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Funa vs villar

670 SCRA 579 (2012)
Constitutional Safeguards to Ensure Independence of Commissions

Doctrine: Article IX-D, Sec. 1(2) does not prohibit a promotional appointment from commissioner to
chairman as long as:
(a) The Commissioner has not served the full term of 7 years; and
(b) The appointment to any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term of the
predecessor. [Sec. 1(2), Article IX-D]
(c) The promotional appointment must conform to the rotational plan or the staggering of terms in the
commission membership.

Nature: Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition under Rule 65

 President Arroyo appointed Guillermo N. Carague as Chairman of the Commission on Audit (COA)
for a term of 7 years. Carague’s term of office started on February 2, 2001 to end on February 2,
 On February 7, 2004, President Macapagal-Arroyo appointed Reynaldo A. Villar as the third member
of the COA for a term of 7 years starting February 2, 2004 until February 2, 2011.
 Following the retirement of Carague on February 2, 2008 and during the fourth year of Villar as COA
Commissioner, Villar was designated as Acting Chairman of COA from February 4, 2008 to April 14,
2008. Subsequently, on April 18, 2008, Villar was nominated and appointed as Chairman of the
 COA confirmed his appointment. He was to serve as Chairman of COA, as expressly indicated in the
appointment papers, until the expiration of the original term of his office as COA Commissioner or on
February 2, 2011.

Petitioner Respondent
Dennis Funa Reynaldo Villar
He challenges the constitutionality of the He insists that his appointment as COA Chairman
appointment of Reynaldo A. Villar as Chairman of accorded him a fresh term of seven (7) years which
the Commission on Audit and accordingly prays is yet to lapse.
that a judgment issue declaring the
unconstitutionality of the appointment. He argues that his term of office, as Chairman of
COA, is up to February 2, 2015, or 7 years
reckoned from February 2, 2008 when he was
appointed to that position.
Before the Court could resolve this petition, Villar,
via a letter date Feb. 22, 2011 addressed to Pres.
Aquino III, signified his intention to step down from
office upon the appointment of his replacement.

True to his word, Villar vacated his position when

Pres. Aquino III named Ma. Gracia Pulido-Tan
COA Chairman.
The Court, consequently, considered the instant
case as falling within the requirements for review of
a moot and academic case, as stated in David v.

However, to Villar, all the requisites have not been

met, it being alleged in particular that petitioner,
suing as a taxpayer and citizen, lacks the
necessary standing to challenge his appointment.

Issue: Whether or not Villar's appointment as COA Chairman, while sitting in that body and after having
served for four (4) years of his seven (7) year term as COA commissioner, is valid in light of the term
limitations imposed under, and the circumscribing concepts tucked in, Sec. 1 (2), Art. IX(D) of the
Constitution and if valid, for how long can he serve?

NO, it is not valid. The Court enunciated the following rules with regard Sec. 1 (2), Art. IX-D of the

1) The appointment of members of any of the three constitutional commissions, after the expiration
of the uneven terms of office of the first set of commissioners, shall always be for a fixed term of
seven (7) years; an appointment for a lesser period is void and unconstitutional. The appointing
authority cannot validly shorten the full term of seven (7) years in case of the expiration of the
term as this will result in the distortion of the rotational system prescribed by the Constitution.

2) Appointments to vacancies resulting from certain causes (death, resignation, disability or

impeachment) shall only be for the unexpired portion of the term of the predecessor, but such
appointments cannot be less than the unexpired portion as this will likewise disrupt the staggering
of terms laid down under Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D).

3) Members of the Commission, e.g. COA, COMELEC or CSC, who were appointed for a full term of
seven years and who served the entire period, are barred from reappointment to any position in
the Commission. Corollarily, the first appointees in the Commission under the Constitution are
also covered by the prohibition against reappointment.

4) A commissioner who resigns after serving in the Commission for less than seven years is eligible
for an appointment to the position of Chairman for the unexpired portion of the term of the
departing chairman. Such appointment is not covered by the ban on reappointment, provided that
the aggregate period of the length of service as commissioner and the unexpired period of the
term of the predecessor will not exceed seven (7) years and provided further that the vacancy in
the position of Chairman resulted from death, resignation, disability or removal by impeachment.
The Court clarifies that reappointment found in Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D) means a movement to one
and the same office (Commissioner to Commissioner or Chairman to Chairman). On the other
hand, an appointment involving a movement to a different position or office (Commissioner to
Chairman) would constitute a new appointment and, hence, not, in the strict legal sense, a
reappointment barred under the Constitution.

5) Any member of the Commission cannot be appointed or designated in a temporary or acting


WHEREFORE the petition is PARTLY GRANTED. The appointment of then Commissioner Reynaldo A.
Villar to the position of Chairman of the Commission on Audit to replace Guillermo N. Carague, whose
term of office as such chairman has expired, is hereby declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL for violation of
Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D) of the Constitution.

The issues joined in these consolidated petitions focus, as it were, on the general audit
jurisdiction of the Commission of Audit vis-a-vis the Bureau of Internal Revenue's power to
determine entitlement to the tax informer's reward under Section 3161 of the National Internal
Revenue Code.

On June 25, 1986, petitioner Tirso B. Savellano furnished the Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) with a confidential affidavit of information2 denouncing the National Coal Authority (NCA)
and the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) for non-payment of taxes totalling P234 Million on
interest earnings of their respective money placements with the Philippine National Bank (PNB)
since October 15, 1984 to said date. Investigation by the BIR confirmed the reported tax liabilities,
and upon demands thereafter made, NCA and PNOC paid to the BIR the following amounts of taxes
corresponding to the period October 15, 1984 to August 31, 1986:

NCA Schedule of Payments

Confirmation Receipt No. Date of Payment Amount Paid

B6402543 9-10-86 P 1,067,682.86

B7373646 10-15-86 14,918,482.19
Total P15,986,165.05

PNOC Schedule of Payments

Confirmation Receipt No Date of Payment Amount Paid

B6402542 9-10-86 P 2,952,349.23

B12581298 6-30-87 31,003,129.89
B12581904 7-31-87 30,000,000.00
B12601251 10-01-87 30,000,000.00
— ——————
Total P93,955,479.12

By a letter dated November 28, 1986, then BIR Commissioner Bienvenido Tan, Jr. recommended to
the Minister of Finance payment to petitioner Savellano of an informer's reward equivalent to 15% of
the amount of P15,986,165.00 paid by NCA, or P2,397,924.75.3 Said recommendation having been
favorably passed upon by the Committee on Rewards of the Department of Finance, the same was
approved by then Deputy Minister of Finance Alfredo Pio de Roda, Jr.;4 and Savellano was in due
time paid the aforesaid amount.

The records do not show when the informer's reward in the PNOC case was recommended for
payment; only that it was approved by then Finance Undersecretary Marcelo Fernando.5 Petitioner
Savellano was paid his informer's reward in the PNOC case in the total amount of P14,093,321.89 in
four (4) installments, the last of them on December 1, 1987.6

On February 8, 1989, respondent Commission on Audit (COA) rendered COA Decision No.
7407 disallowing in audit the payment of informer's reward to petitioner Savellano in the NCA case on
the ground that payment of an informer's reward under Section 281 of the National Internal Revenue
Code is conditioned upon the actual recovery or collection of revenues, and no such revenue or
income was actually realized or recovered on any benefit accrued to the government, since two (2)
government agencies were involved. The income realized by the BIR out of the withholding taxes
paid by the NCA was a reduction of the income of the latter, resulting in a zero effect in revenues
realized or recovered. Respondent COA also impugned the propriety of the claim for informer's
reward based on inter-governmental violations. In its view, allowance of claims of the kind would not
only place a premium upon violations committed by government agencies but also induce collusion
among government offices in order to obtain the informer's reward. It reasoned that if the State
cannot be held responsible for the tortious acts of its employees unless the latter acted as special
agents, with more reason it should not be held liable to pay informer's reward upon violations
committed by government agencies.8

Petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue sought reconsideration of COA Decision No. 740. He
was followed by petitioner Tirso Savellano and Mrs. Potenciana Evangelista, former Chief of the BIR
Accounting Division after the COA Resident Auditor issued Revised Certificate of Settlement and
Balances (CSB) No. 89-0001-104(c) dated July 20, 1989,9 directing the withholding of salaries or any
amount due them and to the following BIR officials/employees/persons who were being held
personally liable for the disallowed amount of P11,397,924.75:10

Atty. Jaime Maza, Chief, Legal Division

Mrs. Potenciana Evangelista, Chief, Rev. Acctg. Division
Mr. Jesus Parado, Chief, Personnel & Adm. Office
Atty. Vicente Y. Puno, Asst. Commissioner, Personnel & Adm.
Mr. Marcelo N. Fernando, Undersecretary of Finance
Mr. Eufracio Santos, Deputy Commissioner, BIR
Mr. Jose A. Resurreccion, Asst. Commissioner, Administrative
Ms. Marilyn Soledad, Researcher, Legal Division
Atty. Alicia P. Clemeno, Chief, Law Division
Mr. Melchor S. Ramos, Chief, Financial & Mgt.
Mrs. Elena C. Pineda, Special Disbursing Officer.

These pleas were denied due course in COA Decision No. 1930,11 denying due course to the
requests for reconsideration. Hence, these separate petitions, which were ordered consolidated in
the Court's Resolution dated March 10, 1992 in G.R. No. 102258.12

In seeking nullification of COA Decisions Nos. 740 and 1930 in G.R. No. 101976, petitioner
Commissioner of Internal Revenue argues that: the approval by the Department of Finance of the
claim for informer's reward of petitioner Savellano is conclusive upon the executive agencies
concerned, respondent COA included, as it constitutes the final determination of the proper
administrative authority under Section 90 of the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines; there
were actual cash collections of P109,941,644.17 from NCA and PNOC for non-payment of
withholding taxes on interest earnings, which amount had accrued to the General Fund; Section 316
(now 281) of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) entitling an informer to a reward for
information leading to the collection of internal revenue taxes is clear and needs no interpretation;
and assuming that it does, it should be interpreted in favor of the informer; NCA and PNOC have
separate personalities from the Bureau of Internal Revenue as well as the Government and the
State; and superior and subordinate officers of the government are not civilly liable for acts done in
the performance of their official duties.

For his part, petitioner Tirso Savellano questions the COA disallowance on the ground that the
express statutory grant to BIR of the power to allow or disallow claims for payment of tax informer's
reward is an implied statutory denial of the same power to the COA, which would otherwise
transform said respondent into "a super tax authority" and "undermine and dilute the substance and
efficacy of the very entity created and empowered by law to collect taxes and augment the
government's revenue collecting potentials"13 He further maintains that there was "actual" collection
of tax by the BIR from the NCA and PNOC because while said agencies are government-owned
corporations, they derive their income from the exercise of corporate/proprietary/private functions,
which does not, in and by itself, constitute public funds. It is only when such income is taxed that
whatever part thereof corresponds to the amount of the tax becomes part of the national treasury,
thereby redounding to the benefit of the government.

Required to comment on the petition in G.R. No. 101976, and later, on the petition in G. R. No.
102258, the Solicitor General begged off on the ground that "its position is different from the stand
taken by respondent Commission on Audit (COA) in the present case" and sought to be excused
from further representing respondent COA, in whose behalf he prayed for a reasonable period of
time to file its own comment.14 In its Resolution of January 16, 1992 in G.R. No. 101976, this Court
noted the Solicitor General's manifestation, excused him from further representing respondent COA
in the case and required the latter to file its own comment within ten (10) days from notice.15 In G.R.
No. 102258, however, the Court denied a similar plea. It required the Solicitor General to explain
within ten (10) days from notice why his position was different from COA's, and gave said
respondent a period of ten (10) days to file its comment on the petition, if it so desired. 16

Briefly put, the Solicitor General's explanation is that he found COA's disallowance of the informer's
reward erroneous because: government corporations are subject to tax under the NIRC; having
personalities distinct from the government, if they evade payment of their taxes, the amounts
corresponding to such liabilities could be utilized for purposes exclusive to them; contrarily, if they do
pay their taxes, the amounts so paid accrue to the General Fund; Section 281 of the NIRC does not
make any distinction among taxpayers from whom taxes are eventually recovered; it simply
prescribes that for an informer to be entitled to the reward, the information he furnishes should result
in the recovery of revenues; statutes offering reward must be liberally construed in favor of
informers; the possibility of collusion is not sufficient basis for disallowance, since collusion cannot
be assumed, while the official acts of the BIR and the Department of Finance are entitled to a
presumption of regularity; even if the taxpayers referred to by an informer are private entities, the
possibility of collusion still remains; such a consideration, moreover, goes into the wisdom of the law
a matter that concerns the legislature and not the courts, much less, COA; and there being no
evidence of any irregularity, the determination made by the BIR should be binding upon COA
pursuant to the Government Auditing Code.

Respondent COA questions the personality of petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue to bring
the instant suit, arguing that the Commissioner is not an aggrieved party adversely affected by the
assailed decisions. In justification of its actions, COA invokes its constitutionally-vested audit
jurisdiction over all government agencies, to which, it contends, the statutorily granted power of the
Secretary of Finance under Section 90, P.D. 1445 must yield. It insists that petitioner Savellano is
not entitled to the informer's reward because there was no actual collection of revenues under the
benefit-to-the-government rule; and Savellano's alleged information did not lead to the discovery of a
fraud. It characterizes the payment of informer's reward as irregular, being predicated upon
violations committed by government agencies, and would have the persons named in CSB No. 89-
0001-104 (c) held liable for participation in illegal or irregular disbursements of public funds by
reason of their respective duties.

The Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in assailing respondent COA's authority to disallow the
payment of informer's reward, relies heavily on Section 90 of P.D. No. 1445, otherwise known as the
"Government Auditing Code of the Philippines." A reading of said provision, which is quoted
hereunder, shows that such reliance is misplaced:

Sec. 90. Payment of rewards. — When a reward becomes payable by authority of

law for information given relative to any offense or for any act done in connection
with the apprehension of the offender, the reward shall, in the absence of special
provisions, be paid in such manner as shall be prescribed by executive order. The
final determination by the proper administrative authority pursuant to law or any such
order, as to whether or not the persons concerned are entitled to any reward and the
amount thereof, shall be conclusive upon the executive agencies concerned as
regards the liability of the government.

The final determination by the Department of Finance, through the recommendation of the BIR, of
petitioner Savellano's entitlement to the informer's reward is, under Section 90, conclusive only upon
the executive agencies concerned. Respondent COA is not an executive agency. It is one of the
three (3) independent constitutional commissions.17 Specifically, it is the constitutional agency vested
with the "power, authority and duty to examine, audit and settle all accounts pertaining to the
revenue and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds and property owned or held in trust by . .
. the government, or any of its subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities. . . ."18To ensure the
effective discharge of its functions, it has been empowered, subject to the limitations imposed by
Article IX (D) of the 1987 Constitution, to define the scope of its audit and examination, establish the
techniques and methods required therefor, and promulgate accounting and auditing rules and
regulations, including those for the prevention and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary,
excessive, extravagant or unconscionable expenditures or uses of government funds and

The final determination made by the Finance Department cannot bind respondent COA or foreclose
its review thereof in the exercise of its constitutional function and duty to ensure that public funds are
expended and used in conformity with law. To hold otherwise would be to ignore the clear mandate
and the equally clear implications of Section 3, Article IX (D)of the 1987 Constitution providing that:

No law shall be passed exempting any entity of the government of its subsidiary in
any guise whatever, or any investment of public funds, from the jurisdiction of the
Commission on Audit.

The exercise by respondent COA of its general audit power is among the constitutional mechanisms
that give life to the check-and-balance system inherent in a republican form of government such as
ours. Taken in this light, such exercise cannot be regarded as an unlawful or unwarranted invasion
of, or interference with, the authority and power of the executive agency concerned to determine
whether or not a person is entitled to a reward provided by law and the amount thereof. As held
in Dingcong vs. Guingona, Jr., et al:

Constitutional Law; Administrative Law; Power and authority of COA. — Not only is
the Commission on Audit (COA) vested with the power and authority, but it is also
charged with the duty, to examine, audit and settle all accounts pertaining to . . . the
expenditures or uses of funds . . . owned by, or pertaining to, the Government or any
of its subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities (Article IX [D], Section 2[1], 1987
Constitution). That authority extends to the accounts of all persons respecting funds
or properties received or held by them in an accountable capacity (Section 26, P.D.
No. 1445). In, the exercise of its jurisdiction, it determines whether or not the fiscal
responsibility that rests directly with the head of the government agency has been
properly and effectively discharged (Section 25[l], ibid.), and whether or not there has
been loss or wastage of government resources. It is also empowered to review and
evaluate contracts (Section 18[4], ibid.). And, after an audit has been made, its
auditors issue a certificate of settlement to each officer whose account has been
audited and settled in whole or in part, stating the balances found due thereon and
certified, and the charges or differences arising from the settlement by reason of
disallowances, charges or suspensions (Section 82, ibid.).
This is not to say, however, that the disallowance in audit by respondent COA is in itself final. The
same may be set aside and nullified by this Court, if done with grave abuse of discretion.

The informer's reward granted to petitioner Savellano is based on Section 316 (now 281) of the
National Internal Revenue Code.20 It reads:

Sec. 281. Informers reward to persons instrumental in the discovery of violation of

the National Internal Revenue Code and in the discovery and seizure of smuggled

(1) For violation of the National Internal Revenue Code. Any person except an
internal revenue official or employee, or other public official, or his relative within the
sixth grade of consanguinity, who voluntarily gives definite and sworn information,
not yet in the possession of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, leading to the discovery
of frauds upon internal revenue laws or violation of any of the provisions thereof,
thereby resulting in the recovery of revenues, surcharges and fees and/or the
conviction of the guilty party and/or imposition of any fine or penalty, shall be
rewarded in the sum equivalent to fifteen per centum of the revenues, surcharges or
fees recovered and/or fine or penalty imposed and collected. The same amount of
reward shall also be given to an informer where the offender has offered to
compromise the violation of law committed by him and his offer has been accepted
by the Commissioner and in such a case, the fifteen per centum reward fixed herein
shall be based on the amount agreed upon in the compromise and collected from the
offender; Provided, That should no revenues, surcharges or fees be actually
recovered or collected, such person shall not be entitled to a reward: Provided,
further, That the information mentioned herein shall not refer to a case already
pending or previously investigated or examined by the Commissioner or any of his
deputies, agents or examiners, or the Secretary of Finance or any of his deputies or
agents: Provided, finally, That the reward provided herein shall be paid under the
regulations issued by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue with the approval of the
Secretary of Finance.

One of the reasons for respondent COA's disallowance of the informer's reward under consideration
is that there was actually no revenue realized or recovered as two (2) government agencies were
involved. This view is simplistic and merits no concurrence. It overlooks the fact that the two (2)
government agencies involved, NCA and PNOC, possess legal personalities separate and distinct
from the Philippine government. Although both are government-owned and controlled corporations,
NCA and PNOC perform proprietary functions. Their revenues do not automatically devolve to the
general coffers of the government. Unless transferred to the Philippine government through the
vehicle of taxation, no part of their revenues is available for appropriation by the Legislature for
expenditure in government projects; such revenues remain said agencies' in their entirety, to be
applied to and expended for their own exclusive purpose. Clearly, then, when said revenues are
subjected to tax, the portion thereof corresponding to such tax becomes, in its own, revenue for the
government accruing to the General Fund.

That the informer's reward was sought and given in relation to tax delinquencies of government
agencies provides no reason for disallowance. The law on the matter makes no distinction
whatsoever between delinquent taxpayers in this regard, whether private persons or corporations, or
public or quasi-public agencies, it being sufficient for its operation that the person or entity
concerned is subject to, and violated, revenue laws, and the informer's report thereof resulted in the
recovery of revenues. It is elementary that where the law does not distinguish, none must be
made. Ubi lex non distinguit nec nos distinguere debemos.21
The Solicitor General correctly dismisses the mere possibility of collusion to obtain the informer's
reward as sufficient ground for disallowance. Collusion cannot be presumed. It must be proved by
clear and convincing evidence. In the case at bar, there is no showing of collusion between
petitioner Savellano as informer and any official or employee of the BIR or the Department of
Finance. Neither is there any evidence to overcome the presumption of regularity22 enjoyed by the
official acts of the BIR and the Department of Finance in approving the claim of petitioner Savellano
for informer's reward.

Respondent COA considers the payment of informer's reward in this case as placing a premium
upon violations committed by government agencies and therefore, improper. At first blush, it would
appear that by paying the informer's reward, the government punishes itself for violations committed
by its own agencies. This, however, is more apparent than real. The delinquencies of these agencies
are not condoned, much less rewarded. It is the person whose information led to the discovery of
their transgressions who is being rewarded. Although this results in a reduction in the amount of
revenues actually received, the net effect is that the government still gains from the remaining
amount paid, which otherwise would have been lost to it.

WHEREFORE, the consolidated petitions are hereby GRANTED. The assailed decisions of
respondent Commission on Audit are set aside. No pronouncement as to costs.


Orocio vs CA

Osmena vs COA


1994, J. Narvasa

Facts: The controversy had its origin in the stabbing of Reynaldo de la Cerna, the son of the de
la Cerna Spouses. He was rushed to the Cebu City Medical Center, but died due to severe loss of
blood. The de la Cerna Spouses claimed that their son died because of the ineptitude, gross
negligence, irresponsibility, stupidity and incompetence of the medical staff. They filed a
complaint for damages in the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City against the city of Cebu, the
Sangguniang Panlungsod, and five physicians. The City of Cebu was impleaded as defendant on
the theory that as employer of the doctors, it was vicariously responsible for the latter’s

An amicable settlement was entered into between the parties whereby the City of Cebu agreed to
pay the plaintiff the sum of P30,000.00 as financial assistance. This agreement was ratified by
the Sangguniang Panlungsod and the City Budget Officer was authorized to include in the
Supplemental Budget for the year 1989 the amount of P30,000.00. The agreement was approved
by the Regional Trial Court.
About eleven (11) months later, the Commission on Audit (COA) disallowed the financial
assistance declaring that it is not within the powers of the Sangguniang Panlungsod to provide
monetary assistance that would promote the economic condition and private interests of certain
individuals only.

The Motion for Reconsideration of the City was denied by COA, hence, this petition ascribing
grave abuse of discretion to the COA and its Members.

Issue: Whether or not COA committed grave abuse of discretion in disallowing the city’s
appropriation of P30,000.00 made conformably with the compromise agreement in the civil suit
against the City of Cebu.

Held: COA’s disallowance of the appropriation is tainted by grave abuse of discretion and
should be rectified.

The participation by the City in negotiations for an amicable settlement of a pending litigation
and its eventual execution of a compromise relative thereto, are indubitably within its authority
and capacity as a public corporation; and a compromise of a civil suit in which it is involved as a
party, is a perfectly legitimate transaction, not only recognized but even encouraged by law.

That the City of Cebu complied with the relevant formalities contemplated by law can hardly be
doubted. The compromise agreement was submitted to its legislative council, the Sangguniang
Panlungsod, which approved it conformably with its established rules and procedure. Neither
may it be disputed that since, as a municipal corporation, Cebu City has the power to sue and be
sued, it has the authority to settle or compromise suits, as well as the obligation to pay just and
valid claims against it.

The COA failed to realize that payment thereof was part of the consideration, not merely for the
settlement of a claim, but for the settlement of an actual controversy. By making reciprocal
concessions, the parties put an end to the action in a manner acceptable to all of them, thus
eliminated the contingency of being made to assume heavier liability in said suit for damages
instituted against it in connection with activities being undertaken by it in its proprietary
functions and in accordance with which it may be held liable ex contractu or ex delito, for the
negligent performance of its corporate, proprietary or business functions.

Bustamante vs COA

This petition for Certiorari with Preliminary Injunction seeks to annul and
set aside the Decision of the respondent Commissioner on Audit
(hereinafter referred to as the Commission), dated February 5, 1991 which
denied due course to the appeal of petitioner from the disallowance by
Regional Auditor Martha Roxana Caburian of petitioner's claim for
transportation allowance for the period covering the month of January
1989 in the amount of P1,250.00.
Petitioner is the Regional Legal Counsel of the National Power Corporation
(NPC) for the Northern Luzon Region Center covering the provinces of
Rizal up to Batanes. As such he was issued a government vehicle with plate
number SCC 387. Pursuant to NPC policy as reflected in the Board
Resolution No. 81-95 authorizing the monthly disbursement of
transportation allowance, the petitioner, in addition to the use of
government vehicle, claimed his transportation allowance for the month of
January 1989. On May 31, 1990, the petitioner received an Auditor's Notice
to Person Liable dated April 17, 1990 from respondent Regional Auditor
Martha Roxana Caburian disallowing P1,250.00 representing aforesaid
transportation allowance.
In a letter to the said Regional Auditor dated June 18, 1990, the petitioner
moved for reconsideration of the disallowance of the claim for
transportation allowance. The Regional Auditor denied petitioner's motion
in a letter dated June 27, 1990. Petitioner appealed this denial to the
Commission on Audit at Quezon City, which denied it due course.
Hence this petition.
The issue to be resolved is whether such denial to give due course to the
appeal of herein petitioner constitutes grave abuse of discretion amounting
to lack of jurisdiction.
Grave abuse of discretion implies such capricious and whimsical exercise of
judgment as is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction, or in other words where
the power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of
passion or personal hostility, and it must be so patent and gross as to
amount to an evasion of positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform the
duty enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of law.[1]
It is beyond dispute that the discretion exercised in the denial of the appeal
is within the power of the Commission on Audit as it is provided in the
"Sec. 2. The Commission on Audit shall have the following powers and
"(1) Examine, audit, and settle, in accordance with law and regulations, all
accounts pertaining to the revenues and receipts of, and expenditures or
uses of funds and property, owned or held in trust by, or pertaining to, the
Government, or any of its subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities,
including government-owned or controlled corporations; keep the general
accounts of the Government and, for such period as may be provided by
law, preserve the vouchers pertaining thereto; and promulgate accounting
and auditing rules and regulations including those for the prevention of
irregular, unnecessary, excessive, or extravagant expenditures or uses of
funds and property. x x x." (Article XII-D, 1973 Constitution.)[2]
In the exercise of such power it promulgated COA Circular No. 75-6 dated
November 7, 1975, regulating the use of government motor vehicles,
aircrafts and watercrafts, which, among others, provides:
"VI. Prohibition Against Use of Government Vehicles by Officials provided
with transportation allowance
"No official who has been furnished motor transportation allowance by any
government corporations or other office shall be allowed to use motor
vehicle transportation operated and maintained from funds appropriated in
the abovecited Decree. (Sec. 14, P.D. 733)".
The petitioner takes exception from the coverage of said circular
contending that such circular did not mention the NPC as one of the
corporations/offices covered by it. We do not agree with him for it is very
patent that the circular is addressed, among others, to managing heads of
Government-owned or Controlled Corporations, the NPC being held under
such category of corporations. Petitioner goes on to argue that existing NPC
policy grants transportation allowance to employees in the likes of
petitioner. Under the NPC Charter, R.A. 6395, petitioner contends that the
NPC has the power to formulate and adopt policies and measures for the
management and operation of the NPC.[3] Pursuant thereto, NPC passed
Resolution No. 81-95 dated April 20, 1981 authorizing the monthly
reimbursement of representation and transportation allowance. This was
implemented by Circular 81-11 dated April 22, 1988. He then contends that
the COA Circular Nos. 75-6 and 75-6A should be limited in their application
to the NPC.
We likewise cannot sustain petitioner's contention that the Commission, in
the exercise of its power granted by the Constitution, usurped the statutory
functions of the NPC Board of Directors for it leads to the absurd
conclusion that a mere Board of Directors of a government-owned and
controlled corporation, by issuing a resolution, can put to naught a
constitutional provision which has been ratified by the majority of the
Filipino people. If We will not sustain the Commission's power and duty to
examine, audit and settle accounts pertaining to this particular expenditure
or use of funds and property, owned or held in trust by this government-
owned and controlled corporation, the NPC, We will be rendering inutile
this Constitutional Body which has been tasked to be vigilant and
conscientious in safeguarding the proper use of the government's, and
ultimately, the people's property.
The factual finding of the Commission that petitioner was indeed assigned
a government vehicle is conclusive upon this Court. The petitioner faults
respondent Regional Auditor for relying on her serious doubts as to the
nature of the use of the vehicle assigned to petitioner as basis for the
disallowance. We hold, however, that such issue is immaterial in the case at
bar for the COA circular, in prohibiting the use of motor vehicles by officials
receiving transportation allowance, is categorical. The use of government
motor vehicle and the claim for transportation allowance are mutually
exclusive. It is on this basis that the P1,250.00 transportation allowance
was disallowed.
Construed in the light of the applicable law and rules on the matter, the
decision of the Commissioner on Audit disallowing the petitioner's claim
for transportation allowance does not indicate a grave abuse of discretion
which will warrant setting aside and nullifying the said COA ruling.
WHEREOF, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.
With costs against the petitioner.

Sambeli vs Province of Isabela


G.R. No. 92279 June 18, 1992

An agreement was entered between the City of Isabela and ECS Enterprise for the purchase of
wheelbarrows, pieces of shovels, and a set of radio communication equipment. Based on the
finding of the Price Evaluation Division – COA Technical Services Office, the Provincial
Auditor advised the Provincial Treasurer that an overprice exists out of the total price offered by
ECS Enterprises or an overpayment of P195,893.10. It recommended that the futureclaim of ECS
Enterprises be withheld. Provincial Auditor formally forwarded the matter with the Regional
Director who formally endorsed the stand. ECS appealed the decision but was denied for lack of
merit. Hence this instant petition. Petitioner assails the ruling of the COA as invalid. It contends
that the contract of sale has not only been perfected between the Province of Isabela and
petitioner but delivery has been made by it with the corresponding partial payment by the
Province of Isabela. Thus, it is allegedly incumbent upon COA to authorize the payment of the
balance because to act otherwise will constitute an impairment of contract.

Whether or not the ruling of COA is invalid in so far as it constitutes impairment of contracts

No. In the exercises of the regulatory power vested upon it by the Constitution, the Commission
on Audit adheres to the policy that government funds and property should be fully protected and
conserved and that irregular, unnecessary, excessive or extravagant expenditures or uses of such
funds and property should be prevented. On the proposition that improper or wasteful spending
of public funds or immoral use of government property, for being highly irregular or
unnecessary, or scandalously excessive or extravagant, offends the sovereign people's will, it
behooves the Commission on Audit to put a stop thereto. Indeed, not only is the COA vested
with the power and authority, but is also charged with the duty to examine, audit and settle all
accounts pertaining to the expenditure or uses of funds owned by or pertaining to, the
Government or any of its subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities. The petition is hereby

Veloso vs COA

Boyscout of the Philippines vs COA

PKSMMN vs executive Sec

Dela Llana vs COA chairperson


Mendoza vs COMELEC
Galido vs COMELEC
Reyes v RTC of Oriental Mindoro

Filipinas engineering and machine shop v Ferrer

Garces vs CA

Saligumba vs COA
Acena vs CSC

Mateo vs CA

Mahinay vs CA

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