way your lender can foreclose on you is they rely on the same
deception tactics used by debt collectors. The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act
governs the deceptive practices also. Remember, a debt collector pulls off their
deception through people’s ignorance. This is what your “lender” is doing to you.
That is why in all their communication, you will see “This is an attempt to collect a
debt”. An original creditor is not required to disclose this.
So if you are in a court or if you are counsel representing your client, it is
important for you to ask opposing counsel to stipulate the nature of their
ownership of the note. Because oftentimes, opposing counsel will come into the
court room representing that their client has “repurchased the note”, not realizing
that they have in fact brought fraud before the court. If opposing counsel is
ignorant, then they are not lying. It is up to you to get them to stipulate the true
nature of the negotiable instrument through interrogatories and discovery;
including subpoena of accounting records. If you do this, watch how quickly the
blood drains from opposing counsel’s face. It’s quite a sight.
A defective instrument is not enforceable. An instrument that has been previously
discharged and bought as a bad debt is not enforceable. Don’t be fooled. It’s
like buying a cheap knock off Rolex watch in Mexico. It might look the same, but
underneath the face, it is not. 60
The Debt Validation Letter

Let’s analyze the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, and specifically the portion
governing the validation of debt. Under USC Title 15 Section 1692(g), you are
entitled to ask a debt collector for the verification of the debt. Upon dispute of the
debt, all collection activities must cease until the debt collector can validate the
debt. Sadly, the consumer has only 30 days to dispute the debt or else they
admit to the debt.
If you have received a Notice of Default (NOD) from your “lender”, you will see
that there is language specifically that says “If you do not dispute this debt within
30 days, then you admit to owing this debt.” Go on. Go grab your letter and take
a good look.
If you have not received a Notice of Default letter (or if you have received it within
30 days), you can still send a Notice of Debt validation letter to your “lender” to
dispute the debt. I have included a sample NOD Dispute letter on

However, this does not mean you waive your rights to challenge your lender if
you are more than 30 days past default. You can still do it. You can write your
lender and your Trustee (in a non-Judicial State) demanding that they produce
proof of claim under the FDCPA under USC Title 15 Section 1692(g). Your
“lender” is required to respond within 30 days. Failure to do so results in a
violation of the FDCPA which carries a penalty of up to $1000 per violation (you
simply have to sue them to collect). The FDCPA also has special damage
provisions for class actions. 15 U.S.C. §1692k. Recovery of statutory damages
for the class is limited to 1% of the debt collector's net worth or $500,000,
whichever is less.

You will know when the debt collector doesn’t have the note when a response is
sent back giving the Borrower either a “We don’t recognize your request” or
stating the information is “Proprietary”. Don’t let them get away with that. The
FDCPA rules are clear! In most cases, the Lender/ Servicer will send you
anything but the items requested. Most of the time, debt collectors will send the

• Some papers printed from a computer, not sure what they are
• Nothing certified (notarized) and especially not dated recently
• Nothing showing the name and signature of the original lender or past
note holder
• Nothing proving the notification of a transfer
• Simple copies of some kind of billing statement etc.

All of which are unacceptable! The Lenders, Servicers and Debt

Collectors ABSOLUTELY know what the legal requirements are. They will 61
challenge anyone who disputes a debt to see if you know the law. This is why it
is so important for you to know the law as well!

Under the Uniform Commercial Code Section 3-204, the name and the
signature of both the beneficiary and the original creditor must be disclosed in the
same document § 3-204 (d). The signature of the borrower must be included as
well into the assignment or transfer; unless a clause in the deed of
trust/mortgage waives that (most deeds of trust disclose this at clause #20).

FTC, HUD COMPLAINT and Comptroller of the Currency

If you believe your mortgage servicer has not responded appropriately to a

written inquiry, you should contact your State’s Attorney General Consumer
Protection Office. You should also contact the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) to file a complaint under the RESPA regulations.

It is important that you issue complaints to these authorities because they cannot
act on their own. They need a damaged party to give them the authority to
prosecute a case. The more people complain to these authorities, the more likely
they will take notice and investigate.

In your complaint, explain to them what you have asked, provide copies of your
communication and where they broke the law. Specifically, under the Fair Debt
Collections Debt Section 1692g.

Write to:

Office of RESPA and Interstate Land Sales,

Department of Housing and Urban Development,
451 Seventh Street, S.W., Room 9154,
Washington, DC 20410,

You might also want to contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC
works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business
practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot,
stop, and avoid them.

The FTC’s address is:

600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-2222 62
You should also write to the Office of Comptoller of the Currency. This is the
organization that oversees banking and banking practices.

You can write to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency at:

Comptroller of the Currency

Administrator of National Banks
Washington, DC 20219 63
What About My Debt Obligations?
"But I have been brought up to be honorable. I am a man of my word. I
signed the promissory note, promising that I would pay. I got my house. I
am now in default. The bank has the right to foreclose on my house…"

Most of us are decent, honest folks. We believe in paying our debts. Millions and
millions of people echo the above sentiment. You are not alone.

I am not talking about a free lunch.

I am not talking about scamming the system, nor am I talking about taking
advantage of some bizarre loophole in the law.

What we're talking about is fairness, equity and giving the everyday homeowner
a fair shake.

Heads I Win, Tails I Win

The beauty with the capitalist system is that it encourages free enterprise. It
encourages people to take risks. With high risks come
high rewards. Oftentimes you win, and sometimes you

However, in the situation where "heads I win (and keep all

the money), tails I get bailed out"…it gets down to a
question of fairness and equity. Remember, the bailout
comes from taxpayer money (YOUR MONEY). They
received over 3.5 TRILLION dollars of free money. Pretty
much with no strings attached, to do with as they see fit.

On the other side of the spectrum, millions of homeowners are being kicked out
of their homes. No loan modifications to compensate for being "upside down"
(i.e., they owe more than their house is worth).

Where's the fairness in that? Particularly when they can use that same bailout
money to pay their top executives millions in bonuses (for the number of homes
they can foreclose and how quickly they can process them).

I don't know about you, but this sort of behavior is enough for the pitchforks to
come out.

Enough is enough. 64
Being Paid Not Once, But At Least 3 Times
Being in a capitalist society, making money is not only
OK, but is encouraged. But where does making a profit
end and extortion/greed begin?

1) The Banks Risked None of Their Own Money

One of the rules of capitalism is risk vs. rewards.
With high risks come high rewards. If they were able
to create money out of thin air (through the
fractional reserve banking system) and make 2.5
times the face value of a loan...we’re talking about
10,000% return on cash. This is an awesome return. Sign me up any day.

2) The Bank Got Paid When They Securitized The Loan

As I discussed, they got paid between 1.05 to 1.5 times the face value of the
loan when they securitized…within days of closing your loan.

3) They Got Paid for Stock Value Appreciation

The Lender also owns stock in the REMICS. They can own up to 10% of
these Trusts. So when the market went up, they profited from the appreciation
of the asset.

4) They Got Paid by TARP

They got paid over 3.5 TRILLION dollars of taxpayer money to do as they see
fit, including buying up other banks.

5) They Got Paid by FDIC

When the loan goes into default, banks are covered for 70% to 80% of the
value of the loan.

6) They Get to Keep Your House

To add insult to injury, they also get to kick you out of your home. Keep the
house and sell it again to the next sucker so they can repeat the scam.

How many times are these guys paid? Where is the fairness in all this for the
average little guy?

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of being screwed. No one ever looks after
the little guy.

This is why I wrote this book in the hopes that you will share it with your friends
and neighbors so more Americans can wake up to this scam. 65
I am sure there are some people who disagree with what we are saying. But
thank God, that's still legal in this country. We each have the right to our own

All I am saying is, enough is enough.

When they threaten our homes, they threaten our families. The home is one of
our most sacred assets. Without it, we are lost. Once they own our homes, they
can use that to leverage us and further enslave us.

To paraphrase Sun Tze (The Art of War): "never back a rat into a corner. Always
leave a hole for the rat to escape, else the rat will bite back." The bankers have
backed us into a no win situation. I hope that by educating you about this scam,
you will decide to fight back. 66
The Bloody Road Ahead

By all indications, 2011 and onwards will be even worse than before. More and
more loans known as option ARMs (adjustable rate mortgages) will come due as
many of these loans have a romance period of 3 to 5 years. Once dues come,
and people's interest rates get hiked up, more people will get into trouble with
their loans.

As of the middle of 2010, the general American public started learning about
robo-signers and improper loan assignments. This has been all over the news.
But as you have seen, this deceit goes much deeper than just procedural errors.
It is massive and willful fraud committed by the banking cartel.

It is anticipated that there will be a massive boom in the legal profession in the
next 5 to 10 years in the area of foreclosure
defense and litigation. Because as more and
more homeowners learn about loan fraud, they
will likely seek out legal professionals to seek
relief from our predatory friends in the banking

Not only that, there will be more and more

homeowners who have already lost their homes
wanting to have their grievances redressed as
they discover that their foreclosure was done
fraudulently. There is no statute of limitations on
fraud. This will mean more and more lawyers will
have plenty of opportunities to pursue civil actions against these lenders for real
and punitive damages.

This is a problem that will haunt the banking industry for years to come. I expect
there will be a massive rise in advertising across the nation for "wrongful
foreclosure contingency attorneys" in which attorneys will pursue clients who
have lost their homes due to fraud for a big chunk of the settlement.

That is why the people in the banking industry who knows about this are doing
everything they can to keep the truth from coming out. This problem will result in
very significant and long lasting implications to the banking industry for years to
come. 67
The Collapse of the Banking Industry?

If homeowners around the

country start awakening to the
fraud committed and start
suing banks en mass, could
this lead to a collapse of the
banking industry?

As much as I dislike the fraud

that is being committed by our
banking buddies, I do not
relish the thought of the
collapse of the banking industry. It's like a child behaving badly. I disapprove of
the poor behavior but I do not dislike the child.

Let's not forget that we in the Western world have a lot to be grateful to our
banking friends. Much of our current luxury and way of life is, in part, due to the
banking system.

A collapse of the banking system will hurt everyone and ruin any chance of
economic recovery.

That said, Congress will never let this happen. There will likely be additional free
bail out monies issued to cover our banking friends against any possible harm
done to them. As we recall, they are simply "too big to fail" and beyond reproach.
They hold too much sway in government and fund most of the political
contributions to our representatives.

Free Lunch for Homeowners?

Another argument I have heard is that this is just another way for deadbeat
homeowners to get away with a free lunch and "stick it to the banks" at the
expense of other homeowners who pay their dues "like everybody else."

Nothing can be further from the truth.

Most people who cannot afford to pay for their mortgages are people who have
lost their jobs as a result of the economy. Bad things sometimes happen to good
people. This does not make them bad people. These are your friends, your
neighbors, or your relatives who are suffering.

The grievances we want to address are:

1) The housing bubble was caused by the banking industry out of greed 68
2) The banks have enjoyed record profits from the boom
3) The banks have been paid by Wall Street as well as by taxpayer money
4) The banks are not the real parties of interest in foreclosure actions
5) The notes bought from the secondary markets are unsecured. Re-
adhesion of an asset that has been written off is illegal, immoral and
6) Haven't the people suffered enough?

The point is, even if every homeowner decides to stop paying their mortgages,
the lenders are not harmed directly because they are nothing but a servicer. The
people who are potentially harmed are the shareholders of the REMICs. But their
losses are covered by the FDIC. The banks have the TARP money set aside for
this purpose. They have already been covered for this loss.

The law is the law. Banks cannot pick and choose which laws to use when it is
convenient for them and which laws to ignore when it isn't. They cannot reattach
an unsecured note (that has been written off) and con the homeowners into
thinking that it is Perfect (without defects).

What these so called lenders (servicers) are doing is actually taking this
opportunity to reap massive profits by acquiring people's houses for very little.
They will then manipulate the market again to re-stimulate the economy and wait
for the prices of these houses to rise so they can sell them for even more profits.

I feel this is unethical and repugnant. Enough is enough.

What I am saying is that the fraud must stop. A foreclosure action must be done
by a real party in interest. Period. If it isn't then it is nothing more than theft and
extortion. 69
Opportunity for Peace

I hope that by awakening more and

more homeowners and people in the
legal profession of the extent of loan
fraud that our banking friends might
decide to come clean.
All we are asking is a fair deal. People all
around the country are suffering. All we're
saying is, enough is enough. Let the greed stop
and let the compassion for each other begin.

I hope to avoid the blood bath of litigation

ahead as it will not be good for the banking industry and ultimately, it will come
back to haunt everyone. Like I said, we need a strong and reliable banking

I hope that banks will feel that they can come back to homeowners and
proactively renegotiate home loans to make housing more affordable for
everyone to keep people in their homes.

If the people in the banking industry can see that they are exposed to a massive
amount of litigation damages if they continue with this fraud and change their
predatory ways, perhaps we might see some economic recovery as more people
can actually afford to stay in their homes and spend money to support the
economy instead of feeding the banking system.

I hope that the people, the media, the government and the banks can all work out
an amicable accord to allow homeowners to stay in their homes. If not, then this
country is heading towards a legal blood bath. 70
What Are My Options?
The purpose of this book is to share some information with
you. We hope that this is just the beginning of your
educational journey.

Again, please don't believe a word we say. Do your own


Whatever you do, don't go to your bank manager and

demand justice. He is likely to be as ignorant as everyone
else. This is a scheme that only a few people at the highest
level of the banking and finance industry are aware of.

Don't go in half-cocked and demand that your bank show

you that they are a real party in interest. Arm yourself with
more information.

If this book has inspired you to take action, then the next step is for you to learn
more about this process so you can properly articulate and defend yourself.

If you are facing foreclosure, time is not on your side. Playing the ostrich game of
hiding your head in the sand is not going to make the problem go away. The
banks are going to steal your home and kick your family to the curb.

We understand that many of you who are facing foreclosure are experiencing
crippling depression and it is a struggle to even wake up and get dressed every
day. We know. We have been there.

But really, your choices are very simple.

Option 1. Give up. Continue to feel sorry for yourself. Wallow in your
depression. Lose your home.

Option 2. Learn to fight. Defend your rights. Educate yourself. Force your
lender to prove standing.

If you are inclined to learn more and educate yourself further, we've put together
a series of videos to help you get up to speed quickly about foreclosure defense.
People have paid a lot of money to come to our seminars (including lawyers) to
learn this information. We've invested thousands and thousands of hours
researching this information so you can cut to the chase. Like we said, if you are
facing foreclosure, time is not on your side.

To learn more about foreclosure defense strategies, come to: 71
Do Your Own Research
If you are interested in fighting foreclosure, then you need to arm yourself with
more information. Do not rely on the information contained in this book. This
book should be used as a starting point and a framework only.

Verify the facts. Don’t believe a word I say. Consider this a work of fiction.
Discover your own truth. Seriously, I could be talking out of my backside and
feeding you rubbish.

You have no rights until you learn your rights. I want you to own the process.

Research the laws.

Start reading up on the laws around securitization. Interview a number of

attorneys in town to see if there are any that would be willing to work with you
and support you in this matter.

Suing Your Lender

Oftentimes, challenging your lender to call them on their bluff will invariably lead
to litigation. For most people, the idea of suing a big corporation is enough to
make them vomit. Most would rather eat maggots than to show up in a
courtroom. Before you freak out, take a deep breath. It's not as bad as you think.

Most of us fear the courtroom because of our

mental association with courts. We tend to
think people only need to show up in court
because they are criminals or they are being
sued. It sucks being on the receiving end of a
civil action.

The tables turn when you are the one doing

the suing. It is the other side (the bank) that
will be squirming. However, you can't just go
about suing the bank for no reason. Courts
have rules.

If you are going to accuse someone of something, you better have proof. That's it
in a nutshell. In other words, the Plaintiff (the person doing the suing) has the
burden of proof.

The second rule of court is that evidence is everything. Allegations are cheap.
Anyone can accuse anybody of anything. But imagine if I had a picture of a guy
holding a gun, pointing at a teller with a bag of money in his hands, plus 10 other
people at the scene testifying to the fact. This is something that is convincing
enough to get the person convicted. 72
Another thing you need to know about the court system is, judges do not know
the law.


That's insane.

No it's not. There are literally millions of laws out there. Criminal law, family law,
contract law, intellectual property law and so on. There is no way a judge could
know every law that has ever been written. It is the responsibility of the litigants
to bring the law before a judge so he/she can make a ruling based on evidence
and law.

So, if you were to come to court showing the judge where your lender is breaking
the law by bringing the appropriate laws before the court, would you feel a little
better about going to court?

If you were then able to come to court with 10 reams of paper full of evidence
showing where the bank lied, cheated and stole money and you were backed up
by an expert witness who used to be an ex-banker, would you feel a little better?

Would the bank feel a little squirmy?

See the difference? You just need to learn to build your case.

Imagine if you have done all your research, built your arguments, gathered a
bunch of evidence about the fraud and presented this argument to a lawyer. Do
you think it is more likely she will be on your side rather than tell you to take a
hike? I would hope so.

The problem is, most people think the bank is the Lender and that they do have
the right to foreclose. Now we know better.

The key in successfully defending against foreclosure is building and gathering

your evidence. 73
Communicating With Your Lender

Under the Truth in Lending Act, you are

entitled to demand full disclosure from your

Before jumping off the deep end, the best

place to start is to write your lender to
discover who they are. That might sound
strange…but they are not who you think they
are. You will often discover that they are, in
fact, not a lender at all, but they are a servicer
pretending to be your lender.

Try writing to your lender and ask them the following, pointblank:

"Under the Truth in Lending Act, I have a right to know who the true party
of interest in this transaction is. Please stipulate whether you are the
holder in due course for my promissory note. If you are not the holder,
then you admit to being the servicer of this obligation. I demand that you
tell me who the holder in due course is.

Please also stipulate for the record whether or not my loan has been
securitized, and if so, what the name of the REMIC/Trust my loan is
bundled with."

This will give you a lot of surprising information and will help you towards getting
proof of their fraud.

You might have to write two or even three letters before you get a valid response.

Many times, banks will not want to reveal their fraud. They will likely respond with
a standard form letter created by a no name, minimum wage employee to the
effect of:

"Your request is denied. There is no law that requires us to produce the

note. Your request is frivolous. We will continue to enforce the obligation."

These letters are not signed. There is no name on the response.

You might have to copy your letter to the FTC as well as the Comptroller to the
Currency (the body that governs banking in the US).

It is absolutely insulting. 74
However, it is imperative you document and have proof that you sent these
letters as they can be used as evidence in a court of law. It is often a good idea
to have a "silence through acquiescence clause" in your letter.

For example, "If you do not respond with an answer within 30 days, then you
admit that this loan has been securitized and that you are merely a servicer of
the obligation and not a real party in interest."

To help you get started, I have included a sample letter on our website at for you to use to initiate your pre-
litigation discovery with your lender. Look under the Resources tab. 75
Forensic vs. Securitization Audits

What is the difference?

A forensic examination or audit will
audit your loan documents to make
Getting a Securitization Audit
sure your lender followed the law under
TILA (Truth In Lending Act) and
One of the things banks hate the most is a
RESPA (Real Estate Settlement
securitization audit, as it blatantly exposes their
Procedures Act).
fraud. If banks hate it, then we love it.
Some people have used the Forensic
A securitization audit is an audit done by a third
audit to stop a foreclosure claiming the
party researcher who scours through EDGAR (the
lender did not do the right thing. Or did
SEC’s database for all public placements) looking
not give them appropriate disclosures,
for your loan. This is tedious and grueling work, as
or notices of their rights, for example,
they have to literally find a needle in a haystack of a
the rights of rescission.
few thousand loans.

What an auditor would provide you at the end of a

securitization audit is a document and an affidavit
that is admissible in court as evidence. The
document will show which REMIC your loan has
been securitized to. Since this information is publicly available through the SEC,
the affidavit is a simple statement of fact (given with firsthand knowledge) that
backs up the fact that the loan has, in fact, been securitized.

As you recall, as a Plaintiff, we have

the burden of proof. This is the Holy
Grail of proof that is needed to prove
that the bank is committing fraud.

Sadly, getting a good and reliable

securitization audit can be tricky.
Some companies charge as much
as $4000 for one because they know
the power and value of what it can
do for a case. It's pretty much like
that picture of a guy holding a gun at
the bank. If your bank is caught with
that smoking gun, it's a bad day to
be a banker.

If you are interested in getting an

affordable securitization audit,
come to We have searched far and
wide for the best and most cost-effective auditors in the country. 76
Learning the Rules of Court
If you are considering taking action to defend your home then it will be imperative
that you learn how courts work. We found a fantastic resource called
Jurisdictionary by Dr. Frederic Gray. He is an attorney who has a lot of
experience with litigation cases.

As Dr. Gray points out, "Going to court is like going into a knife fight. Don't go in it
with a potato peeler. Bring the biggest and baddest hatchet you can find."

Don't you dare try to go to court and "wing it." Go in prepared. This is your house
we're talking about.

Most of us are not trained nor versed in the workings of the court. We do not
have any experience in the courtroom. If you are going to take on your lender to
defend your home, we recommend you learn how to fight to win. For more
information about Jurisdictionary, visit:

How to Deal with Liars Lawyers

For the record, I think the legal profession is one of the noblest in existence and
they have the potential to do the most good for the people. I have the highest
respect for good lawyers who fight for the rights of the people.

Many people have asked me for recommendations of good lawyers who know
foreclosure defense. Sadly, lawyers who know this stuff are few and far between.

Unfortunately, most of the time, lawyers are arrogant and deceptive. They call
people without a law degree laymen. The idea that a layman knows something
they don't know is beyond the comprehension
of most lawyers.

Most lawyers (and sadly, judges, too) buy into

the whole bank scam. "You borrowed the
money. You enjoyed the house. You can’t
pay. The bank is foreclosing. What's the
problem here? You’re just trying to get out of
the debt. This is another one of those internet
scams." If they don't say as much, then their
body language says it all.

I saw one situation where a person had all the

evidence and prepared a pleading. They
presented it to a lawyer. The lawyer told him that he needed to put up $2000
before he would even read the documents. Two weeks later, after taking the 77
person's money, the lawyer came back and told him, "This is crap. If you want
me to handle this, I will need a $5000 retainer (and that's only to get started)." I
was informed that he wanted $25,000!

I see this time and time again.

That is not to say that there aren't any good lawyers. Sadly, they are the
exception rather than the rule.

Before engaging the services of a lawyer, I recommend that you buy and study
up on the rules of court (buy Jurisdictionary). Even though your case might be
handled by a lawyer, it is imperative you know what the lawyer is doing (or not
doing, for that matter).

I also recommend that you do as much of the homework as possible to build your
case. Gather the evidence. Do the securitization audit. Take your first crack at
building your own pleading. Do a Google search..Look for a template for a quiet
title action or wrongful foreclosure. Start reading up on what others have done.

This will save you money and several headaches…and increase your chances of

It is hard enough to deal with the stress of losing your home and the prospect of
fighting the bank. You don't need to fight your own counsel. Interview any lawyer
you intend to work with. See if they have done any previous litigation or know
about commercial law. Most importantly, see if the person is someone who is
open minded and someone you can trust. Use your gut. If you don't like the guy,
then I don’t care how good he is—run.

When working with a lawyer, you should be a thorn in his side (in a good way).
Don't just leave it to him. You should always be on top of your lawyer. Make sure
he is accountable for how many hours he spends on your case. If you are going
to pay someone $250/hour, you have the right to know what he is working on and
when. A common tactic lawyers use is to have paralegals do their work for them.
They would charge you their lawyer's rate and have the paralegal do the work.
Make sure you get clear distinctions between these rates.

My main concern with lawyers is that they see their clients not as people
suffering from bank fraud but as buckets of money. You pay them a retainer.
You are hard on your luck. You barely have a roof over your head and you need
help. Yet these people see a retainer as an invitation to rip you off. Their
objective is to do anything and everything they can to spend that retainer as
quickly as possible and hit you up for more. If you run out of money, their
response is "Sorry. Tough luck." It seems like once these people get their Bar
certificate, they made a deal with the Devil and traded their humanity and soul
away. Some people have taken to calling them "Bar flies." 78
By the way, REPRESENT
actually means RE-PRESENT.
Your lawyer re-presents you into
the court system as a legal
fiction (and not a person of flesh
and blood). They talk because
Here's why you may not you want the They
can't. mostcall
people likeand sharpest one you
can find. They are often inyou high"incompetent,"
demand, theyin don’t
the need
same the work and they don't
have the time to properly way prepare and research
a quadriplegic or ayour case. Instead, it might be
better to find a friendly attorney and bring him a
old child is incompetent. case with solid arguments, solid
evidence and solid laws to back it up. All he has to do is to massage it. All you
have to do is to make sure YourheLegal
is actually REPRESENTING
Fiction is your name (talking on your
behalf, using your arguments) you.
spelled in ALL CAPS. It is not
you. But it is a representation of
One way to weed out crappy youlawyers is a drawing).
(much like
to give them this book and ask them to
read it. We have written this book with
All governments, banks and
the purpose of not only legalexposing thearound the world
fraud but also showing lawyers
can onlyhow to with the legal
argue the case. A good lawyer
fictioncan take
of you.
what we have presented here and do
their own research to Welcome support to thethe Matrix.
arguments presented here. If they are
not willing to read it or demand that you
pay them for THEIR EDUCATION, then
they might not be someone you want to
work with.

One key point you want to enlighten

potential lawyers you intend to work with is
that this is a major growth area of law. If
they learn the arguments of foreclosure
defense, they will likely have a lot more
business and a huge competitive
advantage over other lawyers in town.

Again, there are likely good lawyers out

there. Unfortunately, many of them are often booked up and are hard to find.

The advantage of a good lawyer is that they can prepare your arguments, make
sure they are legally sufficient and be able to represent you in court. Since he
should have experience in the courtroom, he would know what to say and do.

As boring and as weird as it may sound, learn to love the law. It is there for you.

If you are looking for a lawyer or know of a good one you can refer other
members to, please come to our site and check our referrals under the
Resources tab: 79 80
Do It Yourself
If you can’t afford a lawyer or can't find a
good one to work with, the next option is to
do it yourself. This is known as pro se (or
pro per in California).

More and more homeowners are choosing

to do it on their own. Frankly, this
information is so exotic and so new that few
people can rely on lawyers to support them.

Let’s be clear. This is not easy. This could be one of the most demanding
things you have ever been asked to do in your life.

Don’t Do This.

Seriously, this is not a standard disclaimer. Don’t do this. The litigation process is
not for the weak of heart.

It is better that you find other solutions than to litigate against your lender half
cocked. It’s like a fly hitting a windshield. It is not pretty if you don’t know what
you are doing.

That said, your home is everything. Without it, you are lost. You are ungrounded
and uprooted. Your family is unsettled.

Now that you know about the fraud, you have to decide whether you are willing to
fight for your rights. However, if you do decide to do this, you will have to commit
to doing it to the very end.

As Yoda says "Do, or do not. There is no try."

We have put together a coaching membership program to help homeowners with

resources so they can do this on their own. 81
Our membership program allows you to connect with other homeowners so that
you can support each other, share and collaborate on ideas. As a benefit of the
membership program, you will also receive sample documents you can use to
challenge your lender and fight for your rights. Other benefits include:

- Access to sample responses. Once a lender responds, we have

samples used by others in our program that you can use to craft your own
- Legal Resources. We will show you where to go to look for local laws as
it applies to you and where you can find people to help prepare
documents who understand this process and more.
- Group Conference Calls where you can ask and collaborate with
members on a weekly basis.
- Guest speakers. We bring experts from around the country to talk about
mortgage defense successes to give you ideas to help you with your
- Access to our Archives. We have over 40 hours of archive content that
will be available exclusively to members of our community.
- Drip Delivered Content. Instead of dumping you with hours and hours of
content, we give you day by day automated content delivery so that you
are never lost. Our automated system will tell you when to send out
letters, when to order a securitization audit, when to go to the county
recorder’s office for research, and more.

Let's be clear. This is a membership to a homeowner’s support club and is not a

substitute for good competent legal advice. You should seek competent legal
counsel where possible. (Sorry, I am required to tell you this. The Bar
Association has a monopoly on the legal franchise.)

For more information about our foreclosure defense membership program, come
to: is more
affordable than you think. 82
Help, My House is Up for Sale Next Week!

If you find yourself in a situation

where you are about to lose your
home, you have two options

One is to file a civil action against

your lender followed by a motion
for a Temporary Restraining
Order (TRO) and Injunctive Relief.
The other is to file for bankruptcy
protection with an automatic stay.

Firstly, in order for a TRO and/or an Injunctive Relief to be granted, the petitioner
has to show a strong likelihood of success. This means that as a Plaintiff, you will
need to bring compelling evidence to convince the judge that you deserve a stay
of the sale. It is your job to bring significant controversy that brings doubt as to
who the real party in interest is in the foreclosure action.

Obviously, having a securitization audit would be hugely beneficial as well as a

pleading/complaint that argues the points and authority that the lender is not the
real party in interest. However, this takes time. Time you might not have.

Crafting a pleading takes time and requires great care. It is not something that
can be rushed. You should consult your lawyer as to the proper method and
process for this.

If you are a member of our foreclosure defense membership program, we have

included sample TROs, Injunctive Reliefs as well as sample pleadings that others
have used. It is then up to you to customize the arguments as it applies to your
own situation. Be warned. You do so at your own risk. These sample documents
do not come with any assurances whatsoever.

Sadly, TROs are RARELY granted. The Plaintiff has to bring an overwhelming
amount of evidence to cast significant doubt to the judge for one to be granted. 83
The Bankruptcy Automatic Stay Method
To buy time, some homeowners declare bankruptcy. When you declare
bankruptcy, you receive an automatic stay from all creditors, including the lender.

Many homeowners feel this is the best and most assured way to stop the sale
from happening.

Be warned. Bankruptcy is not for the

weak hearted. Do not enter
bankruptcy lightly.

You will need to declare all your

assets, income and financial details.
It is like having a permanent anal
probe of your financial details. It is
not pleasant.

Never ever lie especially in

bankruptcy court. You will go to jail. As great as the temptation to hide the
precious little money you have from your creditors is, don’t do it.

The other down side of bankruptcy is that it is a mark in your public credit score.
But frankly, having a bankruptcy or a foreclosure these days is not as big a deal
as it once was. Almost half the country has been through it. It's like being a leper
in a leper colony. It's not as big a deal anymore.

The fact is, however, for most homeowners this might be the only way to keep
their house from the auction block while they buy time to build their case for
their foreclosure defense.

The other thing about bankruptcy is that in my experience, I have found that most
of the wins come from the bankruptcy courts. The thing about bankruptcy is that
it has the nice Rule 3001(d).

Federal Rules of Bankruptcy 3001 (d) Evidence of perfection of security


If a security interest in property of the debtor is claimed, the proof of claim

shall be accompanied by evidence that the security interest has been

It requires the lender to provide proof of claim.

This means that the table is suddenly turned. It is now the lender who has to
come up with the proof of claim. And if you know how their fraud is being
perpetrated, then you know how to object and deflect their deception. 84
Please note, you cannot file an adversary proceeding
under Chapter 7. This is very important to remember.

What many people do after they file for bankruptcy is to file an adversary
proceeding. As a debtor, this is absolutely free. An adversary proceeding is like a
normal civil action, but done under bankruptcy court, and under bankruptcy rules.
It allows the debtor to challenge the bank to provide proof of standing.

The other thing

many home-
owners do is file
their house as an
unsecured debt.
This will then prompt the lender to complain. But in doing so, they are then
required to provide proof of claim which they often are unable to.

Navigating the bankruptcy process is not for the weak hearted. Even for
someone who has a lot of experience in legal procedures. I highly (seriously,
HIGHLY) recommend that you get competent help. Look, I am here to save you
money. If I HIGHLY recommend something, I mean it. Some things you can cut
corners with but bankruptcy is something I don’t recommend that you do on your
own. Trust me when I tell you that I tried to do it myself. It was a disaster. I
wished I had professional help.

Normally, hiring a law firm to handle your bankruptcy costs from $2000 to $4000
for Chapter 13. We found a company (not related to us) that specializes in
preparing bankruptcy documents who can do it for less than $1000.

If you are interested in this service, come to It is listed under Resources.

In the next chapter, we go into the practical matter of “now I know that there is
fraud going on with my house, what can I do about it?” 85
Practical Matters
In this chapter, we go through specific practical things you can do right away to
challenge your lender.
At its heart, there are four classes of people that are affected by foreclosures.
1. Someone who is about to lose his or her home in a Non-Judicial State
(California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, etc)
2. Someone who is about to lose his or her home in a Judicial State (New
York, New Jersey, Ohio, Florida, etc)
3. Someone who has already lost his or her home
4. Someone who is hanging by their teeth, who is upside down or can no
longer pay their mortgage trying to get a loan modification or someone in
good standing.

Each class of person has different options and procedures available to them.
This chapter will outline in brief some of these options. Of course, this is just a
book and is no substitute for competent legal advice, so please consult counsel
before doing anything that could affect your home.

Non-Judicial State Homeowners

Most Western States of the US are Non-Judicial States. In these States,
foreclosures are governed by State Civil Code.
These homeowners have it the toughest. Being in a judicial state, Lenders need
not prove anything. They can simply notify the homeowner of the default, then
after a certain number of days as defined under State Civil Code, the property
then proceeds to a Trustee sale at a public auction.
The only option available to you if you are a non-Judicial State resident is for you
to file a civil action against your lender to compel them to provide proof of claim,
and therefore standing.
The other option is to declare bankruptcy (also known as BK). In bankruptcy,
generally speaking, you have two options, Chapter 7 (no asset BK) or a Chapter
13 (asset BK). What some homeowners do is to declare Chapter 7 and list their
property as an unsecured asset and wait for the lender to object. This then puts
the burden of proof on the lender. If your loan was closed with Lender A and is
being foreclosed on by Lender B or C....there must be (by law) a valid chain of
assignment to show that Lender C is the real and beneficial party of interest. As
we discussed, because of the problem of securitization, this is never done. This 86
creates a real problem for the Lender (who is frankly doing this in fraud anyway).
For those with a lot of assets (such as equity in their homes), they can do a
Chapter 13. Under a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can file an Adversary
Proceeding where you sue your lender to compel them to produce valid proof of
claim. The beauty with Bankruptcy Court is that you have the law on your side.
Rule 3001(d) of the Federal Code of Bankruptcy requires that your lender provide
evidence of "perfected title".
If you choose to file a civil action against your lender, you better have proof as
we discussed earlier. The best proof you can bring is a securitization audit to
prove that your loan has been securitized. Then, work with your lawyer to build
an argument around the points outlined in this book. Unfortunately, this will set
you back at the minimum $5000, and more likely closer to $10,000 to $25,000.
Another option you could do is to do a “quick reconveyance method” as
discussed in Chapter 4. This can be very effective in stopping your servicer’s
ability to foreclose because it closes out the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. This
method is only applicable when you have clear evidence of movement or
securitization. You can find out more about this method on our website under the
Products tab.
Alternatively, if you cannot afford a lawyer, you could try to do this yourself.
Great places to start are and
These are blogs with lots of articles, sample pleadings and lots of other
resources I used during my research.
Another option is to join our foreclosure defense membership program. We
realized that there are SO MANY homeowners needing help. That is why we
developed a coaching membership program with specific information and
resources to help homeowners with their foreclosure defense. Our membership
program has sample pleadings, sample responses, forms and procedures others
have used in their foreclosure defense. You will also able to network with other
homeowners local to with them to have coffee, and support each
other. For more information about this program, come to our website at:
A good place to start if you are in a non-Judicial State is to start writing to your
lender to demand that they produce valid proof of claim. You can find a couple of
sample letters on our site. This will be a good place to get started. 87
Judicial State Homeowners
In a Judicial State, your lender has to sue you to get a judgment before they can
foreclose on your house. As we discussed earlier, the burden of proof is on the
plaintiff. This means that if you are in a Judicial State, you have the advantage of
requiring the lender to produce proof of claim.
The problem in most cases is that homeowners in Judicial States do not know
the nature of foreclosure fraud. They either don't show up or if they show up,
don't know how to argue their points and thus end up losing their homes anyway.
The other problem in Judicial States is that because there are so many cases,
judges end up forgoing their Oath of Office to the people they serve. Instead of
dispensing justice fairly to all, they rubber-stamp judgments without a second
glance. This is not fair to the homeowners but if homeowners don't know their
rights, nor know how to argue their points, then sadly, there's little justice for
them. As they say, you have no rights unless you know what those rights are.
So, the best thing to do if you are a resident of a Judicial State then is to arm
yourself with education. Learn the nature of loan fraud. Learn the procedure of
rules of court and on how to defend yourself in answering a summons and
You should know by now that your best course of action is to push the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure 17, "an action has to be taken in the name of a real
party in interest" other words, you are to challenge your lender's Standing
and their right to foreclose. If they are not a real and beneficial party in interest,
then they do not have the right to foreclose. In allowing them to proceed with
their foreclosure without Standing amounts to nothing more than theft and
extortion. Both of which are illegal.
Other homeowners in Judicial States choose to take a more proactive approach.
Instead of waiting to be sued by their lender, they do a forensic audit, gather
evidence of loan securitization and then sue their lender to get a Quiet Title
Action to remove the Mortgage from their property since no one can come forth
to produce valid proof of claim.
For members of our foreclosure defense membership program, we have sample
templates that homeowners can use to take matters into their own hands. 88
Homeowners Who Have Lost Their Homes
For those homeowners who have already lost their homes, there are two
situations. There are those who have lost their homes due to a sale but are still
staying in their homes and there are those who have been forced to move out.
Many lawyers and people in the media are advising homeowners who have lost
their homes but are still living in them to stay in their homes. It could take
months sometimes for the lender to come around to actually force the
homeowner out.
Typically, in order for a lender to force a homeowner to move out, they will need
to file for an "unlawful detainer". This takes a while to be granted and this gives
the homeowner additional time. Staying another month or three at home means
another few more months they do not have to pay rent elsewhere.
Another technique homeowners do is to challenge the lender's standing to
foreclose even after the fact to fight the unlawful detainer. This is something you
will likely need to consult with an attorney for more information.

The Wrongful Foreclosure Action

Homeowners who have already lost their homes but believe their loans have
been securitized might want to see if they can do a Wrongful Foreclosure civil
action against their "pretender lenders".
Here are some hints that your loans have been securitized are:
- There is a company called MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems)
involved in the Notice of Substitution of Trustee, or on the original Deed of
Trust/Mortgage (this is usually on the first 2 pages of your documents).
- Your loan is with one of the following institutions: GMAC, Countrywide Home
Loans, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or Chase.
- You closed with a small no name bank, and you are now being serviced by a
more well known institution like the ones named above.

If you can gather sufficient evidence that your loan has been securitized then you
might be able to build a case using the arguments presented in this book to bring
a civil action against your lender for a wrongful foreclosure and/or fraud.
Essentially, you are accusing your lender of committing fraud in that they did not
have Standing to foreclose on your property.
In a civil action in which you have suffered damages as a result of something the
other party have done against you, typically you are entitled to three times the
damages (three times the value of your loan). This is typically called "punitive
damages". It means it is damages other than documented real financial/physical 89
harm. This includes stress, torment, humiliation, etc. Again, this is something
you should bring up with your attorney.
Before talking to an attorney (and wasting a lot of money), you ought to make
sure you have a case. In court, the truth is irrelevant. Evidence is everything.
It's a sad fact of the system. It is your job to bring a strong case with plenty of
strong evidence of wrong doing before you can even begin accusing your lender
of any wrong doing.
The best way to start is to get a securitization audit. Look in the "What are my
Options" chapter for more information about getting a securitization audit.
Next, you would want to do more research about the problems of securitizations
and build your case and arguments. Good places to start include:

Remember, you have no rights unless you know what your rights are. Your
"lender" is not about to volunteer information that will allow you to burn them with.
It's your job to dig these up.

Getting a Contingency Lawyer

Look, most of us have our backs against the wall. We are barely surviving. We
don’t have money and we don’t have the time to study up on the law to take on
the bank by ourselves. And, hiring a lawyer on a “maybe” is not money
necessarily well spent.
Getting a contingency lawyer might be a really good option for many people.
However, there is no shortage of opportunities for Contingency lawyers. These
lawyers get their choice as to what cases they want to take. It is your job to bring
them a case that is worth a lot of money, delivered on a silver plate. Make it a
"no brainer" for these lawyers to want to work with you. The best way to do this
is to have everything prepared, ready to go. This means that you have a
securitization audit, a basic pleading and argument already in place, any
applicable laws that can be used in support of your case.
Be warned. A contingency lawyer will likely eat up a large percentage of your 90
settlement. I have heard of cases where they eat up as much as 70% of your
settlement. That said, there is a proverb I want to share with you.
100% of nothing is still nothing.
A 20% to 40% of a multi-million dollar settlement is still a good deal, especially
you didn’t know you had a case in the first place.
But I would advise that you do your homework and bring your case on a silver
Honestly, the most dangerous position for a banker is a determined homeowner
who has already lost their home. It’s like having a photo of a guy holding a gun,
pointing at a teller with a bag of cash under his arms. All the evidence is already
there. It just takes determination to assemble the evidence forensically to build a
For help with a post foreclosure coaching, we have another membership program
that supports homeowners through the process with sample pleadings and other
resources at 91
Loan Modification Applicants
For those of you in the middle of a loan modification, chances are good that you
will not be given a loan modification. As we outlined earlier in this book, loan
modifications are a scam. Your lender does not own the note. Frankly, there is
no real incentive for them to grant you a loan modification. It is your job to
push the issue and make it in your lender's best interest to deal with you
fairly before you bring them to court.
How do you do this?
Imagine if we were playing a three shell game. Let's say I am a scammer and I
have very swift hands. Somehow, I was able to swipe the ball (and there are no
balls in play at all). The typical rule of the game is for you to point to where the
ball is, I will then lift that cup. If the ball is under the cup you pointed, then you
win. If not, I win. Now, imagine if you point at the two OTHER CUPS...forcing me
to lift those two cups. By a process of elimination and deduction, the ball
therefore MUST BE UNDER THE REMAINDER CUP. Because we both know
the scam, you are going to give me an out. You are going to give me a wink (as
to say, I know your scam) and I will read the hint and will then say
"congratulations, you won. Now go away kid, you are hurting my business." ie. I
know that you know that there is no ball, but in order to maintain the illusion, I am
forced to admit that the ball must be under the last cup.
What we're saying is, you will basically build all the arguments to prove to your
lender that you know their fraud. You bring all the evidence to prove that they
don't own the note. You build your pleading as if you are going to sue them, and
send them a letter informing of your intention to file suite. You then tell your
lender that to save the pain of litigation, you propose that they deal fairly with you
for a fair loan modification and principle reduction.
You see, if you present them an offer they cannot refuse then you are coming
into the negotiation from a position of power.
You always want to negotiate from a position of power, not from a position of
weakness. Most homeowners approach loan modifications from a position of
desperation. As in "please. I am begging you. I desperately need you to give
me a loan modification before I go into foreclosure."
I am just showing you a different approach. This process works because in one
instance, one of my friends sued the CEO of Bank of America. It was AMAZING
how fast the offer for a loan modification came in because the CEO personally
pushed for the loan modification to be approved no matter what.
Good luck. I know these are desperate times. But we need to be persistent.
Don’t be a sheeple. Wake up. Take proactive action. 92
I’m Not In Default Yet

Let’s be clear. In no way do I advocate that you stop making payments and
deliberately go into default now that you have discovered this fraud.
If fact, if you are in good standing, your chances of fighting foreclosure fraud is
even greater because of the following:
1) In a Non-Judicial State, once you are in default, the State Civil Code takes
over and your rights are greatly diminished. The “lender” does not need to
prove anything and if you fight them in court, they will tell you (and the
judge) so. And it’s true.
2) The real and beneficial parties in interest are the individual shareholders
of the REMIC. Your debt has not been passed around in the secondary
market. This makes the allegations very specific in your Quiet Title Action
and the other side has very little place to hide.

If you are in good standing, the best place to start is to start writing your “lender”
(aka servicer) and demand to know full disclosure of the real parties involved.
Use the sample letters on the website at Have your “lender” disclose
whether your loan has been securitized and to which REMIC.
Then get a securitization audit (or if you can figure out how to do one on your
own by looking at the SEC database).
Next, start a litigation process against your “lender” under a Quiet Title Action.
You are advised to best get a lawyer to work with you in this process.
If you choose to do it on your own, you might want to consider joining our
foreclosure defense membership program where we provide you with sample
Quiet Title Action pleadings others have used in the past as well as other support
resources to help you fight foreclosure fraud. 93
Start Local Groups

Look, this problem affects everyone. When sections of houses are foreclosed on,
it affects local communities. We have situations where there are literally
hundreds of houses sitting empty while thousands of families live in tent cities
around the country.

All the while our banker friends are getting

millions of dollars in bonuses from OUR

We encourage you to get together with

people in your community to talk about this.
Raise each other’s awareness.

We are in the middle of a global economic

depression. Everyone is suffering. And it
isn’t getting better. One of the ways we can
change it around is by claiming our homes
possibly free and clear (or otherwise, get a
fair loan modification that we can actually
afford). Imagine if instead of paying $2000 a month on your mortgage, you can
use that towards a new car or towards your children’s education. Start injecting
money back into the economy to create real local jobs again.

Together, we can each make a difference. But you have to get off the couch and
take action. 94
Taking On The Fight

If what I have written speaks to you and have inspired you to take action then I
have done my job. However, that said I am advising you to slow down.
Don’t Do This.
As cruel as it sounds, I am again advising you against doing this process as I
have outlined. It is a lot of work and frankly is very painful. This process is not
easy. You will not be able to sleep. Every time the phone rings, you feel like
vomiting because you think it might be your lender or their lawyer calling you.
Every time you receive a letter from the lender or their lawyer, you feel like
someone has punched you in the guts.
To file a civil action against your lender is not something for the weak of heart.
However, if you do decide to do something about it then welcome to the
movement. You should commit to doing it all the way.
Never approach a lion’s den and halfway during the fight drop your shield and
run. You will be eaten. The same goes to this process. If you decide to do this
process then you should commit to finishing it. As they say, “never start a fight
you are not willing to finish”.
This is perhaps the hardest thing you will have to do in your lifetime. It is the
classic epic battle of life and death. David vs. Goliath. This is the fight to save
your family. It is worth fighting for. It means that your children will have a roof
over their heads instead of living in a tent city.
It is for this reason we created our membership program so homeowners can
support each other. We’ve made it affordable so everyone can join…but like any
organization, it takes money to maintain. We have staff to feed and servers to
maintain. Your support means we can continue to do this research and support
our members.
For more information, come to our site at 95
Please Spread the News

Our mission is to awaken people to the problem of foreclosure fraud. If you know
someone in the press, send a copy of this book to them. Please help us by
forwarding this ebook to as many people as possible.

Pass this on to someone. Make a difference. Give this book to someone who
can benefit from the information contained in this book. We are all connected.
What happens to one of us affects us all.

If you are on Facebook, please tell your friends about it. Post a link to our site.

I hope you will join us.

Vince Khan


Your friends at Consumer Defense Programs. 96
The following are supporting documents from various different sources that
expose bank fraud. 97
Appendix A: CFR Title 12: Banks and Banking


§ 226.39 Mortgage transfer disclosures.
Link to an amendment published at 75 FR 58501, Sept. 24, 2010.
(a) Scope. The disclosure requirements of this section apply to any covered
person except as otherwise provided in this section. For purposes of this section:
(1) A “covered person” means any person, as defined in §226.2(a)(22), that
becomes the owner of an existing mortgage loan by acquiring legal title to the
debt obligation, whether through a purchase, assignment, or other transfer, and
who acquires more than one mortgage loan in any twelve-month period. For
purposes of this section, a servicer of a mortgage loan shall not be treated as the
owner of the obligation if the servicer holds title to the loan or it is assigned to the
servicer solely for the administrative convenience of the servicer in servicing the
(2) A “mortgage loan” means any consumer credit transaction that is secured by
the principal dwelling of a consumer.
(b) Disclosure required. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, any
person that becomes a covered person as defined in this section shall mail or
deliver the disclosures required by this section to the consumer on or before the
30th calendar day following the acquisition date. If there is more than one
covered person, only one disclosure shall be given and the covered persons
shall agree among themselves which covered person shall comply with the
requirements that this section imposes on any or all of them.
(1) Acquisition date. For purposes of this section, the date that the covered
person acquired the mortgage loan shall be the date of acquisition recognized in
the books and records of the acquiring party.
(2) Multiple consumers. If there is more than one consumer liable on the
obligation, a covered person may mail or deliver the disclosures to any consumer
who is primarily liable.
(c) Exceptions. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) of this section, a covered person
is not subject to the requirements of this section with respect to a particular
mortgage loan if:
(1) The covered person sells or otherwise transfers or assigns legal title to the
mortgage loan on or before the 30th calendar day following the date that the
covered person acquired the mortgage loan; or
(2) The mortgage loan is transferred to the covered person in connection with a
repurchase agreement and the transferor that is obligated to repurchase the loan
continues to recognize the loan as an asset on its own books and records.
However, if the transferor does not repurchase the mortgage loan, the acquiring
party must make the disclosures required by §226.39 within 30 days after the
date that the transaction is recognized as an acquisition in its books and records.
(d) Content of required disclosures. The disclosures required by this section shall
identify the loan that was acquired or transferred and state the following: 98
(1) The identity, address, and telephone number of the covered person who
owns the mortgage loan. If there is more than one covered person, the
information required by this paragraph shall be provided for each of them.
(2) The acquisition date recognized by the covered person.
(3) How to reach an agent or party having authority to act on behalf of the
covered person (or persons), which shall identify a person (or persons)
authorized to receive legal notices on behalf of the covered person and resolve
issues concerning the consumer's payments on the loan. However, no
information is required to be provided under this paragraph if the consumer can
use the information provided under paragraph (d)(1) of this section for these
purposes. If multiple persons are identified under this paragraph, the disclosure
shall provide contact information for each and indicate the extent to which the
authority of each agent differs. For purposes of this paragraph (d)(3), it is
sufficient if the covered person provides only a telephone number provided that
the consumer can use the telephone number to obtain the address for the agent
or other person identified.
(4) The location where transfer of ownership of the debt to the covered person is
recorded. However, if the transfer of ownership has not been recorded in public
records at the time the disclosure is provided, the covered person complies with
this paragraph by stating this fact.
(e) Optional disclosures. In addition to the information required to be disclosed
under paragraph (d) of this section, a covered person may, at its option, provide
any other information regarding the transaction. 99
Appendix B: Dissecting a Fraud in Action

This information is courtesy of Thomas Anderson of

This notice from WESTPAC Australia might seem innocent enough. It’s just a
public notice…right?

Let’s dissect the fraud that is happening right in front of your eyes.

In the interest of public awareness and to ensure that Mortgage Holders with
Westpac are given full
disclosure of the details of their loans, please be advised of the following

Westpac Banking Corporation in association with JP Morgan (Australia) Limited,

Perpetual Trustees, Waratah Receivables Corporation and Westpac
Securitisation Management Pty Limited have been involved with a number of
Residential Mortgage Securitisation programs including:

Series 2002-1 G WST Trust

Series 2007 - 1G WST Trust
Progress 2010-1 Trust (AMP Bank)
REDS Trust Series 2010-1 (Bank of Queensland)
Torrens Series 2010-1 (Bendigo and Adelaide Bank)

Each of the Trusts are comprised of a pool of Residential

Mortgages that Westpac originates and sells to aTrustee such as JP Morgan
Trust Australia Limited, Perpetual Trustees Limited or Waratah Recievables
Corporation. [Color variations and bolding are mine to show several named

In each instance, the Trust gains equitable title to the Residential

Mortgages as a result of the assignment.

The Mortgages are then pooled into Tranches, within what are termed
"SPV's" or Special Service Vehicles and then Notes or Commercial Paper
are offered to Investors on the Secondary Market backed by these

You will not have received notice of the sale or assignment of your
Mortgage, as that could create a Title Perfection Event and collapse the
Trust. 100
To prevent this, the Trusts have hired Westpac as the Servicer of the Loans,
under a Pooling and Servicing Agreement so that we may continue collecting
mortgage repayments and interest from you, to pass onto them.

In that way, you will not realise that there is any material change.

We have ensured that at a branch level, our staff will not be aware of any
assignment of your Mortgage, and as such will not be able to offer any
assistance in the matter.

Thank you for your business.


for further enquiries, please contact:

Manuela Ad lWestpac Securitisation Management Pty Limited

Chief Operating Officer Level 20, 275 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Westpac Banking Corporation +612 8253 3589
575 Fifth Avenue, 39th Floor
New York, New York 10017
J.P. Morgan Trust Australia Limited
(ABN 49 050 294 052)

This is a notice that was sent to Australian homeowners who had their loans with
WESTPAC (a major bank). The laws in Australia require that they notify the
creator of the promissory note of changes to their negotiable instrument.

You've got to love how they cleverly crafted the letter like you’ve got nothing to
worry about.

First, notice that they tell them that the loan is going to be pooled into a SPV (for
the purpose of tax pass through).

Second, notice the sentence: “You will not have received notice of the sale or
assignment of your Mortgage, as that could create a Title Perfection Event
and collapse the Trust.”
Knowing what we know about securitization, it is true. They DID NOT do a formal
assignment (therefore, the title is not Perfected).

Perfected title, according to Black’s Law dictionary, means that the title of an
instrument has been properly recorded in public record reflecting the proper and
true owner of the instrument.

So, monetarily and accounting-wise, they sold and assigned the note.
Procedurally and legally, the note was never sold. 101
Next, pay attention to this:
“ that we may continue collecting mortgage repayments and interest from
you, to pass onto them.”

They are then collecting the proceeds and interests and passing it onto (and
directly) to the shareholders of the REMIC (SPV).
Finally, this is the clincher:
“In that way, you will not realise that there is any material change.”

What they are saying is, “we’ve just created an unlawful assignment, but we don’t
want you to realize that we did it.”
And, by the way, this fraud happens at the highest level of banking…don’t worry
about talking to your branch staff about it, they wouldn’t know.
“We have ensured that at a branch level, our staff will not be aware of any
assignment of your Mortgage, and as such will not be able to offer any
assistance in the matter.” 102
Appendix C: Homeowner Wins: Case Law Successes

Patton  v.  Diemer,  35  Ohio  St.  3d  68;  518  N.E.2d  941;  1988).  A  judgment  rendered  by  a  
court  lacking  subject  matter  jurisdiction  is  void  ab  initio.  Consequently,  the  authority  to  
vacate  a  void  judgment  is  not  derived  from  Ohio  R.  Civ.  P.  60(B),  but  rather  constitutes  
an  inherent  power  possessed  by  Ohio  courts.  I  see  no  evidence  to  the  contrary  that  this  
would  apply  to  ALL  courts.  
“A  party  lacks  standing  to  invoke  the  jurisdiction  of  a  court  unless  he  has,  in  an  
individual  or  a  representative  capacity,  some  real  interest  in  the  subject  matter  of  the  
action.  Lebanon  Correctional  Institution  v.  Court  of  Common  Pleas  35  Ohio  St.2d  176  
“A  party  lacks  standing  to  invoke  the  jurisdiction  of  a  court  unless  he  has,  in  an  
individual  or  a  representative  capacity,  some  real  interest  in  the  subject  matter  of  an  
action.”  Wells  Fargo  Bank,  v.  Byrd,  178  Ohio  App.3d  285,  2008-­‐Ohio-­‐4603,  897  N.E.2d  
722  (2008).  It  went  on  to  hold,  "If  plaintiff  has  offered  no  evidence  that  it  owned  the  
note  and  mortgage  when  the  complaint  was  filed,  it  would  not  be  entitled  to  judgment  
as  a  matter  of  law."  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Wells  Fargo,  
Litton  Loan  v.  Farmer,  867  N.Y.S.2d  21  (2008).  "Wells  Fargo  does  not  own  the  mortgage  
loan…  Therefore,  the…  matter  is  dismissed  with  prejudice."  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Wells  Fargo  v.  
Reyes,  867  N.Y.S.2d  21  (2008).  Dismissed  with  prejudice,  Fraud  on  Court  &  Sanctions.  
Wells  Fargo  never  owned  the  Mortgage.  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Deutsche  Bank  
v.  Peabody,  866  N.Y.S.2d  91  (2008).  EquiFirst,  when  making  the  loan,  violated  
Regulation  Z  of  the  Federal  Truth  in  Lending  Act  15  USC  §1601  and  the  Fair  Debt  
Collections  Practices  Act  15  USC  §1692;  "intentionally  created  fraud  in  the  factum"  and  
withheld  from  plaintiff…  "vital  information  concerning  said  debt  and  all  of  the  matrix  
involved  in  making  the  loan."  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Indymac  Bank  v.  
Boyd,  880  N.Y.S.2d  224  (2009).  To  establish  a  prima  facie  case  in  an  action  to  foreclose  a  
mortgage,  the  plaintiff  must  establish  the  existence  of  the  mortgage  and  the  mortgage  
note.  It  is  the  law’s  policy  to  allow  only  an  aggrieved  person  to  bring  a  lawsuit  .  .  .  A  want  
of  "standing  to  sue,"  in  other  words,  is  just  another  way  of  saying  that  this  particular  
plaintiff  is  not  involved  in  a  genuine  controversy,  and  a  simple  syllogism  takes  us  from  
there  to  a  "jurisdictional"  dismissal: 103
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Indymac  Bank  v.  
Bethley,  880  N.Y.S.2d  873  (2009).  The  Court  is  concerned  that  there  may  be  fraud  on  
the  part  of  plaintiff  or  at  least  malfeasance  Plaintiff  INDYMAC  (Deutsche)  and  must  have  
"standing"  to  bring  this  action.  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Deutsche  Bank  
National  Trust  Co  v.Torres,  NY  Slip  Op  51471U  (2009).  That  "the  dead  cannot  be  sued"  
is  a  well  established  principle  of  the  jurisprudence  of  this  state  plaintiff's  second  cause  
of  action  for  declaratory  relief  is  denied.  To  be  entitled  to  a  default  judgment,  the  
movant  must  establish,  among  other  things,  the  existence  of  facts  which  give  rise  to  
viable  claims  against  the  defaulting  defendants.  
"The  doctrine  of  ultra  vires  is  a  most  powerful  weapon  to  keep  private  corporations  
within  their  legitimate  spheres  and  punish  them  for  violations  of  their  corporate  
charters,  and  it  probably  is  not  invoked  too  often…"    Zinc  Carbonate  Co.  v.  First  
National  Bank,  103  Wis.  125,  79  NW  229  (1899).  Also  see:  American  Express  Co.  v.  
Citizens  State  Bank,  181  Wis.  172,  194  NW  427  (1923).  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Wells  Fargo  v.  
Reyes,  867  N.Y.S.2d  21  (2008).  Case  dismissed  with  prejudice,  fraud  on  the  Court  and  
Sanctions  because  Wells  Fargo  never  owned  the  Mortgage.  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Wells  Fargo,  
Litton  Loan  v.  Farmer,  867  N.Y.S.2d  21  (2008).  Wells  Fargo  does  not  own  the  mortgage  
loan.  "Indeed,  no  more  than  (affidavits)  is  necessary  to  make  the  prima  facie  case."  
United  States  v.  Kis,  658  F.2d,  526  (7th  Cir.  1981).  
(The  following  court  case  was  unpublished  and  hidden  from  the  public)  Indymac  Bank  v.  
Bethley,  880  N.Y.S.2d  873  (2009).  The  Court  is  concerned  that  there  may  be  fraud  on  
the  part  of  plaintiff  or  at  least  malfeasance  Plaintiff  INDYMAC  (Deutsche)  and  must  have  
"standing"  to  bring  this  action.  
Lawyer  responsible  for  false  debt  collection  claim  Fair  Debt  Collection  Practices  Act,  15  
USCS  §§  1692-­‐1692o,Heintz  v.  Jenkins,  514  U.S.  291;  115  S.  Ct.  1489,  131  L.  Ed.  2d  395  
(1995).  and  FDCPA  Title  15  U.S.C.  sub  section  1692.  
In  determining  whether  the  plaintiffs  come  before  this  Court  with  clean  hands,  the  
primary  factor  to  be  considered  is  whether  the  plaintiffs  sought  to  mislead  or  deceive  
the  other  party,  not  whether  that  party  relied  upon  plaintiffs'  
misrepresentations.  Stachnik  v.  Winkel,  394  Mich.  375,  387;  230  N.W.2d  529,  534 104
"Indeed,  no  more  than  (affidavits)  is  necessary  to  make  the  prima  facie  case."  United  
States  v.  Kis,  658  F.2d,  526  (7th  Cir.  1981).  Cert  Denied,  50  U.S.  L.W.  2169;  S.  Ct.  March  
22,  (1982).  
"Silence  can  only  be  equated  with  fraud  where  there  is  a  legal  or  moral  duty  to  speak  or  
when  an  inquiry  left  unanswered  would  be  intentionally  misleading."  U.S.  v.  Tweel,  550  
F.2d  297  (1977).  
"If  any  part  of  the  consideration  for  a  promise  be  illegal,  or  if  there  are  several  
considerations  for  an  un-­‐severable  promise  one  of  which  is  illegal,  the  promise,  whether  
written  or  oral,  is  wholly  void,  as  it  is  impossible  to  say  what  part  or  which  one  of  the  
considerations  induced  the  promise."  Menominee  River  Co.  v.  Augustus  Spies  L  &  C  Co.,  
147  Wis.  559  at  p.  572;  132  NW  1118  (1912).  
Federal  Rule  of  Civil  Procedure  17(a)(1)  which  requires  that  "[a]n  action  must  be  
prosecuted  in  the  name  of  the  real  party  in  interest."  See  also,  In  re  Jacobson,  402  B.R.  
359,  365-­‐66  (Bankr.  W.D.  Wash.  2009);  In  re  Hwang,  396  B.R.  757,  766-­‐67  (Bankr.  C.D.  
Cal.  2008).  
Mortgage  Electronic  Registration  Systems,  Inc.  v.  Chong,  824  N.Y.S.2d  764  (2006).  
MERS  did  not  have  standing  as  a  real  party  in  interest  under  the  Rules  to  file  the  
motion…  The  declaration  also  failed  to  assert  that  MERS,  FMC  Capital  LLC  or  
Homecomings  Financial,  LLC  held  the  Note.  
Landmark  National  Bank  v.  Kesler,  289  Kan.  528,  216  P.3d  158  (2009).  "Kan.  Stat.  Ann.  
§  60-­‐260(b)  allows  relief  from  a  judgment  based  on  mistake,  inadvertence,  surprise,  or  
excusable  neglect;  newly  discovered  evidence  that  could  not  have  been  timely  
discovered  with  due  diligence;  fraud  or  misrepresentation;  a  void  judgment;  a  judgment  
that  has  been  satisfied,  released,  discharged,  or  is  no  longer  equitable;  or  any  other  
reason  justifying  relief  from  the  operation  of  the  judgment.  The  relationship  that  the  
registry  had  to  the  bank  was  more  akin  to  that  of  a  straw  man  than  to  a  party  possessing  
all  the  rights  given  a  buyer."  Also  In  September  of  2008,  A  California  Judge  ruling  against  
MERS  concluded,  "There  is  no  evidence  before  the  court  as  to  who  is  the  present  owner  
of  the  Note.  The  holder  of  the  Note  must  join  in  the  motion."  
LaSalle  Bank  v.  Ahearn,  875  N.Y.S.2d  595  (2009).  Dismissed  with  prejudice.  Lack  of  
Novastar  Mortgage,  Inc  v.  Snyder  3:07CV480  (2008).  Plaintiff  has  the  burden  of  
establishing  its  standing.  It  has  failed  to  do  so.  
. 105
DLJ  Capital,  Inc.  v.  Parsons,  CASE  NO.  07-­‐MA-­‐17  (2008).  A  genuine  issue  of  material  fact  
existed  as  to  whether  or  not  appellee  was  the  real  party  in  interest  as  there  was  no  
evidence  on  the  record  of  an  assignment.  Reversed  for  lack  of  standing.  
Everhome  Mortgage  Company  v.  Rowland,  No.  07AP-­‐615  (Ohio  2008).  Mortgagee  was  
not  the  real  party  in  interest  pursuant  to  Rule  17(a).  Lack  of  standing.  
In  Lambert  v.  Firstar  Bank,  83  Ark.  App.  259,  127  S.W.  3d  523  (2003),  complying  with  
the  Statutory  Foreclosure  Act  does  not  insulate  a  financial  institution  from  liability  and  
does  not  prevent  a  party  from  timely  asserting  any  claims  or  defenses  it  may  have  
concerning  a  mortgage  foreclosure  A.C.A.  §18-­‐50-­‐116(d)(2)  and  violates  honest  services  
Title  18  Fraud.  Notice  to  credit  reporting  agencies  of  overdue  payments/foreclosure  on  
a  fraudulent  debt  is  defamation  of  character  and  a  whole  separate  fraud.  
A  Court  of  Appeals  does  not  consider  assertions  of  error  that  are  unsupported  by  
convincing  legal  authority  or  argument,  unless  it  is  apparent  without  further  research  
that  the  argument  is  well  taken.  FRAUD  is  a  point  well  taken!  Lambert  Supra.  
No  lawful  consideration  tendered  by  Original  Lender  and/or  Subsequent  Mortgage  
and/or  Servicing  Company  to  support  the  alleged  debt.  "A  lawful  consideration  must  
exist  and  be  tendered  to  support  the  Note"  and  demand  under  TILA  full  disclosure  of  
any  such  consideration.  Anheuser-­‐Busch  Brewing  Company  v.  Emma  Mason,  44  Minn.  
318,  46  N.W.  558  (1890).  
National  Banks  and/or  subsidiary  Mortgage  companies  cannot  retain  the  note,  "Among  
the  assets  of  the  state  bank  were  two  notes,  secured  by  mortgage,  which  could  not  be  
transferred  to  the  new  bank  as  assets  under  the  National  Banking  Laws.  National  Bank  
Act,  Sect  28  &  56"  National  Bank  of  Commerce  v.  Atkinson,  8  Kan.  App.  30,  54  P.  8  
"A  bank  can  lend  its  money,  but  not  its  credit."  First  Nat’l  Bank  of  Tallapoosa  v.  
Monroe,  135  Ga  614,  69  S.E.  1123  (1911).  
It  is  not  necessary  for  rescission  of  a  contract  that  the  party  making  the  
misrepresentation  should  have  known  that  it  was  false,  but  recovery  is  allowed  even  
though  misrepresentation  is  innocently  made,  because  it  would  be  unjust  to  allow  one  
who  made  false  representations,  even  innocently,  to  retain  the  fruits  of  a  bargain  
induced  by  such  representations.”  Whipp  v.  Iverson,  43  Wis.  2d  166,  168  N.W.2d  201  
"A  bank  is  not  the  holder  in  due  course  upon  merely  crediting  the  depositors  
account."  Bankers  Trust  v.  Nagler,  23  A.D.2d  645,  257  N.Y.S.2d  298  (1965).  
"Any  conduct  capable  of  being  turned  into  a  statement  of  fact  is  representation.  There  is 106
no  distinction  between  misrepresentations  effected  by  words  and  misrepresentations  
effected  by  other  acts."  (The  seller  or  lender)  "He  is  liable,  not  upon  any  idea  of  benefit  
to  himself,  but  because  of  his  wrongful  act  and  the  consequent  injury  to  the  other  
party."  Leonard  v.  Springer,  197  Ill  532.  64  NE  299  (1902).  
"If  any  part  of  the  consideration  for  a  promise  be  illegal,  or  if  there  are  several  
considerations  for  an  un-­‐severable  promise  one  of  which  is  illegal,  the  promise,  whether  
written  or  oral,  is  wholly  void,  as  it  is  impossible  to  say  what  part  or  which  one  of  the  
considerations  induced  the  promise."  Menominee  River  Co.  v.  Augustus  Spies  L  &  C  
Co.,147  Wis.  559  at  p.  572;  132  NW  1118  (1912).  
"The  contract  is  void  if  it  is  only  in  part  connected  with  the  illegal  transaction  and  the  
promise  single  or  entire."  Guardian  Agency  v.  Guardian  Mut.  Savings  Bank,  227  Wis.  
550,  279  NW  79  (1938).  
Moore  v.  Mid-­‐Penn  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  Civil  Action  No.  90-­‐6452  U.S.  Dist.  LEXIS  
10324  (Pa.  1991).  The  court  held  that,  under  TILA’s  Regulation  Z,  12  CFR  §226.4  (a),  a  
lender  had  to  expressly  notify  a  borrower  that  he  had  a  choice  of  insurer.  
Marshall  v.  Security  State  Bank  of  Hamilton,  121  B.R.  814  (Ill.  1990)  violation  of  Federal  
Truth  in  Lending  15  USCS  §1638(a)(9),  and  Regulation  Z.  The  bank  took  a  security  
interest  in  the  vehicle  without  disclosing  the  security  interest.  
Steinbrecher  v.  Mid-­‐Penn  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  110  B.R.  155  (Pa.  1990).  Mid-­‐Penn  
violated  TILA  by  not  including  in  a  finance  charge  the  debtors'  purchase  of  fire  insurance  
on  their  home.  The  purchase  of  such  insurance  was  a  condition  imposed  by  the  
company.  The  cost  of  the  insurance  was  added  to  the  amount  financed  and  not  to  the  
finance  charge.  
Nichols  v.  Mid-­‐Penn  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  1989  WL  46682  (Pa.  1989).  Mid-­‐Penn  
misinformed  Nichols  in  the  Notice  of  Right  to  Cancel  Mortgage.  
McElvany  v.  Household  Finance  Realty  Corp.,  98  B.R.  237  (Pa.  1989).  debtor  filed  an  
application  to  remove  the  mortgage  foreclosure  proceedings  to  the  United  States  
District  Court  pursuant  to  28  USCS  §1409.  It  is  strict  liability  in  the  sense  that  absolute  
compliance  is  required  and  even  technical  violations  will  form  the  basis  for  liability.  
Lauletta  v.  Valley  Buick  Inc.,  421  F.  Supp.  1036  at  1040  (Pa.  1976).  
Johnson-­‐Allen  v.  Lomas  and  Nettleton  Co.,  67  B.R.  968  (Pa.  1986).  Violation  of  Truth-­‐in-­‐
Lending  Act  requirements,  15  USCS  §1638(a)(10),  required  mortgagee  to  provide  a  
statement  containing  a  description  of  any  security  interest  held  or  to  be  retained  or  
acquired.  Failure  to  disclose.  
. 107
Cervantes  v.  General  Electric  Mortgage  Co.,  67  B.R.  816  (Pa.  1986).  creditor  failed  to  
meet  disclosure  requirements  under  the  Truth  in  Lending  Act,  15  U.S.C.S.  §  1601-­‐1667c  
and  Regulation  Z  of  the  Federal  Reserve  Board,  12  CFR  §226.1  
McCausland  v.  GMAC  Mortgage  Co.,  63  B.R.  665,  (Pa.  1986).  GMAC  failed  to  provide  
information  which  must  be  disclosed  as  defined  in  the  TILA  and  Regulation  Z,  12  CFR  
Perry  v.  Federal  National  Mortgage  Corp.,  59  B.R.  947  (Pa.  1986)  the  disclosure  
statement  was  deficient  under  the  Truth  In  Lending  Act,  15  U.S.C.S.  §  1638(a)(9).  
Defendant  Mortgage  Co.  failed  to  reveal  clearly  what  security  interest  was  retained.  
Schultz  v.  Central  Mortgage  Co.,  58  B.R.  945  (Pa.  1986).  The  court  determined  creditor  
mortgagor  violated  the  Truth  In  Lending  Act,  15  U.S.C.S.  §  1638(a)(3),  by  its  failure  to  
include  the  cost  of  mortgage  insurance  in  calculating  the  finance  charge.  The  court  
found  creditor  failed  to  meet  any  of  the  conditions  for  excluding  such  costs  and  was  
liable  for  twice  the  amount  of  the  true  finance  charge.  
Solis  v.  Fidelity  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  58  B.R.  983  (Pa.  1986).  Any  misgivings  creditors  
may  have  about  the  technical  nature  of  the  requirements  should  be  addressed  to  
Congress  or  the  Federal  Reserve  Board,  not  the  courts.  Disclosure  requirements  for  
credit  sales  are  governed  by  15  U.S.C.S.  §  1638  12  CFR  §  226.8(b),  (c).  Disclosure  
requirements  for  consumer  loans  are  governed  by  15  U.S.C.S.  §  1639  12  CFR  §  226.8(b),  
(d).  A  violator  of  the  disclosure  requirements  is  held  to  a  standard  of  strict  liability.  
Therefore,  a  plaintiff  need  not  show  that  the  creditor  in  fact  deceived  him  by  making  
substandard  disclosures.  Since  Transworld  Systems  Inc.  have  not  cancelled  the  security  
interest  and  return  all  monies  paid  by  Ms.  Sherrie  I.  LaForce  within  the  20  days  of  
receipt  of  the  letter  of  rescission  of  October  7,  2009,  the  lenders  named  above  are  
responsible  for  actual  and  statutory  damages  pursuant  to  15  U.S.C.  1640(a).  
Porter  v.  Mid-­‐Penn  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  961  F.2d  1066  (3rd  Cir.  1992).  Porter  filed  an  
adversary  proceeding  against  appellant  under  15  U.S.C.  §1635,  for  failure  to  honor  her  
request  to  rescind  a  loan  secured  by  a  mortgage  on  her  home.  
Rowland  v.  Magna  Millikin  Bank  of  Decatur,  N.A.,  812  F.Supp.  875  (1992)  Even  technical  
violations  will  form  the  basis  for  liability.  The  mortgagors  had  a  right  to  rescind  the  
contract  in  accordance  with  15  U.S.C.  §1635(c).  
New  Maine  Nat.  Bank  v.  Gendron,  780  F.Supp.  52  (1992).  The  court  held  that  
defendants  were  entitled  to  rescind  loan  under  strict  liability  terms  of  TILA  because  
plaintiff  violated  TILA’s  provisions.  
Dixon  v.  S  &  S  Loan  Service  of  Waycross,  Inc.,  754  F.Supp.  1567  (1990);  TILA  is  a  remedial  
statute,  and,  hence,  is  liberally  construed  in  favor  of  borrowers.  The  remedial  objectives  
of  TILA  are  achieved  by  imposing  a  system  of  strict  liability  in  favor  of  consumers  when 108
mandated  disclosures  have  not  been  made.  Thus,  liability  will  flow  from  even  minute  
deviations  from  the  requirements  of  the  statute  and  the  regulations  promulgated  under  
Woolfolk  v.  Van  Ru  Credit  Corp.,  783  F.Supp.  724  (1990)  There  was  no  dispute  as  to  the  
material  facts  that  established  that  the  debt  collector  violated  the  FDCPA.  The  court  
granted  the  debtors’  motion  for  summary  judgment  and  held  that  (1)  under  15  U.S.C.  
§1692(e),  a  debt  collector  could  not  use  any  false,  deceptive,  or  misleading  
representation  or  means  in  connection  with  the  collection  of  any  debt;  Unfair  Debt  
Collection  Practices  Act.  
Jenkins  v.  Landmark  Mortg.  Corp.  of  Virginia,  696  F.Supp.  1089  (W.D.  Va.  1988).  Plaintiff  
was  also  misinformed  regarding  the  effects  of  a  rescission.  The  pertinent  regulation  
states  that  "when  a  consumer  rescinds  a  transaction,  the  security  interest  giving  rise  to  
the  right  of  rescission  becomes  void  and  the  consumer  shall  not  be  liable  for  any  
amount,  including  any  finance  charge."  12  CFR  §226.23(d)  (1).  
Laubach  v.  Fidelity  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  686  F.Supp.  504  (E.D.  Pa.  1988).  monetary  
damages  for  the  plaintiffs  pursuant  to  the  Racketeer  Influenced  and  Corrupt  
Organization  Act,  18  USC  §1961.  (Count  I);  the  Truth-­‐in-­‐Lending  Act,  15  USC  §1601.  
Searles  v.  Clarion  Mortg.  Co.,  1987  WL  61932  (E.D.  Pa.  1987);  Liability  will  flow  from  
even  minute  deviations  from  requirements  of  the  statute  and  Regulation  Z.  failure  to  
accurately  disclose  the  property  in  which  a  security  interest  was  taken  in  connection  
with  a  consumer  credit  transaction  involving  the  purchase  of  residential  real  estate  in  
violation  of  15  USCs  §1638(a)(9).  and  12  CFR  §226.18(m).  
Dixon  v.  S  &  S  Loan  Service  of  Waycross,  Inc.,  754  F.Supp.  1567,  1570  (S.D.  Ga.  1990).  
Congress’s  purpose  in  passing  the  Truth  in  Lending  Act  (TILA),  15  USCs  §1601(a).  was  to  
assure  a  meaningful  disclosure  of  credit  terms  so  that  the  consumer  will  be  able  to  
compare  more  readily  the  various  credit  terms  available  to  him.  15  USCs  §1601(a).  TILA  
is  a  remedial  statute,  and,  hence,  is  liberally  construed  in  favor  of  borrowers.;  
Cervantes  v.  General  Electric  Mortgage  Co.,  67  B.R.  816  (E.D.  Pa.  1986).  The  court  found  
that  the  TILA  violations  were  governed  by  a  strict  liability  standard,  and  defendant’s  
failure  to  reveal  in  the  disclosure  statement  the  exact  nature  of  the  security  interest  
violated  the  TILA.  
Perry  v.  Federal  National  Mortgage,  59  B.R.  947  (E.D.  Pa.  1986).  Defendant  failed  to  
accurately  disclose  the  security  interest  taken  to  secure  the  loan.  
Porter  v.  Mid-­‐Penn  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  961  F.2d  1066  (3rd  Cir.  1992).  Adversary  
proceeding  against  appellant  under  15  U.S.C.  §1635,  for  failure  to  honor  her  request  to 109
rescind  a  loan  secured  by  a  mortgage  on  her  home.  She  was  entitled  to  the  equitable  
relief  of  rescission  and  the  statutory  remedies  under  15  U.S.C.  §1640  for  appellant's  
failure  to  rescind  upon  request.  
Solis  v.  Fidelity  Consumer  Discount  Co.,  58  B.R.  983  (Pa.  1986).  Any  misgivings  creditors  
may  have  about  the  technical  nature  of  the  requirements  should  be  addressed  to  
Congress  or  the  Federal  Reserve  Board,  not  the  courts.  Disclosure  requirements  for  
credit  sales  are  governed  by  15  U.S.C.S.  §  1638  12  CFR  §  226.8(b),  (c).  Disclosure  
requirements  for  consumer  loans  are  governed  by  15  U.S.C.S.  §  1639  12  CFR  §  226.8(b),  
A  violator  of  the  disclosure  requirements  is  held  to  a  standard  of  strict  liability.  
Therefore,  a  plaintiff  need  not  show  that  the  creditor  in  fact  deceived  him  by  making  
substandard  disclosures.  Rowland  v.  Magna  Millikin  Bank  of  Decatur,  N.A.,  812  F.Supp.  
875  (1992),  
Even  technical  violations  will  form  the  basis  for  liability.  The  mortgagors  had  a  right  to  
rescind  the  contract  in  accordance  with  15  U.S.C.  §1635(c).  New  Maine  Nat.  Bank  v.  
Gendron,  780  F.Supp.  52  (D.  Me.  1992).  The  court  held  that  defendants  were  entitled  to  
rescind  loan  under  strict  liability  terms  of  TILA  because  plaintiff  violated  TILA’s  

“The Boyko Decision”
“Rickie Walker Case”
There are so many others, we can publish a whole Bible sized handbook but
frankly, it’s pretty boring… 110
Appendix D: Fair Debt Collections Practices Act - Debt
Validation Letter

USC Title 15 § 1692g. Here is the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act in regards
to validation of debts.

§ 809. Validation of debts

(a) Within five days after the initial communication with a consumer in connection
with the collection of any debt, a debt collector shall, unless the following
information is contained in the initial communication or the consumer has paid
the debt, send the consumer a written notice containing—

(1) the amount of the debt;

(2) the name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed;

(3) a statement that unless the consumer, within thirty days after receipt of the
notice, disputes the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, the debt will be
assumed to be valid by the debt collector;

(4) a statement that if the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the
thirty-day period that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, the debt
collector will obtain verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment against the
consumer and a copy of such verification or judgment will be mailed to the
consumer by the debt collector; and

(5) a statement that, upon the consumer’s written request within the thirty-day
period, the debt collector will provide the consumer with the name and address of
the original creditor, if different from the current creditor.

(b) If the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the thirty-day period
described in subsection (a) that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, or
that the consumer requests the name and address of the original creditor, the
debt collector shall cease collection of the debt, or any disputed portion thereof,
until the debt collector obtains verification of the debt or any copy of a judgment,
or the name and address of the original creditor, and a copy of such verification
or judgment, or name and address of the original creditor, is mailed to the
consumer by the debt collector. Collection activities and communications that do
not otherwise violate this title may continue during the 30-day period referred to
in subsection (a) unless the consumer has notified the debt collector in writing
that the debt, or any portion of the debt, is disputed or that do not otherwise
violate this title may continue during the 30-day period referred to in subsection
(a) unless the consumer has notified the debt collector in writing that the debt, or 111
any portion of the debt, is disputed or that the consumer requests the name and
address of the original creditor. Any collection activities and communication
during the 30-day period may not overshadow or be inconsistent with the
disclosure of the consumer’s right to dispute the debt or request the name and
address of the original creditor.

(c) The failure of a consumer to dispute the validity of a debt under this section
may not be construed by any court as an admission of liability by the consumer.

(d) A communication in the form of a formal pleading in a civil action shall not be
treated as an initial communication for purposes of subsection (a).

(e) The sending or delivery of any form or notice which does not relate to the
collection of a debt and is expressly required by the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, title V of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, or any provision of Federal or State law
relating to notice of data security breach or privacy, or any regulation prescribed
under any such provision of law, shall not be treated as an initial communication
in connection with debt collection for purposes of this section 112
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Having a securitization audit will ensure that your case will be able to survive a
Motion to Dismiss to get into the Discovery phase of the civil action.

To order a securitization audit, come to: 114
Bankruptcy Preparation Service

Preparing paperwork for a bankruptcy is very complicated and is not

recommended that you do this on your own.

Our specialty Bankruptcy Preparation Service is designed for the homeowner in

foreclosure in mind. Our Specialists have been helping foreclosure clients file
bankruptcy paperwork for over 5 years.

For more information about our specialty Bankruptcy Preparation Service, come
services/ 115

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