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CSCI 201
Principles of Software Development

Jeffrey Miller, Ph.D.

[email protected]
• Arrays
• Program

▪ An array is a group of memory locations related by the
fact that they all have the same name and the same type
▪ Arrays can be addressed using brackets with the index (or
position number) inside the brackets
› The first element of an array is in the 0th position
› So arrays are addressed from 0 to one less than the length of
the array
▪ Each element in an array can be used just as the other
scalar variables we have discussed
▪ To define an array, you have to use the “new” operator
int nums[] = new int[10];
char names[] = new char[20];

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Array Sample Code
1 public class ArrayClass {
2 public static void main(String [] args) {
3 double darr[] = new double[4];
4 darr[0] = 10.1;
5 darr[1] = 11.2;
6 darr[2] = 12.3;
7 darr[3] = 13.4;
8 System.out.print(darr[0]);
9 Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
10 darr[2] = scan.nextDouble();
11 System.out.println(darr[2]);
12 }
13 }

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Symbolic Constants
▪ Often array sizes are specified in constants that can be
used throughout the program
▪ To define a constant, make the variable
public static final
1 public class Constants {
2 public static final int SIZE = 10;
3 public static void main(String [] args) {
4 int numArray[] = new int[SIZE];
5 for (int i=0; i < SIZE; i++) {
6 numArray[i] = 1;
7 }
8 }
9 }

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Passing Arrays to Methods
▪ When defining the method, the size of the array is omitted
because we can get the size from the array itself
▪ When calling the method, the brackets are left off completely
▪ Arrays are not primitive variables, so they are passed by reference

1 public class ArrayTest {

2 public static void myMethod(int numArr[]) {
3 int sizeOfArray = numArr.length;
4 }
5 public static void main(String [] args) {
6 int numArray[] = new int[10];
7 myMethod(numArray);
8 }
9 }

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Array Example
1 public class ArrayTest {
2 public void addToIndex(float myArray[], int index, float amount) {
3 myArray[index] += amount;
4 }
6 public void printArray(float myArr[]) {
7 for (int count=0; count < myArr.length; count++) {
8 System.out.println(“arr[“ + count + “] = “ + myArr[count]);
9 }
10 }
12 public static void main(String [] args)
13 float arr[] = new float[10];
14 for (int i=0; i < arr.length; i++) {
15 arr[i] = Math.random() * 20.0f;
16 }
17 ArrayTest at = new ArrayTest();
18 at.printArray(arr);
19 at.addToIndex(arr, 3, 20.4f);
20 at.printArray(arr);
21 }
22 }

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Multi-Dimensional Arrays
▪ You are able to have multiple dimensions on an array
instead of just one index

1 int my2DArray[][] = new int[10][20];

2 for (int i=0; i < my2DArray.length; i++) {
3 for (int j=0; j < my2DArray[i].length; j++) {
4 my2DArray[i][j] = 10;
5 }
6 }

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• Arrays
• Program

▪ Write a program that randomly generates dice rolls. The number
of rolls will be provided by the user. Output the number of times
each number occurred followed by the percentage. Here is a
sample execution with user input bolded.
c:\>java csci201.Dice
How many rolls? 5000
The number 1 occurred 800 times (16%).
The number 2 occurred 750 times (15%).
The number 3 occurred 850 times (17%).
The number 4 occurred 825 times (16.5%).
The number 5 occurred 775 times (15.5%).
The number 6 occurred 800 times (16%).

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