Mneesha Gellman CV, Full Length, 8-21-2018

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Mneesha Gellman

Emerson College, Institute for Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies

120 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116
Phone: 1(617) 396-6145 • email: [email protected] • website:

Northwestern University, Political Science, Evanston, IL 9/2008 – 12/2013
PhD, Comparative Politics, International Relations

University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 7/2006 – 12/2007

MA, International Studies/Peace and Conflict Resolution

Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 8/1999 – 5/2003

BA, Political Studies, Latin American and Iberian Studies

Emerson College, Boston, MA 1/2015 – present
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Institute for Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies

Visiting Researcher, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 7/2016-present

Engagement Lab Fellow, Emerson College, Boston, MA 9/2016-5/2017

Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, University of Duisburg-Essen
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Duisburg, Germany 4/2014-1/2015

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

“Visible yet Invisible: Indigenous Citizens and History in El Salvador and Guatemala.” Lead co-author, with
Michelle Bellino. Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies Journal. Impact factor: .28. Accepted
5/22/2018, forthcoming 2019.

Democratization and Memories of Violence: Ethnic Minority Rights Movements in Mexico, Turkey, and El Salvador.
Routledge, UK. Global Cooperation Series. 2017.

“Only Looking Forward: The Absence of National History in Sierra Leone.” Book chapter in “History Can
Bite: History Education in Divided and Post-War Societies. Eds. Denise Bentrovato, Karina V. Korostelina,
and Martina Schultze. V&R Unipress, Göttingen. 2016.

“Teaching Silence in the Schoolroom: Whither National History in Sierra Leone and El Salvador?” Third
World Quarterly, 36:1, 2015, pages 147-161. Impact factor: 1.156.

“Insurgents and advocates: women’s claim-making in El Salvador.” Book chapter in Cuerpo, educación y
liderazgo político: una mirada desde el género y los estudios feministas/Bodies, education and political
leadership: a gender and feminist perspective. Ed. Sara Poggio and María Amelia Viteri. FLACSO, Quito,
Ecuador, 2014, pages 37-64.
“Memories of Violence: The Role of Apology in Turkey’s Democratization Process.” Democratization, v 20,
issue 4, 2013, pages 1-24. (first published online April 2012). Impact factor: 1.581.
“World views in peace building: a post-conflict reconstruction challenge in Cambodia.” Development in
Practice, 20: 1, 2010, pages 85-98. Impact factor: 0.50.
“From Sulha to Salaam: Connecting local knowledge with international negotiations for lasting peace in
Palestine/Israel.” Co-authored with Mandi Vuinovich, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2009,
pages 127-148. Impact factor: 0.78.
Mneesha Gellman, p. 2
“Justice or Reconciliation? The Khmer Rouge Tribunal.” Book chapter in Afro-Asian Conflicts: Changing
Contours, Costs and Consequences. Ed. Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra & Seema Shekhawat. New
Century Publications, Delhi, India, 2008, pages 101-127.
“No Justice, No peace: Cambodia's Post-Conflict Reconstruction Challenges.” Asian Perspective, Vol. 32,
No. 2, 2008, pages 37-57. Impact factor: 0.57.
“Powerful Cultures: Indigenous and Western Conflict Resolution Processes in Cambodia.” Peace, Conflict
and Development, Issue 11, 2007, pages 1-28.

Non Peer Reviewed Academic Publications

“Becoming Black Political Subjects: Movements and Ethno-Racial Rights in Colombia and Brazil.” Book
Review. Humanity & Society. Vol 41 (3). 2017. Pages 405-7.

“El Salvador.” Entry for The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives. Paul Joseph, General
Editor. SAGE Reference, Golson Media. 2016 online, 2017 print.

Publications in Progress
“Educating Citizens: Language Politics in Sierra Leone.” Journal of Language, Identity, and Education.
Revised and resubmitted, spring 2018.

“The right to learn our mother tongue: Education practices in Mexico and El Salvador.” British Journal of
Sociology of Education. Under review, spring 2018.

“The Politics of Memory: What Future for Transitional Justice?” Latin American Research Review. Six-book
review essay, by invitation. In process, spring 2018.

Teaching Experience
Emerson College, Boston, MA 1/2015 – present
 IN154 Power and Privilege
 IN213, Introduction to Global Studies
 PL230, The US and Latin America
 PL222, Human Rights
 PL322 Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation
 IN370 Politics and Society in Cuba, Global Pathways study abroad, 5/2017
 IN300 Directed Study, Research and Grant-writing (Advisor)
 HI395 Directed Study, Native American Narratives (Advisor, fall 2018)
 PL3XX Collective Action and Identity Politics (forthcoming fall 2019)

Massachusetts Correctional Institute at Concord, Emerson Prison Initiative, Faculty, 9/2017-12/2017

 IN154 Power and Privilege

University of Sierra Leone, Fourah Bay College, Visiting Lecturer, Sierra Leone 10/2013 – 1/2014
 Social Research Methods

Northwestern University, School of Continuing Studies, Instructor, Evanston, IL 9/2011 – 12/2011

 Political Science 356, US-Latin America Relations

Northwestern University, Searle Center for Teaching Excellence, Graduate Teaching Certificate Program,
Evanston, IL 9/2010 – 8/2011

Northwestern University, Teaching Assistant, Evanston, IL 9/2009 – 12/2011

Mneesha Gellman, p. 3

University of Queensland, Teaching Assistant, Brisbane, Australia 2/2007 – 12/2007

Research Experience
Sierra Leone (2012-2013), ongoing projects: Mexico (2015-2018), California (2016-2018)

Northwestern University, Doctoral Research

Mexico, Turkey, El Salvador: 2009-2012

Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Participant, Syracuse University, NY 6/2013

Northwestern University, Research Assistant, Evanston, IL 8/2008 – 12/2008

University of Queensland, Research Assistant, Brisbane, Australia 7/2007 – 7/2008

Grants and Awards

2018 Alma Ostrom and Leah Hopkins Awan Civic Education Fund, Centennial Center for Political
Science and Public Affairs, American Political Science Association, 9/2018-12/2019 ($2,000)
Norma and Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award, Emerson College, Language Politics
Project, 7/2017-6/2018 ($3,000)
Service Learning Grant, Emerson College, Emerson Prison Initiative development, 1/2017-6/2017 ($1000)
Faculty Advancement Fund Grant, Emerson College, Language Politics Project, 7/2016-6/2017, ($5,000)
Dispute Resolution Research Center, Research Grant, Northwestern University, El Salvador fieldwork,
4/12-5/12, ($4,500)
Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies, Summer Research Grant, Mexico fieldwork,
1/12-3/12, ($2,500)
Graduate Research Grant, The Graduate School, Northwestern University, Mexico fieldwork, 1/2012-
3/2012, ($3,000)
Keyman Modern Turkey Research Grant, Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies,
Northwestern University, 2/2011-3/2011, ($4500)
Critical Language Scholarship, US Department of State, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, 6/2010-
8/2010, (fully funded summer language immersion)
Dispute Resolution Research Center, Research Grant, Northwestern University, 1/10-4/10, ($2000)
Keyman Modern Turkey Research Grant, Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies,
Northwestern University, 6/2009-8/2009, ($5000)
Rotary Foundation World Peace Fellowship, 3/2006-11/2007 (fully funded two year MA)
Antonio Gramsci Award for Best Thesis in Applied Political Economy, Bard College 5/2003

Selected Conference Presentations

New England Council of Latin American Studies Conference, “Indigenous Youth Politics in Oaxaca, Mexico.”
Panelist, Clark University, (upcoming 10/2018)
American Political Science Association, “Language Politics in California and Mexico.” Panelist, Boston, MA
(upcoming 8/2018)
Latin American Studies Association Conference, “Solidarity Methodology.” Panel Organizer and Panelist. Lima,
Peru, 4/2017
International Political Science Association, “Language Politics in Sierra Leone.” Panelist, plus discussant for
Mneesha Gellman, p. 4
Turkish language politics panel. Poznan, Poland, 7/2016
Columbia University Teacher’s College, Education in the Americas: Knowledges and Perspectives Conference,
“Teaching the violence past in Central America.” Invited Panelist, New York, NY, 6/2016
Latin American Studies Association Conference, “Teaching the Violent Past in El Salvador and Guatemala.”
Panel Organizer and Panelist. New York, NY, 5/16
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology: Integration and Conflict along the Upper Guinea Coast Conference,
“Unifying Tongue, Unified Nation? Language Politics in Sierra Leone.” Panelist, Halle, Germany, 10/2014
Georg Arnhold International Summer School on Education for Sustainable Peace: “Only Looking Forward: The
Absence of National History in EL Salvador and Sierra Leone.” Panelist, Braunschweig, Germany, 7/2014
Latin American Studies Association Conference, “Making citizens at school: Tensions in pluri-cultural education”
Panel Organizer, and Panelist, Chicago, IL, 5/2014
Social Science History Association, “Comparative Claim-Making,” Co-chair and Panelist, Chicago, IL, 11/2013
American Political Science Association, “Ethnic Minority Rights Mobilization in Mexico, Turkey and El Salvador,”
Panelist, Chicago, IL, 8/2013
Latin American Studies Association Conference, “El Salvador’s New Social Contract,” Panel Organizer, Chair,
and Panelist, Washington DC, 5/2013
Nicholas D. Chabraja Center for Historical Studies, International Doctoral Workshop, The Politics of
Multiculturalism in Turkey: Kurdish Language Rights, Panelist, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 4/2013
Latin American Studies Association Conference, “Vamos a Regresar”: The Right to Autonomy in San Juan
Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico,” Panelist and panel co-chair, San Francisco, CA, 5/2012
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, “Ethnic Minority Rights Claims in Democratization,”
Panelist, Chicago, IL, 4/2011
International Praxis Conference on Cultural Memory and Coexistence, “Apology and Dialogue in Turkey,”
Panelist, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, 3/2011
Latin American Studies Association Conference, “Memories of Violence: Women’s Quest for Claim-Making in El
Salvador,” Panelist, Toronto, Canada, 10/2010
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, “Divergent Collective Memories: The Role of Apology
and Dialogue in Turkey’s Democratization Process,” Panelist, Chicago, IL, 4/2010
Peace and Justice Studies Association Annual Conference, “Apology Within and Among Nations: The Role of
Apology and Dialogue in Turkey,” Panelist, Marquette University, WI, 10/2009
Conference on Truth and Memory, “Truth without Justice? The Impact of El Salvador’s Truth Commission,”
Panelist, University of Colorado-Boulder, CO, 9/2009
International Society for Cultural History, “Apology, Turkey, and the European Union Membership Application”
Panelist, University of Queensland, Australia, 7/2009
Notre Dame Conference on Peace, “From Sulha to Salaam: Connecting Local to Global for lasting peace in
Palestine/Israel,” Workshop Presenter, University of Notre Dame, IN, 4/2009
Australia Political Studies Association, “When NGOs Act Like States: Reconciliation & Conflict Resolution in
Contemporary Cambodia.” Panelist, Monash University, Australia, 9/2007

Selected Invited Speaker Presentations

Clark University, Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, invited speaker, “Democratization and
memories of violence.” Worcester, MA, 10/2018 (upcoming)
San Pablo Cultural Center, invited speaker, “Education, citizen formation, and cultural resilience: The politics of
language and memory in Mexico and California.” Oaxaca, Mexico, 6/8/2018
Mneesha Gellman, p. 5

Autonomous University “Benito Juarez” of Oaxaca, Department of Tourism and Sustainable Development, invited
speaker, “Cultural Competency and Indigenous Language Politics” Oaxaca, Mexico, 5/17/2018
Autonomous University “Benito Juarez” of Oaxaca, Department of Languages, invited speaker, “Education Policy
and Citizen Formation: Comparative Analysis of Mexico and California,” Oaxaca, Mexico, two talks, to MA students
on 3/14/2018 and to PhD students on 6/9/2018
University of Arizona, Center for Latin American Studies, invited speaker, “Democratization and memories of
violence.” Tuscon, AZ, 1/2018
Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Invited panelist, Transitional Justice Symposium. Chicago, IL, 2/2017
University of Chicago, Center for Latin American Studies, Invited speaker, Democratization and Memories of
Violence. Chicago, IL, 2/2017. Recorded on CAN TV:
Northwestern University, Department of Political Science, invited speaker, “Inclusive teaching and academic
survival.” Evanston, IL, 2/2017
Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Invited speaker, Shaming and
Claiming for Cultural Rights: Memory and Social Movements.” Cambridge, MA, 11/2016
Bowdoin College, Invited speaker, “Ethnic Politics in Sierra Leone.” Brunswick, ME, 4/2016
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Integration and Conflict along the Upper Guinea Coast
Working Group Retreat, “Unifying Tongue, Unified Nation? Language Politics in Sierra Leone.” Düsseldorf,
Germany, 7/16/2014
Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Colloquium, “Teaching Silence in the Schoolroom: Whither
National History in Sierra Leone and El Salvador?” Duisburg, Germany, 7/1/2014
Northwestern University, Global Engagement Summer Institute, invited lecturer, “The Political Economy of
Nicaragua,” Chicago, IL, 6/22/2011
University of Toronto, Trudeau Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, invited panelist, Community
Approaches to Peace Conference, “Cambodian Reconciliation Strategies,” Canada, 1/2011
University of Queensland, Guest lecturer, “Peacebuilding Funding Proposals,” Australia, 8/2007
Australia Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Seminar Speaker, “Conflict in Cambodia’s
Reconstruction,” Australia, 8/2007
University of the South Pacific, Seminar Speaker, “Indigenous Epistemologies,” Fiji, 7/2007
Rotary World Peace Symposium, Plenary Paper Presenter, “The Prospects and Challenges of Conflict
Resolution: A Case Analysis of Contemporary Cambodia,” Salt Lake City UT, 6/2007
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Guest Speaker, Arcata CA, 7/2005
Humboldt State University, Guest Lecturer, Race and Ethics, Arcata CA, 9/2005
“Global Talk,” KMUD radio guest, “Peacebuilding in the Middle East,” Arcata, CA, 8/2005
“A World of Possibilities,” internationally syndicated program, guest-hosted “Blood Sisters: Women
Wedded by Land, Loss, and a Passion for Peace,” 8/2005
“Sista’s Place,” KHSU radio guest, “Conflict resolution in Pelican Bay State Prison,” Arcata, CA,
Humboldt State University, Diversity Conference, Presenter, “The Prison Industrial Complex,” Arcata
CA, 2/2004

Professional Affiliations
American Political Science Association, Member, Section Member: Comparative Democratization,
Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, and Qualitative and Multi-Method Research
Mneesha Gellman, p. 6
International Political Science Association, Member, RC50 Language Politics
Latin American Studies Association, Life Member, Section Member: Central America, Mexico, and
Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples
New England Council of Latin American Studies
Northeastern Political Science Association
Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Global Research Team Member

Professional Experience
Khmer Institute of Democracy, Conflict Manager, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 12/2006 – 2/2007
Designed comprehensive training program for Cambodian Commune Councilors and citizen volunteers in
Alternative Dispute Resolution. Trained NGO staff in non-violent communication.

Organization of American States, Elections Observer, Sucre, Bolivia 6/2006 – 7/2006

Monitored 28 voting precincts in Chuquisaca Province, documented complaints, ensured compliance with
electoral regulations and participated in diplomatic meetings.

United Nations Development Programme, Conflict Analyst, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3/2006 – 7/2006
Monitored current Bolivian political developments, analyzed potential conflict sources, and made intervention
recommendations via internal reports to UN personnel.

Mainstream Media Project, Associate Producer, Arcata, CA 7/2003 – 9/2005

Produced over 100 hour-long radio programs of nationally syndicated show, “A World of Possibilities.”

College and Professional Service

Emerson Prison Initiative, Founder and Director, Emerson College, 2016-present
Emerson Prison Initiative Faculty Advisory Committee, Chair, Emerson College, 2017-present
Panel Organizer, Chair, and Panelist, Inauguration Week Events, Emerson College, Democracy
(1/18/2017) and Immigration (1/19/2017)
Understanding National Immigration Through Education (UNITE), Faculty ally, Emerson College,
History Search Committee, Member, Emerson College, 2015-2016
Committee on US and Global Diversity, Member, Emerson College, 2015-present
Cambridge University Press, Third World Quarterly, Development in Practice, Asian Journal of Social
Sciences, Open Psychology Journal, Book and Article Reviewer, 2010–present

Community Service
Expert Witness, for immigrations hearings in United States, 11/2016-present
Jamaica Plain Women’s Alliance, Immigration Working Group, Chair, Boston, MA, 11/2016-6/2017
Centro Romero, Domestic Violence Support Group, Facilitator, Chicago IL, 1/2009–7/2010
Entre Amigos, NGO Project Consultant, Nayarit, Mexico, 2/2008–6/2008
Humboldt Domestic Violence Services, Board of Directors, Eureka CA 5/2004–6/2005
Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Commission, Chairperson, Arcata CA 10/2003–6/2005
Pelican Bay State Prison Education Project, Program Director, Crescent City CA 7/2003–11/2005

Advanced Spanish, intermediate French, intermediate Turkish, market Krio, basic German

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