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veryone loves a good tropical drink—be it at a tiki Perhaps befitting its relative lack of regulation, rum has
bar, on a Caribbean cruise or at some island resort. long been a renegade spirit, from pirates of yore to rum-
Sweet and cold, yet refreshing. The real star of runners of Prohibition. Whether on high seas or through back
this lush liquid genre, is rum. Though it comes in doors, rum has remained an American favorite in many forms
many iterations, all rum can be traced back to sugarcane— and formats. A sense of adventure is still palpable in many
so abundant in island climates. The song that island-hopping brands, by tattoo or barrel or cane or pirate map. From a
pirates sing isn’t “Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of gin,” after all. simple base of sugar, a many-splendored spirit has evolved.

Where is it produced? What’s It Made From?

ã The short answer: everywhere. The gen- ã Most rum is distilled from molasses, ã In some countries—particularly the
eral term, “rum” isn’t country-specific or a a by-product of sugarcane processing. French West Indies where it’s called rhum
protected appellation. In the early 17th century, slaves on agricole—producers ferment and distill the
Caribbean sugar plantations (most pure sugarcane juice.
ã Just about any region or country with a
likely on Barbados) discovered that
spirits industry produces some variation ã Rum’s cousin, cachaça, a product unique
molasses can be fermented into
on rum. However, the undisputed center to Brazil, also derives from unprocessed
alcohol and then distilled.
remains in and around the Caribbean. cane juice.
ã Molasses is the result of a two-step boil-
ã Unfortunately, like anything rooted in the ã The fermenting of raw sugarcane juice is a
ing process. Refiners boil raw cane juice
colonial era of the region, its origins are much older practice, having been made in
to concentrate and crystallize the sugar,
tied to the slave trade. Asia a millennium ago. In turn, distilling from
producing a thick, sweet syrup, usually
pure cane juice retains many of the vegetal
referred to as “first syrup” or mild molas-
The Caribbean
characteristics inherent in the plant.
ses. It’s boiled again, producing “second”
or “dark molasses.” A large percentage of
rums are based on second molasses.

ã If it’s boiled a third time, the resulting

by-product is the much darker “blackstrap
molasses,” from which some rums are
also produced. raw sugarcane
Featured Brand
know your rum types BLUE CHAIR bay
Rums range from clear to dark and their depth of color often is region-specific (and not always
natural). Spanish-speaking countries produce most of the lighter rums, while English-speaking
tropical islands and territories are known as the source of most of the darker ones. As with
whiskey and tequila, the length of the maturation period plays a key role in rum’s flavor.

type Aging Color Profile

WHITE/ Up to 1 year in Little flavor complexity; used

silver oak barrels primarily as a cocktail mixer.

Clear (any color gtom
aging is filtered out)

Smooth and rich, rum creams (technically

Good bridge between light and dark liqueurs) are another important branch of the
gold/ Modest aging in rums; more flavor nuances (vanilla, rum tree, first emerging in the early 1980s

amber charred oak barrels caramel, etc.), thanks to the wood; and built on the success of whiskey cream
still commonly used in cocktails. cordials. With a lower proof and infused with
Amber, from natural flavor and a smack of sweetness,
barrel aging these creamy rum-based spirits work brilliantly
in tropical cocktails.
Generally a bit more flavor and
Typically aged longer
aromatic complexity. Notes of Keeping it Tropical
than gold rums, often The tropical tilt is a particular strength for Blue
cinnamon, brown sugar, deeper
several years; usually Chair Bay, the line of rums developed by multi-
caramel and vanilla, other baking
in charred oak casks. platinum singer-songwriter Kenny Chesney.
spices and even a bit of smoke.
Deeper amber/brownish The brand’s island image is well tailored to
Chesney’s “No Shoes Nation” fan base. Blue
Chair offers seven rums, but the two cream
expressions have been especially popular.
They get their flavor from the
spiced Varies widely
On the darker side, but
infusion of spices like cinnamon, ã Both have a base of Caribbean rum, plus real
sugar and natural ingredients
allspice, nutmeg, cloves, etc.
not always through aging
ã Banana Rum Cream shows ripe banana,
(caramel sometimes
vanilla, creamy caramel, baking spices and
added for color)
balanced sweetness
ã Coconut Spiced Rum Cream blends
Three months
The preferred spirit of the French toasted coconut aromatics with vanilla and
minimum for “white,”
rhum longer for paille (straw)
West Indies; “agricole” refers to the
raw plant it’s distilled (sugarcane
warm island spices as well as cinnamon,
nutmeg and clove
agricole and ambré (amber);
instead of molasses), giving it
rhums aged 3 years or
more are “vieux.”
some distinct vegetal notes. Mixing it up
Covers a spectrum Rum creams’ lower alcohol content makes
them ideal for lighter summer cocktails.
Technically liqueur, rum-based Blue Chair Coconut Spiced Rum Cream’s
creams are lower in alcohol by signature drink is The Float, a blend of Spiced

CREAM Not a factor volume and present as rich, creamy Rum Cream and root beer. The Riptide is a
combination of Blue Chair Banana Rum Cream
and sweet, with additional flavors
often featured. and coconut water.
Silky, opaque white


What is Cachaça? 2 oz. Blue Chair Bay

Banana Rum Cream
While technically part of the rum family, cachaça was officially recognized by 4 oz. Coconut Water
the United States as a distinctive product of Brazil in 2013. Like rhum agricole, Pour ingredients over ice
producers ferment pure cane juice, rather than sugarcane by-products, and then and stir. Garnish with a
distill the fermented liquid. Cachaça benefits a great deal from the unique terroir of pineapple leaf if you’re in
its home country. When cachaça is distilled close to a rainforest, it often picks up the mood to impress.
the flavors of the surrounding flora, including bananas.
Featured Brand
Malibu common uses...
Rum is highly mixable and an ingredient in some of the world’s most iconic cocktails:

Mojito Daiquiri Piña Dark ‘N’ Cuba Libre

Cuba’s most The most Colada Stormy Essentially a
famous rum popular Celebrated in Dark rum is Rum and Coke
drink has member of the song, and mixed the preferred (with dark or
Born in Barbados in 1983, Malibu includes also become frozen family enthusiastically base for this light rum, and
the flavor of coconut, a taste profile that has a stateside tends to be by lovers of all Bermudan-born sometimes
resonated with rum drinkers the world over.
favorite; it the Strawberry things tropical, cocktail, which lime), this drink

Malibu Essentials consists of white

rum, lime juice,
Daiquiri (rum,
ice, sugar,
this pineapple
and coconut
continues to
inspire spin-offs.
is said to have
been invented in
ã Based on Barbados rum, which is traditionally
sugar and fresh strawberries, tandem remains Ginger beer, Havana around
lighter and more delicate than other rums
mint, topped lemon juice, a summer bitters and 1901 by patriots
ã Cane is converted to cane juice and molasses,
with sparkling lime juice, all staple. Made ice make up aiding Cuba dur-
then distilled three times
water and thrown in a like a daiquiri, in the rest of the ing the Spanish-
ã Malibu’s white rum base is blended with
coconut flavors to give Malibu a subtly served over ice. blender). a blender. recipe. American War.
sweet refreshing coconut taste with a
light finish
ã Across the line, with ABV at 21% (42 proof),
Malibu stands out as a light spirit that is
extremely versatile
What are the latest rum trends?
ã Upscale Leads the Way. As with many educating them on the differences
Power of Flavor other spirits categories, the real growth is among silver, dark and gold rums
Malibu’s ability to extend into diverse directions in the higher-end segments, though not and how they often complement
speaks to the power of flavor in the rum category quite as robust as in whiskey and some and contrast one another when
overall. In fact, Malibu represents 48% of the other categories. Last year, super-premium they’re layered in the same drinks.
flavored rum category.* Line extensions include:
rum grew 2.9%, according to the Distilled
ã Fresh Sips. As the whiskey renaissance
ã 70 proof Malibu Black Spirits Council; the overall category was
is starting to spill over into other
ã In addition to Coconut, a wide range of fruit down 1.5%.
segments, consumers are getting more
flavors, including Malibu Pineapple, Malibu
ã Cocktails Key? In the city where most savvy about barrel aging and “single-
Mango, Malibu Passion Fruit, Malibu Tropical
beverage trends are born, Portland, estate” rums. Many of the new products
Banana and Malibu Island Melon
Oregon, the Rum Club is a popular craft launching in the past five years have
ã Malibu ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails, in
bar; one of the most popular drinks is been geared toward sipping.
both pouch and cans
the Rum Old Fashioned,
ã Shot Heard ’Round the World? Meanwhile,
Masterful Mixing which substitutes rum for
with cinnamon-heat still firing on all
Light body and built-in coconut foundation make bourbon or rye.
cylinders, spicy-hot rum, designed
Malibu a natural for tropical cocktails. ã Tiki Time! The resurgence of tiki bar for shots, has joined the bar
culture is encouraging consumers scene. Only time will tell which
to take a second look at the spirit, types of usage will gain traction.
1 part Malibu Original
2 parts Pineapple Juice
Pineapple Garnish

Fill a chilled highball glass with DID you know?

ice cubes. Add Malibu and top up Rum’s pirate identity goes back centuries. Robert Louis
with pineapple juice. Garnish with
Stevenson’s Treasure Island, published in 1883, includes
a pineapple wedge.
the pirate song “Fifteen Men on the Dead Man’s Chest,”
*Source: Nielsen $ Share XAOC+Liquor 52 weeks ending 2/27/16 with the iconic line “Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.”
Featured Brand
Rum by the numbers sailor

24.8 million 1 Million

= 9Cases

9 liter cases sold in 2015

3rd-largest spirits category, behind

Vodka & whiskey and ahead of tequila
While rum in general is associated with the

11.5% 9.7%
tropics, spiced rum in particular has come
Share of spirits volume: Share of spirits revenue: to be associated with adventures on the high
seas, including the tattoo culture embraced
by sailors. One sailor in particular, Norman
Collins, pioneered techniques that literally
transformed tattooing into an artform. Known

as “Sailor Jerry,” his impact on the tattoo
culture in the 20th century is now rivaled by
the impact of his namesake rum on the spiced

Annual volume growth: rum subcategory.

SOurce: Distilled Spirits Council Behind the Spice

ã Back in the day, sailors used to smooth out
their high-proof rum ration with spices
ã Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum follows that

Tiki Drinks Rum Quotables same tradition, using natural spices and
flavors—cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla—all in a

There are hundreds of tiki drinks and many proprietary recipe (of course)
The first time I played the Masters, I
of those are proprietary creations at their ã The flavors need to be bold and rich to hold
was so nervous I drank a bottle of rum
respective bars. As a genre, tiki drinks are their own in the 92 proof (46% ABV) rum
before I teed off. I shot the happiest 83

known for both exotic (and often multiple) in- ã Overall profile is bold yet smooth, balanced
of my life.
gredients and painstaking preparation steps. with a subdued sweetness and a hint of
Some of the more universal classics include: – Golfer Chi Chi Rodriguez burnt toffee

ã Planter’s Punch (dark rum, orange,

Character Meets Versatility
lemon and pineapple juices,
grenadine, bitters)
“ The only way that I could figure they
could improve upon Coca-Cola, one
The richness of natural spices in Sailor Jerry
Spiced Rum means it can be sipped on its own
of life's most delightful elixirs, which
ã The Blue Hawaiian (rum, or easily mixed. In this “High Honor” cocktail,
studies prove will heal the sick and
wblue curacao, crème de which celebrates Sailor Jerry’s service in the
occasionally raise the dead, is to put U.S. Navy, the rum base supports a combo of

coconut, pineapple juice,
rum or bourbon in it. sweet tea, blueberries and citrus.
maraschino garnish)
- Humorist Lewis Grizzard (1946-1994)
ã The Zombie (light and dark
rum, orange curacao, lemon,
lime and orange juice; passion
fruit puree, bitters, grenadine)
“ If it be the design of Providence to
extirpate these savages in order to make
Sailor Jerry’s 'High Honor'
2 oz Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum
room for the cultivation of the earth, it 1 oz Sweet Tea
ã The Mai Tai (gold, light and seems not improbable that rum may be 12 muddled Blueberries
dark rum, orgeat, triple sec,
dash of seltzer, slice of lime,
the appointed means.

-Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Juice from half a Lemon
Juice from half a Lime
Splash Lemon-Lime Soda
maraschino garnish).
Combine over ice in a shaker
and shake vigorously; double
strain over ice into signature
Download Now at Sailor Jerry Oil Can and top with
101 Tutorials on key categories to improve your Wine & Spirits Education a splash of lemon-lime soda.
Garnish with a strawberry.

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