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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer in each of the following questions. Mark only
one answer on each item by a putting a circle corresponding to the letter of your choice.

1. It is the visual inspection of an area, installation or building to determine its

suitability for operational activities.
A. reconnaissance B. surveillance
C. casing D. observation

2. This is surveillance involving the use of technical and scientific device to enhance
hearing or seeing the subject’s activities.
A. open surveillance B. technical surveillance
C. loose surveillance D. close surveillance

3. It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration,

and interpretation of all available information, and which concerns one or more aspects
of criminal activity, which is immediately and potentially significant to planning.
A. intelligence B. information
C. strategic intelligence D. operational intelligence

4. These are intelligence data that are not of an immediate value, and it is the same
with long range intelligence.
A. tactical intelligence B. police intelligence
C. military intelligence D. strategic intelligence

5. He is the father of organized military espionage.

A. Alexander the Great B. Genghis Khan
C. Akbar D. Frederick the Great

6. It is under the auspices of the Directorate for Intelligence (DI), and its function is
to serve as the intelligence and counter-intelligence operating unit of the Philippine
National Police (PNP).
A. Special Operations Unit B. Counter Intelligence Task Force
C. Police Intelligence Group D. Anti-Kidnapping Group

7. It is an objective but critical on-site examination and analysis of a police office,

military headquarters, and government facilities.
A. security survey B. security inspection
C. security audit D. all of these

8. He is a properly trained and cleared individual who assists the head of the
department in discharging the responsibilities of safeguarding classified documents and
A. intelligence officer B. security officer
C. operations officer D. police commissioned officer

9. It is the term given to the requirement that dissemination of classified document

and information be limited strictly to those persons whose official government, police or
military duty requires knowledge or possession of information or intelligence.
A. need to know B. compartmentation
C. elicitation D. document security

10. It is also called a plant or fixed surveillance; here the surveillant remains essentially
in one position or locale.
A. mustard plaster B. tailgaiting
C. stakeout D. convoy
11. This refers to information and materials, the unauthorized disclosure of which
would cause exceptionally grave damage to the nation, politically, economically or from
a security aspect.
A. classified information B. secret
C. documents D. top secret

12. It takes place when the surveillant’s behavior has caused his or her subject to
surmise or knows that he or she is under surveillance.
A. burnout B. need to know
C. be made D. none of these

13. This requires the undercover agent to frequent places of social entertainment
and amusement known to be habitually visited by target personalities and their
A. work assignment B. social assignment
C. undercover assignment D. cover assignment

14. This refers to a counter-measure to detect surveillance; a convoy, usually a

person, is employed to determine whether or not a subject is under surveillance.
A. convoy B. surveillant
C. subject D. rabbit

15. This are the purpose of intelligence activity.

A. increase the probability of accuracy
B. reduce the probability of error.
C. all of these
D. none of these

16. These are persons, actions, or things from which information about criminals, or
subversives, weather, and terrain is derived.
A. intelligence collection agency B. accuracy of information
C. sources of information D. information evaluation rating

17. These are intelligence requirements for which the police executive has an
anticipated and stated priority in his task of planning and decision making.
A. other intelligence requirements B. priority intelligence requirements
C. special orders and request D. intelligence and information

18. The information comes from a completely reliable source, and the accuracy is
probably true, what is the information evaluation rating?
A. B-2 B. D-2
C. C-2 D. A-2

19. These are individual who openly or secretly obtains or assists in obtaining
information for intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes in exchange for some
recompense, monetary, or otherwise.
A. confidential agent B. informer
C. informants D. sources

20. These are individuals who are simultaneously employed by two opposing
intelligence agencies with one of the agencies aware of his or her dual role.
A. dual agent B. double agent
C. false agent D. misleading agent

21. It is a repetitive process used to produce intelligence from information.

A. intelligence work B. intelligence cycle
C. intelligence functions D. intelligence process
22. It is an inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion and loyalty of the
individual to determine a person’s suitability or access to classified matter prior to the
granting of clearance.
A. background investigation B. national agency check
C. local agency check D. personnel security investigation

23. It is the reduction of information into writing, or some other form of graphical
representation, and the arranging of information into groups related items into its
corresponding group.
A. integration B. recording
C. all of these D. none of these

24. It is a graphic representation of the current enemy situation.

A. intelligence journal B. situation map
C. intelligence workbook D. intelligence files

25. It is accomplished by analysis of the information, integration of significant items

of information with previously collected and processed intelligence, and finally drawing
conclusions as to the probable meaning of information.
A. interpretation of information B. evaluation of information
C. sources of information D. intelligence indicator

26. It is an important method of gathering intelligence data.

A. liaison program B. de-briefing
C. news-clipping D. news-paper

27. The intelligence operatives will be asked about his personal experiences and
observations while conducting intelligence and counter-intelligence operations.
A. briefing B. debriefing
C. interview D. elicitation

28. It is an open source of information or intelligence.

A. secret B. covert
C. overt D. none of these

29. These are individuals who dons not having the “need-to-know.
A. friendly troops B. outside elements
C. unfriendly troops D. inside elements

30. It is an account consisting of biographical data which when adopted by an

individual will assume the personality he or she wants to adopt.
A. organizational cover B. individual cover
C. front cover D. undercover assignment

31. This provides for the immediate objective solution of the following: (a)
background investigation, whether complete or partial; (b) preparation for raid operation
and service of search warrant; and (c) installation or servicing of technical equipment,
and other devices useful in the conduct of undercover operations.
A. long ranger undercover assignment
B. short range undercover assignment
C. penetration and resident agency
D. police intelligence operations

32. This refers to counter-intelligence measures that seek to conceal information

from the enemy.
A. passive-defensive B. active-offensive
C. counter-intelligence D. police security
33. This encompasses active-offensive and passive-defensive counter-intelligence
measures affecting civilians permanently or temporarily residing in an area under police,
military jurisdictions or law enforcement agencies’ jurisdictions.
A. police security B. civil security
C. military security D. internees security

34. It is the process of determining whether the adversaries in counter-intelligence

are involved in unlawful activities, purposely to obtain useful information regarding the
government, armed forces, police, and other law enforcement agencies.
A. intelligence operations B. reconnaissance
C. counter reconnaissance D. counter-intelligence

35. This is a specific type of deception measure employed by the counter-intelligence

operatives or counter intelligence operating units by allowing the opponent to take his or
her place, taking into considerations the procedure for safe departure.
A. ruse B. dodge
C. moving aside D. get out

36. The subject person is kept under constant surveillance; it is also termed as tight
surveillance, and the aim is not to lose the subject even at the risk of being “made.”
A. close surveillance B. loose surveillance
C. open surveillance D. mustard plaster

37. Each man maintains contact with the subject. One may be abreast of the subject
at the opposite side of the street, another behind the subject, and others in similar
A. one man method B. loos method
C. group method D. leap- frog method

38. These are individuals that are selected, trained and utilized as continuous and
covert sources of information concerning specific intelligence targets.
A. casual informants B. recruited informants
C. automatic informants D. regular informants

39. They are those who are assigned with the mission of obtaining information within
a specific target,. and they may be recruited outside the target and placed therein, or
more usually selected and recruited from among the personnel within the target itself.
A. residential informants B. infiltration informants
C. penetration informants D. deep cover informants

40. This is a form required of an individual who is being processed for a security
clearance. The form calls for pertinent data and information on the various aspects of a
subject’s personal life.
A. personal data sheet B. personal history statement
C. curriculum vita D. bio-data

41. This is a motive of informants wherein ordinary citizens as well as reformed

criminals are motivated by vanity to provide information, believing it will win favorable
attention from authorities.
A. self-aggrandizement B. mercenary reason
C. gratitude D. civic duty

42. It is any position within the government, police, and military; the occupant of
which could bring about by virtue of his or her position a material adverse effect to the
country politically, economically, and from the security standpoint.
A. government position B. sensitive position
C. military position D. police position
43. This consists of the investigation of the background of an individual, particularly
all the circumstances of his or her personal life.
A. partial background investigation
B. personnel security investigation
C. complete background investigation
D. all of these

44. It is valid for five years unless sooner revoked by the issuing authority.
A. final clearance B. interim clearance
C. intelligence clearance D. all of these

45. It is an information or material in any form or of any nature, and the safeguarding
of which is necessary in the interest of national security.
A. classified information B. classified matter
C. classified document D. classified intelligence

46. This consists of initial briefing made upon the new personnel and employees on
security, its various aspects, and its importance, and they are familiarized with and
made to acquaint themselves with the security rules and regulations of the office or unit
and the importance of observing them.
A. security survey B. security orientation
C. security indoctrination D. security seminar

47. It is the assigning of information or material to one of the four security

classification categories after determining that such information or material requires
security protection as prescribed by the PNP Regulation 2000-012.
A. upgrading B. declassify
C. classify D. categorize

48. It is the changing of the classification of classified matter to a category higher

than that previously assigned to it.
A. classifying B. upgrading
C. categorizing D. downgrading

49. It is another specialized form of security system. The main objectives of the
security force are the protection of the life and limb of personnel, troops and employees
of such installations, due to the peculiar nature of its operations.
A. vital installations security B. documents security
C. personnel security D. none of these

50. It is a certification issued by a responsible authority, and that the person

described is cleared for access to classified matter at the appropriate level.
A. certificate of non-pending case B. personal clearance certificate
C. security clearance certificate D. intelligence clearance certificate

51. It is observed once the security survey, inspection and audit are conducted, the
hazard analysis is completed, and the alternatives for handling the hazards are
selected, the information must be communicated to individuals who can act on the
A. final coaching B. final analysis
C. final assessment D. risk assessment

52. It is a systematic evaluation of the security of the police office, military

headquarters, and government installations’ security system by measuring how well it
conforms to a set of established criteria.
A. security audit B. security survey
C. security inspection D. security check
53. It is a dialogue between the survey team and the head of office and security
officer of the police office, military headquarters, or government installations before the
security survey is conducted.
A. entrance briefing B. pre-survey meeting
C. entrance meeting D. entrance debriefing

54. Are police offices, military headquarters, and government facilities, which are
necessary for the continued existence of the said public entities; hence, they are
susceptible to any acts inimical to the harmony and interests
A. security installations B. vital installations
C. police installations D. military installations

55. It is the act of changing the assigned classification of a document or material,

and as part of the process, it involves notification of the cognizant authority.
A. declassify B. classify
C. downgrading D. degrading

56. It is often used in normal conversation where the subject is encouraged to speak,
and once talking, the intelligence operative listens enthusiastically and stimulating the
subject to continue.
A. elicitation B. communication arts
C. interview D. debriefing

57. It is another security measure involved in personnel security. It is primarily

designed to enable the office or unit to achieve and maintain a sound and effective
A. security education B. security survey
C. security awareness D. security consultant

58. It is a security system involving the protection of documents and classified

information from loss, access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft, and compromise
through disclosure.
A. document security B. personnel security
C. installations security D. security investigation

59. It is valid for two years unless sooner revoked by the issuing authority.
A. police clearance B. final clearance
C. intelligence clearance D. interim clearance

60. This consists of the investigation of the background of an individual, but limited
only to some of the circumstances of his or her personal life which are deemed pertinent
to the investigation.
A. complete background check B. partial background investigation
C. security check D. personnel security investigation

61. This includes all the security measures designed to prevent unsuitable
individuals or persons of doubtful loyalty to the Philippine Government, from gaining
access to classified matter or to any security facility, and to prevent the appointment,
employment, or retention as employees of such individuals.
A. personnel security B. document security
C. installations security D. police security

62. This can occur when a new robber invades the area and the rash of break-ins
increases community pressure and police activity.
A. cutting a deal B. gratitude
C. elimination of competition D. rival elimination
63. These are individuals who furnish information with no intention of repeating their
services of furnishing information on a continuing basis.
A. casual informants B. accidental informants
C. automatic informants D. incidental informants

64. Only one member of the team maintains contact with the subject. It is a close tail,
with the other members of the squad keeping contact with those intelligence operatives
immediately ahead of them, and which is most likely in the same position.
A. loose tail B. leap-frog method
C. intermittent surveillance D. relay techniques

65. It is a person with cover.

A. undercover B. cover
C. penetration agents D. covert

66. It is a form of open surveillance where the subject is followed so closely, and that
the surveillant and the subject are almost in lock step. It is tantamount to protective
A. open surveillance B. close surveillance
C. mustard plaster D. stakeout

67. It is a cautious surveillance; also termed discreet surveillance because the loss of
the subject is preferred to possible exposure.
A. close surveillance B. technical surveillance
C. counter-surveillance D. loose surveillance

68. This is a specific type of deception measures to prevent the adversaries in

counter-intelligence profession of detecting the presence of the operatives within a
given area of operations and intelligence and counter-intelligence interests.
A. dodge B. ruse
C. moving aside D. get out of the way

69. It is a survey or close examination of an area for obtaining useful information

regarding enemy troops, including their activities that are of important value to the
counter-intelligence operations spearheaded by the police, other law enforcement
agencies, and armed forces or the government.
A. reconnaissance B. surveillance
C. inspection D. observation

70. This is the control and examination of communication to prevent the transmission
of information that may fall in the hands of the enemy, and to collect and disseminate
information of counter-intelligence value to those who need it, in appropriate means and
suitable manner.
A. censorship B. police censorship
C. military censorship D. civil censorship

71. This encompasses measures taken by the police or any other law enforcement
agencies, or the armed forces to protect them against espionage, enemy observation,
sabotage, subversion, or the spearheading elements of surprise.
A. civil security B. military security
C. police security D. government security

77. This refers to counter-intelligence measures that seek to actively block the
enemy’s attempt to gain information, or to actively block the enemy’s effort to engage in
espionage, sabotage, or subversion.
A. passive-defensive B. active-offensive
C. counter-surveillance D. counter-intelligence
73. This provides reliable, accurate, and continuing access to information that will not
be attainable, and which requires considerable time and effort, painstaking analysis of
the mission, and thorough study of all the details relating to the selection, training, and
actual performance of undercover personnel.
A. long range undercover assignment
B. short range undercover assignment
C. penetration and residence informant
D. infiltration agent assignment

74. It is a biographical account, true or fictitious, or a combination of truth or fiction

which portrays the undercover agent’s past history, and current status. This may be a
natural, artificial, or true or false data.
A. over story B. cover story
C. covert story D. secret story

75. It is an investigative technique in which an agent conceals his or her identity in

order to obtain information from the target organization.
A. undercover agent B. undercover assignment
C. undercover assignment D. undercover investigation

76. It is a means by which individual, group or organization conceals the true nature
of its activities, and existence from the observer and it is also a device or stratagem by
which the intelligence operatives conceal his or her identity, and his or her relationship
with the intelligence collection agencies.
A. cover B. covert
C. secret D. confidential

77. It is observing secretly the activities of criminal and subversive organizations.

A. secret B. overt
C. covert D. close

78. It is one of the principal activities of police intelligence operations, and limited
activities on this, will usually produce limited intelligence data. .
A. intelligence programs B. liaison programs
C. counter-intelligence program D. all of these

79. This refers to a number of tasks, such as: identification activity; surveillance and
casing; liaison programs; informant cultivation; news-clipping services; de-briefings; and
other miscellaneous activities.
A. intelligence operations B. intelligence activities
C. intelligence functions D. intelligence cooperation

80. It is the drawing of conclusions from evaluated information.

A. deduction B. extrapolation
C. hypotheses D. assumption

81. In the different major categories of intelligence, it involves both a process an

immediate product.
A. offensive intelligence B. strategic intelligence
C. artificial intelligence D. line intelligence

28. These are generalized theoretical actions that criminal or subversives might be
expected to take preparation for aggressive actions, and these are things or events that
transpired in the past or things or events that are presently occurring, others are calling
it as adjunct criminal activities. .
A. intelligence assumptions B. intelligence estimate
C. intelligence indicators D. intelligence parameters
83. It is the permanent official chronological record of the operations of the
intelligence section, unit, or agency.
A. intelligence workbook B. intelligence files
C. intelligence message D. intelligence journal

84. It is the determination of the pertinence or significance of the information relative

to police operations, that is, reliability of the source or agency, and the accuracy of
A. evaluation B. assessment
C. all of these D. none of these

85. These are individuals who are simultaneously and independently employed by
two or more friendly intelligence units, and who do not show preference for either, and
normally motivated by material gain.
A. dual agent B. double agent
C. penetration agent D. undercover agent

86. The information comes from a usually reliable source, and it accuracy is probably
true, what is the information evaluation rating?
A. B-2 B. C-2
C. D-2 D. none of these

87. These are items of information regarding the criminals or subversives, and his
environment which need to be collected in order to meet the intelligence requirements
of the police executive.
A. priority intelligence requirements B. other information requirements
C. classified information or material D. other intelligence requirements

88. It is any person, activity, or unit that collects and/or processes information by
research, surveillance, covert and overt activities, or the exploitation of the different
sources of information.
A. sources of information B. intelligence collection agency
C. surveillance and casing D. cover & undercover assignment

89. The undercover agent is required to develop friendship and trust with the target
personality for the purpose of obtaining information or evidence.
A. rabbit B. tailing
C. rope job D. wok assignment

90. This refers to information and materials, the unauthorized disclosure of which
would endanger national security, cause serious injury to the interest or prestige of the
nation or of any governmental activity or would be of great advantage to a foreign land.
A. secret B. top secret
C. confidential D. restricted

91. It is the granting of access to classified document or information only to properly

cleared persons when such classified document or information is required in the
performance of their official duties, and restricting it to specified physical confines when
A. compartmentation B. elicitation
C. security clearance D. need to know

92. These are individual who openly or secretly obtains or assists in obtaining
information for intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes in exchange for monetary
A. sources B. informants
C. informers D. confidential agent
93. These are individuals that are selected, trained and utilized as continuous and
covert sources of information concerning specific intelligence targets.
A. regular informants B. recruited informant
C. ordinary informants D. penetration informants

94. This is the determination and examination on the degree of compliance of the
established security policies and procedures consistent with the missions and functions
of a police office, military headquarters, and government facilities.
A. security audit B. security survey
C. security inspection D. security check

95. Its mission is to assist the Chief, PNP in attaining intelligence objectives through
staff direction, planning, coordination, control and supervision of all intelligence and
counter-intelligence activities.
A. B.
C. D. Directorate for Intelligence

96. CIA is for USA, KGB is for Russia, GESTAP is for Germany, and __________ is
for Israel.
A. Mouchards B. Mosaic
C. ISAFP D. Mossad

97. It is an intelligence activity which is concerned principally with the defending of

the police organization against penetration by individual and various groups who are
inimical to the best interest and general harmony.
A. counter-reconnaissance B. strategic intelligence
C. counter-surveillance D. counter intelligence

98. It is an evaluated material of every description including those derived from

observation, reports, rumors, imagery, and other sources from which intelligence is
A. information B. intelligence
C. all of these D. none of these

99. It is a form of overt and covert surveillance wherein the subject’s motor vehicles
are being closely follow, wherein the surveillant are also using motor vehicles different
plates other than assign to it purposely to disguise it.
A. rope job B. tailgaiting
C. overt suveillance D. motor vehicle shadowing

100. This is the observation of persons, places, or things, generally, but not
necessarily, in an unobtrusive manner.
A. surveillance B. casing
C. reconnaisance D. intelligence


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