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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol 2 Issue 10 October

Role of National Service Scheme in Rural Development

K. Muniraju
N. Manjunatha

Assistant Prof. of Economics, Govt. First Grade College, Vemagal, Kolar District, Karnataka
Lecturer in Economics, Govt. Preuniversity College, Masthi, Kolar District, Karnataka

National Service Scheme, popularly known as NSS was launched in 1969-the birth
centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi with primary focus on the Personality Development of the
student volunteers through service to the community. NSS students and volunteers are work
in rural areas, adopted villages and school to the serving the cause of society through socio-
economic survey of adopted villages, education and health awareness, Environment
Preservation, Waste Land development, Watershed Management, Community Development,
Disaster Management, Adolescent Health Development, HIV/AIDs Awareness, Drive against
Social evils, Forestation activities etc.
This study involves in identifying the importance, aims and objectives of NSS in rural
development activities among the NSS volunteers. This paper highlights the student‟s
involvement in the rural development activities and also suggests measure to overcome in
order to utilize future generation in positive direction.
Key Words: NSS, Rural development, Community Development, Social Service, Youth
“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members
are poor and miserable”
Adam Smith
Mahatma Gandhi was the first one who conceived the philosophy of Social Service for
the students in India. Fortunately 1969 the birth centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi and this
occasion Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on behalf of the people of India launched the National
Service Scheme, popularly known as NSS on 24 September 1969 as a tribute to the father of
nation. National Service Scheme, popularly known as NSS was launched in 1969-the birth
centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi with primary focus on the Personality Development of the
student volunteers through service to the community.
National Service Scheme (NSS) is basically an educational extension scheme from
campus to community implemented by the students utilizing their leisure time while they are
studying in educational institutions. That means education through community service and
community service through education. Today, NSS has more than 3.2 million student
volunteers on its roll spread over 298 Universities and 42 (+2) Senior Secondary Councils and
Directorate of Vocational Education all over the country. From its inception, more than 3.75
crores students from Universities, Colleges and Institutions of higher learning have benefited
from the NSS activities, as student volunteers.
The Government of India, Department of Youth Affairs & Sports has also opened new
National Service Scheme for the ex- Programme Officers, Student volunteers and for non-
student volunteers also and named the Scheme as “Open NSS"
The broad objectives of National Service Scheme are
 To understand the community in which the NSS volunteers work
 To understand themselves in relation to their community,
 To identify the needs and problems of rural community and involve them in the solution
 To develop and create among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibilities
 To develop competence required for group living and sharing responsibilities,
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 To gain skills in mobilizing community participation,

 To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude,
 To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.

The Motto of National Service Scheme:

The Motto of National Service Scheme is „NOT ME BUT YOU'. This expresses the
essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the
other man's point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It mainly
stressed the fact the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the
society as a whole. Therefore, the NSS volunteers should always be prepared to demonstrate
this motto in their day-to-day activities.
NSS, Youths and Rural Development
The National Education Commission (1964-66) also stressed the importance of forging a
link between the Educational institution and the community. The Commission in its
magnificent report „Education and Development‟ has observed 'The destiny of India is now
being shaped in her class rooms”. In a modern scientific and Information & Technology world
only class room education cannot determine the level of prosperity, welfare and security of the
people. Today‟s students or youths are the citizens, policy makers and administrators of
tomorrow. The regional disparity between development status of urban areas and rural areas
is extremely high. Rural areas in the developing India are the most under developed people.
These rural societies are often found trapped in vicious cycle of poverty that is characterized
by poor infrastructure, lack of access to water, sanitation, health, education, capital, and
communication facilities etc... Therefore, the development of these rural societies, NSS
volunteers or youths are playing a crucial role to sustaining long-term social and economic
development, and are an integral part of rural communities.
India has largest youth force in the world. The services of youth force can be utilized
very meaningfully to mitigate the sorrow and loss to the country. as this group is educated,
highly motivated and disciplined, dedicated for the cause of service. If NSS volunteers are
given a specific training, they can deliver good results at the expected level.
The United Nations General Assembly in 1985 for the International Youth Year first
defined youth as people between the ages of 15 and 24 but as per National youth policy ( draft
2012) we would be considering youth as people between 13 and 35. Swami Vivekananda the
great Philosopher say to youth: "Supreme value of youth period is incalculable and
indescribable. Youth life is the most precious life. Youth is the best time. The way in which
you utilize this period will decide the nature of coming years that lie ahead of you. Your
happiness, your success, your honor and your good name all depend upon the way in which
you live now, in this present period..."
The NSS is a voluntary organization of students in the Colleges and Schools working for
a linkage between the campus and community aimed at Personality development through
community service. These NSS Volunteers have been doing lot of activities in their habitants.
Rural development is generally refers to the actions and initiatives taken to improve the
standard of living of the rural people. As well as the minimum acceptable levels of life with
food, shelter, education, and health services, to fulfillment of these objectives calls for an
expansion of the welfare and developmental services available to the rural poor. The
government takes the required initiatives to improve this by various programs by development
of socio-economic infrastructure, health centers and other welfare schemes for rural India.
Many of the development programs, policies and strategies intended to raise rural
incomes. Successful rural development demands an investment in human resources in rural
areas in terms of health and education services, among others. The overall purpose of such
development effort is to increase the capacity of the people to become more productive.
Therefore, the implementation of such policies and strategies requires trained manpower and

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efficient institutional development. Currently, the NSS volunteers are hardly getting 70 hours
for rural development work in a year apart from attending 7-day camp for undertaking such
initiative. Therefore, the 7-day camp may be devoted for rural development in a better way.
At present 240 hours are devoted for NSS volunteers for doing Regular work in 2
consecutive years apart from attending 7- day special camp. The amount earmarked for NSS
is not sufficient to have a regular systematic implementation of rural development
programmes. The NSS volunteers are trying their level best to devote time for the community
development. Hence, the NSS volunteers and youths play an important role in shaping a
successful future for rural societies. Any Rural Development activity requires the people‟s
support especially the youths. It is high time that NSS volunteers/youth energy should be
channelized in a constructive way to produce meaningful results through meaningful
representation, participation in community and political decision making bodies. Communities
should acknowledge the energy and ideas of the emerging generation of leaders. This would
help in bridging the generation gap. Rural development would involve among other things,
literacy campaign, health and sanitation program, plantation of trees in around the public
places and temples, improving rural roads and access to communication systems; publicly
funded agricultural research; rural savings and credit Programs to assist the poor in creating
assets and engaging in rural other allied activities; irrigation and soil conservation and other
measures to improve agricultural productivity and competitiveness. Zhang, W. (2012), in the
book on Education for Rural Transformation (ERT)highlighted the good practices implemented
in China and identified six possible perspectives from which these good practices could be
viewed from, namely:
 Poverty reduction
 Skills training: including technical and vocational skills training, life skills training and the
use of Information and Computer Technology (ICT)
 Capacity building of local community and lifelong learning systems
 The spread of new concepts such as sustainable development
 Spiritual civilization building
 Women empowerment
The volunteers should act as change managers through their peers to convey the message
rather than doing heavy manual labour. Instead of manual labour, their intellectual skills and
transfer of technology among the rural community will improve the life style of the rural
Broad Areas and NSS
The broad areas of National Service Scheme that include the following activities
 Develop skill while studying in the School/College
 Make use of skills and knowledge possessed by the NSS volunteers for the upliftment of the
rural community.
 Promote the villagers in the adopted village to generate employment opportunities for
raising the standard of living
 Promote all centrally/state sponsored welfare programs through awareness generation.
 Follow healthy life style and promote the same as role models.
 Promote Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in the adopted villages
 Construction of houses for the homeless under the State Government Housing Scheme and
Indira Awaz Yojana.
 Enrolment of volunteers for basic English course and Hindi courses
 Health awareness programs and Campaign against life style disease

Government Departments and NSS

The NSS can be associated with the following departments and take up rural
development works.

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 Rural Development Department

 Local Administration Department and local bodies.
 Krishi Vigyan Kendras
 Department of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry
 Govt. Vocational Training Centres
 District Industries Centres
 Nationalised banks.
 Energy Conservation Department
 NGOs and other local Institutions

Environment and NSS

The NSS is concerned about create awareness on the following areas namely
 Air Pollution
 Water Pollution & Watershed Management
 Deforestation
 Tree Plantation
 Global Warming/Climate Change/Green House Effect
 Ozone layer

The N.S.S. is a useful service which provides student youth with a social
apprenticeship. The scheme should be given in the hands of able and committed persons to
train the students as sensitizers. Today, Indian student community is without direction and
ideology, therefore they require credible youth movement. The government of India should
establish training and orientation centers to plan, supervise and evaluate N.S.S. activities and
to train and orient the NSS Officers in the philosophy of the scheme. Their experience in
teaching, training the students in community work and action research should be taken into
account during their appointments as program coordinators, training co-coordinators, lecturer
cum community organizers and NSS program officers. As well as the support needed and
costs of NSS also to be improved like that increase the program fund on NSS, the NSS
volunteers may be given specific accomplishing special projects, Skills Development Training
by the Universities/directorates as part of technology transfer from Urban to rural, Inclusion
of Ex- NSS in the main stream to utilize their potentials for Rural development, include NSS
as part of curriculum which will create desirable minds set among the students for promotion
of volunteerism and inter-departmental Coordination committees may be formed at
State/National level with concerned NSS functionaries.
There is need for enablers to stimulate the human resource development. More and
more students should be motivated to take up N.S.S. The authorities concerned should work
together for popularizing N.S.S. programs and their activities so that the energy and vigor of
the youth may be utilized for building a strong and healthy nation.The formulation of National
Service Scheme reveals that NSS has been designed to promote the rural development. NSS
has its own identity; it can be used for betterment of the society and rural community by
proper implementation of NSS activities at grass root level.
1Education Commission Report: Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi
2. Deekshitha (2016) „Role of national service scheme (NSS) in creating social responsibility at
higher education‟ International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education
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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol 2 Issue 10 October

(IJSRME) ISSN (Online): 2455 – 5630 ( Volume I, Issue I, 2016

3. National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC): Guidelines for Internal Quality
Assurance Cell. NAAC, Bangalore (1996).
4. National Service Scheme Manual: Department of Sports and Youth Affairs, Ministry of
Human Resources Development, Government of India, New Delhi (1987).
5. Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development: Programme of Action 1992
on National Policy on Education, para No.20.3.3.
6. P.S. Dikshit. "Programme Planning, Implementation, Organization and management of NSS"
in National Consultation on Training Needs of NSS:) Compendium of Modules.
(Sriperumpudur: Rajeev Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, 1995)

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