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Incorporated this …………………… day of ………………… 2013


1. The name of the company is: “JOB TANZANIA COMPANY LIMITED”

2. The Registered Office of the company will be situated in
the United Republic of Tanzania.

3. The objects for which the Company is established are:-

(a) To carry on the business of trading office

accessories furnishers office machinery
repairers’ cleaners’ stores and warehouses of
furniture mattresses carpets linoleums and other
office goods office machinery gadgets fittings
curtains and other office furnishings and office
hold requisites of all kinds and all things
capable of being used therewith or in the
maintenance repair or manufacture thereof.

(b) To advertise all or any of the products or goods

of the Company in any way that may be thought

(c) To deal in the business of promoting of small

scale landing to business activities relating
to economic empowerment and any other business
relating to the object of the company with are
legally allowed.

(d) To carry on the business as hoteliers, bars and

restaurant owners, caterers, safari, lodgers,
motels, snacks, faces, safari and tours,
operators of refreshment rooms, recreation
places, amusements, sports, cinema operators,
shop owners, gifts, kiosks, grocery,
supermarkets, farming, cattle readers, mining,
fishing, hunting, transport agents, clearing and
forwarding agents.
(e) To carry on all or any of the business of
entertainment, promoters’ sports promoters’
artistes' managers and artists' personal
representatives in all or any spheres of
entertainments and sport.

(f) To carry on the business of video production and

distributions screenwriting, scripts writing
and marketing, magazine production and
distributions, TV programs and marketing and to
advertise all or any of the products or goods
of the Company in any way that may be thought

(g) To carry on business of caterers hoteliers

restaurateurs proprietors operators and
managers of hotels inns sports clubs camps
safari lodges motels coffee houses tea rooms and
refreshment rooms licenses victuallers lessors
and lessees of conference rooms art galleries
and exhibition halls ballrooms theatres and
places of recreation entertainment sport and
amusement garages service stations and parking
facilities wine beer and spirit merchants
brewers matters distillers importers and
manufacturers of aerated mineral and artificial
waters and other drinks purveyors caterers for
public functions and amusements generally
proprietors of motor and other vehicles bakers
confectioners pastry cooks sweet manufacturers
tobacconist ice cream and poultry dealers food
and provision.

(h) To acquire and carry on a club(s) and to provide

equip maintain and carry on a clubhouse(s) with
all usual or suitable accommodation and
conveniences and to construct acquire equip
maintain carry on and manage clubs gaming rooms
card rooms billiard rooms bowling alleys
libraries reading rooms and entertainment rooms
and places of entertainment generally with all
necessary and usual offices conveniences and

(i) To enter into partnership or into any

arrangement for sharing profits, union of
interests, co-operation, joint venture,
reciprocal concession or otherwise, with any
person or company carrying on or engaged in or
about to carry on or engage in any business or
transaction which this Company is authorised to
carry on or engage in, or any business or
transaction capable of being conducted so as
directly or indirectly to benefit this Company.
And to lend money to, guarantee the contracts
of or otherwise assist, any such person or
company, and to take or otherwise acquire shares
and securities of any such company, and to sell,
hold, re-issue, with or without guarantee, or
otherwise deal with the same.

(j) To carry on the business of house furnishers and

upholsterers and dealers in and hirers
repairers’ cleaners’ stores and warehouses of
furniture carpets rugs and other floor coverings
household utensils and other home furnishings
and household requisites of all kinds and all
cleaning and other materials and articles
capable of being used in the maintenance or
repair of household equipment.

(k) To carry on the business of computers and data

processing either as principals or agents in all
kinds of business internet e-mail facilities and
communication cybernet internet e-mail cafes and
all related data processing articles of computer
machinery and computer apparatus for any purpose

(l) To carry on any other business whether

manufacturing or otherwise which may seem to the
Company capable of being conveniently carried
on in connection with the above objects or
calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the
value of or render profitable any of the
Company’s property or rights.

(m) To carry on the business of importers and

exporters of all kinds and classes of goods,
materials and merchandise manufacturers and
distributors representatives marketing agents,
salesmen, commercial and financial agents.

(n) To employ experts and professionals for the

purposes of better carrying out the Company's

(o) To acquire any assets or any movable or
immovable property.

(p) To carry on the business of property management


(q) To prospect explore acquire develop maintain and

carry on wells mines and mining rights minerals
ores and properties of any kind and to erect and
operate refineries mill works machinery
laboratories workshops dwelling houses and other
buildings works and appliances and to aid in or
subscribe towards or subsidizes any such

(r) To provide and promote the provision of camps

buildings and conveniences of all kinds for
tourists and others including reserving and
providing hotel messing and lodging
accommodation guides safe deposits inquiry
bureau and reading rooms.

(s) To establish depots and agencies in different

parts of the world for the purposes of carrying
on any or all of the business of the Company.

(t) To enter into contracts with any person or

company as to interchange of traffic running
powers or otherwise.

(u) To obtain all powers and authorities necessary

to carry out or extend any of the above objects.

(v) To carry on the business of manufacturers'

processors stores distributors and dealers of
and in drugs pharmaceuticals and industrial
chemicals compounds cements pigments varnishes
agricultural chemicals fertilizers fungicides
and the like, photographic surgical materials
and matters articles and commodities of
industrial personal and household use and

(w) To establish agencies or branches for the

purpose of the Company, and to regulate and
discontinue them.

(x) To enter into any arrangements with any
Government or Authorities (Supreme Municipal
Local or otherwise) or any companies firms or
persons that may seem conducive to the
attainment of the Company's objects or any of
them and to obtain from any such government
authority company firm or person any charters
contracts decrees rights privileges and
concessions which the Company may think
desirable and to carry out exercise and comply
with any such charters contracts decrees rights
privileges and concessions.

(y) To enter into working arrangements of all kinds

(including joining in a co-operative
arrangement) with other companies corporations
firms or persons and also to make and carry into
effect arrangements with respect to union of
interests or amalgamation either in whole or in
part or any other arrangements with other
companies corporations firms or persons.

(z) To carry on the business as manufacturers of and

dealers in cloth leather cotton wadding down
feather goods linen silk and textiles and
fabrics generally tapestry needlework neckwear
ties scarves veils tinsel fabrics and threads
and all articles of wearing attire or personal
household use or ornament

(aa) To carry on the business as manufacturers of and

dealers in boxes trunks suitcases handbags
portmanteaux and other carriers glass china
porcelain cutlery picture framers cardboard
mounts hair and cloth brushes combs toilette and
manicure sets and cases games toys photo frames
medals badges trophies presentation goods small
ware fancy paper and similar goods.

(bb) To distribute among the members of the Company

in kind any property of the Company and in
particular any shares debentures or securities
of other companies belonging to this Company or
of which this Company may have the power of

(cc) To procure the Company to be registered in any

part of the world or to take such other steps
as may be necessary to give the Company as far
as possible the same rights and privileges in
any part of the world as are possessed by
companies or partnerships of a like character

(dd) To pay all or any expenses incurred in

connection with the promotion formation and
incorporation of the company or to contract with
any person firm or company to pay the same and
to pay commission to brokers and others for
underwriting placing selling or guaranteeing the
subscription of any shares debentures debenture
stock or securities of this Company.

(ee) To take, or otherwise acquire and hold shares,

in any other company having objects altogether
or in part similar to those of this Company, or
carrying on any business capable of being
conducted so as directly or indirectly to
benefit this Company.

(ff) To amalgamate with any other company having

objects altogether or in part similar to those
of the Company.

(gg) To carry on the business of importers and

dealers in fuel and other oil petroleum of every
kind and the business of lubricating oils and
all accessories required for the equipment and
operations of the said vehicles.

(hh) To prospect explore acquire develop maintain and

carry on wells mines and mining rights minerals
ores and properties of any kind and to erect and
operate refineries mill works machinery
laboratories workshops dwelling houses and other
buildings works and appliances and to aid in or
subscribe towards or subsidize any such objects.

(ii) To draw, accept, endorse, discount, execute, and

issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, bills
of lading, warrants, debentures and other
negotiable or transferable instruments.

(jj) To obtain any provisional Order, Ordinance or Act

of Parliament for enabling the Company to carry
any of its objects into effect or for any other
purpose which may seem expedient and to oppose
any proceedings or applications which may seem
calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice
the company's interest.
(kk) To establish depots and agencies in different
parts of the world for the purposes of carrying
on any or all of the business of the Company.

(ll) To maintain, repair, assemble, design,

manufacture, import, export, purchase and sale
of electronics, electric, and telecommunication
equipments of domestic, and industrial use,
installation, designing, and consultancy
services, assembly of electronic, electric and
telecommunication appliances, establish, run
and manage the electronics media industry as
well as vocational training, and generally deal
with all type of electric, electronic and
telecommunication as well as mechanical in any
manner as authorized by this memorandum or in
any way connected to or incidental to the object
of this company. To cooperate, collaborate,
associate, ally, amalgamate, combine, join,
league, link, mingle, unite with any company,
partnership, government department, ministry,
local authority, Non Governmental organization,
private sector and institution, and any entity
in furtherance of the objectives of the company.

(mm) To construct, erect and maintain either by the

Company or other parties, buildings, houses,
shops and all other works erections and things
of any description whatsoever either upon the
lands acquired by the Company or upon other

(nn) The word “company” in this clause, except where

used in reference to this company, shall be
deemed to include any partnership or other body
of persons, whether corporate or unincorporated,
and whether unincorporated, registered,
resident or domiciled in the United Republic of
Tanzania or elsewhere

(oo) Generally to do all such things as may appear

to be incidental or conducive to the attainment
of the above objects or any of them.


MEMORANDUM when applies otherwise that this company
shall wherever the context shall so require or admit to
be deemed to include any authority, partnership or other
boy of persons incorporated or un-incorporated and
whether domicile in Tanzania or elsewhere and what the
intention is that the objects specified in or elsewhere
and what the intention is that the objects specified in
the several paragraphs of this MEMORANDUM shall be
regarded as independent object and accordingly shall be
in no wise limited or registered in its application
(except when otherwise expressed in such paragraph)by
reference to the object in any other paragraph the name
of the company but may be carried out in as wide sense
as if such of the said paragraphs defines the object of
a separate distinct and independent company.

4. The liability of the Member is Limited.

5.The authorized share capital of the company is TShs.500,

000,000/= divided into 10,000 ordinary shares of
TShs.50,000 /= each with power for the company to increase
or reduce such capital and to divide the shares in the
capital for the time being, whether original or increased,
in different classes, and to attach thereto respectively
any preferential, deferred, qualified or special rights,
privileges or conditions and so that unless the conditions
of issue shall otherwise expressly declare every issue of
shares, whether preference or otherwise, or any such
rights, privileges or conditions shall not be altered or
modified except in accordance with the Articles of
Association registered herewith.

We, the several persons whose names addresses and description

are subscribed, are desirous of being formed into a company in
pursuance of this Memorandum of Association, and we respectively
agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the Company
set opposite our respective names

Name, Address and Number of shares taken Signature of the

Description of the by each subscriber subscriber

P.O.BOX 10288
P.O.BOX 2908

Dated this ......... day of................ 2013

Witness to the above signatures:

Name: ……………………………………………………………………

Signature: ………………………………

Postal Address: ……………………………………………………

Title: …………………………………………………………


1. The Regulation contained in Table A in the First Schedule
to the Companies Act (Cap. 212) shall not apply to this
Company except in so far as the same are repeated or
contained in these Articles.

2. in this regulation:-
a. Words denoting the singular number shall include the plural
number and vice versa;

b. Words denoting the masculine gender shall include the

feminine gender;

c. Words denoting persons shall include corporations;

d. The Company" shall mean " SWAHILI AFRICAN COMPANY (T) LIMITED ”

e. "Month" shall mean a calendar month;

f. "Dividend" shall include bonus;

g. "A Director" shall include Alternate Director;

h. "The Directors" shall include, the directors for the time

being of the Company, and "the Board" shall mean the
Directors or any of them acting as the member of the Board
of the Company;

i. "Paid-up" shall include credited as paid up;

j. "Tanzania" means the Mainland of the United Republic of


k. "The Secretary" shall mean the Company Secretary or any

person appointed by the Board to perform the duties of
Company Secretary;

l. "The Seal" means the Common Seal of the Company

m. "The Act" shall mean the Companies Act act (Cap. 212) or any
statutory re-enactment of modification thereof for the time
being in force, and reference to any section or provision
of the Ordinance shall include a reference of any statutory
re-enactment or modification of such section or provision
for the time being in force;

n. "The Register" shall mean the Register of Members of the


o. Expressions in these regulations referring to writing shall,

unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as
including references to printing, lithography, photography,
telex, telefax, cables and other modes of representing or
reproducing words in a visible form.

p. Unless the context otherwise requires, words or expressions

contained in these regulations shall bear the same meaning
as in the Ordinance or any statutory modification thereof
in force at the date at which these regulations become
binding on the Company.

q. "Proxy" shall include attorney duly under the power of


3. The Company is a private Company and accordingly:

a) The right to transfer shares is restricted in manner

hereafter prescribed.

b) The members of the company (exclusive of persons who are

in the employment of the company while in such employment
and have continued after the determination of such
employment to be members of the company) is limited to
fifty; PROVIDED THAT where two or more persons hold one or
more shares in the company jointly, they shall for the
purpose of this Articles be treated as a single member.

c) Any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares

or debentures of the company is prohibited.

d) The company shall not have power to issue share warrants

to bearer.


4. The initial share capital of the company is TShs.500,

000,000 /= divided into 10,000 ordinary shares of TShs50,
000/= each.

(a)Without prejudice to any special rights previously

conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class
of shares, any share in the Company may be issued with
such preferred, deferred or other special rights or such
restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting,
return of capital or otherwise as the Company shall not
give, directly or indirectly (and whether by means of a
loan, guarantee, the provision of security or otherwise)
any financial assistance for the purpose of or in
connection with a purchase or subscription made or to be
made by any person of or for any shares in the company or
in its subsidiary Company, and the Company shall not make
a loan for any purpose whatsoever on the security of its
shares or those of its subsidiary Company.

(b)Subject to the provisions of Section 61 of the

Ordinance, any preference shares may, with the sanction
of an Ordinary Resolution, be issued on the terms that
they are, or at the opinion of the Company are liable to
be, redeemed on such terms and in such manner as the
Company before the issue of the shares may by Special
Resolution determine.

(c)The holder of any class of shares may at any time and

from time to time and whether or not during liquidation,
by an extraordinary resolution passed at a meeting of such
holders, consent on behalf of all the holders of shares
of the class to the issue or creation of any shares ranking
equally therewith, or having any priority thereto, or to
the abandonment of any preference or priority or of any
accrued divided, or the reduction for any time or
permanently of the dividends payable thereon, or to the
amalgamation into one class of the shares of any two or
more classes, or any alterations in these Articles varying
or taking away any rights or privileges attached to shares
of the class, or to any scheme for the reduction of the
Company capital affecting the class of shares in a manner
not otherwise authorised by this Articles, or to any
scheme for the distribution (though not in accordance with
legal rights) of assets in money or in kind in or before
liquidation, or to any contract for the sale of the whole
or any part of the Company's property or business
determining the way in which as between the several
classes of shareholders the purchase consideration shall
be distributed, and generally consent to any alteration
or abrogation or rights, contract, compromise or
arrangement which the persons voting thereon could if sui
jurist and holding all shares of the class consent to or
enter into, and such resolution shall be binding upon all
the holders of shares of the class. This Article shall
not be read as implying the necessity for such consent in
any case in which but for the Article the object of the
resolution could have been affected without it under the

(d)Subject to the provisions of these Articles relating

to new shares, the shares shall be at the disposal of the
Directors, and they may (subject to the provisions of the
ordinance) allot, grant option over, or otherwise dispose
them to such person or such persons on such terms and
conditions, and at such times as they think fit, but so
that no shares shall be issued at a discount, except in
accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance.

(e)The Company may exercise the powers of paying

commissions conferred by Section 56 of the Ordinance:
Provided that the rate per centum or the amount of the
commission paid or agreed to be paid shall be disclosed
in the manner required by the said sanction and the rate
of the commission shall not exceed the rate of 10 per
centum of the price at which the shares, in respect
whereof the same is paid, are issued or an amount equal
to 10 per centum of the price at which the shares, in
respect whereof the same is paid, are issued or an amount
equal to 10 per centum of such price (as the case may be).
Such commission may be satisfied by the payment of cash
or the allotment of fully or partly paid shares or partly
in one way and partly in the other.


5. Every person whose name is entered, as a member in the

register shall, without payment, be entitled to receive
within two months after allotment or lodgement of transfer,
or within such other period as the conditions of issue
shall provide, a certificate under the seal specifying the
shares allotted or transferred to him and the amount paid
thereon, provided that in the case of joint holders, the
company shall not be bound to issue more than one
certificate to each of the joint holders, and delivery of
such certificate to any one of them shall be sufficient
delivery to all.

6. If any such certificate shall be worn out defaced,
destroyed or lost, it may be renewed on such evidence being
produced, as the Directors shall require, and in case of
wearing out or defacement on delivery of the old
certificate and in case of destruction or loss on execution
of such indemnity. In case of destruction or loss the
member to whom such renewed certificate is given shall also
bear and pay to the company all expenses incidental to the
investigation by the company of such destruction or loss
and to such indemnity.


7. The Company shall not give, whether directly or indirectly

or whether by means of a loan guarantee, the provision of
security otherwise financial assistance for the purpose
of or in connection with the purchase or subscription made
or to be made by any person or for any shares in the
Company or in its subsidiary company (if any) nor shall
the company made a loan for any purpose whatsoever on the
security of its shares or those of its holding company
(if any) but nothing in this Article shall prohibit


8. The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every

share (not being a fully paid share) for all money
(whether presently payable or not) called or payable at a
fixed time in respect of that share, and the company shall
also have a first and paramount lien on all shares (other
than fully paid shares) standing registered in the name
of a single person for all moneys presently payable by
him or his estate to the Company, but Directors may at
any time declare any share to be wholly or in party exempt
from the provisions of this Article. The Company’s lien
(if any) on a share shall extend to all dividends payable

9. The Directors may sell, in such manner as the Directors

think fit, any shares on which the company has a lien,
but no sale shall be made unless a sum in respect of which
the lien exists is presently payable, nor until the
expiration of fourteen days after a notice in writing,
stating a demanding payment of such part of the amount in
respect of which the lien exists as is presently payable,
has been given to the registered holder for the time being
of the share, or the person entitled thereto by a reason
of his death or bankruptcy.

10. A). To give effect to any such sale the Directors may
authorise some person to transfer the shares sold to the
purchaser thereof. The purchaser shall be registered as
the holder of the shares comprised in any such transfer,
and he shall not be bound to see to the application of
the purchase money, nor shall his title to the shares be
affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the
proceedings in reference to the sale.

B).The proceeds of the sale shall be received by the

company and applied in payment of such part of the amount
in respect of which the lien exists as is presently
payable, and the residue (if and shall subject to a like
lien for sums not presently payable as existed upon the
shares before the sale) be paid to the person entitled to
the shares at the date of the sale.


11. The Directors may from time to time make calls upon the
Members in respect of any money unpaid on their shares
(whether on account of the nominal value of the shares or
by way of premium) and not by the conditions of allotment
thereof made payable at fixed times provided that no call
shall be payable at less than one month from the date
fixed for payment of the past preceding call and each
member shall (subject to receiving at least fourteen days’
notice specifying the time or times and place of payment)
pay to the Company at the time or times and places so
specified the amount called on his shares. A call may be
revoked or postponed as the Directors may determine.

12. A call shall be deemed to have been made at the time when
the resolution of the Directors authorising the call was
passed and may be required to be paid by instilments.

13. The joint holders of a share shall be jointly and

severally liable to pay all calls in respect thereof.

14. If a sum called in respect of a share is not paid before

or on the day appointed for payment thereof, the person
from whom the sum is due shall pay interest on the sum from
the day appointed for payment thereof to the time of actual
payment at such rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum
as the Directors may determine, but the Directors shall be
at liberty to waive payment of such interest wholly or in

15. Any sum which, by the terms of issue of a share, becomes

payable on allotment or at any fixed date, whether on
account of the nominal value of the share or by way of
premium, shall, for the purposes of these Articles, be
deemed to be a call duly made and payable on the date on
which, in case of non-payment, all the relevant provisions
of these Articles as to payment of interest and expenses,
forfeiture or otherwise shall apply as if such sum had
become payable by virtue of a call duly made and notified.

16. The Director may, on the issue of shares, differentiate

between the holders as to the amount of calls to be paid
and the time of payment.

17. The Directors may, if they think fit, receive from any
member willing to advance the same, all or any part of the
money uncalled and unpaid upon any shares held by him, and
upon all or any of the moneys so advanced may (until the
same would, but for such advance, become payable) pay
interest at such rate not exceeding (unless the company in
General Meeting shall otherwise direct) 5 per centum per
annum, as may be agreed upon between the Directors and the
member paying such sum in advance.

18. No members shall be entitled to receive any dividend or to

exercise any privilege as a member, until he shall have
paid all the calls for the time being due and payable on
every share held by him. Whether alone or jointly with any
other person together with interest and expenses thereon
(if any).


19. All transfers of shares may be affected by transfer in

writing in usual common form under hand only.

20. The instrument of transfer of a share shall be signed by

or on behalf of the transferor and transferee and the
transferor shall be deemed to remain the holder of the
share until the name of the transferee is entered in the
register in respect thereof.

21. The Directors may, in their absolute discretion, and

without specifying any ground, refuse to register a
transfer of any share to any person whom in its opinion is
undesirable to the interests of the Company to admit to
membership. No transfer shall be registered if by reason
thereof the number of members would exceed the limit
hereinbefore prescribed. Acceptance or refusal to register
a transfer will be by simple majority of the Directors save
for the veto powers hereby being conferred to any of the
first directors of the Company. Provided that the power of
veto cannot be exercised in the case of transmission of

22. The Directors may refuse to register any transfer of a

share where the company has a lien on the share.

23. If the Directors refuse to register a transfer they shall

within two months after the date on which the transfer
was lodged with the company send to the transferee notice
of the refusal. Where such refusal has been exercised,
the shares will be valued by a competent auditor chosen
by the Directors and the shares bought by the first
directors ‘pari passu’.

24. The Directors may decline to recognize any instrument of

transfer unless the instrument of the transfer is
deposited at the office or such other place as the
Directors may appoint, accompanied by the certificate of
the shares to which it relates, and such other evidence
as the Directors may reasonably require to show the right
of the transferor to make the transfer.


25. Save as in otherwise herein provided no share shall be

transferred to any person who is not a founder member of
the company so long as any founder member of the company
is willing to purchase the same at a fair value which shall
be determined by the Auditors of the Company and when an
occasion for such a transfer arises the determination of
the Auditors shall be accepted by all parties as a fair

26. In case of the death or bankruptcy of a shareholder the

survivors or survivor where the deceased was a joint holder
or the liquidator in case of bankruptcy, and the executors
or administrators of the deceased where he was a sole or
only surviving holder, shall be the only persons recognised
by the company as having any title to his shares, but
nothing herein contained shall release the estate of a
deceased holder (whether sole or joint) from any liability
in respect of any share solely or jointly held by him.

27. Subject to any provision of the Articles, any person

becoming entitled to a share in consequence of the death
or bankruptcy of a member may, upon such evidence as to
this title being produced as may from time to time be
required by the Directors, and subject as hereinafter
provided, be registered himself as a holder of the share

or elect to have some person nominated by him registered
as the transferee thereof.

28. Subject to any other provisions of the Articles, if the

person so becoming entitled shall elect to register him,
he shall deliver or send to the company a notice in writing
signed by him stating that he so elects. If he shall elect
to have his nominee registered he shall testify his
election by executing to his nominee a transfer of such
share. All the limitations, restrictions and provisions
of these Articles, relating to the right to transfer and
the registration of transfers of shares shall be applicable
to any such notice or transfer as aforesaid as if the death
or bankruptcy of the member had not occurred and the notice
or transfer executed by such member.

29. A person becoming entitled to a share in consequence of

the death or bankruptcy of a member shall be entitled to
receive and may give a good discharge for all dividends and
other moneys payable in respect thereof, but shall not be
entitled to receive notice of or to attend or vote at
meetings of the company, or, save aforesaid, to any of the
rights or privileges of a member until he shall have become
a member in respect of the share.


30. If any member fails to pay the whole or any part of any
call on or before the day appointed for the payment thereof
the Directors may forfeit at any time thereafter during
such time as the call, or any part thereof, remains unpaid,
serve a notice on him requiring him to pay such call, or
such part thereof as remains unpaid together with any
accrued interest, and any expenses incurred by the company
by reason of such non-payment.

31. The notice shall name a further day (not being less than
fourteen days from the date of the notice) on or before
which such call, or any part thereof as aforesaid, and all
such interest and expenses as aforesaid, are to be paid.
It shall also name the place where payment is to be made,
and shall state that in the event of non-payment, at or
before the time and at the place appointed, the shares in
respect of which such call was made will be liable to be

32. If the requirements of any such notice as aforesaid are

not complied with, any share in respect of which such notice
has been given may at any time thereafter, before payment
of all calls, interest and expenses due in respect thereof
has been made, be forfeited by a resolution of the Directors
to that effect.

33. A forfeiture of shares under the preceding Article shall

include all dividends declared in respect of the forfeited
shares and not actually paid before the forfeiture.

34. Where any share has been forfeited in accordance with these
Articles, notice of the forfeiture shall forthwith be given
to the holder of the shares, or the person entitled to be
holder of the shares, by transmission, as the case maybe,
and an entry of such notice having been given, and of the
forfeiture with the date thereof, shall forthwith be made
in the register opposite to the entry of the share; but no
forfeiture shall be in any manner invalidated by any
omission or neglect to give such notice or to make such
entry as aforesaid.

35. Notwithstanding any such forfeiture as aforesaid, the

Directors may, at any time before the forfeited share has
been otherwise disposed of, permit the share so forfeited
to be redeemed upon the term of payment of all calls and
interest due upon and expenses incurred in respect of the
share, and upon any further or other terms they may think

36. Every share which shall be forfeited shall thereupon become

the property of the company, and may be either cancelled
or sold, or reallocated or otherwise disposed of either to
the person who was before forfeiture the holder thereof,
or entitled thereto, to any other person, upon such terms
and in such manner as the Board shall think fit, and whether
with or without all or any part of the amount previously
paid on the share being credited as paid. The Directors
may, if necessary, authorise some person to transfer a
forfeited share to any such other person as aforesaid.

37. A person whose share have been forfeited shall cease to be

a member in respect of the forfeited shares, but shall,
notwithstanding, remain liable to pay to the Company all
moneys which, at the date of forfeiture, were presently
payable by him to the company in respect of the shares,
with interest thereon at such rate as the Directors may
determine, but his liability shall cease if and when the
company receives payment in full of the nominal amount of
the shares.

38. A statutory declaration in writing that the declarant is

a Director of the company and that a share in the company
has been duly forfeited on a date stated in the declaration
shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated
as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share.
The company may receive the consideration, if any, given
for the above on any sale or disposition thereof and may
execute a transfer of the share in favour of the person to
whom the share is sold or disposed of and he shall thereupon
be registered as the holder of the share, and shall not be
bound to see to the application of the purchase money, if
any, nor shall his title to the share be affected by any
irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings in reference
to the forfeiture, sale or disposal of the share.

39. The provisions of these regulations as to forfeiture shall

apply in the case of non-payment of any share which, by the
time of issue of a share, becomes payable at a fixed time,
whether on account of the amount of the shares, or by way
of premium, as if the same had been payable by virtue of a
call duly made and notified.


40. The company may from time to time by ordinary resolution

increase the share capital by such sums, to be divided into
shares of such amount, as the resolution shall prescribe.
The existing members shall have the first option to
subscribe into any increase in the capital of the company.

41. The company, by the resolution increasing the capital may

direct that the new shares or any of them be offered in the
instance either at par or at a premium or at a discount to
all the holders for the time being of shares of any class
or classes in proportion to the number of such shares held
by them respectively or may make any other provisions as
to the issue of the new shares. In default of any such
direction or so far as the same shall not extend the new
shares shall be at the disposal of the Board, which may
offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of
them to such persons and on such terms as shall think fit.

42. Unless otherwise stated the terms of the issue of the new
shares shall be subject to the same provisions with
reference to the payment of calls, lien transfer,
transmission, forfeiture, and otherwise as the original


43. The Company may by Ordinary Resolution:

(a) Consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital

into shares of larger amount than its existing shares;

(b) Sub-divide its existing shares or any of them, into

shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the Memorandum
of Association subject, nevertheless, to the provisions
of Section 65(1)(d) of the Ordinance.

(c) Cancel any shares, which, at the date of the passing

of the resolution, have not been taken or agreed to be
taken by any person, and diminish the amount of its
capital by the amount of shares so cancelled.

(d) Issue any preference, cumulative or redeemable shares.

44. The Company may by special Resolution reduce its share

capital and any capital redemption fund in any manner and
subject to any incident authorised and consent required by


45. The Directors may exercise all the powers of the company
to borrow money and to mortgage or charge its undertaking,
property and uncalled capital or any part thereof and to issue
debentures, debenture stock and other securities whether
outright or as security for any debt, liability, or obligation
of the company or of any third party.


46. Subject to the provision of Section 112 of the Ordinance,

General Meetings shall be held once at least in every calendar
year at such time not being more than fifteen months after
the holding of the last preceding General Meeting, and at
such lace as maybe determined by the Board. Such General
Meetings shall be called “Ordinary General Meetings”, and all
other meetings of the Company shall be called “Extraordinary
General Meetings”.

47. The Company Secretary, may, whenever he thinks fit, convene

an Extraordinary General Meeting, and they shall, on the
request in writing of the holders of not less than one-tenth
of the issued capital of the Company upon which all calls or
other sums then due have been paid, forthwith proceed to
convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, and the provisions
of Section 134 of the Ordinance shall apply.

48. If at any time there are not within Tanzania sufficient

Directors capable of acting to form a quorum any Director or
any two members of the Company may convene an Extraordinary
General Meeting.


49. Every general meeting shall be call by twenty one days’

notice at the least exclusive of the day on which the notice
is served or deemed to be served, but inclusive of the day
for which notice is given, specifying the place, the day and
the hour of meeting and, in case of special business, the
general nature of the business shall be given in manner
hereinafter mentioned, or in such other manner, if any, as
may be prescribed, by the company in general meeting, to such
persons, as are, under the regulations of the company,
entitled to receive notice from the company, but with the
consent of all the members entitled to receive notice of some
particular meeting obtained in writing that such meeting may
be convened by such shorter notice and in such manner as those
members may think fit.

50. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting or the

non-receipt of a notice of a meeting by any member shall not
invalidate the proceedings at any meeting.


51. All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at

an Extraordinary General Meeting, and also all business that
is transacted at an ordinary general meeting, with the
exception of the declaration and sanctioning of a dividend,
the consideration of the accounts, balance sheet and the
ordinary report of the Directors and Auditors, the election
of Directors and other officers in the place of those retiring
by rotation, and the appointment and fixing of the
remuneration of the Auditors.

52. No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting

unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the
meeting proceeds to business; save as herein otherwise
provided two third of the members personally present shall be
a quorum. For the purpose of this Article a corporation,
being a member shall be deemed to be personally present if
represented by proxy.

53. Declaration or result of the show of hands, demanded by a
member present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote,
and, unless a poll is so demanded, a declaration by the
Chairman that a resolution has a show of hands, been carried,
or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority or not
carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to
that effect in the proceedings of the company, shall be
conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number
of proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against
such resolution.

54. If a poll is duly demanded it shall be taken in such manner

as the Chairman directs, and the result of the poll shall be
deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the poll
is demanded. A demand for a poll may be withdrawn at any
time before the next business is proceeded with.

55. In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of

hands or on a poll, the Chairman of the meeting at which the
show of hands takes place or at which the poll is demanded
shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.

56. A poll demanded on the election of a Chairman or on a

question of adjournment shall be taken forthwith. A poll
demanded on any other question shall be taken at such time as
the Chairman of meeting directs, not being more than fourteen
days from the date of the meeting.

57. A demand for a poll shall not prevent the continuance of

a meeting for the transaction of any business other than the
question on which a poll has been demanded.


58. On a show of hands every member present in person shall

have one vote and for this purpose a person who is present as
the representative of a corporation shall be treated as if he
was a member present in person. On a poll every member present
in person or by proxy shall have one vote for each share of
which he is the holder.

59. No member shall be entitled to be present or to vote at

any General Meeting, either personally or by proxy, or as
proxy for another member, or to exercise any privilege as a
member unless all calls or other sums presently payable by
him in respect of shares in the company have been paid,
whether such shares are held by him alone or jointly with any
other person or persons.

60. No objection shall be raised to the qualification of any
voter except at the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the
vote objected to is given or tendered, and every vote not
disallowed at such meeting shall be valid for all purposes.
Any such objection made in due time shall be referred to the
Chairman of the meeting, whose decision shall be final and

61. On a poll votes may be given either personally or by proxy.

62. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under

the hand of the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in
writing, or, if the appointer is a corporation, either under
seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly
authorised. A proxy need not be a member of the company.

63. Any corporation which is a member of the company may by

resolution of its Directors or other governing body authorise
such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at
any meeting of the company, or at any meeting of any class of
members of the company, and the person so authorised shall be
entitled to exercise the same power on behalf of the
corporation which he represents as the corporation could
exercise if it were an individual member of the company.

64. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney

or other authority, if any, under which it is signed a
certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited
at the registered office of the company not less than forty-
eight hours before the time for holding the meeting or
adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument
purposes to vote, and in default, the instrument of proxy
shall not be treated as valid.

65. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer

authority to demand or join in demanding a poll and generally
to act at the meeting for the person giving the power.

66. (A)An instrument appointing a proxy shall in the following

form or a form as near thereto as circumstances admit


I/We……………………………………………of…………………………………………being……………………………………… a
Member of ………………………………………………… hereby appoint …………………………………………
Of ……………………………………………… as my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf
at the ordinary (or Extraordinary, as the case may be) General
Meeting of the Company to be held ………………………………………… on the day
of ………………………………………… and at any adjournment thereof.

Signed this ………………………… day of …………………………………………… 20……

(B) Where it is desired to afford members an opportunity of

voting for or against a resolution the instrument appointing a
proxy shall be in the following form or a form as near thereto
as circumstances admit-


I/We…………………of………………………….,being……………………………a member/members of
appoint………………………………….Of …………………………………….or failing him, of
as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the
[annual or extraordinary, as the case may be] general meeting
of the Company to be held on the day
of 20……and at any adjournment thereof.

Signed this ……………………………….day of ……………………, 20 ……………

This form is to be used in favour of/against the resolution.

Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy will vote as he thinks

67. A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument

of proxy shall be valid, notwithstanding the previous death
or insanity of the principal or revocation of the proxy, or
of the authority under which the proxy was executed, or the
transfer of the share in respect of which the proxy was given,
provided that no intimation in writing of such death,
insanity, revocation or transfer shall have been received by
the company at its registered office before the commencement
of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the proxy is
intended to be used.


68. Until otherwise determined by the Company in General

Meeting the number of the Directors shall not be less than
two or more than seven. The first Directors of the Company
shall be


69. There shall be no share qualification for a Director.

70. The remuneration of the Directors shall from time to time

be determined by the Company in general meeting. Such
remuneration shall be deemed to accrue from day to day. The
Directors may also be paid all travelling, hotel and other
expenses properly incurred by them in attending and returning
from meetings of the Directors or any committee of the
Directors or general meetings of the Company or in connection
with the business of the Company.

71. The Directors shall be entitled to be repaid all

travelling, hotel and other expenses incurred by them in and
about the business of the company, including Board sitting
allowances and also their expenses of travelling to and from
Board and Committee meetings or General Meetings.

72. If any Director, being willing, shall be called upon to

perform extra services for the purposes of the company, the
company shall remunerate such Director by a fixed sum of
percentage of profits, or otherwise, as may be determined by
the Board, and such remuneration may be either in addition
to, or in substitution for, his remuneration above provided.

73. A director of the Company may be or become a director

or other officer of, or otherwise interested in, any
Company promoted by the Company or in which the Company
may be interested as shareholder or otherwise, and no such
director shall be accountable to the Company for any
remuneration or other benefits received by him as a
director or officer of, or from his interest in, such other
Company unless the Company otherwise directs.


74. The business of the company shall be managed by the

Directors, who may pay all expenses incurred in getting up
and registering the company, and may exercise all such powers
of the company as are not by the Statutes or by these Articles
required to be exercised by the Company in General Meeting,
subject nevertheless to any regulations of these Articles, to
the provisions of the Statutes, and to such regulations, as
may be prescribed by Extraordinary Resolution of the Company
in General Meeting but no regulation made by the Company in
General Meeting shall invalidate any prior act of the
Directors which would have been valid if such regulations had
not been made. The general powers given by this Article shall
not be limited or restricted by any special authority or power
given to the Board by any other Article.

75. The Directors may arrange that any branch of the business
carried on by the Company or any other business in which the
Company may be interested shall be carried on by or through
one or more subsidiary companies, and they may on behalf of
the company make such arrangements as they think advisable
for taking the profits or bearing the loss of any branch or
business so carried on or for financing, assisting or
subsidising any such subsidiary company or guaranteeing its
contract, obligation or liabilities, and it may appoint,
remove and re-appoint any persons (whether members of its own
body or not) to act as directors or managing directors or
managers of any such company or any other company in which
the company may be interested and may determine the
remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission or profits
or otherwise) of any person so appointed and any Directors of
the company may retain any remuneration so payable to them.

76. The Directors may from time to time and at any time by
power of attorney under the seal appoint any company, firm or
person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated
directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or
attorneys of the company for such purposes and with such
powers, authorities and discretion (not exceeding those
vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles)
and for such period and subject to such conditions as they
may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain
such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons
dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit and
may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or
any of the powers, authorities and discretion vested in him.

77. The Directors shall cause minutes to be made in books

provided for the purpose of: -
(a) all appointments of officers made by the Directors;

(b) all the names of the Directors present at each meeting

of the Directors and of any committee of Directors; and

(c) all resolutions and proceedings of General Meetings and

of meetings of the Directors and Committees.

78. The Director on behalf of the company may pay a

gratuity or pension or allowance on retirement to any
director who has held any other salaries office or place
of profit with the company or to his widow or dependants
and may make contributions to any fund and pay premiums
for the purchase of provisions of any such gratuity,
pension or allowance.

79. (1) A director who is in any way, whether directly or

indirectly, interested in a contract or proposed contract with
the Company shall declare the nature of his interest at a meeting
of the Directors in accordance with the Act.

(2) A director shall not vote in respect of any contract

or arrangement in which he is interested, and if he shall do so
his vote shall not be counted, nor shall he be counted in the
quorum present at the meeting, but neither of these prohibitions
shall apply to-

(a) any arrangement for giving any director any security

or indemnity in respect of money lent by him to or obligations
undertaken by him for the benefit of the Company; or

(b) to any arrangement for the giving by the Company of

any security to a third party in respect of a debt or obligation
of the Company for which the director himself has assumed
responsibility in whole or in part under a guarantee or indemnity
or by the deposit of a security; or

(c) any contract by a director to subscribe for or

underwrite shares or debentures of the Company; or

(d) any contract or arrangement with any other company in

which he is interested only as an officer of that company or as
holder of shares or other securities, and these prohibitions may
at any time be suspended or relaxed to any extent, and either
generally or in respect of any particular contract, arrangement
or transaction, by the Company in general meeting.

(3) A director may hold any other office or place of profit

under the Company (other than the office of auditor) in
conjunction with his office of director for such period and on
such terms (as to remuneration and otherwise) as the Directors
may determine and no director or intending director shall be
disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company
either with regard to his tenure of any such other office or
place of profit or as a vendor, purchaser or otherwise, nor
shall any such contract, or any contract or arrangement entered
into by or on behalf of the Company in which any director is in
any way interested, be liable to be avoided, nor shall any
director so contracting or being so interested be liable to
account to the Company for any profit realized by any such
contract or arrangement by reason of such director holding that
office or of the fiduciary relation thereby established.

(4) A director, notwithstanding his interest, may be

counted in the quorum present at any meeting whereat he or any
other director is appointed to hold any such office or place of
profit under the Company or whereat the terms of any such
appointment are arranged, and he may vote on any such appointment
or arrangement other than his own appointment or the arrangement
of the terms thereof.

(5) Any director may act by himself or his firm in a

professional capacity for the Company, and he or his firm shall
be entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he
were not a director provided that nothing herein contained shall
authorize a director or his firm to act as auditor to the

80. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange

and other negotiable instruments, and all receipts for moneys
paid to the Company, shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed
or otherwise executed, as the case may be, in such manner as the
Directors shall from time to time by resolution determine.


81. The office of a Director shall ipso-facto be vacated: -

(a) If he be found lunatic or becomes of unsound mind;

(b) If he becomes bankrupt or compounds with his creditors;

(c) If he absents himself from the meetings of the Directors

for a continuous period of six months without special
leave of absence from the Directors and the Directors
resolve that his office be vacated;

(d) If, by Extraordinary Resolution, he be removed from

(e) if he shall pursuant to the Statutes be prohibited from
acting as a Director;

(f) becomes prohibited from being a Director by reasons of

any order made under Section 213 or 265(4) of the
Ordinance; or

(g) Shall for more than six months have been absent without
permission of the Directors, from meeting of the
Directors held during that period.

(h) If, by notice in writing to the Company, he resigns his



82. At the first annual general meeting of the Company all

the Directors shall retire from office, and at the annual
general meeting in every subsequent year one-third of the
Directors for the time being, or, if their number is not
three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest one-
third, shall retire from office.

83. The Directors to retire in every year shall be those who

have been longest in office since their last election, but
as between persons who became Directors on the same day those
to retire shall (unless they otherwise agree among
themselves) be determined by lot.

84. A retiring director shall be eligible for re-election.

85. The Company at the meeting at which a director retires

in manner aforesaid may fill the vacated office by electing
a person thereto, and in default the retiring director shall
if offering himself for re-election be deemed to have been
re-elected, unless at such meeting it is expressly resolved
not to fill such vacated office or unless a resolution for
the re-election of such director shall have been put to the
meeting and lost.

86. No person other than a director retiring at the meeting

shall unless recommended by the Directors be eligible for
election to the office of director at any general meeting
unless not less than three nor more than twenty-one days
before the date appointed for the meeting there shall have
been left at the registered office of the Company notice will
writing signed by a member duly qualified to attend and vote
at the meeting for which such notice is given, of his
intention to propose such person for election, and also
notice in writing signed by that person of his willingness
to be elected.

87. The Company may from time to time by ordinary resolution

increase or reduce the number of Directors, and may also
determine in what rotation the increased or reduced number
is to go out of office.

88. The Directors shall have power at any time, and from
time to time, to appoint any person to be a director, either
to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the existing
Directors, but so that the total number of Directors shall
not at any time exceed the number fixed in accordance with
these regulations. Any director so appointed shall hold
office only until the next following annual general meeting,
and shall then be eligible for re-election but shall not be
taken into account in determining the Directors who are to
retire by rotation at such meeting.

89. The Company may by ordinary resolution, of which special

notice has been given in accordance with the Act, remove any
director before the expiration of, his period of office
notwithstanding anything in these regulations or in any
agreement between the Company and such director. Such
removal shall be without prejudice to any claim such director
may have for damages for breach of any contract of service
between him and the Company.

90. The Company may by ordinary resolution appoint another

person in place of a director removed from office under
regulation 86, and, without prejudice to the powers of the
Directors under regulation 81, the Company in general meeting
may appoint any person to be a director either to fill a
casual vacancy or as an additional director. A person
appointed in place of a director removed or to fill such a
vacancy shall be subject to retirement at the same time as
if he had become a Director on the day on which the Director
in whose place he is appointed was last elected a Director.


91. Any Director who is unable for any reason whatsoever to

carry out his duties as a Director may with the approval of
the Directors, appoint any person as his alternate to act
for him. Such alternate shall in all respects be bound by
the rules and regulations affecting the Directors in the same
manner as the Director for whom he acts is bound. The
appointment of an alternate director shall not be considered
an assignment of the office subject to the provisions of
Section 152 of the Ordinance.


92. The Directors may meet together for the dispatch of

business, adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings, as
they think fit. Questions arising at any meeting shall be
decided by a simple majority of votes. In case of an equality
of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
The Secretary may at any time summon a meeting of the Board.

93. The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business

of the Board may be fixed by the Board, and unless so fixed
be not less than two third of the members. The Board will
have its meeting four times annually, but they have full
mandate to hold an extra-ordinary meeting at any time.

94. Corporation member having more than 50% of all shares

shall have three representations in the Board of Directors
i.e. Chief Executive, Director of Finance and Corporation
Secretary. A natural person with more than 25% of shares will
have one vacancy. The majority shareholder will hold the
Chairmanship of the Board and in event of no majority
shareholder the Chairmanship will be alternating after every
one year or otherwise as the directors will direct. Every
Director will be a member to the Board.

95. The Board will be supreme body as far as day-to-day

transaction of the company is concerned, supervising the

96. The Board will appoint the General Manager and such number
off persons as it may think fit to assist such person in the
efficient, effective and economic administration and
management of the day to day affairs of the Company.

97. A General Manager shall receive such remuneration (whether

by way of salary, commission or participation in profits, or
partly in one way and partly in another) as the Directors may

98. The Board may entrust to and confer upon a General Manager
any of the powers exercisable by them upon such terms and
condition and with such restrictions as they may think fit and
whether collaterally with or to the exclusion of their own powers
and may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary all or
any of such powers.

99. The Board may from time to time appoint a General Manager or
Managers of the business of the company for such terms and on
such remuneration (whether by way of salary or commission or
participation in profits or partly in one and partly in another)
as they may think fit, and may remove and discharge any such
person and appoint a substitute. The Board shall take such
security, if any, for the conduct and satisfactory discharge of
the duties of any such General Manager as they shall, in their
discretion, think sufficient.

100. The continuing Directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy

in their body, but if and so long as their number is reduced
below the number fixed by or pursuant to the regulations of
the Company as the necessary quorum of Directors, the
continuing Directors may act for the purpose of increasing the
number of Directors to that number, or summoning a General
Meeting of the Company, but for no other purpose.

101. The Board may delegate any of its powers, other than its
power to borrow and make calls, to committees, consisting of
such member or members of its body as it thinks fit, and
committees so formed shall in the exercise of the powers so
delegated conform to any regulations that may be imposed on
it by the Directors. The Board subject to the approval of the
general meeting may make regulations for smooth running of the

102. The meetings and proceedings of any such committee

consisting of two or more members shall be governed by the
provisions of these Articles regulating the meetings and
proceedings of the Directors, so far as the same are applicable
and are not superseded by any regulations made by the Directors
under the last preceding Article.

103. All acts done by any meeting of the Board or a committee

of Directors, or by any person acting as a Director, shall as
regards all persons dealing in good faith with the Company,
notwithstanding that it be afterwards discovered that there
was some defect in the appointment of any such Director or
person acting as aforesaid, in that they or any of them were
disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been
duly appointed and was qualified to be a Director.

104. A resolution in writing, signed by all the Directors for

the time being shall be so effective as a resolution passed
at a meeting of the Directors duly convened and held, and may
consist of several documents in the like form each signed by
one or more of the Directors. The Directors shall in the like
manner have powers to pass circular resolutions.

105. A meeting of the Directors at which a quorum is present
shall be competent to exercise all powers and discretion for
the time being exercisable by the Directors, with a simple
majority. All regulations guiding a general meeting will
apply to the Board mutatis mutandis.


106. The profits of the company available for dividend and

resolved to be distributed shall be applied in the payment of
dividends to the members in accordance with their respective
rights and priorities. The company in general meeting may
declare dividends accordingly.

107. No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of

the company or in excess of the amount recommended by the
Board. The Board will evolve a dividend policy to ensure that
a dividend is paid once a year.

108. Where any asset, business or property is bought by the

company as from a past date (whether such date be before or
after the incorporation of the company) upon the terms and the
company, shall as from that date take the profits and bear the
losses thereof, such profits or losses as the case may be
shall, at the discretion of the Board, be credited or debited
wholly or in part to revenue account, and in that case the
amount so credited or debited shall, for the purpose of
ascertaining the funds available for dividend, be treated as
a profit or loss arising from the business of the company and
available for dividend accordingly. If any shares or
securities are purchased cum-dividend or interest, such
dividend or interest when paid may at the discretion of the
Directors be treated, as revenue and it shall not be obligatory
to capitalise the same or any part thereof.

109. Sums representing appreciations over cost prices or written

down book values, realised on the sale or disposal by the
company of any of its capital assets, fully paid bonus shares
received by the company in respect of shares in other companies
held by it, and any other accretions to capital assets of the
company may be distributed by the Board, either in cash or (as
regards shares in other companies or other assets capable of
being distributed in specie) in specie amongst the
shareholders by way of special capital bonus or accretion to
the capital of the ordinary shares in the company held by
them, and in proportion to the amounts paid up on those shares.
Provided that no such distribution shall be made unless:

(a) it shall have been sanctioned by resolution of the
company in General Meeting;

(b) The Directors are satisfied that the assets of the

company exclusive of the sum or assets proposed to be
distributed, are of a value at least equal to the
aggregate amount of the company’s debts and liabilities
and its paid-up shares capital.

110. All dividends shall be declared and paid according to the

amounts paid on the shares during any portion or portions of
the period in respect of which the dividend is paid but if any
share is issued on terms providing that it shall rank for
dividend as from a particular date, such share shall rank for
dividend accordingly.

111. The Directors may if they think fit from time to time pay to
the members in respect of those shares in the capital of the
company which confer on the holders thereof deferred rights
as well as in respect of those shares which confer on the
holders thereto preferential rights with regard to dividend
such interim dividends as appear to the Directors to be
justified by the profits of the company, and provided that the
Directors act bona fide they shall not incur any responsibility
to the holders of shares conferring a preference for any damage
that they may suffer by reason of the payment of an interim
dividend on any shares giving deferred rights.
The Directors may also pay yearly or at other suitable
intervals to be settled by them any dividend, which may be,
payable at a fixed rate if they are of the opinion that profits
justify the payment.

112. The Directors may deduct from any dividend or bonus payable
to any member all sums of money, if any presently payable by
him to the company on account of calls or otherwise.

113. The Directors may retain any dividends and bonuses payable
on shares on which the Company has a lien and may apply the
same in or towards satisfaction of the liability in respect
of which the lien exists.

114. No unpaid dividend bonus or interest shall bear interest

as against the company.


115. The Directors may before recommending any dividends whether

preferential or otherwise, carry to reserve out of the profits
of the company such sums as they think proper and may also
carry to reserve any premiums received upon the issue of
shares, securities or obligation of the company. All sums
standing to reserve may be applied from time to time at the
discretion of the Directors for meeting depreciation or
contingencies or for special dividends or bonuses, or for
equalising dividends or for repairing, improving or
maintaining any of the property of the company, or for such
or other purposes as the Directors may think conductive to the
objects of the company or any of them, and pending such
application may at the like discretion either be employed in
the business of the company or be invested in such investments
as the Directors think fit. The Directors may divide the
reserve into such special funds as they think fit, and may
consolidate into one fund any special funds or any parts of
any special funds into which the reserve may have been divided
as they think fit. The Directors may also without placing the
same to reserve carry over any profits, which they may think
not prudent to divide.


116. Subject to all necessary sanctions and consents, if any,

being obtained, the company in General Meeting may, upon the
recommendation of the Directors, resolve that it is desirable
to capitalise any undivided profits of the company not required
for paying the fixed dividends on any preference shares
(including profits carried and standing to the credit or any
reserve or reserves or other special account), and accordingly
that the Directors be authorised and directed to appropriate
the profits resolved to be capitalised to the members who
would have been entitled to receive the same such sums been
distributed in cash in accordance with their rights, and to
apply such profits on their behalf, either in or towards paying
up the amounts, if any, for the time being unpaid on any shares
held by such members respectively, or in paying up in full un
issued shares, debentures or securities of the company of a
nominal amount equal to such profits, such shares, debentures
or securities to be allotted and distributed, credited as
fully paid up, to and amongst such members in the proportion
aforesaid, or partly one way or partly in the other; provided
that a share premium account and a capital redemption reserve
fund may, for the purposes of this Article, only be applied
in the paying up of un issued shares to be issued to members
of the company as fully paid bonus shares.

117. such resolution as aforesaid shall have been passed, the

Directors shall make all appropriations and applications of
the undivided profits resolved to be capitalised thereby, and
all allotments and issued of fully paid shares, debentures or
securities, if any, and generally shall do all acts and things
required to give effect thereto, with full power to the
Directors to make such provision by the issue of fractional
certificates or by payments in cash or otherwise as they think
fit for the case of shares, debentures or securities becoming
distributable in fractions, and also where necessary to
deliver a proper contract for registration as required by the
Ordinance to authorise any person to enter on behalf of all
members interested into an agreement with the company
providing for the allotment to them respectively, credited as
fully paid up, of any further shares to which they may be
entitled upon such capitalization, and any agreement made
under such authority shall be effective and binding on all
such members.

118. A General Meeting may resolve that any surplus money arising
from the accretion of any capital assets of the company, or
any investment representing the same, or any other
undistributed profits of the company not subject to charge for
income tax, be distributed among the members upon the footing
of the value so fixed in order to adjust the rights of the
members so that they receive the same as capital.


119. The Directors shall cause proper books of accounts to be

kept with respect to: -

(a) all sums of money received and expended by the Company

and the matters in respect of which the receipt and
expenditure takes place;

(b) all sales and purchases of goods by the Company; and

(c) The assets and liabilities of the Company.

120. The books of account shall, be kept at the registered office

or (subject 151(4) to the provisions of the Statutes) at such
other place or places as the Directors think fit, and shall
always be open to the inspection of the Directors.

121. The Directors shall from time to time, in accordance with

Sections 153,155 and 124 of the Ordinance, cause to be prepared
and to be laid before the company in General Meeting such
profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and reports as are
referred to in that Section.

122. A copy of every balance sheet including every document

required by law to be annexed there to which is to be laid
before the Company in General Meeting together with a copy of
the Auditor’s report shall in not less than fourteen days
before the date of the meeting be sent to all persons entitled
to receive notices of General Meetings of the Company.


123. The seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by

the authority of a resolution of the Directors and shall be
so affixed in the presence of at least one Director and the
Secretary or some other person approved by the Directors, both
of whom shall sign every instrument to which the seal is so
affixed in their presence.


124. Auditors shall be appointed and their duties regulated in

accordance with Sections 170 to 179 of the Ordinance.

125. Once at least in every year the accounts of the company shall
be examined, and the correctness of the profit and loss account
and balance sheets ascertained by one or more auditor or

126. Every account of the Directors, when audited and approved

by a General Meeting, shall be conclusive except as regards
any error discovered therein within three months next after
the approval thereof, whenever any such error is discovered
within that period, the account shall forthwith be corrected,
and thence forth be conclusive.


127. The secretary shall be appointed by the Directors for such

term, at such remuneration and upon such conditions as they
may think fit; and any secretary so appointed may be removed
by them.

128. No person shall be appointed or hold office as a secretary

Who is:-

(a) the sole director of the Company; or

(b) a corporation the sole director of which is the sole

director of the Company; or

{c) the sole director of a corporation which is the sole director
of the Company.

129. A provision of the Act or these regulations requiring or

authorizing a thing to be done by or to a director and the
secretary shall not be satisfied by its being done by or to
the same person acting both as director and as, or in place
of, the secretary.


130. If the company shall be wound up, the liquidator may, with
the sanction of an extraordinary resolution of the company and
any other sanction required by the Ordinance, if any, and having
due regard to the respective rights of the holders of different
classes of shares to which special rights are attached, divided
amongst the members in specie or kind the whole or any part of
the assets of the company and may for such purposes set such value
as he deems fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and
may determine how such division shall be carried out as between
the members or different classes of members.


131. Whenever any difference arises between the Company on

the one hand and any of the members, their executors,
administrators, or assigns on the other hand, touching
the true intent or construction, or the incidents, or
consequences of these Articles, or of the statutes, or
touching anything then of thereafter done, executed,
omitted, or suffered in pursuance of these Articles,
or of the statues or touching any breach, or alleged
breach, or otherwise relating to the premises, to these
Articles, or to any statutes affecting the Company, or
to any of the affairs of the Company, every such
difference shall be referred to the decision of an
arbitrator, to be appointed by the parties in
difference, or if they cannot agree upon a single
arbitrator to the decision of two arbitrators, of whom
one shall be appointed by each of the parties in


132. Save and except so far as the provisions of this Article

shall be avoided by any provisions of the Statutes, the
Directors, Auditors and Secretary and other officers for the
time being acting for the company and the trustees, if any,
for the time being acting in relation to any of the officers
of the company shall be indemnified out of its assets against
all costs, charges, expenses, losses and liabilities sustained
or incurred by him in the conduct of the company’s business
or in the discharge of his duties.

Name, Address and Number of shares taken Signature of the

Description of the by each subscriber subscriber
P.O.BOX 10288
P.O.BOX 2908

Dated this ............... day of ................ 2013

Witness to the above signatures:

Name: ……………………………………

Signature: ………………………………

Postal Address: …………………………

Title: ……………………………


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