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Team Building Proposal

Date : 14th January 2008 Prepared by: Joseph Patrick Utanes

Event details

Client : ADMA OPCO Contact: Ms. Nadia MOB No: 050

Event: “Day-Out” Date: 17 January Phone No: 02
2008 6064343
Time: 11:00-13:00 Venue: Health Club PAX: 30
Duration: 2 hours Age Group: 40+ M/F :27/3
All Activities will be held in the North Beach Volleyball Court, Grass Area, and
Patio. As per client request, the first 4 activities will involve all participants
and the rest of the activities will be for individuals with different
fitness/physical level. Active individuals may choose to have a spinning class
(9 pax max) or join the beach volleyball game. Less active individuals will
continue team building exercises which do not require more physical

Proposed Activity
Activity 1: All Participants

Game: “Warp Speed” Duration: 20 mins.

This exercise requires a team of eight to 16 people and a tennis ball. Everyone stands in a circle.
The coach explains that “during this exercise we will use the tennis ball to establish a process.
The process starts with one team member receiving the ball from the coach (facilitator) and then
tossing it across the circle to another team member. The receiving team member then tosses the
ball to another team member and so on until each team member has caught the ball one time.
The last team member then tosses the ball back to the starting team member, thus completing the
process. “To facilitate establishing the process, team members are asked to hold out their hands
in a ready to catch position until they have caught the ball one time. Team members, who have
already caught the ball, drop their hands to their sides so everyone can tell who has yet to catch
the ball. Each team member is instructed to remember the person who threw them the ball and
who they threw the ball to. Team members are told that if they drop the ball, just pick it up and
continue to process. Once the process is established, the coach explains that he or she will now
time the exercise with a stop watch and will announce the time the team took to complete the
process (usually around 35 to 45 seconds).

Proposed Activity
Activity 2: All Participants

Game: “All Aboard” Duration: 20 mins.

Groups of 10-12 persons will try to fit into a small area with everyone
(including feet) inside to hold it for 30 seconds. After each round the tarp will
be folded and the team who can keep everyone inside wins.

Proposed Activity
Activity 3: All Participants

Game: “Turn the Bed” Duration:

Group to be split into equal teams ( 5 groups of 10 people in this case). Each
team will stand on an allocated bed sheet that has been placed on the
ground. On the command to go, the teams will attempt to turn over the bed
sheet so they finish standing on the opposite side. The trick, and test of team
work is that no one is allowed to leave the bed sheet at any time. Not as
easy as it sounds as the bed sheet is only just big enough for the whole

Proposed Activity
Activity 4: Alternate Group (Simultaneous with Activity no. 6) Less
active participants

Game: “Human Knot” Duration: 5-15 mins.

Break group into smaller teams (no max number but at least 6 PAX per
team). Ask the group to stand in a circle facing the middle. Each person then
puts their right hand out and takes the right hand of the person opposite
them. They then do the same with their left. The idea of the game is to then
un-tangle the ‘knot’ without breaking the circle. The fastest team to do so is
the winner
Proposed Activity
Activity 5: Alternate Group (Simultaneous with Activity no.7) Less
active participants

Game: “Jigsaw Puzzle” Duration: 20 mins.

The group will be divided into 2 teams, each group will have a table on each
side, on the table there will be an envelope with 2 sets of jigsaw puzzle
pieces, both of which is incomplete. Each group will have other pieces of the
jigsaw belonging to the other group, a leader will be appointed and his duty
is to exchange this pieces that their team require to complete the jigsaw
puzzle. A small box will be place in between the two groups; this is the place
where the leader will exchange their pieces. Who ever completes their jigsaw
first, wins!

Proposed Activity
Activity 6: Alternate Group (Simultaneous with Activity no. 5) Active

Game: “Beach volleyball” Duration: 45-60 mins.

The group will be divided into 2 equal teams. The teams will compete in a
normal beach volleyball game, the scoring will be until 21 points. It will be 2
sets of game. The game will be carried into 3rd sets if there is a draw! Enjoy!!

Proposed Activity
Activity 7: Alternate Group (Simultaneous with Activity no. 5) Active

Game: “Spinning Class” Duration: 30 mins.

A special group cycling class with our in-house trainer.

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