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MT Villanueva Ave., Naga City Non-Institutional Correction

Criminal Justice Education Department FINAL EXAMINATION

I. Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY

1. Before the court shall issue a final discharge order, it shall consider the report and recommendation of whom?
a. Probationer c. petitioner
b. PPA d. probation officer
2. It shall operate to restore all civil rights lost or suspend as a result of conviction and to fully discharge liability for
any fine imposed as to the offense for which probation was granted.
a. Final discharge c. granting of probation
b. Revocation of probation d. expiration of probation period
3. Who among the following shall have the copy of a final discharge order?
a. Probationer c. court
b. Probation officer d. both a & b
4. The expiration of probation period will automatically terminate probation. This statement is;
a. Absolutely false c. either a or b
b. Absolutely true d. it depends
5. The investigation report and the supervision history of a probationer obtained under PD 968 shall be privileged
and shall not be disclosed directly or indirectly to anyone other than the;
a. Court c. either a or b
b. Probation administration d. neither a or b
6. It shall exercise general supervision over all probationers.
a. Court c. either a or b
b. Probation administration d. neither a or b
7. The Parole and Probation Administration is an agency under the;
a. Department of Justice c. Bureau of Corrections
b. Boards of Pardons and Parole d. All of the foregoing
8. It is the agency that shall supervise all parolees and pardonees.
a. Parole and Probation Administration c. Bureau of Corrections
b. Boards of Pardons and Parole d. All of the foregoing
9. The PPA shall be headed by a;
a. Chief Parole and Probation Officer c. probation officer
b. Administrator d. Deputy Administrator
10. The City or Provincial Parole and Probation Office shall be headed by a;
a. Regional Director c. City Director
b. Provincial Director d. Chief Probation and Parole Officer
11. What is the minimum age requirement to be appointed as Administrator or Assistant Probation Administrator?
a. 36 y.o. c. 40 y.o
b. 35 y.o. d. 45 y.o.
12. To assist the Provincial or City Probation Officers in the supervision of probationers, the Probation Administrator
may appoint citizens of good repute and probity to act as _______.
a. Probation officers c. probationer
b. Probation aides d. Asst. Probation Administrator
13. What do you call a convicted defendant who files an application for probation?
a. Probationer c. probation officer
b. Petitioner d. absconding applicant
14. It refers to the Regional Trial Court of the Province or City/Municipal Court which has jurisdiction over the case.
a. Court of first instance c. trial court
b. Regional Trial Court d. court of jurisdiction
15. It is the order of the trial court granting probation.
a. Probation order c. final report
b. Court order d. recommendation
16. Upon written invitation by the trial court, the Administrator and/or Deputy Administrator or the Chief Probation
and Parole Officer may appear as ______________ on any probation investigation and supervision issue.
a. Witness of the defendant c. amicus curiae
b. Witness of the complainant d. witness of the court
17. Where does the applicant for probation should file his application?
a. Court of first instance c. RTC
b. Trial court d. MTC
18. The applicant shall file his application at any time _______________ sentence and conviction but within the
period for perfecting an appeal.
a. After c. during
b. Before d. none of the foregoing
19. The application for probation shall be in the form approved by whom?
a. Secretary of Justice c. Director of BUCOR
b. Supreme Court Justice d. Probation Administrator
20. Who recommended the form of application for its approval?
a. Secretary of Justice c. Director of BUCOR
b. Supreme Court Justice d. Probation Administrator
21. Who shall be notified by the court to give comments of the filing of application by the petitioner?
a. Probationer c. prosecuting officer
b. Probation officer d. petitioner
22. If the trial court finds that the application is in due form and the applicant appears to be qualified for the grant of
probation, it shall refer it to the;
a. City/Provincial Parole and Probation Office
b. Prosecution Office
c. Board of Pardon and Parole
d. Probationer
23. What is the purpose of the referral of the court to the proper probation officer of the application of the petitioner?
a. To conduct PSI c. for case supervision
b. For rehabilitation d. for interview
24. All court orders for PSI which were received by the Probation Office shall be numbered consecutively and
recorded in its;
a. Logbook c. blotter book
b. Docket book d. blue book
25. What is the effect of the filing and receipt of the court of the application for probation?
a. Post sentence investigation c. granting of probation
b. Suspension of sentence d. execution of sentence
26. Which among the following forms is used in preparation of PSIR?
a. PPA form 1 c. PPA form 3
b. PPA form 2 d. PPA form 4
27. Pending submission of the PSIR and the resolution on the application, the applicant may be allowed on;
a. Released on bail c. temporary liberty
b. Released on recognizance d. all of the foregoing
28. Within ______ working days from receipt of delegated assignment, the investigating Probation Officer on case
shall conduct the initial interview of the applicant.
a. 5 days c. 15 days
b. 10 days d. 20 days
29. During the initial interview, the probation officer on case shall require the applicant to accomplish and sign PPA
form 1 which contains the;
a. Post sentence investigation report
b. Post sentence investigation worksheet
c. Final report
d. Waiver-cum-authorization
30. It is a form or document authorizing the PPA or the Probation Office to secure any and all information on the
a. Post sentence investigation report
b. Post sentence investigation worksheet
c. Final report
d. Waiver-cum-authorization
31. Who shall execute and sign the waiver-cum authorization?
a. Probationer officer c. court
b. Applicant/petitioner d. prosecution
32. Who shall assess and recommend or prescribe the suitable probation treatment and supervision program upon
the applicant?
a. Investigating probation officer c. Probation Administrator
b. Court d. Prosecution
33. Those information gathered from those persons who have direct personal knowledge of the applicant, offended
party, family member and/or their relatives including barangay officials and disinterested persons is called;
a. Background information c. preliminary information
b. Collateral information d. FBCI
34. The data and information gathered from the interview of the applicant and other persons and from other
collateral informants shall be strictly _________________ in nature.
a. Confidential c. privilege and confidential
b. Privilege d. neither a or b
35. During the interview and information-gathering process, the applicant necessarily needs to be represented by his
counsel. This statement is;
a. True c. either true or false
b. False d. it depends
36. He is an applicant whose application for probation has been given due course by the proper court but has failed
to present himself to the proper office within 72 hours.
a. Absconding probationer c. absconding pardonee
b. Absconding applicant d. absconding parolee
37. This aim to enable the trial court to determine whether or not the ends of justice and the best interest of the
public as well as that of the applicant, would be served by the grant or denial of the application.
a. Post sentence investigation report
b. Post sentence investigation worksheet
c. Final report
d. Waiver-cum-authorization
38. What is the character of the final recommendation contained in the last page of the PSIR?
a. Recommendatory c. persuasive
b. Privilege d. confidential
39. Whose function is the denial or grant of probation?
a. Executive c. legislative
b. Judiciary d. quasi-judicial body
40. Who shall prepare the PSIR?
a. Probation officer on case c. Probation Administration
b. CPPO d. Asst. Probation Administration
41. Whose signature shall appear on the PSIR?
a. Investigating Probation Officer c. both a & b
b. CPPO d. probationer
42. It is a general courtesy investigation not falling within the purview of FBCI.
a. FBCI c. GCI
b. PCI d. PSI
43. When does the supervision service of the probationer commence?
a. On the day of initial interview
b. Upon application
c. Upon the grant of application
d. All of the above
44. A probationer who seeks to travel for up to 30 days outside the operational/territorial jurisdiction of the Probation
Office shall file a request for outside travel at least how many days before the intended travel?
a. 5 days c. 15 days
b. 10 days d. 20 days
45. It the outside travel is more than 30 days, it shall be approved by the;
a. CPPO c. both a & b
b. Trial court d. Probation Administration
46. A probationer who would like to request for change of residence shall accomplish;
a. PPA form 4 c. PPA form 14
b. PPA form 24 d. PPA form 8
47. Based on reasonable cause reported by a reliable informant that the probationer has committed a violation of his
probation condition, the probation officer concerned shall;
a. Prepare violation report
b. Conduct fact-finding investigation
c. Order for the arrest of the probationer
d. Recommend for the revocation of probation
48. The probationer may file a motion for the modification of probation thru the supervising probation officer for the
early termination of his probation, provided that he has served at least _______ of the probation period imposed
upon him.
a. 1/4 c. 1/8
b. 1/3 d. 1/2
49. What is the maximum supervision caseload of a Probation Aide for minimum case classification?
a. 3 c. 8
b. 5 d. 10
50. The following are grounds for termination of probation supervision case, except;
a. Death of probationer
b. Successful completion of probation
c. Modification of condition
d. Revocation of probation
51. What is the law that establishes probation system in the Philippines?
a. PD 1990 b. PD 968 c. PD 1257 d. PD 698
52. What is the law that amended the sec. 9 of PD 968?
a. PD 1990 b. PD 1257 c. BP 76 d. PD 1278
53. What is the law that amended sec. 4 of PD 968?
a. PD 1990 b. PD 1257 c. BP 76 c. both a & b
54. It the law known as the Probation Law of 1976.
a. Act 4221 b. PD 968 c. PD 698 c. BP 76
55. PD 968 shall apply to all offenders except those entitled to the benefits of;
a. PD 603 b. PD 1990 c. PD 1257 d. BP 76
56. One of the purpose of probation is to promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing him
a. Individualize treatment c. group therapy
b. Institutional rehabilitation d. all of the foregoing
57. It is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is release subject to the conditions
imposed to him and shall be under supervision.
a. Parole b. probation c. pardon d. executive clemency
58. It is the person who is placed under probation.
a. Petitioner b. applicant c. probationer d. pardonee
59. It means one who investigates for the court a referral for probation.
a. Probation officer c. parole officer
b. Court d. police
60. What is the legal effect of probation to the probationer?
a. Restoration of political rights c. suspension of sentence
b. Restoration of civil rights d. exemption from criminal liability
61. Probation shall be granted to offenders whose sentence imposed is;
a. Imprisonment c. fine
b. Both a & b d. none of the foregoing
62. Where should an application for probation be filed?
a. Trial Court c. Parole & Probation Office
b. Supreme court d. court of appeals
63. The filing of an application for probation is a deemed waiver of the right to;
a. Certiorari c. appeal
b. Pardon d. parole
64. What is the nature of order granting probation?
a. Imposition of sentence c. interlocutory judgment
b. Final judgment d. none of the foregoing
65. The legal effects of probation are the following, except;
a. Suspension of sentence c. right to post bail
b. Suspension of criminal liability d. suspension of civil liability
66. During the period of probation, the probationer is not disqualified from running for a public office.
a. False c. absolutely true
b. Partly true d. it depends
67. How many days will be the period of perfecting an appeal?
a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 30
68. Accused’s returning to jail for failure to post bail after reading of sentence shall commence the service of
sentence imposed, therefore it disqualifies him to avail probation.
a. Absolutely false c. true
b. Partly true d. it depends
69. A judgment of conviction becomes final when;
a. Appeal is expressly waived in writing
b. Accused commences to serve sentence
c. Accused applies for probation
d. All of the above
70. What is the remedy for the accused if the court’s order is to denies his application for probation?
a. Petition for appeal c. motion to quash
b. Motion for reconsideration d. petition for certiorari
71. Which of the following is a requirement before a court grants or denies an application for probation?
a. Background investigation c. post sentence investigation
b. Posting of bail d. all of the foregoing
72. In granting or denying probation, who shall determine that the ends of justice and the best interest of the public
as well as that of the defendant will be served thereby?
a. Probation officer c. court
b. President d. PPA
73. The investigation report to be submitted by the probation officer shall be in form prescribed by the probation
administrator and approved by the;
a. President c. Chief justice
b. Secretary of justice d. PPA
74. The probation officer shall submit to the court the investigation report on a defendant from the receipt of the
order of said court not later than how many days?
a. 15 days c. 60 days
b. 30 days d. 90 days
75. Pending submission of the investigation report and the resolution of the petition, the defendant may be allowed
on temporary liberty. This statement is;
a. Absolute true c. absolutely false
b. Partly not true d. it depends
76. Probation shall be denied if the court finds that;

a. the offender is in need of correctional treatment that can be provided most effectively by his
commitment to an institution; or
b. there is undue risk that during the period of probation the offender will commit another crime; or
c. probation will depreciate the seriousness of the offense committed.
d. All of the above
77. In determining whether an offender may be placed on probation, the court shall consider all information relative
to the following, except;
a. Antecedents c. socio economic status
b. Character d. environment
78. Under PD 968 as amended by BP 76, the benefits of probation shall not be extended to those;
a. Sentenced to serve maximum of more than six years
b. Sentenced to serve maximum of six years
c. Sentenced to serve maximum of more than six years and one day
d. Sentenced to serve maximum of six years and one day
79. Under PD 968 as amended by PD 1990, the benefits of probation shall not be extended to those;
a. Sentenced to serve maximum of more than six years
b. Sentenced to serve maximum of six years
c. Sentenced to serve maximum of more than six years and one day
d. Sentenced to serve maximum of six years and one day
80. Those who have been previously convicted by final judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of less
than one month and one day shall be;
a. Qualified for probation c. disqualified for probation
b. Denied of his application d. automatically grant his application
81. Those who have been previously convicted by final judgment of an offense punished by a fine of less than two
hundred pesos shall be;
a. Qualified for probation c. disqualified for probation
b. Denied of his application d. automatically grant his application
82. Which of the following is qualified for probation?
a. Convicted of light felony c. convicted of grave felony
b. Convicted of less grave felony d. both a & b
83. What particular provision of PD 968 was amended by BP 76?
a. Sec. 1 b. sec. 4 c. sec. 9 d. both b & c
84. What particular provision of PD 968 was amended by PD 1990?
a. Sec. 1 b. sec. 4 c. sec. 9 d. both b & c
85. What particular provision of PD 968 was amended by PD 1257?
a. Sec. 1 b. sec. 4 c. sec. 9 d. both b & c
86. Under PD 968 as amended by PD 1257, the court after conviction and sentence may grant the defendant under
a. If he does not yet begins to serve his sentence
b. File his application during the period of perfecting an appeal
c. At any time he desire to apply
d. All of the above
87. When does PD 968 took effect?
a. July 13, 1986 c. January 1, 1978
b. January 3, 1978 d. June 13, 1980
88. When doe BP 76 took effect?
a. June 13, 1980 c. January 3, 1978
b. January 15, 1986 d. December 1, 1977
89. He was the father of probation in England.
a. Mathew Davenport Hill c. John Augustus
b. Teodolo Natividad d. Juan Ponce Enrile
90. He was father of probation in the Philippines.
a. Mathew Davenport Hill c. John Augustus
b. Teodolo Natividad d. Juan Ponce Enrile
91. It was the first probation law of the Philippines.
a. Act 4228 c. Act 4221
b. PD 968 d. PD 1257
92. Which of the following is known as the Adult Probation Law which grants probation to prisoner sentenced to
terms of prison of not more than six (6) years?
a. PD 603 b. PD 968 c. PD 698 d. PD 608
93. How many times an offender be granted probation under PD 968?
a. Once b. twice c. thrice d. unlimited
94. Waiting for the decision of the court on the application for probation, the offender applying for probation;
a. Must stay in prison as detainee c. maybe freed without bail
b. Maybe released on bail d. must wait for the court approval
95. The court may grant probation;
a. After arraignment c. after conviction
b. Before conviction d. after the submission of PSIR
96. Upon receipt of the post sentence investigation report, the court shall resolve the application for probation not
later than;
a. 60 days b. 30 days c. 45 days d. 15 days
97. The primary goal of probation is the pursuit of;
a. Retribution c. rehabilitation
b. Punishment d. Justice
98. Where does a petitioner for probation should apply his application?
a. Appellate court c. court of origin
b. Court of first instance d. Parole and Probation Administration
99. When will be the effectivity of probation order?
a. Upon its issuance c. 15 days upon its issuance
b. 10 days from date of issuance d. 30 days after issuance
100. The continuing relationship between probation officer and probationer is known as;
a. Probation guidance c. supervision
b. Affiliation guidance d. pre-sentenced investigation

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