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w w w. d i l k o y a y i n c i l i k . c o m
Tüm hakkı saklıdır. 5846 ve 2936 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasası Hükümleri gereğince yayıncının
yazılı izni olmaksızın bu kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı elektronik ortam dahil kopya edilemez, çoğaltılamaz.

ISBN: 978-605-9242-20-2

Baskı Yeri: Yazın Basın Yayın Matbaacılık Trz.Tic.Ltd.Şti. (Sertifika 12028)

Maltepe Mh. Çiftehavuzlar Cd. Prestij İş Merkezi No: 27/806 K:9
Zeytinburnu / İSTANBUL
Tel: (0212) 565 01 22

Baskı Tarihi: MART 2016

Yayımlayan: Moya Modern Yayınlar ve Eğt. Hiz. Tic. Ltd.Şti. (Sertifika No: 19955)
Eğitim Mah. Poyraz Sok. No:18 Hasanpaşa / İSTANBUL
Tel: (0216) 450 60 30 Faks: (0216) 450 60 34

A. Subject Pronouns ...................................................................................................................... 7
► I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they

B. Object Pronouns ......................................................................................................................... 7

► me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them

C. Possessive Adjectives ............................................................................................................... 8

► my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their

D. Possessive Pronouns................................................................................................................. 9
► mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs
► double possessive

E. Reflexive Pronouns..................................................................................................................... 10
► myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

F. Indefinite Pronouns .................................................................................................................... 12

► somebody, everybody, nobody, anybody
(someone, everyone, no one, anyone)
► something, everything, nothing, anything
► somewhere, everywhere, nowhere, anywhere

G. Reciprocal Pronouns .................................................................................................................. 16

► each other / one another

H. Demonstrative Adjectives / Pronouns ...................................................................................... 16

► this, that, these, those
► that of, those of

I. The Use of ‘One’ as a Pronoun .................................................................................................. 17

► one, ones

j. The Use of ‘Other’ as an Adjective or Pronoun ....................................................................... 18

► other, the other
► others, the others
► another
► one after the other / one after another
► every other

REVISION ............................................................................................................................................. 21

Test 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 26


A. The Simple Present Tense .................................................................................................... 29

► I / you / we / they go, he / she / it goes
► sıklık zarfları
- always, often, usually, generally, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never

B. The Present Continuous Tense ............................................................................................ 37

► I am walking, he / she / it is walking, we / you / they are walking

C. The Simple Past Tense .......................................................................................................... 48

► I / you / he / she / it / we / they drank
► it’s time / it’s high time
- It’s time / high time we went home

D. The Past Progressive Tense ................................................................................................. 53

► I / he / Continuous / it was sleeping, we / you / they were sleeping

E. The Simple Future Tense ..................................................................................................... 59

1. (Will)
► I / you / he / she / it / we / they will learn

2. (Be going to)

► I am going to study, he / she / it is going to study, we / you / they are going to study
► was / were going to do something

F. The Future Continuous Tense .............................................................................................. 64

► I / you / he / she / it / we / they will be watching

G. Time Clauses .......................................................................................................................... 67

► zaman bağlaçlarının kullanımları
(when, after, before, as soon as, while, as, by the time, until, till, as long as, once, whenever,
every time, the first time, the last time, the next time)


H. The Present Perfect Tense .................................................................................................... 70

► I / you / we / they have worked, he / she / it has worked
► since / for
► been to / gone to

I. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense ............................................................................... 74

► I / you / we / they have been cleaning, he / she / it has been cleaning

J. The Past Perfect Tense ......................................................................................................... 79

► I / you / he / she / it / we / they had gone



K. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense .................................................................................... 85

► I / you / he / she / it / we / they had been waiting

L. The Future Perfect Tense ...................................................................................................... 90

► I / you / he / she / it / we / they will have visited

M. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense ................................................................................. 93

► I / you / he / she / it / we / they will have been searching

REVISION ............................................................................................................................................. 96

Test 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 99

1. Ability ...................................................................................................................................... 101
► Can, can’t, could, couldn’t, be able to

2. Obligation / Necessity .......................................................................................................... 107

► Have to, must, need to, didn’t need to, didn’t have to

3. Prohibition .............................................................................................................................. 116

► Mustn’t, can’t, wasn’t / weren’t, allowed to

4. Giving Advice ......................................................................................................................... 116

► Should, ought to, had better

5. Request / Offer / Suggestion ................................................................................................ 121

► Can you, could you, will you, would you, shall we

6. Possibility / Deduction .......................................................................................................... 124

► May, might, can could, must

7. Past Habits ............................................................................................................................. 128

► Used to, would

8. Asking / Giving Permission ................................................................................................. 131

► Can I, could I, may I, might I, you can, you could, you may, you might
9. Expectation ............................................................................................................................ 132
► Be to, be supposed to

10. Preference .............................................................................................................................. 133

► Would rather (would sooner), would prefer to

REVISION ....................................................................................................................................... 134

Modals Test-1 ................................................................................................................................ 139 5 BASIC COLLECTION

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns

I me my mine myself
You you your yours yourself
He him his his himself
She her her hers herself
It it its its itself
We us our ours ourselves
You you your yours yourselves
They them their theirs themselves

A. Subject Pronouns

► Cümlede en başta, özne pozisyonunda kullanılan zamirlerdir. Eylemi yapan kişinin isminin yerini
• Alice is very hard-working. She always does her homework and studies regularly.
• Martin and Steve want to have a holiday. They are planning to go to Spain.
• My sister and I are interested in music. We regularly buy CDs and go to concerts.
• My father is a photographer. He takes photographs of animals.
• My car has broken down. It doesn’t work at all.

► ‘You’ ve ‘they’ zamirleri genelleme yaparken de kullanılabilir.

• It is easier to find a job if you speak English. (İngilizce konuşuyorsanız, iş bulmanız daha kolaydır.)
• They say mathematics is a universal language. (Matematiğin evrensel bir dil olduğunu söylerler.)
• They say Alanya is very popular among Germans. (Alanya’nın Almanlar arasında çok popüler olduğu
• If your baby is crying, you should check his or her temperature. (Bebeğiniz ağlıyorsa, ateşini kontrol

B. Object Pronouns

► Cümlede fiilden sonra, nesne pozisyonunda kullanılan zamirlerdir. Eylemden etkilenen kişinin
isminin yerini tutar.
• My mother wants me to be at home before 5.
• I need to speak to my father. I will tell him the score of the match.
• Jack asked me to go to the theatre with him but I didn’t have time.
• I have looked for my glasses everywhere but I couldn’t find them.
• I can’t find my bag. I think I have lost it.

► ‘One of…’, ‘all of…’, ‘both of…’ gibi miktar bildiren ifadelerden sonra ‘object pronoun’ kullanılır.
• When the teacher asked a question, most of us wanted to answer it. (çoğumuz)
• All partners were invited to the party but only some of them could come. (bazıları)
• Almost all the students were silent. Only one of them wanted to ask a question. (bir tanesi)
• Everybody in the country wants to live in peace. All of them are supporting the peace talks. (Onların


Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with a Subject or Object Pronoun.

1. Jane wants to speak to you. ____________
She is looking for ____________
you everywhere.
2. Patrick speaks Spanish very well. ____________
He lived in Spain for 5 years. We want ____________
to teach ____________
us Spanish.
3. Jane invited her friends to her house to celebrate her birthday together. It was a very nice party. Her
friends brought ____________
her some presents. This made Jane very happy. Jane had a surprise for
them She and her boyfriend danced tango. It was a real surprise for her friends because
they did not know ____________
she was taking dance lessons.
4. My sister and I have similar tastes in almost everything. ____________
We both like rock music. Bodrum
is the best holiday place for both of ____________
us and we both enjoy dancing.
5. David will be here in 10 minutes. Do you want to see ____________?

Exercise 2 Look at the pronouns in the following sentences. If the sentence is correct, put a tick
(√). If it is incorrect, underline the mistake and then write the correct version as in the
Example: Helen saw Jack and I dancing at the party last night. I → me
1. Robert told Amy that he would see her that evening. __________
2. Us should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day. __________
Us→ We
3. Why don’t you call Emma and invite she to our dinner party? __________
She→ her
4. You should return these books to the library as they are already overdue. __________
5. Since the antique table was slightly damaged, them sold it to me half-price. __________
them→ they
6. There’s somebody waiting outside to see you. Her didn’t tell her name. Her → She
7. My sister and me are planning to go to a language school in Spain this summer. me → I
8. Although the police chased the suspect, he was able to get away from they. they → them
9. How long have you been waiting for we? we → us
10. Raul’s father was very angry when I told he that I crashed the car. he → him
11. The nervous system allows we to respond to the world around us. we → us
12. All my classmates came to see me when I was in hospital. __________
13. If you have any problems, just tell me and I’ll help you. __________
14. Suzie got very angry with we since we didn’t invite her to the wedding. we → us
15. As children get older, parents should encourage they to make their own decisions. they → them

C. Possessive Adjectives (İyelik sıfatları)

► Sahiplik gösteren sıfatlardır. Tek başlarına kullanılamazlar. Mutlaka bir ismin başına gelirler.
• When Mark didn’t go to school yesterday, his teacher called his parents.
• The hotel’s name comes from its location near the Blue Mosque.
• Albert Einstein spent most of his time trying to understand the secrets of the universe.
• We went to New York and saw all its tourist attractions.
• The subway allows many people to reach their destinations in time.

Exercise 3 Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using a suitable subject pronoun, object
pronoun or possessive adjective.
Example: My sister gave me a pullover as a birthday present, but I didn’t like it.
1. their
Parents should teach ____________ their
children how to take care of ____________ teeth.
2. your
Could you give me ____________ dictionary for a moment, please?
3. your
Eye contact with the audience is an important way of showing ____________ interest in



Exercise 9 Fill in the blanks with indefinite pronouns.

Example: I want to talk to you about something.
1. something
Like all sailors, he was superstitious, and felt convinced that ____________________ terrible was
going to happen to him.
2. You shouldn’t have left the door unlocked. ____________________
Anybody / Somebody could have come in.
3. ____________________
No one has ever taken me for an Englishman before although someone did once
speak to me as if I were an American.
4. He didn’t have ___________________
anybody to support him at the board meeting yesterday. He felt very
5. There was a package for me today but there was ____________________
nobody at home so I couldn’t
receive it.
Someone / Everyone
6. ____________________ told me that putting feather pillows in the dryer for ten minutes will kill dust
7. I suppose there is ____________________
nothing for you to fear. You are a courageous person.
8. If you would like to do ____________________ different, you should plan carefully.
9. I feel so lonely. I know ____________________ anyone
here so I don’t have ____________________ to talk
10. After the exam, none of the students had any energy to go ____________________ or to do

Exercise 10 Choose the correct indefinite pronouns.

Example: Why are you angry with me? I didn’t do ____________ wrong.
a) everybody b) nothing c) anything

1. When the show ended, there was complete silence in the room. ____________ clapped.
a) Somebody b) Nobody c) Everybody

2. Would you like ____________ to start with before the main course?
a) something b) anywhere c) everything

3. I’m bored. I want to go ____________ nice tonight.

a) somewhere b) nowhere c) anything

4. I went into that shop yesterday, but there was ____________ worth buying there.
a) everything b) anything c) nothing

5. That’s a very easy problem. ____________ can solve it.

a) Something b) Anybody c) Nobody

6. Though I looked ____________ for my camera, I couldn’t find it.

a) nowhere b) everywhere c) something

7. Almost ____________ was happy with the results. They were all laughing and joking with each
a) everyone b) no one c) anything



8. ____________ in the class, except for George, has handed in his report so far.
a) Everything b) Somewhere c) Nobody

9. Let’s go ____________ else. There is nothing I like on the menu.

a) everywhere b) nowhere c) somewhere

10. I didn’t see ____________ I knew at the party last night.

a) nobody b) anyone c) everything

11. Many people buy one tube of sunscreen and keep it available for ____________ in the family.
a) everyone b) something c) no one

12. We would like to go ____________ peaceful for the weekend.

a) everywhere b) anything c) somewhere

13. Back injuries can happen to ____________ and severely affect the quality of life.
a) somewhere b) nobody c) anyone

14. Of all the people I’ve met so far, ____________ is more important to me than you.
a) everything b) nobody c) something

15. I can do ____________ for you. You are my best friend.

a) anything b) nothing c) anywhere

16. There is ____________ at the door. Can you please open it?
a) somebody b) no one c) somewhere

17. Is there ____________ who would like to go to the rock concert with me?
a) anything b) everyone c) anyone

18. I’d love to help, but I don’t understand ____________ about computers.
a) anywhere b) anything c) nothing

19. ____________ called you last night, but he didn’t tell me his name.
a) Someone b) Everybody c) Nobody

20. Barbara works ____________ in the town centre.

a) nowhere b) anything c) somewhere 15 BASIC COLLECTION


G. Reciprocal Pronouns (İşteş Zamirler)

► ‘Each other’ ve ‘one another’ yapıları bir eylemin işteş olduğunu, yani eylemin karşılıklı olarak
yapıldığını anlatır.
• Laura and James love each other. (Laura ve James birbirlerini seviyorlar.)
• We kissed each other and said good-bye. (Birbirimizi öptük ve vedalaştık.)

Exercise 11 Complete the following sentences with each other or a suitable reflexive pronoun.

Example: They haven’t spoken to each other since they quarrelled last night.
1. How did you like the chocolate cake? I made it ____________.
2. My wife and I first met ____________
each other while we were both living in New York.
3. Kate and Fernandez love ____________
each other and they are going to get married next month.
4. He is too young to look after ____________.
5. Mr Bernard ____________
himself offered me the job yesterday.
6. Amy and Helen are close friends, so they always tell ____________
each other all their problems.
7. The house ____________
itself is not in a good condition, but its garden is perfect.
8. The students were fighting with ____________
each other when the teacher came in.
9. My ex-girlfriend and I tried to avoid seeing ____________
each other at the party last night.
10. Did you paint the whole house by ____________?

H. Demonstrative Adjectives / Pronouns (İşaret Sıfatları / Zamirleri)

► Hem sıfat hem de zamir olarak kullanılabilirler. Sıfat olarak kullanıldıklarında ‘this’ ve ‘that’ tekil,
‘these ve ‘those’ ise çoğul isimlerin başına gelir.
• This book is mine. / This is mine.
• These books are mine. / These are mine.

► Ayrıca ‘this’ ve ‘these’ zaman ve mesafe açısından yakınlığı, ‘that’ ve ‘those’ ise uzaklığı anlatır.
Zaman ifadesi olarak kullanıldıklarında ‘this’ ve ‘these’ present tense’leri, ‘that’ ve ‘those’ past
tense’leri işaret eder.
• Those girls over there are my friends. (Şuradaki kızlar benim arkadaşım.) (Mesafe olarak uzak)
• I am reading a book by Dickens these days. (Bu günlerde Dickens’ın bir kitabını okuyorum.) (Zaman
olarak yakın.)



Exercise 14 Read the texts below and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each space.

Perhaps, the most complex organ of the human body is the brain.
Although (1) ---- structure is similar to those of (2) ---- mammals, (3) ----
is significantly three times larger in size than that of a typical mammal.
Brain is also very complex since (4) ---- contains 50 - 100 billion neurons.
Out of (5) ----, 90% are cortical pyramidal cells which pass the signals to
(6) ---- with the help of around 100 trillion synaptic connections.

1. a) it b) its c) itself
2. a) another b) others c) other
3. a) its b) its own c) it
4. a) it b) its c) it’s
5. a) their b) them c) they
6. a) other b) some other c) each other


Choosing a gift is a difficult job and if it is meant

for a woman then (1) ---- can be a stressful task.
Every woman has different needs and wants, and
(2) ---- preferences change from time to time. Every
man thinks of giving his girlfriend useful gifts like a
cellular phone, iPod or Mp3 players. But if (3) ---- is
not technologically friendly then there are makeup
kits, aromatherapy baskets and jewellery. Among
(4) ---- options, the most appreciated gift is the
perfume. Perfumes are easily available in every
shopping mall and online websites. The advantage
of choosing perfume as a gift is that it is (5) ---- she
will use daily and think of (6) ---- too. The attractive
packaging adds to the presentation of the gifting

1. a) it b) its c) it’s
2. a) theirs b) they c) their
3. a) herself b) she c) her
4. a) this b) these c) that
5. a) something b) nothing c) anywhere
6. a) yours b) your c) you 19 BASIC COLLECTION


Exercise 15 Fill in the blanks with forms of other.

1. others
You should put back the books you have read before you take out ____________________.
2. Women routinely compliment ____________________
each other even in job interviews.
3. There isn’t ____________________
another train for at least two hours so it would be better for you to take a
4. There are two cakes left in the plate; eat whichever one you like and leave ____________________
the other
for whoever comes in later.
5. The left shoe is a bit tight, but ____________________
the other fits fairly well.
6. Sandy, who is eight years old, is confined to a wheelchair and her dream is to walk like
other children when she goes out to play.
7. other
You need insurance for your car, house and ____________________ valuables in your house.
8. In every language, there are often words that have the same meaning and it’s actually possible to
the others
substitute one for ____________________.
9. We need to walk ____________________
another two kilometres to reach the hotel.
10. I have five fingers. The first one is my thumb. ____________________
Another is my forefinger. Two
____________________ the other
are my middle and ring fingers. And ____________________ is my pinky.
11. I didn’t like this sweater. Do you have ____________________
another one?
12. I don’t mind what ____________________ think. I only care about your thoughts.
13. I wanted to talk to any one of the secretaries. One of them was absent. ____________________
The others
were having lunch so I had to wait for half an hour for them to finish it.
14. Can you wait ____________________ ten minutes for me before going to lunch?
the other
15. John and Josh are twin brothers. It is very difficult to tell one from ____________________.
16. While some people prefer to celebrate their birthdays giving big parties, some
others do not like celebrating them.
17. John and ____________________ student whose name I don’t know are waiting for you outside.
18. Mr Smith wanted to talk to me about two important matters. We talked about one but we didn’t have
enough time to discuss ____________________.
the other
the other
19. Jane is better than all ____________________ students in her class.
20. Would you like to have ____________________ piece of cake?


Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns.

1. Dogs make better pets than cats because they understand and obey their masters but cats like to
lead ____________________ own life.
2. the one
I have never read a story that interested me so much as ____________________ I read last night.
3. yourselves
Please help ____________________ with the cocktails as I have to welcome the guests at the door.
4. somewhere
Let’s go ____________________ warm and sunny for our holiday. I’m fed up with the rain and grey
5. itself
The film ____________________ wasn’t very good but I liked the songs in it.
6. them
Children learn faster if the teacher praises ____________________.
7. their
Many athletes had to stop competing very young, as ____________________ performances weren’t
good enough.
8. Throughout history, a solar eclipse has been a fearful experience, especially in the days when people
didn’t know ____________________ cause.
9. another
Don’t worry, I’m not leaving. I’ve decided to stay for ____________________ two weeks.
10. themselves
I hate people who only think of ____________________. They are totally selfish.
11. herself
Jenny must be proud of ____________________ as she has won the competition.
12. nothing
My little brother is going to bed early today because he has got ____________________ to do and he
is bored.
13. ones
The new designs are much better than the old ____________________.
14. yourself
You must do your homework ____________________. Otherwise you won’t learn.
15. If ____________________
someone wants a ticket for the concert, they can get it from my office.

Exercise 2 Find the mistakes if there is any and correct them.

1. He only talks about by himself and never pays attention to anybody’s ideas. He is extremely self-
centred. (by himself → himself)

2. After her husband’s serious accident, she explained that she would devote hers to him.
(hers → herself)
3. Of all the questions in the exam, the first one was the easiest. Nobody was able to do it very quickly.
(Nobody → Everybody)
4. As it was the first time we came together, we were a bit nervous but later we introduced us to each
other. (us → ourselves)

5. Whenever I phone her, she is always at home. Surprisingly, she never seems to go nowhere.
(nowhere → anywhere)
6. Jane couldn’t have been the girl you saw because she had been with myself until about 11 p.m. that
evening. (myself → me)

7. I finally decided that something I ate made me sick. It could be the chicken I ate at the restaurant.
8. In addition to its colourful pages, the dictionary has more than 50.000 entries with clear explanations.
9. Scientists say that smoking may increase one’s chances of developing lung cancer. (correct)

10. The car showed their true qualities on the highway, on which it was possible to drive up to 150
kilometres per hour. (their → its)

11. He is very old, so you must not expect him to be able to look after him. (him → himself)

12. A friend of my father’s is a painter. He painted this portrait of my. (my → mine) 21 BASIC COLLECTION


8. This is not the only answer to the question. There are _____________.
a) the others b) others c) another

9. Please give me _____________ chance.

a) other b) the other c) another

10. He was a wonderful teacher. Everyone agreed it would be hard to find ____________ one like him.
a) another b) other c) the other

11. There are three pieces of fruit in my basket. One is an orange, one is a lemon and
_____________ is an apple.
a) others b) the other c) another

12. I have two pencils. One is black, and _____________ is blue.

a) the others b) others c) the other

13. There are four girls in my apartment. Two are called Casey and Amber. _____________ are
Joanne and Lindsey.
a) Others b) The others c) The other

14. There are several holidays in Brazil. One is Independence Day and _____________ are
Children’s Day and Teacher’s Day.
a) some others b) another c) the other

15. My friend has two cars. One is black and _____________ is red.
a) another b) the other c) the others

16. My mom speaks two languages. One is English and _____________ one is French.
a) others b) the other c) another

17. There are eight pets in my house. Six are cats and _____________ are dogs.
a) others b) the other c) the others

18. There are 50 states in the United States. One is North Carolina and _____________ are Virginia
and Kentucky.
a) the others b) some others c) the other

19. My neighbour has four kids. One of them is a boy and _____________ are girls.
a) the others b) other c) the other

20. There are three books in my backpack. One is a maths book and __________ are chemistry books.
a) others b) another c) the others



Exercise 8 Choose the correct option.

Example: You shouldn’t blame ___________for someone else’s mistakes.
a) your own b) yourself c) yours

1. Digital cameras capture ____________ memories and store ____________ in the best quality
a) us / their b) ours / them c) our / them

2. Honey bees are distinguished by ____________ ability to produce and store honey.
a) their b) them c) theirs

3. Wheezing and breathlessness are typical symptoms of asthma, and ____________ symptoms
include chest tightness and coughing.
a) others b) another c) other

4. Mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate with ____________ .

a) other b) each other c) another

5. Flowers can be quite difficult to maintain, especially if you want to keep ____________ fresh
a) them b) theirs c) they

6. When I asked George what he was thinking about Mary, he didn’t say ____________ .
a) anything b) nothing c) somewhere

7. Some dogs are naturally peaceful and quiet while ____________ are dominant and aggressive.
a) the other b) others c) other

8. At the Earth’s surface, earthquakes manifest ____________ by shaking and sometimes

displacement of the ground.
a) they b) their c) themselves

9. ____________ answered the question correctly; that’s why, the teacher got angry with us.
a) Anybody b) Nobody c) Everybody

10. Like technological innovations, electronics significantly affects ____________ everyday lives.
a) our b) ours c) ourselves 25 BASIC COLLECTION

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