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"...Thirdshift, 1300 hours, all is clear. " screen. Somebody had messed up royally.

The display in front of Captain Willard confirmed the deck officer s announcement. All sec- "Communication? " he asked.
tors showed normal activity, and the approach spectrum on his intelligence-pad indicated no
potential threats within striking distance. The CO shook his head. "None, sir. They 're not answering our hails, and have paid no
attention to our warnings. "
The PDS command information center on the planet Emelpar was a large, dimly-lit room
bursting with monitoring technology and blue-clad personnel. The wealthy and historically Willard leaned forward and flipped a red corn-switch on his executive relay board. Central
significant planet of Emelpar had been the Federation of Sols first successful annexation in Planetary Defense, located on the south pole of Emelpar, responded immediately.
more than a thousand years, and billions of credits had gone into the protection of the sys-
tem. Since the Emelpar annexation, several other systems had fallen under the umbrella of "Central Defense here, Corporal Gonzales speaking!" The signal was clear. Willard took a
the Federation. Sol was now a leading contender for political control of the galaxy. deep breath.

Willard nodded to himself and punched the 'All Clear' confirmation button on his report- "Gonzales! This is commanding officer Willard at CIC Identification Delta Delta Georgia
pad. He quietly studied the large monitors before him. In Sector 0, the cluster of green trian- London 895. We are under attack, repeat, we are under attack. Approaching enemy task
gles confirmed that a small Sol task force led by the Dreadnought Paris was still in the sys- force in the third sector. This is not a drill, repeat, this is NOT a drill. "
tem undergoing repairs and system checks. The Emelpar facilities were top-notch and a pop-
ular stop for fleet down-time. Willard nodded again and took a sip of his coffee. Sitting down " Yes sir, requesting confirmation. "
in his chair, he let out a contented sigh, and began to read the activity report from the previ-
ous two shifts. Following protocol, the CO leaned over the microphone. "Confirmed. The this is CIC CO
Albertson. Repeat. We are under attack. Initiate all defensive systems and engage counter-
Interesting. The elite cruiser Mitterand had brought an important person to Emelpar this measures. My identification number Delta Delta Tokyo Oslo 873. "
afternoon. None other than Supreme Admiral DeLouis! Something must be brewing! Perhaps
he was here to decide the future assignment of the Paris Task Force. "Acknowledged, sir. Stand by. Engaging shield, initiating countermeasures!" Gonzales
logged off. A minute later the general alarm sounded. The lights in the CIC dimmed slightly
Willard looked up at the readiness marker. It was at a normal ' 7 . ' He would have guessed as enormous reserves of energy were transferred to the planetary shield, and world-wide
that readiness would have been increased with such important brass here. Then again, there energy sinks were powered up. Willard glanced at the readiness indicator. A '2! 'Emelpar
seemed to be no threat at this time. Willard lost himself in the reports. was almost ready for battle.

"...Proximity Alert, Third Sector Hyperspace bubble forming. " The deck officer's "Sir, we are spotting more than a hundred landing craft emerging from four enemy carriers,
announcement jolted Willard out of his concentration. sir. The Paris task force is moving to intercept, but is heavily outgunned... " The voice of the
deck officer was clearly heard over the alarms and buzzing activity of the CIC.
In front of him, on the third sector monitors, a red flash was indicating an unscheduled
arrival. Probably nothing! Most likely a harried merchant that had forgotten to log in his Willard could not help flinching. Good God! more than a hundred landing craft. That would
arrival data. Happened a few times a day. Nothing to worry about. be more than six divisions! The Emelpar ground defenses were a standard two divisions.

As the hyperbubble dissolved, multiple large red dots materialized in its place. The ground shook slightly as huge planet-wide magcannons began pounding energy bolts at
Coffee exploded from Willard's lips onto the monitor in front of him as he jumped, startled. the approaching enemy. Blast streaks and heat-barrages made the overhead screens hard to
The deck officer's voice boomed across the room again. "...Twenty-two unidentified ships ^
arriving in sector three. Alert! Alert! We may have inbound enemy ships. Alert! Alert!" Red Time passed, maybe an hour.
lights began flashing everywhere. The control center burst into life. Willard rose from the
chair and surveyed the situation. This was not good. Not good! The deck officer '$ voice rang out again, "The Paris has been destroyed, The Mitterand has
been destroyed! Enemy landings have commenced across five major planetary centers. "
Willard flipped on a small microphone on his control-board. "CO! Give me readouts on Willard watched his staff turn increasingly frantic in their efforts. There was an obvious con-
those ships! I need identification, threat analysis and possible approach vectors. Now!" cern for their own safety.

Willard turned the microphone off and studied the newly-arrived ships. Willard drew his sidearm and checked the ammunition. He then switched on the CIC inter-
com controller in front of him. His voice boomed over the hectic room. "Attention all person-
Strange task force formation! Unlike any that Willard had previously studied. Definitely not nel. Destroy all sensitive data and man your gun-ready positions. Anticipate an enemy
a Letnev fleet, it lacked the typical Letnev triad-formations. It also did not identify with any ground attack. "
of Sol s current allies. Willard glanced at the threat-board again. Damn intelligence!
According to this report there were no enemy or allied fleets of any significant size within Willard watched for a second as the people followed his orders. Weapon lockers were being
immediate reach of Emelpar. opened, marines began leading squadrons to their defensive perimeters. Vast quantities of
data were being deleted, data drives ejected from their slots and deposited in magnetic
Then what was that fleet doing up there? Willard glanced again at the readiness indicator. A shredders. Willard leaned over the microphone once more. "And... ladies and gentlemen..."
'4.' This was not happening fast enough. He needed information now!
"Good Luck."
"What about that ID? " Willard's voice boomed once again over the intercom. He saw the
CO leave his post from the floor and run up the stairs towards him. Willard waited calmly as The battle of Emelpar had begun.
the winded CO reached him.

"Yes? " Willard turned. The CO cleared his throat.

After Original Idea by Christian T. Petersen
"Captain, the ship specifications indicate that this fleet belong to one one the Rim civiliza-
tions. The.... El... Elwonzewonex, sir. According to my intelligence reports, they should not Twilight Imperium designed by Christian T. Petersen
The Outer Rim designed by Christian T. Petersen
have half the fleet that just jumped out of hyper-space!"

Additional Assistance by, Peter Mork , Tod Gelle, and Darrell Hardy
Willard knew a potential disaster was unfolding before him. "How about the threat analy-
All Artwork by William Heagy
Computer Colors by Doggworks

The CO showed the Captain his second printout. "Central command has labeled the Published in 1998 by Fantasy Flight Games
Elwonzewonex a volatile race, sir. And a likely enemy. Yet, the same report also labels them
a low level threat — a minor galactic power. " Special thanks to: All the wonderful people who play our games!

Willard took the report. The data on the sheet indicated that the LIzIx should possess virtu- Distant Suns, Borderlands, Twilight Armada, The Outer Rim and Twilight Imperium are all regis-
ally no fleet. Willard shook his head, and glanced at the huge task force on the central tered trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games. All Rights Reserved. This product, or any parts
hereof, may not be reproduced without permission. ©1998 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.


ma £LL

This '5th Ring' will hereafter be referred to as the 'Outer Rim. See
1.1 Introduction Diagram 1.0 for a placement example.
You hold in your hand the fourth expansion-set to TWILIGHT IMPERI-
NOTE: Don't panic! There will be one or more 'empty' positions in the
UM, the game of intergalactic power-struggle, trade and warfare. THE
outer rim after all tiles have been laid. These will be filled by 'Minor
OUTER RIM adds an exciting mix of new options to the basic TWI-
LIGHT IMPERIUM game. Among these are the two most requested
additions: new races and additional map-board tiles.
NOTEYou will need all the neutral and empty systems provided in the
basic set as well as those in THE OUTER RIM to create the 5th ring.
In THE OUTER RIM, you will find counters and player sheets for the Players of the 'Empire's End' game variant (in the DISTANT SUNS
two new races, as well as additional map-board tiles to expand your expansion) should ignore the section that directs players to remove
game. You will also find counters and rules for 'Shock Forces,' a new seven empty map-board systems.
special ground-combat unit, and 'Leaders,' a new influential game-
mechanic, for all ten races.
2.1 Creation Gaps
1.2 The Outer Rim Contents After all the normal hexes have been placed, depending on the number
The Outer Rim contains the following:
of players, a number of 'gaps' in the Outer Rim will be evident. These
gaps are 'holes' in the outermost rim where no systems have been
- One sheet with 13 new map-board tiles. placed. Once the 'Minor Races' have been allocated, these gaps will be
- One Countersheet filled.
- One Player Chart for the Llzlx
- One Player Chart for the Naalu
The number of gaps in the Outer Rim should be as follows:
- One Rules Booklet
Six Player Game One Gap
1.3 Rules Booklet Summary Five Player Games Two Gaps
Through the remainder of the booklet, you will find the following sec- Four Player Game Three Gaps
tions: Three Player Game Four Gaps
Two Player Game Five Gaps
2.0 The Outer Rim
- 2.1 Creation Gaps 2.2 Minor Races
- 2.2 Minor Races
The players in TWILIGHT IMPERIUM control the Great Races, strug-
- 2.3 Outer Rim Variant
gling for economic, military and political control of the galaxy. In a
3.0 Seven or Eight Player games large and rich galaxy, however, a number of Minor Races might exist.
4.0 New Systems The number of Minor Races in play is determined by the number of
- 4.1 The Nebula 'gaps' in the Outer Rim (see above).
- 4.2 The Gravity Rift
5.0 New Races
Placing Minor Races
6.0 New Rules Options
6.1 Shock Forces
Select a 'gap' in the Outer Rim and roll a random planet on the
6.2 Leaders
'Random Planet' chart. (See the chart on the back of this rules booklet.)
7.0 Questions and Support
After a random planet has been rolled, take the map-board system
belonging to that planet and place it in the selected Outer Rim 'gap.'
2.0 The Outer Rim
After placing this system in the 'gap,' take a Home System from an
The most important feature of this expansion set is the 13 new map- unused Race and place it in the spot left vacant by the randomly select-
board tiles that will allow you to drastically expand your TWILIGHT ed planet. This Race is now considered a Minor Race. Continue this
IMPERIUM gameboard. until all 'gaps' in the Outer Rim has been filled.

Playing with an 'Outer Rim' Place the following on all Minor Race Home Systems:

The new map-board hexes are used just like the standard map-board • Two Ground Force Units on every planet in the system
pieces enclosed in the basic game-set. (Except now you have two more • Two Cruisers, Two Dreadnoughts, One Carrier, and Two Fighters
races to play with, and enough hexes to create a larger galaxy.) When in the system
players create the map-board in the beginning of the game, proceed nor-
mally: shuffle the neutral pieces, deal them to the players who proceed Note: The number of Minor Races will equal the number of original
to create ring after ring around Mecatol Rex. Player Home Systems are 'gaps' in the Outer Rim.
placed in their usual positions (as described in the TWILIGHT
IMPERIUM rules booklet), but players now have enough map-board
tiles to create an additional ring 'behind' their individual home-systems.


Example: In a four player game between the Liz IX, Sol, XXcha
and Jol-Nar, there are three gaps in the Outer Rim after all the
neutral systems have been placed. The players begin with the gap Diagram 1
closest to the XXcha player. (It could have been any of the gaps,
as the order is of no consequence.) The players roll two ten-sided
dice, rolling a '2' and a '5'' — a '25.' The players now refer to the
random planet table on the back of this booklet. The random
planet is 'Emelpar.' The players now remove the map-tile belong-
ing to that the planet, and place it in the 'gap'closest to the
XXcha player. The players then take an unused Home System and
place it in the empty spot where the Emelpar game-board tile
used to be. The appropriate number of counters is placed on the
new Minor Race system.
The players now continue to the second gap on the Outer Rim o
and go through the above process again. After all three of the •-
gaps have been filled, the galaxy will be inhabited by three
Minor Races. «

Behavior of the Minor Races

The Home Systems of Minor Races represent smaller regimes and

civilizations. Though inferior to the great and ambitious races of the
players, they will not tolerate any violation of their territory and will
defend themselves against any perpetrator. Minor Races are never
considered 'Neutral' systems.
Player Starting Positions
If a player moves any forces into the Home System of a Minor Race, (6 Player Game)
any forces there will engage and a 'Space Battle' will ensue. (Let
another player roll the dice for the Minor Races units!) Likewise, 11
Minor Race Ground Forces will do battle against any invading ground
forces during the 'Invasion Battles' segment. Eliminated units of the The Outer Rim
Minor Races are never replaced once destroyed.

NOTE: Planets belonging to Minor Races are not 'Neutral Planets'

and cannot be annexed via the 'Manifest Destiny' rule (see the DIS-
v T \
TANT SUNS expansion), or the 'Voluntary Annexation' card, etc.

2.3 Outer Rim Variant 'Long Parsecs' a

As an alternative to the above map-creation, players may elect to cre- —
ate the galaxy in a slightly alternative way.

Instead of creating the Outer Rim 'behind' the players' Home

Systems, the Home Systems are placed inside the Outer Rim as illus- SS
trated on Diagram 1. (This creates a greater distance between the great a.
races, which makes for a slightly longer game.) o
3.0 Seven or Eight Player Games
The Outer Rim adds enough additional space and resources to the
galaxy that it is now possible to play a seven or eight player game
using one board. (An alternate option for playing a seven or eight
player game is the 'Interstellar War' game variant described in the Player Starting Positions
DISTANT SUNS expansion.) (6 Player Game)
Eight Player Game
When playing with eight races in TWILIGHT IMPERIUM, the Home
Systems should be positioned as described in Diagram 2.
•' '
-:, is
1 ~~ ****

Seven Player Game

When playing with seven races in TWILIGHT IMPERIUM, the Home
Diagram 2 Systems should be positioned as illustrated in Diagram 2. With seven
players, three positions will be at a slight disadvantage. Two of these
positions are considered 'Squeezed' and a third is considered'Tight.'
(Refer to Chart 2.) The 'Squeezed' players should be compensated with
25 additional starting credits, and the 'Tight' player should be compen-
sated with 35 additional starting credits.

4.0 New Systems

There are two new types of systems included in THE OUTER RIM,
the Nebula and the Gravity Rift. The rules and effects of these two sys-
tems are described below.

4.1 The Nebula

The gaseous Nebula makes for difficult space navigation. The great
clouds are a hindrance to galactic traffic, but are still frequently tra-
versed when they represent the shortest distance between two systems.

Effect: 1) Any ship that enters a Nebula must immediately stop its
movement. No technology can avert this hindrance. (If a ship enters a
Nebula on the last step of its movement, the Nebula has no effect!)
2) Fighters have no combat value in a Nebula (but may be taken as

Placement Regulation: When creating the game-board, a Nebula may

not be placed adjacent to another Nebula, a Supernova, Asteroid Field
or Gravity Rift, unless there is no other available placements.

4.2 The Gravity Rift

A smaller sibling of the devastating black hole, and a much rarer
anomaly than the useful Wormholes. Travelling through a Gravity Rift
makes for great uncertainty, and potentially long delays. Due to the
uncertainty of travelling near a Gravity Rift, most admirals will never
consider moving their fleet through such a field.

Effect: Any ship that tries to exit a Gravity Rift system must roll a die.
On the result of 7-10, the ship may exit at the hex-side of the control-
ling player's choice (as normal). On a result of 1-6, however, the ship
must exit through the hex-side with the corresponding numbered result.
Movement out of a Gravity rift is always 'free' (does not count as a
movement) — gravity simply 'whips' the ship into an adjacent system.

Movement out of Gravity Rifts is always done one ship at a time. Thus
a player must roll for each ship individually, and must move that par-
ticular ship before rolling for the next ship.

When a ship is forced to exit through a particular hex-side (when

rolling 1-6), the controlling player may elect to let the ship stay in the
Gravity Rift, rather than exit through the unwanted hex-side. (A small
Squeezed Players ship emerging into a vast armada of enemy ships may not be fortu-
nate!) The next turn, that player must roll for the gravity effect again (
if he/she wishes to exit the ship from the Gravity Rift hex).


effectively bring down enemy strongholds and potentially conquer
Example: The XXcha wants to exit two cruisers from the Gravity
valuable hardware.
Rift. The XXcha player rolls a gravity roll for each of the ships.
The first ship rolls an '8' and may exit through any hex-side of the
Acquiring Shock Force Units
players choice. The XXcha exits the cruiser, and now rolls for the
When a player rolls an unmodified combat result of'10' (a hit) with a
second ship: a 3.' The ship is forced to exit in an unfavorable
normal Ground Force unit, roll the die once more. If the new roll is a
direction. The XXcha player chooses to let the ship stay in the
'9' or '10,' immediately replace that unit with a Shock Force unit.
Gravity Rift and take its chances during the next round.
NOTE: The unit does not actually become a Shock Force unit before
the next round of combat. (If all the units of the controlling player are
NOTE: Fighters that are onboard a carrier do not roll individual gravity destroyed this round, the fledgling Shock Force unit is also killed —
rolls, but must follow the carrier. without ever using any of its abilities!)

The effects of a Gravity Rift can be ignored by any race that holds the Rules for Shock Force Units
'Spatial Jump' Propulsion Technology. (Movement through the Gravity • Shock Force units act like normal Ground Force units in that they
Rift is still 'free.') exercise control of a planet by their presence and require Carriers for
Placement Regulations: When creating the game-board, a Gravity Rift
may not be placed adjacent to a Nebula, Supernova, Asteroid Field or • The combat value of all Shock Forces is '5' (a great improvement
another Gravity Rift, unless there is no other available placements. over the standard Ground Force units!).

5.0 The New Races • After a successful invasion, if any Shock Force counters have sur-
vived the battle, the invading player may capture enemy Spacedock
Included in THE OUTER RIM are two exciting new races, the Llzlx and P.D.S units present on the planet (i.e., immediately, at no cost,
Mindnet and the Naalu Collective. Player charts and counters for these replace the enemy installations with similar ones of his own). Normally
two races are included in the box. For players who frequently play the such installations are destroyed after a successful invasion.
'Empire's End' game variant, the starting units for the LIZIX
(Pronounced "Ell-wonzee-wonex") and the Naalu are described in the • During combat, Shock Forces units must always be taken as the first
box below. casualties. (Their effectiveness is in the front lines, but it is in the front
line that soldiers are killed!) This does not apply to the casualties ^"^
inflicted by defensive P.D.S immediately before the Invasion segment
EMPIRE'S END starting units begins.

The L1Z1X Mindnet • A player can never have more than three Shock Force units on the
In addition to the standard start-up units: board at any time.
2 Dreadnoughts, 1 Cruiser
Hopes End
The Naalu Collective One notable exception to the rules of placement for Shock Forces is the
In addition to the standard start-up units: planet of Hopes End. This rough planet functions as a natural training
1 Cruiser, 1 Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Ground Force ground for soldiers, and can be very valuable to its owner as such.

Every Political Phase, the owner of Hopes End may pay 1 credit to
replace one normal Ground Force on Hopes End with a Shock Force
NOTE: Resource Counters, Progression Markers, and extra Ground unit. (Simply pay 1 credit to the bank, remove a Ground Force unit
Forces for the two new races can be found in this expansion. Such from Hopes End, and place a Shock Force unit in its stead.)
counters can be found for the other eight races in the BORDERLANDS
and DISTANT SUNS expansions. NOTE: The owner of Hopes End may still only control a maximum of
three Shock Force units at any one time.
6.0 Additional Game Options
6.2 Leaders
In addition to the Outer Rim map-board expansion and the two new Included in THE OUTER RIM are three Leader units for each of the
races, THE OUTER RIM also offers counters and rules for two new ten races. These counters represent exceptional personalties that will
game options: Shock Forces and Leaders. assist the Great Races in their struggle for galactic domination.

6.1 Shock Forces There are five different types of Leaders: Generals, Admirals,
As an empire grows, so does its need for elite troops. In the course of a Diplomats, Agents and Scientists.
galactic expansion, after many struggles and many wars; veterans and
especially hardened troops may emerge. These elite ground force divi- Each Leader type has unique abilities as described on the 'Leader
sions are called 'Shock Forces' and can be wielded by players to more Table' on the back of this booklet.
. Placing Leaders 'Political Phase' a Captor may choose to kill any of his/her captured
The three Leaders always begin the game on a planet in their players' Leaders; simply announce that the prisoner has been executed, and
'Home Systems. If playing with the 'Capital Planets' option, (as remove the Leader from the game!
described in the BORDERLANDS expansion) Leaders always begin the
game on their players' Capital Planet. NOTE: Only the owner of a Leader can utilize that Leaders abilities

Leaders are always considered LOCATED on a friendly planet or on a Rescuing Captured Leaders
space-ship. Any ship can hold and transport Leaders. Leaders do not There are two ways that a player can rescue captured enemy Leaders.
count towards the carrying capacity of a Carrier. A leader does not exer-
cise control over a planet by himself, and cannot exist on a planet with 1) Every time a planet belonging to another player is successfully
no friendly Ground/Shock forces. invaded, roll a die for every Leader that the player holds captive. If the
result is a '0,' the captive Leader was found on the planet, and is trans-
Movement of Leaders ferred to the invader.
Immediately before the 'Movement Segment' of the Individual Turns
phase, a Leader may move from a planet onto a specific ship, or from If the transferred captive is one of the invader's own Leaders, the
one specific ship to another ship in the same system. (Leaders may not Leader is RESCUED and the Leader counter is placed on the newly
change ships at any other time, and may not land on planets before the invaded planet. If the transferred captive is a Leader owned by another
Invasion Combat Segment.) Race, the captive is simply transferred to the new captor (the invader).

During the Invasion Combat Segment, Leaders may move from a ship If a players very last planet is successfully invaded, all remaining cap-
onto a friendly planet in the same system. A Leader may also move onto tive Leaders are automatically transferred (or rescued) to the invading
an enemy planet if accompanied by one or more Ground Force player.
Units/Shock Force Units. If a Leader accompanies such an invasion
Force, he partakes in the combat and is eligible for capture (see below) 2) If using the ASSASSINS rules option! (from the BORDERLANDS
Leaders may not move from a ship to a planet at any other time! expansion) Assassins may attempt to rescue your own captured Leaders.
An assassin that attempts a rescue may not attempt an assassination dur-
Killing and Capturing Leaders ing the same turn.
If a ship on which a Leader is present is destroyed during Space
Combat, roll a die. On an odd result, the Leader is killed and removed During the Assassin Phase, declare that one of your Assassins will
from the game. On an even result, the player who destroyed the ship attempt a rescue. Nominate a specific Leader to be rescued and roll a
CAPTURES the Leader. die:

If a ship on which a Leader is present is destroyed in any other occur- 1-3 Assassin is killed, Mission is not successful
ance than Space Combat, the Leader is automatically killed and 4-8 Mission is not successful
removed from the game. 9-0 Mission is successful.

If a planet on which a Leader is present is successfully invaded by Modifier: Add +1 to you die-roll for every Agent' Leader that
another player, roll a die. On a result of 1-5 the Leader is CAPTURED, you control.
on a result of 6-9 the Leader escapes and the player controlling this
Leader may place the Leader counter on any other planet under his/her If the the mission was successful, take the rescued leader and place him
control. On a result of '0,' the Leader is killed and removed from the on any planet in your home-system.
If a Leader is present on a planet whose last Ground/Shock Force unit is
destroyed in a bombardment, (or for any other reason, except Invasion
If you have any questions about TWILIGHT IMPERIUM or THE
Combat) the Leader is killed and removed from the game.
OUTER RIM, please go to the detailed FAQ on our web-site at:
www. angelfire. com/biz/fantasyflight
Leaders cannot exist on Neutral or Enemy Planets.
Feel free to direct any questions and comments to:
Captive Leaders townmail@sprintmail. com
Upon capturing a Leader, the CAPTOR (the player who captured the
Leader) places the captured Leader in front of him/herself, indicating
that he/she holds that Leader captured. (Captured Leaders are not con-
sidered to be located a specific place on the board!) A.A. FANTASY FLIGHT, INC
An Entertainment Company
A Captor may add TWO influence points to his/her's total Influence for
each captive Leader that he/she holds. 1611 Pleasant Street, Suite 310
Lauderdale, MN, 55108
A Captor may freely transfer a captured Leader to any other player, I I mail: town mail a spi
including the owner, during the 'Political Phase.' In addition, during the


General Admiral Agent

Abilities: Abilities:

1) When a General partici- 1) When an Admiral partici- 1) If an Agent participates in

pates in a battle during the pates in a battle during the an Invasion Combat attack •
Invasion Combat Segment, Space Battle Segment, the con- any enemy P.D.S receives a -2
the controlling player may trolling player may roll an addi- when firing at those invading
choose to re-roll one die roll tional combat die roll for the Ground/Shock Forces.
during every round of the ship that the Admiral is on.
battle. (N'orr: Only one 2) An Agent may be sacrificed
General may participate in 2) No fleet may play a 'Skilled at any time to act as a
any one attack/defense!) Retreat' card when attacked by 'Sabotage' Card. After using an
a fleet containing an Admiral agent for such, remove him
2) Dreadnoughts receive a (unless the retreating fleet also from the game.
-4 on their die roll when contains an Admiral!)
'bombarding a planet that
contains an enemy general. 3) All Dreadnoughts that begin Agents: Sol, Llzlx,
the Movement Segment in the Mentak, Yssaril (2),
same system as an Admiral Naalu
Generals: Sardakk N'orr receives a +1 in movement.
(2), Letnev, Hacan
Admirals: Sardakk
N'orr, Letnev, Sol,
Xxcha, Jol-Nar, Mentak, (Indexing The Outer Rim systems)
Result Planet Result Planet
Diplomat Scientist




New Albion
11-13 Fria 52-53 Quann
Abilities: Abilities:
14-15 Mehar Xull 54-55 Saudor
1) A diplomat present on a plan- 1) When a Scientist is present
et about to be invaded, may on any planet outside a players 56-57 Tallin
16-17 Mellon
force the invasion to be delayed Home-System, that player may
for one turn. The invading collect DOUBLE the resource
Ground Forces must retreat to income from that planet during 18-19 Riescue 58-59 Tar'Mann
their fleet, and may not attack the 'Receive Credits' phase.
until next turn. (After a diplo- (Jol-Nar: There is no difference 20-21 Torkan 60-61 Thibah
mat has used this ability, he may in having two Scientists on one
not use it again in the next planet. The planets resource 22-23 Abyz 62-63 Wellon
turn!) income is still only doubled!)
24-25 Emelpar 64-66 Rarron
2) A fleet containing a Diplomat 2) A player may purchase one
may pass through systems con- P.D.S unit per turn for only 5
26-27 Coorneq 67-68 Arinam
taining one or more ships credits on a planet containing a
belonging to an opponent. If the Spacedock and a Scientist.
opponent allows the movement. 28-29 Sacul G 69-70 Zobatt
Scientists: Hacan, 71-72 Quecen'n
3) If a Diplomat is present on 30-31 Starpoint
Llzlx, Jol-Nar (2)
Mecatol Rex, the owner may
always, during the 'Political 32-33 Cronos 73-74 Dal Bootha
Phase', choose the turn agenda
from the top three Political 34-37 Lort IV 75-79 Xxehan
Cards! (the two agendas not
chosen are reshuffled into the
38-39 Olergodt 80-84 Lazul Rex

40-41 Tequ'Ran 85-89 Lor

Diplomats: Hacan, Sol,
LlzlX, Letnev, Xxcha (2), 42-43 Vefut 90-93 Meer 1
Mentak, Naalu
44-45 Gral 94-97 Arnor

46-47 Lazar 98-00 Bereg

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