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Rescissible contract 1. Entered by guardian; suffer Note: 4yrs from termination

lesion >1/4 of value of ward’s incapacity
Note: 4yrs from the domicile
2. Absentee; lesion >1/4 of
of absentee is known
3. Fraud by creditor
4. Under litigation
Others: 4years
5. Others declared by law
6. Payment in state of
insolvency when obligation
could not be compelled

1. implied in reciprocal obligation 10 years (written contract)
2. if rescission is stipulated (1592) 10 years (written contract)
3. creditor’s act the debtor cannot ---
make a choice in Alternative
4. sale of real property (>1/10 lesion) 6months from delivery
Voidable 1. Incapable of giving consent 4years from, Expressly or impliedly
2. Vitiated consent (mistake,  defect of consent (execute an act which
violence, intimidation, undue ceases necessarily implies an
 discovery intention to waive his
influence, fraud)  guardianship ceases right)

Effected by guardian or
injured party
Unenforceable 1. no authority or beyond his Statutes of fraud
powers applies only to an
2. both incapable of giving executor contract and Express of implied rati by 1
not to contract partially parent or guardian (becomes
consent (by guardian)
or totally consummated as if one is only
3. Statute of frauds
incapacitated) – Voidable
 Not to be performed w/n 1yr
 Special promise to answer for
debt, default or miscarriage Promise to answer: ratified
by failure to object to the (1)
 Consideration of marriage
presentation of oral evidence
 500 or more or (2) acceptance of benefit
 Lease >1yr
 Representation as to the credit of
a 3rd Person

Void 1. Cause/object contrary to NONE NONE

2. Absolutely simulated/fictitious
3. Cause/object did not exist at
the time of the transaction
4. Outside of commerce of men
5. Impossible service
6. Intention cannot be
7. Prohibited by law

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