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Planning Overview - Term

Year Level Unit Title Salvation Topic Aspect of Human Development

6 Prayer Guided through Prayer Human Consciousness

Overview – explanation of the content of the unit and how it explores the Salvation Topic and development of the Human Person
Guided through Prayer
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),


The ability to make moral choices is one of the most important characteristics of human beings.
Moral choices are those about whether to do what is right or wrong. People make good moral choices when they choose to do what is right, and bad moral choices when they choose to do what is wrong.
The next Religious Education unit studies this ability to make moral choices, and how people can be strengthened through prayer to choose to do what is good.
The Religious unit begins with the human experience of choosing to do what is good. As people wonder at the Creator of people with this ability, many come to realise that God is good.
The unit explores ways Jesus chose always to do what is right.
One reason he taught his followers to pray was to help them chose to do what is right.
Jesus taught his followers The Lords Prayer (Our Father) as well as to ask Mary to pray to God on their behalf.
The unit then explores ways in which Jesus’ followers pray, including through movement, song, music and the visual arts.
Finally, the unit explores that as people pray, they can develop virtues, or habits of doing good. Followers of Jesus know they can be helped through prayer, therefore, to choose what is good.

Key Understandings and Learning Points

A Wondering at the Creator B The Promise of Christian Salvation C Christian Response
C1 Jesus taught his followers to pray
WONDERING AT THE CREATOR OF THE B1 Jesus always chose what was right C1.1 Explains the meaning of The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father).
CHOICE TO DO GOOD B1.1 Develops a presentation showing Jesus choosing what C1.2 Designs a presentation outlining why Catholics pray to
A1 Wondering at the ability to do what is good was right. Mary.
A1.1 Identifies right and wrong moral choices based on the B2 Jesus gave his followers prayer to help them do C2 Ways followers of Jesus pray
Ten Commandments and good C2.1 Recalls formal prayers.
the Two Great Commandments of Jesus. B2.1 Interprets how the world would be different if everyone C2.2 Generates prayer experiences that can be prayed
A1.2 Memorises the conditions for sin. prayed and was helped by Jesus to do good. through movement.
A1.3 States ways God seeks to help people to do what is C2.3 Generates prayer experiences that can be prayed
right. through song and music.
A2 Wondering at God who created people to choose C2.4 Generates prayer experiences that can be prayed
good through the visual arts.
A2.1 States wonder questions about God who created people C3 Jesus’ followers develop virtues
to choose good. C3.1 Explains the meanings of temperance, fortitude, justice
A3 Attribute: God is good and prudence.
A3.1 Celebrates God who is good. C4 Continuing to wonder at how prayer helps people to
choose to do what
is good
C4.1 Reviews and expresses the main ideas of the unit.
Links to General Capabilities
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical behaviour Personal Intercultural
Creative Thinking Competency Understanding
Bible Story Rosary beads Making moral choices
Writing Prayer Praying the Rosary Power Point Presentation Class discussion Respecting cultural, Reverent behaviour Understanding world
Role Play Finding Gospels Stories Role play iMovie Mural physical, religious, spiritual Respectful behaviour religions
Reciting Prayer Resin Cross diversity Self control
Word Wall Prayer Intentions
Children’s literature
Haiku Poem

Links to Spiritual Capabilities Links to Religious Capabilities

Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity

• To wonder & become • To relate & become • To dare & become • To fast & become To search for God & To trust & become To give & become
awe-filled loving resilient grateful become hope-filled by God charitable like God
• To search beyond & • To regret & become • To yearn & become • To meditate & mystified by God To repent & become To act justly & become
become wise forgiving good become peaceful To serve God & redeemed by merciful like
To enjoy life & become God’s God God
become happy witness To follow & become a To respect all people &
To worship God & missionary become tolerant of
become reverent disciple of Jesus others’ beliefs

>Guided meditation >Role Play on making >student interview each >Guided meditation >Liturgical dance >Prayer >Fundraising event for
>Nature play good choices other in pairs and record >Prayer journal >Prayer through song >School Mass led by Yr charity of choice
>Resin moulds of Cross >Written reflections responses on times when >Written reflections on the >Recitation of formal 6’s >Presentation on world
with objects found in >Newspaper article – they have been resilient goodness of God and all of prayers Lord’s Prayer and >Role play religions
nature understanding why people >Prayer circle/prayer His creation Hail Mary >Prayer intentions >Gospel stories
>Question box make bad choices intention >Recitation of the Holy >Written reflections >Volunteer log book
>Group presenation >Prayer writing for > Gospel stories – St Paul Rosary led by the Parish
students in Yr 4 in >Think Pair Share ‘What priest
preparation for receiving does it mean to be good?’ >Nature walk
the First Eucharist >Visual Art piece

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