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Republic of the Philippines Case 2

Manila Pacifico Ocampo was an employee of the Manila International Airport
Authority. He filed an administrative case against one Ricardo Ortiz.
EN BANC After that, Ocampo alleged that Crisanto Cruz (perhaps a friend of Ortiz?
– not mentioned in the case), tried to persuade Ocampo not to continue
A.M. No. 227-RTJ October 13, 1986 with the administrative case against Ortiz. Ocampo did not accede so
allegedly, Cruz filed a separate administrative complaint against Ocampo.
GREGORIO R. ABAD, complainant, In turn, Ocampo filed a civil case against Cruz before Judge Bleza. Ocampo
vs. alleged that the administrative case against him was baseless and the
ILDEFONSO BLEZA, respondent. same made him suffer embarrassment, mental shock, anxieties, sleepless
nights, and loss of appetite.
A.M. No. R-561-RTJ October 13, 1986
Ocampo won and Bleza ordered Cruz to pay for damages. Cruz filed an
administrative case against Bleza for allegedly knowingly rendering a
CRISANTO P. CRUZ, complainant,
wrongful decision as Cruz averred that the administrative case was based
on Ocampo’s absenteeism, inefficiency and tardiness which were all on
HON. JUDGE ILDEFONSO M. BLEZA, RTC of Bacoor, Cavite, respondent.
record and same were presented as evidence which were even (allegedly)
A.M. No. 5249-RET October 13, 1986
ISSUE: Whether or not Bleza should be disciplined.
Application for Disability Retirement. HELD: No (in both cases). In the first case, Bleza erred in appreciating the
mitigating circumstance of lack of intent to kill in favor of Sabater – but
Judge ILDEFONSO M. BLEZA, applicant. such error does not hold him administratively liable.
In Criminal Law, in cases of frustrated homicide there is inherently an
intention to kill for if otherwise, it would have been a case of physical
145 SCRA 1 – Legal Ethics – Liability of Judges for Erroneous Decisions injuries. Bleza found Sabater guilty of frustrated homicide hence it is error
There are two administrative cases against Judge Ildefonso Bleza here. for him to appreciate lack of intention to kill as a mitigating circumstance.

Case 1 But as a matter of public policy, in the absence of fraud, dishonesty or

corruption, the acts of a judge in his judicial capacity are not subject to
In 1981, a shooting incident in a cockpit occurred where Gregorio disciplinary action, even though such acts are erroneous. Even on the
Abad, a colonel escaped death. In that incident, Abad had an argument assumption that the judicial officer has erred in the appraisal of the
with one Potenciano Ponce and the latter’s bodyguard, Francisco Sabater evidence, he cannot be held administratively or civilly liable for his
Jr. Sabater shot Abad and due to medical intervention, Abad survived. judicial action. A judicial officer cannot be called to account in a civil action
Abad filed two separate criminal cases against Ponce and Sabater. Ponce for acts done by him in the exercise of his judicial function, however
was acquitted due to insufficiency of evidence (because there were erroneous. Not every error or mistake of a judge in the performance of his
conflicting testimonies) while Sabater was found guilty of frustrated duties makes him liable therefor. To hold a judge administratively
homicide but with mitigating circumstances of voluntary surrender and accountable for every erroneous ruling or decision he renders, assuming
lack of intent to kill. that he has erred, would be nothing short of harassment and would make
Abad, not satisfied with Bleza’s decisions filed an administrative case his position unbearable.
against Bleza,
In the second case, the Supreme Court took notice of the fact that it is on Republic of the Philippines
appeal before the Court of Appeals hence it is premature to decide upon SUPREME COURT
it. Only after the appellate court holds in a final judgment that a trial Manila
judge’s alleged errors were committed deliberately and in bad faith may
a charge of knowingly rendering an unjust decision be leveled against him. EN BANC

A.M. No. 227-RTJ October 13, 1986

GREGORIO R. ABAD, complainant,

ILDEFONSO BLEZA, respondent.

A.M. No. R-561-RTJ October 13, 1986

CRISANTO P. CRUZ, complainant,

HON. JUDGE ILDEFONSO M. BLEZA, RTC of Bacoor, Cavite, respondent.

A.M. No. 5249-RET October 13, 1986

Application for Disability Retirement.

Judge ILDEFONSO M. BLEZA, applicant.



Two administrative cases were filed against Judge Ildefonso Bleza of the
Regional Trial Court, Branch XIX at Bacoor, Cavite, the first when he was
contemplating optional retirement due to poor health and the second, after
he had filed his application. Bleza's entitlement to disability retirement
benefits depends on the resolution of these cases.

On October 15, 1984, Lieutenant Colonel Gregorio Abad of the Philippine

Constabulary charged Judge Bleza with rendering a decision with malice,
ignorance of the law, grave abuse of discretion, and misconduct as a judge.
The complaint is docketed as Adm. Case No. R-227-RTJ.
After a cockfight held at the Imus, Cavite cockpit on July 19, 1981, Francisco Sabater, Jr. testified that he was at the cockpit that same afternoon
complainant Abad and one Potenciano Ponce had a verbal tussle which as a bet taker or casador. He declared that at about 5:30 in that afternoon, he
culminated in Abad's being shot in the chest by Francisco Sabater, Jr., an heard Abad utter the following words at Ponce: "Putang-ina mo, Pare
alleged bodyguard of Ponce. Sabater, was charged with frustrated homicide pipilipitin ko ang leeg mo." Ponce reacted by approaching Abad who then
and Potenciano Ponce with attempted homicide before the Regional Trial took hold of a beer bottle from the table and hurled it at Ponce hitting him on
Court where the respondent presides. the forehead. Ponce fell down. Thereupon, Francisco Sabater, Jr., took the gun
of Ponce and as Abad refused to be pacified, he went outside the cockpit and
The prosecution alleged that during the aforementioned cockfight, Abad's fired the gun five (5) times upwards to call the attention of the authorities.
gamecock lost to the one owned by Ponce. A remark by Ponce that When Abad approached him, holding a broken bottle of beer and tried to stab
complainant's cock was weak and lacked more care (mahina, kulang sa alaga) him with it, he was forced in self-defense to fire the gun at Abad who was hit
led to a heated argument between the two but they were pacified by certain on the chest.
local officials Abad then went to the cockpit carinderia to take a snack. Ponce
followed him shouting, "Where is the Colonel, walang Colonel Colonel sa akin, On August 11, 1984, the respondent judge promulgated his decision, the
papatayin ko yan, babarilin ko yan." As Ponce was approaching and holding a dispositive portion of which reads as follows:
gun aimed at Abad, the latter grabbed a glass and hurled it at Ponce who was
hit at the head, causing him to fall down in a sitting position. While thus WHEREFORE, in Criminal Case No. B-82-119, entitled People
seated, Ponce's gun was taken by his bodyguard, Francisco Sabater. Jr. Abad v. Pontenciano Ponce y Dayacap, for Attempted Homicide,
was then advised by a certain Captain Diaz to go home. Outside the cockpit said accused is hereby ACQUITTED for insuffiency of
gate, bodyguards of Ponce approached Abad and engaged him in a fistfight. evidence, with cost de oficio. The case bond posted in his
At this juncture, Francisco Sabater, Jr., upon the order of Ponce, fired six (6) favor is ordered reimbursed to him by the Municipal
shots at Abad, the last one hitting him on the chest, the slug exiting at the back Treasurer of Bacoor, Cavite.
of his right shoulder. Abad was rushed to the Cavite Medical Center in Cavite
City where he underwent an operation. On the 4th day he was transferred to In Criminal Case No. B-82-57, entitled People v. Francisco
the V. Luna Hospital at Quezon City where he was again operated on-to Sabater, Jr. for Frustrated Homicide, said accused is hereby
remove the slug imbedded in his back. He stayed in the hospital for 123 days. found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the offense of
Frustrated Homicide as defined and penalized under Art. 250
Sabater and Ponce presented a contrary version of the incident. of the Revised Penal Code, with the mitigating circumstances
of voluntary surrender, incomplete self-defense and without
Potenciano Ponce testified that on his way out of the cockpit, Abad uttered any intention to kill the victim, without any aggravating
obscenities against him which he answered in kind. However, common circumstances to offset the same and applying the
friends like Mayor Jamir of Imus, Barangay Captain Enrique Diaz, and Cavite Indeterminate Sentence Law as amended, he is sentenced to
City Fiscal Gabriel pacified them. After cooling off, Ponce decided to go home suffer imprisonment ranging from four (4) months and
but on his way out of the main gate of the cockpit, Abad, who was drinking twenty (20) days of arresto mayor, as minimum, and to
beer at a carinderia, hurled invectives at him. Ponce then approached Abad to indemnify the victim the sum of P9,750.00 for medical and
ask for an explanation. Abad hit him on the forehead with a bottle of beer hospital expenses, without subsidiary imprisonment in case
causing him to fall down unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness, he was of insolvency and to pay the cost.
brought to the Cavite Medical Center. Ponce denied having aimed his gun at
Abad, insisting that his gun was never taken out of its holster. He also It is this decision which forms the basis of Abad's complaint. On August 23,
contradicted the testimony of Abad that his permit to carry his firearm 1985, we referred this case to Associate Justice Santiago Kapunan of the then
outside of his residence was no longer valid on July 19, 1981, stressing that Intermediate Appellate Court for investigation and recommendation. The
his permit expired on November 18, 1981. investigating Justice submitted the following recommendation:
Coming to the question of respondent's culpability of the On the matter of the non-imposition by respondent of
charges thus levelled against him on the basis of the facts, the subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, the decision
arguments and the applicable provisions of law, it appears did not mete out the penalty of fine on Sabater. There being
inescapable that respondent has not committed any none, subsidiary imprisonment could not have been
wrongdoing to evoke disciplinary action in acquitting Ponce imposed, pursuant to Art. 39 of the Revised Penal Code.
of attempted homicide. The ground for acquittal was
insufficiency of evidence due to inconsistencies of the Respondent, however, was in error in appreciating as a
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses which he mitigating circumstance "lack of intention to kill the victim"
specifically pointed out in the decision. In addition, in fixing the penalty imposed on Sabater.
respondent found that Ponce never pulled the gun tucked at
his waist during the incident, although prosecution xxx xxx xxx
witnesses testified otherwise. In the face of conflicting
evidence, it is difficult to impute dishonesty and unfairness The kind of weapon used by Sabater which was a .38 revolver
to respondent in arriving at his conclusion as to which side and the location of the wound of Abad would undoubtedly
told the truth. And even if he made an error in his perception give the presumption that Sabater had the intent to kill and
of the facts as he saw them, it cannot be justly presumed that which inevitably led respondent to convict him of the crime
he did it in bad faith or with malicious intent. For not every of frustrated. For in attempted/frustrated homicide the
error or mistake of a judge in the performance of his duties offender must have the intent to kill the victim. If there is no
makes him liable therefor. To hold a judge administratively intent to kill on the part of the offender he is only liable for
accountable for every erroneous ruling or decision he physical injuries. Therefore, the fact alone that respondent
renders, assuming that he has erred, would be nothing short found Sabater guilty of the crime of frustrated homicide
of harassment and would make his position unbearable. would prove that he had no doubt in his mind that Sabater
(Dizon v. De Borja, G.R. Adm. Case No. 163-J, Jan. 28, 1971; had the intent to kill Abad. Respondent's appreciation as
Gamo v. Cruz, G.R. Adm. Matter No. 467-NJ, October 22, 1975; mitigating circumstance of lack of intent to kill in favor of
Rodrigo v. Quijano, G.R. Adm. Matter No. 731-MJ, Sept 9, Sabater is palpably out of place. Presumably, what
1977; Sec. of Justice v. Marcos, G.R. Adm. Matter No, 207-J respondent had in mind was to consider the mitigating
April 22, 1977). For no one called upon to try the facts or circumstance of lack of intention to commit so grave a wrong
interpret the law can be infallible in his judgment (Paulino v. as that committed under Art. 13 of the Revised Penal Code,
Guevarra, G.R. Adm. Matter No. 584-CJ, March 30, 1977; which is different from lack of intention to kill.
Lopez v. Corpuz, G.R. Adm. Matter No. 425-MJ, Aug. 31, 1977).
It is believed that while respondent committed an error thus
Indeed, assuming that Ponce really pulled out his gun and described, the same was done without malice or deliberate
pointed it at Abad as he approached him, it would not be easy intent to perpetrate an injustice. But in any case, there was
to fault respondent's reasoning that Ponce had ample negligence for which he should be reprimanded.
opportunity to fire the gun at the victim if he had the
intention to kill him. All what Ponce had to do was to press
ACCORDINGLY, the undersigned recommends that
the trigger while Abad was about to hurl the bottle, or glass
respondent be reprimanded, with warning that a similar
at him. On this point, Justice Luis B. Reyes' Revised Penal
transgression in the future will be more severely dealt with.
Code (p. 100, 1981 ed) has this to say:
The recommendation is well taken although the reprimand may be dispensed
To constitute attempted homicide the person using a firearm
with considering the respondent's poor health and his impending retirement.
must fire the same, with intent to kill at the offended party,
without however inflicting a mortal wound on the latter.
As a matter of public policy, in the absence of fraud, dishonesty or corruption, Ricardo Ortiz and averred that Ocampo's inefficiency, absenteeism, and
the acts of a judge in his judicial capacity are not subject to disciplinary action, tardiness are substantiated by company records.
even though such acts are erroneous (Revita v. Rimando, 98 SCRA 619).
However, while judges should not be disciplined for inefficiency on account After trial, the respondent judge ruled in favor of Pacifico Ocampo. He
merely of occasional mistakes or errors of judgment, yet it is highly ordered complainant Cruz to pay Ocampo the sum of P150,000.00 for moral
imperative that they should be conversant with basic legal principles damages, P30,000.00 for examplary damages and P5,000.00 for attorney's
(Ubongon v. Mayo, 99 SCRA 30) They are called upon to exhibit more than fees.
just a cursory acquaintance with statutes (Aducayen v. Flores, 51 SCRA 78)
and to keep themselves abreast of the latest laws, rulings and jurisprudence The administrative complaint filed by Cruz alleged that the respondent judge
affecting their jurisdiction (Vasquez v. Malvar, 85 SCRA 10). disregarded the defendant's incontrovertible evidence and knowingly
rendered a wrong judgment against him.
In the case of Ajeno v. Inserto (71 SCRA 166, 172), this Court held that: ... Even
in the remaining years of his stay in the judiciary, he should keep abreast with In his comment, the respondent judge alleged that the decision, subject
the changes in the law and with the latest decisions and precedents. Although matter of this case, is pending appeal before the Intermediate Appellate
a judge is nearing retirement, he should not relax in his study of the law and Court. This allegation was not refuted by the complainant. Thus, any action
court decisions. Service in the judiciary means a continuous study and we can take in this case would be premature. For only after the appellate
research on the law from beginning to end... court holds in a final judgment that a trial judge's alleged errors were
committed deliberately and in bad faith may a charge of knowingly rendering
The records fail to show malice, ill-will or even bias on the part of respondent an unjust decision be levelled against him. This is the pronouncement of this
judge. His decision pointed out, one by one, the glaring inconsistencies in the Court in several cases (See Garcia v. Alconcel, 111 SCRA 178; Sta. Maria v.
prosecution's evidence which led to the exculpation of defendant Ponce. Ubay, 87 SCRA 179; and Gahol v. Riodique, 64 SCRA 494). In the meantime,
In Pabalan v. Guevarra (74 SCRA 53, 58), this Court held that ... Even on the the presumption is that official duty was regularly performed.
assumption that the judicial officer has erred in the appraisal of the evidence,
he cannot be held administratively or civilly liable for his judicial action. A WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the administrative cases are
judicial officer cannot be called to account in a civil action for acts done by hereby, DISMISSED. The recommendation dated June 6, 1984 submitted by
him in the exercise of his judicial function however erroneous... the Court Administrator that the respondent judge be retired from office due
to hypertensive heart disease and congestive heart failure with
The second case docketed as Administrative Matter No. R561-RTJ was filed cardiomegally (enlarged left ventricle) under Permanent Total Disability, as
by Crisanto P. Cruz on December 11, 1985, against Bleza for knowingly endorsed by Dr. Antonio Valero of this Court, is hereby APPROVED.
rendering a wrong judgment. This case originated from the decision in an
action for damages filed by one Pacifico Ocampo against complainant Cruz. SO ORDERED.

Pacifico Ocampo alleged in the damage suit that on April 16, 1984, he filed Feria, Yap, Fernan, Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Alampay, Cruz, Paras and
with the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) an administrative Feliciano, JJ., concur.
complaint against a certain Ricardo F. Ortiz; that complainant Cruz persuaded
Him to withdraw the complaint with a threat that if he would not withdraw Teehankee, C.J., is on leave.
the same, Cruz will cause his dismissal from the Fire and Rescue Division of
the MIAA; that because he did not accede to Cruz' demand, the latter filed
against him an administrative case for inefficiency and serious neglect of
duty, insubordination, absenteeism, and habitual tardiness; that because of
that baseless complaint, he has suffered embarrassment, mental
shock, anxieties, sleepless nights, and loss of appetite. In his answer, Cruz
denied knowledge of the administrative case between Pacifico Ocampo and

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