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VOL. 319, DECEMBER 2, 1999 595

Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

G.R. No. 126670. December 2, 1999.


petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS and PEOPLE
OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents.

Criminal Law; Estafa (Swindling); Bouncing Checks;

Elements.—The essential elements in order to sustain a
conviction under the above paragraph are: 1. that the offender
postdated or issued a check in payment of an obligation
contracted at the time the check was issued; 2. that such
postdating or issuing a check was done when the offender had no
funds in the bank, or his funds deposited therein were not
sufficient to cover the amount of the check; 3. deceit or damage to
the payee thereof.
Same; Same; Same; Negotiable Instruments; Words and
Phrases; A check has the character of negotiability and at the same
time it constitutes an evidence of indebtedness; A drawer who
issues a check as security or evidence of investment is not liable for
estafa.—The first and third elements are not present in this case.
A check has the character of negotiability and at the same time it
constitutes an evidence of indebtedness. By mutual agreement of
the parties, the negotiable character of a check may be waived
and the instrument may be treated simply as proof of an
obligation. There cannot be deceit on the part of the obligor,
petitioners herein, because they agreed with the obligee at the
time of the issuance and postdating of the checks that the same
shall not be encashed or presented to the banks. As per assurance
of the lender, the checks are nothing but evidence of the loan or
security thereof in lieu of and for the same purpose as a
promissory note. By their own covenant, therefore, the checks
became mere evidence of indebtedness. It has been ruled that a
drawer who issues a check as security or evidence of investment is
not liable for estafa.
Same; Same; Same; Same; In the absence of the essential
element of deceit, no estafa is committed.—Mrs. Vicencio could not
have been deceived nor defrauded by petitioners in order to obtain 1/15

the loans because she was informed that they no longer have
funds in their RCBC accounts. In 1992, when the Vicencio family
asked Virginia to place a date on the check, the latter again
informed Mrs.





Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

Vicencio that their account with RCBC was already closed as

early as August 1989. With the assurance, however, that the
check will only stand as a firm evidence of indebtedness, Virginia
placed a date on the check. Under these circumstances, Mrs.
Vicencio cannot claim that she was deceived or defrauded by
petitioners in obtaining the loan. In the absence of the essential
element of deceit, no estafa was committed by petitioners.
Same; Same; Same; Same; A person in possession of a check
has prima facie authority to complete it by filling up the blanks
therein.—Both courts below relied so much on the fact that Mrs.
Vicencio’s husband is a former Judge who knows the law. He
should have known, then, that he need not even ask the
petitioners to place a date on the check, because as holder of the
check, he could have inserted the date pursuant to Section 13 of
the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL). Moreover, as stated in
Section 14 thereof, complainant, as the person in possession of the
check, has prima facie authority to complete it by filling up the
blanks therein. Besides, pursuant to Section 12 of the same law, a
negotiable instrument is not rendered invalid by reason only that
it is antedated or postdated.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Where the complainant knows that
the drawer does not have sufficient funds in the bank at the time
the check was issued to him, there is no estafa through bouncing
checks.—The allegation of Mrs. Vicencio that the date to be placed
by Virginia was necessary so as to make the check evidence of
indebtedness is nothing but a ploy. Petitioners openly disclosed
and never hid the fact that they no longer have funds in the bank
as their bank account was already closed. Knowledge by the
complainant that the drawer does not have sufficient funds in the 2/15

bank at the time it was issued to him does not give rise to a case
for estafa through bouncing checks.
Same; Same; Same; Same; A check must be presented within a
reasonable time from issue.—A check must be presented within a
reasonable time from issue. By current banking practice, a check
becomes stale after more than six (6) months. In fact a check long
overdue for more than two and one-half years is considered stale.
In this case, the checks were issued more than three years prior to
their presentment. In his complaint, complainant alleged that
petitioners bought jewelry from him and that he would not have


VOL. 319, DECEMBER 2, 1999 597

Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

with his jewelry had not petitioners issued the checks. The
evidence on record, however, does not support the theory of the
Same; Same; Same; Awareness by the complainant of the
fictitious nature of the pretense cannot give rise to estafa by means
of deceit.—Following complainant’s theory that he would not have
sold the jewelries had not petitioners issued “postdated” checks,
still no estafa can be imputed to petitioners. It is clear that the
checks were not intended for encashment with the bank, but were
delivered as mere security for the payment of the loan and under
an agreement that the checks would be redeemed with cash as
they fell due. Hence, the checks were not intended by the parties
to be modes of payment but only as promissory notes. Since
complainant and his wife were well aware of that fact, they
cannot now complain there was deception on the part of
petitioners. Awareness by the complainant of the fictitious nature
of the pretense cannot give rise to estafa by means of deceit.
When the payee was informed by the drawer that the checks are
not covered by adequate funds it does not give rise to bad faith or
Same; Same; Same; Persons are presumed to have taken care
of their business.—Complainant’s allegations that the two subject
checks were issued in 1992 as payment for the jewelry he
allegedly sold to petitioners is belied by the evidence on record.
First, com-plainant is not engaged in the sale of jewelry. Neither
are petitioners. If the pieces of jewelry were important to
complainant considering that they were with him for more than
twenty-five years already, he would not have easily parted with 3/15

them in consideration for unfunded personal checks in favor of

persons whose means of living or source of income were unknown
to him. Applicable here is the legal precept that persons are
presumed to have taken care of their business.
Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Factual findings of the trial
court bind the Supreme Court; Exceptions.—The rule that factual
findings of the trial court bind this court is not absolute but
admits of exceptions such as when the conclusion is a finding
grounded on speculation, surmise, and conjecture and when the
findings of the lower court is premised on the absence of evidence
and is contradicted by the evidence on record. Based on the
foregoing discussions, this Court is constrained to depart from the
general rule. Equally applicable is what Vice-Chancellor Van
Fleet once said: “Evidence to be believed must not only proceed
from the mouth of a credible



Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

witness but must be credible in itself—such as the common

experience and observation of mankind can approve as probable
under the circumstances. We have no test of the truth of human
testimony, except its conformity to our knowledge, observation
and experience. Whatever is repugnant to these belongs to the
miraculous, and is outside of judicial cognizance.”
Same; Same; Same; An accused acquitted of a criminal charge
may nevertheless be held civilly liable in the same case where the
facts established by the evidence so warrant.—Petitioners,
however, are not without liability. An accused acquitted of a
criminal charge may nevertheless be held civilly liable in the
same case where the facts established by the evidence so warrant.
Based on the records, they still have an outstanding obligation of
P15,000.00 in favor of Mrs. Vicencio. There was mention that the
loan shall earn interests. However, an agreement as to payment
of interest must be in writing, otherwise it cannot be valid,
although there was actual payment of interests by virtue of the
advance deductions from the loan. Once the judgment becomes
final and executory, the amount due is deemed equivalent to a
forbearance of credit during the interim period from the finality of
judgment until full payment, in which case it shall earn legal
interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum pursuant
to Central Bank (CB) Circular No. 416. 4/15

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the

Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Acerey C. Pacheco for petitioners.


Petitioner spouses are engaged in the construction

business. Complainant Romualdo Vicencio was a former
Judge and his wife, Luz Vicencio, owns a pawnshop in
Samar. On May 17, 1989, due to financial difficulties
arising from the repeated delays in the payment of their1
receivables for the construction projects from the DPWH,
petitioners were con-


1 Department of Public Works and Highways.


VOL. 319, DECEMBER 2, 1999 599

Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

strained to obtain a loan of P10,000.00 from Mrs. Vicencio.

The latter acceded. Instead of merely requiring a note of
indebtedness, however, her husband Mr. Vicencio required
petitioners to issue an undated check as evidence of the
loan which allegedly will not be presented to the bank.
Despite being informed by petitioners that their bank
account no longer had any funds, Mrs. Vicencio insisted
that they issue the check, which according to her was only
a formality. Thus, petitioner Virginia
Pacheco issued on
May 17, 1989 an undated RCBC check with number CT
101756 for P10,000.00. However, she only received the
amount of P9,000.00 as the 10% interest on the loan was
already deducted. Mrs. Vicencio also required Virginia’s
husband, herein petitioner Ernesto Pacheco, to sign the
check on the same understanding that the check is not to
be encashed but merely intended as an evidence of
indebtedness which cannot be negotiated.
On June 14, 1989, Virginia obtained another loan of
P50,000.00 from Mrs. Vicencio. She received only
P35,000.00 as the previous loan of P10,000.00 as well as
the 10% interest amounting to P5,000.00 on the new loan
were deducted by the latter. With the payment of the
previous debt, Virginia asked for the return of the first 5/15

check (RCBC check no. 101756) but Mrs. Vicencio told her
that her filing clerk was absent. Despite several demands
for the return of the first check, Mrs. Vicencio told Virginia
that they can no longer locate the folder containing that
check. For the new loan, she also required Virginia to issue
three (3) more checks in various amounts—two checks for
P20,000.00 each and the third check for P10,000.00.
Petitioners were not amenable to these requirements, but
Mrs. Vicencio insisted that they issue the same assuring
them that the checks will not be presented to the banks but
will merely serve as guarantee for the loan since there was
no promissory note required of them. Due to her dire
financial needs, Virginia issued three undated RCBC
checks numbered 101783 and 101784 in the sum of
P20,000.00 each and 101785 for P10,000.00, and again in-


2 Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation.



Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

formed Mrs. Vicencio that the checks cannot be encashed

as the same were not funded. Petitioner Ernesto also
signed the three checks as required by Mrs. Vicencio on the
same conditions as the first check.
On June 20 and July 21, 1989, petitioner Virginia
obtained two more loans, one for P10,000.00 and another
for P15,000.00. Again she issued two more RCBC checks
(No. 101768 for P10,000.00 and No. 101774 for P15,000.00)
as required by Mrs. Vicencio with the same assurance that
the checks shall not be presented for payment but shall
stand only as evidence of indebtedness in lieu of the usual
promissory note.
All the checks were undated at the time petitioners
handed them to Mrs. Vicencio. The six checks represent a
total obligation of P85,000.00. However, since the loan of
P10,000.00 under the first check was already paid when
the amount thereof was deducted from the proceeds of the
second loan, the remaining account was only P75,000.00.
Of this amount, petitioners were able to settle and pay in
cash P60,000.00 in July 1989. Petitioners never had any
transaction nor ever dealt with Mrs. Vicencio’s husband,
the complainant herein. 6/15

When the remaining balance of P15,000.00 on the loans

became due and demandable, petitioners were not able to
pay despite demands to do so. On August 3, 1992, Mrs.
Vicencio together with her husband and their daughter
Lucille, went to petitioners’ residence to persuade Virginia
to place the date “August 15, 1992” on checks nos. 101756
and 101774, although said checks were respectively given
undated to Mrs. Vicencio on May 17, 1989 and July 21,
1989. Check no. 101756 was required by Mrs. Vicencio to
be dated as additional guarantee for the P15,000.00 unpaid
balance allegedly under check no. 101774. Despite being
informed by petitioner Virginia that their account with
RCBC had been closed as early as August 17, 1989, Mrs.
Vicencio and her daughter insisted that she place a date on
the checks allegedly so that it will become evidence of their
indebtedness. The former reluctantly wrote the date on the
checks for fear that she might not be able to obtain future
loans from Mrs. Vicencio.

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Later, petitioners were surprised to receive on August 29,

1992 a demand letter from Mrs. Vicencio’s spouse
informing them that the checks when presented for
payment on August 25, 1992 were dishonored due to
“Account Closed.” Consequently, upon the complaint of
Mrs. Vicencio’s husband with whom petitioners never had
any transaction, two informations for estafa, defined in
Article 315(2)(d) of the Revised Penal Code, were filed
against them. The informations which were amended on
April 1, 1993 alleged that petitioners “through fraud and
false pretenses and in payment of a diamond ring (gold
necklace)” issued checks which when presented 3
payment were dishonored due to account closed. After
entering a plea of not guilty during arraignment,
petitioners were tried and sentenced to suffer
imprisonment and ordered to indemnify
the complainant in
the total amount of P25,000.00. On appeal, the


3 Except as to the date and time of commission, the jewelries involved,

the amount of the check and the check number, the amended informations
in Criminal Case No. C-1708-1709 identically read: “That on or about the
15th day of August, 1992, at about 8:00 o’clock in the morning, in the 7/15

Municipality of Catarman, Province of Northern Samar, Philippines and

within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused,
conspiring, confederating and helping one another, with intent to gain,
through fraud and false pretenses and in payment of a diamond ring, did,
then and there wilfully and unlawfully issue an RCBC Check with No. CT
101774 in the amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND (P15,000.00) PESOS,
and when presented for payment on August 19, 1992, the RCBC in
Catarman dishonored the check on the ground that it was drawn against
“ACCOUNT CLOSED,” and despite notice accused failed to pay to the
actual damage and prejudice of Romualdo Vicencio in the amount
aforestated.” (Regional Trial Court [RTC] Records in Criminal Case No. C-
1709, p. 24).
4 The dispositive portion of the RTC Decision (Branch 19, Catarman,
Northern Samar) dated August 4, 1993 penned by Judge Cesar R. Cinco,
p. 6 reads: “WHEREFORE, the Court hereby finds Ernesto Pacheco y
Tambuyat, also known as Erning, and Virginia Pacheco y Oledan, also
known as Virgie, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-principals in the
crimes of estafa defined and penalized under paragraph 2(d) of Article 315
of the Revised Penal Code,



Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

of Appeals (CA) affirmed the decision of the court a
quo. Hence this petition.
Estafa may be committed in several ways. One of these
is by postdating a check or issuing a check in payment of
an obligation, as provided in Article 315, paragraph 2(d) of
the RPC, viz.:

“ART. 315. Swindling (estafa).—Any person who shall defraud

another by any of the means mentioned hereinbelow shall be
punished by:
x x x      x x x      x x x

2. By means of any of the following false pretenses or

fraudulent acts executed prior to or simultaneously with
the commission of the fraud:

x x x      x x x      x x x

(d) By postdating a check, or issuing a check in payment of an

obligation when the offender had no funds in the bank, or
his funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the
amount of the check. The failure of the drawer of the 8/15


amended by Republic Act 4885 and Presidential Decree 818, as charged under
the informations and sentences each, to wit:
In Criminal Case No. C-1708, to suffer an imprisonment ranging from EIGHT
(8) YEARS, EIGHT (8) MONTHS and ONE (1) DAY of prision mayor, as
minimum, to FOURTEEN (14) YEARS, EIGHT (8) MONTHS and ONE (1) DAY of
reclusion temporal, as maximum, to jointly and severally indemnify Atty.
Romualdo Vicencio in the amount of P15,000.00 and to pay the costs; and,
In Criminal Case No. C-1709, to suffer an imprisonment ranging from EIGHT
(8) YEARS, EIGHT (8) MONTHS and ONE (1) DAY, as minimum, to TEN (10)
YEARS, EIGHT (8) MONTHS and ONE (1) DAY, as maximum, of prision mayor,
to indemnify jointly and severally Atty. Romualdo Vicencio in the amount of
P10,000.00 and to pay the costs. SO ORDERED.” (Rollo, p. 128).
5 The dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals (CA) Decision promulgated
March 19, 1996 penned by Justice Romeo Callejo, Sr. with Justices Antonio
Martinez (now a retired member of this Court) and Delilah Vidallon-Magtolis,
concurring, p. 14 reads: “IN THE LIGHT OF THE FOREGOING, the Decision
appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED in toto. With costs against the Appellants.
SO ORDERED.” (Rollo, p. 21).


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Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

check to deposit the amount necessary to cover his check

within three (3) days from receipt of notice from the bank
and/or the payee or holder that said check has been
dishonored for lack or insufficiency of funds shall be prima
facie evidence of deceit constituting false pretense or
fraudulent act.”

The essential elements in order to sustain a conviction

under the above paragraph are:

1. that the offender postdated or issued a check in

payment of an obligation contracted at the time the
check was issued;
2. that such postdating or issuing a check was done
when the offender had no funds in the bank, or his
funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover
the amount of the check;
3. deceit or damage to the payee thereof.

The first and third elements are not present in this case. A
check has the character of negotiability and at the same
time it constitutes an evidence of indebtedness. By mutual 9/15

agreement of the parties, the negotiable character of a

check may be waived and the instrument may be treated
simply as proof of an obligation. There cannot be deceit on
the part of the obligor, petitioners herein, because they
agreed with the obligee at the time of the issuance and
postdating of the checks that the same shall not be
encashed or presented to the banks. As per assurance of
the lender, the checks are nothing but evidence of the loan
or security thereof in lieu of and for the same purpose as a
promissory note. By their own covenant, therefore, the
checks became mere evidence of indebtedness. It has been
ruled that a drawer who issues a check as security 7
evidence of investment is not liable for estafa. Mrs.
Vicencio could not have been deceived nor defrauded by
petitioners in order to obtain the loans because she was in-


6 People v. Ong, 204 SCRA 942 (1991); People v. Tugbang, 196 SCRA
341 (1991); Sales v. CA, 164 SCRA 717 (1988); People v. Sabio, Jr., 86
SCRA 568 (1978).
7 People v. Tugbang, 196 SCRA 341 (1991).



Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

formed that they no longer have funds in their RCBC

accounts. In 1992, when the Vicencio family asked Virginia
to place a date on the check, the latter again informed Mrs.
Vicencio that their account with RCBC was already closed
as early as August 1989. With the assurance, however, that
the check will only stand as a firm evidence of
indebtedness, Virginia placed a date on the check. Under
these circumstances, Mrs. Vicencio cannot claim that she
was deceived or defrauded by petitioners in obtaining 8the
loan. In the absence of the essential element of deceit, no
estafa was committed by petitioners.
Both courts below relied so much on the fact that Mrs.
Vicencio’s husband is a former Judge who knows the law.
He should have known, then, that he need not even ask the
petitioners to place a date on the check, because as holder
of the check, he could have inserted the date pursuant to9
Section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL).
Moreover, as stated in Section 14 thereof, complainant, as
the person in possession of the check, has prima facie
authority to complete it by filling up the blanks therein. 10/15

Besides, pursuant to Section 12 of the same law, a

negotiable instrument is not rendered 10
invalid by reason
only that it is antedated or postdated. Thus, the allegation
of Mrs. Vicencio that the date to


8 Buaya v. Polo, 169 SCRA 471 (1989); People v. Grospe, 157 SCRA 154
(1988); US v. Rivera, 23 Phil. 383.
9 When date may be inserted.—Where an instrument expressed to be
payable at a fixed period after date is issued undated, or where the
acceptance of an instrument payable at a fixed period after sight is
undated, any holder may insert therein the true date of issue or acceptance,
and the instrument shall be payable accordingly. The insertion of a wrong
date does not avoid the instrument in the hands of a subsequent holder in
due course; but as to him, the date so inserted is to be regarded as the true
date. (Italics supplied).
10 Ante-dated and post-dated.—The instrument is not invalid for the
reason only that it is ante-dated or post-dated, provided this is not done
for an illegal or fraudulent purpose. The person to whom an instrument so
dated is delivered acquires the title thereto as of the date of delivery.


VOL. 319, DECEMBER 2, 1999 605

Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

be placed by Virginia was necessary so as to make the

check evidence of indebtedness is nothing but a ploy.
Petitioners openly disclosed and never hid the fact that
they no longer have funds in the bank as their bank
account was already closed. Knowledge by the complainant
that the drawer does not have sufficient funds in the bank
at the time it was issued to him does
not give rise to a case
for estafa through bouncing checks.
Moreover, a check must 12
be presented within a
reasonable time from issue. By current banking practice,
a check becomes stale after more than six (6) months. In
fact a check long overdue 13for more than two and one-half
years is considered stale. In this case, the checks were
issued more than three years prior to their presentment. In
his complaint, complainant alleged that petitioners bought
jewelry from him and that he would not have parted with
his jewelry had not petitioners issued the checks. The
evidence on record, however, does not support the theory of
the crime.
There were six checks given by petitioners to Mrs.
Vicencio but only two were presented for encashment. If all 11/15

were issued in payment of the alleged jewelry, why were

not all the checks presented? There was a deliberate choice
of these two checks as the total amount reflected therein is
equivalent to the amount due under the unpaid obligation.
The other checks, on the other hand, could not be used as
the amounts therein do not jibe with the amount of the
unpaid balance. Following complainant’s theory that he
would not have sold the jewelries had not petitioners issued
“postdated” checks, still no estafa can be imputed to
petitioners. It is clear that the checks were not intended for
encashment with the bank, but were delivered as mere
security for the payment of the


11 See Magno v. CA, 210 SCRA 471 (1992).

12 Section 186, NIL. Within what time a check must be presented.—A
check must be presented for payment within a reasonable time after its
issue or the drawer will be discharged from liability thereon to the extent
of the loss caused by the delay.
13 Montinola v. Philippine National Bank, 88 Phil. 178 (1951).



Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

loan and under an agreement that the checks would be

redeemed with cash as they fell due. Hence, the checks
were not intended by the parties to be modes of payment
but only as promissory notes. Since complainant and his
wife were well aware of that fact, they cannot now
complain there was deception on the part of petitioners.
Awareness by the complainant of the fictitious nature of 14
the pretense cannot give rise to estafa by means of deceit.
When the payee was informed by the drawer that the
checks are not covered by15 adequate funds it does not give
rise to bad faith or estafa.
Moreover, complainant’s allegations that the two subject
checks were issued in 1992 as payment for the jewelry he
allegedly sold to petitioners is belied by the evidence on
record. 16First, complainant is not engaged in the sale of
jewelry. Neither are petitioners. If the pieces of jewelry
were important to complainant considering that they were
with him for more than twenty-five years already, he
would not have easily parted with them in consideration for
unfunded personal checks in favor of persons whose means 18
of living or source of income were unknown to him. 12/15

Applicable here is the legal precept that 19persons are

presumed to have taken care of their business.
Second, petitioners’ bank account with RCBC was
opened on March 26, 1987 and was closed on April 17,
1989, during the span of which they were issued 10 check
booklets with the


14 People v. Concepcion, 44 Phil. 544.

15 Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. of the Philippines v. Inez Chavez and
Co., 18 SCRA 356 (1966).
16 Transcript of Stenographic Notes (TSN), July 20, 1993, p. 49.
17 TSN, April 29, 1993, p. 12.
18 TSN, April 29, 1993, p. 9.
19 Rules of Court, Rule 131, Sec. 3. Disputable presumptions.—The
following presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted, but may be
contradicted and overcome by other evidence:
x x x      x x x      x x x
(d) That a person takes ordinary care of his concerns;
x x x      x x x      x x x
(p) That private transactions have been fair and regular.


VOL. 319, DECEMBER 2, 1999 607

Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

last booklet issued on April 6, 1989. This last booklet

contains 50 checks consecutively numbered from 101751 to
101800. The two subject checks came from this booklet. All
the checks in this booklet were issued in the year 1989
including the two subject checks, so that the complainants’
theory that the jewelry were sold in 1992 cannot be
The rule that factual findings of the trial court bind this
court is not absolute but admits of exceptions such as when
the conclusion is a finding grounded on speculation,
surmise, and conjecture and when the findings of the lower
court is premised on the absence of evidence20
and is
contradicted by the evidence on record. Based on the
foregoing discussions, this Court is constrained to depart
from the general rule. Equally 21
applicable is what Vice-
Chancellor Van Fleet once said:

“Evidence to be believed must not only proceed from the mouth of

a credible witness but must be credible in itself—such as the
common experience and observation of mankind can approve as 13/15

probable under the circumstances. We have no test of the truth of

human testimony, except its conformity to our knowledge,
observation and experience. Whatever is repugnant to these
belongs to the miraculous, and is outside of judicial cognizance.”

Petitioners, however, are not without liability. An accused

acquitted of a criminal charge may nevertheless be held
civilly liable in the same case
where the facts established
by the evidence so warrant. Based on the records, they
still have an outstanding obligation of P15,000.00 in favor
of Mrs. Vicencio. There was mention that the loan shall
earn inter-


20 Smith Kline & French Laboratories, Ltd. v. CA, 342 Phil. 187, 276
SCRA 224 (1997), citing among others Vda. de Alcantara v. CA, 252 SCRA
457 (1996); Republic v. IAC, 196 SCRA 335 (1991); Fernan v. CA, et al.,
181 SCRA 546 (1990); People v. Traya, 147 SCRA 381 (1987); Tolentino v.
de Jesus, 56 SCRA 67 (1974).
21 Cited in Daggers v. Van Dyck, 37 N.J. Eq., 130, 132; See also People
v. Cara, 283 SCRA 96 (1997).
22 People v. Tugbang, 196 SCRA 341 (1991); Nuñez v. CA, G.R. No.
80216, December 7, 1988, Minute Resolution.



Pacheco vs. Court of Appeals

ests. However, an agreement as to payment of 23

must be in writing, otherwise it cannot be valid, although
there was actual payment of interests by virtue of the
advance deductions from the loan. Once the judgment
becomes final and executory, the amount due is deemed
equivalent to a forbearance of credit during the interim
period from the finality of judgment until full payment, in
which case it shall earn legal interest at the rate of twelve
per cent (12%) per
annum pursuant to Central Bank (CB)
Circular No. 416.
WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision is REVERSED and
SET ASIDE. Petitioners are ACQUITTED of the charge of
estafa but they are ORDERED to pay Mrs. Vicencio the
amount of P15,000.00 without interest. However, from the
time this judgment becomes final and executory, the
amount due shall earn legal interest of twelve percent
(12%) per annum until full payment.

     Davide, Jr. (C.J., Chairman), Puno, Kapunan and

Pardo, JJ., concur.

Judgment reversed, petitioners acquitted but ordered to

pay P15,000 to Mrs. Vicencio.

Notes.—An acquittal based on reasonable doubt that

the accused committed the crime charged does not
necessarily exempt him from civil liability where a mere
preponderance of evidence is required. (Manahan, Jr. vs.
Court of Appeals, 255 SCRA 202 [1996])
The fact that respondent Judge was acquitted ultimately
in the criminal case is of no moment where he is being
chastened for his act of dishonesty and misrepresentation
in the process of seeking the office. (Gutierrez vs. Belan,
294 SCRA 1 [1998])



23 Article 1956, New Civil Code.

24 Philippine National Bank v. CA, 331 Phil. 1079, 263 SCRA 766
(1996) citing Eastern Shipping Lines v. CA, 234 SCRA 78 (1994).


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