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Clasa a XII-a Secțiunea A
23 ianuarie 2016

I. ENGLISH IN USE (50 points)

1. Write one word in each gap: (10 points)

Throughout the ages, disease has stalked (0) our species. Prehistoric humans must
quickly have learnt (1)…..could be eaten without danger, and how to avoid plants that
could (2)…..about illness. They found leaves, berries and the bark of different trees that
could actually heal wounds and cure the sick, and (3)…..soon became a special skill to
understand natural medicine. Ever (4)….. the dawn of history, medicine men and wise
women have always been expert in treating diseases and have dispensed medicine with
ritual and magic. (5) …..trial and error they discovered treatments for almost (6)…..
affliction prevalent at the time. The precious recipes for preparations which could relieve
pain, stop fits, sedate or stimulate were (7)…..down from generation to generation, (8)
….. there was (9)….. exact understanding of the way in which the medicines worked.
Nevertheless, (10)….. the power of these primitive medicines, generations were still
ravaged by disease.

2. For each question write one word which can be used in all three sentences: (10

1. a. With the buses……..every ten minutes, it won’t be a problem getting there on time.
b. ……...a successful business requires a lot of determination.
c. Sam waited the engine……..while I popped into the post office.

2. a. All of your managers seem to …………..very highly of you.

b. There were no problems to ……………….of with the printing person.
c. As an investigative journalist, I am a bit of a crusader, so to ………….. .

3. a. I’m a very ………………… sleeper, so the sound of breaking glass woke me.
b. The students looked for some ………………… relief after all the hard work.
c. It was still ………………… when we arrived at the camping spot.
4. a. She picked up the phone only to find that the line was ……………..

b. Latin and Ancient Greek are …………….languages, and are no longer spoken in
daily life.

c. The ambulance rushed the woman to hospital, but she was pronounced …………on

5. a. As soon as it started to get dark, Sarah ………the curtains.

b. She ………. the money out of the bank in order to pay for the new furniture.
c. The policeman……….my attention to the “No Parking” sign.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change this word and use between 3 and 8 words, including the word
given: (20points)
1. Collecting stamps gives me a lot of pleasure. DERIVE
I ……………………… collecting stamps.
2. Do you mind if I close the window? OBJECT
Do you ……………… the window?
3. We have given winter equipment to all the soldiers. PROVIDED
All the soldiers …………………winter equipment.
4. The day was made extra-special by the contribution of a prominent local celebrity.
What………the contribution of a prominent local celebrity.
5. I tried to explain to her what the problem was, but she wasn’t interested.
She was……………………… the problem.
6. Her work didn’t meet the standards that were considered acceptable. CONFORM
Her work ……………..acceptable standards.
7. No matter what happens, I am never going to stay in that hotel again. EVER
Under ………………… stay in that hotel again.
8. The holiday wasn’t as good as we had expected. UP
The holiday ………………………………………. .
9. I admire her business ability but not the way she manages her staff. DISLIKE
Much……………………………………………………the way she manages her staff.
10. You have to work here for two years before they consider you for promotion.
They will consider you for promotion…………………for two years.
4. In the following text, complete the numbered spaces with a word formed from the one
given in capitals: (10points)

There can be little that (1).............a homeowner more than

discovering they have been burgled. Even if the thief has only taken a
box containing something he (2)........believed to be valuable but
which in fact only contains some family photographs the effect can be 1. HORROR
devastating. They may be (3) the thief, but these items are 2. MISTAKE
considered (4) the owner. Moreover, the owner’s sense of 3. WORTH
loss is often (5) a feeling of being unsafe as they know that, 4. REPLACE
in all (6).........., the items will not be found. So what can we do to 5. COMPANY
(7)..........the chance of our valuables being taken? First of all, 6. LIKELY
burglars prefer homes which are easily (8) them, so it’s a 7. LESS
good idea to take some simple (9)..........such as locking all your 8. ACCESS
windows and doors. Also, do not (10).........the burglar to break into 9. CAUTIOUS
your house unnoticed by erecting high fences around your house. 10. ABLE

II. WRITING (50 points)

Your new college careers advisor wants to provide more help for students leaving the college,
and has asked other students for their suggestions. Write a report explaining the facilities
currently available, describe those that have been most useful to you and suggest any
improvements that could be made in providing information and access to work experience. (280-
300 words).

NOTĂ! Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 2 ore

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