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Darood-e-Taj (Invocation Of The Crown)


Allāhumma şalli ‘alā sayyidina wa mawlānā Muhammad

şahibi-t taaji wa’l mi’raji wa’l buraqi wa’l ‘alam
daafi ’l bala ’i wa’l wa ba ’i wa’l qahţi wa’l maradi wa’l ‘alam
ismuhu makhtubun marfu ’un mashfu ’un manqu shun fil lawhi wa’l qalam
sayyidil ‘arabi wa’l ‘ajam
jismuhu muqaddasun mu’aţarun muţahharun munawarun fil bayti wa’l haram
shamsid duha badrid duja şadril ‘ula nuril huda kahfil wara mişbahidhulam
jamilishiyam shafi ’l umam şahibil judi wa’l karam
wa’lLahu ‘aşimuhu wa jibrilu khadimuhu wa’l buraqu markabuhu wa’l mi’raju
safaruhu wa sidratul muntaha maqamuhu wa qaba qawsaini maţlubuh
wa’l maţlubu maqşuduh wa’l maqşudu mawjuduh
sayyidil mursalin khatamin nabiyyin shafi ’l muznibin anisil gharibin
rahmatal lil’alamin raahatil ‘ashiqin muradil mushtaqin
shamsil ‘arifin sirajisalikin mişbahil muqarabin muhibbil fuqara-e wa’l masakin
sayyidith thaqalain nabiyil haramain imamil qiblatain wasilatina fid darain
şahibi qaba qawsain
mahbubi rabbil mashriqain wa’l maghribain
jaddil hasani wa’l hussain
mawlānā wa mawlathaqalain
abi’l qaasimi Muhammad ibni ‘abdilLah
nurim min nurilLah
ya aiyuhal mushtaquna bi nuri jamalihi şallu ‘alaihi wa alihi wa aşhabihi wa
sallimu taslima.


O Allah, send peace and blessings on our master and patron Muhammad

The owner of the crown and the ascent and the buraq and the standard

The repeller of affliction and disease and drought and illness and pain

His name is written on high, served and engraved in the Tablet and on the Pen

The leader of all, Arabs and non-Arabs

Whose body is sanctified, fragrant and pure, illumined in the House and the
The sun of brightness, the full moon in darkness, the foremost one in the highest
fields, the light of guidance, the cave of refuge for mortals, the lamp that dispels
the night

The best-natured one, the intercessor of nations, the owner of munificence and

ALlah is his Protector, Gabriel is his servant, the buraq is his mount, the ascent
is his voyage, the Lote-tree of the furthermost boundary is his station, two bow-
lengths or nearer is his desire

His desire is his goal, and he has found his goal

The master of the messengers, the seal of the prophets, the intercessor of
sinners, the friend of the strangers

The mercy for the worlds, the rest of those who burn with love, the goal of those
who yearn

The sun of knowers, the lamp of travellers, the light of those brought near, the
friend of the poor and destitute

The master of humans and jinn, the prophet of the two sanctuaries, the Imam of
the two qiblas, our means in the two abodes

The owner of qaba qawsayn

The beloved of the Lord of the east and the west

The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Hussain

Our patron and the patron of humans and jinns

Abu-l-Qasim Muhammad son of ‘AbdiLlah

A light from the light of ALlah

O you, who yearn for the light of his beauty, send blessings and utmost
greetings of peace upon him and his family and companions.

Allahumma Yaa Dhal manni walaa yumannu `alayh

Yaa dhal Jalaali wa’l iIkraam
Yaa dhal-Tawli wa’l iIn’aam
Laa Ilaaha illa anta
Zahru’l laaje’en wa Jaaru’l mustajeereen wa Amaanu’l khaa’ifeen
Allahumma in kunta katabtanee `indaka fee Ummil Kitabi
shaqiyyan aw mahruman aw matrudan aw muqattaran `alayya fir-rizqi
famh’ullahumma bi-fadlika
shaqaawati wa hirmaani wa tardi waqtitaara rizqee
wathbitnee ‘indaka fee Ummil Kitabi
sa`eedan marzuqan muwaffaqan lil-khayraati
fa innaka qulta wa qawluk al-haqq
fee kitabikal muzal `alaa lisaani Nabiyyikal mursal
Ilaahi bit-tajalli’l A’dham
fee laylatin-nisfi min shahri sha`ban al-mukarram
allatee yufraqu feehaa kullu amrin hakeemin wa yubram
an takshifa `annaa min al-balaa’i wal-balwaa’i
maa na`lamu wa maa laa na`lam
wa anta bihi a`lam
Innaka antal-a`azz ul-akram
wa sallallahu ta`ala `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-in
Wa `alaa Aalihi wa Ashaabihi wa sallam
Wal-hamdu lillahi Rabbil-’aalameen
Ameen Ya Allah


O Allah! You shower favours on everyone

And no one can do You any favour.
O The Possessor of Majesty and Honour,
O The Distributor of bounty and rewards,
There is no one worthy of worship except You.
You help the fallen
And provide refuge to the refugees
And give peace to those who are in fear.
O Allah! If in the Mother of All Books that is with You
You have written me down as someone who is
Doubtful of achieving salvation, or deprived,
Or rejected or without enough sustenance,
Then, O Allah, with Your Grace
Remove all of these misfortunes from me
and in the Mother of All Books that is with You,
establish me as someone who is
blessed, with abundant provision and charitable good deeds.
Indeed, what You said in The Book You sent
Through the tongue of Your Blessed Prophet is true
That Allah changes and establishes what He wants
And with Him is the Mother of All Books.
O My Lord! For the sake of Your Divine Manifestation
On this fifteenth night of the blessed month of Sha’ban
In which You issue all Wise and Irrevocable Decrees
Remove from us all calamities and hardships,
those that we know about as well as those that we don’t,
while You know everything.
Truly, You are the Most Powerful, Most Generous.
And may Allah the Exalted shower blessings and peace on
Sayyidina Muhammad, and on his family and his companions
And all praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds.
Amen O Allah

Mustafa (The chosen One) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Ahmad (The most Praised), Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him!
Mujtaba (The Select) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,

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