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Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris "Legenda

Telaga Bidadari"

The lake is not wide and deep, about three meters long and two meters wide by two meters
deep. The water is clear and clear, never dry even though drought. It is on a bund, under the
shade, splendor, and shade of the trees, especially the lemon tree. If the lemon trees bloom,
swarm the birds and the insects suck on honey. On the surface of the land it spread with the
fertile of a kind of plant, the name of the gadung. Gadung has a large tuber and can be made
into a tasty cracker and tasty. However, if less skillful process can be toxic to people who eat
it because of intoxicating.

The area is inhabited by a handsome man, Awang Sukma his name. He lives alone and has no
wife. He became a ruler in the area. Therefore, he holds the data. In addition to his handsome
face, he is also adept at blowing the flute. The songs touch the feelings of anyone who listens.

Awang Sukma often harvest birds when the lemon trees are flowering and the birds drip
honey sucking. He put the sap of the already cooked tree by sticking it in the bamboo slats.
The bamboo blades that have been given the sap are called pulut. The pulut was placed on the
sidelines of the flower stalk. When the birds land, the wingspan will stick in the pulut. The
more the bird struggled, the more tightly its wings were attached. Finally, the bird floundered
to the ground with the blades of the pulut. Then, Awang Sukma catches it and puts it in the
basket. Usually, dozens of birds can be brought home. It is said that that is why among the
inhabitants, Awang Sukma dubbed Datu Suling and Datu Pulut.

However, one day the atmosphere in the area was very quiet. There are no birds and no
insects are interested in approaching the blooming Iimau flowers.

"Wonder," said Awang Sukma, "it looks like the lemon blossoms are poisonous so the birds
do not want to come anymore." Awang Sukma does not despair. Lying in the shade of the
limes, he sang beautiful songs through his flute. Always so he did while keeping his pulut hit.
Actually by blowing the flute, he wanted to amuse himself. Because with the rhythm of the
flute rhythm, his longing for those he left behind was rather healed. It is said that Awang
Sukma is a migrant from a distant land.

Awang Sukma was stunned by his flute rhythm. The gentle breeze that stroked her hair made
her sleepy. Finally, the distillation echo disappears and the flute lies on its side. He fell

I do not know how long he was lulled into a dream, he suddenly woke up to the alarm of the
flapping wings. He did not believe in his eyesight. Her eyes were rubbed.

Apparently, there are seven beautiful young princess down from the sky. They flew to the
lake. Not long afterwards, there was a loud noise and laughter burst into the water.

"I want to see them up close," murmured Awang Sukma as he searched for a spot for a peek
that was not easily known to the person being peeped.

From the hideout, Awang Sukma can look more clearly. The seven daughters had no idea that
a pair of handsome eyes sharply enjoyed their bodies. Awang Sukma's eyes stop at their
clothes scattered on the edge of the lake. The clothes are both a means to fly them as they
descend to the lake and return to their homes in heaven. Surely they are angels who descend
to mayapada.

Satisfied in the clear water of the lake, they play around on the edge of the lake. It is said,
their game called surui lady. They are busy playing so do not know Awang Sukma took and
hid the clothes of one of the princesses. Then, the clothes were put into a bumbung (tube
from the reeds used cooking lemang). The barn is hidden in the kindai (barn where rice is

When the seven daughters wanted to wear their clothes back, one of them found no clothes.
Awang Sukma's actions make them panic. The princess who lost her clothes is the youngest
daughter, the most beautiful coincidence. As a result, the youngest daughter can not fly back
to heaven.

Confusion, fear, and resentment make the youngest daughter helpless. At that time, Awang
Sukma came out of his hiding place.

"Daughter do not be afraid and sad," persuasion Awang Sukma, "stay while with the servant."

There is no reason for the youngest daughter to refuse. The youngest daughter lived with
Awang Sukma.

Awang Sukma felt that the youngest daughter was his soul mate so he asked for her hand.
Youngest daughter was willing to be his wife. They become a very harmonious couple,
between beauty and beauty, wisdom and meekness, in the bond of love. The fruit of their love
is a princess who is named Kumalasari. His face and skin inherited his mother's beauty.

Apparently it is already customary of the world, nothing is everlasting and eternal on this
earth. What is hidden Awang Sukma during this finally smelled.
That afternoon, Awang Sukma slept very well. He felt very tired after work. His wife sat
beside her daughter's crib, who was also sound asleep. At that moment, a black cock went up
into the barn. He scratched and poked the rice on the surface of the barn while clucking with
noisy. Rice was scattered to the floor.

Youngest daughter hunting him. Unintentionally his eyes stared at a bumbung in the former
black chicken kaisan earlier. The youngest daughter picked up the granary because she
wanted to know what was inside. How surprised his heart after seeing the contents of the

"It turns out, my husband is hiding my clothes so I can not go home with my brothers," he
said while clutching the clothes.

Feelings of the youngest daughter raged so that her chest went up. He felt furious, annoyed,
deceived, angry, and sad. Various flavors that mingle with love to her husband.

"I have to go back," he told himself.

Then, the youngest daughter wore the clothes. After that, he holds his daughter who has not
been a year old. She hugged and kissed her daughter as much as she cried. Kumalasari was
crying. The mother and child cry made Awang Sukma awake.

Awang Sukma stunned as he stared at the clothes worn by his wife. The barn where the
clothes were hidden lay on the kindai. He realized that the moment of separation could not be
postponed again.

"Adina must return," said his wife. "Kanda, keep our daughter, Kumalasari. If he missed his
mother, take seven seeds of candlenuts, put them into a basket. Then, the basket Kanda jiggle.
Sing a song with Kanda's flute. Adinda will come and see him. "

The youngest daughter flies and disappears in space leaving her beloved husband and
daughter. His wife's message was done. However the longing for his wife had to be buried
because they could not unite as usual. Her love spilled over to Kumalasari, her daughter. It is
said that Awang Sukma swears and forbids his offspring to keep the black cock that is
considered to bring disaster to him.

The lake referred to in the above legend is then named Telaga Bidadari, located in the village
of Pematang Gadung. The village belongs to the Sungai Raya subdistrict, eight kilometers
from the town of Kandangan, the capital of Hulu Sungai Selatan district of South Kalimantan

Until now, Telaga Bidadari is visited by many people. In addition, there are no residents who
keep black chickens, purportedly according to the oath of Awang Sukma who holds Datu
Pulut and Datu Suling.

By : Cerita Rakyat Terlengkap

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Timun Mas

A long time ago on the island of Java, Indonesia, some farmers live. They have been married
for several years but they did not have children. So they prayed for a monster called Buta Ijo
give their children. Buta Ijo is fierce and powerful monster. He granted their wishes on one
condition. When their children have grown, they have to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He likes
to eat fresh human flesh. The farmers agreed to the condition. Several months later the
pregnant wife.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. Farmers liked.
Cucumber Gold is very healthy and a very smart girl. He is also very hard. When he was a
teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Cucumber Gold scared so he ran and hid. The farmer
later said Buta Ijo Timun Emas was a child. They asked him to hold off. Buta Ijo agree. He
promised to come again. Buta Ijo come next year again. But again and again the parents they
say that Timun Emas was a child.When Buta Ijo third time came when their parents have to
prepare something for him. They gave the Golden Cucumber some bamboo needles, seeds of
cucumber, sauce and salt.'Cucumbers, take things''What is it?'"This is your weapon. Buta Ijo
will chase you. He'll eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he's going to catch you
deploy it to the ground. Go now! 'Cucumber Gold scared so he ran as fast as he could. Buta
Ijo When he arrived home away from home. He was furious when he realized that his prey
had left. So he ran after her. He had a sharp nose so he knows what direction to run its
prey.Cucumber Gold is only a temporary Buta Ijo girl is a monster so he can easily catch up.

When he was just a few steps behind the Golden Cucumber quickly spread the seeds of
cucumbers. In the second they turn out to be a lot of cucumber vines. Fatigue Buta Ijo very
thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo busy eating cucumbers Cucumber Gold
can escape.But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just a few
steps behind Timun Emas threw his bamboo needle. Soon they are transformed into lush
bamboo trees. Buta Ijo find it difficult to pass. It took him some time to break dense bamboo
forest. Meanwhile Cucumber Gold can run farther.Buta Ijo after him again. When he almost
caught it again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake.

Buta Ijo busy saving themselves so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo can handle and
continue to pursue it.Finally when almost caught Timun Emas he threw his salt. Soon the
land where Buta Ijo stood became sea. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly.Cucumber
Gold grateful to God and back to his home.

By : Cerita Rakyat Terlengkap Indonesia

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Asal Mula
Telaga Biru

Once, in the region Galela , North Halmahera , North Maluku , there was a village named
Lisawa . This hamlet is still relatively quiet , because it is only inhabited by a few families
who occupy some dadaru ( home ) . The hamlet is also classified as hard water areas ,
because almost the entire territory consists of rocks . To get clean water for drinking ,
cooking , and bathing , the residents have to walk away . However, the population continues
to live safe , peaceful , and quiet .

In this hamlet a handsome young man who nicknamed Magohiduuru , and a beautiful girl
who nicknamed Majojaru . They are faithful lovers - as lively as dead . Actually ,
Magohiduuru eager to woo Majojaru . However , he did not dare to express that intention to
his girlfriend , because he realized that in order to support themselves is difficult , especially
if a family. Realizing his situation , Magohiduuru decided to go wander . After work, then he
will return Majojaru apply . It was his intention to convey to both parents and the blessing .
After that , he immediately met her love .

` My sister ! Anyone want to tell you ! " Said Magohiduuru ."What is it , brother ! Say !
"Urged Majojaru ." My sister ! Sister wanted to go wander looking for food for our future
together. Once successful, the brother will soon be back to ask you . Is sister would faithfully
wait till sister home ? "Asked Magohiduuru .

Majojaru stunned for a moment . He paused with a blank look . His mind would fly away
imagining herself abandoned by her lover whom she loved it . His heart was very sad at the
thought. However , after thinking with a clear mind , she realizes that her lover had said was
true , for the sake of their future better .

" Well , Sis ! If the brother whose heart was about to go abroad , go sister ! Sister would
faithfully wait for you . Kakaklah sister 's only hope in this life . Kakaklah lively love - as
dead sister , "said Majojaru ." But , do not forget to come back soon if Brother has succeeded
! " Message.How glad heart Magohiduuru hear the pledge of allegiance and the blessing of
the Beloved ." Yes , my sister ! Brother promised to be back soon , because ye belong to only
one sister . May God Almighty grant us a pledge to lively - as dead , "said Magohiduuru .

The next day , said goodbye to Majojaru Magohiduuru . Although they had known each other
for a while to give up part , Majojaru heavy hearts still harbor feelings for her lover farewell ,
as well as a feeling Magohiduuru with a heavy heart to leave her beloved . However ,
whatever the case , Magohiduuru was determined hard to wander . He also went to the
country by ship across the screen .

Magohiduuru already one year overseas , had not yet returned . Majojaru heart was getting
restless . One day when a walk to the pier , Majojaru saw a ship at anchor . Hopefully , he
approached the boat lover who knows who eagerly been waiting there among the passengers .
He watched every passenger who got off the ship with full carefully . All the passengers had
got off the boat , but the person he was looking not too visible . Eventually , he ventured to
ask where his girlfriend to one of the crew .

" Excuse me , sir ! May I disturb a minute ? " Sapa Majojaru ."Yeah , what's up ? Anyone can
I help you ? " Asked the crew ." Yes , sir ! Is my boyfriend knew Mr. , Magohiduuru ? If not
mistaken , last year he was aboard the Sir heading across the country . Is Mr. 've heard from
him ? " Majojaru asked." Ooo ... Magohiduuru , handsome young man who was unfortunate ,
"said the ship 's crew .Hearing the answer , Majojaru was startled ." Hey , what the Lord
mean that poor boy ? What happened to him , sir ? "Asked Majojaru with great curiosity .

The crew was told that a month ago Magohiduuru died overseas since the accident while at
work . As if struck by lightning in broad daylight Majojaru heard the bad news . He seemed
not to believe the fate of her lover . Destroyed all his hopes . Pledge of allegiance to lively as
they once swore semati became lost.

With a sad heart and body limp , Majojaru staggered back to his home . Before reaching the
village , he sought shelter to calm her . He was sitting on a rock under a banyan tree lament
the fate that has befallen her lover . He was crying uncontrollably up to three days and three
nights . The tears kept flowing like an unstoppable broken levees . Over time , her tears
flooded and drowned the rocks where he sat until he was joined drowned and died . Not long
after , forming a small lake where the water is clear and bluish eyes water .

A few days later , a resident was looking for firewood around the place . How shocked he
was when he saw the small lake .

" Hey , why the sudden there lake in this place ? " He muttered .Without much thought , he
immediately informed the existence of the lake to the residents of the hamlet Lisawa .
Hearing the news, the people were in an uproar . Elders (village head ) with some of the
people immediately flocked to see the lake . Upon arrival at the site , their astonishment and
confusion .

" Hey , do you know when spring appears ? " Asked the elders to the people who first found
the lake ." No, sir ! Lake was already there when I passed by this place , " the resident said ."
Wow , is this a sign of something bad will happen in our village , sir ? " Said a resident of the
other ." I do not know . But , we have to investigate the causes of this lake , "said traditional
elders .Finally , indigenous elders and some of the residents are returning to the village .
Elders immediately hit dolodolo ( drums ) to collect all its citizens . Before long , the
residents were already gathered in his yard ." Oh , all wargaku ! Know ! In the village we had
just occurred a strange incident . A small lake suddenly appeared at the edge of the village .
Therefore , we must hold a ceremony to unveil the mystery of the existence of the lake !
"Said traditional elders .
Hearing the appeal , the village sepepuh immediately prepare everything to hold ceremonial
purposes summoning the spirits of ancestors and the worship of Jou Jou Giki Moi or
Maduhutu ( One God or the Creator God ) . After a traditional ceremony that takes place ,
there came a whisper from them which read lehuhur spirits as follows :

" Arising from sininga irogi de itepi sidago Congo formerly de i uhi imadadi majobubu ak " .
( Meaning : Arising from a broken heart devastated , tears , mangalir and flows into the
fountain ) .Got the answer , elders also closed the ceremony and immediately rang dolodolo .
Before long , the residents had gathered to listen to the findings that will be presented by the
elders ."O , wargaku ! Know ! The existence of the lake caused by the tears of a girl from a
broken heart widowed by her boyfriend , "said traditional elders .

Once finished elders convey the information , the atmosphere had become silent . All people
who were present wondered to myself who the lovers . In the midst of the silence , again
indigenous elders spoke up and asked the citizens .

" Hey , who among you who are currently members of his family were not in the village? "
Asked the elders .At the question , the people were looking at each other . Each busy
counting the number of family members . A few moments later , a middle-aged man raised
his hand . He was the father Magohiduuru ." I do , sir ! " Said father Magohiduuru ." Who are
the members of your family and where did it go? " Asked the elders .

Magohiduuru father was also told that a year ago his son named Magohiduuru go wander ,
but has not returned . As soon as the middle-aged man after the story, the father was told that
his daughter Majojaru , Majojaru , already three days did not go home . He was looking
everywhere but did not find him . He also told me that in fact , her daughter and
Magohiduuru were lovers and they have promised to each other as lively as dead .

Of information and Majojaru that Magohiduuru father , elders suspect that something is
happening on the lovers . Having traced everywhere , they finally heard from the crew that
Magohiduuru have died overseas . They also received information that Majojaru have learned
about the death of her lover . Heard all the testimony , the elders and the whole of Hamlet
Lisawa also believes that the formation of the lake comes from Majojaru tears because her
lover wept . To commemorate the sad event , the locals named the lake Telaga Biru , because
the water is clear and bluish eyes water . They also promised to maintain and care for the lake

By : Cerita Rakyat Terlengkap Indonesia

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Batu Belah

In ancient times , coastal areas Tobelo , North Maluku , have very abundant marine wealth .
Various types of fish live in the area . One of them is fish papayana . This type of fish is very
popular with local fishermen because the meat was delicious and had a lot of eggs are good to
eat . In addition , fish eggs papayana believed to maintain the safety of fishermen while
fishing at sea in bad weather conditions . It is very easy ie save the papayana fish eggs at
home before heading out to sea .

Among the fishermen in the area , there was a fisherman named Malaihollo . Malaihollo has a
wife and two children . The first son of a woman named O Bia Moloku while youngest son of
a man who was a toddler named O Bia Mokara . To support his family , every day Malaihollo
looking fish in the sea .One day , home from sea Malaihollo earlier than usual days because
of very bad weather at sea . The wind blew hard and the waves are very ferocious . However ,
that day he managed to acquire a substantial papayana fish and lay many eggs . With happy
hearts and move hurriedly , he brought the fish into the house to be left to his wife .

" Ma ... Ma ... , Papa come home ! " Exclaimed Malaihollo .Heard the cry , beloved wife
immediately welcomed his arrival ."What is it , Papa ! Why Daddy is back from the sea ? Is
not early in the morning ? " She asked surprised ." Look , Ma ! Papa brings a very big fish
papayana . Please fish with eggs cooked now for our lunch later ! Papa wanted to return to
the sea to fish , " message Malaihollo .

" Well , Pa ! " She replied as she brought the fish to the kitchen to be cooked .

Despite knowing very bad weather at sea , Wife Malaihollo still not considering the safety of
her husband . He believes that by saving her husband papayana fish eggs will be fine for
fishing.After cooked , fish and fish eggs are papayana he kept in the closet . After that , the
wife Malaihollo intend to take the vegetables in the garden .

" Moloku , 'm going to the garden for a while . Do you eat fish that Mama store in the closet !
If you eat fish eggs , then your Dad would be in danger at sea , " message Malaihollo wife to
his oldest son who was playing with his sister on the home page .

" Well , Mama ! " O Bia Moloku responsibility .Shortly after the mother left, suddenly O Bia
Mokana crying because of hunger .

"Sister , sister hungry . Sister will eat fish eggs , " said O Bia Mokana ." Do not , my sister !
We should not eat the fish eggs before papa came home from the sea , " O Bia Moloku
persuaded .

O Bia Moloku kept trying to persuade her sister to playing him in order not to think of the
fish eggs . Initially , O Bia Mokana stop crying and get back to playing . However , every few
moments later , O Bia Mokana back tears because it was no longer endure hunger .

"Sister , sister hungry . Sister would eat the fish eggs , "pleaded O Bia Mokana whining .

The longer , O Bia Mokana cry harder . In fact , she was crying and thrashing his body and
roll - roll on the ground . Therefore feel sorry for her sister , O Bia Moloku also take some
chunk of fish eggs in the closet and given to her sister . O Bia Mokana eat greedily so that the
fish eggs gone in an instant . However , apparently some fish eggs was not filling the stomach
O Bia Mokana so he returned to his brother asking for fish eggs .

" Brother, I'm still hungry . I asked for fish eggs anymore , "pleaded O Bia Mokana whining
.Finally , O Bia Molaka give all fish eggs are there in the closet to his brother in order not
whining anymore . With a happy heart , O Bia Mokana soon devoured the fish eggs until
exhausted . Once full , the youngest Malaihollo was back playing happily .

Meanwhile , the mother who was still in the garden rushed back to the house because it was
almost noon ."Well , I should go home . Soon my husband came home from the sea , " he
muttered .

When he arrived home , his wife was very happy to see Malaihollo her children were playing
happily in the yard. After putting her vegetables in the kitchen , he then carried the youngest .
How wonderful heart O Bia Moloku be in the arms of her mother while bersendau - joke . By
the time he was laughing , the mother saw many remains of fish eggs in between her teeth .
The mother began to feel suspicious and anxious . He immediately took off the youngest of
his arms and hurried to the kitchen to check on the eggs of fish kept in the closet . Once
opened the cabinet , the mother immediately fly off the handle because the fish eggs have
been left out without the slightest.

" O Bia Moloku ! Come on ! " Cried the mother ."What is it , Mama ? " Said O Bia Moloku ."
Where is mother pepayana fish eggs keep in the closet ? " The mother said , looking worried
." Sorry But ... ! Mokara O Bia was crying whining want to eat the fish eggs . Moloku not
bear to see her cry constantly . So , Moloku forced to give him the fish eggs , " said O Bia
Moloku nervously .

Hearing her eldest child , like a middle-aged woman was struck by lightning . For a moment ,
he was stunned and his whole body was trembling . He felt no bad feeling towards her
husband, who are looking for fish in the sea . Since her marriage , she always keeps her
message . Therefore , he believed that the habit of saving the fish roe pepayana really proved
its worth , her husband never got the time to go to sea disaster even in bad weather conditions

" Well , because you did not obey the advice of parents , then forced to leave your Mama ! "
Threatened her Mama .

" Forgive us , Mama ! Do not leave us ! " O Bia Moloku pity .The mother does not want to
hear the words of his son . He immediately ran out of the house towards the beach . Seeing
her mama go , the youngest was crying . O Bia Moloku soon holding his brother and pursued
their mama .

" Mama , come back ! Cried the youngest ... The Youngest thirsty ... ! " Cried O Bia Moloku
." Peraslah katang leaves ! There is no milk , " the mother replied as he continued running .

Finally , O Bia Moloku pausing to squeeze katang leaves and watered his sister . Meanwhile ,
the farther the mother left them . After a full sister , O Bia Moloku immediately picked him
and returned to pursue their mama . Once they arrived at the beach , the mother was standing
in front of a large rock .

" Mama , do not leave us ! We promise not to violate counsel Mama , " O Bia Moloku pity
.However , the determination to leave their mother can no longer be prevented . He
immediately climbed on top of a large rock and said : "O , great rock ! Opened so that I could
get in you ! "

Miraculously , the boulder gradually split into two . So large rock was wide open , the mother
immediately went into it . After that , the mother asked the rock to be closed again ."O ,
Large Rock ! Mengatuplah ! " Cried the mother .

Heard the command , the stone was shut again very quickly without leaving gaps or cracks in
the slightest . Needless to say , the wife Malaihollo it was swallowed by a large stone . Seeing
the incident , O Bio Moloku and her sister continue their mama wept . Boulder Malaihollo
wife swallows are then called Batu Belah . Until now , Batu Belah can still be found in areas
of North Maluku .

By : Cerita Rakyat Terlengkap Indonesia

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Danau
Walait Yang Keramat

Previously , in the Baliem Valley lived a tribe called tribe Walait . Baliem Valley is located
atop Mount Jayawijaya is surrounded by large expanses of dense forest . In the woods there
are many wild animals , especially wild boar . That is why , most of the tribal people Walait
worked as a boar hunter . Most of their catch for the side dish eaten day-to- day , and some
others for breeding .

Among the tribal population there was a girl named Waliat Jelita . He only lived together
with his father because his mother had died . Daily , pretty girl works as a swineherd , while
his father went to the forest to gather wood , tubers , and other forest products .

The father always told to avoid Jelita pigs graze around the lake , not far Walait residential
areas." Jelita , my daughter ! Never you graze pigs around the lake ! "Said the father ." Well ,
Well , " replied the Jelita .

One day , his father Jelita forget the message . He let the pigs roam around Lake Walait .
Grass around the lake was indeed grow lush and green because no one dared pigs graze there
. While waiting for his pet pig grazing , pretty girl sitting under a tree shade . Not long after ,
pig - pig died suddenly after eating something lying on the shores of the lake . Seeing the
incident , Jelita panicked .

" Oh , Dad would get mad at all if you know this, " muttered the Jelita .With feelings of fear ,
Jelita came home to tell the incident to her father . The father heard the bad news became
angry .

" Basic child can not be set ! " Cried the father , "Dad told you to graze there , but you do not
hear the advice of my father . Away from this house ! "" Jelita sorry , Dad ! Jelita actually
forgot the advice of my father . Gosh Dad , do not expel Jelita ! Jelita not have anyone else
besides my father , " whined Jelita in the presence of his father .

Although Jelita already whining , the father remains away. With a broken heart , poor girl
was left home . Because it confused where to go , he decided to go to Lake Walait . At the
edge of the lake , he sat down pondered the unfortunate fate .

" Yes , Lord ! There's no point anymore in this world to live slaves . Servants do not have
anybody else , " she lamented .

After saying this , Jelita Walait plunge into the lake . On the authority of God , he turns into a
little fish . Since then , that's the girl who has been fruitful a fish that lives in the lake .

Meanwhile , across Lake Walait , lived a tribe called Akeima also led by Hulogolik . The
number of women in the tribe when it was still a little Akeima so many men who are not
married , including Hulogolik . One time , Hulogolik go meditated in a cave to ask the gods
to be awarded a wife to continue his descendants . When he was engrossed in meditation , he
suddenly heard a voice whisper in his ear ."O , Hulogolik . If you get a wife , crowding out
the existing Walai tribes around Lake Walait ! " The voice cried .

Hulogolik also obey the supernatural message . Along with members of his clan , tribal
fighting Hulogolik Waliat and managed to drive them out of that place . Due to fatigue , the
chief resting under a tree on the shore of Lake Walait to sleep . In lelapnya , he received an
order from God in order to take off his head ."O , Hulogolik . Cut your head separated from
your body up . After that , go to the lake Walait ! " Cried the Gods .

Once awakened , Hulogolik immediately obey the command . With a body without a head ,
he immediately plunged into the lake . The fish is in the lake that was entered into the body
until it is full . After returning to shore , Hulogolik remove all the fish that is in his body onto
the grass . After that , head and body back together . Miraculously , the fish suddenly
transformed into beautiful girls beautiful. Apparently , the fish is the embodiment of the girls
are often lost in the vicinity of Lake Walait . Finally , Hulogolik took home the girls to his
village to marry and also the people of his tribe were indeed many who have not married .

However , unbeknownst Hulogolik , one of his men noticed his behavior when he plunged
into the lake Walait . The next day , the people that want to do as by recourse to Hulogolik
with evil spirits ." All right , I 'll help you , but on condition that you have to persuade
Hulogolik Walait tribes to fight back , " said the demon .

The residents agreed that requirement. As a result , he managed to persuade his tribe 's head
so that the battle between the two tribes was rekindled . The war claimed many victims .
After the war finished , the men approached the lake Hulogolik Walait and perform such
conduct as that of his master .

However , without realizing it anyway , it turns out there is a another citizen who peeked out
from behind the bushes . As soon as he plunged into the lake without a head , peeping
residents who took his head and quickly left . When the men came back Hulogolik ground ,
his head was not there . At that moment , he suddenly transformed into a giant snake .

The god who know about it to be angry with Hulogolik for failing to supervise its citizens ."
Hi , Hulogolik ! Why did you attack the Walait without order? Because you have acted
arbitrarily , then the punishment thrown you in the future as it will not rot anytime soon ,
"said the Lord in a dream Hulogolik .

Hulogolik was surprised when she woke up . He realized that he had been consumed by his
men hasut it . However , what may be , for rice has become porridge . Hulogolik stay
awaiting sentencing after he died later .

Meanwhile , isti Hulogolik has been reunited with his family . As they talked, suddenly there
are people who mentioned about the loss of a resident on Lake Walait . He also admitted that
he was the one separating the head and body of the Hulogolik men .

Heard the story , quick-quick runs towards the lake Hulogolik Walait . Arriving at the edge of
the lake , suddenly a giant snake attack . The speed of the snake attacks to the point
Hulogolik could not dodge . Finally , the Akeima chieftain was killed . His body was hard
and black. Because nobody residents who witnessed the event , Hulogolik bodies still floating
in the middle of the lake for days .
Residents who are in perkampung was getting anxious because their chiefs do not come home
. Hulogolik wife also mobilized all citizens to look to Lake Walait . Saw the arrival of the
people , the dragon immediately made a big hole in the bottom of the lake and hid in it . He
was afraid to go out because it would harm him .

Meanwhile , the new residents who arrived on the scene were struck by a body floating in the
middle of the lake .

" Hey look , is not that the body Hulogolik ? " Shouted one resident ." Yeah , it seems right ,
" his wife said Hulogolik .

Some people immediately swam to the middle of the lake to retrieve the bodies Hulogolik .
Not long after , the residents returned to the land by carrying the bodies of their chiefs . They
then take the corpse back to the village to be buried in a honay ( Papuan traditional house ) .
Miraculously , the corpse honay it really never rot.

By : Cerita Rakyat Terlengkap Indonesia

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Biwar Sang
Panakluk Naga

Biwar is a handsome and gallant of Mimika, Papua , Indonesia . When he was still in the
womb , his father was killed by a dragon attacked while wading through a river in the area
Tamanipia . Therefore , since birth he was treated and educated by his mother alone and
comes with a variety of knowledge . As an adult , Biwar intends to destroy the dragon that
has eliminated his father's life . How do Biwar destroy the vicious dragon ? Follow the story
in Dragon Conqueror Biwar story below !


Once, in Mimika , Papua , there is a village inhabited by ethnic group of Mimika .

Livelihoods are memangkur sago which have been inherited by generations of their ancestors
. Every day , both men and women , memangkur sago along the river in that area .

One day , some of the villagers were about to find sago by boat . In addition to carrying a
hatchet and pickaxe tool , they also carry supplies such as food and beverages such as sago
memangkur activity will take approximately two to three days .

After a long sail the river , they arrived at a place that a lot of sago trees . Eagerly , the men
began to cut down trees that can be taken sago starch sari . After the fall , they stripped it of
sago tree to get to the heart of sago in it . Then their hearts from the tree until it resembles
mashed coconut pulp using a pickaxe . Collisions result is what is called the sago .
Furthermore , the sago they collect in a container bamboo that have been split , and interfere
with water .

After that , the women immediately squeeze the sago . This juice containing sago starch . To
get the quintessence , the juice they let some time to extract the starch settle to the bottom of
the container bamboo . After the juice turns from white to clear , clear water that they pass to
the left is the core sediment sago . The sago core then they shape like a tennis ball or
elongated like a rice cake . Furthermore , sago - ready cooked sago is they put in a container
called Tumang , the baskets are made of rattan .
After raising all Tumang containing sago into the boat , the group was sailing down the river
to get back to the township . When the boat they were traveling through the river in the area
Tamanapia , seeokar dragon suddenly emerges from the water and immediately attacked
them . Only once kibas , dragon tail boat capable of destroying it to pieces . No doubt , all
passengers thrown and drowned in the river , except for a woman who is pregnant can save
themselves .

Incidentally pregnant women able to grab one of the pieces of the boat that was destroyed
when he was thrown into the river . Pieces of boat that was later made as a buoy until he can
get to the river bank and fled into the woods . To shelter from wild animals , the pregnant
woman living in a cave that he found in the forest . In the pregnant state , the poor woman
was trying to find the young leaves and roots to survive .

One day , she painstakingly struggled birth alone . On the authority of God , she delivered a
baby boy a handsome and gave the name Biwar . Now , she is no longer lonely stay in the
middle of the forest . He was caring and raising Biwar lovingly . When Biwar grows into a
teenager, he taught a variety of science as a way of archery , trapping , and make a fire . In
addition , he also taught Biwar play drums until adept at playing the instrument .

Several years later , Biwar has grown into a handsome young man , strong , and brave . Every
day she helps her mother find a side dish with fish in the river way . She also helped her
mother make a simple house called honai , namely indigenous Papuans house made of wood
with a conical roof of straw or reeds .One day , Biwar just got back from fishing in the river
with a few big fish . Arriving in front of his house , he put the fish catch was on the ground
while screaming for his mother .

" Mama ... , Mama ... , get out look! Biwar carry a big fish , " shouted Biwar .Heard his cry ,
his mother was out of the house as she asked , "Where did you get the fish , my son ? "" That
Biwar fishing in a river in . The river was a lot of fish and the surrounding scenery is very
beautiful , "said Biwar , " If Mama wanted to see it , tomorrow Biwar will show that place .
"The mother accepted the invitation Biwar . The next day , they went to the river in question .
Biwar mother was surprised when it arrived at the river . He immediately reminded of her
late husband .

" Biwar , my son ! Behold , your father and his family and friends were killed in the river
Mama park was attacked by a dragon ! "Said the mother recalled her past a very sad heart
.Hear the sad story of her mother , Biwar determined to destroy the dragon . However , the
mother stopped him.

" But , Biwar ! The dragon is very fierce , " his mother prevented ." Not Mama . Is not Mama
has taught a variety of science Biwar ? With that science would destroy the dragon Biwar of
killing Papa , "said Biwar .

The mother is unable to stem Biwar hard determination . Before carrying out his
determination , Biwar with her mother went home to prepare all the necessary weapons .
After preparing spears , machetes and arrows , Biwar also said goodbye to his mother to go
find the dragon nest along the river .

" Be careful , my son ! " His mom said ." Well , Mama , " said Biwar as he left his mother
.Arriving at the edge of the river , Biwar saw a cave believed to be the dragon's hideout ." I'm
sure the dragon was certainly hiding in the cave , " muttered Biwar .

With the steps slowly , Biwar approached the cave . Arriving at the mouth of the cave , he
immediately took tucked in his waist drums and blew it in order to lure the dragon out of the
cave . The music played drums Biwar really attract the dragon. Not long after , there came a
roar from inside the cave .

Hear the voice, the more convinced Biwar that in that cave dragon nest . He was soon ready
with a machete in his hand as a precaution in case the dragon came to attack him . Sure
enough , not long ago , the head of the dragon suddenly appeared at the mouth of the cave .
Without thinking , Biwar immediately threw his spear into the dragon 's head and managed to
wound him . Although badly injured , it still looks ferocious dragon . So before the dragon
attacked , immediately revoke Biwar machete tucked in his waist ."Take vengeance on the
father and family that you've destroyed in the river ," cried Biwar while beheading the dragon
to the breaking point .

No doubt , the dragon fell limp in front of the mouth of the cave . Looking at it , quickly
Biwar hoarding dragon body with rocks . After ensuring that the dragon really dead , he
immediately went home to tell his success to his mother destroy the dragon . How glad the
heart of the mother to hear the good news ." Dragon has received his punishment . Mama
heart is relieved now , "said his mother , " Immediately make my boat and then we go back to
the ghetto ! "

The next day , Biwar also makes a pretty small boat carrying them both . Within a few days ,
the boat was completed and made ready for use . Finally , with the boat , with his mother
Biwar sail the river to the land of her birth . Arriving at the village , they were greeted with
joy by the locals . To celebrate the success of Biwar as a hero who had conquered the dragon
, they held a festive party .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda
Batu Keramat

Sacred stones located on Mount Kamboi Rama , Yapen Islands regency , West Papua
Indonesia. Once a year , local people held ceremonies to worship the sacred stone .
Mengeramatkan and why they adore the stone ? Who first discovered it ? You can follow the
story in the story Legend of the Sacred Stone follows .


Once upon a time , in the area of East Yapen , Yapen Islands regency , Papua , Indonesia ,
there is a mountain named Kamboi Rama . On top of the mountain there are two hamlets ,
namely Hamlet Kamboi Rama inhabited by a group of men , and Hamlet Aroempi the sago
vegetated land owned by a king who holds Iriwonawani Gods . Iriwonawani gods also have a
drum tifah or occult , named sikerei or soworoi . If the drum was sounded, the population
Kamboi Hamlet in Hamlet Aroempi Rama gathered to witness the drum . However , not all
residents can see the magical drum , except the old people who have supernatural powers .

To meet the daily needs of residents Kamboi Rama , women looking for sago in the hamlet
belonging Aroempi Irowonawani Gods , while men look for sago dishes by capturing the
animals in the forest . Every day , women in groups Kamboi Rama went to Hamlet Aroempi
to look for sago . Before cutting the sago tree , they held prior to the memorial service
Irowonawani Gods so that they can acquire the core or essence of sago good and can nourish
the body .

Sago trees that have been cut down to get them peeled stalks is sago in it . The sago they
mashed by using pickaxe [ 1 ] . In accordance with the name of the tool used , mashing
process is known as sago memangkur . Which has been pounded sago sago produces pulp ,
which is similar to the coconut pulp . Then , they give the sago waste water and squeeze it
into a container of parts of the bamboo . The juice they allow some time for core sago settles
in the bottom. Once the sago settles core , then discard the water recapitalize . Then , the
sediment core sago their shape like a tennis ball or elongated like a rice cake , and then save
them into Tumang , the baskets are made of rattan . After that , they take it home to hold him
in the back way . That's women's work Kamboi Rama village residents every day .

Gradually the sago trees in the hamlet Kamboi Rama wane . Given the circumstances , it was
the wrath of God Iriwonawani . He moved to another area sagunya plants . For fear of the
wrath of God Iriwonawani , Hamlet residents Kamboi Rama decided to move to the coast and
set up a new residence called Randuayaivi . With the exception of a couple that still remain
on the mountain with God Iriwonawai . A husband and wife are called Irimiami and IsoRay .
To survive , they hunt deer in the forest and plant the tubers in the field .

One day , coming home from the fields , and IsoRay Irimiami was resting under a green tree .
Irimiami sat leaning against a tree trunk , while IsoRay sitting on a big rock under the tree . In
the midst of busy resting , suddenly shouted IsoRay squealing and jumping out of the stone .

" Oh , brother .. ! Heat ... hot ... hot ... ! " squealed IsoRay rubbing her ass ." What happened
to you , my wife? " Asked Irimiami ." I do not know , brother ! Suddenly it became a hot
stone , "said IsoRay in a state of panic .

Moments later , the rock suddenly issued a puff of smoke . Out of curiosity , Irimiami was
trying to sit on a rock . Once occupied the stone , he screamed as his wife screamed . He was
curious to try the heat level of the stone. He took the deer meat that catch and put it on top of
the stone . Not long after , terciumlah inviting aroma of venison appetite . Once cooked , they
were immediately picked up and tasted the venison .

" Hmmmm ... Venison is delicious , " murmured Irimiami after tasting a piece of the meat ."
My wife! Try the venison tasted ! " Irimiami exclaimed as he gave a piece of venison to his
wife .

Having finished it tasted a piece of venison , IsoRay was hooked . Because hungry after
nearly a day of hunting , they also eat the meat greedily until exhausted . Since then , they
always cook food by putting it at the top of the rock . Every day more and more rock the hot
fumes . Therefore , Irimiami and his wife increasingly curious to always try to level the hot
stone .Irimiami and his wife took a piece of bamboo , and then rub it on the stone . In a short
time , bamboo was cut off and rubbing on the bamboo sparks issued . After that , they collect
grass and leaves dry , then put it on top of the stone . Not long after , the grass and leaves that
secrete a thick cloud of smoke and heat .

On a sweltering afternoon , Irimiami and his wife returned to collect grass and leaves dry
more . The dried grass and leaves they put on top of the stone . Before long they wait , the
dried grass and leaves to put out the fire burned very hot . Seeing the incident , they panic and
fear , especially IsoRay .

" Brother ! What should we do ? I'm afraid there is a fire in this place , " said IsoRay with
panic .

Irimiami and his wife attempted to extinguish the fire on the rock , but did not succeed .
Finally , they were soon pleading for help to Lord Iriwonawai . With his power , the god of
fire memamdamkan Iriwonawai successfully . Apparently , the incident did not make
Irimiami and his wife deterrent . They continue to experiment against the stone . They re- laid
grass , leaves , and dry wood more on the rock . Inevitably , thick smoke was billowing and
flames light up very large and hot at the summit of Mount Kamboi Rama for seven days and
seven nights . They returned panic and fear . Their incessant pleading to the gods in order to
extinguish the fire Iriwonawai .

The people who were on the beach Randuayaivi was shocked when I saw the incident . They
thought a forest fire on Mount Kamboi Rama . When he heard soworai drum sounds , they
immediately ran to Mount Kamboi Rama to witness the event more closely . Arriving at the
top of the mountain , they were greeted by Irimiami and IsoRay . Irimiami was told about the
magic stone to them . Initially , the residents do not believe in that story . But after Irimiami
and his wife told them to taste the food that has been heated above the rock , then they
believe . Since then , Irimiami and his wife named the rock Batu Keramat and invites
residents to hold a traditional feast . Randuayaivi residents agreed .

The next day , residents of Kampung Randuayaivi gathered on Mount Kamboi Rama to
throw a party . They carry supplies such as taro , fish , and other foods . Various types of food
they put on the sacred stone . The traditional feast lasted for three days and three nights .
Irimiami with his wife and all the people around the sacred stone was while dancing and
worship . During the party , and his wife also tells Irimiami events they had experienced to
the entire population of the village Randuayaivi . Until now , the people of Papua , especially
those in the Islands District Yapen , flint mengeramatkan it . They believe that Irimiami and
IsoRay is the first to find it. Once a year , they held a ceremony to worship the sacred stone .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Asal usul
Burung Cenderawasih

Including rare birds of paradise in Indonesia. This type of bird found only in Papua which
also characterizes the island . Very beautiful fur color makes paradise dubbed as the bird of
paradise ( bird of paradise ) . Therefore , some people believe that birds of paradise of Papua
is the incarnation of an angel from heaven . But according to the Fakfak , paradise is the
embodiment of a boy named Kweiya . How did it come ? Consider the story of The Origin of
Birds of Paradise below .***

In ancient times there lived an old woman with a dog in the Mountains Bumberi females ,
Fakfak , West Papua Province . One day , an old woman with her pet dog looking for food in
the forest . That day , they had to walk quite a distance because food supplies around the
house has begun to diminish . After walking quite a distance , they arrived at a place which is
full of red fruit tree ( a kind of typical pandanus Papua ) who happened to have been fruitful .
The old woman was immediately red fruit picking then given to a starving dog . Female dog
was immediately gobbled up her red fruit looks fresh again .

However , a few moments later , the dog suddenly felt something moving in her stomach .
Stomach was getting bigger bitch like being pregnant . Curiously, in the not too distant future
, the bitch gave birth to a tiny puppy . Seeing this miracle , the woman also intends to take in
order to get a descent red fruit as experienced by the dog .

" Oh , it's magic once red fruit , " she amazed . " I want to try the fruit so that I could give
birth to a child. "The woman was immediately red berry fruit and ate it . Once he swallowed
the fruit , her stomach suddenly experienced similar things with the dog , the longer belly
getting bigger. Soon the woman hurried home to home . Arriving home , she finally gave
birth to a boy . The child was named Kweiya .
Ten years later , Kweiya has grown into a teenager . Kweiya working very diligently to help
her mother with open forest to be used as a vegetable garden . However, because it uses only
a stone ax , he was only able to cut down one tree every day . Meanwhile , his mother could
only help burn the leaves of the trees that had fallen . As a result , heavy smoke was
billowing and soar into the air . Without them knowing it , it turns out the thick smoke has
attracted the attention of an old man who was fishing in a river .

" Hi , from where thick smoke that ? Who is burning the forest ? " Muttered the old man .By
curiosity , the old man immediately find the source of the thick smoke . After a tiring journey
, he arrived at the place the smoke is coming from. There, she found a handsome teenager
being cut down in the hot sun .

" Weing weinggiha pohi ( good afternoon ) , young man , " called the old man . " Who are
you and why cutting down the forest here ? "" My name Kweiya . I want to make my
mother's garden to help " responsible KweiyaThe old man understood that Kweiya was a
devoted son to his parents . So he gave his iron ax to Kweiya ."Then , take the iron ax . You
will be quickly cut down a tree , " said the old man . " Thank you sir , " replied Kweiya .

Kweiya also can get the job done quickly . In a short time , he was able to knock down some
big trees . After that , he rushed home to tell the results of his work to his mother . His mother
was very surprised at the news .

" How fast can you cut down the trees , my son ? What tools do you use ? " She asked
surprised .Kweiya pause. He seems to want to keep the old man who had helped it ." I do not
know too , Mom . Incidentally my hand was too light lifting ax can cut down a tree so
quickly , "said Kweiya .

Hearing the answer , believe it Kweiya mother . Meanwhile , Kweiya requested that his
mother prepare food that much . Apparently , Kweiya intends to invite the old man who ate
together at once introduced him to his mother .

"Mom , tomorrow please prepare a lot of food , " pleaded Kweiya .The next day , the mother
Kweiya cook enough food . Meanwhile , Kweiya want to make a surprise for her . When on
the way back to his cabin , he wrapped the old man with a cane tree complete with leaves .
Arriving home , the package is placed in front of the door . After that , he went into the house
and as if feeling very thirsty . He also asked his mother to fetch a cane to satisfy their thirst
."Mom , I'm thirsty . Bring me a cane in front of the door , "pleaded Kweiya .

Kweiya mother had obeyed his request . When the mother opened the package leaves of
sugarcane , he was very surprised to find an old man lying in a bundle . Instantly , she
screamed in terror as he ran into the hut ." Kweiya , who the old man ? Why he was in that
package ? "Asked her mother surprised .Kweiya smiled and reassured her .

" I'm sorry , ma'am , " said Kweiya . " I did not mean to scare her. Actually , that's an old man
who has helped me cut down trees in the forest . I beg she will accept it as a life partner ! "

Kweiya mother was silent . After thinking a moment , he finally accepted his request . Since
then , the old man lived with them . Kweiya and her mother did not feel lonely anymore .
A few years later , Kweiya mother gave birth to two boys and a girl from the marriage to the
old man . Kweiya third considers his brother as the younger brother . They live in harmony
and love each other . However , their fraternal relationship eventually became cracked
because two younger brothers envied Kweiya . They are jealous because Kweiya always
received special attention from their mothers .

One day , when their parents were into the garden , her siblings Kweiya swarmed by a mob .
Though annoyed , Kweiya not bear to repay her siblings . He prefers to hide in one corner of
the hut while spinning ropes of animal skin as much as possible . The spun yarn will be made
wings .

Meanwhile , Kweiya parents had just arrived from the garden . When knowing Kweiya was
not at home , the mother then asked the brothers Kweiya .

" Where are you going brother ? " Said the mother." Do not know ma'am , " answered the
second brother Kweiya simultaneously .

Both Kweiya brother is apparently afraid to tell the events that led to their fight Kweiya away
from home . However , their youngest brother who witnessed the incident tell their mother .
How sad to hear the story of the mother when her youngest daughter . He then yelling for
Kweiya to quickly return home . However , not Kweiya coming , but the sound of birds is
heard .

" Eek .. ek ... ek ... ek .. ! " so the bird sounds .The sound was turned voice Kweiya who have
inserted yarn spun on his armpit and then jump to the top of the ridge and then fly to the top
of one of the branches of trees in front of their house . Kweiya seems to have turned into a
bird that is very beautiful and colorful feathers . Seeing the amazing thing , the mother also
sobbed as she asked to Kweiya spun yarn .

" Kweiya , my son . Is there still a spun yarn for me ? " Said the mother ." The mother I paste
in the umbrella mat , " said Kweiya .

The mother immediately took it and then insert the yarn spun on his armpit . After turning
into a bird , he then pack - kepakkan wings and fly perched Kweiya following branches. That
said , the two birds are now known as the bird of paradise is seen conversing with their
chirping .

" Wong ... wong ... wong ... wong ... ! Ko ... ko ... kok ... ! Wo - Wik " they chirp so unknown
means .Since then, the male and female birds of paradise often arise in Fakfak , West Papua ,
with different colors . By Onin society , male birds of paradise feathers tend to be longer then
the LHA language called Siangga , while the female birds of paradise called Hanggam
Tombor .

Both Kweiya brother who witnessed the miraculous events can only surrender abandoned by
their mother and sister . They end up blaming each other so that they are throwing ash
furnace . Their faces became dark gray , gray , and there is also a red color . Instantly it all,
they were turned into a bird and then fly into the jungle to follow their mother and sister .
That is why , in the jungle more Fakfak met by a variety of birds that are less interesting than
the birds of paradise .***
Thus the story of the Origin of Birds of Paradise Fakfak , West Papua . The moral to be
learned from the story above is that the nature of envy against his own brother as the two
younger brothers Kweiya not merit , but it would be self-defeating .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Asal usul
Telaga Wekaburi

Wekaburi lake is located in the village of Werabur , District Windesi , Wondama Bay District
, West Papua Province . Before becoming Telaga Wekaburi , this place is still a small river .
However , tersebab by an event , the river was later turned into a lake . Event is it ? Check out
the story in Origins story following Wekaburi Ponds !


Previously , in Wekaburi or now known as the Village Werabur , there is a small river where
the water is very clear . River water is the source of life for Wekaburi tribe who inhabited the
area. The unique thing in this place is the stilt houses owned by local residents built on the
river flow .

One time , residents will have a party Wekaburi tribe indigenous village . They immediately
held a variety of preparations such as building houses for the invited guests , preparing food ,
and so on . On the appointed day , the invited guests from various tribes such as Tribe
Kandami , Wettebosy , Sakarnawari , and arrived in Kampung Wekaburi Torembi . Among
the guests in attendance , there was a grandmother with granddaughter named Isosi .
Grandma was also accompanied by a dog .

When it was dark , custom event began. The show was initially went smoothly and very
festive . Variety of dance performed in front of the guests . Many of the guests who
participated gleefully dancing . At that moment , a dancer accidentally stepped on the tail of
the dog 's favorite grandmother who was fast asleep by the fire . No doubt , the dog was
barking loudly .

Seeing the incident , the grandmother became angry . He then brought his dog into a room
and tie loincloth on his body . After that , he came out , hugging her dog and then dancing
with other dancers . The old woman knew that his actions had violated customary .
According to custom rules , if there are people who do so will bring lightning , thunder , and
heavy rain accompanied . The grandmother was deliberately doing it because they want to
give punishment to those who have stepped on the dog .
Grandma was aware that perbutannya can create havoc . Therefore , the grandmother
immediately took fire butts and bamboo seruas hidden in order not to be seen by others .
Bamboo pieces that will be used as a torch . Furthermore , the grandmother took her grandson
to immediately get out of the village ." Come , my granddaughter. We soon leave the village ,
"asked the old woman ." Well , Grandma , " replied Isosi .

Lighting a torch to help her grandmother with grandchildren and his dog walked toward
Mount Ainusmuwasa through the path . But without them knowing it , a young man named
Asya follow their lead . Apparently , Asya is Isosi lover , grandmother grandson ." Wait ,
Grandma ," she cried . " May I come with you ? "

Knowing that the young man was a lover of his grandson , the grandmother did not mind .
After that , the grandmother group moved on . Not long after , they arrived at the summit of
Mount Ainusmuwasa . From the top of the mountain looks weather began to deteriorate .
Dark clouds began to cover the sky above the river upstream Wekaburi . A few moments
later , the lightning and thunder seen darting . Heavy rain finally began to fall .

Meanwhile , the residents and invited guests Wekaburi still busy partying . They do not
realize when trouble is looming . The longer , more heavy rain so there was a big flood . They
realized the danger when the water has risen to the floor of the house . Finally hit the panic
residents . They ran frantically about to save themselves . However unfortunate , it was too
late . The devastating floods that swept away everything .

The next day , the grandmother with Isosi and Asya down from the mountain to see the
events that happened last night . None of the remaining houses . The same fate happened to
the residents . They swept away many , even most of the other transformed into a frog and
crocodile . Meanwhile , Wekaburi River has turned into a lake called Telaga Wekaburi later .
Until now , the lake has become one of the attractions in the area Wondama Bay , West
Papua .

As a result of flood events that have swept the entire population made the grandmother feel
very satisfied . " That's the result of your actions ! You've stepped on my pet dog , "said the
grandmother .

The grandmother then marry Isosi with Asya in the hope that one day their grandchildren will
fill the empty Wekaburi it . After marriage , they then build a big house and a long -named
Aniobiaroi .

Several years later , gave birth to many children Isosi so the house was becoming
increasingly crowded . " Well , we 've packed the house , my wife . This house should we
view again , "said Asya . " True , Kakanda . This house should we extend and enlarge again .
"Replied Isosi agree .

Aniobiaroi home finally connected again so getting bigger and longer . The house was then
given the name Manupapami . Several years later , the house was again crowded . Children as
well as their daughter continued to have many offspring . So , Asya also took the decision to
connect Aniobiroi home . The house was then given the name Yobari .

So forth , their house is still not able to accommodate the whole family . Therefore , they
connect the house up to four times that of each house named Sonesyari and Ketarana .
Although it has been four times jointed , their house still crowded. Finally , they decided to
find a new place for some residents and build a house for every family .

That said , Asya and Isosi offspring out of the house later became the Manupapami Wettebosi
rate , while the family members were out of the house into tribal Wekaburi Yobari . The
family members are out of the house and Ketarana Sonesyari known as Torembi tribe who
built a house on the water . Hence, the new village where they lived is called Kampung
Werabur , which means village located on the water .***

Thus the story of The Origin of Lake Wekaburi Wondama Bay , West Papua . The moral to
be learned from the story above is that the case no matter how small can bring a bigger
problem . Just because a dog belonging to a grandmother stepping , resident Wekaburi must
accept the consequent floods washed away . Therefore , we must always be careful not to
disturb other people , either intentionally or unintentionally .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Jaka Tarub

In ancient times there lived a young man named Jake Tarub in a village in Central Java . He
lives with his mother who was called mBok Milah . His father is long dead . Jake Tarub daily
and mBok Milah paddy farming .

On one night , in the middle of deep sleep , dreaming Jake Tarub wife got an angel nan
beautiful girl from heaven . So wake up and realize that it was all just a dream , Jake Tarub
smiled to himself . However , just a beautiful dream still imagined in his memory . Jake
Tarub can not sleep anymore . He came out and sat in front of his home Ambengan looking
up at stars in the sky . Nothing feels the cock crow sign was morning .

Mbok Milah newly awake realized that Jake Tarub not home . As soon as he looked out the
window , saw his only son was lost in thought . " What my son dilamunkan it " , think mBok
Milah . Jake Tarub guess maybe he is thinking to settle down soon . He was already more
than enough . Friends Friends sebayanyapun average married . His mind was made mBok
Milah Jake Tarub intend to help find a wife .

During the day when mBok Milah was in the field , suddenly came Mr. Ranu owner field
next to him . " Mbok Milah , why your son has yet to get married , too?" , Said Mr. Ranu
open conversation . " I do not know " , said mBok Milah , recalling the incident this morning
. "What do you ask that Mr. Ranu ? " , Said mBok Milah . It is little wonder why Mr. Ranu
interested in his personal life . " That's what mBok Milah . I intend to match with my son
Laraswati " , said Mr. Ranu .

Milah mbok surprised to hear Mr. Ranu intention newly expressed . He was very pleased .
Perparas Laraswati is a beautiful girl who said she said gently. He believes Jake Tarub want
to make Laraswati as his wife . However Milah mBok not want to precede her to take a
decision . Somehow he realized that Jake Tarub are grown and have their own desires . " I
agree Mr. Ranu . But let us first ask each child , "said the wise mBok Milah . Mr. Ranu nod
nod . He thought what was said was true mBok Milah .

Day in and day out . Milah mbok not found the right time to discuss the plan and Laraswati
Jake Tarub matchmaking . He was afraid Jake Tarub offended . Jake Tarub may also have
had a fiancee who have not been introduced to him . Eventually mBok Milah will forget the
original intention .

Jake Tarub is a very happy young man hunt . He is also a reliable hunter . The expertise
gained from his late father . Jake Tarub often invited to hunt by his father from childhood .
Jake Tarub morning ready to hunt the woods . Bows , arrows , knives and swords have been
prepared . And he said goodbye to his mother .

Milah mbok look plain ordinary departure of Jake Tarub release . He hoped that his son
would bring home a big deer they can eat the next few days . Soon mBok Milah came into
her room . He intends beristrihat a moment before heading to the fields . It's known, is old
mBok Milah .

Not take a long time in the woods , Tarub Jake shoots a deer . His heart is happy . Soon he
was carrying deer and intends to go home . Bad luck seems to come over . Was busy walking
, suddenly appeared in front of a leopard Jake Tarub . The Tigers took off to attack the square
. Jake Tarub panic . He immediately let go of the deer and pulled dipanggulnya sword from
his waist . The tiger is moving very fast . He soon bite the deer and took it away .

Jake Tarub slumped . Not just in shock over recent events that happened, he was thoroughly
surprised . For the first time this sesial fate . Game animals already in hand instead prey
beasts . " Of what is this?" , He thought . Jake Tarub immediately dismissed the bad thoughts
that crossed his mind . After a short rest , he immediately runs again .

Misfortune did not want to leave Jake Tarub . After walking and waiting a couple of times ,
not an animal buruanpun passing . Increasingly rising sun . Jake Tarub feel hungry . There is
no provision was carrying because he was sure there would be for this to be in the woods .
Jake Tarub finally decided to go home empty-handed though .

When Jake Tarub began to enter his village , he was surprised to see many people walking
hurriedly rushed towards the same direction . In fact there are some people who passed her
looks surprised . Although surprised Jake Tarub reluctant to ask . He suffered hunger makes
Jake Tarub want to quickly get home quickly .

Jake looked at her stunned Tarub that are visible from a distance . Many people gathered in
front of his house . Even those people who 'd seen apparently running a hurry to get to his
house as well . "What is it?" , He thought . Jake Tarub began not in the mood . He
immediately ran to her house .

" What's going on ? " , Said Jake Tarub half shout . People were surprised and looked at him .
Mr. Ranu who is awaiting the arrival of Jake Tarub 'd been straight up and patted him on the
shoulder Jake Tarub . " Patience my son .. " , he said as he guided Jake Tarub entered the
house .

Jake Tarub eyes immediately fixed on a body stretched out on couches in the living room . A
few seconds later Jake Tarub realizes that his mother has died . Jake Tarub could not hold
back tears . This is evidence of bad feeling I felt since the morning , he thought .

Jake Tarub could not do anything . He just looked pensive face mBok Milah . Mr. Ranu story
that his wife is found mBok Milah had died in his sleep this morning not disregard . He is
now contemplating his fate alone . Jake Tarub also regret not fulfill his mother's wishes she
married and see grandchildren . But all a distant memory . Now his mother has been at rest .

After the death of his mother , Jake Tarub fills his days with hunting . Almost every day he
hunts the woods . Results for the prey he always distributed to neighbors . Only with hunting
, Jake Tarub can forget his grief .

Such that morning , Jake Tarub been getting ready to go hunting . He casually walked
towards the Forest Wanawasa because it was still early . When Jake got hutanpun Tarub just
waiting for passing prey in front of him . Did not feel it was already noon . None prey Jake
Tarub obtained . He has mostly daydreaming .

Because of her newfound thirst , Jake Tarub stepped toward the lake . The lake is located in
the middle of the forest Wanawasa it known to the public as Toyawening lake . When almost
at the lake , Jake Tarub stop her footsteps . His ears caught the sound of the girls were joking
. " Maybe it's just hayalanku alone " , he thought, surprised . "How could a girl girls play
around in the wilderness like this ? " .

With Jake Tarub sneaking settles again stepped toward Lake Toyawening . Girls laughter was
more clearly audible . Jake Tarub peeking from behind a big tree towards the lake . Surprise,
Jake Tarub watched seven beautiful girls were bathing in the lake Toyawening . Heartbeat
even louder .

Jake Tarub noticed one of the girls at the lake . Everything is so pretty flawless . From their
conversation , Jake Tarub know if the girl is seven angels that fell from heaven . " What is the
meaning of my dream ? " , She thought happily .

Jake Tarub eyes see angels in a pile of clothes on a large rock at the edge of the lake . All
clothing that has a different color . " If I take one of these angel outfit , which has certainly
will not be able to return to heaven ," muttered Jake Tarub . Endowed with a smile when
imagining the angel that he stole her clothes would be willing to be his wife .

With careful Tarub Jake walked over to the pile of clothes . He walked very slowly . If the
angel was aware of his presence , of all plans will be thrown . Jake Tarub chose a red shirt .
After work, Jake Tarub hurry slipped behind the bush .

Suddenly a man from the angel said , " Let's go home now . It was late afternoon " . " Yeah
right . We'd better go home now before the sun goes down , "added another . The angel came
out of the lake and they were each wearing .

" Where are my clothes ? " , Shouted one angel . " Who took my shirt off ? " , He asked in a
trembling voice to cry . " Where did you put your clothes Nawangwulan ? " , Asked an angel
to him . " Here . Same with your clothes .. " , Nawangwulan replied tearfully . He looked
very panicked . Without her , how could he go home to Heaven . Moreover, the shawl she
wore to fly go missing as well .

Because Nawangwulan not find her , he immediately went back to Lake Toyawening . Her
other friends to help find clothes Nawangwulan . Their efforts futile because the clothes are
taken home Nawangwulan Jake Tarub to his house .
Finally an angel said " Nawangwulan , forgive us . We had to get home to heaven and leave
you here . It was late afternoon " . Nawangwulan can not do anything . He could only nod
and waved to six friends who fly slowly leaves Lake Toyawening . " Maybe it's my destiny to
be the inhabitants of the earth " , he thought Nawangwulan tears .

Nawangwulan look desperate . Suddenly he unconsciously saying " Whoever can give me I'll
make your clothes when she is a woman , but when he was a boy I'll make my husband " .
Jake Tarub who had been noticed Nawangwulan gestures of happy smiling behind a tree . "
At last my dream come true " , he thought .Jake Tarub out of hiding and walking towards the
lake . He brought suit his late mother when she took home earlier . Jake Tarub immediately
put clothes he was carrying on a large rock and said " I'm Jake Tarub . I brought clothes that
you need. Take it and use it immediately . It was almost evening " .

Jake Tarub left Nawangwulan and waited behind a large tree where he was hiding . Soon
Nawangwulan came to see him . " I Nawangwulan . I'm an angel from heaven who can not go
back there because my dress is gone, " said Nawangwulan introduce myself . He meets the
last word he said . Without doubt Jake Tarub Nawangwulan willing to accept as her husband .

Day by day , month turned into months , do not feel Jake Tarub household and Nawangwulan
been blessed with a daughter named Nawangsih . No one suspected the villagers who actually
Nawangwulan . Jake Tarub recognizes her as the girl who comes from a village far from the
village .

Since her marriage to Nawangwulan , Jake Tarub feel very happy . However there is one
thing on his mind over the years. Jake Tarub wonder why they seem to rice in the barn is not
reduced even if cooked every day . Long long pile of rice was increasing . Harvest acquired
regularly make their barns barely contain it fit again .

On one morning , Nawangwulan about to wash into the river . He entrusts Nawangsih on Jake
Tarub . Nawangwulan also warned him not to open the lid is steamers rice was cooking .

While I was busy playing with Nawangsih who was one year old , Jake Tarub remembered
rice being cooked his wife. Because it was already old , Jake Tarub want to see if the rice is
cooked . Jake Tarub unwittingly opened the rice steamer . He forgot the message
Nawangwulan .

How shocked by Jake Tarub see the steamer . Nawangwulan just cook rice sprig . He
immediately thought of their rice inventories are gradually becoming more common . The
question has been answered so far.

Nawangwulan who apparently had arrived at home staring angrily to her husband in the
kitchen door . " Why are you breaking my message Mas ? " , He asked angrily . Jake Tarub
could not answer . He was silent . " Gone are kesaktianku to change a sprig of paddy into rice
basket " , continued Nawangwulan . " From now on I have to pound rice cook for us . Mas
should therefore provide a mortar for me " .Jake Tarub regretted his actions . But what can I
say , it was too late . From that day Nawangwulan always pounding rice to be cooked . Begin
to look their grain stocks increasingly depleted . Even now it is remaining rice in the bottom
of the barn .
As usual that morning Nawangwulan to the barn which is located in the backyard to take rice
. When the rod is pulling rice straw is left a bit of it , Nawangwulan felt his hand holding
something soft . Out of curiosity , Nawangwulan continue to draw the object . Nawangwulan
instantly pale face stared recently successfully achieved . Angel dress and red shawl .. ! !

Various feelings raged in his heart . Nawangwulan felt himself deceived by Jake Tarub which
has now become her husband . He apparently did not expect people who stole his heart is
Jake Tarub . Soon the desire that never goes out of his heart became so strong .
Nawangwulan wanted to go home , heaven .Tarub afternoon when Jake returned to his home
, he did not find Nawangsih Nawangwulan and their children . Jake Tarub looking
Nawangwulan he shouted , which was nevertheless sought to answer . The sun was already
sinking. Jake Tarub suddenly standing in the yard saw something floating towards him . He
watched for a moment .

Jake Tarub stunned . A few moments later he turned he saw was recognized that holding
Nawangwulan Nawangsih . Nawangwulan looks very pretty with fairy outfit complete with a
shawl . Jake Tarub felt himself shaking . He did not think that Nawangwulan rediscovered
bidadarinya clothes . This means that the secret has been uncovered .

" How could you do this to me Jake Tarub ? " , Nawangwulan asked in a sad tone . " I'm
sorry Nawangwulan " , the only words that could be spoken Jake Tarub . He looks very sorry
. Nawangwulan can feel how Jake Tarub helpless in front of him .

"Now you have to bear the consequences of your actions Tarub Jake " , said Nawangwulan . "
I will go back to heaven because I am a real angel. I do not belong here " , he continued . Jake
Tarub not answer . He resigned Nawangwulan decision .

"You have to take care of themselves Nawangsih . From this moment we are not married
anymore , "said Nawangwulan firmly . He was handed over to hug Jake Tarub Nawangsih .
The little boy was still fast asleep . He did not realize that soon she would leave him .

" Whatever your fault me Jake Tarub , Nawangsih still my son. If he wants to see me one day
, burn the rice straw , then I 'll go down to see him , " said Nawangwulan face staring
Nawangsih . " Only one condition, you should not be together Nawangsih when I see him .
Let him alone near the rice straw is burned , "continued Nawangwulan .

Jake Tarub with great sadness hold . He wanted to look tough . After Jake Tarub stating its
ability not to meet again with Nawangwulan , the bidadaripun flew himself and Nawangsih .
Jake Tarub could only stare at the departure Nawangwulan clutching Nawangsih . Truly
unforgivable mistake . Nothing else he can do right now than treating Nawangsih well as
messages Nawangwulan.

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Bawang
Merah Dan Bawang Putih

A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful
teenage girl named garlic . They are a happy family . Although garlic dad just ordinary
traders , but they live in harmony and peace . But one day ill mother garlic and eventually
died . Garlic is grieving so did his father .

In the village lived a widow who also has a son named Bawang Merah . Since mother died
Garlic , Shallots mother often visited the house of Garlic . He often brought food , helped
clean the house garlic or simply accompany Garlic and her father chatted . Garlic father
finally thought that it might be better if he just married the mother Onion , Garlic not so
lonely anymore .

In consideration of the garlic , then the father is married to the mother Garlic onion .
Originally mother onion and shallots to garlic is very good . But over time they begin to seem
true nature . They often scold garlic and give him regular work if dad Garlic 're going to trade
. Garlic should be doing all the housework , while Onion and his mother just sitting around .
Garlic father of course did not know it , because garlic is never told .

One day Garlic father fell ill and later died . Since that time his mother Onion and more
powerful and arbitrarily to Garlic . Garlic is almost never rested . He had to get up before
dawn to prepare breakfast for the water bath and Onion and his mother . Then he has to feed
livestock , watering gardens and washing clothes to the river . And he still had to iron , clean
the house , and many other jobs . However Garlic always do his job , because he hopes one
day his stepmother would love her like his own child .

This morning as usual Garlic carrying basket of clothes to be washed in the river . With a
little singing her down a path at the edge of a small forest usual path. The day was very sunny
. Garlic immediately wash all the dirty clothes he was carrying . Because of too much fun ,
Garlic bahwasalah unaware of the dress has been washed away . Unfortunately the clothes
are washed away her stepmother 's favorite shirt . When I realized it , his stepmother clothes
had been washed away too far . Try the garlic down the river to look for it, but could not find
it. In desperation, he returned home and told his mother .

" Basic careless ! " Snapped the stepmother . " I do not want to know , just you have to find
something to wear it ! And do not dare go home if you have not found it . Understand ? "

Garlic is forced to obey the wishes overlying half . He immediately wash down the river
where he was . Mataharisudah began to rise , but garlic has not found her clothes . She put up
her eyes , carefully examined every root panhandle that juts into the river , who knows her
clothes stuck there . After stepping away and the sun was already leaning to the west , Garlic
saw a shepherd who was bathing buffalo . Garlic then asked : " O my good uncle , if uncle
saw a red shirt that float through here ? Because I had to find and bring him home . " " Yes I
had seen my son . If you chase quickly , maybe you can catch him , " said the uncle .

" Well uncle , thank you ! " Said Garlic and immediately ran back down . It was getting dark ,
Garlic was getting desperate . Soon the night would arrive , and Garlic . From a distance it
looks light coming from a shack on the banks of the river . Garlic immediately approached
the house and knocked." Excuse me ... ! " Garlic said . An old woman opened the door ."
Who are you , kid ? " Asked the old woman .

" My Grandma Garlic . Just now I was looking for my mother's clothes were washed away .
And now benighted . Can I stay here tonight ? "Asked Garlic ." Perhaps son. Are you looking
for clothes that are red ? " Said grandmother ." Yes Grandma. What ... grandmother found
him ? "Asked Garlic .

" Yes . The shirt was stuck in front of my house . Unfortunately, even though I liked the dress
, " said the grandmother. " Well I 'll give it back , but first you must accompany me here for a
week . I have not talked with anyone , how ? "Pleaded nenek.Bawang White thought for a
moment . The grandmother looked lonely . Garlic also feel pity . " Well Grandma , I will
accompany grandma for a week , as long as grandma does not get bored with me , " Garlic
says with a smile .

Garlic week-long stay with the grandmother . Garlic each day helps with housework
grandmother . Of course the old woman happy. Until finally even been a week , she called the
grandmother garlic ."Son , you 've lived here a week . And I'm glad that you are diligent and
dutiful son . According to my promise that you should bring clothes home mom . And
another thing, you may choose one of two pumpkins this as a gift ! "Said the grandmother
.Garlic initially refused to be rewarded but still forced her grandmother . Garlic eventually
chose the smallest pumpkin . " I am not afraid to take a big strong , " he said . Grandma
smiled and drove up to the house Garlic .At home , Garlic handed his stepmother 's red dress
while she went to the kitchen to split the yellow squash . Surprise, garlic when it split
pumpkin , gold jewels in it apparently contains very much . She screamed and was so excited
to tell this magical stepmother and red onion with langsun greedy grab the gold and gems .
They forced garlic to tell him how he could get the prize . Garlic also told the truth .

Hearing stories garlic , onion and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the onion
will do . In short shallots finally got old grandmother's house on the edge of the river . Such
as garlic , onion was asked to accompany him for a week . Unlike an avid garlic , onion
during the week just lazing . If anything that is done then the result is never good because it is
always done at random . Finally after a week grandmother that allow onions to go . " Should
not the grandmother gave me as a gift because the pumpkin with you for a week ? " Asked
onions . The grandmother had ordered onion choose one of the two pumpkins on offer .
Onion quickly take a large pumpkin and no thank him walked away .

When I got home to see his mom soon onion and pumpkin happily shows it carries. For fear
of garlic will ask for parts , they sent garlic to go to the river . Then they impatiently divide
the pumpkin . But it was not gold gems that came out of the pumpkin , but venomous animals
such as snakes , scorpions , and others. The animals were immediately attacked the onion and
her mother to death . That is the reward of those greedy .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Batu Putri

On a hill away from the village , there lived a widow Kalimantan region poor and a daughter .
The girl was very pretty dainty widow . But unfortunately , he had a very bad attitude . She
was very lazy, never helped her mother do the jobs home . It works just primp every day .
In addition to lazy, spoiled girl's attitude once . All requests must be obeyed . Every time he
asks something to the mother should be granted , regardless of the state of the poor mother ,
every day must toil for a bite of rice .

One day her mother asked her son down to the village to shop . The layout of the village
market so far , so they had to walk quite tiring . The girls walked strolled by wearing good
clothes and primp for people on the street who see it will be admiring her beauty . While his
mother walked behind , carrying a basket with a very dirty clothes . Because they live
secluded place , no one knew that the two women who run it are mother and son .
As they began to enter the village , the villagers stared at them . They were so fascinated by
the beauty of the girls , especially the village youth who do not get enough of looking at her
face . But when he saw people walking behind her , starkly contrasts the situation . It makes
people wonder .
Among those who saw it , a young man approached and asked her , " Hey , pretty girl . Is that
runs behind the mother? "
However , what the girls answer ?
" No, " she said loftily . " He was a servant ! "
Both mother and child were then continued on . Not how much , again approached the young
man and the girl asked the boy .
"Hi , sweetie . Is it your mother who runs behind you ? "
" No, no , " replied the girl with a cock of his head . " He is budakk ! "
That's every girl you meet someone along the way who asked about her mother , it is always
the answer . Her mother was treated as a servant or slave .
At first, the rebellious daughter to hear the answer if someone asked , the mother can still
help myself . But after repeatedly hearing the same answer , and that is very painful ,
eventually the poor mother could not help myself . The mother prayed .
" Oh my God , a servant can not take this insult . Child of the servant of the servant so how
could such a way to treat yourself . Yes , god punish the rebellious child ! Punish him .... "
On the power of God Almighty , her body slowly it turned to stone disobedient . The change
started from the foot . When the change has reached half of the body , the girl was crying for
mercy to his mother .
" Oh , Mom .. mom .. forgive me , forgive your son for this iniquity . Mom ... Mom ... forgive
your son .. " The girl continued to weep and plead with her mother to cry . However ,
everything was too late . The entire body of the girl eventually turned to stone . Despite being
rocks , but one can see that his eyes still shed tears , as was crying . Therefore, the stone that
comes from the girl who got her mother 's curse is called " Crying Stone " .

Such is the story shaped this legend , which by the local people believe that the story actually
happened . Whosoever disobeys mother who has given birth to and raise her , it would
certainly act laknatnya punishment from God Almighty

another version

Putri Wulan birth and different half- hour has had a sign from nature . Princess was born
amid the sudden weather change so badly , while his sister appears when the weather
improves .

Once they start growing , then look striking difference . Wulan moral gentle , patient , and
loving while the eldest daughter wastrel nan worrying .

Worried by the situation , Awang and daughter Sari put into a boarding school with the hope
that his son could be changed . Unfortunately, it was instead the daughter of behavior became
out of control and the owner of pesantren .

The climax occurs when Awang visiting suluangnya daughter , Princess negligence makes
the warehouse where he used to laze around on fire . Own daughter survived , but her father
is struggling to save her baby had suffered permanent physical disability .

Fear will be punished for his actions , daughter escape from school and fell into the Julig , a
shaman who wants to find a scapegoat head boy .

Apparently , the casualties will be used for the construction of a beachside resort in Darwin
run a conglomerate . Luckily, the pair appeared jin Ranggada beachfront dwellers and save
Princess once Sugari that killed Julig and Darwin .

When Awang and Sari made a loss for its existence to spend a lot of expenses , even life
daughter having fun on the court and Sugari Ranggada genie with a job as a companion
Elegant their only child .

Unfortunately though 've been spoiled by her adoptive parents , Princess misdeeds that have
been ingrained, can not be lost . Eventually married and Sugari jin Ranggada not take it
anymore , they expel jinn daughter out of the palace .

After being stranded and almost raped young scamp , also reunited with daughter Awang and
Wulan Sari and her sister . The meeting lasted touching because they have been separated for
more than 10 years .

Again peaceful atmosphere only lasted a moment , pleasure-loving daughter back because it
was used wallowing in luxury without care by parents who are threatened with bankruptcy .
His attitude is also very bad for the family . In addition to treating Wulan and her mother as a
maid, daughter also harassing a disabled father . In fact , Awang who tried to defend even
harmed Putri Wulan , who showed no remorse at all , to meet his death .

In the midst of family chaos and economic life increasingly helter - skelter , what happened
should not be avoided anymore . The mother finally lost patience see Princess deportment .
More fatal , anger this time is much more severe than the husband - wife jin Ranggada and
Sugari .

Mother unknowingly take an oath or curse . As a result , the Princess directly into a stone
statue that continues to shed water clear of the stone eyes . It is said that water is the tears of
regret that unfortunately came too late Princess.

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Putri

Below is a fairy tale mermaid . Happy reading .

It is said that the mermaid named Ariel . He is the God of the Sea princess named Triton . In
contrast to the inhabitants of the palace under the sea . Ariel prefers playing in the sea or on
the islands empty . While the inhabitants of the palace under the sea rather stay on the ocean
floor .

So often Ariel to the surface so that his father warned him the god of the sea .

" Ariel , you do not often surface to the sea . "

" What's wrong , father ? " asked Ariel .

" Do not tell me you 'll meet people , " said the god of the sea .

" Dad , what is and what man is ? "

" Ah ... you're this , you did not know , " murmured Lord of the Sea , " That in the ocean ,
especially in the mainland there are creatures called humans . "

" What they like us , dad ? "

" Yes , exactly like us or we are like them , it's just that most people are just evil and selfish. "

" What good nonexistent , father ? "

" Hmmm ... there also , but only a few people who are good . "
" Well , I was curious and wanted to meet people . "

" Huh ? Never Ariel ! " Sea god was shocked to hear her wishes .

" Why father ? "

" Do not kid, you 'll be damned ! " God of the Sea said earnestly , "You'd better play around
under the sea alone . "

" Ah ... my father , who would dare to hurt me ? I'm a daughter of a very powerful God of the
Sea . Daddy definitely would not stay silent if I harmed humans . "

" Ah , you are Ariel ! "

That mermaid Ariel is the prettiest of the many mermaids . Ariel age is still very young , only
seventeen . Like the flowers that are blooming .

One day Ariel sea surface . Incidentally not far from it there is a big ship . On top of the
beautiful decks that seem some people were playing music and dancing , suddenly staring at
Ariel view of a young man who was sitting watching her friends who were dancing .

" Come on Erik Prince , come dance with us , " asked someone who was dancing .

" Oh , it's a handsome young man called Erik , " Ariel murmured that they peek from under
the deck .

Suddenly a huge storm came accompanied by heavy rain and lightning were darting and
strong winds . Instantly the huge ship adrift like a paper boat alone . Erik Prince and his men
tried to keep the ship was not reversed . Greater storms and devastating craze . The ship
began to roll . Suddenly lightning mast crazy , " Kraaakkkk ! " and fracture mast override
powder keg .

Audible explosion . Erik Prince that was near the powder keg was thrown and the waves
washed menggelagak .

" Prince ... ! " Ariel yelled the young man's attention earlier. Prince Erik dragged the water , if
not quickly helped of course he would have died to the seabed .

Ariel fast acting , grabbed Prince Eric and pulled to the surface . While holding Erik Prince ,
the beautiful mermaid swim to shore .

Erik Prince while still unconscious , Ariel tried to remove water from the young man's
stomach . Then he stroked the head of Prince Eric . Without realizing it , Ariel is actually
interested and in love with Prince Eric . He really wants to be with Prince Eric in the human
world .

At that time Prince Eric almost unconscious , he had started to open eyes and wonder when a
beautiful face and a delicate hand stroked his head . At the same time Ariel hear Erik Prince 's
men came .
" I must hurry away before known to man , " Ariel said as she quickly threw herself into the
sea . Ariel back to the palace under the sea . He was once cheerful is now turning into a
recluse, he often daydream .

A few days later , God of the Sea caught her daydreaming , " Well , do not you ... , " his voice
suddenly Ariel awaken from my reverie .

" Is what true , Dad ? "

" You're starting to be affected by humans , is not it ? "

" Beb ... true father . "

" Well ... well ... , you must have been exposed to the magic of the man . "

" Magic ? There dad , maybe ... maybe I 'm in love . I always wanted to meet and close by his
side . "
That the Sea Gods will finally understand her situation was falling in love. But look around
his half- human half- fish , it is so pessimistic that her son will be able to live with Erik
Prince .

" But I have Heirloom Pearl Gods right ? " Ariel said then .

God is leading pearl heirloom Sea Gods . Volume there are only three . Sea god gave two to
Ariel , one for preparing underwater palace . Pearl first if swallowed useful to transform the
body into human mermaid fully intact for two years. Pearls second to raise the dead because
of toxicity.

After swallowing pearl Ariel first transformed into a beautiful girl and beautiful , then release
Ariel Sea Lord to meet Prince Erik .

Ariel back to the island to help Prince Erik empty place . At the same time Erik Prince is also
in place.

"You ... you surely girl to ever help me ?

" How earl know ? " asked Ariel .

"I could see your face before you go . Upon returning to the palace could not sleep because I
always thought of you and want to meet you. Now ... after we met , I turn to my my wife will
you ? "

" Oh prince , I'm just a girl herself . Both of my parents are in the ocean . "

" You mean your parents dead ? Enough does not matter, let's follow me to the royal palace .

Thus , Ariel finally get married and live happy with Erik Prince . But they got married new
year , there is a daughter of jealousy over their happiness . Since old daughter fell in love
with Tera Erik Prince . He was not willing that Erik Prince Ariel snapped .
Tera one day put poison in food Ariel , but given the poison food stuck eaten by Erik Prince .
Erik Prince , then died the young . The whole palace Geger . Ariel is accused of being the
killer .

"The policy is not clear origins girl , could you kill the man himself ? " Princess Tera attack
in front of many people .

Ariel now remember the advice his father that the human world is full of violence and
defamation . It has now learned that her daughter would like to grab it, but never
menggubrisnya Erik Prince .

Firmly and loudly , Ariel said , " I am not going to poison my husband . I know who the
culprit is . Treat my husband I will do , so that he knows the truth about who poisoned him . "

Tera Princess Ariel listened shaking . Ariel does not matter , it entered a second Pearl deity .
Then he kiss her face , having satisfied it said , "Farewell my husband , our world was
different . I always love you . "

Before Prince Erik aware , Ariel was running toward the beach . And there was his father the
Sea God was waiting for him with a car, " Come, my boy, we return to our own world . "

So touch the ocean , Ariel changing body ceases to be a mermaid .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Keong Mas

Once upon a time in ancient times there lived a young man named Galoran . He was among
those who respected for his parents wealth and rank . However Galoran very lazy and
wasteful . Day-to- day work only squander possessions parents , even when his parents died
he more often dissipate. Therefore, over time the parents are finished treasure .
However do not make a conscious Galoran too , even time spent with just laze around and
walk around . Iba villagers see it . But every time someone offers him a job , Galoran just eat
and sleep alone without going to do the work. But eventually galoran levied by a wealthy
widow to be his friend . This makes Galoran very happy ; " Shoots beloved side dish arrived
" , so thought Galoran .
The widow has a daughter who is very diligent and clever weaving , Jambean name .
Jambean woven so well known throughout the village up . However Galoran stepson hated it
, because often scolds Jambean always lazy .

Galoran hatred so deep , to bear its own planned the murder of his stepson . Sharply he said
to his wife : " Hi , Nyai , really dare Jambean me . Dare he advised parents ! Shall it ? " "
Patience , Brother . Jambean not mean bad against brother ' cajoled his wife . " I know why
he acts rude to me , so I'm going to leave this house ! " melototkan her again as she cried her
eyes . " Do not be so kak , Jambean sister just reminded that want to work " according to his
wife attempt to relieve his anger . " Ah .. crap . Anyway now you have to choose .. me or
your son ! " Thus Galoran threatening .

Jambean distressed mother . The mother cried day and night because her confused . She
wailed : " To be your father abused me jambean . Jambean my son , let's come here boy " she
cried softly . "I'll mak , stay slight weaving " replied Jambean . " Well done already " he cried
again . Jump Jambean get his mother who is grieving . " Why Ma grieve alone ," he asked
with compassion . Then diceritakanlah plan Jambean father who plans to kill Jambean .
Jambean sadly , he said: " Never mind mak do not get upset , let me meet the wishes of the
father . Truth will finally be happy mak " . " But my message is only one mother , if I had
killed my father planted my body but do not throw it to the dam " he replied . With a very sad
mother was nodding . Jambean was eventually killed by his stepfather and mother Jambean
demand dumped his body in the dam . With magical torso and head Jambean turned into
shrimp and snails , or also called snail in Javanese language.

In the village of widows Dadapan two brothers named mBok Sambega Rondo and Rondo
mBok Sembadil . Both the widow was living with a very needy and earns a meager living
collecting wood and taro leaves . One day the brothers went to close the dam to look for taro
leaves . Very stunned they saw shrimp and snails are golden brown . " How beautiful shrimp
and snails was " exciting mBok Rondo Sambega " Look how beautiful the color of his skin ,
golden yellow . Want me to keep " he cried again . " Well so beautiful , we just bring it home
shrimp and snails " said Rondo mBok Sembadil . Then picked up the shrimp and snails to
take home . The shrimp and snails then they put them in a clay jar in the kitchen . Since they
maintain the golden shrimp and snails they also life changing . Especially every after
returning to work , the kitchen has available side dishes and the house to be very neat and
clean . Mbok Sambega Rondo and Rondo mBok Sembadil also feel amazed with the things.
Until one day they plan to find out who the hell do these things .

One day they went to look for the usual wood and taro leaves , they pretend to leave and then
after walking some distance they slip right back into the kitchen . From the kitchen came the
sound of rustling , the brothers soon peek and see a gorgeous girl out of clay jars containing
shrimp and Keong Emas their pet . "Of course he is the incarnation of the golden snail and
shrimp " whispered mBok Sambega to mBok Rondo Rondo Sembadil . "Let's catch before it
was transformed back into a prawn and Keong Emas " whispered mBok Sembadil Rondo .
Slowly they entered the kitchen , and the arrest of the girl who is cool to cook it . " Tell me
quickly nak , who the hell you were" urged mBok Rondo Sambega " Bidadarikah you ? " he
said again . " not Mak , my man that was murdered and dumped by my parents , then I
transformed into shrimp and snails " Jambean said softly . " Jambean moved to hear the story
the two brothers finally take Keong Emas as their foster child . since the Keong Emas helped
the brothers with the weave . weave very beautiful and nice so terkenallah stretcher woven
throughout the country , and two brothers widow became increasingly wealthy of the day to
day .

The woven arrived in the capital of the kingdom . The young king was very interested in
artificial woven Jambean or the Golden Snail . Finally the king decided to review its own
manufacture woven and left the kingdom in the guise of cloth merchants . Finally the king
knew about the Golden Conch , and is excited by the beauty and craft Keong Emas . The king
commissioned the brothers to bring Jambean or Keong Emas to go to the kingdom and to
woo the Golden Snail to be queen . How happy the two brothers widow .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Kera, Ayam
dan Kepiting

In days of old , a chicken tersebutlah friends with a monkey . But the friendship did not last
long , because the behavior of monkeys . The monkeys in an evening invites the chicken for a
walk. When evening came the monkeys start to feel hungry . Then it began to catch the
chicken and feathers mencabuti . The hen struggled with all his might . Finally , it can escape.

It ran for dear life . Fortunately, not far from where it is the abode of the Crab . The Crab is a
perfect companion for him. With haste they went into the residence hole Crab . There, he was
welcomed with joy . The Crab past recounts all the events he experienced , including the
treachery of the Apes .

Hearing this finally the crabs do not receive the treatment monkeys . It said , " let us give
lessons ape who knows the meaning of friendship. " Then he put together to investigate the
Apes memperdayai . They finally agreed that it will invite the monkeys to go sailing across
the island full of fruit . But will they adopt boat is homemade boat out of clay .

Then the Chicken invites the monkeys to sail to the island opposite . With the greedy
monkeys immediately approve the solicitation . A few days ago , began their journey . When
the boat reached the middle of the sea , they then berpantun . The Rooster crowing "I drown
ho ! " The Crab replied, " Wait until the once !"
Each time said so then the hen - pecker mencotok boat. Finally they came leaking boat and
sank . The Crab with fists dive into the sea. The hen flying to the ground easily . Stay Si
monkeys struggling for help . Because he could not swim drowned end it already .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Kancil Si
Pencuri Timun

Hot afternoon . The sun shone fierce . But it does not really perceived by the hare . He was
fast asleep under a shady tree . Suddenly sweet dreams interrupted . "Help! Help!" Heard
shouts and screams over and over again . Then came the sound of marching feet were animals
running around . "What is it , anyway ? " said the Mouse Deer . His eyes blinked , felt heavy
to be opened because it is still sleepy . In the distance a bunch of animals running toward him
. " Fire ! Fire ! " Cried the Goat . " Let's run , Cil ! There was a fire in the woods ! " It's true .
The thick smoke soared into the sky . Frightened deer seen . He immediately got up and ran
after her friends .

Deer kept running . Well, his run too fast . Yes , although smallish mouse deer , but he can
run fast . Unnoticed , Mouse Deer ran away , leaving his friends . " Oh , my breathing feels
exhausted , " the hare stopped panting , and sat down to rest . " Right, where other animals ? "
Although the hare happy to have escaped the danger , he suddenly felt scared . " Well , I was
where now ? Apparently never here . " Deer running while observing the surrounding area . "
Wow , I'm lost . Myself again . How is this ? '7 hare getting scared and confused . " Lord,
save me . "

Deer continued to explore the forest that has never been passed. Imperceptibly , he arrived at
the edge of the forest . He saw a field belonging to Mr. Farmer . "The field of vegetables and
fruits ? Oh , thank goodness . Thank you , God , " hare 's eyes widened . The field is full of
vegetables and fruits are ready for harvest . Wow , great fun! " Incidentally ya , I was thirsty
and hungry , " said Mouse Deer while swallowing saliva . " My throat felt too dry . And my
stomach was growling to be filled . Eat first , ah . "

With no sin , mouse deer devouring vegetables and fruits that exist in the field . Well, sorry
Mr. Farmer . He must be mad if you see this happening . Kancil so bad , huh ? " Hmm , very
delicious , " said Mouse Deer , rubbing his stomach that glut . " If every day a party like this ,
definitely fun . " Once satisfied , hare lay down under a shady tree . The breeze is blowing ,
made him sleepy . " Oahem , I so wanted to sleep again , " said Mouse Deer , yawning .
Naughty animal finally fell asleep , continued his nap disturbed because of fire in this forest .
Oh, slept so soundly , until the sound of snoring . KRR ... KRR ... krrr ...

When you wake up the next morning , hare was hungry again . " Oh, the party continued
again, here , " said the hare to himself . " This time I'm picky once , ah . Anyone know was
my favorite cucumber . " Hare then walked around the broad field of Farmer 's . " Wow , that
she was looking for ! " Hare exclaimed happily . " Hmm , timunnya look so fresh .
Besarbesar again ! Gee , ya definitely tasty . " Direct deer ate the cucumber to the full . "
Wow , delicious cucumber breakfast , " said the hare with a satisfied smile . Today it was
already daylight . Then the hare back under a shady tree to rest .

Farmer shocked when he saw his field . " Well , my cucumber field so why mess - so , " Mr.
Farmer said grimly . " Action who , yes ? Surely there are vicious new pests . Or might there
be a bad boy or a hungry beast that stole my cucumber ? " Field of the cucumber is really a
mess . Many trees were damaged cucumber trampled . And many pieces of cucumber that
littered the ground . 7 @ Well , be careful, yes , if you get caught ! " Muttered Mr. Farmer
wagging his scythe . " My cucumber harvest so messy . " Then all day long Farmer busy
straightening back field that was messy .

From the place of his rest , Mouse Deer Farmer 's continued attention . "Well , he certainly
called Mr. Farmer , " said Mouse Deer to himself . " His mustache may also . Thick , ' black ,
and curved upward . 's Funny . Hi ... hi ... hi .... Previous hare had never met the man . But he
often heard stories about Mr. Farmer from friends her . " Oh , really old Farmer yes , " said
the hare . Yeah , he's been waiting a long time . Spot the hare wants to eat cucumber again .
Apparently he hooked eat the fresh cucumber . Later that day , Mr. Farmer home while
carrying baskets of cucumbers on his shoulder . He came home while complaining , because
the harvest is to be reduced . and the time is up for re-arrange the field that was messy . " Ah ,
finally arrived when I was waiting for , " hare got up and walked to the fields . unruly beast
the back feasting on cucumbers Mr. Farmer .

The next day , Mr. Farmer furious and angry mess again see his farm . " Truly outrageous ! "
Exclaimed Mr. Farmer as she clenched her fist . " It turns out other plants are also damaged
and stolen . " Mr. Farmer kneeling on the ground , to record the thief. " Hmm , definitely
animal thief , " said Mr. Farmer . " Human footprints do not like this shape. " The poor farm
owner was determined to catch the thief. " I had to make a trap to catch him ! " So Mr.
Farmer immediately leave the field . Arriving at his house , he made a doll that resembles
humans . Then he rubbed the field doll with sticky jackfruit sap !

Farmer returned to the fields . The scarecrow in the middle of installing a cucumber field . It
looked just like the people who were on guard . Oversized clothes flapping in the breeze .
While head wearing hat , like yours Mr. Farmer . " Well, it seems Mr. Farmer is not alone
anymore , " said Mouse Deer , who watch from a distance . " He came with his friend . But
why her friend did not say anything , and Mr. Farmer left her alone in the middle of the field
? " Hare waiting for the departure of long time friend Mr. Farmer . Finally she could not
stand . " Ah , I'd better get there , " said Mouse Deer decide . "At the same apologized for
stealing cucumbers Farmer . Anyone know I was even given free cucumber . "

" Excuse me , sir , " regrets hare in front orangorangan the field . " I'm the one who has stolen
the Farmer cucumber . Stomach and I was hungry . Bapak not angry , are you? " Of saj , a
scarecrow field did not answer . Hare repeatedly apologized . But the puppets remained silent
. His smiling face , looks like a mock hare . " Huh , so arrogant ! " hare exclaimed angrily . "
I'm sorry I really did not say anything . Fact smirked . Hilarious Who does what ? " he
grumbled . Hare finally had enough. Ditinjunya orangorangan the field with the right hand .
BuUuk ! Why, why can not hand drawn ? Ditinjunya again with his left hand . BuUuk ! Well,
now both hands firmly attached to the body of the doll . "Let go of my hand ! " Cried the hare
j single . "If not , I kick you ! " BuUuk ! Kancil feet now instead attached also in the body of
a scarecrow . " Oh , how is this ? "

In the afternoon , Mr. Tani returned to the fields . " Well , here's the thief ! " Mr. Farmer
pleased to see the trap was successful . " Apparently you have damage and steal my
cucumber field . " Mr. Farmer laughed when releasing mouse deer . " He said deer animal
cunning , " sneered Mr. Farmer . " But why not be fooled by the puppets field . Ha ... ha ... ha
.... " hare resigned only when brought home Farmer . She was locked in a chicken coop . But
the hare was shocked when Mr. Farmer told his wife to prepare satay seasoning . "I have to
go out tonight I j uga " hare determination . If not , I'm finished . " At night, when the whole
house was asleep , calling hare dog , the guard house . " Shhh ... Dog , come here ,
"whispered hare . " Introducing, I hare . New pet Farmer . Do you know ? Tomorrow I will
be invited to attend a party at the Farmer house of Mr Headman . Fun , huh ? "

Dog shocked . "What I could not believe that I 've long with Mr Tani had not been asked to
go . Uh , actually you are invited . " Deer smiled knowingly . " Well , it's up to if you do not
believe . See it tomorrow ! I'm not lying ! " Dogs apparently unaffected by the words of the
Kancil . He requested that the hare persuade Farmer to mengajakn- go party. " Okay , I 'll try
to persuade Mr. Farmer , " promises hare . " But tonight you have to accompany me to sleep
in a chicken coop . How ? " Dogs agree with the hare bid . He immediately opened the cage
door latch , and entered . Deftly , hare quickly out of the cage . " Thank you , " said Mouse
Deer back , closing the door latch . "I'm sorry , you know , I was forced to lie . Say hello yes ,
for Mr. Farmer . And please pass on my apology to him . " Deer immediately ran from the
house of Mr Tani . The poor dog just realized the truth when the hare has disappeared .

Clever hare , turn out easily fooled by Mr. Farmer . That is why we should not be arrogant .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda
Roro Jonggrang

Once, long ago there was a great kingdom named Prambanan . Tenteran and its people live
peacefully . But , what happens then ? Prambanan kingdom was attacked and occupied by
foreign Pengging . Prambanan kingdom tranquility be disturbed . The soldiers are not able to
deal with attacks Pengging troops . Finally , Prambanan kingdom ruled by Pengging , and led
by Bondowoso .

Bondowoso a bossy cruelly . " Anyone who does not do what I say , will be severely
punished " , said Bondowoso on people. Bondowoso is a powerful force and have the genie .
Not long in power , Bondowoso love watching the movements of Loro Jonggrang , daughter
of the King of his beautiful Prambanan . " Beautiful nian 's daughter . Permaisuriku I want
him to be , " thought Bondowoso .

The next day , close to Loro Jonggrang Bondowoso . "You're so beautiful , will you be
Permaisuriku ? " , Tanya Bondowoso to Loro Jonggrang . Loro Jonggrang flinched , hearing
Bondowoso question . " This man once presumptuous , not to know me immediately wanted
me to be his queen ," said Loro Jongrang in the liver . " What should I do ? " . Loro
Jonggrang into confusion . Her mind was spinning . If he refuses , then it will Bondowoso
furious and endanger his family and the people of Prambanan . To say yes would be
impossible , because the Loro Jonggrang did not like Bondowoso .

" How , Loro Jonggrang ? " Bondowoso insisted . Loro Jonggrang finally get the idea . " I'm
willing to be your wife , but there are conditions , " he said . " What are the conditions ? Want
treasures galore ? Or a magnificent palace ? " . " No, my lord , said Loro Jonggrang . I asked
for the temple , the amount should be a thousand pieces . " Thousand pieces ? "Cried
Bondowoso . " Yes , and the temple was to be completed in a single night . " Loro Jonggrang
Bondowoso stare , his lips trembled hold anger . Bondowoso Since that time thinking about
how to make 1000 temples . Finally he asked his advisors . " I believe my master bias makes
the temple with the help of Jin ! " , said counsel . "Yes , that's right you suggest , prepare the
equipment I needed ! "Once the equipment at the ready . Bondowoso standing in front of the
altar stone . Stretched his arms out wide . " Troops jin , Please help me ! " he shouted in a
booming voice . Shortly thereafter , the sky became dark . The wind howled . A moment later
, the troops had gathered Bondowoso jin . " What should we do sir ? " , Said the leader of the
jinn . " Help me build a thousand temples , " pleaded Bondowoso . The genie immediately
move to and fro , carrying out their respective duties . In a short time the temple was
composed almost reached a thousand pieces .

Meanwhile , Loro Jonggrang quietly observe from a distance . He was anxious , knowing
Bondowoso genie aided by troops . " Well , what about this ? " Said Loro Jonggrang in the
liver . He was looking for a reason . The royal ladies got together and sent them assigned to
collect straw . " Quickly burn all the hay ! " Loro Jonggrang command . Most other ladies
sent them to pound the mortar . Dung ... dung ... dung ! Radiating red tinge to the sky with
the sound of the hustle and bustle , so much like the breaking dawn .

Jin forces thought dawn was breaking. " Well , the sun will rise ! " exclaimed the genie . "
We should get going before the sun burned our bodies , " said another genie . The genie is
scattered left the place . Bondowoso was surprised to see the panic jin forces .

The next , Loro Jonggrang Bondowoso invite to the temple . " The temple which you
requested has been standing ! " . Loro Jonggrang immediately calculate the number of the
temple . It turned out there were only 999 pieces ! . " The amount is less than one ! " Loro
Jonggrang exciting . "That host has failed to meet the requirements that I asked " .
Bondowoso surprised to learn that deficiency . He became very angry . " No way ... " , said
Bondowoso glowering at Loro Jonggrang . "Then you are complete ! " he said while pointing
his finger at Loro Jonggrang . Magic ! Loro Jonggrang instantly turned into a stone statue .
Until now these temples are still there , and is located in Prambanan area , Central Java and
called Loro Jonggrang .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Lutung

Prabu Tapa Agung pointed Purbasari , youngest daughter as a replacement . " I'm getting too
old , time for me to step down , " said Prabu Tapa .

Purbasari has an older brother named Purbararang . He appointed his brother disagreed
replace their father . " I Eldest daughter , father should choose me as his successor , "
grumbled Purbararang her fiance called Indrajaya . Kegeramannya who already have
intentions to harm him culminated sister . He met a witch to spell Purbasari . Purbasari witch
's spell that right then Purbasari skin suddenly became black Popcorn . Purbararang so had no
reason to evict his brother . " People who cursed as he does not deserve to be a queen ! "
Purbararang said .

Then he sent a regent for Purbasari exile to the forest . Arriving in the duke forest still kind
enough to make a hut for Purbasari . He also advised Purbasari , " Be brave lady. Ordeal will
surely end , the Almighty will surely be with Princess " . " Thank you uncle ," said Purbasari .
While in the forest he had many friends that animals were always good to him . Among these
animals there is a mysterious black hairy ape . But ape the most attention to Purbasari .
Purbasari monkey Kasarung always encouraging to get beautiful flowers and fruits with his
friends .

At the time of the full moon night , monkey Kasarung acting strange . He walked to a quiet
place and meditate . He was begged something to the Gods . This proves that the monkey
Kasarung not unusual creatures . Not long afterwards , the land near the monkey broke and
created a small lake , the water is crystal clear . The water contains a drug that is very
fragrant .The next day Kasarung monkey see Purbasari and asked him to bathe in the lake . "
What's in it for me ? " , Thought Purbasari . But he was willing to oblige . Shortly after he
threw himself . Something happened to her skin . His skin became clean as before and he
became beautiful again . Purbasari very surprised and excited when he ditelaga the mirror .
In the palace , Purbararang decided to see his sister in the woods . He went with his fiancee
and the guards . When they reached the forest , he finally met his brother and looked at each
other . Purbararang could not believe her sister back to normal . Purbararang do not want to
lose face , he took a long shootout Purbasari hair . " Who is the longest hair he has won ! " ,
Said Purbararang . Purbasari initially did not want to , but because he continues to serve his
brother urged . Purbasari hair turns out to be longer.

" Well I lost , but now let's shoot our handsome fiance , 's fiance ' , said he approached the
Indrajaya Purbararang . Purbasari became restless and confused . Finally she looked , and
pulled his hand Kasarung monkey . Kasarung monkey jumping up and down as if to calm
Purbasari . Purbararang laugh , " So the monkey 's fiance? " .

At that moment meditating monkey Kasarung soon . Suddenly there was a miracle . Kasarung
monkey turn into a handsome young man looking extremely dashing , more than Indrajaya .
All surprised to see it as he cheered . Purbararang finally admitted defeat and guilt over this .
He apologized to his brother and begged not to be punished . Purbasari kindly forgive them .
After the incident they all eventually returned to the palace .

Purbasari be a queen , accompanied by a young man of her dreams . The young man who
apparently has always been with him in the woods in the shape of a monkey .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Si Pitung

Pitung is a pious young man from Rawa Belong . He diligently studied the Koran in Haji
Naipin . Finished learning the Koran he was trained in martial arts . After years of religious
knowledge and the ability to master the martial increased.

At that time the Dutch were colonized Indonesia . Pitung pitied the plight experienced by
young people . Meanwhile , kumpeni ( the name for the Netherlands ) , a group of employer
and the landlord lives wallowing in luxury . Homes and their fields guarded by thugs who
ferociously .

With the assistance of his friends of the Rais and Jii , Pitung began planning the robbery of
the employer and the wealthy landlords . Rampokannya results were distributed to the poor .
In front of a starving family home laid Sepikul rice . Families who wrapped it provides
compensation payable moneylenders . And orphaned children parcel dikiriminya clothes and
other gifts .

Pitung success and his friends because of two things . First , it has a high martial arts and
dikhabarkan they are immune to bullets . Second , people do not want to tell where Pitung is
now . However, the robbery victim Pitung rich with kumpeni always trying to persuade
people to open my mouth .

Kumpeni also use violence to force people to testify . One day , kumpeni and wealthy
landlords managed to get information about family Pitung . So they seized both her parents
and the Hajj Naipin . With a heavy ordeal finally they get the information about where and
confidential Pitung are immune .

Armed with all that information , police were ambushed Pitung kumpeni . Of course Pitung
and his friends fight . But unfortunately , information about the immune secret Pitung already
open . He was pelted with rotten eggs and shot . Thus he was killed seketika.Meskipun to
Jakarta , Pitung still regarded as a defender of the common people.

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Manik

In earlier times in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin who benama very famous Sidi
Mantra miracle . Trance Guru rewarded Widya or property and a beautiful wife . After many
years of marriage , they had a son who they named Manik Angkeran .

Although Manik Angkeran a handsome and intelligent young man but he had a poor trait ,
which is like gambling . He often risked losing so he had his parents' property , even in debt
to someone else . Because it can not pay debts , Manik Angkeran father asked for help to do
something . Sidi Mantra fasted and prayed to the gods for help . Suddenly he heard a voice ,
"Hi , Sidi Mantra , in the crater of Mount Agung there are guarded treasure dragon dragon
name Besukih . Go there and ask that he wants give little treasure . "

Sidi Mantra go to Mount Agung to overcome all obstacles . Arriving at the edge of the crater
of Mount Agung , he sat cross-legged . He rang the bell while reciting mantras and call on the
name Dragon Besukih . Not long then utilized the dragon out . After hearing intentions Sidi
Mantra , Dragon Besukih squirm and scales out of gold and diamonds . After saying thank
you , Sidi Mantra excused himself . All property that gets given to Manik Angkeran the hope
he will not gamble anymore . Of course not long after , the treasure was gone for a bet .
Manik Angkeran once again enlist the help of his father . Sidi Mantra of course refused to
help his child .

Manik Angkeran heard from a friend that the property was obtained from Mount Agung .
Manik Angkeran know to get there he had to cast a spell , but he never learned about prayer
and mantra . So , he just took the bell that was stolen from his father when his father sleep .

After arriving at the crater of Mount Agung , Manik Angkeran gentanya ring . He is not
playing scared when he saw the Dragon Besukih . After hearing intentions Manik Dragon
Angkeran , he said , " I will give you treasures that you ask , but you have to promise to
change your behavior . Do not gamble anymore . Remember the law of karma . "
By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"
Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda
Danau Si Lancang
Once tersebutlah a story,
Kampar area in ancient times the Lancang live with his mother . They live with the very poor
.they both
worked as a laborer.

To improve his life , then The Lancang intend wander . One day he asked permission of the
mother and the teacher ngajinya . His mother was advised that in the future shoreline Si
Lancang always remember the mother and her hometown . His mother advised that The
Lancang not be disobedient child.
The Lancang is also a promise to his mother . The moment her mother was moved to his
knees to worship Lancang ask blessings . His mother provided him a pack of lumping dodak ,
cake craze Si Lancang.
After years of wandering , apparently The Lancang very lucky . He became a wealthy
merchant . He has dozens of merchant ships . Dikhabarkan he had seven wives . They all
come from a wealthy merchant family . While his mother , still living in Kampar in a very
poor state.

One day , The Lancang sailed to Andalas . The voyage he brought his wife to seven .
Together they brought too fancy supplies and tools in the form of musical entertainment .
When docked in Kampar , the musical instruments sounded boisterous . Meanwhile silk
fabrics and a variety of gold and silver ornaments held . Everything was prepared to give the
impression of luxury and wealth Lancang Si .
The news of the arrival of Lancang heard by his mother . With compassion , he rushed to
greet the arrival of the only child . Because of poverty , he only wore an old shawl , sarong
kebaya worn and patched . With the courage she rose to her luxury decks Si Lancang.

So said that he was his mother Si Lancang , no sailor ever believe . With a ballpark he drove
the old lady . But she did not want to leave . He insisted to be reunited with his son Si
Lancang . The situation caused a commotion.

Heard a noise on deck , Si Lancang accompanied by his wife came to the place seventh . How
shocked he was when the woman saw that tattered that it was his mother expelled . Lancang
's mother said, " How dare you ... my son ? Oh ... what a longing heart to you Ma . Hearing
the greeting , the Lancang congkaknya dismissed . Son even this ungodly scream , " Where
could I have a mother like you poor woman . Sailor ! expel this crazy woman . "

This poor mother finally came home with a feeling devastated . Arriving at the house , and
then he took his inheritance . Heirloom in the form of a mortar and a pestle rice nyiru . As he
prayed , the mortar and screened - swivel - kibaskannya dikibas nyiru inheritance . He also
said , " My Lord ... punish the child of sin . "

In an instant , a hurricane came down . The storm blows so fierce that in the blink of
destroying merchant ships belonging Si Lancang . Not just ship it shattered , his property also
flew everywhere . Silk fabric hovering and falling into foreign Fold fabric located in Kampar
Kiri . Gong and thrown into a river Kampar Kanan Oguong . Tembikarnya drifted into
Pasubilah . The mast of the ship while the Lancang thrown up to get in a lake called Lake Si
Lancang .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Cindelaras
Raden Putra was the king of the Kingdom Jenggala . He was accompanied by a consort of a
kind and his beautiful concubine . However , the concubine of King Raden Putra has
properties envy and jealousy against the empress . He devised a bad to the empress . "
Supposedly , I became empress . I had to find a way to get rid of the empress , " he thought .
Concubine of the king , conspired with a royal physician . He pretends to be ill . Royal
physician immediately summoned . The doctors said that there was someone who had put
poison in the drink princess . " That man is none other than his own consort Majesty , " said
the physician . Majesty was angry to hear the explanation royal physician . He immediately
ordered his assistance to get rid of the empress to the forest .
The governor immediately bring the pregnant queen into the wilderness . But , a wise
governor would not kill him . Apparently the governor already know the king's concubine
malice . " The princess does not have to worry , I will report to the king that the princess was
killed servant , " said the governor . To trick the king , the duke smeared his sword with
rabbit blood were captured . Bear king satisfied when the governor reported that he had killed
the empress .
After a few months of being in the woods , the child was born empress . The infant was given
the name Cindelaras . Cindelaras grow into a child who is smart and handsome . Since
childhood he had been friends with the animal inhabitants of the forest . One day , when it
was playing , an eagle dropped an egg . " Hmm , good eagle once . Eggs he accidentally gave
it to me . " After 3 weeks , the eggs hatch . Cindelaras diligently maintains chicks . The
chicks grow into a cock nice and strong . But there is one oddity . The sound of a rooster
crowing it's absolutely stunning ! " ... My lord Kukuruyuk Cindelaras , his house in the
middle of the jungle , coconut leaf roof , her father Raden Putra ... "
Cindelaras was amazed to hear the crowing chickens and immediately showed his mother .
Then , the mother Cindelaras recount the origins of why they were in the woods . Hearing the
mother's story , Cindelaras determined to go to court and expose evil king's concubine . After
his mother 's permission , Cindelaras go to the palace accompanied by a rooster . When in the
course of a few people who are risking chicken . Cindelaras then called by the penyabung
chicken . " Come , if you dare , adulah jantanmu chicken with my chicken , " she challenged .
" All right , " replied Cindelaras . When pitted , apparently Cindelaras rooster fight gallantly
and in a short time , he can beat his opponent . After a few times pitted , chicken Cindelaras
not invincible . Chicken is really tough .
News about the greatness of chicken Cindelaras spread quickly . Raden Putra was to hear the
news . Then , Raden Putra asked to invite Cindelaras hulubalangnya . " Servant facing your
majesty , " said Cindelaras politely . " The boy is handsome and smart , like he was not a
descendant of the common people , " thought the king . Cindelaras chicken with chicken
Raden Putra pitted on one condition , if chicken Cindelaras then he was willing to lose his
head chopped off , but if you win then half chicken Raden Putra wealth belongs Cindelaras .
Two chickens that fought valiantly . But in a short time , succeeded in conquering chicken
chicken Cindelaras King. The audience cheered and cheered Cindelaras chicken . " Okay I
admit defeat . I will keep my promise . But , who are you , young man ? " Tanya King Raden
Putra . Cindelaras immediately bent like whispering something in his chicken . Not how long
the chicken immediately rang . " ... My lord Kukuruyuk Cindelaras , his house in the middle
of the jungle , coconut leaf roof , her father Raden Putra ... , " the rooster crowed repeatedly.
Raden Putra was surprised to hear a rooster crow Cindelaras . " Is that true ? " Asked the king
astonishment . "Yes sire , name Cindelaras servant , slave mother was king consort . "
At the same time , the governor immediately facing and telling all the events that have
actually happened to the empress . " I 've made a mistake , " said King Raden Putra . " I will
give appropriate punishment to my mistress , " continued the king 's wrath . Then , concubine
Raden Putra was to dispose of the woods . Raden Putra immediately hugged her and
apologized for his mistake After that , Raden Putra and district chief consort to immediately
pick up the forest .. Finally Raden Putra , empress and Cindelaras can regroup . After Raden
Putra died , Cindelaras replaced the father . He ruled the country justly and wisely.

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Kelelawar
Yang Pengecut

In a meadow in Africa , a lion was eating food . Suddenly a hawk flying low and grabbing
food lion belongs . " Brash " said the lion . Jungle king was very angry that ordered all the
animals to come together and declared war against the birds .
" From now on any kind of bird is our enemy " , get rid of them all , do not be spared , "said
the Lion . Other animals agreed because they felt had treated the same by the bird nation .
When the night starts to fall , the nation's bird returned to the nest .
The opportunity was used by the Lions and his men to attack . The birds fled in disorder .
Fortunately, there is still an owl can see clearly at night so that they could all escape from a
lion attack and his men .
Seeing the nation lost birds , the bats feel anxious , so she hurried to see the king of the jungle
. Bats said , "Actually, I'm including the rat race , even though I had wings . So allow me to
join your group, I would risk my life to fight against the birds " . Without thinking lion was
approved bats go in the group .
The next night a group led by a lion attacking the birds back and managed to throw him out .
The next day , early in the morning , when a group of lions is resting behind a group of birds
attacking them with a group of lions pelted with stones and nuts . " Beware of hail, " shouted
the group of animals with a lion escaped . The bat felt anxious about these things so that he
minded to re- join the group of birds . He met the king of birds eagle bird . " Look at my
wings , this bird I like you " . Eagle bat gladly accept .
The battle continues , the monkeys riding an elephant or rhino holding a bow and arrow .
Their heads are covered with a hat from coconut shell that does not work stoned . After
winning the lion group , what do bats ? . He was back and forth to side with the winning team
. Cowardice and not opinionated owned bat gradually known by both groups lion and bird
groups .
They realized that there was no point in mutual hostility . And they are friends again and
decided to evict bats from their environment . Bat felt so ashamed that he hid in dark caves .
He just appeared when night came by way of stealth.
By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"
Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Kera Jadi

The Forest King " Lion " was shot hunter , jungle dwellers so restless . They do not have a
king anymore . Not how the inhabitants of the jungle gathered to elect a new king . Was first
nominated Leopard , but Leopard refused . " No, I 've seen people running helter-skelter , "
he said . "Then Rhino course , you're very strong , " said the other animals . "No - no , not see
well , I had hit a tree many times . " " Oh ... maybe Elephants are so King , you're a great
body .. " , said the other animals . " I can not fight and my movement is very slow , " said the
elephant .

The animals become confused , they have not found a replacement king . When about to
disperse , ape suddenly shouted , " Man who became king , he was not you who killed the
Lion " . " No way , " replied the squirrel . " Try me ... you all noticed , I like men instead ? ,
Then I'm the one that fits into a king , " said the monkey . After going through negotiations ,
forest-dwelling apes agreed to be the new king . Once appointed king , monkey behavior is
not at all like the King . It works just laze around while eating delicious food - delicious .

Occupants animals become upset , especially wolves . Wolf thought , " how could the Ape
man identifies himself with yes ? , His body just the same , but his brain is not " . Wolf got
the idea . One day , he went ape . " My lord , I found the food very lezar , I sure would love
my lord . Lord I will deliver to the place, " said the wolf . Without thinking , apes , the new
king went with wolves . In the middle of the woods , sitting monkeys favorite fruits . Greedy
ape directly attacking the fruit . Apparently, the Ape directly collapsing into the ground .
Disergapnya food turns man-made trap . "Please ... please , " cried the ape , as he struggled to
get out of the trap .

" Hahahaha ! Had never imagined , a king can act stupid , caught in traps set humans , like
apes king which can protect its people , " said the wolf and other animals . Not long after the
animals left the ape , a hunter came to that place . Seeing no monkey in it , he took his catch
to the house .
Moral message : Treat our friends well , do not be arrogant and lazy . If we are arrogant and
treat friends badly, eventually we will lose them .
By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"
Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda
Danau Toba

In a village in Sumatra , there lived a farmer . He was a farmer who diligently worked the
farm , although not extensive . He could meet the needs of their work was tireless . Actually
he became old enough to marry , but he still chose to live alone . In a sunny morning , the
farmer river fishing . "Hopefully, today I got a big fish , " the farmer muttered to myself .
Some time after the hook is thrown , the hook looks rocking. He immediately pulled the hook

The farmer was cheered with joy after receiving a sizeable fish .
He was amazed at the beautiful colors of fish scales . The fish scales yellow gold reddish .
Both round and protruding eyes flashing amazing . " Wait , I do not eat it ! I would be willing
to accompany you if you do not eat . " The farmer was surprised to hear the voice of the fish .
Due to his surprise , the fish they catch fell to the ground . Then not long , the fish was
transformed into a beautiful young woman beautiful. " I Bermimpikah ? , " Muttered farmers

" Do not worry sir , I'm also human like you . I am deeply indebted to you for saving me from
the curse of the Gods , " the girl said . " My name is Princess , I do not mind to be your wife ,
" said the girl as urgent . Farmers and even then nodded . They then become husband and
wife . However , there is one promise that has been agreed , that they should not tell the
origin of a fish's daughter . If the promise is breached there will be a terrible disaster .

Having reached the village , the villagers saw the girl stirred beautiful girl with the farmers . "
He might be an angel coming down from heaven , " they murmured . Farmer felt very happy
and peaceful . As a good husband , he continued to work to make a living by cultivating the
fields and fields with a diligent and tenacious . Due diligence and tenacity , the peasants live
without shortcomings in his life . Many people are jealous , and they spread the bad suspicion
that could topple the success of farmers . " I know it must maintain Farmer spirits ! "
Someone said to her friend . It reached the ears of Farmer and Puteri . But they do not feel
offended , even more diligent work .

A year later , his wife and Petan happiness increases , because the farmer 's wife gave birth to
a baby boy . He was given the name of the Son . Happiness they do not make them forget
themselves . Son grew into a strong and healthy child . He was a good boy but a little naughty
. He has a habit of making parents wonder , which is always hungry. Foods that should be
eaten three of them could eat themselves .

Eventually , the Son always annoy his father . If asked to help parents work , he always
refused . Farmers wife always reminds farmers to be patient over their child behavior . " Yes ,
I will be patient , even though he was our son ! " Farmers said to his wife . " Thankfully ,
kanda think like that . Kanda was a good husband and a good father , " said daughter to her
husband .

Indeed, they say , patience has limits . This is experienced by the farmers . One day , son get
a job delivering food and drinks to the fields where his father was working . But the Son is
not fulfilling its duties . Farmers await the arrival of his son , while holding thirsty and
hungry . He went straight home . In saw her son was playing ball . Farmers became angry as
she pinched her ear . " Children do not know diuntung ! Not know yourself ? Basic fry ! , "
The farmer vituperation unwittingly uttered the taboo .

After the farmers he spoke those words , at once a child and his wife vanished . Without a
trace and trail . Of former stamping his feet , suddenly very heavy menyemburlah water and
get heavier . Farmers village and surrounding villages submerged . Water overflowed very
high and wide to form a lake . And eventually form a lake . The lake was eventually known
as Lake Toba . While a small island in the middle known as Samosir Island .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris :

In ancient times , there was the story of a princess in West Java named Dayang Sumbi.Ia had
a son , named Sangkuriang . The child was very fond of hunting .
He was accompanied by Tumang hunting , dog pet palace . Sangkuriang not know that the
dog is the incarnation of the god and father .
One day Tumang not want to follow his orders to pursue prey . The dog then pursued into the
woods .
When he returned to the palace , Sangkuriang recounted the incident to his mother . Dayang
Sumbi absurdly angry when I heard that story . He accidentally hit her head Sangkuriang with
spoon in his hand . Sangkuriang injured . He was very disappointed and went
mengembaraSetelah the incident , Dayang Sumbi very sorry for himself . He was always very
diligent prayer and penance . At one point , the gods gave her a gift . He will be forever
young and has a timeless beauty .

After years of wandering , Sangkuriang eventually intends to return to his homeland . When
he got there , the kingdom has changed completely . There he met a lovely girl , who was
none other than Dayang Sumbi . Fascinated by her beauty then , Sangkuriang proposed.
Therefore it is very handsome young man , Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated him .

One day Sangkuriang asked permission to hunt . He asked Dayang Sumbi to spruce up the
headband . What a surprise for Dayang Sumbi see the scar on the head of her future husband .
The cut was exactly as his wounds have to go wander . After long noticed , turned out the
young man's face is very similar to his face . He became very frightened .

So then he sought to thwart the effort was making a proposal process . He filed two terms .
First , he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river . And secondly , he asked
Sangkuriang to make a big canoe to cross the river . The second condition that must be met
before dawn .
That night Sangkuriang doing penance . With his power he exert supernatural creatures to
help finish the job . Dayang Sumbi was secretly peep the job . Once the work is almost
complete , Dayang Sumbi ordered his troops to hold a red silk cloth to the east of the city .

As witnessed in the eastern city of redness , Sangkuriang thought it was late morning . He
also stopped work . He was very angry because it means he can not meet the requirements
requested Dayang Sumbi .

With his strength , he made his break through the dam . There was a great flood swept
through the town . He was later kicked a large canoe made. The boat drifted and crashed into
a mountain named " Tangkuban Perahu . "

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Puteri
Junjung Buih

Is exactly the story of a kingdom named Amuntai in South Kalimantan . The kingdom was
ruled by two brothers . The older king named Patmaraga , or given the nickname King Tua .
His brother the young king named Sukmaraga . Both the king does not have any sons or
puteri.Namun between them , Sukmaraga a great desire to have a son . Every night he and his
queen in order to appeal to the gods blessed with a pair of twin sons . The desire seems to be
granted by the gods . He got directions to go meditate to an island near the city of
Banjarmasin . In the hermitage , he gets to ask his wife wangsit kastuba eating flowers .
Sukmaraga started to follow the orders . Correct as per instructions of the gods , a few
months later the queen was pregnant . She gave birth to twins a very beautiful face . Hearing
this , the desire to have a son of old King anyway . Then he begged the gods to be blessed
with sons . Old king dreamed told god imprisoned in the Great Temple , which is located
outside the city Amuntai . Old king 's instructions were followed . When finished running the
hermitage , on the way home he found the girl alone are floating in a river . The baby is
floating above segumpalan froth . Therefore , a very beautiful baby was later titled Princess
Uphold scum .

Old king then ordered the foreman palace , Datuk Pujung , to take the baby . However, the
royal entourage was surprised , because the baby was already able to speak . Prior to his
appointment of the bubbles , the baby ditenunkan ask for a piece of cloth and a blanket to be
completed in half a day . He also asked to be picked up by forty men and women cantik.Raja
tuapun menyayembarakan request the baby . He promised to appoint people who can meet
the demands of the baby to be caretakers of this princess . Contest was eventually won by a
woman named Queen Kuripan . In addition to clever weaving , she began to have
supernatural powers . Not only he can meet the requirements of the short time , the Queen
Kuripan any work done was amazing. Fabrics and quilts ditenunnnya very beautiful . As
promised , then raised the old king queen princess Kuripan become caregivers Uphold the
scum . He joined a large role in nearly every important decision concerning the princess .
By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"
Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Malin

At one time , there lived a family of fishermen on the coast of Sumatra . The family consists
of father , mother and a son , named Malin Kundang . Due to poor financial condition of the
family , the father decided to make a living in the country by wading across a vast ocean .

Then the Malin and his mother lived in their huts . A week , two weeks , one month , two
months or more duration is 1 year , Malin 's father did not return to his hometown . So his
mother had to replace the position of Malin's father to make a living . Malin including a smart
kid but a little naughty . He often chasing chickens and hit him with a broom . One day, when
Malin was chasing chickens , she tripped over a rock and hit a rock right arm injury . The
wounds became trace dilengannya and can not be lost .

After growing up , Malin Kundang feel sorry for his mother who worked hard to make a
living to raise themselves . He thinks to make a living in the country side in the hope of later
when returning home , he had become a wealthy man . Malin interested in the invitation of a
merchant ship captain who was once poor now have become a wealthy man .

Malin Kundang expressed intention to his mother . His mother does not agree with the
original intent Kundang , but because Malin kept pushing , she finally agreed Kundang albeit
with a heavy heart . After preparing supplies and equipment to taste , Malin immediately
headed to the dock to be escorted by his mother . " My son , if you have a successful and
affluent people , do not you forget about your mother and halamannu this village , son ," said
Mrs. Malin Kundang in tears .

Ships that climbed Malin increasingly away with a wave accompanied Mrs. Malin Kundang .
During his time on the ship , Malin Kundang a lot to learn about seamanship on the crew who
are experienced . Along the way , suddenly climbed Malin Kundang ships were attacked by
pirates . All merchandise traders who were on the ship seized by pirates . Even most of the
crew and people on the ship were killed by the pirates . Malin Kundang very lucky he was
not killed by the pirates , because when it happened , Malin immediately hid in a small space
enclosed by timber .

Malin Kundang adrift on the high seas , until finally the host ship stranded on a beach . With
the rest of the existing power , Malin Kundang walked to the nearest village from the beach .
Arriving in the village , Malin Kundang helped by people in the village after previously
telling what happened to him . Malin village where villagers stranded is very fertile . With
tenacity and perseverance in work , Malin gradually managed to become a wealthy man . He
has a lot of merchant ships with men of more than 100 people . After becoming rich , Malin
Kundang marry a girl to be his wife .
News Kundang who has become rich and have been married to the mother also Malin
Kundang . Mother Malin Kundang feel grateful and very happy his son had succeeded . Since
then , the mother Malin Kundang every day to go to the dock , waiting for his son who might
return to his hometown .

After a long marriage , Malin and his wife set sail with a large and beautiful ship with the
crew as well as a lot of bodyguards . Malin Kundang mother who every day waiting for his
son , saw a very beautiful ship , into the harbor . He saw two people standing on the deck of a
ship . He believes that it is his standing and his wife Malin Kundang .
Malin Kundang were off the ship . He was greeted by his mother . Once close enough , she
saw twelve people injured dilengan right , the more convinced his mother that he was
approached Malin Kundang . " Malin Kundang , my son , why did you go so long without
sending the news ? " , She said as she hugged Kundang . But what happens then ? Malin
Kundang immediately release his mother's arms and pushed him to fall . " Women do not
know myself , carelessly claimed as my mother ," says Malin Kundang to his mother . Malin
Kundang pretended not to recognize her , because of embarrassment with his elderly mother
and dressed in rags . "She's your mother ? " , Malin Kundang wife Tanya . " No, he was just a
beggar who pretended to be admitted as a mother in order to get my treasure ," Malin said to
his wife . Heard the statement and mistreated by her son , Malin Kundang mother very angry
. He had not expected her to be rebellious child . Because of mounting anger , Malin's mother
lifted her hand and said, " Oh God , if he was my son , I sumpahi he became a rock " . Not
long after strong winds and violent storms rumble came to destroy the ship Malin Kundang .
After that Kundang body slowly becomes rigid and in time they finally shaped into a rock .

Moral message : As a child , do not ever forget all parent services primarily to a mother who
is pregnant and raise their children , especially when it comes to being a rebellious child .
Disobedience to parents is a major sin that will be borne by the child .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Si Bungsu

Once, in a village in Lampung , Indonesia , there lived a husband and wife along with seven
of his daughters . To support his family , the father in the forest for firewood and sell it to the
market . However , the results obtained are not enough for them to eat together . They never
eat until you are full . In order to eat well without being bothered by his children , the father
and the mother often put aside food for them to eat in the evening , in the seventh when his
daughter was fast asleep .

On one night , the father and mother were enjoying dinner together . Without realizing it , the
Youngest woke up and saw they were eating . The youngest brother was soon wake were still
asleep .

" ... Brothers ! " Said the Youngest slowly .

The sixth brother awoke . When viewing both parents eat , they eat , too , so that makes both
of their parents are not satisfied . It made them upset and intends to dispose of the seventh
daughter .

Late one night , a husband and wife were consulted to dispose of the seventh daughter into
the woods far from the village . However , again the youngest woke up and knew their plans .
Secretly , the Youngest was prepared hazelnut many to mark the path that they took to get to
the middle of the forest , so he and his brother could know the way home .

The next day , the father and the mother took her daughter to the woods with seven reasons to
help them search for firewood . Arriving at the forest , the father quietly asks herd ape replied
that if his sons called him , and the flocks of birds pecking order pagut tree that they thought
the children 's father and mother were still in the woods . When the seven brothers were busy
collecting firewood , the father took his wife to leave them secretly .

" My wife! Let us live this forest while they are busy collecting firewood , " the father
whispered to his wife .
Finally , they leave the forest without the knowledge of the seventh daughter . Moments later
, a voice calling her seventh .

" Mom ... Dad ... ! Where you at ? " Shouted the seventh child simultaneously .

Heard the cry , and the answer was a herd of monkeys pugut bird pecking a tree . The seventh
child was returned to continue his work , thinking that their mom and dad were still in the
woods . Pagut monkeys and birds flock continues to respond and peck the tree . Over time
they were upset and tired . When the seventh child was again called out parents meraka ,
monkeys and birds flock pagut is just silent . At that moment , the seventh child realize that
both their parents had left them . The eldest son was confused , because it does not know the
way home.

" My brothers ! Are any of you still remember the way to go home ? " Said the Eldest .

" I , Sister ! " Said the youngest with alacrity .

" How can you remember the way home , youngest ? Is not this a very dense forest , "asked
Big Sis .

" Quiet , Sister ! My sister had marked the path from the house to the woods with pecans .
We just follow the direction of the scattered pecan street we have been through , "said the
youngest .

" Well ... you're so smart , my sister ! " Said the Eldest , smiling.

The seventh child was down the street that has been marked with pecans by the Youngest .
Finally , they arrived at the house . When entering the house , they found their parents are
eating . Without invited , they soon come to eat , so that both parents feel full again . The
father and mother also grew annoyed . The presence of the seventh daughter really makes
them uneasy .

A few days later , the couple was back plans to dispose of the seventh daughter into the
woods . However , they plan to be known by his youngest daughter . When they go into the
woods , the Youngest bring corn seeds to mark the way they are going through . Arriving at
the forest , as usual herd of monkeys and birds replied - nyahut pagut pecking a tree , and
that's when the father and mother abandon her children .

When the seven brothers were again screaming for his parents , monkeys and birds flock
pagut is just silent . Finally , the seventh child was aware that their parents had left them . But
bad luck for the seventh child , they do not know the way back home , because corn kernels
that have been stocked by the Youngest in the bird devoured . Eventually they were lost in
the woods .

The seventh child brothers walked toward the feet follow where they are heading. After a
long walk , they arrived at a field that is populated by two giant spouses . At that time , they
saw the two giants that were bathing in the river which is located on the edge of the field .

" Hi , it seems that the evil giant . They would eat us if they see us here , " said the Eldest .
" What should we do ? " Said the second child .

" Quiet , Sister ! Sister had a way to conquer the giant , "said the youngest .

"How , youngest ? " Said the Eldest .

' Brother will make the river water became itchy to and fro , so that the two giant bodies will
feel itching. When it is , they definitely would run to his cabin . But first, you must remove
the hut rope and make a fire underneath. Well , when the second monster up the hut, they
would fall into the fire , "said the youngest .

After hearing the instructions the Youngest , sixth brother was immediately untied the hut
and a fire underneath. After they finished performing their duties , the Youngest immediately
take fro then rub in the headwaters . Not long after , the two giants who are engrossed in the
shower suddenly felt his body itching . Because they could not help feeling itchy , they ran to
his cabin . Needless to say , when climbing hut , they too fell into the fireplace to death .

Finally , the seventh child siblings decided to stay in that area . They made seven huts and
fields of giant divide it into seven parts . They grow rice and flowers fragrant in their
respective fields . When their flowers bloom , the fields they are often approached by kenui (a
type of large -bodied eagle ) . The birds like to build nests and lay eggs in their fields . Of the
seven brothers , the youngest only allowing the birds nesting in the flower fields . Received
permission from the Youngest , kenui immediately make a nest . After laying eggs , birds
kenui it go and never come back again .

One day , after returning from his farm , the youngest saw the smoke in the hut . What a
surprise when he goes into his cabin . He saw a handsome young man was cooking rice for
him .

"Excuse me , sir ! Who are you and from where ? "Asked the youngest .

The young man was telling his origins that he was out of eggs kenui . Finally , they were met
and liked each other . Several months later , they were married and lived happily . Apparently
, the Youngest marriage with the young man makes his sixth envy and intend to harm his
sister .

One day , when the youngest was washing clothes on the river bank , the sixth brother pushed
her into the river . The youngest was washed away and then swallowed by a great fish .
Because of a glut , the big fish resting on the river bank . At that time , a grandmother who
was bathing in the river bank saw . Without thinking , the grandmother immediately took his
machete and menghujamkannya into the fish's body . Miraculously , his machete can not hurt
. Exasperation , his grandmother was resting under a tree , thinking to figure out how to catch
fish . While we were busy resting , he suddenly heard a bird singing .

" Bolidang bolidangi pabeli iwa custody, " the song of the bird .

Initially , the grandmother did not understand the meaning of the song lyric sung the bird.
After listening carefully , he finally understood that in order to cut the fish must use belidang
leaves . Without thinking , the grandmother immediately took belidang leaves are widely
available on the riverbank . With belidang leaves it , he also managed to cut up the fish meat .
How shocked he was when he saw a beautiful girl who is still alive out of the fish 's body .

" Hey , pretty girl ! Who and why you can be in the belly of the fish ? " Said the grandmother
was surprised .

The Youngest was told all the events that happened until he could be in a fish's belly . The
grandmother was very moved to hear the story of the youngest . Because compassion , his
grandmother was making the Youngest as his adopted son . Since then , the youngest lives
with his grandmother .

Meanwhile elsewhere , the Youngest husband frantically looking for his wife . He had asked
her six siblings , but nobody wants to reveal the whereabouts of his wife. Finally , he decided
to go look for his wife along the riverbank . After months of walking , he finally found a hut
by the river . He went up to the hut to ask where his wife to shack owner .

" Excuse me , is there anybody in there?" The Youngest husband shouted from outside the
hut .

Not long after , they saw an old woman was opening the door . Once the door is open , the
old woman asked him .

" There is a grandmother who can help you, young man ," asked the old woman .

The Youngest husband was told about the wanderings looking for his missing wife . The
Youngest who heard the story from inside the hut shed tears , because her husband was
moved to tears loyalty . The old woman then told the man that in his hut there is a beautiful
woman who was found on the belly of the fish a few months ago .

" Young Man ! Grandma had a beautiful woman in the hut . Try to see , perhaps he whom
you seek your wife ! " Said the old woman .

The grandmother was calling the Youngest to get out of the hut . How surprised and happy
the man when he saw a woman coming out of a hut that was his wife . Without hesitation , he
immediately embraced his wife , and the youngest had hugged her husband tightly . Moment ,
the atmosphere in the hut became silent . Not felt , the tears were streaming down my
grandmother as thrilled to see his adopted son could be reunited with her husband . Similarly,
the youngest husband , he was very happy to have found her again . Prior brought home his
wife , the youngest husband does not forget to thank the grandmother , for saving the life of
his wife .

" Thank you , Grandma ! Grandma had treated my wife well , " said the youngest husband .

After that , a husband and wife said goodbye to the grandmother . Once they were in the hut ,
the sixth brother came to apologize to the Youngest . The Youngest forgive them , because
from the beginning he never felt resentment , although the sixth sister had her harm . Since
then , the Youngest lived happily with her husband and living in harmony with the sixth
brother .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Kisah Si
Pahit Lidah

Indonesian Folktales from South Sumatra .

The story of Bitter Tongue
Previously , in Sumidang area , South Sumatra , there was a prince named Serunting . He is
the offspring of a giant whose name is Princess Grace . One day , Prince Serunting marry a
village girl named Sitti . After marriage , he invites her to stay at the palace . However , Sitti
confused . On the one hand , he does not want to part with her brother named Aria cliffs , but
on the other hand he must obey her husband .

" Dinda do not know what to do anymore , Kanda . Dinda not bear having to leave Aria cliffs
, the only sister Dinda , " Sitti said to her husband .

"Well , what if we take for Aria Cliff lived together in the palace ? " Suggested Prince
Serunting .

Sitti also accepted the suggestion . However , when it is submitted to the Aria Cliff , his
brother was actually rejected . She liked to live freely in villages than staying in a palace
filled with rules . Finally , Sitti and Aria cliffs agree to halve the legacy of their parents'
garden . Gardens that are part Sitti indirectly also belonged to Prince Serunting . To avoid
disputes among them , Prince Serunting also suggested that their gardens lined .

" It's better in the middle of the field was lined so that later no dispute between us , " said
Prince Serunting .

" Good advice , Kanda , " Aria said Cliff .

The next day , Aria cliffs along Serunting went to the garden with a piece of wood divider .
Upon arrival , they are planting the wooden barrier deep in the middle of the field .
A few days later , the wooden barrier fungus that grows plants or fungi . However , the
fungus that grows on tree trunks that much different . Fungus that leads to the garden
Serunting just ordinary fungus , while the fungus that leads to a form of fungus garden Aria
Cliff gold . Aria The cliffs also sell the gold mushroom and he became rich . Apparently ,
envy Serunting see good fortune experienced by the sister -in-law .

One day , Serunting Aria came cliff was picking mushrooms in the gold fields. He was not
able to resist the feeling of envy that surrounds the heart .

" Hi , Cliff Aria ! What are you doing to plant cendawanku "asked Prince Serunting .

" What do you mean , Kanda ? I have not done anything against fungi Kanda , "said Aria
cliffs with wonder .

" Ah , you're lying ! Surely you have cheated me , "accused the Prince Serunting , " You have
turned the wooden barrier so that the fungus that leads to fields of gold ! "

Aria Cliff getting confused with the charges against him . He was never turned the wooden
barrier . Fungus that grows on its own gold . Although he has apologized and explained the
real situation , the Prince Serunting not want to receive. In fact , he was challenged to a fight
Aria cliffs .

" Hi , Aria cliffs . You do not have a lot of reasons . If you dare , fight me ! I dare you !
"Challenged Prince Serunting .

Aria Cliff confused to answer the challenge. He realized that he would probably be able to
face her brother 's magic mandraguna . But , if he refuses the challenge, Prince Serunting will
surely kill him .

" All right , Kanda . I will accept the challenge Kanda , but give me 2 days to think ! "Pleaded
Aria cliffs .

" Well , if you wish . If necessary , practice your skills before the time comes , "cried the
Prince Serunting with insulting tone .

Since then , Aria Cliff closed his eyes hard . He was puzzled to find a way to beat the Prince
Serunting . The day before the fight starts , he finally found a way out .

" Ahhaaa ... I know the way now , " muttered Aria cliffs . " Kak Sitti Prince Serunting
definitely know weakness . "

Aria cliffs meet his brother in secret . He then asked her brother to want to tell the Prince
Serunting weakness .

" Kak Sitti , please let me know about Prince Serunting weakness ! " Persuaded Aria Cliff ,
"Otherwise , he would have killed me . "

Sitti not answer . His heart is confused. He did not want her to die , but he was not able to
betray her husband .
" Forgive me , my sister . I can not betray my husband , " Sitti said to his brother .

" Help me , brother , " whined Aria Cliff , " If I find out any weaknesses Prince Serunting ,
I'm not going to membunuhhnya , whereas he would have killed me . Is willing to see me
sister died at the hands of his own brother husbands ? " [ Read more Indonesian folklore ]

Sitti silent again . He was touched by the words of his brother .

" All right , bro . I 'll tell you, but you have to promise not to kill him , "says Sitti .

" Well , I promise . I'm not going to kill him , " said Aria cliffs .

Finally , Sitti was leaking secrets to the weakness of her husband Cliff Aria .

" My husband is no magic secret to always vibrating reed grass , although not in the wind , "
said Sitti , "if you spear grass thatch , strength vanished instantly . "

" Well , Sis . Thanks for the help , "said Aria cliffs .

On the appointed day , the Prince Serunting and Aria Cliff went into a grassland . Once there
, the fight began. The fight has just begun , Aria Cliff already pressured by her brother attacks
. It shows that how high the Prince Serunting magic .

Nonetheless , Aria Cliff is not afraid because they know the weaknesses of the prince . At the
right moment , he immediately speared reeds that vibrate in the paddock . Instantly it all, the
Prince fell down to the ground with severe injuries circumstances .

Feeling betrayed by his wife , Prince Serunting left his hometown to Mount Siguntang to be
imprisoned . Once there , he suddenly heard the sound of Sang Hyang Mahameru
supernatural .

" Hey , young man . Will you get magic powers ? " The voice said .

" I really want to , oh Sang Hyang Mahameru , " replied Prince Serunting .

" All right , but there are conditions that you should be imprisoned in that tree bamboo leaf
bamboo until it covers the entire body , " said Sang Hyang Mahameru .

Without thinking , Prince Serunting immediately agreed that requirement. After that , he
immediately began his meditation with full concentration . All forms of life have vanished
world in thought and memory . Hunger and thirst was no longer felt . The longer it 's getting
late in his meditation so there was already 2 years she meditated . At that time also , the
whole body was covered with bamboo leaves that have been falling .

In accordance with his promise , Sang Hyang Mahameru returned to Prince Serunting .

" Oh , young man . Because you have managed to implement that requirement well , then
now is the time I lose thee miracle science , " said Sang Hyang Mahameru .
" Miracle is it , O Sang Hyang Mahameru " asked the prince was curious .

" Whatever you say will turn into a curse , " said Sang Hyang Mahameru .

With feelings of joy , Prince Serunting soon return to his native village . On the way home ,
dawned in his mind to try out their newly acquired supernatural powers it . When encounter a
stretch of sugar cane on the banks of the lake , he said : "Let there be rock , oh sugar cane ,"
she cried .

Thanks to the magic of his tongue , a stretch of sugar cane was instantly turned to stone .
Hence , the Prince Serunting nicknamed The bitter tongue because it lidahhnya supernatural
powers . Furthermore , The bitter tongue finds a barren hill called Bukit Serut . He then
changed the barren hill into the jungle . When he arrived at a village , Bitter Tongue satisfy a
husband and wife who are older to have children . With a magic tongue , he changed a single
hair belonging to the grandmother to a baby boy .

So it went on , in the rest of the way to Sumidang , Bitter Tongue continue to learn to be kind
to our fellow beings . Arriving at his home , sense of revenge to Aria Cliff had already gone
along with his good deeds along the way . He also apologized to the sister -in-law , also to his
beloved wife .

Similarly, Indonesian folklore is told from generation to generation until now .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Asal Usul
Nama Palembang

What is known from Palembang ? Of course pempek submarine . If there is one location in
Bekasi pempek famous stalls and fits in the pocket , which is Pempek Gaby . But , of course ,
I was not in the mood to talk about the pempek . Things I want to tell you is how the origins
of the name Palembang ? It's like the previous Indonesian folklore , which tells the Wamena
Name Origin and Origin of Names Surabaya . Like the two previous folklore , Origin of
name Palembang course has two versions . There are versions of Indonesian folklore tale that
became the Palembang , Indonesia in general and in a version history .

According to the history of Indonesia , at that time the kingdom of Srivijaya being a loss
leader . Because , Duke Ario Damar died , while Raden Fatah and Raden Hasan has been
moved to Java . This led to confusion in the minds of the people of Srivijaya itself . However
, Sunan Gunung Jati then came to the Duchy of Sriwijaya . He advised that soon will come
from domestic Chinese student group named Pai Li Bang . According to Sunan Gunung Jati ,
Pai Li Bang is a reasonable figure replaces Ario Damar , because Li Bang Pai is in his native
country was a minister of the country experienced in the field of state .

Because the Indonesian tongue a little difficult to mention foreign words , Li Bang Pai
diseraplah name into Palembang . Yes , that's a bit of history on the origins of the name
Indonesia Palembang . Details please go to to read the article about the history
of Palembang name .


When Putri Ayu Sundari and his retinue are still in Bukit Seguntang Mahameru , there is a
boat that crashed in South Sumatra Coast . Passengers were three brothers , sons of Raja
Iskandar Zulkarnain .

All three men survived death , and stranded in the Mount Seguntang Mahameru . They were
greeted by Putri Ayu Sundari . One of the eldest son of Raja Iskandar Zulkarnai , namely the
Sapurba then married to Putri Ayu Sundari and his two brothers married the daughter of the
family .
Because Hill Seguntang Mahameru dwells in Malay River . Thus , the Sapurba and his wife
claim to be Malays . Their offspring later developing and participating in local activities
Lembang . Lembang more famous names .

Then , when people want to Lembang would always say to Palembang . The word " pa " in
Malay parents show area or location .

There , the economy grew rapidly . People crowded flock to the area . Musi River and River
Banyuasin a strong trade route known to other countries . Lembang name was changed to
Palembang .

Thus , the origin of the name is based on version Palembang Indonesian folklore . Although
according to mainstream Indonesian history , the reality may not be as told .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Putri yang
menjadi Ular

On the edge of a small forest green , a sparkling clear water lake called the morning sun . The
quiet rippling surface when a pair of beautiful legs pushing it . The owner was a princess who
was sitting on a large rock protruding from the bottom of the lake . Ah how lovely she was .
Even the birds were amazed at him. Princess of the kingdom is in a country in the region
which is famous Simelungun very handsome . Is the desire of the Prince and Men Dozens of
nobility . And now a prince from across the country have come to ask for her hand .

A pair of fish jumping at her feet interrupted his reverie .

" Ah how happy these two fish . They must have a pair of lovers who love each other . Soon I
will be as happy as them , " thought the princess , smiling a little .

Some Dayang who accompanied the Princess , sitting on the edge of the lake noticed the
Princess's behavior is intermittent blushed and smiled shyly .

" Look at our princess . Oh he must have been dreaming about her wedding plans with the
Prince of the kingdom which he said was very handsome neighbor . After dozens of the
coming Prince , King finally decided to accept the proposal of this one , " said one of Dayang

" Why ? What 's so special about Prince ? " Said Dayang other .

" I do not know . How could I know , "said Dayang first .

" Come on ! Tell me what you know , "urged another Dayang .

"I do not know much , " said Dayang Dayang confidence apparently first daughter . "This
morning, call Princess Majesty facing . Prince of the royal envoy said neighbors came to
propose to her . Very large and powerful kingdom . So according to King , if he receives the
proposal , the power will automatically unite the two countries . "

" Is the lady immediately accepted ? " Said Dayang second .

" Yes , of course . Princess is a dutiful son . He knows this marriage will bring goodness to
the whole country , " said First Lady .

"Then , soon there will be a big party donk ! Asyiiiiik . , " Exclaimed Lady -in-waiting .

" Ah , long still . There are still two months away . The party will indeed massive , so it took
a long time to prepare , "said the First Lady .

" Oh my God . Hopefully princess is always happy , " prayer all Dayang .

" Our task now is to keep the princess so that there is not anything that would invalidate the
marriage , " said Dayang Dayang first greeted other nod .

" Aunt Dayang ... ! " Exclaimed the Princess.

The Dayang immediately run to their master . They help the body to cleanse skin Daughter
increasingly visible charming . Then they wash their hair long and black so fragrant. Then the
Lord let them soak Dayang enjoy the cool waters of the lake . That's the Princess habits , he
never rushed out of the water after cleaning the body .

Suddenly the wind blowing hard shake all the trees on the edge of the lake . Sizable a twig ,
broke and fell on the face of Princess without a chance to avoid it .
" Aaaa ..... ! " Daughter scream in pain .

Lady's maid to help daughter immediately ran out of the lake . Between the fingers of the
lady who was still covering his face , fresh blood flowing . They frantically try to stop . But
was surprised when I realized they had lost daughter turns nose door.

" Quick get me a mirror ! " Daughter command .

With fear , they immediately handed a mirror .

" Tidaakkk ... ! " Cried Princess melancholy . " Oh God . My face was deformed . How am I
supposed to marry Prince if my face was that bad . He certainly did not want to see me . " [
Click here to read other Indonesian folklore ]

Daughter cries lamenting the unfortunate fate . He was so terrified anger prince if he knew
his bride was as beautiful as he had imagined . Country might be attacked , because they have
been lied to . Or other bad things . He could not imagine the grief the father and mother .

" God , you'd better punish me . Hilangkanlah me from this world . I can not see my parents
again , "lamented Princess .

Lightning strikes were accompanied by thunder boomed so Princess said his prayers . All
who were there screamed in terror . They are getting scared when I saw Princess body is
slowly overgrown scales like a snake . The first Dayang immediately ran to the palace to tell
the king and queen .
" What ? My daughter turned into a snake ? How can that be? "Cried the Queen as she
sobbed .

" Come on, we all go see it . Maybe we can still help him , "King said , pulling her hand .
Royal physician was asked to participate without running behind the King .

Arriving at the lake , Princess has not looked back . Staying ladies who still crying loudly
infest large snake curled up on a large rock .

" My daughter ... ? " Exclaimed the Queen shock .

The big snake turned around and stuck out his tongue . From his eyes the tears flowed . His
view is so heartbreaking as if to say sorry and goodbye .

" Princess . What happened son ? "Cried the King and Queen .

"Hurry up please her physician ," cried the King .

But the great snake shook his head and leave them to the forest . No matter how hard the
King and Queen called him , that poor Princess still dimmed into the forest . Since the
daughter was never returned . It is a lesson for us to say a prayer always good and always
think calmly . Because what if we are already saying the bad and then granted ? Horrible is
not it ?

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Buaya

In antiquity , the river is very famous for the Tulang Bawang malignancy crocodile . So the
people who sail there and the residents who live there need to be very careful . According to
the story , many people who just disappear there .

On one day , tragedy was happening again . The missing person is a beautiful girl named
Aminah . Surprisingly , even though the population seluryh Tulang Bawang River village
look. No trace is left behind . Looks like he vanished swallowed by the earth .

Far away from the incident , in a large cave tergoleklah Aminah . He had just woke up from
fainting . How shocked he was when he realized that the cave was filled with priceless
treasures . There are gems , gold , diamonds , and the beautiful - beautiful clothes .
Possessions was issued a shimmering light .

Has not exhausted his amazement , from the corner of the cave there came a great voice , " do
not be afraid of a beautiful girl ! Although I tangible crocodile , actually I was a human being
like you , too. Crocodile because I was cursed to be a very evil deeds first . Somad My name
used to be , accomplished robber Tulang Bawang river . past I was always robbing every
merchant who sailed here . All proceeds rampokanku I keep in this cave . If I need food then
I sold a little treasure in the riverside village market . nobody really knows that I have built
tunnels behind this cave . tunnel connecting this cave to the village . "
Incidentally , the pirates crocodile has opened a secret cave where his residence . Aminah
listening carefully and considering the valuable information . Crocodile was always giving
gifts of jewelry . The hope is that Aminah wanted to stay with him . But Aminah desire to
immediately return to his hometown rampant .

One day , the little crocodile pirates off guard . He fell asleep and left the door open cave .
The Aminah came out while on tiptoe . The cave behind the discovery of a narrow tunnel .
After a long search the tunnels , he suddenly saw the sun . How excited he was when it came
out of the mouth of the tunnel . There Aminah rescued by villagers looking for rattan . Then
Aminah gave them gifts of jewelry brought in part . Aminah was finally able to return to their
villages safely . He further peaceful life there .
By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"
Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Asal Usul
Danau Lipan

In Muara Kaman district approximately 120 km upstream Tenggarong capital of Kutai

regency in East Kalimantan, there is an area known as the Lake of Lipan . Although named
the lake , the area is not a lake like Lake Jempang and Semayang . It is a vast wilderness area
is overgrown with bushes and shrubs .
Muara Kaman yore city and its surroundings is an ocean . The edge of the sea when it is in
Berubus , Muara Kaman village of Ulu who is better known as the Continent Lawas . At that
time there was a kingdom which bookie is visited because it is located by the sea .
Terkenallah at that time in the kingdom a beautiful daughter . The princess named Princess
Aji Bedarah White . He was named not because when the princess was chewing betel nut and
swallowing water sepahnya behold the red betel water was flowing through the throat .
Princess and strangeness loveliness Aji White Bedarah this sounds also by a Chinese king
who immediately set out with his army and its major Jung and anchored on the sea front of
the palace Aji Bedarah White . China king immediately went ashore to apply dainty princess .

Before the King of China delivered courtship , by the king's daughter was first treated to
meals together . But unfortunate for the King of China , he does not know that he was being
tested by a lady who is not only beautiful girl but also clever and thoughtful . Eating in the
middle of the meal , the daughter was disgusted look from the guest dining squalor . King of
China was apparently eaten by sip , do not use it directly with hands like a dog's mouth .

How disgust Princess Aji Bedarah White and he was offended , as if it did not honor the King
of China besides himself clearly could not adjust. When finished dining and Chinese king
resume submitted , the princess immediately rejected by the full wrath , saying , " What a
despicable human being is destined to be a princess who do you eat just sipped like a dog . "

The extraordinary indignity of course angered remarkable also in the China King . Her
application has been rejected , the insult is also acceptable . Because very embarrassed and
incensed , there is no other way than redeemed with any violence to subdue White Princess
Aji Bedarah . He was soon headed to jungnya to return with all the strong armies to destroy
the kingdom and the captivating Princess.
There were terrible wars between armies of Chinese who came like a tidal wave of the sea
against the White armies Bedarah Aji .

Turns army Bedarah Aji White can not fend off the invasion of the Chinese army with fierce
raging . Daughter who witness the unbalanced battle it was sad mingled rage . He had
imagined that the war would be won by the Chinese army . Hence arises the rage .
Daughter as she was soon eating betel say , " If I am the incarnation of the king of magic ,
then so be it junk - sepahku centipedes, millipedes that can destroy the King of China and
their whole army . " Finished saying this , disemburkannyalah junk from his mouth towards
the middle of the battle was raging . With a blink of an eye junk betel daughter had been
turned into a thousand tail centipede big ones , and were ruthlessly attacked the Chinese army
was raging .

Chinese army who fought with the mighty one by one destroyed . Soldiers know that
centipedes attack unchallenged , the latitude - lemur ran into jungnya . Similarly the King.
They intend to leave Muara Kaman with tremendous lipannya it , but it turns out they were
not given a chance by centipedes, millipedes Muara Kaman to leave it alive . Because
centipedes, millipedes had spoken to destroy the King and Chinese armies , then with their
wavy Jung stormed all the way to China . King and all the Chinese army can not ranged
anywhere else and finally they destroyed everything . Jung also they were drowned .

Meanwhile Aji White Bedarah soon disappear with the supernatural , and some where along
with his magical princess , the occult also the Brave Water Wells , as the kingdom's powerful
labor force . Jung King Chinese place that sinking and the sea is shallow then became a land
with vast wilderness that was then called up to the present as the Lake Centipede .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Aji Saka

Once upon a time , there was a kingdom named Medang Kamulan ruled by king named King
of Gods Cengkar wild and likes to eat human . Every day the king takes a man who was taken
by Patih Jugul Young . A small portion of the people who fret and fear fled secretly to other
areas . In the hamlet of Kawit Medang a young man named Aji Saka powerful , industrious
and good-natured . One day , Aji Saka managed to help an old man who was beaten by two
robbers . Old man who eventually appointed by Aji Saka 's father turned out to refugees from
Medang Kamulan . Hearing stories about the King of Gods Cengkar savagery , Aji Saka
Medang Kamulan intend to help people . By wearing a turban on the head of Aji Saka went
to Medang Kamulan . The journey to Medang Kamulan not smooth , Aji Saka had fought for
seven days and seven nights with the devil forest watchman , because Aji Saka refused
enslaved by demonic gatekeepers for ten years before being allowed to pass through the
forest .
But thanks to the miracle , Aji Saka managed to escape from the vicious flame . Shortly after
praying Aji Saka , a beam of light from the sky hit the yellow highlight demons at once
eliminate forest dwellers .
Aji Saka arrived in Medang Kamulan quiet . In the palace , King of the Gods are angry
because Patih Cengkar Young Jugul not bring the victim to the King .
With bold , facing King Aji Saka Cengkar Gods and gave himself to be eaten by the King in
exchange for the use of the land area of the turban . When they are measuring soil on demand
Aji Saka , turban stretches so wide breadth exceeds King of Gods kingdom Cengkar . King
was angry after knowing the real intentions of Aji Saka was to end his despotism . When the
King of the Gods Cengkar angry , Aji Saka turban wrapped around the body stronger at the
King . King of the Gods Cengkar body thrown Aji Saka and crashed into the sea south and
was lost in the waves . Aji Saka then crowned king Medang Kamulan . He brought his father
to the palace . Thanks to a just and wise government , Aji Saka kingdom Medang Kamulan to
deliver the golden era , an era where people live quiet , peaceful , prosperous and prosperous .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris : Legenda
Candi Prambanan

Candi Prambanan
By : Aris Kurniawan
At the time Java is divided into kingdoms , there was two major kingdoms , namely : Boko
kingdom and the Kingdom Pengging . Each kingdom is ruled by a great king .

Prabu Boko Boko is the king of the kingdom . He has a form of a giant , but so his daughter
Jonggrang very beautiful . Meanwhile , Prabu Damar Moyo is known as the king of the
Kingdom Pengging , which berputra a knight named Bandung .

According to history , which is then handed down through the generations to folklore , the
two kingdoms at war with each other for territory and the reins of leadership . The idea was
initiated by the struggle to Patih Gupala Prabu Boko . They were making plans , tactics , and
strategy . As soon as everything is ready , Prabu Boko prepare his troops toward the Kingdom
Pengging .

Came the war between the two kingdoms . Boko kingdom led by King Boko own . And
Pengging kingdom led by his father as a messenger Bondowoso beat Prabu Boko and his men

Both sides launched attack after attack is quite fierce . However , Bondowoso finally
managed to kill King Boko . Without their leader Prabu Boko men topsy - turvy , including
Patih Gupala . He fled back to the Kingdom of Boko . Bondowoso Patih Gupala pursue .

Gupala duke who first reached the kingdom of Boko immediately report to Jonggrang . This
dainty princess wrath knowing his defeat . He was about to beat tactical Bondowoso in Boko
Bondowoso intention to destroy the kingdom of Boko Patih Gupala and vanished as soon as
he saw Jonggrang . In his vision , Jonggrang looks slick , beautiful , and charming . His heart
was keen to mempersuntingnya . He turned away from its original purpose .

Once Bondowoso convey his will , his daughter filed two conditions : Jalatunda well made
and wake her 1000 temples overnight . Because his heart was smitten beauty princess ,
Bondowoso accept the terms .

It did not take long for Bondowoso Jalatunda to finish well . Bondowoso Jonggrang asked to
go into it , and ordered Patih Gupala to hoard . Unfortunately, Bondowoso too powerful . It
can not kill him .

He also completed the second challenge : build the 1000 temples in one night . With the help
of magical creatures , Bondowoso start working . Too early yet to come , building a thousand
temples was almost finished .

Jonggrang Bondowoso will feel that the successful completion of the challenge it provides.
But the princess did not lost my mind . He asked for help the girls of his kingdom . They
were ordered to burn the straw and mortar to pound the east . Straw burning light effect like
sun would rise . Mortar - mortar that hit makes a rooster crowed . Indicates morning activity
has arrived .

Supernatural beings maid Bondowoso immediately went away . The supernatural beings that
said it was morning , or the princess being mengerjainya . Bondowoso call Princess .

Jonggrang Bondowoso and then went to say if the man was lost . However , Bondowoso
Jonggrang accused of cheating . Number of temples is not even 1000, there were only 999 .

Bandung wrath and curse Jonggrang so fulfilled the temple there are 999 temples .
Immediately , Jonggrang turned into temples . In addition , he also condemned the girl who
helped Jonggrang cheating will be an old maid not sold - life behavior .

And so the legend of Prambanan Temple , Yogyakarta , occurs . Until now we still can see
beauty , even though some parts of the complex was destroyed . Myths about the old maid
was still attached Prambanan Area .

By : Cerita Rakyat Indonesia "Bahasa Inggris"

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