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Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. You look really great! (you, work) _______________________ out at the fitness centre recently?
2. A: What (you, do) ____________________________when the accident happened?
B: I (try) _________________________ to change a light bulb that ________________(burn) out.
3. I (have) _________________the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
4. ________Sharon ______________(love) to travel?.Yes, she (go) _____________________abroad almost
every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.
5. By this time next summer, you (complete) ______________________ your studies and (find)
________________________ a job. I, on the other hand, (not do ) __________________ anything. I (study,
still) _________________ and you (work) _____________________in some new high paying job.
6. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) _________up tomorrow morning, the sun
7. I haven’t decided whether to buy a new car or a second –hand one. But I ___________________ (think) about
8. Samantha (live) ____________________in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live)
________________there when the Berlin wall came down.
9. - What’s all that noise? - Oh! It’s Kate. She _____________________(move) the furniture up and down. She
________________(change) it every year.
10. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake ___________ up tomorrow morning,
the sun (shine)_______________________.
11. I _______________________(eat) spring rolls when I was a kid but I ____________________(go) to a
Chinese restaurant since then.
12. I ______________ (see) Sue in town yesterday but she _________________ (not see) me because she
_______________________(look) the other way.
14. Mrs Tailor and her twin brother ___________________(be) born in New York in June 1946. Their parents
_____________________ (move) there from Glasgow a few months before their birth.
15. I don’t think you ______________________(have) any problems at the airport.
16. When I (arrive) ______________home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) ______________a beautiful
candlelight dinner.
17. Joseph's English (improve, really) _________________ isn't it? He (watch) ___________________ English
TV programs every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.
18. Mary _____________________ (not wear) her glasses at the time, so she _______________________
(not notice) what kind of car the man ______________________________(drive)
19. The Prime Minister _____________________(travel) to Brussels tomorrow
20. What time ___________________________ (Eve / come home) every day? She _____________
________________(not come) home until 9 p.m. She’ s a very hard-working person.

Exercise 2. Decide whether the tense underlined is suitable or not.

1. It’s time we turned on the central heating. It gets colder every day.
2. While I had a bath, someone knocked on the door
3. By the time Jean gets back, they will have left the party.
4. This meat is really tasting awful. Are you sure it was fresh?
5. Don’t phone between 8 and 9. I’ll study then.
6. As soon as we will get there, we will phone for a taxi.
7. Jack has been asking for a pay rise three times this year.
8. No wonder you are overweight! You have eaten chocolates all day long!
9. This time next week I am sitting on the beach in Greece.
10. Excuse me, do you read the newspaper? Could I borrow it?
11. As Tom walked home, he tried to remember what happened.
12. She knows the truth since she was adopted.
13. After she did her homework, she went to the park with her friends.

Exercise 3. Complete the text below with the correct form of the verbs given . Use any present, past or future

I was on time for my dentist’s appointment, but the dentist was still busy with another patient, so I (1)
............................... (SIT) in the waiting room and (2) ............................... (READ) some of the old magazines lying
there. While I (3) .................................... (WONDER) whether to leave and come back another day, I (4)
................................ (NOTICE) a magazine article about teeth.
It (5) ................................... (BEGIN): “How long is it since you last (6) ............................ (GO) to the dentist?
(7) ................................... (YOU/GO) regularly every six months? Or (8) ................................ (YOU/PUT OFF) your
visit for the last six years?”. Next to the article was a cartoon of a man in a dentist’s chair. The dentist (9)
............................. (SAY): “I’m afraid this (10) ............................... (HURT)”.
I (11) ........................................ (SUDDENLY REALISE) that my tooth (12) ....................................... (STOP)
aching. But just as I (13) ............................ (OPEN) the door to leave, the dentist’s door (14) ..................................
(OPEN). “Next please”, he (15) ............................... (CALL), as the previous patient (16) ........................... (PUSH)
past me. “Actually I’m not here to see you, I (17) ............................... (WAIT) for my friend”, I (18) ...............................
(SHOUT), leaving as rapidly as I could.
(19) ......................................... (YOU/EVER DO) this kind of thing?. Surely I can’t be the only person who
(20) .............................. (HATE) the dentist!.

Exercise 4 Complete the letter by using verbs from the list in a suitable tense. Use each verb only once.

be become change come decide not do go have live move stay stop tell wait not write

Dear Linda,
I'm sorry I (1) ……………………………. to you for so long, but I(2).…………………………… very busy lately. All
last month I (3)………………… exams, and I (4) ……………………anything else but study for ages. Anyway, I
(5)……………………studying now, and I (6)…………………for my exam results.
As you can see from this letter, I (7)……………………… my address and (8)…………………in Croydon now. I
(9)……………………… that I wanted a change from central London because it (10)…………………………so
expensive. A friend of mine (11)…………………………………… me about this flat, and I
(12)………………………here about two months ago. When you(13)………… ………………………… to London this
summer, please visit me. I (14)………………………..……..
……………here until the middle of August. Then I (15)…………………………………… on holiday to Scotland.
Please write soon, Margaret

Exercise 5 Use these words and phrases to make complete sentences.

Dear Harry

I / hope / you / remember me

We / meet/ last year when you/ be on holiday / Brighton.

I/ be/ sorry I / not write / you since then.

I/ work abroad and I / only just get back / England.

Next week I / come / Bristol, and I / think // we could meet.

You / remember Shirley, the girl we / meet / Brighton?

We / get married next month, and we /want you / come to the wedding

I /lose your phone number, but when I get to Bristol I / try/ contact you

Best Wishes



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