Polytechnic University of The Philippines

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Chapter 5


This chapter presents the highlights of the significant findings of the study,

conclusions and the recommendations presented by the researchers.

Summary of Findings

After the data have been tabulated and interpreted, the significant findings of the

study were; as to the respondents’ profile, most of the respondents were 20 years old and

below and the least of the respondents were 51 years old and above. Most of them were

female and followed by male. Most of them were college undergraduate and the least of the

respondents were vocational undergraduate. Most of the them had an income/allowance of

below P10,000 and the least of the them had an income/allowance of P50,000 and above.

Most of them went to convenience store weekly and the least of them went to convenience

store daily. Most of them bought foods in the convenience store and the least of them

bought cigarette/tobacco products in the convenience store. Most of them went to

convenience store to buy foods and beverages and the least of them went to convenience

store to use Wi-fi. Most of them spent P100 to P200 and the least of them spent P400 to


In terms of the benefits of convenience store to Rodriguez, Rizal, in accessibility,

the convenience stores provide access to their basic needs such as food and water having

the highest weighted mean of 4.37 and the convenience store’s products were modern

having the lowest weighted mean of 3.79. In convenience, the convenience store provides

them a variety of options on products and services having the highest weighted mean of

4.25 and the lowest weighted mean of 3.85 provides that the convenience stores’ crew

accommodates them right away. Lastly, in satisfaction, most of the respondents were

satisfied when there were options available having the highest weighted mean of 4.31 and

the respondents found that the crew were approachable and accommodating having the

lowest weighted mean of 3.81.

The analysis of variances of the profiles of the respondents in assessing the benefits

of convenience stores in Rodriguez, Rizal in terms of accessibility, convenience and

satisfaction are as follows:

According to age, there was no significant difference for the respondents’ assessment

when they were grouped to their age. According to sex, there was no significant difference

for the respondents’ assessment among female and male respondents. According to

educational attainment, there was also no significant difference for the respondents’

assessment when they were group to their educational level. According to monthly

income/allowance, there was still no significant difference for respondents’ assessment

among participant with different income/allowance groups. According to recurrence of going,

there were significant differences for the accessibility and convenience categories among

participant with different visiting patterns. In accessibility category, it can be said that those

who visits the store tends to have lower score than those who tend to visit monthly and in

convenience category, it can be said that those who daily visits the store tends to have

lower score than those who tend to visit monthly. According to amount spent, there was also

a significant difference for the convenience category among participant with different

spending group and also in accessibility category, it can be said that those who spent below

P100 tends to have a lower score than those who spent from P300 to P400.


Majority of the respondents were 20 years old and below. Most of them were male and

college undergraduate. Their monthly income/allowance falls below 10,000. Majority of them

went to convenience store weekly. Since food was the basic needs of people, the primary

purpose of them when going to a convenience store was to buy meals and beverages. Most

of them spent below 100 pesos.

In terms of the benefits of conveniences stores to Rodriguez, Rizal, majority of the

respondents said that they moderately agree that they were benefited in terms of

accessibility, convenience and satisfaction.

There is no significant difference for the respondents’ assessment on the benefits of

convenience stores to Rodriguez Rizal in terms of accessibility, convenience and

satisfaction according to their age, sex, highest educational attainment and monthly

income/allowance. However, there were significant differences in according to their

recurrence of going and amount spent in terms of accessibility and convenience.


This study recommend the following:

1. In the current route, the government should prepare a proper plan in establishing

commercial areas

2. In order to reach out new consumers outside Metro Manila, the franchisor’s company

should promote an affordable franchise packages especially to rural areas.


3. In order to avoid oversaturation of convenience store in the area, the franchisor’s

company should offer to franchisees a territorial protection.

4. Consumers have a basic need for security; the convenience stores owners should

improve their security measures such as installing CCTV cameras and hiring security


5. In the fast paced development of products, the convenience store owners should

always supply more in-demand product to consumers.

6. In order to avoid getting out of stock of products, the managers should implement

proper inventory management

7. For the convenience of the consumers, the convenience store owners should manage

the store layout and product placement and also train their employees.

8. In order to retain the customers, the convenience store owners should improve their

business strategy in retaining their costumer such as implementing reward system.

9. The educators should share their knowledge about the benefits of establishing of

convenience store.

10. The management should give focus on non-financial aspect for decision making.

11. The future researchers should conducting similar study to a different set of respondents

using different profiling system and conduct extensive or focus study on one aspect or

the combination of other aspects of benefits of convenience store.

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