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AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724

A Study of Investor’s attitude towards Mutual Funds in Delhi

Dr Anshu Tyagi
Associate Professor, Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, GGSIPU, New Delhi.
Mutual Fund has emerged as a tool for ensuring one’s financial wellbeing. As information and
awareness is rising more and more people are enjoying the benefits of investing in mutual
funds. This research will introduce the customer perception with regard to mutual funds that
is the schemes they prefer, the plans they are opting, the reasons behind such selections and
also this research dealt with different investment options, which people prefer along with and
apart from mutual funds. Like postal saving schemes, recurring deposits, bonds, and shares.
The findings from this project is that most of the people are hesitant in going for new age
investments like mutual funds and prefer to avert risks by investing in less riskier investment
options like recurring deposits and so.
Key Words
Asset Management Company (AMC); Investment Option; Investor; Liquidity, Stock Market,
Income, Liquidity, Mutual Fund, Return, Chi-square test.
HE first introduction of a mutual fund in India occurred in 1963, when the Government of
India launched Unit Trust of India (UTI). UTI enjoyed a monopoly in the Indian mutual fund
market until 1987, when a host of other government-controlled Indian financial companies
established their own funds, including State Bank of India, Canara Bank, and Punjab
National Bank. This market was made open to private players in 1993, as a result of the
historic constitutional amendments brought forward by the then Congress-led government
under the existing regime of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG). The first
private sector fund to operate in India was Kothari Pioneer, which later merged with Franklin
Templeton. In 1996, SEBI, the regulator of mutual funds in India, formulated the Mutual
Fund Regulation which is a comprehensive regulatory framework. Income from MFs could
take two forms—dividends and capital gains [1].
A mutual fund is a pool of money from numerous investors who wish to save or make money
just like you. Investing in a mutual fund can be a lot easier than buying and selling individual
stocks and bonds on your own. Investors can sell their shares when they want. [2].
1.1. Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds: [3]
1.1.1. Professional Management
When you invest in a mutual fund, your money is managed by finance professionals. Investors
who do not have the time or skill to manage their own portfolio can invest in mutual funds. By
investing in mutual funds, you can gain the services of professional fund managers, which
would otherwise be costly for an individual investor.
1.1.2. Diversification
Mutual funds provide the benefit of diversification across different sectors and companies.
Mutual funds widen investments across various industries and asset classes. Thus, by
investing in a mutual fund, you can gain from the benefits of diversification and asset
allocation, without investing a large amount of money that would be required to build an
individual portfolio.
1.1.3. Liquidity
Mutual funds are usually very liquid investments. Unless they have a pre-specified lock-in
period, your money is available to you anytime you want subject to exit load, if any. Normally
funds take a couple of days for returning your money to you. Since they are well integrated
with the banking system, most funds can transfer the money directly to your bank account.
AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
1.1.4. Flexibility
Investors can benefit from the convenience and flexibility offered by mutual funds to invest in
a wide range of schemes. The option of systematic (at regular intervals) investment and
withdrawal is also offered to investors in most open-ended schemes. Depending on one’s
inclinations and convenience one can invest or withdraw funds.
1.1.5. Low Transaction Cost
Due to economies of scale, mutual funds pay lower transaction costs. The benefits are passed
on to mutual fund investors, which may not be enjoyed by an individual who enters the
market directly.
1.1.6. Transparency
Funds provide investors with updated information pertaining to the markets and schemes
through factsheets; offer documents, annual reports etc.
1.1.7. Well Regulated
Mutual funds in India are regulated and monitored by the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (SEBI), which endeavors to protect the interests of investors. All funds are registered
with SEBI and complete transparency is enforced. Mutual funds are required to provide
investors with standard information about their investments, in addition to other disclosures
like specific investments made by the scheme and the quantity of investment in each asset
1.2. Risk Involved in Investing in Mutual Funds [4]
 The biggest risk of investing in a mutual fund is one of underperformance. When an
investor decides to invest in a particular asset class, he typically expects to get the return that
the benchmark of the asset provides.
 For example, if someone is investing in large-cap equity stocks, he would expect to make at
least as much return (with similar risk) as a benchmark index, say Sensex or Nifty.
 Mutual funds try to maximise the returns on the funds invested through them -- but all of
the funds cannot succeed an outperforming each other or the benchmark. Hence, some of
them under-perform the benchmark.
 Similarly, the cost of investing in a mutual fund (discussed below), eats in the returns. In
high return years (like the last few years, where returns have been in the high 30% in equity,
2% costs may not make a material impact: however, at more moderate or negative returns,
costs can be a big inch).
 The other risk with mutual funds is 'style drift.' If you invest in a large cap fund and it
begins to invest in mid cap stocks, or if you invest in a long term debt fund but it starts to
invest a greater proportion in cash instruments, you might not the type of risk-return reward
that you have been expecting.
 Change of the fund manager can also introduce an element of risk into your portfolio. There
is a wide debate as to whether investing is a science or an art: most authorities concede that it
is a blend of the two. If so, the artist may contribute to the success of the returns.
 Hence, if you invest based on the ability of a fund manager who decides to move on, it
presents you with a risk. Change of a fund manager can also cause style drift.
II. Research Objectives
 To know the investors view towards Mutual fund
 To know the level of awareness about Mutual funds in New Delhi
 To know the preferences of public for investment
III. Research Methodology
3.1. Source of Data
The present study is based on primary data which was collected using questionnaire method.
AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
3.2 Sample Size
60 investors of Delhi city
3.3. Data Collection
The data was collected using questionnaire from professionals like those who wants invest in
mutual funds and other investment option.
3.4. Sample Unit
The research was conducted in Delhi city.
3.5. Statistical Tools
The tools used in this study are:
1. Chi Square Test for Association
Three hypotheses were made in this study and hypothesis testing was done using Chi square
for association using IBM SPSS software. Both hypotheses were tested with 95% confidence
level i.e. at 5% significant level.
IV. Hypothesis
Ho1 – There is no significant difference in preferences for investment given by investors
Ho2 - There is no significant difference in AMC preferences given by investors
Ho3- There is no significant difference in awareness level among mutual fund investors.
V. Limitations
 Sample size of 60 is a limitation; the findings may differ with higher sample size.
 Only educated group is targeted here.
VI. Literature Review
Vyas conducted study on mutual fund investor’s behavior and perception in Indore city It was
found that mutual funds were not that much known to investors, still investor rely upon bank
and post office deposits, most of the investor used to invest in mutual fund for not more than
3 years and they used to quit from The fund which was not giving desired results. Equity
option and SIP mode of investment were on top priority in investors’ list. It was also found that
maximum number of investors did not analyze risk in their investment and they were
depending upon their broker and agent. Singh in his study concluded that there are various
demographic factors resulting in changing investor‘s attitude towards mutual fund. These
factors include (B. K. Singh, 2012) 1.Gender 2 Income 3 Level of Education. Beside these there
are five more factors that makes mutual fund more attractive to investors (B. K. Singh, 2012)
1. Return Potential 2 Liquidity 3 Flexibility 4 Transparencies 5 Affordability. The changing
nature of competition in the mutual fund industry as it pertains to price competition and
threat of increasing range of alternative investment vehicles also had a corollary in changing
investor‘s attitude toward mutual fund (J. Haslem, 2009). In India due to lack of awareness
about the various functions of mutual fund, small investors have still not formed any firm
attitude towards mutual fund for investment purpose (Binod Kumar, 2012). As almost all
small investors in India usually make their investment for the purpose of making their money
as much secure as possible, there are growing number of investors appear to be ending their
love affairs with mutual fund because do not provide guaranteed return. Thus in order to run
mutual fund successfully one should have a proper understanding of stock market as well as
the psychology of small investors (J. Kumar & K. Ahmed, 2012). According to Prabhu and
Vechalekar, Mutual Funds provide a platform for a common investor to participate in the
Indian capital market with professional fund management irrespective of the amount invested.
The Indian mutual fund industry is growing rapidly and this is reflected in the increase in
Assets under management of various fund houses. Mutual fund investment is less risky than
directly investing in stocks and is therefore a safer option for risk averse investors. Monthly

AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
Income Plan funds offer monthly returns and invest majorly in debt oriented instruments with
little exposure to equity. However it has been observed that most of the investors are not
aware of the benefits of investment in mutual funds. This is reflected from the study
conducted in this research paper. This paper makes an attempt to identify various factors
affecting perception of investors regarding investment in Mutual funds. The findings will help
mutual fund companies to identify the areas required for improvement in order to create
greater awareness among investors regarding investment in mutual funds. According to
Mehta and Shah, the survey is undertaken of 100 educated investors of Ahmedabad and
Baroda city and the major findings reveal the major factors that influence buying behavior
mutual funds investors, sources that investor rely more while making investment and
preferable mode to invest in mutual funds market. The study will be immensely useful to the
AMC'; s, Brokers, distributors and to the other potential investors and last but not least to
academician as well. In today’s competitive environment, different kinds of investment
avenues are available to the investors. All investment modes have advantages &
disadvantages. An investor tries to balance these benefits and shortcomings of different
investment modes before investing in them. Among various investment modes, Mutual Fund is
the most suitable investment mode for the common man, as it offers an opportunity to invest
in a diversified and professionally managed portfolio at a relatively low cost. In this paper, an
attempt is made to study mainly the investment avenue preferred by the investors of Mathura,
and we have tried to analyze the investor’s preference towards investment in mutual funds
when other investment avenues are also available in the market Agrawaland Jain. A mutual
fund is a type of professionally-managed collective investment vehicle that pools money from
many investors to purchase securities. As there is no legal definition of mutual fund, the term
is frequently applied only to those collective investments that are regulated, available to the
general public and open-ended in nature. Mutual funds have both advantages and
disadvantages compared to direct investing in individual securities. Today they play an
important role in household finances. So the present study aims at consumer behavior
towards mutual funds with special reference to ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds Limited,
Vijayawada. Data was collected through primary and secondary sources. Primary data was
collected through structured questionnaire. Convenience sampling method was used to collect
the data and entire study was conducted in Vijayawada City. The study explains about
investors’ awareness towards mutual funds, investor perceptions, their preferences and the
extent of satisfaction towards mutual funds. Some suggestions were also made to increase the
awareness towards mutual funds and measures to select appropriate mutual funds to
maximize the returns (Padmaja). Rajasekar in his study on Investor’s preference of mutual
funds with reference to reliance private limited‖ a project which is mainly carried out to know
about the investor’s perception with regard to their profile, income, savings pattern,
investment patterns and their personality traits. In order to understand the level of investor’s
preference, a survey was conducted taking in to consideration various parameters involved in
investors decision making. For the purpose of evaluation, a questionnaire survey method was
selected keeping in mind objectives of the study. The data was collected from primary and
secondary sources. The primary sources were collected from the investors who invested in
various avenues. The secondary sources are from books, journals and internet. Since the
investor population is vast a sample size of 150 was taken for the project. The data was
analyzed using the statistical tools like percentage analysis, chi square, weighted average. The
report was concluded with findings and suggestions and summary. From the findings, it was
inferred overall that the investor are highly concerned about safety and growth and liquidity of
investments. Most of the respondents are highly satisfied with the benefits and the service
rendered by the reliance mutual funds
Kesavaraj carried out the study with the aim to measure the ―Customer Perception towards
various types of Mutual Funds". It focuses its attention towards the possibilities of measuring
the expectations and satisfaction level of more mutual fund products. It also aims to suggest
techniques to improve the present level of perception. The study will help the firm in
understanding the expectations, future needs and requirements and complaints of the
consumers. The study had been dedicated mainly towards the promotion of product or
AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
concept in the Chennai Market. The researcher used the Descriptive type of research design in
her study. The researcher used the Primary data collection method in her study by framing a
structured Questionnaire. The researcher went with convenient type of sampling method in
her study. The sample is taken as 204 by the researcher. For the purpose of Analysis and
Interpretation the researcher used the following statistical tools namely Simple Percentage
Analysis, Chi-Square Test, Karl Pearson's Correlation and One way Anova. Based on the
Analysis and Interpretation the researcher arrived out with the major findings in her study
and Suggestions are given in such a way so that the customers can attain the wealth
As per Prabhavathi and Kishore, the advent of Mutual Funds changed the way the world
invested their money. The start of Mutual Funds gave an opportunity to the common man to
hope of high returns from their investments when compared to other traditional sources of
investment .The main focus of the study is to understand the attitude, awareness and
preferences of mutual fund investors. Most of the respondents prefer systematic investment
plans and got their source of information primarily from banks and financial advisors.
Investors preferred mutual funds mainly for professional fund management and better returns
and assessed funds mainly through Net Asset Values and past performance. Kothari and
Mindargi in their study analyzed the impact of different demographic variables on the
attitude of investors towards mutual funds. Apart from this, it also focuses on the benefits
delivered by mutual funds to investors. To this end, 200 respondents of Solapur City, having
different demographic profiles were surveyed. The study reveals that the majority of investors
have still not formed any attitude towards mutual fund investments. Dhimen et al in their
study focused on the consumer’s perception towards mutual fund as an investment option in
Valsad city from Gujarat. They revealed that Consumers perception were positive toward
investment in mutual funds. Singh and Jha conducted a study on awareness & acceptability
of mutual funds and found that consumers basically prefer mutual fund due to return
potential, liquidity and safety and they were not totally aware about the systematic investment
plan. The invertors’ will also consider various factors before investing in mutual fund.
Desiganet al conducted a study on women investors’ perception towards investment and
found that women investors’ basically are indecisive in investing in mutual funds due to
various reasons like lack of knowledge about the investment protection and their various
investment procedures, market fluctuations, various risks associated with investment,
assessment of investment and redressed of grievances regarding their various investment
related problems. Savings is a habit specially embodied into women. Even in the past, when
women mainly depended on their spouses’ income, they used to save to meet emergencies as
well as for future activities. In those days, women did not have any awareness about various
investment outlets. But as time passed, the scenario has totally changed. Ramamurthy and
Reddy conducted a study to analyze recent trends in the mutual fund industry and draw a
conclusion that the main benefits for small investors’ due to efficient management,
diversification of investment, easy administration, nice return potential, liquidity,
transparency, flexibility, affordability, wide range of choices and a proper regulation governed
by SEBI. The study also analyzed about recent trends in mutual fund industry like various
exit and entry policies of mutual fund companies, various schemes related to real estate,
commodity, bullion and precious metals, entering of banking sector in mutual fund, buying
and selling of mutual funds through online. Anand and Murugaiah had studied various
strategic issues related to the marketing of financial services. They found that recently this
type of industry requires new strategies to survive and for operation. For surviving they have
to adopt new marketing strategies and tactics that enable them to capture maximum
opportunities with the lowest risks in order to enable them to survive and meet the
competition from various market players globally.
VII. Data Analysis and Interpretation
As per investors point of view everyone wants their money should be safely invest by AMC
because of the saving which they have deposited are invested in various investment option
and most safest investment option they feel is the bank deposit because there is no fear of
AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
losing money at any point of time unless bank gets default and chances of it is very less so
most safest investment option investors feel are the bank deposit.
Table1: Option Selected by No. of Investors
Options No. of Investors
Mutual Fund 8
Stock Market 2
Bank Deposit 48
Others 2
Total 60

Figure 1: Option wise Analysis of No. of Investors

option wise analysis of No. of Investors

Mutual Fund Stock Market Bank Deposit Others

The Hypothesis was tested on 4 categories using chi 2 goodness of fit in IBM SPSS using
statistic software (See table 2).
Table 2: Chi-Square Test
Investment Preferences
Observed N Expected N Residual
Mutual Fund 8 15 -7
Market 15 -13
Deposits 15 33
Others 2 15 -13
60 15
Test Statistics
Investment Preference
Chi Square 98.4a
df 3
Asymp. Sig. 0

AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
As per this table we are rejecting the null hypothesis because of the expected frequencies less
than 0.05.
7.1. Null Hypothesis
As per the data collected most preferable AMC of investors are SBIMF because of the schemes
are good of SBIMF for getting investors to attract and invest in the scheme and next
preference is ICICI and could be the same reasons in choosing the AMC for the investment.
Table 3: AMC Selected by No. Investors

AMC No. of Investor

Reliance 8
Kotak 6
JM Finance 0
Total 60

Figure 2: AMC wise Analysis of No. of Investor

Table 3: AMC Prefers No. of Investor


State that there is no significant difference in AMC preferences given by investors (See table 4)

AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
Table 4:
Investment Preference
Observed N Expected N Residual
SBIMF 24 10 14
UTI 2 10 -8
Reliance 8 10 -2
HDFC 6 10 -4
Kotak 6 10 -4
ICICI 14 10 4

Total 60
Investment Preference
Chi Square 31.2a
df 5
Asymp. Sig. 0.008
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected
cell frequency is 10.

7.2. Null Hypothesis 3

As per the data collected through questionnaire come to know the awareness level of the
investors towards mutual fund and high percentage shows the only having partial knowledge
about the mutual fund as an investment option.
Table5: Awareness Level of No. Investors
Awareness No. of Investor
Totally ignorant 12
Partial knowledge of
mutual funds 26
Aware only of any specific
scheme in which you
invested 12
Fully aware 10
Total 60

AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
Figure 3: Awareness Level of No. of Investors

Table 4: Awareness Level of No. of Investor

Fully aware Totally ignorant
17% 20%
Aware only of any
specific scheme in
which you invested

Partial knowledge
of mutual funds

State that there is no significance level of difference in awareness among mutual fund
investors (see table 6).
Table 6:
Observed N Expected N Residual
Totally ignorant 12 15 -3
Partial knowledge
of mutual funds 26 15 11
Aware only of any
specific scheme in
which you invested 12 15 -3
Fully aware 10 15 -5
Test Statistics
Investment Preference
Chi Square 10.93a
Df 3
Asymp. Sig. 0.141

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected
cell frequency is 15.

As per the test apply and result shown in the table we are accepting the null hypothesis
VIII. Conclusion
 The objective which is set to study the investors view towards mutual fund as per the
sample size and test which is applied to the study. found that the investors are not choosing
or feeling confident in investing in mutual fund because they think that mutual fund is risky
than other investment option.
 The awareness level of mutual fund among the investors are very low because of only
having the partial knowledge about the mutual fund which prevent them to invest in mutual
fund to avoid risk bearing factor and fear of losing money

AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
 The most preference of the investors are the fixed deposit because they feel it is the safest
and returns are fixed and not having fear of losing the money
 Apart from these found that there are investors facing various problems in selecting mutual
fund as an investment option because of share market uncertainties and risk associated with
it so investors avoid the investing in mutual fund
 Mutual fund are link with share market and investors are not taking advice from expert
advisor to guide them for their investment in mutual fund so it creates the difficulty to select
the mutual fund scheme beneficial for them.

IX. Suggestions

 There are some suggestions for better investing for investors that they should keep their
investment for long time keeping in mind the level of risk involves and saving pattern investors
first look over the risk factor because they are investing for the maximum returns. Once they
invested in mutual fund they need returns and if it is not giving proper returns to them again
it is affecting the interest of the investors to invest in MF.
 To keep the interest of the investors in mutual fund the companies will play a vital role to
attract the investors to invest in mutual fund so for that companies should bring such plans
which is having very low risk
 As per the study the investors wants safe returns on their investment and all investors
know the risk in share market and which is the main reason investors avoid to invest in
shares and equities or mutual fund because of the fear of losing the money
NAME:-_________________________________________ DATE: - __________________
QUALIFICATION:-________________________________AGE: - ___________________
PROFESSION:-___________________________________ GENDER:-__________________
CONTACT NO._____________________________________
1. In this highly volatile market, do you think Mutual Funds are a destination for
⃝ YES ⃝ NO
2. Are you interested in investing in Mutual fund?
⃝ YES ⃝ NO
3. Have you ever invested your money in mutual fund?
⃝ YES ⃝ NO
4. Are you satisfied with your Investment option?
⃝ YES ⃝ NO
5. While investing your money, which factor you prefer most? Any one
⃝Liquidity Low ⃝Risk High ⃝Return Company ⃝Reputation
6. Which investment do you feel more profitable?
⃝ Fixed deposit ⃝Mutual Fund ⃝Equities ⃝ others
7. Which among the following is the safest Investment option?
⃝ Mutual Funds ⃝ Stock Market ⃝ Bank Deposit ⃝Other
8. Which are the primary sources of your knowledge about Mutual Funds as an
investment option?

AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
Corresponding to your choices how would you rate their influence on your final Mutual
Fund purchase decision? 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest rating
1 2 3 4 5

Television ⃝ ⃝ ⃝

Internet ⃝ ⃝ ⃝

Newspapers/Journals ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝

Friends/Relatives ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝

Sales Representative ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝

9. Which factors prevent you to invest in mutual fund?

⃝Bitter Past Experience

⃝Lack of Knowledge

⃝Lack of confidence in service being provided

⃝ Difficulty in selection of schemes

⃝Inefficient investment advisors

10. How do you rate the risks associated with Mutual Funds?

⃝ Low ⃝ Moderate ⃝ High

11. When you invest in Mutual Funds which mode of investment will you prefer?

⃝Directly from the AMCs

⃝Brokers only

⃝Brokers/ sub-brokers

AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
12. Which AMC will you prefer to invest?

⃝JM Finance
⃝Other Specify
13. In which Mutual Fund you have invested?
⃝JM Finance
⃝Other Specify
14. Which mutual fund scheme have you used?
⃝Open-ended ⃝Close-ended
⃝Liquid fund ⃝ Mid-Cap
⃝Growth fund ⃝Regular Income fund
⃝Long Cap ⃝Sector fund
15. Which feature of the mutual funds allure you most?
⃝Diversification ⃝Better return and safety
⃝Reduction in risk and transaction cost
⃝Aware only of any specific scheme in which you invested
⃝Fully aware

17. What is your annual income?

⃝Up to Rs 200000

⃝200000 to 500000

⃝500000 to 1000000
AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
⃝Above 1000000
18. What is your Total Investment Amount?

⃝20000 to 50000

⃝50001 to 100000
⃝100001 to 200000
⃝200001 to 400000

20. If Not Invested in Mutual Fund then Why? And where did you invest and why?

Thank you Signature

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AEIJMR – Vol 6 – Issue 08 – August 2018 ISSN - 2348 - 6724
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