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1. Atty. Telesforo S. Cedo, former Asst. Vice-President of the Asset Management Group of complainant bank(PNB).

2. Philippine National Bank charged respondent with violation of Canon 6, Rule 6.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, thus:

“A lawyer shall not, after leaving government service, accept engagement or employment in connection with any matter in which he
had intervened while in said service.”

3. PNB Contentions:
a) that while respondent was still in its employ, he participated in arranging the sale of steel sheets in favor of Milagros Ong Siy for P200,000.
b) Respondent, Atty. Cedo, who had left the employ of the complainant bank, appeared as one of the counsels of Mrs. Ong Siy when a civil
action arose out of the transaction between Mrs. Ong Siy and complainant bank.
c) Moreover, while respondent was still the Asst. Vice President of complainant’s Asset Management Group, he intervened in the handling of
the loan account of the spouses Ponciano and Eufemia Almeda with complainant bank by writing demand letters to the couple.
d) When a civil action ensued between complainant bank and the Almeda spouses as a result of this loan account, the latter were represented by
the law firm "Cedo, Ferrer, Maynigo & Associates" of which respondent is one of the Senior Partners.
4. Atty. Cedo’s Defense:
a) Ong Siy’s Case: admitted that he appeared as counsel for Mrs. Ong Siy but only with respect to the execution pending appeal of the RTC
decision. He alleged that he did not participate in the litigation of the case before the trial court.
b) Almeda spouses’ Case: He contended that while the law firm "Cedo Ferrer, Maynigo & Associates" is designated as counsel of record, the
case is actually handled only by Atty. Pedro Ferrer. Respondent averred that he did not enter into a general partnership with Atty. Pedro
Ferrer nor with the other lawyers named therein. Each one of them handles their own cases independently and individually receives the
revenues therefrom which are not shared among them.


WON respondent violated the Canon 6, Rule 6.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility.




Ong Siy’s Case: It was discovered that respondent was previously fined by this Court in the amount of P1,000.00 in connection with G.R. No. 94456
entitled "Milagros Ong Siy vs. Hon. Salvador Tensuan, et al." for forum shopping, where respondent appeared as counsel for petitioner Milagros Ong Siy
"through the law firm of Cedo Ferrer Maynigo and Associates."

Almeda Spouses’ Case: that in one of the hearings of the Almeda spouses' case, respondent attended the same with his partner Atty. Ferrer, and although
he did not enter his appearance, he was practically dictating to Atty. Ferrer what to say and argue before the court. Furthermore, during the hearing of the
application for a writ of injunction in the same case, respondent impliedly admitted being the partner of Atty. Ferrer, when it was made of record that
respondent was working in the same office as Atty. Ferrer.


The Court cited Nobrado vs Hernandez ruled:

"Communications between attorney and client are, in a great number of litigations, a complicated affair, consisting of entangled
relevant and irrelevant, secret and well-known facts. In the complexity of what is said in the course of dealings between an attorney
and client, inquiry of the nature suggested would lead to the revelation, in advance of the trial, of other matters that might only
further prejudice the complainant's cause."

Whatever may be said as to whether or not respondent utilized against his former client information given to him in a professional
capacity, the mere fact of their previous relationship should have precluded him from appearing as counsel for the other side in the forcible
entry case

Having been an executive of complainant bank, respondent now seeks to litigate as counsel for the opposite side, a case against his former employer
involving a transaction which he formerly handled while still an employee of complainant, in violation of Canon 6 of the Canons of Professional Ethics
on adverse influence and conflicting interests, to wit:
It is unprofessional to represent conflicting interests, except by express conflicting consent of all concerned given after a full
disclosure of the facts. Within the meaning of this canon, a lawyer represents conflicting interest when, in behalf on one client, it is
his duty to contend for that which duty to another client requires him to oppose.

The Court suspends respondent Atty. Cedo from the practice of law for three (3) years.

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