08 History and Development of Information Literacy

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Chapter Two

History and Development of Information literacy

2.1 Introduction
Before conducting research in any area it is necessary that the researcher
reviews the literature available in those areas so as to familiarize him/her with
the area and to plan his/her own study precisely and systematically. Review of
literature is extensive, thorough and detailed and an evaluative process aimed
at obtaining detailed information concerning a particular area of interest.

Research takes the advantage of knowledge which has been accumulated in

the past as a result of constant human endeavour. A careful review of research
literature on the problem area to be investigated is one of the important steps
in planning any study. Review of literature serves the following specific
• It makes the research up to date on the work which others have done in
the area and thus enables the researcher to define his/her problems,
delimit the area and state the objectives and hypothesis clearly and
• By reviewing the related research literature the researcher can avoid
unfruitful and useless problem area
• Through the review of related literature the researcher can avoid
unintentional duplication of well established findings.
• It gives the researcher an understanding of the research methodology
that can be followed in conducting similar studies. It helps him/her to
know about the tools and techniques which proved to be useful and
promising in the previous studies.

The literature on information literacy is presented on the following aspects.

Under each aspect, the literatures are arranged alphabetically.
• Information literacy in undergraduate education
• Designing, assessing and implementing information literacy models
• Librarian/faculty collaboration
• Web 2.0 from information literacy programme
2.2 Information literacy in undergraduate education
Information literacy is increasingly gaining importance in the contemporary
environment of rapid technological change and proliferating information
resources. Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is
common to all disciplines to all learning environment and to all levels of
education. Many countries in the developed and developing parts of the world
have recognized the importance of Information literacy among their citizens
and have implemented programs to inculcate the information literacy
competencies and skills among students at all levels.

Ansah,Edward K (2004) seeks a comprehensive approach to information

literacy instruction. It suggests a programmatic solution that ensures that every
undergraduate is provided information literacy instruction before graduation.
Lifelong learning is an inherent desire of the educational mission of the
colleges and universities. The Middle States Commission on Higher education
recognized the importance of information literacy when it encouraged
colleges and universities to “foster optimal use of learning resources through
strategies designed to help students develop information literacy Committing
to teaching students to find, evaluate and use information and knowledge in a
dynamically evolving information knowledge universe required an integration
of the librarian’s qualification into the requirement of the curriculum. Support
of faculty was indispensable if the integration was to be successful.

Badke,W (2008) mentions in his paper that true information literacy will not
become a reality until it is elevated to the status of academic discipline that has
confirmed role within the curriculum. Perrett (2004) found that 81 % of
incoming graduate students follow information literacy instruction in order to
meet educational standards, though many of them had self rated their skills or
have been excellent. While the need for comprehensive information literacy in
today’s society is becoming increasingly apparent and initiative around local,
regional, national and international educational venues, there is evidence that
information literacy within higher education is failing to meet its dual

intention of becoming credible within the academic community and pervasive
within university programs.

Baro, Emmanuel and Fyeman, Biokuromoye(2009) carried out research in the

Faculty of Social Sciences, Niger Delta University, Nigeria. The purpose of
this paper is to determine the undergraduate students’ level of awareness of
information sources available in the University, to know their level of digital
literacy and to determine the different search strategies used by them.
Developing lifelong learners is central to the mission of higher education
instruction like universities. Information literacy is key competency that
enables learners to master content and extend their investigation become more
self directed and assume greater control over their learning.

Bent, Moira and Stockdal, Elizabeth (2009) explains that Information literacy
is essential to allow students to develop their individual knowledge base
beyond material presented in between by drawing on both subject specific and
more generated information. Learning for life requires individuals to develop
appropriate underpinning personal habits of learning which can continually
evolve to meet new needs and adapt to new circumstances. Considering the
development of information literacy throughout the undergraduate degree
programme has led to a blend of teaching and learning approaches using both
generic and subject specific materials as appropriate. Students’ response show
that embedding the assessment of information literacy can play a crucial role
in engaging students with the concepts involved.

The literature shows a strong consensus on the centrality of faculty librarian

collaboration in fostering the information literacy agenda in higher education.
Bury,Sophie(2011) states that information literacy can form a critical link
when it comes to developing students capable of lifelong independent
thinking; problem solving .Low motivation among students and deficient
information literacy abilities was a major reason for a strong belief in
mandating information literacy instruction. This study corroborates finding of
earlier studies illustrating that many faculty perceptions, practices and

attitudes relating to information literacy instruction seem to have remained
fairly constant over time. Strong faculty concern about information literacy
abilities at undergraduate level was low. Information literacy competencies of
Undergraduate students need attention and should be addressed though
enhancement to the library instructional programming and outreach services

Chen, Hsin-Liang (2009) explains that library instruction has been an

important part of higher education in the US (United States). Many educators,
industry leaders and policy makers agree that college students must have
Information literacy skills. The report identifies several important areas of
instructions student must be able to develop effective search strategies as
evident of Information literacy required by ACRL’s education standards,
pedagogical design of course assignment should motivate students for
independent learning and course engagement. The educational goal of
Information literacy is to help students access the need information effectively
and efficiently.

The purpose of paper by Cmor,Dianne(2009) is to describe the strategic

efforts of the Hong Kong Baptist University library to build institutional
support for information literacy in an environment of major curriculum
reform. This case study will examine how librarians at HKBU (Hong Kong
Baptist University) set about staking a place for information literacy within a
changing institutional/educational framework and in support of student
training. In order to build information literacy program in higher education,
librarians in recent years have relied on accepted standards to define
information literacy and make explicit to stakeholders the types of learning
outcomes that such programs would support. It calls for campus integrated of
information literacy which were bolstered by the standards offered by ACRL,
CAUL and SCONUL. The paper outlines the current state of information
literacy efforts in Hong Kong higher education, provides content for renewed
potential of efforts and describes a number of approaches that were undertaken
to build institutional support.

Currie,Lea;Devlin,Frances;Emde,Judith and Graves, Kathryn(2010)
determines undergraduate students information seeking behaviour and thought
process involves in ,criteria applied to and methods of evaluating the results if
their searches in determining which information to apply to their research.
Population selected for this study was undergraduate students at the University
of Kansas. The authors concluded that course integrated library instruction
may not be meeting the needs of the undergraduate students in developing
search, evaluative and critical thinking skills. The authors recommend that
academic librarians work to establish stronger partnership with teaching
faculty to ensure that research and information literacy skills are integrated
into the core course curricula.

Dabbour,Katherine S and Ballard , James David (2011) Presents a cross

cultural analysis of information literacy and library use among Latino and
white undergraduates in an American University. The literature on academic
libraries and Latino and other minority students describes successful library
instruction, faculty library collaboration or outreach efforts. There was a
strong correlation between high school library use and continued academic
library use in the first three years of college. Studying in a library was viewed
as both evidence of participation in the social life of a campus as a place for
silent, uninterrupted reading and preparation for coursework in support of
academic performance. Latino respondents used the physical library more than
white respondents did for studying as well as using computers to access e-mail
and software.

Daugherty, Alice L and Russo Michael F (2011) Wished to measure the

degree to which a library information literacy course established a foundation
for lifelong learning. A web based survey was administered on Louisiana State
University (LSU) students. One of the goals of LSU’s instruction librarians is
to enable students to conduct research use of the many library resources
available to them. The problem with pre test/post test evaluation is that it is
limited to short term information retention of a specific skill set and is
consequently only marginally helpful when assessing a program ‘s lasting
Deep,Kum Chi and Nahl,Diane(2011) present a case study which explored
the perceptions of academic stakeholders about the development and delivery
of information literacy programs in four universities and identified elements
necessary to establishing information literacy credit courses in Vietnamese
higher education. MOET (Ministry of Education and Training) has required
universities in Vietnam to modernize management, teaching and learning
methods. It was funded by US Non government organization Atlantic
Philanthropies. The four information literacy programs shared similar
characteristics i.e. focusing on library orientation and bibliographic
instruction. Faculty and librarians strongly agreed students are not equipped
with sufficient information problem solving skills to succeed in academia.

The California State University (CSU) is engaged in a significant multi – year

assessment of information literacy skills, reflecting the CSU’s. Commitment
to educate students to be information competent in a complex, information
driven world. According to Dunn, Kathleen (2002) assessment is a necessary
by product of the current emphasis in higher education on accountability and
learning outcomes. It can encourage dialogue among faculty, librarians and
administrators on significant academic issues such as identifying learning
outcomes for student success, finding ways to improve academic programs
and documenting changes and improvement overtime in student learning. The
response to the scenarios revealed the kind of information resources that
students quickly think of using and how well they are acquainted while the
internet or computer was mentioned frequently other resources such as books,
reference books and publications by organizations people might be experts or
have firsthand knowledge. Responses to the scenario were quantified by
breadth and depth. Librarians create structure to improve access to information
and have the expertise to teach students about search strategies and important

Eisenberg,Michael B(2008) mentions that information literacy is the set of

skills and knowledge that allows us to find, evaluate and use the information.
Information literacy skills are the necessary tools that help us successfully
navigate the present and future landscapes of information. This paper offers
and over view of information literacy focusing on three contents for successful
information literacy learning and teaching i.e. 1. The information process itself
2. Technology in content 3 implementation through real needs in real
situation. Information and technology literacy is clearly the basic skill set of
the 21st century. Whether offering direct instruction to users, providing skills
based to users, providing skill based help function on websites, delivers one to
one (physical or virtual) assistance or ever providing meaningful signage in a
physical setting, every information and library situation requires helping users
to succeed through improving their information skills or understanding.
Information literacy skills are the necessary tools that help us successfully
navigate the present and future landscapes on information.

Enich, Agnes and Popescu, Cristina (2012) states that new information and
communication technological development, educational reforms must
establish the universities to integrate information and technological skills
instruction into the curriculum. Information literacy becomes a necessary
requirement for academic students in the present information era and academic
libraries .The librarian must support teachers’ role by building up information
skills and discovering how to integrate them into the course. Each academic
library has to develop educational strategies and learning resources to help
students develop information literacy skills. It is necessary to have an active
and continuing program concerned information access, development and
supported by faculty.

Floyd, Deborah M;Colvin,Gloria and Bodur,Yasar (2008)mention that pre

service teachers enrolled in the first portion of an undergraduate education
program at the Florida State University were assigned to develop case studies
based on their experience working in local elementary school. Information
education in academic institution at its best is a collaborative effort between
librarian and faculty. The increase in the percentage of scholarly journal used
by the students who attend the library session, indicate that library instruction
had positive impact on the quality of student bibliographies

Several core competencies related to information literacy have been identified
by Association of college and research Libraries. Students must learn to gather
relevant information and communicate their findings effectively. The
collaboration activity could easily be adapted undergraduate students to the
standards of professional writing, different form of publication, search
strategies to effectively find using or relevant database. Freeman, Edward and
Balta,Eileen Lynd(2010) did the analysis of pre and post activity assessment
which demonstrate that students gain confidence and knowledge on several
important skills as a result of this activity, providing content relevant
information literacy experience lays the foundation for students to be
successful consumers’ of information

Gedam,Pranali B and Agashe,Ajay T(2009) state that information literacy is

the vital process in the modern changing world which is mostly used for
higher education particularly at the university level education. In the
information centric world, students must develop skill so that they are
prepared for post secondary opportunities. UNESCO is playing a role in
information literacy not only in India but in the entire world. Information
literacy should be introduced with national curricula at all levels including
lifelong learning program. India has tried to increase the population of
information literate and educated citizens through organizing different
programs like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyam (SSA),District Primary Education
programme(DPEP),National literacy mission and establishing the community
information centre and village knowledge centre that would transform India
into an information society where information and knowledge resources are
considered as critical ingredients for development. India needs to transform
into complete knowledge society and hence the efforts to be concentrated to
develop the absorbing, analyzing and integrating abilities of the people to
make them understand how to use information.

Grafstein,Anna(2002) mentions that the quality of higher education depends

on the library which is becoming focal learning resources. The libraries
should provide a model for the kind of information environment in which
graduates who are independent, self directed learners will be called on to
function in an information society. An effective program involves a shared
responsibility among librarians, academic administration and classroom
faculty. Critical thinking skills and the capacity for lifelong learning are not
viewed as skills that are related to specific disciplines but rather are seen as
applying to information seeking independent of any particular discipline.
Students from the very beginning of their academic career, adopt a critical
approach to information they encounter for an authenticity, accuracy,
credibility, authority, relevance, concealed, bias logical inconsistency.
Librarians are responsible for imparting the enabling skills that are
prerequisite to information seeking and knowledge acquisition across the
curriculum while classroom faculty have the responsibility of teaching those
skills that are required for subject specific inquiry and research.

The findings of Harrington, Marni R (2009) indicates that these graduate

students are comfortable using campus libraries, prefer electronic resources,
ask supervisors when they need assistance in locating information and have
some interest in furthering their information knowledge. Information literacy
is an integral component of the quest of knowledge .It includes developing a
critical disposition and practical use of information technology and resources,
whether in print or electronic format. In this article, the author focuses on the
information literacy skills of research intensive graduate students and the role
of research librarians in cultivating it. The primary goal of this research is to
investigate how psychology graduate students find and manage information
for coursework and research who teaches them how to find and manage it and
if there is a development trajectory of learning these skills throughout their
graduate school career. The results clearly indicate that this group prefer
electronic access to resources.

The paper by Harris, Benjamin R (2010) seeks to offer a rationale and

practical suggestion for the integration of visual instruction and information
literacy practice and theory. Students are faced with countless activities
involving the reading and analysis of information delivered in visual form as
they locate, create and manipulate similar types of text. This paper aligns
visual literacy and information literacy competency standards, revealing
connections and opportunities for practical integration during library
instruction and traditional classroom instruction. It provides guidelines for
teaching and learning scenarios that may be used in library instruction session
or a part of a course curriculum.

Hearn,Michael(2005) describes an information literacy component for an

undergraduate program and discuss the design and implementation of a
faculty/librarian collaboration to teach first year English students. The internet
has made immediate access to information a fact of life for today’s college
students, librarians and instructors have attempted , often vainly to encourage
students to appraise the information DWC(Danish website college) differs
little in that students typically display an inability to apply basic evaluative
standards to the information they are using in their written assignments. The
librarian’s duty was to provide instructions about searching the catalogue and
database, using the contents of the library’s reference area and assessing the
quality of the internet resources. Blending of electronic and print research
skills would best prepare the students for the current and future research. The
Blackboard courseware used during the semester provided the librarian with a
means of quickly and efficiently communicating with the students and a
streamlined process for grading their assignment.

The main idea of the survey by Holden, Irina (2010) was to assess students
about lifelong learning and whether there was collaboration between librarian
and science faculty, which is viewed as an effective means to improve
learning outcome. The attitudes towards science literacy and lifelong learning
among university undergraduate that 81% of the students agreed that science
literacy course is required in every college and university level.

Hoyer,Jennifer(2011) discusses traditional conceptions of information literacy

as created within an academic content to address information needs within this
context. This paper discusses traditional conceptions of Information literacy as
developed within academic to address information needs within this context.
The ESPC (Edmonton Social planning council) youth internship program set

participants up for successful navigation of any type of information
environment by opening their eyes to the importance and value factoring
content into one’s approach to information. It provides them with a framework
for interacting with information that can be applied in any academic or non
academic setting in which they find themselves.

Islam,Mohammed Anwarul and Tsuji (2010)Carried out a study to assess the

information literacy competency of information science and library
management(ISLM) graduate students at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
and to determine their strengths and weakness. Information literacy education
is becoming important to students, researchers and information professionals
due to the proliferation of electronic resources and use of Internet as
information sources. Developing information literacy education awareness and
skills could be an innovative way to help people identify when information is
needed and to locate, evaluate and use the needed information effectively.
Assessment of information literacy programs is important so that its impact on
students can be measured on the quality of students research produced before
and after the program. It is however not the sole responsibility of the tertiary
institution to foster this area of knowledge and expertise primary and
secondary schools also need to incorporate essential information literacy
courses and other activities of information literacy for developing the overall
situation of the country.

Information literacy is an integral generic skill or graduate attribute in higher

education with many higher education institutions developing their own
information literacy policies. The module was developed with aim that after
completing an online information literacy skills module students would
develop some generic skills in finding and evaluating information. Students
prefer electronic medium for library instruction. Online information literacy
focus on the effectiveness of online modules in delivering information literacy
skills, online instructions versus face to face instructions and evaluation of the
outcome of generic tutorials and subject specific training. Developing and

maintaining an online information literacy tutorial requires a large
commitment from the librarian in regard to student marking and information
technology support but the successful integration of an online information
literacy module into the curriculum gives greater opportunities for
collaboration between academic and librarians and most importantly
strengthens the skills of the students. Johnston,Nicole (2010)

Karisiddappa, C.R and Rajgoli, Iqbalhmad U (2008) Mention that libraries

have long been involved in training their users in library user, its services and
resources. In addition to teaching how to find information, librarians now
recognize the importance of teaching critical thinking skills to enable users to
evaluate and select the best information for their users. The role of library
professional in the information age is to promote access to appropriate and
accurate information to serve the needs of the users. The need of the hour is
the effective utilization of information and communication technologies in
planning, designing and delivering information literacy programmes. Library
professionals can emerge as the leaders in motivating the users in the
academic and research environment.

Karshmer, Elana and Bryan, Jacalyn E (2011) mention that designing library
instruction for college students, the strategies employed should also be
informed by the information seeking behaviours of the student’s population.
The three direction model using empirical research relating to students action
requiring library research, proposes that students progress in all three major
dimension i.e. include recording the use of information as tangible product,
interpreting and analyzing information (cognition direction) and progressing
from the novice level to that of an initiated or knowledgeable member. Orne
also suggested that different learning taxonomies and frames of reference
(Bloom, Perry) might allow librarian to develop lessons that are not only
constructed around first year student’s experiences and points of reference but
they apply information literacy skills.

The paper by Kinengyere,Alision Annet’s(2007) seeks to examine the effects

of information literacy has had on the usage of electronic information

resources in academic and research institutions in Uganda. It aims to focus on
the innovations of Makerer University. Instruction and research in the 21st
century rely in the individual skills and on the best information accessible to
students and researchers. Information literacy encompasses knowledge of
one’s information concerns and need and the ability to identify, locate,
evaluate, organize and effectively create, use and communicate information to
address issues or problems , it is a prerequisite for participating effectively in
the information society and is part of basic human right of lifelong learning.
This means that the users are either not aware of the availability of such
resources they do not know how to access them or they do not know what the
resources offer. They have developed programs for information skills session
based on individual requirements which increases library orientation to
graduates ,undergraduates and new faculty members tutorials workshops and
seminars, how to keep research up-to date; reference management and
accessing electronic journals database.

Klentzin ,Jacqueline Courtney(2010) investigates traditional freshman value

attitudes towards the secondary research process. The study utilizes a simple
qualitative survey to investigate college student attitude towards secondary
research at Robert Morris University (RMU). A substantial contingent of
students (33%) described the motivation for conducting research as solely
extrinsic in nature while a smaller number of students (16%) were intrinsically
and extrinsically driven to participate in the research process. By
contextualizing these results with Bloom’s taxonomy (affective domain)
librarian will not only be better able to understand the attitudes freshman
students ‘carry’ with them regarding the value of secondary research.

Korobili,Stella ; Malliari,Aphrodite and Christodoulou, George (2008)

investigate the attitudes and perception of Greek librarians regarding
information literacy programs and their preparedness for such programs. The
study aims at providing further knowledge with regard to whether any
information literacy concepts are offered in academic libraries in Greece and
Cyprus and what kind of information literacy programs are provided with. The
study focuses on the perceptions and belief of librarians regarding information
literacy programs and highlights the abilities and competencies that are
considered to be necessary for effective participation in the educational
process.85% of the respondents declared that their library provides
information literacy programs. Most of the respondents of this study think that
librarians should have the responsibility to teach information literacy skills
and the co-operation with faculty will probably give better results. Seventeen
librarian‘s offer a program integrated in a course curriculum and seven have
developed online tutorials. Academic libraries should encourage all the
professionals’ libraries as well as staff to become information technology
literate. In other words, the role of a library liaison needs to be articulated and
promoted. Further research needs to be conducted in the users of academic
libraries to specify how they actually interact with information, what kind of
resources they tend to use and how they use them so that librarians will be
able to develop information literacy skills programs customized to their needs.

Lingnan University is a small liberal arts university located in Hong Kong,

China with an enrolment of undergraduates and graduate students. A review of
the educational reference literature revealed a major focus on the importance
of developing undergraduate students’ intellect and ability to use
contemporary Information technology. Pitts research on the mental models of
students engaged in information problems solving process found that they use
different domain of knowledge to complete a task, including one responsible
for information seeking and use another related to other aspects of the task
including subject knowledge. Eisenberg and Berkowitz developed a
systematic approach to information problem solving the big six model, and
this have shown how information skills can be integrated effectively Loo,
Alfred and Chung, C.W (2006)

Macpherson,Karen(2004) suggests a framework for the teaching of

undergraduate information literacy . A focus of teaching and learning in
higher education today is the importance of developing ‘generic’ abilities such
as critical thinking, problem solving and information literacy. Elements of
information literacy-researching, analysis, interpreting, disseminating have
always been integral to the development of the mental discipline that
characterizes a successful graduate. Two taxonomies of skills provide useful
framework for the conceptualization of critical thinking. They are Beyer’s
classification and Bloom’s taxonomy the teaching of thinking skills in the
cognitive dogma. This study was done at the University of Canberra.

Megnigbeto,Eustache(2010) states that ICT have given people the opportunity

to produce much information and to facilitate its collection, processing,
handling, storage, retrieval and communication. Information policy aims to
ensure timely information access. Information literacy should be seen as a
matter of knowledge and skill of process and methods that have to be
acquired. In the global information economic system information policy
should focus on educating people in information literacy and developing those
areas that have the potential to meet the information needs of people at all
social levels.

Maughan,Patricia Dautt(2001)explains the extent to which undergraduates

meet those or earlier set of standards. One out of every four undergraduates
spend no time in the library during a normal week and 65% use the library
four hours or less each week. As indicated in other studies of student library
research skills the UC Berkeley experience confirms that students continue to
be confused by the elementary conventions for organizing and accessing
information. The recently adopted “Information Literacy Competency
Standards for Higher Education” issued by the ACRL(American Association
of college libraries) Task force on Information literacy competency standards
describes five standards for information literacy. The ACRL task force has
recommends that librarians faculty and other work collaboratively to develop
assessment strategies and instruments.

Mill,David H (2008)The study provides a thorough overview of information

consumption at a modest sized liberal arts college. The abundance of
information available through the Internet makes it readily possible for
undergraduate students to write research papers without using a single library
supplied resources. Undergraduate students are inclined to turn to web
resources over traditional library resources. This study was undertaken to gain

a comprehensive understanding of the undergraduate citation behaviour of
students enrolled in intermediate and advanced courses at the researchers,
home institution, and a modest sized liberal arts college.

Mitchell,Erik and Hiatt ,Derrik(2010)mentions that POGIL (Process Oriented

Guided Inquiry Learning) is a teaching method based on constructivist
principles that enables under graduate students to learn through group
interaction and problem solving. In this article they describe the approach to
use POGIL to teach the content and discuss both the instructor and students
observation. These models often focus on information seeking process role of
technology in defining information literacy, the role of social elements in
Information literacy and the relationship between information literacy skills
and information ethics and issues. POGIL uses structured worksheets to take
students through “understand/identify/analyze and create” stage of learning.

Mizrachi, Diane (2010) presents preliminary findings from a large study

which examines and describes five issues of undergraduate’s academic
information and library behaviours: where students begin their research; how
they evaluate online resources; what library resources they use; what formats
they prefer for reading academic materials and specific laptop behaviours. The
study employed three ethnographic methods in order to triangulate the data: a
guided tour by each student of their academic work area and audio visual
inventories, semi structured interviews and free write essays on the topics of
their information management system.

An analysis of overall student performance on test items that are mapped to

information literacy outcomes help to identify competencies that need
improvement in a course as well as provide a baseline for informing the
process of assessing student learning outcome in an Undergraduate
curriculum. The ACRL standards focus on students at all levels in higher
education and include a range of outcomes for assessing undergraduate
students progress towards information literacy at both the higher and lower

levels of thinking skills. Mulherrin,Elizabeth A and Hamid ,Husien

Oakleaf, Megan(2009) presents the information literacy instruction assessment

cycle (ILIAC) to describe the seven stage of the ILIAC and to offer an
extended example that demonstrates how the ILIAC increases librarians
instructional abilities and improve students information literacy skills.
Employing survey design methodology the research and participants use a
rubric to code artifacts of students learning into pre-set rubric categories.
Assessing student learning is a rapidly growing focus of instructions of higher
education. This study was conducted at North Carolina State University
(NCSU) a research extensive university, where students are required to
complete general education requirements in order to graduate .By engaging in
two rounds of the ILIAC,NCSU librarians articulated learning outcomes
clearly, analyzed them meaningfully, gained important data about students
skills, collaborated learning achievements and diagnosed problem areas.

Pritchard, Peggy (2010) explains a range of competencies that students need to

develop for the success of the undergraduate programs. They include critical
thinking, reading, writing, effective application of disciplinary based
knowledge, communication, professionalism, teamwork, integrity, self
management and lifelong learning. There should be faculty librarian
collaboration in which the science libraries are embedded in the course.
Learning common support for Information literacy and academic literacy takes
three forms i.e. supplemental, integrated and embedded which are developed
at the University of Guelph (Canada).

Probert,Elizabeth(2009) reports on a project involving three New Zealand

schools which investigated teachers understanding on information literacy and
their associated classroom practice. The acknowledgement that students lack
information skills is widespread. Many of these skills such as question
formation, brainstorming, categorizing, skimming and scanning, use of search
engines and databases ,evaluation of online and printed materials, use of

content methods, synthesis of information and methods of presentation are
generic and can be used across many areas of school curricula at all levels. It
appears from evidence gathered from questionnaires, interviews, discussion
and documentation that a number of teachers did have some understanding of
the concept of information literacy.

Information literacy skills are based on library skills and information

technology skills. The study revealed that librarians were keen and
enthusiastic to commence information literacy programs in collaboration with
teaching faculty. Several difficulties were faced like lack of trained resources,
lack of trained staff and proper guidance. In order to achieve the best
information literacy practices, the Sri Lankan universities have to plan and
implement more information literacy programs integrated with the curriculum
to enable the students to gain knowledge extension and wisdom. Therefore the
librarians and teaching staff need to work in collaboration to develop
information literacy programs with instructional strategies, assessment
techniques and applying an information literacy model. Ranaweera, Prasanna

Rempel,Hannah Gascho and Davidson,Jeanne(2008) state that librarians and

faculty assume that students are comfortable navigating library resources or
appropriately evaluating information. This study was conducted at Oregon
State University. ACRL Information literacy standards are appropriate guides
for both undergraduate and graduate students who often demonstrate
competency with several of these standards because of their undergraduate
educational experience. Survey of graduate students found they assessed
themselves as able to successful determine the extent of information needed
,access this information critically , incorporate information into their
knowledge base and use the information effectively to accomplish a specific

Resnis, Eric; Gibson, Katie; Gundy, Arianne Hartsell and Misco, Masha
(2010) investigate students information literacy practice at Miami University
including information search process, preparation, differences in students
information literacy skills level and how well they transfer these skills outside
course work. Self assessments have primarily been created by librarians to
evaluate student’s information literacy skills, their learning over the course of
a class or to improve librarian’s information literacy instruction. The chance to
collaborate was a fruitful experience for both librarians and faculty. Librarian
should consider taking advantage of opportunities to work with faculty to
create similar kinds of research projects. Librarians may consider starting with
their liaison areas to gauge interest in collaborative project.

Salleh,Mohd Idzwan Mohd; Halim,Ahmad Faiz Abdul;Yaacob,Raja Abdullah

Raja and Yusoff,Zulkarnain(2011) mention that Information literacy is a
necessity to equip the students in higher education to learn more effectively
and to develop critical thinking .In this way the students can show their
abilities by applying relevant knowledge and skill to achieve high standard
and academic achievement. This research is concerned on examining the
effects on Information literacy on academic performance among the
undergraduates in a Malaysian public university. The focus on the concept and
principles of library organization as well as the nature and organization of
library resources including both print and electronic. Academic libraries
should ensure that the students acquire the appropriate information literacy
competencies to enable the graduate to be productive members of society and
lifelong learners. Libraries have also been transforming its user education
programs from library orientation, bibliographic instruction or user education
to information literacy courses.

Samson, Sue (2010) states that Information literacy learning outcomes of

randomly selected first year and capstone students were analyzed using an
assessment instrument based on ACRL(association of college and research
libraries) competency standard. The critical need for students to be
knowledgeable about finding, retrieving, analyzing and effectively using
information has become a campus wide issue fostered by librarians and
underscored by regional accreditation standard(accreditation standards not
only define information literacy but also include learning outcomes,
emphasize the importance of collaboration between librarians and faculty and
are based on the competency standards of the Association of college and
research libraries(ACRL)Information literacy related behaviours have also
been included on an experimental basis in the 2006 National survey of Student
Engagement (NSSE), providing interesting results of correlation between
Information literacy scales and other NSSE measures. First year curriculum is
based on a model of teaching the teachers and integration decision have been

Sales,D (2008) explains that teaching is an interactive , dynamic process and

every plan is subject to constant reviews as a class progresses. The main aim
of the broad research in which this paper is framed is to gather empirical data
that will ultimately help us in order to develop a framework for implementing
an information literacy program which will meet the needs of a specific user
groups: translation and interpretation students. Taking an overall view of the
preliminary result obtained we can conclude that the students of this group in
the translation and interpretation field are aware of the skills required as an
essential part of information literacy that is to recognize and delimit an
information need, locate the necessary information, evaluate the information
services, use the information and know how to integrate new information so as
to generate information for undergraduate students

Academic librarians feel that information literacy as a way of college and

university libraries to directly support the educational mission of their
institutions and align with the institutional goals. The result of the study by
Saunders,Laura(2012) is to provide academic librarians a broader insight into
the faculty understanding of information literacy and will help to advance the
discourse of information literacy further into the discipline. Teaching faculty
and other with responsibility for overseeing the curriculum will also be
interested to see how instructors in this discipline currently understand and
address information literacy. The purpose of this study is to explore faculty
perspectives on information literacy and to investigate possible cultural
differences in their attitude towards and approaches to information literacy
within their discipline.

Jeremy J and Hughes,Shelly K Shapiro(1996) state that Information literacy
and computer literacy in the conventional sense are functionally valuable
technical skills. But Information literacy should be conceived as a new liberal
art that extends from knowing how to use computers and access information to
critical reflection on the nature of information itself, its technical infrastructure
and its social ,cultural and even philosophical content and impact as essential
to the mental framework of the educated information age citizens as the
trivium of basic liberal arts was to the educated persons in the medieval
society. There should be collaboration among educators and information
systems professionals, humanists and computer and information scientist.

Seneviratntne,T M and Wickramasinghe,V M(2010)Information literacy has

been recognized as one of the core competencies of the 21st century. An
information literate person is capable of identifying, locating, evaluating,
organizing and effectively using the information to address and resolve
personal, job related or broader social issues and problems. This search was
conducted to investigate the status of information literacy skills of the
undergraduate students of the University of Moratuwa. Undergraduate
students are faced with different styles of learning and assimilating
Information literacy. Undergraduates will have the skills in finding
information for any purpose. Information literacy education and training has
become vital in this environment. Information literacy skills should be
included as part of the course curricula with each discipline rather than stand
alone sessions run by the library. The emphasis is on librarians to collaborate
with academic colleagues and put more time into liaison and course
development and teaching.

Scaramozzinho,Jeanine(2010)Academic inquiry requires critical thinking and

is based on the ability to determine the information that one needs to
locate,evaluate,synthesize and use that information. This ability is known as
information literacy and most undergraduate students arrive at college without
such skills. This equipping students with the tools necessary to use diverse
sources of information properly has been an important goal of higher
education and provide sound basis for lifelong learning.

Simard,Stephaine (2009) Discusses the design and implement an information

literacy program for the faculties of Science and Engineering at McGill
University. The Schulich Library experience of designing a user centered
program based on the effective domain of learning characteristics and
highlighting the potential gaps between the perceived and actual skills and
needs. Web based videos were effective to deliver basic instruction to
undergraduate students and new graduate students benefitted from hands on

Spiranec, Sonya and Pejova, Zdravka (2010) States that South East Europe
(SEE) is one of the geographic regions in the world which is lagging behind
positive globe information literacy development. Despite numerous significant
efforts and initiatives that have been taken in the last decade by many
international, regional and national organization for information literacy
promotion and advocacy, still many countries have not made minimal
necessary progress in that direction” information literacy is a catalyst for
educational changes””information literacy is a pre-requisite for lifelong
learning”. The correlation between information literacy and educational
reforms is widely recognized in some European countries especially in the
Scandinavian countries and Germany, in which pursuit of the Bologna Process
afforded a fortuitous vehicle for the inclusion of information literacy in
educational reforms.

Stamatoplon, Anthony (2009) Explains that the academic librarian should

engage formally with the undergraduate research community. Undergraduate
research is emerging rapidly as valued pedagogy in higher education.
Undergraduate researchers had closer contact with faculty members in the
classroom environment and their information use appeared to rely more on
their mentors, ideas, suggestion and sources. Librarian must develop formal
commitments to and relationship with undergraduate’s research program that
are analogous to their support of teaching and learning within the curriculum.

Shonrock, Diana D (2010) Describes the learning activity that used the
standards of Information literacy from American Library association,
Association of college and research libraries and the cognitive process of
Bloom’s taxonomy. Most academic library builds upon the principles of
Information literacy, critical thinking and lifelong learning. Librarians have to
collaborate with teaching faculty to provide a new approach to teaching
students about the effective use of networked electronic information and
publication along with traditions print resources.

Syamalamba, Rani (2011) Information literacy has become a global issue and
many information literacy initiatives have been documented in the field of
education. Undergraduate students lack the skills necessary to succeed in this
rapidly changing environment and faculty need training and support to make
use of new technologies for effective teaching and learning. The information
society is characterized by a constantly increasing volume of information,
advancement in information and communication technologies. It becomes
important for the patrons/clients to develop skills so that they can identify,
evaluate and use the relevant information effectively.ILP (Information literacy
program) is the need of the hour for maximum utilization of these resources in
teaching, learning and research.ALA states that information literacy is a
survival skill in the information age.

Walton, Geoff; Barker, Jamie; Hepworth, Mark and Stephen, Derek (2007)
Explain the structure of Information literacy programmes by setting out its
various elements in chronological order. Quasi experimental design using both
qualitative and quantitative strategies were used. The participants were
undergraduate student’s i.e.B.A, B.Sc. The purpose was to encourage students
to use the discussion board facility in the Blackboard Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) in order to engage them in online collaborative learning
of Information literacy. This was achieved by using notions of scaffolding,
reflection and situated learning in delivering Information literacy elements of
the programme.

Wakimito, Diana K (2010) This study explored first year students learning and
satisfaction in a required information literacy course. The study asked how the
students understand connections between and information literacy in terms of
power, society and personal relevance to assess students understanding of
information literacy increase after taking the course. The learning objectives
for this are the ability to: formulate a research question, develop and use
appropriate search strategies and results describe research process and
communicate results and understand and apply principles of information
ethics. All these objectives are in support of information literacy learning
outcomes for Lower Division General education at California State University.
All first year students are required to take in order to be eligible to graduate
from university. Based on the pre and post test students increased their
understanding of information literacy and found information literacy
personally relevant

Walton,Geoff and Hepworth,Mark (2011) Seek to identify the changes in

cognition associated with becoming information literate specifically in relation
to the evaluation of information. The Prague declaration(resulting from
UNESCO sponsored conference and reported in USNCLIS 2003) reiterated
by the Alexandria Proclamation (UNESCO,2005) and the recent US
Presidential proclamation on Information literacy(Obama,2009) and added
weight to be importance of the concept and seeks to argue that information
literacy is not only an important set of skills to enable information to be
gathered and used but also essential for effective participation in the
information .ACRL (2009) model is based on Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy of
learning and recognizes a number of cognitive stages to the learning process
namely knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and

Ward,David(2011) Examines the potential instructional benefits from and

methods for incorporating concepts from Bloom’s taxonomy into reference
interaction. Direct questioning of patrons is one of the primary methods
espoused in the RUSA Reference and User Service Association,
2004).Questioning techniques suggested by Benjamin Bloom’s (1956)
taxonomy of educational objective in the cognitive domain. Blooms taxonomy
provides a framework for engaging students in different level of cognitive
thought about a topic ranging from basic factual recall through evaluation of a
set of results based on predefined criteria. Analysis of the data shows that
Blooms is a useful tool for formulating questions geared towards the
Information literacy specific educational outcomes of the reference interview

Wong,Gabrielle K.W(2001) Information literacy is a core part of the skill set

for critical thinking and lifelong learning and has become ever more
important in the university curriculum. Information literacy aims at facilitating
student’s development of intellectual complexity and epistemological view.
The development of the 21st century skills includes critical thinking, problem
solving, communication and creativity which have become an important goal.
A major challenge of exposing students is the complexity of information
literacy in their perception of information environment and information use.
When librarians consider students intellectual development and epistemology
view and design information literacy teaching using a constructivist approach
library teaching can have a potential in helping students intellectually and
hence it becomes productive members in the learning society of the 21st

Xiao,Judy(2010) The purpose of this article is to describe a creative library

orientation program utilizing blackboard to help nursing students develop
information literacy. LMS (learning management system) such as blackboard
and web CT are prevalent across college campus in the USA. The college
technology review 92% of the institution use course management system with
blackboard (47%) followed by web Ct (30%) Information literacy education
has become a core activity at academic libraries in the USA. Results of the
students’ survey indicate that librarian faculty collaboration in integrating
information literacy and discipline specific library resources with Blackboard
course is an effective way to improve library instruction and student learning.

2.3 Designing, assessing and implementing information literacy
The American Library Association (ALA)endorses a widely held definition
for information literacy as the “ability to recognize when information is
needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed
information “ A variety of information literacy models are available to help
students locate reliable sources. These models provide steps from planning
and conducting meaningful research.

Barth, Christopher D and Cottrell, Janet R (2002) Mention that an information

service organization is based on individual constituent groups, instead of
defined physical collection and technologies, encouraged a broader more
effective and innovative use of varying information and technology services
for academic libraries. It results in demystification of the range of information
services and information delivery mechanism for both patrons and librarians
and promotes the development of skills to better harness the forces of
technology within the library services. Kenyon College implemented a merged
library and computing service structure. California Lutheran University, the
University of South California provides integrated services. Kenyon college
has a developed a unique category i.e. Library technology Consultant (LTC)

Bhatt,R.K(2011)Information literacy is a new paradigm for lifelong learning

in the library and information environment and libraries are working at their
best to inculcate new modes of education and services. Information literacy
attempts to address the issues of information overload with methods of
churning the ever increasing information at an increasingly faster pace. It
transforms information into knowledge that will empower individuals to
acquire and use information appropriately to the situation. For this purpose of
information use intelligently various models and standards are designed and
developed by various agencies. The inclusion of Information literacy
programme in universities in India is entirely the responsibility of library and
information professionals. Universities in India recognize the need to train and

provide the right skills not only to their library and information professionals
but also to the users of libraries.

Boer de ,Ann-Louis(2011)The main aim of the research project was to

determine to what extent the traditional approach to offering the module could
be changed with a view to accommodating students with different thinking
preferences and enhancing the quality of learning. Based on the data and
literatures it should reflect on the curriculum for Information literacy in a
diagnostic way to ensure that the curriculum facilitating of learning and
assessment target a large group of students.

Budd,John M(2008) Mentions that ACRL standards address the importance of

identifying an information need ,the skill required for use structured resources
and the critical acumen necessary to the evaluation of retrieved information.
TILT (Texas information literacy tutorial) is a skill based task oriented
program intended to improve student’s effectiveness at completing certain
kinds of assessment. ACRL standards form the foundation of many instruction
programs which have related to frameworks example Benjamin Bloom’s
taxonomy of educational objective. The framework is examined within the
context of a newly created course, offered in the fall semester 2006 at the
University of Missouri, Columbia.

Campello,Bernadete (2009) The result of the study shows that the concept of
information literacy ,a s a set of skills and attitudes to be developed through a
planned, continuous and sequential library program. The practice of
information literacy in Brazilian school libraries, but librarians still need to
move further towards enacting the collective and permanent actions that
characterize the concept of information literacy. Implementing information
literacy programs in basic education demands collective efforts involving not
just the librarian but also the entire school community. Professional librarians
in Brazil have realized their responsibility in the learning process, not only
with regard to promoting reading- a traditional function of the librarian-but
also concerning the development of information skills

Catts,Ralph(2005) An operational definition was developed on the relational
model of Information literacy(Bruce,1997) within the context of
undergraduate higher education. The relational model of information literacy
proposed by Bruce is based on the phenomenological study of information
literacy practice. This model provides a useful framework for conceptualizing
both the notion of information literacy and the approaches to be adopted for
the development of self and others as information literate person. Librarians
and academic staff at Central Queensland University (CQU) with an interest in
the development of generic skills including information literacy volunteered to
participate in the development and validation of a pool of items.

Chen,Lin Ching(2011) investigate the effects of integrated information

literacy in first grade science curriculum .It is suggested that information
literacy instruction could have a positive impact on first grade subject content
learning and lay a foundation for young children to be lifelong learners. The
super three model is used as the framework for this study to examine the
effectiveness of an inquiry based approach in guiding young children through
problem solving and improving lower and higher order learning of subject
matter .AASL (American association of school libraries) has developed new
learning standards ’entitled standards for the 21st century learners, which
expand the definition of information literacy to multiple literacies including
digital, visual, textual and technological which are crucial for all learner. The
super three models provided a framework for young children to learn how to
complete a task or make a decision and it has three phases i.e. plan, do and
review. The data analysis of this study showed that the experimental group
performed significantly better than their counterparts. Integrating information
literacy curriculum using the super three model can help first graders not only
to memorize factual scientific information, but also to gain a deep
understanding of scientific concepts.

Chipeta, George et al (2009) Mention that most undergraduates’ students do

not possess the skills necessary to conduct their research and search for
information. Technological advancement has resulted in the proliferation of
information and this information comes to individuals in unfiltered formats,
raising questions about its authenticity, validity and reliability. The seven
pillars of Information literacy (SCONUL 1999) describe the outcomes of
students’ progress on the path of becoming information literate. The study was
conducted among academic and library staff and students at the University of
Zuland (Unizul) and Durban University of Technology (DUT) in Kwa Zulu
Natal (SA) and Mzuzu University in Malawi reports on the offering and
teaching of Information literacy in these institutions of higher learning.

The aim of this paper by DaCosta, Jacqui Weetman (2010) was to ascertain
faculty views on Information literacy, rather than just make assumptions on
their knowledge of the skills and interest in the concept. Most of the
researchers feel that collaboration between librarian and faculty is needed to
ensure that Information literacy is integrated into the subject curricula. Society
of College, National and university librarian (SCONUL) and seven pillars of
wisdom model was used.

Diekema,Anne R;Holliday,Wendy and Leary,Heather(2011) explore an online

information literacy module that use problem based learning (PBL).The goal
was to enable students to experience information literacy in a richer way , by
moving away from a focus on locating information sources to one of
information use in the construction of knowledge.PBL is a constructivist
pedagogy that enable students to experience information literacy in a richer
way moving away from a focus on locating information sources to one of the
information use in the construction of knowledge .PBL seemed to provide a
productive content for supporting a view of research as iterative and question
driven and for supporting deeper engagement with information itself.

Emmons,Mark and Wilkinson,Frances C(2011) This study explores the

relationship between traditional library input and output measure of staff,
collection, use and services with fall to fall retention and 6 years graduation
rates at Association of Research libraries member library. They developed a
model designed for the library activities to campus vision mission and goals
along with a set of questions to ask about resources capacity and outcomes

Fainburg,Linda Isabella (2009) Explains how the users information need could
be compared with a learning knowledge and research need where the purpose
of information seeking is to find relevant information in relation to the
fulfilment of a specific goal and information need in order of become
information literate. Many research libraries are offering information literacy
program in the use of information systems and some library are trying to
integrate student’s project work into the information literacy curriculum. It is
clear that both Kuhlthau and Dewey are focusing on the close relationship
between thinking and action where both information seeking and problem
solving are learning process and both find information seeking easier when the
problem is more focused and the hypothesis deeply explored.

Fargerheim,Britt A and Shrode,Flora G(2009)States that Rubrics are scoring

mechanism that instructors can use to define a range of criteria to access
student work as evidence of learning. The long term goal of the project is to
determine the viability of librarians providing rubrics to academics
departments and adapting them in collaboration with teaching faculty. They
developed rubrics for capstone classes in 2 departments i.e. chemistry and
psychology. The goal was for the rubrics to guide the assessment of the
research and information literacy skills the students displayed in their papers,
projects or portfolios as judged by benchmarks appropriate for their major.

Hegarty,Nora;Carbey,Alan and Hurley, Time(2009) Focuses on Information

literacy programme for first year students at Waterford Institute of Technology
Libraries(WIT). The model involves the students development of a range of
generic and transferable Information literacy skills includes critical thinking,
reflective and research skills to enhance their learning experience at WIT. The
aim to ensure that the students become confident competent library users as a
result of the information literacy training.

Herring, James E and Bush Stephen J(2011) states that model adopted by the
school in this study is the South Wales, Department of Education and
Training model which is referred to as ‘information process’ This model has
interlinked stages entitled defining, locating, selecting, organizing, presenting

and assessing with each stage representing a number of skills. Collaboration
between teacher and librarian is very much required. Results showed that
NSW (New South Wales) model was successfully implemented by teachers
and that most students used part of the model.

Kavanagh,Allison (2011) The aim of this paper is to evolve a module for

marketing of Information Literacy for the science students at Dublin Institute
of technology (DIT) over a three year period. The study provides a correlation
of each year between the students and performance and outlines the students’
evaluation of Information Literacy. The changes resulted in improvement in
students’ performance and increase in the correlation between Information
Literacy and marketing components of the assignment.

Koneru, Indira (2010) states that Information literacy evolves from

bibliographic instruction, library instruction and user education transformed
sources oriented approaches into process oriented approach. It empowers one
with task and accomplishing skills in part by fluency with information
technology through critical discernment and reasoning. Information literacy is
based on active learning model in which student is the centre of learning
environment. ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation and
evaluation) enables to design and develop Information literacy instructional
service based on need and analysis. INFOSEEK model is a five faceted model
and it aims at making the participant information competent.

Leaf,Megan Oak,Millet,Michelle S and Kraus,Leah(2011) represents effective

strategies for engaging faculty, administrators and staff in information literacy
instruction and assessment. Succeeding in an area in which many libraries
struggle, the Coates Library at Trinity University offers a model for libraries
seeking to actively engage their campus through Developing workshops and
grants, Engaging in campus wide information literacy assessment using
rubrics and Establishing a common definition of information literacy

Lwehabura,Mugyabuso J (2008) explains that since the 19th century, librarians

have been engaged in teaching people how to use the library and its resources,
using various rubrics such as library orientation, bibliographic instruction,
information research skills, user education etc. It studies Information literacy
delivery in 4 Tanzanian universities in terms of Information literacy content
and delivery methods and their effectiveness. According to Kuhlthau, new
methods of Information literacy are based on cognitive and affective attributes
and applied to teaching methodologies that are concerned with problem
solving and seeking meaning. Collaboration, alliances and co-operation
between librarian and other educators are the key to the integration of
Information literacy within the total educational process.

Markless,Sharon(2009) Mentions that Information literacy is an enabler of

learning therefore any view of information literacy needs to relate closely to
how students learn. Principles of social construction are increasingly important
for understanding learning in Higher education. The purpose of the research is
to develop pedagogy to support students evolving personal understanding.
Information literacy does not operate in a vacuum. Information literacy
frameworks and models are by the very nature, generic, designed to be applied
across a range of context.

The purpose of the paper by Miller, Ellen R (2010) is to describe and analyze
Eastern Washington University Students Research skills imitative, a three year
ongoing project in which librarian works with faculty members from the
selected departments to aid them in articulating and integrating information
literacy skills into their curriculum. The overall feedback was positive from
participating faculty in the first year but received stronger positive feedback
from the second year faculty. Eastern Washington University (EWU) student
research skills imitative offers a successful model for integrating information
literacy skills into existing department curricula. This paper provides a
detailed strategy for librarian to work with department faculty in order to
accomplish this goal.

Millet, Michelle S; Donald, Jeremy and Wilson, David W (2010) state that
traditional bibliographic or user instruction included librarians in a role
supportive of teaching faculty. Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas began
its first year of a five year plan to integrate Information literacy into liberal

arts curriculum as a part of the required reaffirmation of accreditation by the
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in 2008-2009. Faculty members
were enthusiastic that they immediately sought to apply the new learning
objectives and models introduced during the workshop at levels within their
own discipline.

Orr,Debbie;Appleton,Margaret and Wallin,Margie(2001) mentions that

despite the growing recognition of the importance of information literacy
education, there are few working models for curriculum integration within the
Australian Higher Education. Librarians in collaboration with faculty at
Central Queensland University (CQU) developed a framework that assist in
the planning and evaluation of information literacy program. The mission
statement of CQU makes reference to the fact that it aspires to prepare
students for lifelong learning and information literacy is the ability to locate,
manage, critically evaluate and use information for problem solving, research,
decision making and continued professional development. Any curriculum
that encourages students to engage in using a wide variety of information
sources to expand their knowledge, ask information questions and sharpen
their critical thinking skills for still further self directed learning ,requires
collaborative partnership among faculty/librarian and educational designers.
Increased access to technology has altered the way that students study.

Patterson, A (2009) Explains the EBLIP (Evidence based librarianship and

information practice) model which provides the framework capable of
bridging this research practice gap. The purpose of EBLIP framework was to
elicit research students response to the information literacy programme offered
in that academic year and to gauge to what extent it meets the need of the
targeted audience. The data analysis generated clear indicators of areas that
information literacy providers must address such as tackling the widespread
lack of confidence in the use of advanced search techniques particular
variation determined by sophisticated search strategies lateral rather than
literal thinking and the formulation of sophisticated search strategies.

Sanderson,Heather(2011) Briefly introduces several major learning styles
inventory, Honey and Mumford’s learning style questionnaire and Gardner’s
multiple Intelligence. With different models and measurement instruments and
more colloquial use of the term as an indicator that students learn in a variety
of ways. Kolb’s model-David Kolb developed his theory of experiential
learning. His model of learning styles is one of the most widely cited and
influential including information literacy.

Shenton, Andrew K and Gibson ,Naomi V Hay (2011) Seek to draw on Sice’s
system Model, itself based on Senge’s “fixes that fail” archetype and on data
from two previous research projects conducted. The purpose of this paper is to
synthesis a new model that portrays the information seeking behaviour of
children and young children. Recognizing first the congruence between
problem solving thrust of Sice’s model and the nature of information seeking
behaviour and second the correspondence of individual elements within the
model to key phases within the information seeking process. Shenton and Hay
Gibson noted the potential of the structure to unify within a single framework.
Information seeking the action may also result in undesirable outcomes. The
system model provides the backbone of new framework but additions
accommodation and revision were made to ensure that the version featured
here represents the phenomenon of information seeking by young as
appropriately as possible in terms of the data that were gathered. Information
seeking is also shown to be an iterative process with the individual often
revisiting previous pages.

Walton, Geoff and Hepworth, Mark (2011) This study seeks to identify the
changes in cognition associated with becoming information literate
specifically, in relation to the evaluation of information. It puts forward a
model for teaching and learning intervention that engages the learner and leads
to higher order information literacy thinking. Three interventions were
designed to develop the information literacies of first year undergraduate
students at Staffordshire University to teach and test Information literacy.
Interventions took a blended approach and combined face to face and online
Social network and learning (OSNL) also referred to as social media learning
(SML) and focused on one aspect of information literacy the ability to
evaluate source material.

Wang,Li(2011) Presents a model for curriculum integration of information

literacy for undergraduate programs in higher education. The model was
developed based on recent research conducted at four universities in Australia
and New Zealand. Mc Gee’s model was chosen because it was developed
based on five well known curricular development models. The practical
application demonstrates that the model enables information literacy educators
and librarians to understand various aspects of the curricular integration of
information literacy and the relationship between them. The model can be
adapted and provides powerful tool in information literacy curriculum
integration in different subject disciplines.

2.4 Librarian/faculty collaboration

As information literacy grows within the academy so does the importance of

the role of librarian as an integral members of the teaching and learning
mission of the college and university. There is a growing emphasis on
teaching and learning as a component of the mission of the twenty first

Bent, Moira and Stockdal, Elizabeth (2009) mention that Information literacy
is essential to allow students to develop their individual knowledge base
beyond material presented in between by drawing on both subject specific and
more generated information. Students self assessments indicate their own
perception of the current information literacy levels using a scale from poor to
excellent. Considering the development of information literacy throughout the
degree programme has led to a blend of teaching and learning approaches
using both generic and subject specific materials as appropriate. Students’
response show that embedding the assessment of information literacy can play
a crucial role in engaging students with the concepts involved.

Brown,Carol Perruso and Wilson,Babara Kingsley (2010)This paper aims to

report a close collaboration between librarian and instructor made it possible
for an existing course assignment to organically evolve into an information
literacy assessment overcoming some of the impediments educators confront
in assessing student learning. The assessment tool appears to be useful gauge
of students learning .Of students completing both test 80% showed an average
improvement of 47% and average scores increased on 5 to 6 questions. The
assessment tool which addresses most learning outcomes of the course appears
to be useful gauge of information literacy for journalism student.

Bury,Sophie (2011) investigates the Information literacy instruction practice,

attitudes and perception at York University. It investigates faculty
collaboration in fostering Information literacy in higher education. An online
survey was distributed to all full time faculty with a response rate of 15.2%.It
contributes to Information literacy research and practice by both synthesizing
and corroborating finding of earlier studies and found out that the faculty
attitudes and practices regarding information literacy has remained constant. It
shows strong and enduring faculty belief of strong student Information literacy
proficiencies and these competencies fall below the desired standards. The
study builds on what is already know by uncovering disciplinary difference in
faculty opinions and practice in the domain of Information literacy instruction
and by providing insights on how perceptions and ranking of different types of
Information literacy competencies among faculty are evolving and changing in
an increasingly web based information universe

Buer, Viscount B (2005) The advent of the Internet and wide world web has
worsened the information overload because of the proliferation of information
it has raised the issue on the quality of information people churn out of the
website do not undergo editing. Information literacy has been characterized
with the discussion that relate to the involvement of librarian as a teacher,
curriculum and assessment. The diagnosis of students Information literacy
skills test could comprise of pre class and post class test administered at
beginning and end of the semester. The goal was to make a comparative study
of Information literacy of two anonymous universities in Ghana teaching
Information literacy as a credit bearing courses and whether Information
literacy course should stand alone or be integrated into the curriculum.
Chen,Hsin-liang and Doty, Philip (2005). The major goal of the framework is
to consider how to bring the larger computationally intensive collection called
digital libraries closer to the existing structure and practices of learners and
teachers while recognizing the new functionalities and learning opportunities
that digital libraries offer. The organization of learning materials in particular
must be based on the analysis of mathematics vocabulary and users’ search
behaviour, information utilization and actual work practices to facilitate the
use of learning materials. Information literacy must be a part of pre and in
service teacher education to enhance the quality of teacher preparation.

Clark, Sarah(2010)The initial focus of this study was to examine the

difference in Information literacy performance in online course delivery
students versus traditional face to face course delivery at Rogers State
University in 2008. Online education is becoming an increasingly predominant
form of course delivery for most colleges and universities and it is imperative
for academic librarian not only creates and implement innovative method of
library instruction, but to use established methods of assessment to identify
those methods, strengths and weakness and to validate the ongoing role of
information literacy instruction and the academic library in an evolving higher
education landscape.

Da Costa,Jacqui Weetman(2010)This paper originally grew out of research

conducted for a master program is Educational management which was
studied in the UK. Research was conducted at a specific British higher
education institution and it showed that faculty were enthusiastic about
information literacy and believed that students should acquire such skills, but
also felt that there were low levels of activity in terms of information literacy
being incorporated within faculty teaching. Librarians have long been aware
that it is a challenge to get information literacy incorporated into the
curriculum and to have appropriate bibliographic instruction delivered to
student. Librarian and faculty should work collaboratively together to bridge
the gap.

Derakhshan, Maryam and Singh, Diljit (2011) The purpose of this paper is to
focus on academic point of view towards integration of information literacy
into the curricula. UNESCO acknowledges that “Information literacy should
be introduced where ever possible within national curricula as well as in
tertiary, non formal and lifelong education programs’ (UNSIST newsletter,
2003, p 19.) Preparing students for lifelong learning and work in an important
educational objective. The integration of information literacy into the
curriculum has been in forefront of higher education. Meta synthesis is a
method of mixing a group of studies in order to find out the common essence
in the data and translate that into a new understanding. Effective integration of
information literacy across the curriculum requires the collaboration efforts of
academics and librarian.

Daugherty,Alice L and Russo,Michael F (2011)The author urshed to measure

the degree to which a library information literacy course establishes a
foundation for lifelong learning. One of the goals of LSU (Louisiana State
University) instruction librarian is to enable students to conduct research using
the many library resources available to them. The prevalence of the Internet
search engine and common misconception among students that ‘anything can
be found with a Google search’. Pearson survey of 1300 students had taken the
library instruction course during the proceeding few years did not measure
specific skills but rather student’s attitude about the library acumen. Another
way of measuring the long term effect of library instruction on student’s
academic success is their overall satisfaction with the library. Response to the
survey was collected in Zoomer and used SPSS for analyses.

Ferguson,Stuart (2009)Information literacy refers to the total learning process

and suggest a whole school focus. Referring to a report on information literacy
programme development in a Melbourne school, James Herring points out the
key aim of this programme was to incorporate information skills into the
school curriculum and not to teach information literacy skills as separate
”subject” in the school library. The focus of the paper is the perception
especially within the Library and information science community that
Information literacy and knowledge management are closely related. This
paper has argued that Information literacy and knowledge Management are
closely related areas of theory.

Foster,A.E (2006)The purpose of this paper is to report on the rationale and

key learning process for students of librarianship and information studies(LIS)
at the Department of Information studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Its aim is to raise awareness of the ways in which professional training can
incorporate research and ultimately inform professional practice and to
describe the ways in which recent research can be used to shape the
curriculum. .A teacher programme aimed as a preparation for professional
practice has therefore to accommodate more than a definitive statement of the
subject; it must be an introduction to thinking, asking questions and
interpreting and should instil the same critical thinking skills that are
perquisite for information literacy.

Gustavson, Amy and Whitehurst, Angela (2011) This paper seeks to provide a
solution for teaching comprehensive information literacy instruction when
time is limited during one shot library instruction session. The library
instruction program at East Carolina University, Joyner Library experienced
the same challenge. Library related information literacy instruction is shared
between Joyner Library and the college of Education’s department of library
science. The results indicated students had difficulty understanding the use of
Boolean Operators, the identification of credible sources, citations and
plagiarism and the actual process of retrieving books from the library

Ishimura, Yusuka (2009) This study investigates how Information literacy

course have been taught in American Library Association-accredited library
and information science programme. Information literacy refers to skills in
recognizing information needs and finding, evaluating and using information
effectively for problem solving and decision making. Librarians role are no
longer information keepers but rather teachers of information. In the 21st
century, the main focus has shifted from the bibliographic instruction to
Information literacy instruction. Collaboration with faculty and embedded

librarianship are important trends in academic library aimed at facilitating
students Information literacy skills. The ultimate goal of Information literacy
course is t educate librarians who can facilitate the development of lifelong
learners in the communities they serve.

Ivanitskaya, Lana (2008) investigates the impact of pre test on the

effectiveness of library instruction when students are given feedback on
performance. The RRSA(Research readiness self assessment) pre test serves to
inform students about the initial level of Information literacy without giving
out any answers to objectively measured questions thus making it possible to
administer the same assessment on post test. Students exposed to pre test and
post test intervention are more likely to indicate stronger inclination to use the
library as opposed to Internet browsing and report higher levels of library and
research experience.

Jackson, Cathie and Hogg, Rebeca (2007) The paper outlines the aims and
methodology of Information literacy resources Bank project created by
Information services at Cardiff University. The challenge was to develop a
product which would complement a tailored approach to embedding
information literacy into the curriculum. The most popular request from
academic staff was for resources which could help them teach students how to
cite reference and avoid plagiarism.

Li,Haipen(2007)The ultimate goal of information literacy is to make it an

integral part of the academic curriculum thus helping students to succeed not
only during their years in college but also for their lifelong career choice.
Library professionals in US have realized that information literacy plays a
critical role in student learning process. Ability of finding, evaluating and
analyzing the information available to us has become extremely important in
the world of information explosion. Many associations like ACRL, LOEX and
ALAO have held conferences specially addressing issues of information
literacy. NFIL report not only raised the need for information literacy but also
outlined the steps to take to successfully incorporating information literacy

into cultural literacy programs. Course related or integrated instruction
sessions have come to play a bigger role in making students more information
literate. The role of librarian in the information literacy efforts is critical in
order to engage students in their learning process. George D kuh and Robert M
Gonyea in their study ”The role of Academic Library in promoting students
engagement in Learning” argue that “because the emphasis a campus place on
information literacy is a strong predictor of students becoming information
literate, librarians should redouble their collaborative efforts to promote the
value of information literacy and help create opportunities for students to
evaluate the quality of information they obtain” Course integrated instruction
has proven to be the most effective and has the most impact on student’s
learning which involves close collaboration between librarian and faculty.
Librarians have realized that to reach that goal they would need strong
collaboration from faculty to design and implement course
assignment/projects which would involve information literacy components.
Collaborative efforts have enabled librarians to encourage and support faculty
in establishing learning priorities which will ensure that students be equipped
with competencies to become effective lifelong learners.

Mortimore, Jeffrey M and Wall, Amand (2009) Fostering perception of

encouragement requires the adaptation for information literacy instruction to
African American college students. It argues a perception for faculty
encouragement in increasing motivation among African American college
students. The link between encouragement and academic self concept,
information literacy instruction becoming an arena in which librarian may
support the development of students self concept thus increasing motivation.
This article considers ramification for instructional service program at
historically black colleges of universities by reviewing recent experiences at
Bennett College for women in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Moll, Nichiel (2009) This paper looks at the changes in the national
curriculum in South Africa and then at the current curriculum with emphasis
on the place of Information literacy concepts within the curriculum as a whole
and then within each learning area. Learning outcomes remain the same from
grade to grade while assessment standards change from grade to grade. The
use of Information literacy and its associated skills in the schools should be an
integral part of teaching.

Pan, Denise; Valliant, Merrie and Reed, Becky (2009) An academic advisor
and two librarians at the Denver campus of Johnson and Wales University
(IWV) collaborated by sharing a face book page, participating in a first year
seminar program and evaluating the qualitative and quantitative correlation
between information literacy test scores and academic standing. The
advantage of face book’s social network capabilities is the library and CAS
communicate directly with students to promote their services and develop
relationship with undergraduate community. The result demonstrated a
correlation between Information literacy and academic standing and the
relationship implies that students have a greater chance for classroom success
after acquiring Information literacy skills.

Reed,Maureen;Kinder,Don and Farnum,Cecile (2007) Successful growth in

collaboration between college/university librarian and teaching faculty has
resulted in more students receiving information literacy instruction, better
integration of librarian into classroom settings, increase in faculty knowledge
of the library and increase in information literacy content in college and
university courses. On average students scored 54% correct for questions
surrounding starting and ending the research process and 43% of students did
not reach a passing grade. The purpose of this study was to describe
collaborative experience and the experience and the effects this collaboration
had on information literacy outcomes of our students. Collaborative efforts
between university librarians and teaching faculty can lead to strong success
outcomes in students but this requires planning.

Regneala, Mircea (2012) Information literacy instruction presumes the

existence of a partnership, planning, commitment, evaluation and support. The
biggest challenge of the 21st century for library science is library consortia,
library services assessment, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

technology and institutional repositories. People access information in a
complex process that requires continuous training conducted by the librarian.

Scaramozzinho, Jeanine (2010) observes that science students come to college

without any skill and have no experience in using the primary scientific
literature. College and University faculty are very subject matter and
discipline oriented and view library instruction as an intrusion plus librarians
lack content knowledge of science subjects. Information literacy program is
crucial in teaching science majors how to determine the information needs and
to locate, evaluate, synthesize and use information.

Small, Ruth V; Zakaria, Nasriah and El-Figuigui, Hoinia (2004) This study
explored the motivational aspects of Information literacy skills instruction
delivered by librarian in community college librarian. The teaching of
Information literacy skills including research and critical thinking has been
described as a primary role of library faculty in community college.
Instructional methods used to effectively present information and motivate
students learning are the focus of this study. In a report on the roles and
responsibilities of library faculty by the Academic Senate for California
Community College. This study looks at the librarian’s role as teacher in the
community college environment and the strategies that librarian use to
motivate their students during information literacy skills instructions.
Collaboration between librarian and professor is essential to the success of
information literacy skills instruction.

Sasikak, C and Dhanraju (2011) Information literacy is a necessary skill that is

utilitarian in every aspect of a person’s life. For students information literacy
skills would lead to independent and student centered learning, rather than
dependence on the teacher to provide answers to question or problems that
they would encounter. The present study aimed at ascertaining the facts related
to the nature and extent of use the university library and its resources by
student of basic sciences. The main intension is to assess the level of the
library and information skills of students in the optimal use of library faculties,
services and materials. Information literacy plays a prominent role in the

knowledge based society, especially effective use of Information technology
based services and collaborative learning in the various levels of the
educational system.

Srivalli, Rao (2009) Institutions of higher education are increasingly aware of

the need to assess core competencies so the graduating students are able to
think and read critically, research and use information, analyze quantitative
data and write effectively and fluently. While almost all the competencies are
addressed and evaluated throughout the course, pulling each one out,
integrating them into the topics discussed into the module and assessing them

Stamatoplos, Anthony and Mackoy, Robert (1998) Assessment and service

quality are two of the dominant themes in library research. The ultimate goal
of this research effort is to define the “drivers” of patron satisfaction at the
library. Short term evaluation provides useful feedback for the instructor,
assessment of teaching methods effectiveness of meeting specific library
instruction objectives. The study focuses on the relationship between specific
services, library instruction and user satisfaction with the library. The analysis
of the data is based primarily on an established procedures the paired t-test.
The primary objective of library instruction session focused on students
learning basic skills needed to complete their assignment and the another
implied objective of library instruction was to increase students expectation
concerning the availability of appropriate materials to meet their research

Verlander, Pand Scott (2009) the purpose of this article is to discuss the
various interactive teaching methods using during large group information
literacy session at Liverpool Hope University during the academic year 2008-
2009. The Cephalonia methods are a method of active learning designed by
librarians at Cardiff University in order to revitalize ‘boring library induction
by providing a degree of interactivity beyond merely communicating
procedural information. Personal response system (PRS) is an excellent means

of gleaning information and opinion from students and for evaluating

Wallace, Amy (2007) College and university libraries have focused on

information literacy, defined competencies, implementing programs and
assessing program effectiveness and student learning. Information literacy
summit for Ventura country centered around 4 goals: Examine the state of
information literacy, identify information literacy gaps within and across
educational institutions, identifying potential information literacy
collaboration within and across educational institution and identifying needed
educational opportunities in the area of information literacy for educational
institutional in Ventura country. Information literacy summit for Ventura
country not only accomplished the goals but also allowed a community to
explore what information literacy means to them and ways in which
individuals can take responsibility and make a difference.

Whitehurst, Angela (2010) The need for Information literacy continues to

increase as colleges and universities begin to globalize their curriculum.
Discussions are held between peers, librarian and faculty through
videoconferencing and chat and to enable students to communicate with
overseas counterparts. The association of college and research libraries
(ACRL) incorporated Information literacy standards for higher education as a
means to promote skills needed to achieve lifelong learning and ensure that
college and university students are prepared to meet the future challenges. The
library created a pre-test and post-test instrument to measure the students
Information literacy skills and worked with faculty members to create
assessment of students’ performance. The result suggested emphasis on
teaching specific skills which can increase students’ information literacy

Zoellner, Kate; Samson, Sue and Hines, Samantha (2008) The project aimed
to develop internal benchmarks and improve the curriculum as needed. Pre
and Post surveys were developed to assess students research confidence,
perceptions of information tools, web evaluation abilities and assistance

seeking attitudes of students enrolled in an entry level public speaking course
that is part of the General education curriculum at the University of Montana.
Manuel (2005) provides a thorough review of literature on first year
instruction and addresses the question of what first year students know about
information and what we can teach them.

2.5 Web 2.0 for information literacy programme

Web 2.0 changes us from passive to active information consumers, allowing

our online voice to be a part of the conversation. The way of producing,
storing and consuming information has changed and need web 2.0 in order to
interact with and to direct the future of scholarship.

Brown,Cecelia;Murphy,Teri J and Nanny,Mark (2003) The recent PEW

Internet and American Life Project data indicates that the percentage of
interchange on the Internet attributable to this demographic is much greater
than would normally be expected based on the number of online users who are
college students versus other Internet users. O’Hair,McLaughlin and Reitzug
believe that authentic teaching is more democratic than didactic instruction
because it treats each students as an individual with their own interest, needs
and skills test. This case study was designed to dissolve students initial
misconception that techno-savvy is equivalent to information literate.
Combining traditional Information literacy instruction with novel approaches
appeals to the confidence in and reliance on Internet search engines that
college student’s exhibit.

Campos,Esleta Morales(2008)Latin American Universities have undertaken

programs to teach information literacy that include the use of technologies, the
benefits and use of digital societies and full access to knowledge .In Latin
America, Information literacy programs are offered mainly in universities.
Mexican and Latin American universities have structured different programs
to support information literacy and encourage access to information.
Globalization and knowledge society to compel the modernization of
teaching-learning process and offer education models for learning to learn and

lifelong learning, crucial in the development of a critical and reflective thought
process for creating, recreating and applying knowledge.

Cecelia,Brown(2003) Combining traditional information literacy instruction

with novel approaches appeals to the confidence in and reliance in Internet
search engines that college students exhibit while it moves this microcosm
towards a high level of information literacy and commitment to lifelong
learning. The tendency of undergraduates and graduate students to navigate
and mine the Internet for information for their creative leisure and academic
pursuits surpasses it. This study was conducted at the University of
Oklahoma’s Authentic teaching alliance .It was observed that information
literacy instruction sessions that involvement and learning takes place when
students perceive their needs and request to be the force behind the
information literacy instruction. The session was created in response to the
fellows desire expressed in the interviews to find relevant information on the
Internet in a more effective and efficient manner. To achieve interest and
commitment to information literacy, the instruction must be relevant to
students and must mesh with their learning styles. It is not likely that every
librarian would have the leisure to spend as many contact hours with students
or the significant amount of faculty support, the hands on/minds on activities
used can be successfully adapted to meet the needs of a variety of college or
university students to both to facilitate the information seeking process as well
as ensure to ensure information literacy.

Chan,Sai-Noi(2003) User education has been an integral function of academic

libraries. Information literacy includes study skills, research skills, library
skills, information skills, library orientation, bibliographic instruction, library
instruction and ICT skills. ACRL and CAUL declares that information literacy
student should recognize the need for lifelong learning and participative
citizenship and SCONUL states that the student should be able to use and
build up on existing knowledge to create new knowledge. The objective of this
course was to equip students with information seeking skills so that they are

able to efficiently and effectively retrieve information from a variety of
sources and to encourage resource based learning among students and make
students independent learners with lifelong learning skills to enable them to
make informed decision.

Chen,Hsin Liang and Williams,James Patrich(2008) This project studies use

of multi modal media objects in an information literacy classes. The goal of
this project is to determine students’ preferences over multi modal media and
tools for online interaction in a web based classes and to investigate how these
preferences inform navigation and performances within such courses. This
course examined in this study is Information in cyberspace in an online course
at the University of Texas. The findings show significant relationship among
student’s characteristics computer skills, computer usage, online teaching
materials, preferred communication tools, learning experiences and course

Dadzie, Perpetua S (2009) This paper presents an overview of Information

literacy initiatives in 2 universities of Ghana namely the University of Ghana
and University of Cape Coast. Information literacy skills are a fusion of
library literacy, computer literacy, media literacy, technological literacy and
critical thinking, ethics and communication which when acquired would
empower individuals to become independent lifelong learners. It is important
for librarian to spearhead the Information literacy process in order to convert
users to lifelong learners and critical thinkers. Partnership should be formed
between librarian, faculty and IT(information technology) staff to address
curriculum development issues.

Fain, Margaret (2011) First year college students exhibit information

searching skills that seem to rely on ranking provided by Internet search
engine rather than careful analysis of the results. The advantage of these
assessments are validity across population, correlation of results with
Association of College and Research Libraries Information literacy
competency standards for Higher Education and the ability to compare local
standards for Higher education and the ability to compare local results to
national and regional cohorts. The librarians at the regional campus of Kent
State University surveyed first year students on library skills proficiencies and
their comfort level with these skills in their second semester.

Holderied, Anthony (2011) In a variety of instructional scenarios librarians at

the University of North Carolina at Pembroke have been working to engage
students with the use of interactive technologies combined with active learning
strategies in attempts to enhance learning information literacy skills. This
paper describes the successful use of this approach in not only increasing
student engagement but also learning outcomes of performing specific
competencies such as creative effective strategies and making distinction
between scholarly and popular publication. Interactive technologies have
become ubiquitous in higher education as a means of delivering learning
content to students in a more engaging manner. This article discusses the
successful design of information literacy session targeted to undergraduate
students that employ active learning strategies in conjunction with the
implementation of interactive technologies including classroom response
system (clickers) interactive white boards, wireless slates and document

Haneefa, Mohamed K and Shukkoor, C.K Abdul (2010) the study aims to
ascertain the Information and Communication (ICT) literacy among the library
professionals of Calicut university.ICT is the biggest achievement in the
evolution of mankind. It is any system designed to gather, process or distribute
information or it is the science and skill of all aspects of computing, data
storage and communication.ICT literacy is very essential for being proactive
information professionals in a knowledge driven society. Structured
questionnaires were prepared and distributed to library professionals of
Calicut University. The finding of the study shows that young professional
assistants are more ICT literates than junior librarians and assistant librarian.

Karisiddapa, C.R and Rajgoli, Iqbalahmad U (2007) The revolution of

technology allows people to transmit and receive information which has
opened a new age in the history of mankind. The information technology

revolution is creating a new form of electronic interactive education that
should blossoms into a lifelong learning system that allows almost anyone to
learn anything from anywhere at any time. In the contemporary age, learning
to learn, learning to transform information into new knowledge and learning to
translate new knowledge into application becomes more important than
memorizing specific information. The new competencies that employers value
in the knowledge society have to with oral and written communication
teamwork, peer teaching, creativity, envisioning skills, resourcefulness and the
ability to adjust to change.

Kinengyere,Alision Annet(2007) Academic and research libraries are

participating in supporting and achieving the mission of their respective
institution by teaching the competency of information literacy. This paper
seeks to examine the effect of information literacy has had on the usage of
electronic information resources in academic and research institution in
Uganda. It aims to focus on innovations that Markere University library has
undertaken to ensure that library users are trained on how to access a variety
of available information resources evaluate the information and apply it to
address their needs. Information and research in the 21st century relies on
individual skills and on the best information accessible to students and
researching. Librarians have changed roles from working with priority
information to being consultants with teachers and learners and to provide
training and guidance towards the sharpening of information literacy skills.

Koltay, Tibor (2011) Examines the role of information literacy and digital
literacy under the circumstances and challenges of the Web 2.0 environment.
Even though skill based literacies have been criticized by many, raising users
awareness of the differences between amateur and professional content can be
done by using the ANZIL standard which clearly state that information literate
persons are required to differential between popular and scholarly journal. If
library want to be useful differential information literacy education that
distinguishes between amateur and professional goals, applied properly,
should be suitable to provide not only adequate content, but offer a

considerable level of comfort as well. Thus they correspond to the traditional
value system of library services and make proper use of modern technology.

Mokhtat,Intan Azura and Majid,Shaheen (2008) Digitized information,

networked world and information communication technologies(ICTs) have
become necessary in order to stay abreast in the current globalised based
economy. For students information literacy would facilitate independent and
authentic learning, rather than dependence on the teacher to provide answers
to question or problems they are faced with. Information literacy entails the
ability to search locates, evaluates and uses this information or facts to create
useful knowledge whereas the ICTs encompass competencies in utilizing
technology based tools effectively. Schools and institutions of higher
education worldwide have implemented different information literacy
standards and guidelines.

Nwezeh,Chinwe M T(2010) The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact

of Internet resources and the evaluation of their usefulness in teaching,
learning and research in the Nigerian University with a particular emphasis on
Obafemi Awolowo University(OAU). The emergence of World Wide Web
(www) added a new dimension of information creation and delivery which
also globally triggered digitization programmes. The web is becoming
hegemonic (domain control) an interface for information. Internet has broken
down barriers of communication access from anywhere in the world. It is fast,
reliable and does not have any restriction on content/format.

Zhang(2001) conducted a research on scholarly use of Internet based

electronic resources. The survey aimed at the perceived needs for internet
resources and which quality mattered most to users. The survey revealed that a
majority of both academic staff and students who responded to the
questionnaire have 3 to 5 years experience on the use of Internet. The majority
of academic staff uses the Internet regularly this is because they get enormous
amount of resources available. The regularity of internet use for research by
academic staff and students was also studies and it was observed that most of
the academic staff as well as students used the Internet for research activities

especially in sourcing for materials such as literature search and research
methodology. It was discovered half of the academic staff responded that they
frequently used the Internet for receiving general teaching material. A third of
the academic staff claimed that they occasionally claimed that they
occasionally used the Internet as a referral to additional lecture material.

Wijetunge, Pradeepa (2008) National Institute of Library and Information

/Science (NILIS) was established in 1999 affiliated to the University of
Colombo, Sri Lanka. In 1996, Ministry of education of Sri Lanka started the
second phase of the General Education Project (GEPZ) Developing a model
was essential because of the composite culture and local conditions.
Empowering 8 TM can be defined as a model which can be used to solve any
information problem effectively. Student’s feedback indicated that they
appreciated the orientation programme since it introduced them to a wide
variety of new skills which will support them in becoming independent
lifelong learners.

2.6 Conclusion
In this chapter the investigator has made a sincere attempt to review the

literature related to Information literacy. The study is related to undergraduate

education, Information literacy models, Librarian/faculty collaboration and

Web 2.0.The scholar has referred to various databases like LISA, EBSCO,

EMERALD, and JCCC. There are 136 studies referred and many more

available on information literacy but have selected only the one’s related to the

study. Out of these 62 are related to the undergraduate studies. It is seen from

various studies that information literacy can form a critical link when it comes

to develop lifelong independent thinking and problem solving. The

development of information literacy through the undergraduate programme

has led to the blend of learning. Each academic library has to develop

educational strategies and learning to help undergraduate students develop

their information literacy skills

This study being the first of its kind related to Goa, the investigator has

developed a model which will be useful for implementing for Undergraduate

students for college libraries

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