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SECOND DIVISION finally revised or amended unilaterally or preferably through negotiation

or by competent authority.

CHINA BANKING CORPORATION, G.R. No. 156515 Same; Same; Same; Same; Management has the prerogative to
Petitioner, discipline its employees and to impose appropriate penalties on erring
Present: workers pursuant to company rules and regulations.—Management has
PUNO, J., Chairman, the prerogative to discipline its employees and to impose appropriate
AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, penalties on erring workers pursuant to company rules and regulations.
With more reason should these truisms apply to the respondent, who, by
- versus - CALLEJO, SR., reason of his position, was required to act judiciously and to exercise his
TINGA, and authority in harmony with company policies.
PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of the
Promulgated: Court of Appals.
Respondent. October 19, 2004 The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
Ma. Hildelita N. Pagkatipunan-Alano for petitioner.
Labor Law; National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC); Technicalities;
Relation; It is settled that administrative bodies like the NLRC, including x--------------------------------------------------x
the Labor Arbiter, are not bound by the technical niceties of the law and
procedure and the rules obtaining in courts of law.—It is settled that DECISION
administrative bodies like the NLRC, including the Labor Arbiter, are not
bound by the technical niceties of the law and procedure and the rules
obtaining in courts of law. Rules of evidence are not strictly observed in CALLEJO, SR., J.:
proceedings before administrative bodies like the NLRC, where decisions
may be reached on the basis of position papers.
Before the Court is the petition for review on certiorari filed by China
Same; Same; Factual Findings; Appeals; Factual findings of the NLRC Banking Corporation seeking the reversal of the Decision [1] dated July 19,
affirming those of the Labor Arbiter, are accorded respect, if not finality, 2002 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 57365, remanding to the
and are considered binding on this Court.—Before delving on the merits Labor Arbiter for further hearings the complaint for payment of separation
of the case, it is well to remember that factual findings of the NLRC pay, mid-year bonus, profit share and damages filed by respondent
affirming those of the Labor Arbiter, both bodies being deemed to have Mariano M. Borromeo against the petitioner Bank. Likewise, sought to be
acquired expertise in matters within their jurisdiction, when sufficiently reversed is the appellate courts Resolution dated January 6, 2003,
supported by evidence on record, are accorded respect, if not finality, and denying the petitioner Banks motion for reconsideration.
are considered binding on this Court. The factual antecedents of the case are as follows:

Same; Employment; Management Prerogative; Company Policies and Respondent Mariano M. Borromeo joined the petitioner Bank on June 1,
Regulations; Validity; Company policies and regulations are, unless 1989 as Manager assigned at the latters Regional Office in Cebu City. He
shown to be grossly oppressive or contrary to law, generally binding and then had the rank of Manager Level I. Subsequently, the respondent was
valid on the parties.—It is well recognized that company policies and laterally transferred to Cagayan de Oro City as Branch Manager of the
regulations are, unless shown to be grossly oppressive or contrary to law, petitioner Banks branch thereat.
generally binding and valid on the parties and must be complied with until
For the years 1989 and 1990, the respondent received a highly First Vice- President and Head-Visayas Mindanao Division, in his
satisfactory performance rating and was given the corresponding profit Memorandum dated November 19, 1996 for the respondent, sought
sharing/performance bonus. From 1991 up to 1995, he consistently clarification from the latter on the following matters:
received a very good performance rating for each of the said years and
again received the corresponding profit sharing/performance 1) When DAUD/BP accommodations were
bonus. Moreover, in 1992, he was promoted from Manager Level I to allowed, what efforts, if any, were made to
Manager Level II. In 1994, he was promoted to Senior Manager Level establish the identity and/or legitimacy of the
I. Then again, in 1995, he was promoted to Senior Manager Level alleged broker or drawers of the checks
II. Finally, in 1996, with a highly satisfactory performance rating, the accommodated?
respondent was promoted to the position of Assistant Vice-President,
Branch Banking Group for the Mindanao area effective October 16, 2) Did the branch follow and comply with
1996. Each promotion had the corresponding increase in the respondents operating procedure which require that all checks
salary as well as in the benefits he received from the petitioner Bank. accommodated for DAUD/BP should be
previously verified with the drawee bank and
However, prior to his last promotion and then unknown to the petitioner history if not outright balances determined if
Bank, the respondent, without authority from the Executive Committee or enough to cover the checks?
Board of Directors, approved several DAUD/BP accommodations
amounting to P2,441,375 in favor of Joel Maniwan, with Edmundo Ramos 3) How did the accommodations
as surety. DAUD/BP is the acronym for checks Drawn Against reach P2,441,375.00 when our records indicate
Uncollected Deposits/Bills Purchased. Such checks, which are not that the borrowers B/P-DAUD line is only
sufficiently funded by cash, are generally not honored by banks. Further, for P500,000.00? When did the accommodations
a DAUD/BP accommodation is a credit accommodation granted to a few start exceeding the limit of P500,000.00 and
and select bank clients through the withdrawal of uncollected or under whose authority?
uncleared check deposits from their current account. Under the petitioner
Banks standard operating procedures, DAUD/BP accommodations may 4) When did the accommodated checks start
be granted only by a bank officer upon express authority from its bouncing?
Executive Committee or Board of Directors.
5) What is the status of these checks now and
As a result of the DAUD/BP accommodations in favor of what has the branch done so far to protect/ensure
Maniwan, a total of ten out-of-town checks (7 PCIB checks and 3 UCPB collectibility of the returned checks?
checks) of various dates amounting to P2,441,375 were returned unpaid
from September 20, 1996 to October 17, 1996. Each of the returned 6) What about client Joel Maniwan and surety
checks was stamped with the notation Payment Stopped/Account Edmund Ramos, what steps have they done to
Closed. pay the checks returned?[2]

On October 8, 1996, the respondent wrote a Memorandum to the In reply thereto, the respondent, in his Letter dated December 5,
petitioner Banks senior management requesting for the grant of a P2.4 1996, answered the foregoing queries in seriatim and explained, thus:
million loan to Maniwan. The memorandum stated that the loan was to
regularize/liquidate subjects (referring to Maniwan) DAUD availments. It 1. None
was only then that the petitioner Bank came to know of the DAUD/BP
accommodations in favor of Maniwan. The petitioner Bank further learned 2. No
that these DAUD/BP accommodations exceeded the limit granted to
clients, were granted without proper prior approval and already past 3. The accommodations reach P2.4 million
due. Acting on this information, Samuel L. Chiong, the petitioner Banks upon the request of Mr. Edmund Ramos, surety,
and this request was subsequently approved by MBTC 5.0
undersigned. The excess accommodations
started in July 96 without higher management The attached letter of Mr. Ramos dated 19 Nov. 1996 will
approval. speak for itself. Further to this, undersigned conferred
with the acting BOH VSYap if these checks are legitimate
4. Checks started bouncing on September 20, 3rd party checks.
On the other hand, Atty. Musni continues to insist that Mr.
5. Checks have remained unpaid. The branch Maniwan was gypped by a broker in the total amount
sent demand letters to Messrs. Maniwan and of P10.00 Million.
Ramos and referred the matter to our Legal Dept.
for filing of appropriate legal action. Undersigned accepts full responsibility for committing an
error in judgment, lapses in control and abuse of
6. Mr. Maniwan, thru his lawyer, Atty. Oscar discretion by relying solely on the word, assurance, surety
Musni has signified their intention to settle by Feb. and REM of Mr. Edmund Ramos, a friend and a co-bank
1997. officer. I am now ready to face the consequence of my
Justification for lapses committed (Item nos. 1 to 3).

In another Letter dated April 8, 1997, the respondent notified

The account was personally endorsed and referred to us Chiong of his intention to resign from the petitioner Bank and apologized
by Mr. Edmund Ramos, Branch Manager of Metrobank, for all the trouble I have caused because of the Maniwan case. [4] The
Divisoria Br., Cagayan de Oro City. In fact, the CASA respondent, however, vehemently denied benefiting therefrom. In his
account was opened jointly as &/or (Maniwan &/or Letter dated April 30, 1997, the respondent formally tendered his
Ramos). Mr. Ramos gave us his full assurance that the irrevocable resignation effective May 31, 1997.[5]
checks that we intend to purchase are the same drawee
that Metrobank has been purchasing for the past one (1) In the Memorandum dated May 23, 1997 addressed to the
year already. He even disclosed that these checks were respondent, Nancy D. Yang, the petitioner Banks Senior Vice-President
verified by his own branch accountant and that Mr. and Head-Branch Banking Group, informed the former that his approval
Maniwans loan account was being co-maked by Mr. of the DAUD/BP accommodations in favor of Maniwan without authority
Elbert Tan Yao Tin, son of Jose Tan Yao Tin of CIFC. To and/or approval of higher management violated the petitioner Banks
show his sincerity, Mr. Ramos signed as surety for Mr. Code of Ethics. As such, he was directed to restitute the amount
Maniwan for P2.5MM. Corollary to this, Mr. Ramos of P1,507,736.79 representing 90% of the total loss of P1,675,263.10
applied for a loan with us mortgaging his house, lot and incurred by the petitioner Bank. However, in view of his resignation and
duplex with an estimated market value of P4.508MM. The considering the years of service in the petitioner Bank, the management
branch, therefore, is not totally negligent as officer to earmarked only P836,637.08 from the respondents total separation
officer bank checking was done. In fact, it is also for the benefits or pay. The memorandum addressed to the respondent stated:
very same reason that other banks granted DAUD to
subject account and, likewise, the checks returned After a careful review and evaluation of the facts
unpaid, namely: surrounding the above case, the following have been
conclusively established:
Solidbank P1.8 Million
Allied Bank .8 1. The branch granted various
Far East Bank 2.0 BP/DAUD accommodations to clients Joel
Maniwan/Edmundo Ramos in excess of Head, Management finds your actions in violation of the
approved lines through the following out- Banks Code of Ethics:
of-town checks which were returned for
the reason Payment Stopped/Account Table 6.2., no. 1: Compliance with Standard
Closed: Operating Procedures
- Infraction of Bank procedures in handling
1. PCIB Cebu Check No. any bank transactions or work assignment
86256 P251,816.00 which results in a loss or probable loss.
2. PCIB Cebu Check No. 86261 235,880.00 Table 6.3., no. 6: Proper Conduct and Behavior -
3. PCIB Cebu Check No. 8215 241,443.00 Willful misconduct in the performance of
4. UCPB Tagbilaran Check No. 277,630.00 duty whether or not the bank suffers a
5. PCIB Bogo, Cebu Check No. loss, and/or
6117 267,418.00 Table 6.5., no. 1: Work Responsibilities -
6. UCPB Tagbilaran Check No. Dereliction of duty whether or not the
216070 197,467.00 Bank suffers a loss, and/or
7. UCPB Tagbilaran Check No. Table 6.6., no. 2: Authority and Subordination -
216073 263,920.00 Failure to carry out lawful orders or
8. PCIB Bogo, Cebu Check No. instructions of superiors.
6129 253,528.00
9. PCIB Bogo, Cebu Check No. Your approval of the accommodations in excess of your
6122 198,615.00 authority without prior authority and/or approval from
10. PCIB Bogo, Cebu Check No. higher management is a violation of the above cited
6134 253,658.00 Rules.

2. The foregoing checks were In view of these, you are directed to restitute the amount
accommodated through your approval of P1,507,736.79 representing 90% of the total loss
which was in excess of your authority. of P1,675,263.10 incurred by the Bank as your
proportionate share. However, in light of your voluntary
3. The branch failed to follow the separation from the Bank effective May 31, 1997, in view
fundamental and basic procedures in of the years of service you have given to the
handling BP/DAUD accommodations Bank, management shall earmark and segregate only the
which made the accommodations amount of P836,637.08 from your total separation
basically flawed. benefits/pay. The Bank further directs you to fully assist in
the effort to collect from Joel Maniwan and Edmundo
4. The accommodations were attended Ramos the sums due to the Bank.[6]
by lapses in control consisting of failure to
report the exception and failure to cover
the account of Joel Maniwan with the In the Letter dated May 26, 1997 addressed to the respondent, Remedios
required Credit Line Agreement. Cruz, petitioner Banks Vice-President of the Human Resources Division,
again informed him that the management would withhold the sum
of P836,637.08 from his separation pay, mid-year bonus and profit
Since the foregoing were established by your own sharing. The amount withheld represented his proportionate share in the
admissions in your letter explanation dated 5 December accountability vis--vis the DAUD/BP accommodations in favor of
1996, and the Audit Report and findings of the Region Maniwan. The said amount would be released upon recovery of the sums
demanded from Maniwan in Civil Case No. 97174 filed against him by the of Ethics. The respondent, as an officer of the petitioner Bank, was bound
petitioner Bank with the Regional Trial Court in Cagayan de Oro City. by the provisions of the said Code.

Consequently, the respondent, through counsel, made a demand on the Aggrieved, the respondent appealed to the National Labor Relations
petitioner Bank for the payment of his separation pay and other Commission. After the parties had filed their respective memoranda, the
benefits. The petitioner Bank maintained its position to withhold the sum NLRC, in the Decision dated October 20, 1999, dismissed the appeal as
of P836,637.08. Thus, the respondent filed with the National Labor it affirmed in toto the findings and conclusions of the Labor Arbiter. The
Relations Commission (NLRC), Regional Arbitration Branch No. 10, in NLRC preliminarily ruled that the Labor Arbiter committed no grave abuse
Cagayan de Oro City, the complaint for payment of separation pay, mid- of discretion when he decided the case on the basis of the position
year bonus, profit share and damages against the petitioner Bank. papers submitted by the parties. On the merits, the NLRC, like the Labor
Arbiter, gave credence to the petitioner Banks allegation that the
The parties submitted their respective position papers to the Labor respondent offered to pledge his property to the bank and proposed the
Arbiter. Thereafter, the respondent filed a motion to set case for trial or withholding of his benefits in acknowledgment of the serious infraction he
hearing. Acting thereon, the Labor Arbiter, in the Order dated January 29, committed against the bank. Further, the NLRC concurred with the Labor
1999, denied the same stating that: Arbiter that the petitioner Bank was justified in withholding the benefits
... This Branch views that if complainant finds the due the respondent. Being a responsible bank officer, the respondent
necessity to controvert the allegations in the respondents ought to know that, based on the petitioner Banks Code of Ethics,
pleadings, then he may file a supplemental position paper restitution may be imposed on erring employees apart from any other
and adduce thereto evidence and additional supporting penalty for acts resulting in loss or damage to the bank. The decretal
documents, the soonest possible time. All the evidence portion of the NLRC decision reads:
will be evaluated by the Branch to determine whether or
not a clarificatory hearing shall be conducted.[7] WHEREFORE, the decision of the Labor Arbiter is
Affirmed. The appeal is Dismissed for lack of merit.
On February 26, 1999, the Labor Arbiter issued another Order submitting
the case for resolution upon finding that he could judiciously pass on the SO ORDERED.[9]
merits without the necessity of further hearing.

On even date, the Labor Arbiter promulgated the The respondent moved for a reconsideration of the said decision
Decision[8] dismissing the respondents complaint. According to the Labor but the NLRC, in the Resolution of December 20, 1999, denied his
Arbiter, the respondent, an officer of the petitioner Bank, had committed a motion.
serious infraction when, in blatant violation of the banks standard
operating procedures and policies, he approved the DAUD/BP The respondent then filed a petition for certiorari with the Court of
accommodations in favor of Maniwan without authorization by senior Appeals alleging that the NLRC committed grave abuse of discretion
management. Even the respondent himself had admitted this breach in when it affirmed the findings and conclusions of the Labor Arbiter. He
the letters that he wrote to the senior officers of the petitioner Bank. vehemently denied having offered to pledge his property to the bank or
proposed the withholding of his separation pay and other
The Labor Arbiter, likewise, made the finding that the respondent offered benefits. Further, he argued that the petitioner Bank deprived him of his
to assign or convey a property that he owned to the petitioner Bank as right to due process because it unilaterally imposed the penalty of
well as proposed the withholding of the benefits due him to answer for the restitution on him. The DAUD/BP accommodations in favor of Maniwan
losses that the petitioner Bank incurred on account of unauthorized allegedly could not be considered as a loss to the bank as the amounts
DAUD/BP accommodations. But even if the respondent had not given his may still be recovered. The respondent, likewise, maintained that the
consent, the Labor Arbiter held that the petitioner Banks act of Labor Arbiter should not have decided the case on the basis of the
withholding the benefits due the respondent was justified under its Code parties position papers but should have conducted a full-blown hearing
On July 19, 2002, the CA rendered the Decision [10] now being EVIDENCE AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN ACCORDED
assailed by the petitioner Bank. The CA found merit in the respondents RESPECT AND FINALITY BY THE COURT OF
contention that he was deprived of his right to due process by the APPEALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING
petitioner Bank as no administrative investigation was conducted by it JURISPRUDENCE.
prior to its act of withholding the respondents separation pay and other
benefits. The respondent was not informed of any charge against him in II.
connection with the Maniwan DAUD/BP accommodations nor afforded AT ALL TIMES, THE LABOR ARBITER ACTED IN
the right to a hearing or to defend himself before the penalty of restitution ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF DUE
was imposed on him. This, according to the appellate court, was contrary PROCESS IN THE PROCEEDINGS A QUO.
not only to the fundamental principle of due process but to the petitioner
Banks Code of Ethics as well. III.
The CA further held that the Labor Arbiter, likewise, failed to afford OF RESPONDENTS RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS AS NO
the respondent due process when it denied his motion to set case for trial ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATION WAS NEEDED TO
or hearing. While the authority of the Labor Arbiter to decide a case BE CONDUCTED ON HIS ADMITTED MISCONDUCT.[13]
based on the parties position papers and documents is indubitable, the
CA opined that factual issues attendant to the case, including whether or The petitioner Bank posits that the sole factual issue that remained in
not the respondent proposed the withholding of his benefits or pledged dispute was whether the respondent pledged his benefits as guarantee
the same to the petitioner Bank, necessitated the conduct of a full-blown for the losses the bank incurred resulting from the unauthorized
trial. The appellate court explained that: DAUD/BP accommodations in favor of Maniwan. On this issue, both the
Procedural due process, as must be remembered, Labor Arbiter and the NLRC found that the respondent had indeed
has two main concerns, the prevention of unjustified or pledged his benefits to
mistaken deprivation and the promotion of participation the bank. According to the petitioner Bank, this factual finding should
and dialogue by affected individuals in the decision- have been accorded respect by the CA as the same is supported by the
making process. Truly, the magnitude of the case and the evidence on record. By ordering the remand of the case to the Labor
withholding of Borromeos property as well as the Arbiter, the CA allegedly unjustifiably analyzed and weighed all over
willingness of the parties to conciliate, make a hearing again the evidence presented.
imperative. As manifested by the bank, it did not contest
Borromeos motion for hearing or trial inasmuch as the The petitioner Bank insists that the Labor Arbiter acted within his authority
bank itself wanted to fully ventilate its side.[11] when he denied the respondents motion to set case for hearing or trial
Accordingly, the CA set aside the decision of the NLRC and and instead decided the case on the basis of the position papers and
ordered that the records of the case be remanded to the Labor Arbiter for evidence submitted by the parties. Due process simply demands an
further hearings on the factual issues involved. opportunity to be heard and the respondent was not denied of this as he
was even given the opportunity to file a supplemental position paper and
The petitioner Bank filed a motion for reconsideration of the said other supporting documents, but he did not do so.
decision but the CA, in the assailed Resolution of January 6, 2003,
denied the same as it found no compelling ground to warrant The petitioner Bank takes exception to the findings of the appellate court
reconsideration.[12] Hence, its recourse to this Court alleging that the that the respondent was not afforded the right to a hearing or to defend
assailed CA decision is contrary to law and jurisprudence in that: himself by the petitioner Bank as it did not conduct an administrative
investigation. The petitioner Bank points out that it was poised to conduct
I. one but was preempted by the respondents resignation. In any case,
THE FACTUAL FINDINGS OF THE LABOR ARBITER AS respondent himself in his Letter dated December 5, 1996, in reply to the
AFFIRMED BY THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS clarificatory queries of Chiong, admitted that the DAUD/BP
COMMISSION ARE SUPPORTED BY SUBSTANTIAL accommodations were granted without higher management approval and
that he (the respondent) accepts full responsibility for committing an error formal hearing or trial is discretionary with the Labor Arbiter and is
of judgment, lapses in control and abuse of discretion ... Given the something that the parties cannot demand as a matter of right. [16] As a
respondents admission, the holding of a formal investigation was no corollary, trial-type hearings are not even required as the cases may be
longer necessary. decided based on verified position papers, with supporting documents
For his part, the respondent, in his Comment, maintains that the and their affidavits.[17]
DAUD/BP accommodations in favor of Maniwan were approved, albeit
not expressly, by the senior management of the petitioner Bank. He cites Hence, the Labor Arbiter acted well within his authority when he
the regular reports he made to Chiong, his superior, regarding the issued the Order dated February 26, 1999 submitting the case for
DAUD/BP transactions made by the branch, including that of Maniwan, resolution upon finding that he could judiciously pass on the merits
and Chiong never called his attention thereto nor stopped or reprimanded without the necessity of further hearing. On the other hand, the assailed
him therefor. These reports further showed that he did not conceal these CA decisions directive requiring him to conduct further hearings
transactions to the management. constitutes undue interference with the Labor Arbiters
discretion. Moreover, to require the conduct of hearings would be to
The respondent vehemently denies having offered the negate the rationale and purpose of the summary nature of the
withholding of his benefits or pledged the same to the petitioner proceedings mandated by the Rules and to make mandatory the
Bank. The findings of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC that what he did application of the technical rules of evidence. [18] The appellate court,
are allegedly not supported by the evidence on record. therefore, committed reversible error in ordering the remand of the case
to the Labor Arbiter for further hearings.
The respondent is of the view that restitution is not proper Before delving on the merits of the case, it is well to remember that
because the petitioner Bank has not, as yet, incurred any actual loss as factual findings of the NLRC affirming those of the Labor Arbiter, both
the amount owed by Maniwan may still be recovered from him. In fact, bodies being deemed to have acquired expertise in matters within their
the petitioner Bank had already instituted a civil case against Maniwan for jurisdiction, when sufficiently supported by evidence on record, are
the recovery of the sum and the RTC rendered judgment in the petitioner accorded respect, if not finality, and are considered binding on this Court.
Banks favor. The case is still pending appeal. In any case, the As long as their decisions are devoid of any arbitrariness in the
respondent argues that the petitioner Bank could not properly impose the process of their deduction from the evidence proffered by the parties, all
accessory penalty of restitution on him without imposing the principal that is left is for the Court to stamp its affirmation.[20]
penalty of Written Reprimand/Suspension as provided under its Code of
Ethics. He, likewise, vigorously avers that, in contravention of its own In this case, the factual findings of the Labor Arbiter and those of the
Code of Ethics, he was denied due process by the petitioner Bank as it NLRC concur on the following material points: the respondent was a
did not conduct any administrative investigation relative to the responsible officer of the petitioner Bank; by his own admission, he
unauthorized DAUD/BP accommodations. He was not informed in writing granted DAUD/BP accommodations in excess of the authority given to
of any charge against him nor was he given the opportunity to defend him and in violation of the banks standard operating procedures; the
himself. petitioner Banks Code of Ethics provides that restitution/forfeiture of
benefits may be imposed on the employees for, inter alia, infraction of the
The petition is meritorious. banks standard operating procedures; and, the respondent resigned from
the petitioner Bank on May 31, 1998. These factual findings are amply
The Court shall first resolve the procedural issue raised in the supported by the evidence on record.
petition, i.e., whether the CA erred in remanding the case to the Labor
Arbiter. The Court rules in the affirmative. It is settled that administrative Indeed, it had been indubitably shown that the respondent
bodies like the NLRC, including the Labor Arbiter, are not bound by the admitted that he violated the petitioner Banks standard operating
technical niceties of the law and procedure and the rules obtaining in procedures in granting the DAUD/BP accommodations in favor of
courts of law.[14] Rules of evidence are not strictly observed in Maniwan without higher management approval. The respondents replies
proceedings before administrative bodies like the NLRC, where decisions to the clarificatory questions propounded to him by way of the
may be reached on the basis of position papers. [15] The holding of a Memorandum dated November 19, 1996 were particularly
significant. When the respondent was asked whether efforts were made Restitution may be imposed independently or together
to establish the identity and/or legitimacy of the drawers of the checks with any other penalty in case of loss or damage to the
before the DAUD/BP accommodations were allowed,[21] he replied in the property of the Bank, its employees, clients or other
negative.[22]To the query did the branch follow and comply with operating parties doing business with the Bank. The Bank may
procedure which require that all checks accommodated for DAUD/BP recover the amount involved by means of salary
should be previously verified with the drawee bank and history, if not deduction or whatever legal means that will prompt
outright balances, determined if enough to cover the checks? [23] again, offenders to pay the amount involved. But restitution shall
the respondent answered no.[24]When asked under whose authority the in no way mitigate the penalties attached to the violation
excess DAUD/BP accommodations were granted, [25] the respondent or infraction.
expressly stated that they were approved by undersigned (referring to
himself) and that the excess accommodation was granted without higher Forfeiture of benefits/privileges may also be effected in
management approval.[26] More telling, however, is the respondents cases where infractions or violations were incurred in
statement that he accepts full responsibility for committing an error in connection with or arising from the application/availment
judgment, lapses in control and abuse of discretion by relying solely on thereof.
the word, assurance, surety and REM of Mr. Edmundo Ramos. [27] The
respondent added that he was ready to face the consequence of [his]
action.[28] It is well recognized that company policies and regulations are,
unless shown to be grossly oppressive or contrary to law, generally
The foregoing sufficiently establish that the respondent, by his binding and
own admissions, had violated the petitioner Banks standard operating valid on the parties and must be complied with until finally revised or
procedures.Among others, the petitioner Banks Code of Ethics provides: amended unilaterally or preferably through negotiation or by competent
authority.[29]Moreover, management has the prerogative to discipline its
Table 6.2 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARD OPERATING employees and to impose appropriate penalties on erring workers
PROCEDURES pursuant to company rules and regulations. [30] With more reason should
these truisms apply to the respondent, who, by reason of his position,
VIOLATIONS PENALTIES was required to act judiciously and to exercise his authority in harmony
1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH with company policies.[31]
1. Infraction of Written Suspension/ Dismissal*
Bank procedures Reprimand/ Dismissal* Contrary to the respondents contention that the petitioner Bank
in handling any Suspension* could not properly impose the accessory penalty of restitution on him
Bank transaction without imposing the principal penalty of Written Reprimand/Suspension,
or work the latters Code of Ethics expressly sanctions the imposition of
assignment which restitution/forfeiture of benefits apart from or independent of the other
results in a loss or penalties. Obviously, in view of his voluntary separation from the
probable loss petitioner Bank, the imposition of the penalty of reprimand or suspension
would be futile. The petitioner Bank was left with no other recourse but to
* With restitution, if warranted. impose the ancillary penalty of restitution. It was certainly within the
petitioner Banks prerogative to impose on the respondent what it
considered the appropriate penalty under the circumstances pursuant to
Further, the said Code states that: its company rules and regulations.

7.2.5. Restitution/Forfeiture of Benefits Anent the issue that the respondents right to due process was
violated by the petitioner Bank since no administrative investigation was
conducted prior to the withholding of his separation benefits, the Court
rules that, under the circumstances obtaining in this case, no formal more explicit as it opined that the respondent is entitled to the benefits he
administrative investigation was necessary. Due process simply demands claimed in pursuance to the Collective Bargaining Agreement but, in the
an opportunity to be heard and this opportunity was not denied the meantime, such benefits shall be deposited with the bank by way of
respondent.[32] pledge.[39] Even
the petitioner Bank itself gives the assurance that as soon as the Bank
Prior to the respondents resignation, he was furnished with the has satisfied a judgment in Civil Case No. 97174, the earmarked portion
Memorandum[33] dated November 19, 1996 in which several clarificatory of his benefits will be released without delay.[40]
questions were propounded to him regarding the DAUD/BP
accommodations in favor of Maniwan. Among others, the respondent was It bears stressing that the respondent was not just a rank and file
asked whether the banks standard operating procedures were complied employee. At the time of his resignation, he was the Assistant Vice-
with and under whose authority the accommodations were granted. From President, Branch Banking Group for the Mindanao area of the petitioner
the tenor thereof, it could be reasonably gleaned that the said Bank. His position carried authority for the exercise of independent
memorandum constituted notice of the charge against the respondent. judgment and discretion, characteristic of sensitive posts in corporate
hierarchy.[41] As such, he was, as earlier intimated, required to act
Replying to the queries, the respondent, in his Letter [34] dated judiciously and to exercise his authority in harmony with company
December 5, 1996, admitted, inter alia, that he approved the DAUD/BP policies.[42]
accommodations in favor of Maniwan and the amount in excess of the
credit limit of P500,000 was approved by him without higher management On the other hand, the petitioner Banks business is essentially
approval.The respondent, likewise, admitted non-compliance with the imbued with public interest and owes great fidelity to the public it deals
banks standard operating procedures, specifically, that which required with.[43] It is expected to exercise the highest degree of diligence in the
that all checks accommodated for DAUD/BP be previously verified with selection and supervision of their employees. [44] As a corollary, and like all
the drawee bank and history, if not outright balances determined if other business enterprises, its prerogative to discipline its employees and
enough to cover the checks. In the same letter, the respondent expressed to impose appropriate penalties on erring workers pursuant to company
that he rules and regulations must be respected. [45] The law, in protecting the
accepts full responsibility for committing an error in judgment, lapses in rights of labor, authorized neither oppression nor self-destruction of an
control and abuse of discretion and that he is ready to face the employer company which itself is possessed of rights that must be
consequence of his action. entitled to recognition and respect.[46]

Contrary to his protestations, the respondent was given the opportunity to

be heard and considering his admissions, it became unnecessary to hold WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision dated
any formal investigation.[35] More particularly, it became unnecessary for July 19, 2002 of the Court of Appeals and its Resolution dated January 6,
the petitioner Bank to conduct an investigation on whether the 2003 in CA-G.R. SP No. 57365 are REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. The
respondent had committed an [I]nfraction of Bank procedures in handling Resolution dated October 20, 1999 of the NLRC, affirming the Decision
any Bank transaction or work assignment which results in a loss or dated February 26, 1999 of the Labor Arbiter, is REINSTATED.
probable loss because the respondent already admitted the same. All
that was needed was to inform him of the findings of the SO ORDERED.
management[36] and this was done by way of the Memorandum [37] dated
May 23, 1997 addressed to the respondent. His claim of denial of due
process must perforce fail.

Significantly, the respondent is not wholly deprived of his

separation benefits. As the Labor Arbiter stressed in his decision, the
separation benefits due the complainant (the respondent herein) were
merely withheld.[38] The NLRC made the same conclusion and was even

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